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zOG Sansome Street, Scrn Francisco
Ernie Bqcon Louise Golloher vic cimo "Red" Downing FIR-TEX OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
812 E. 59th Street, Los Angeles
Stonley Moore Chorleg Conkey Spence Fcrrrow (U. S. Coost Gucrrd) Bob Kreisler
,,Heb,, Hebord Roy Holker Roy WillicrnsStello'Lcrsen Alleen Miller
Success o( "Keep Green" Campaigns
. Reflected in Rcduced Fire Allowance
Because of the favorable fire record from 1940 to 1944_ the years the "Keep Washington Green', an<i ,,Keep Oregon Green" committees have been functioning-the Oregon & California Revested Lands Administration has arrnounced a sharp reduction in the allowable fire depletion figure uesd in its estimates of costs for sustained yield units.
The nerv figure is one-tenth of one per cent on all imma. ture forest cover types, and one-half of that for mature forest. The former figure was 17/lA0 of one per cent with the same arbitrary division by half for mature forests on the theory that about one-half of grown timber would be salvable in case of fire.
The "Keep Washington & Oregon Green,, committees were set up by the governors of those states in 1940 ancl all forest-owning agencies-private, state, and federal_ joined in a campaign [o enlist public support to reduce forest fires. The results have attracted so much favorable comment nationally that Minnesota has joined the move. ment and Idaho and other states have written for infor. mation and are reported establishing similar programs.
Back From Mid-West Trip
T. M. (Ty) Cobb of the T. M. Cobb Company, geles and San Diego, returned December 2 f.rom business trip to the Middle West.
Song For Mary
Softly, softly the angels crept, Close to the manger where Jesus slept; Gently, gently they touched His eyes, And saw them open with sleepy sighs.
Quickly, quickly His baby hands, Reached for His Mother with sweet demands; Fiercely, fiercely she held Him tight, Sensing His fate with an inner sight.
Mary, Mary I never knew, All that the world required of you; Sadly, sadly my own tears fall, My son has answered his country's call.
-Cecile Bonham.
Brothers Dissolve Pcrtnership'
A. A. Arends and J. B. Arends, brothers, who have been partners in two retail lumber concerns, one in Campbell, Calif., and the other in Sunnyvale, Calif., have dissolved their partnership and sold out to each other.
Buy An Extra Bond
Los Ana l0-day
A. A. Arends will in future manage the Growers Lumber Co. at Sunnyvale, and J. B. Arends will manage the Campbell Lumber Co.
Wetre Looking forward
with keen expectation to the time when we will be able to serve the dealer with his requirements in all types of plywood, both hardwood and softwood.
In the meantime we are continuing to supply aircraft and other types of plywood for uses connected with the speeding of Victory.