his subject has been mentioned in a previous issue, but we believe it is worth talking about again, and again, until it becomes normal practice. We want to share this increased knowledge with you, our reader, in the hope that we, as a community, can begin taking steps towards solving one of the biggest problems that affects all of us to some degree. I strongly believe that water harvesting, in one way or another, earns itself a place to become popular as a water solution just as solar is becoming for electricity.
What is water harvesting? It is the channeling and storage of available water for continued use. Why should we do it? Cities are undoubtedly being confronted with a major water crisis, with some of the cities’ most prevalent boreholes being reduced to seasonal functioning at best. Without the aid of a reliable, regular and healthy water supply from city council, every household (that can afford it) has been forced to invest, at great cost, in a borehole. However, as the water table often stands, this is no longer a guaranteed solution! People are spending thousands of dollars in the hope of attaining what