23rd Annual
Parade Missoula Building Industry Association
of Homes & Remodeling Tour
r ou See p of ges ma n pa o 5 &3 omes 4 h 3
Dream again. I T ’ S T I M E TO
September 13-16 2012 Gold Key Sponsors
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23rd Annual
Parade of Homes & Remodeling Tour
Welcome September 13 - 16, 2012
Thursday, September 13 10am - 9pm Friday, September 14 10am - 9pm Saturday, September 15 10am - 9pm Sunday, September 16 10am - 6pm
Admission - $10 per person Free for children you can carry. Toddlers and young children are the parents’ responsibility. Please supervise your children closely. Strollers must be left at the door.
Tickets will be on sale at every home during the Parade. One ticket is good for admission to all of the homes on any of the days. You will be asked to remove your shoes while touring each home. We suggest you wear slip-ons. Shoe covers will be provided at the first home you visit and are your to keep.
Please do not sit on the furniture. Please ask permission before you
take pictures or measurements of the rooms.
The American Dream is still a dream of home ownership. And the enterprising members of MBIA have been working towards making that possible for every person in this community who shares it. And this week, for those needing a vision for dream homes, we have an outstanding Parade of Homes to tour. When our members team-up with inspired patrons who commission and inspire the home-building journey of a lifetime, nothing is beyond their capacity. I am so proud of those on our Board and in Committees that along with Kathy Greathouse, Executive Officer, have made this 23rd year of The Missoula Parade of Homes possible. No words can express the appreciation of the membership for all their hard work and dedication. But even more than that, we owe the owners of this year’s fine offerings a debt of gratitude for their time, generosity, patience, and especially for their belief in the American Dream. Don Garramone President, MBIA Garramone Builders, Inc.
Dream, plan, and implement. That's what our select homeowners and builders for this year’s Parade of Homes have done. As the building industry and real estate in general is on a gentle upswing, we know "It's Time to Dream Again". Our 2012 Parade Of Homes has been designed to do just that. From our second "Student Built" house to a fabulous horse property, we have selected both new homes and remodels to help your dreams along. Whether you are looking for that perfect builder for your project, need new and innovative ideas for a remodel or just some new ideas for a fix up, you will see them this year. A special thanks to our premier builders and homeowners who have graciously consented to share their wonderful projects. The Missoula Building Industry Association could not have a Parade of Homes without you. A special thanks to my so efficient Parade of Homes committee and especially to my co-chair Shelly Bundy of Prudential of Montana for all your help. You make it all so easy. The support and guidance from Kathy Greathouse, our EO, has been invaluable. There would not be a parade without her. My interest in the Parade of Homes has spanned many years including chairperson of the Design Committee, three years as POH Committee Chair and designing and decorating many parade homes thru SueB Design. The opportunity for all the talented builders, crafts-men and women, and suppliers to showcase their talent and products to you, our community, is something we look forward to. It truly is "Time to Dream Again". Sue Bergmeier, SueB Design Event Chair
Missoula Building Industry Association 1840 South Avenue West Missoula, MT 59801 buildmissoula.com
Mission Statement The mission of the Missoula Building Industry Associa on is to represent and promote the building industry through advocacy, high standards, integrity, educa on and investment in the community in which we live and work.
Value Statement The Associa on operates to strengthen the building industry by: Serving as the voice of its members Influencing legisla ve and regulatory issues Providing a forum for the exchange of industry informa on, educa on and ideas Crea ng a posi ve business climate Promo ng the value and quality of member products and services Giving back to the community in which we live and do business Crea ng and suppor ng well managed growth Promo ng a posi ve image of our industry to our community The MBIA promotes quality housing, professional prac ces and a healthy, responsible building industry to benefit its members and community.
Thank You 2012 MBIA Key Sponsors
Gold Key
Table of Contents Welcome ...................................................... 4 President’s Message ................................ 4 Mission Statement.................................... 5 Sponsors ...................................................... 5 2012 Board of Directors.......................... 6 Building a Better Missoula .................... 6 Parade of Homes Committee .............. 7 30 - Year Fixed Mortgage ...................... 9
the Zoo House ............................ 10 CEDIA .......................................................... 12 What is Parelli .......................................... 18
the Double D Ranch ................ 20 The Latest New Home Design Trends 22 Outdated Bathroom? ............................ 27 Remodeling Reasons ............................ 29 Choose the Right Tree .......................... 30
the Student Built House ..........32 POH Map.................................................... 34 Design on a Budget .............................. 38
the Rattlesnake Hills ................42 Mortgage to Foreclosure .................... 45
BMC First Security Bank
Silver Key
Bronze Key
Community Bank, Inc. First Interstate Bank NorthWestern Energy
Culligan Water
Function & Fashion ................................ 46 Rethinking Sustainability...................... 48
the Blue Pines ..........................50 Energy Efficient Appliances ................ 54
First American Title Company
Creating a Home Office........................ 56
Insured Titles
Imagine the Possibilities ...................... 57
Stewart Title
MBIA Membership Directory.............. 59
US Bank
Building Safe Neighborhoods............ 64
Western Montana Lighting
How Did You Think of That ................ 65
Western Title & Escrow
Advertiser Index ...................................... 66 5
23rd Annual
Parade of Homes & Remodeling Tour 2012 Board of Directors President Don Garramone Garramone Builders Vice President Rich Sargent Direct Source MT Secretary Mike Nichols Tamarack Construction Company, Inc. Treasurer Michelle Felde First Interstate Bank Past President Wade Hoyt Hoyt Homes, Inc. Directors Sue Bergmeier SueB Design Eric Petersen Palmer Electric Technology Energy Services Elaine Hawk pLAND Land Use Consulting Waunda Bravard Culligan Water Kevin Leavell Farm Bureau Financial Services This publication is published by the Missoula Building Industry Association and Gateway Printing for the benefit of the MBIA membership and Parade of Homes & Remodeling Tour attendees. All editorial content has been written by the MBIA or the National Association of Home Builders unless otherwise noted. Printing by AlphaGraphics Missoula Copyright © 2012. 1947 South Avenue West, Missoula, MT 59801 (406) 728-4810 Fax: (406) 728-4911 www.alphagraphicsmissoula.com All items in this publication are property of MBIA 1840 South Ave. West, Missoula,MT 59801 (406) 543-4423 Fax: (406) 721-5076 www.buildmissoula.com
“Building A Better Missoula” The Missoula Building Industry Associa on con nues to give back to the community in which we live and work. Members of MBIA mirror a culture of pouring posi ve energy and commitment into bolstering community through educa onal and financial philanthropy. Imagine the amount of me it takes to design and build a house? Knowing that Missoula’s economic growth is s ll slow, it is both reassuring and remarkable that MBIA members con nue to volunteer me and materials for the 2012 Student Built House. We are proud to present this project on this year’s Parade of Homes. These community-spirited professionals know that their investment in youth will grow exponen ally; that the skills they nurture now will build a brighter future for Missoula. The affect of their mentoring will inspire a new genera on of builders and lay a stronger founda on for the local economy to come. Addi onally, this year’s MBIA Scholarship went to Ashlie Mecham who will apply the funds to her year of studies towards an Associate’s of Applied Sciences Degree in Carpentry at UM’s College of Technology. The annual Christmas Charity Auc on was a resounding success. Missoula Developmental Service Corpora on (MDSC) was the primary beneficiary. MDSC is a support community for adults with severe intellectual and developmental disabili es. Their resident popula on grew by 12, causing them to purchase three exis ng city homes that needed major remodeling. The MBIA dona on was used to help provide safe ADA-compliant, comfortable homes for those twelve who had lived most of their lives in an ins tu on. In keeping with tradi on we were once again able to provide sustaining funds to two vital community programs that help the area’s needy: Northwestern Energy’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) and the Missoula Food Bank each received checks from MBIA as 2011 came to a close. Missoula Building Industry Associa on, a nonprofit trade associa on established in 1957, believes that there are endless good causes to support. These are a few of the ways we can give back to the people of the community and we are proud to do so. If your organiza on would like to be considered as a recipient of funds raised by the Christmas Charity Auc on, please contact the Missoula Building Industry Associa on at 543-4423 for an applica on.
Parade “Building a better of Homes & Remodeling Tour
Missoula Building Industry Association
Missoula Building Industry Association 1840 South Avenue West Missoula, MT 59801 buildmissoula.com
The People’s Choice
2012 Parade of Homes Committee Members
2012 Parade of Homes Event Chair
Shelley Bundy Eesigns
SueB Design Pierce Flooring & Design
Sue Bergmeier
Shelley Bundy 2012 Parade of Homes Event Co-Chair
Lynn McNamer
Builder Awards Ceremony Chair Co-Chair Marilyn Riggs
Judging & Awards Chair
Duskie Gramm Finance Co-Chair
New this year, is your chance to win a raffle ticket for the Student Built House valued at $100. The Student Built House is valued at $300,000. Each Parade of Homes entry will have a box to register and at the end of the Parade of Homes a winner will be selected from each home. You may enter at each of the homes!
Will Johnson Marketing Chair Co-Chair Lantha Reinhart
Port-a-Potties for each Parade Home Culligan Water Conditioning Water at each Parade Home
MBIA Staff Farm Bureau Financial Services
Compliance Chair
McCue Construction, Inc.
Gregg McCue
Make you choice on your Parade of Homes ticket and drop it in the ballot box at the last home you visit.
Thank You! First American Title Co. of MT
Finance Co-Chair
Who will you choose for 2012?
Sweet Pea Sewer & Septic First American Title Co. of MT
Tina Bouchee
Interstate Alarm Company
First Interstate Bank
Colleen Cebula
As the attendee, you have the power to name the winner of the Parade of Homes most prestigious award – The People’s Choice. Last year’s winner is on page 14.
Kathy Greathouse Executive Officer
Open your door to
EnErgy EfficiEncy. A high efficiency home results in a smaller energy footprint for the life of the home. Certified ENERGY STARŽ new homes are performance-tested for increased comfort, indoor air quality and energy efficiency. Through NorthWestern Energy’s Efficiency Plus (E+) programs, rebates are available for new and existing homes for measures such as insulation, lighting and space or water-heating equipment. Rebates are also available for high efficiency televisions, computers and more. Visit www.northwesternenergy.com/nweplus or call (800) 823-5995 for information about energy efficiency rebates and programs for homes and businesses. Qualifications apply.
Why the 30-Year Fixed-Rate
Mortgage is Important
Today’s historically-low mortgage interest rates are good news for both prospective and current home owners. Families looking to buy can afford more home for their money, and home owners may be able to refinance their mortgages and lower their monthly payments or tap into their home’s equity to pay for expenses such as school tuition for their children or a major renovation. But the 30-year, fixed rate mortgage — the primary housing financing tool for most Americans — is being threatened. Some members of Congress are pushing to end the federal backstop for housing. Without a federal role to absorb market risk, private lenders would increase interest rates and fees on all types of available financing options, including the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage. During the Great Depression, the national homeownership rate was well under 50 percent and buyers were often forced to finance their homes with a 50 percent downpayment on a five-year balloon mortgage. The 30year, fixed-rate mortgage came about as a result of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal policies and played a pivotal role in helping to increase the national homeownership rate so that today two out of three Americans own a home. The 30-year loan is the most popular and sustainable mortgage in the marketplace for many reasons, including: Affordability. Thirty year terms lock in low monthly payments, allowing households with average incomes to comfortably budget for their home loan. Inflation protection. Knowing their monthly housing costs will remain the same year in and year out regardless of whether interest rates rise provides households with a sense of financial security and also acts as a hedge against inflation. Long-term planning. Many young buyers know that as their incomes rise, their mortgage payment will stay constant and take up less of their monthly budget, which will enable them to save for other costs like their children’s school tuitions and retirement. Tax advantages. In most instances, all of the interest and property taxes a home owner pays in a given year can be deducted from their gross income, reducing their taxable income. This can result in thousands of dollars of tax savings, especially in the early years of a 30-year mortgage when interest makes up most of the payment. Economists agree that there can be no sustainable economic recovery until the housing market rebounds. A sound housing finance system that provides a stable and affordable supply of credit for home buyers and rental housing is essential to ensure a healthy housing market, to keep standard 30-year fixed-rate loans and adjustable rate mortgages readily accessible and affordable, to spur job creation and to maintain a strong and durable economy. To learn more about the threats to homeownership and how to take action to protect it, contact the Missoula Building Industry Association or go to www.protecthomeownership.com.
”List with me and your staging is FREE!” Call me today for a staging consultation. FACT: there are more Under Contract and Sold homes this year than in the previous 3 years! A good reason to get your home on the market NOW! Call me today for a FREE Market Analysis & let’s get your home SOLD!
the Zoo House
1804 Elison Lane
Construction Building Services, LLC. 2516 Riata Rd Missoula, MT 59808 406.546.8468 Like Missoula M itself, the Zoo House is a seamless blend of laid-back elegance, natural assets, and down-to-earth livability. It’s modern without dow being cold, comfortable without being rustic, and, unmistakably, a reflection of the owner’s urban London roots and Montana sensibilities. Situated Situate on a challenging hillside lot that overlooks overlook the Rattlesnake Valley, the home was built with a relaxed, contemporary aesthetic in mind. The owner was w highly involved in designing the house, whether selecting the tiled backsplashes and sele mouth-blown pendant pend lights or poring over paint colors and hardwood floor samples. sample From the early architectural plans to the finishing design touches, his ultimate aim was to meld high-quality construction and elegant design within the constraints of a reasonable budget. A step through the understated understated, lofted entryway reveals espresso “wood-effect” po porcelain tile, sleek metal railings and accent lighting, and an open look down to the kitchen and living area. Since the owner works from home, it was crucial to have a professional space that didn’t intrude into the living areas. To that end, the loft houses an office that’s fitted with a bespoke standing desk, room enough for small meetings, and a window on Mount Jumbo that allows for elk spotting and glider watching when a break is needed. After scouring the country for someone who could create an affordable, custom-built staircase and railings leading to the living level, the owner and builder found the best contractor for the job, Clark Industrial, to be right here in Missoula. On the main level, the energy efficient, floor-to-ceiling windows invite the outdoors in to the sleek kitchen and modern gathering area. Furnished with pieces from House Design Studio, the whole space makes you want to sit down, enjoy a local microbrew, and chat a while. The refined, easy style continues into the master suite, which highlights the creative use of the lot. The bed is nestled beneath a picture window, and the room opens onto a small private deck that’s perfect for sipping coffee as the morning breaks over Mount Jumbo. The master bathroom features double sinks, a deep soaking tub, and a huge, fantastic shower with a built-in bench. Off the bedroom is a large walk-in closet and laundry area, a workout room, and a generous storage crawlspace that cuts into the hillside and would normally be considered an unusable part of a home’s footprint. Down one more floor on the pub level are two guest bedrooms, another full bath, and plenty of room for a pool table, a TV watching area, and, in the spirit of the nickname, the future location of a wet bar. For all of it’s inviting interior assets, perhaps the most noteworthy part of the Zoo House is found on the roof. To take advantage of the home’s exterior design and the lot’s unparalleled location, a roof deck was constructed above the garage. Unobstructed sunrises, vistas that range from Stuart Peak to Lolo Peak, and Montana’s breathtaking big sky are a few of the natural luxuries built into this one-of-a-kind Missoula home. Overall, the result of this collaboration between the owner, the builder, and the architect is a gathering space for friends, a home office, and a comfortable refuge, all under (and on top of) one roof.
MBIA Members
Non Members
Direct Source Montana Boyce Lumber Western Montana Lighting
Pierce Insulation J-1 Heating and Air MJ Drywall Precision Flooring
East Spruce Street to W. Greenough Drive, left on Peggio Lane, left on Elison.
Map Locator
Meet the Builder Joe Fulford, owner of Construction Building Services, “CBS” has been building in Missoula since 2006, but has been in construction for over 15 years. Even as a student at Utah State University, Joe worked his way through school as a carpenter. After college, Joe and his wife Traci moved to Missoula to be closer to family and to start a business in the building industry. The mission of “CBS” is to produce a quality building at an affordable price, according to the homeowner’s specifications, while maintaining a reasonable schedule. From small remodels to larger additions and new homes, Joe provides exceptional service and quality projects. Joe has always strived to be a “hands on” builder, while maintaining long lasting relationships with his clients. “CBS” is Lead Safe and OSHA certified, member of MBIA, NAHB and PBR (a local professional business group), and is a safe and green builder. We are committed to our customers, our projects, our business and our community. We look forward to building your next project.
Meet the Architect Paradigm v2 Architects, PC was formed in 1991 in Missoula, Montana. Our goal is to provide high quality, innovative architectural design and planning services at a reasonable cost. Our Firm has worked across a wide range of different project types including single-family homes, multi-family residential, theaters, schools, museums, and medical facilities. We work for private individuals and businesses, state and local governments, school districts, non-profit organizations, and anywhere else we can be of service. A commitment to a strong and positive dialogue with our clients ensures good communication and a complete understanding of the specific project needs. We work hard to understand the project before beginning the work. The design process is successful only if the end result is completely satisfying to the Owner and users. Much of our work is the result of satisfied repeat clients returning for high quality, professional services provided on time and on 125 1/2 West Main Missoula, MT budget. 59802 We would like to thank the homeowner, MBIA, and all the 406.549.6120 businesses involved in creating this home.
Meet the Designer HOUSE DESIGN STUDIO specializes in contemporary furniture and interior design. Our furniture collections incorporate the clean minimal lines of modern Danish design, the style and elegance of mid-century modern and the comfort of natural organic materials. HOUSE works with over 100 vendors, offering an extensive selection of styles and custom design options to meet the needs of both residential and commercial interiors. Visit us at HOUSE to learn more about our exclusive products and services.
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Is Your Technician Certified? The Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association, is the leading global authority in the $14 billion home technology industry. CEDIA represents 3,500 member companies worldwide and serves more than 22,000 industry professionals that manufacture, design, and integrate goods and services for the connected home. Built upon a strong volunteer foundation, CEDIA provides access to industry-leading education, certification, research, and consumer awareness. CEDIA serves as the go-to home technology source for consumers and professionals alike.
MBIA Has Gone MOBILE! The Missoula Building Industry Association has gone mobile. Download the MBIA App today! Get the latest updates of current projects and events, connect with MBIA members, our Facebook page and this year’s Parade of Homes location with driving directions. Also, vote for your favorite home right on the app!
Why Use CEDIA Members? Hiring a home technology professional can seem daunting. CEDIA has made it easy for homeowners to feel confident in their selection. As a homeowner, you want to make sure that the professional working in your home is qualified, trained, and service-oriented. CEDIA certified professionals have met vigorous industry standards and have been formally educated and specially trained. In addition, CEDIA member companies have agreed to the CEDIA Code of Ethics, perhaps the most highly regarded standard in the home technology industry.
Ask Your Electronic Systems Integrator! CEDIA Certification is what consumers should look for when selecting a home technology professional. It not only provides peace-of-mind, but it also helps consumers easily identify a qualified home technology professional from those who have not been properly trained or have not taken the extra steps to validate their education and training through certification. CEDIA Professional Certification quantifies and qualifies the level of knowledge an individual possesses and how well they have learned to apply the training to their work. CEDIA Certified Professionals are required to maintain their certification status through continuing education. The CEDIA requirement to earn ongoing continuing education units demonstrates that the certified professional is committed to maintaining the highest quality standards for performance. CEDIA Professional Certification quantifies and qualifies the level of knowledge an individual possesses and how well they have learned to apply the training to their work. CEDIA Certified Professionals are required to maintain their certification status through continuing education. The CEDIA requirement to earn ongoing continuing education units demonstrates that the certified professional is committed to maintaining the highest quality standards for performance. CEDIA Certified Professionals have taken the time to learn the trade, stay on top of new trends and technologies and industry standards. In today's marketplace, there are many different companies claiming to be home technology professionals. Be sure to look for CEDIA Certification and be confident in your selection. Information collected from WWW.CEDIA.ORG. Article contributed by: Palmer Electric Technology Energy Services, Inc. (406) 543-3086
Scan the QR Code above to download your app today.
A special THANK YOU to our 2012 Copper Key Sponsors. SueB Design Sue Bergmeier 406.239.8701 Farm Bureau Financial Services Kevin Leavell & Will Johnson 406.728.6811 Title Services Clint Romney 406.728.8404 Hoyt Homes, Inc Wade Hoyt 406.728.5642
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Posi ve, Progressive and Natural What is Parelli? As an instructor and a student of Pat's program, we often hear this question. I find that it is not easy to describe in a few short sentences. That is because for me, and most assuredly for many other students, it is much more than just a horse training program. In fact, it is more about relationships and communication in all aspects of our lives than it is just getting a horse to canter on line for example. Parelli Natural Horsemanship is a way of life, a conscious decision to be positive progressive and natural as Pat says. Before my involvement in Parelli, my life was full of a couple of the 5 F's that Pat describes, fear, frustration and feeling like a failure. I was initially afraid of horses and bought into a lot of the bovine fecal matter that is so pervasive in our human world. I thought, wrongly, that all horses would kick if you stood directly behind one. It never occurred to me that if my horse actually trusted me and had a relationship with me that this was way less likely to happen. I also thought that all horses would bite as well. Through the program I learned that not only should you not smack a horse for biting you, you should prevent the horse from biting in the first place and that backing cures biting. I don't know much about the laws of physics, but I do know that it’s the horses teeth are ten feet away from me that he is way less likely to be able to take a bite. I also learned that in the dominance hierarchy of horses that the dominant horse rarely gets bit by its submissive friends. If my horse submits it’s space to me, then I am the dominant one and am way less likely to become a victim of the porcupine game. I find that in my attempts to explain Parelli to people, I often refer back to Pat's 45 P's. In it he states that it is “prior and proper preparation that prevents poor performance. Every day, I see horses that are not properly prepared ahead of time and then suffer for it in the end. If as Pat says, horses will jump higher and run faster out of heart and desire, then it would make sense that we should prove to our horses that we care about them. But what does it mean for a human to care about a horse. It isn't just feeding and watering them, although horse husbandry is a huge part of it. It is also about understanding what motivates a horse. Understanding this will take you farther with horses than anything else. When in horse-ville, learn to do as horses do! Founded in 1981, by lifelong horseman, horse trainer, rodeo rider, cowboy and teacher, Pat Parelli , who was joined by his wife Linda Parelli in 1993, the Parelli Program focuses on teaching the human rather than training the horse. Early on, Pat realized that horses already had all the skills they needed to thrive in their world. He discovered that understanding the psychology, personality and nature of horses could become the basis for a deep, seamless and mutually beneficial human-horse relationship. Pat named his new relationship-based approach “Natural Horsemanship� which is now recognized worldwide as an innovative and effective method of natural horse training. 18
Natural Horsemanship – Natural Rela onships The Parelli approach is not to train horses, but to teach each horse owner to become his or her own horse trainer, and to succeed by building a relationship of trust with each horse. Of course, horsemanship skills are taught in the Parelli program, but the foundation of the method is built on the relationship as primary, with the principles of Love, Language and Leadership as guides. The Parelli method of natural horsemanship enables horse lovers at all levels and disciplines to achieve: Success without force Partnership without dominance Teamwork without fear Willingness without intimidation Harmony without coercion “People realize this is what they’ve been looking for in all their relationships,� comments Pat Parelli. “It’s balanced with love, language and leadership in equal doses. The program and the horse give them a living model so they can practice and become fluent in their abilities in all relationships, not just horse relationships.� “It’s about more than just the horse,� echoes Linda. “It really dips into the personal development side of things. You learn about yourself, you learn about communication, about leadership, about truthfulness, about consequence and responsibility. You learn about love and imagination. The horse becomes the animal that tells you the truth about yourself in all these categories.� Horse owners who follow the Parelli program have found that not only does the program enable them to become a gifted horse trainer, and not only do they achieve exciting horsemanship successes, but they come away with the lasting gift of an enhanced relationship and communication with their horse. Perhaps the greatest gift of all, however, is that they discover enhanced relationships and communication with everyone in their lives. Parelli Vision and Mission Pat and Linda’s individual life stories are enlightening and extraordinary, and their love of and dedication to horses is palpable, but it is their common vision and mission for Parelli Natural Horsemanship that truly inspires. So much more than horse trainers, Pat and Linda have dedicated their lives and Parelli International to making the world a better place for horses and humans.
Demonstrations of Parelli Horse Training will be presented throughout this years Parade of Homes at the Double D Ranch!
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the Double D Ranch
8501 Haven Heights
Dreams D reams can become reality with lots of planning and effort. The first tthoughts houghts of the Double D Ranch b egan in 1997 with the marriage of Debra began while Marbut and Dan Burger and d wh hile they were busy with their careers in San Diego, CA. During a visit to see relatives in 2001, Missoula was chosen as the ideal retirement location to enjoy the western lifestyle they love. Finding the perfect property to accommodate their equine and canine family and still be close to the amenities of Missoula took time. Once the property was acquired in August 2011, it was time to put their planning into high gear. Spending time getting acquainted with the property and absorbing its beautiful scenery provided the inspiration for the site plans. From there functionality for humans and animals became the most important aspect of the planning process. Years of business and life experience guided Debra as she drew the plans for the barn, house and property. It was important to consider every possibility life might offer, so all of the main living quarters were located on the main floor with wide doorways, walk in showers and no stairs. The walk out basement was designed to offer opportunities for entertainment, guests and even live in help if needed in the future. Maintenance was another factor and materials were carefully chosen to minimize future repairs and expense. Aesthetics called for the use of a variety of natural materials and an earth tone color pallet to enhance the beauty of the property. The addition of timber frames, reclaimed wood and other rustic touches reflected their appreciation of western living. Debra spent many hours researching all of the materials and products used in the construction of the project and whenever possible, American made products were chosen. The contractor, Gary Ince Construction and all of the sub-contractors were chosen for their high quality workmanship, work ethic, enthusiasm for the project and willingness to work as a team. Each individual involved in the project was encouraged to use his or her own creativity and add some originality to the design. The final result of this project is a small, beautiful dream ranch that offers tranquility, comfort and joy to all of its inhabitants and guests. Everyone involved in this project, including Debra and Dan, are extremely proud of their contribution and the outcome!
West on Mullan Road, Turn Left onto Cote Lane, Left at Haven Heights
Map Locator
MBIA Members Meet the Builder Gary Ince Construction has been building in Western Montana since 1971. Gary is passionate about his construction projects and has constructed everything from a “look out tower” to commercial buildings, specializing in entry level and remodels to luxurious residential construction. Recently, Gary Ince Construction residential projects have been featured in “Timber Home Living” magazine and CNBC’s “Top Ten Luxurious Ski Homes.” Gary Ince Construction assists clients with all stages of development. From design to completion, Ince homes are built to take advantage of scenic views and provide maximum living space with attractive, innovative detailing, and construction to withstand variations in climate and time. Furnishings by The Living Room Design Assistance by Jacque Rundle Jacque's vast experience and eagerness to listen, embrace and enhance her client's ideas made her the perfect designer to assist with this project. Jacque's ability to understand the overall vision of the project helped to provide the support and guidance required to pull all of the finishing touches together. Consequently, this home truly reflects the taste and lifestyle of its residents while maintaining full functionality and capitalizing on the beauty of the architecture, natural materials and panorama. Jacque has over 20 years of design experience in New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle and various areas of Montana, where she has received numerous awards for her efforts.
• Karl Tyler Chevrolet • Caras Nursery & Landscape • MDM Supply • Superior Hardwoods • Boyce Lumber • BMC • The Living Room • Murdochs Ranch & Home • Lowes • Western Montana Lighting • Vann’s • Mutual Materials • Beaudette Consulting • Garden City Paint & Glass • Community Bank • First American Title • Worden Thane, PC • Anderson’s Masonry Hearth & Home • Baer Concrete • Worden Thane, PC • Probuild • Pella Window Store • Columbia Paint • NorthWestern Energy
• LS Jensen Construction • Triple W Equipment Non Members Integrity Tile & Granite Zion Tile & Stone Lindley’s Cabinets Centennial Timber Frames MacClay Electric Pump Service, Inc. Darby Distribution 21
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Proud to be a member of the MBIA
The Latest New Home Design Trends
Each year at the National Association of Home Builders’ International Builders’ Show, the Best in American Living Awards (BALA) provide recognition to builders and design professionals who have accomplished outstanding design achievements. Awards are given in all sectors of the residential housing industry, including single-family production, custom, rental, affordable, interiors, remodeling, community and international. The BALA awards spotlight the latest design trends, and are often a sign of what will become popular in new residential construction around the country. Here are a few of the top trends home buyers can expect to soon see in new home designs, if they aren’t already: Classic yet Contemporary Homes that are hot sellers on the market right now are those that successfully blend old styles with new. Timeless and elegant spaces are created by blending modern and traditional elements such as crown molding with fewer or less fancy pieces. Elevations are clean and simple and interiors are fresh and light, not ornate and heavy like the formerly-popular elements such as ornamental columns, complex crown molding and cabinetry with additional applied decorative pieces. Multigenerational Living Given the increasing cultural diversity in America as well as the state of the economy during the past few years, many families are all living under one roof. To save money, young adults are living at home after they graduate school, and retired parents are sharing homes with their grown children and their families. Singlefamily home designs accommodate multigenerational households, such as homes with two master suites, often with at least one located on the ground floor to be more accessible.... (continued on pg..)
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Spectacular Stone Shower Zack and Kate get the stone shower of their dreams when Matt Muenster of DIY Network’s “Bath Crashers” comes for a visit. This realstone project is part of Bath Crashers show hosted by Muenster. The show is on a mission to crash and trash bathrooms transforming them into stunning, functional and modern living spaces. Bath Crasher, Muenster ambushes homeowners while they’re home improvement shopping. When he identifies the ultimate bathroom challenge, he follows the lucky homeowner home and totally overhauls a bathroom in need of repair.
Want to do the same to your outdated bathroom? Here’s how: Realstone Systems thin stone veneers offer the beauty and durability of real stone with the installa on hassles and weight of full size stones. Measuring only 0.5 - 2.0” deep, the natural stone veneer panels are lightweight and suitable for use on most interior and exterior walls. Made of reclaimed and recycled stone, our thin stone veneers are a sustainable, enviromentally friendly alterna ve to faux and manafactured stone. Each thin stone veneer panel is composed of a number of individual natural stones that have been adhered together. These modular panels fit seamlessly together and allow installers to cover a large surface area in a short amount of me with li le waste.
THIN STONE VENEER PANEL INSTALLATION IN A SHOWER 1. SUBSTRATE REVIEW Before installing your thin stone veneer in a shower applica on, you need to be sure that you or your installer have followed the proper steps to ensure a successful long las ng installa on. a. Once the studs and insula on are in place, a vapor barrier in the form of builders felt or polyethelene which is needed to protect from moisture entering the wall. c. Screw the cement backer board in to the over the vapor barrier, providing the structural support for the installa on. The seams need to be taped and secured with mortar. With all these steps properly completed , you can be sure you have laid the groundwork for a successful installa on. Refer to your local building code for detailed instruc ons.
2. WATERPROOF MEMBRANE a. Begin your thin stone veneer panel installa on by applying a liquid waterproof/crack isola on membrane on to the backerboard . As always, follow the manufacturers instruc ons and allow ample me to dry. Realstone recommends La crete products such as HydrobanTM
4. APPLY MORTAR a.APPLY MORTAR: Using a masonís trowel, cover the en re back of each panel with La crete Hi-bond masonry mortar b. SECURE THE STONE TO THE WALL: Press the stone firmly against the wall to ensure a sound bond. Tap gently with fist or rubber mallet for a secure bond. c. KEEP IT CLEAN: Keeping the stonework free from mortar dropping and mortar smears prevents me consuming clean up later. Wet mortar droppings can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
a. DRY LAYOUT: When working with any natural product it is best to do a dry layout prior to installa on. Laying out the stone will allow you to find the perfect distribu on of color and texture. b. INSTALL THE CORNER PIECES FIRST: Start from the bo om and work up. Our corner pieces come in 8î and 16î lengths. You should alternate these in opposite direc ons on the corner. Make sure that you also stagger the seams of the panels to make the installa on appear seamless.
a. CLEANING: A er 36 hours, wet the stonework down with water and then apply a mild cleaning detergent with a so bristle brush to remove any dirt or mortar smear le from the installa on. DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF ACID. b. COMPLETION: Stone is a natural product that ìbreathsî. It does absorb oil, water and other substances that are in contact with the stone. Sealing is not necessary but may be desirable for a aining deeper and enhanced colors. Sealants are also recommended for ease of clean up. For a list of recommended products please visit our website.
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Integrating Electronics For any homeowner, whether it’s their first or not, the thought of integrating electronics into your house can bring on one emotion.... Dread. Re-wiring, hiring contractors, finding specialized technicians, and of course getting specialized equipment to make your home more convenient all add up to monumental costs, and a hassle that leaves most people perfectly happy with a simpler lifestyle. But in today’s highly connected world, the idea of integrating electronics into the home is becoming less and less scary, according to Jesse Potter, a mobile technology advisor at Vann’s in Missoula. Consumers are now able to use much of the technology they already have when integrating electronics in their home said Potter, and the learning curve is much less steep than it was. “With products like the iPad and iPhone you only have to learn something once,” said Potter. “They all have the same operating systems, so the interfaces are very consumer focused instead of technician focused.” Wires also seem to be going out of style for home integration. For home entertainment, services like Apple’s Airplay have made it simple to stream movies and music from a single device to multiple areas in the home. Continue Reading On Page 47 28
Changing Trends in Remodeling Reasons & Rooms Americans are in love with remodeling. Television networks such as HGTV and DIY run 24 hours a day with shows like“BATHtastic” and “Design Star.” Magazines, websites and blogs feature happy home owners gushing over perfect room makeovers. And with the continuing challenging economy, more home owners have decided to stay in their current home longer, which has created higher demand for remodeling. A survey released by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) in 2012 shows that common remodeling projects have increased, compared to a similar survey from 2010. And nearly 50 percent of remodelers report seeing an increase in the number of home owners who undertake remodels to avoid moving, compared to the 2010 findings. Bathroom and kitchen remodeling remain the two most common types of jobs, as they have been consistently since 2001. After 2009, however, bathroom and kitchen remodeling switched places—bathrooms became the most frequent type of job for professional remodelers. Seventy-eight percent of the survey respondents cited bathroom remodeling as one of the most common jobs, an all-time high. Home owners are frequently asking for a high-end spa feel to their new bathrooms, with features and materials such as television screens built into mirrors, exotic wood finishes, recycled glass tiles and sophisticated lighting systems. Other popular features include those that enable a home owner to stay in their home as they age; including step-in tubs and shower stall benches and rails. Both kitchen and bathroom remodeling projects were up 17 percent from two years ago. Other popular jobs were window and door replacements, room additions, handyman services and whole house remodeling, although whole house remodeling is down significantly from its peak in the mid-2000s. The motivation behind many home owners’ decision to remodel has changed as well. The top two reasons for remodeling were the need to repair or replace old or outdated components and the desire for better and newer amenities. More than 50 percent of remodelers said that these two reasons for remodeling have become more common over the past two years. In contrast, more than 20 percent of remodelers said there was a decrease in customers remodeling to increase home values as an investment or to prepare for a sale (whether distressed or not). Remodeling to accommodate a change in the number of people living in the home also received low scores. Whether they are inspired by the amazing makeovers shown on television shows, or their changing lifestyle necessitates repurposing spaces to make more efficient use of their home’s square footage, home owners are turning to professional remodelers to help improve their home. For more information on remodeling, visit www.buildmissoula.com
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Landscaping Tips: Choose the Right Tree! The trees you choose to landscape your home not only add beauty, they can help cut energy costs by providing shade in the summer and buffering cold winds in the winter. Trees clean the air, reduce noise, create privacy and can increase a property’s value by improving the appearance. It is important to consider a number of factors when choosing the right trees for your particular environment and the best locations to plant trees in your yard. Environmental factors to consider: Temperature. Low temperatures, especially if they occur suddenly, can freeze and kill the living cells in certain types of trees. Factors that influence temperature such as elevation and which side of a hill the tree will be planted on also need to be considered. Moisture. Do you live in a dry or wet climate? Does your yard periodically flood, or is it continually exposed to the drying effect of wind? Watering can be modified on a dry site, but it is still important to know the optimal soil moisture requirements for your species. Shade. Some species, like white birch and most pines, require full sunlight. Other species, like most maples, hemlocks and yews, grow well in shade. Insects and disease. Every locality has its problems with particular insects or diseases. Although it is possible to buy varieties that have been bred for resistance to a disease, it is asking for trouble planting a species which is prone to local pests because it places the tree under stress. Soil. Soil depth, structure and pH, in addition to moisture, can make the difference between success or failure. For example, deep-rooted species will need adequate soil depth for their structural roots, whereas shallow-rooted species may be fine on sites with just a thin layer of soil over bedrock or hard clay. 30
Pollution. The accumulative effects of pollution can impact your trees. For example, some species are more sensitive to pollutants such as salt spray from the ocean or street de-icing. After choosing a species that will grow well in your environment, your next consideration is where the tree should be planted in your yard, depending on whether your goal is shade, protection, or purely for cosmetic purposes. Trees planted to provide shade provide a greater cooling effect than man-made structures because they not only block the rays of the sun, they add water to the air through transpiration. Position the tree where you want the shadow during the hottest time of the day and year. When planting trees as windbreaks and screens, lowbranching conifers that hold their foliage are most effective for screening unsightly areas and providing privacy. Noise is best reduced by tall, densely planted trees with fleshy, broad leaves. Combining these two types can provide noise reduction as well as filter dust from adjacent street traffic year-round. To improve your property’s appearance, one good principle is to never locate a tree where it will split your lot or a view into equal halves. To give the lot an appearance of greater depth, plant on a diagonal line outward from the front corners of the house. Trees planted behind the house and to the side will provide background. Trees with color or some other showy feature can be used as accent points. Small, narrow-crowned species will define boundaries without invading your neighbor’s space. If you are unsure of what trees to choose to suit your goals, you can ask a certified arborist, nursery professional, urban forester, or extension agent. For more information on choosing the right tree, visit the Arbor Day Foundation at www.arborday.org or contact Missoula Building Industry Association.
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the Student
Built House
4860 Jeff Drive
This is the 2nd Building Futures Program Prog Student Built House, built by the Missoula Building Industry Indu Association in part partnership with the University M of Montana College of Tech Technology Carpentry Program T Flagship Program. and The tickets will be available during Raffle tic the Parade of Homes at the Student and only a total of 4,000 Built House an sold. Proceeds from the raffle tickets will be sold construction costs, land cost and will go toward constru scholarships to students. This has been a valuable program for the community tea teaching skills of the construction trades. aching students the life-long ski College of Technology and The Flagship Program studentss are excited about learning how to build a house from the worked on all aspects of home ground up. More than 50 COT carpentry students and a dozen high school students wo construction by Wade Hoyt of Hoyt Homes, construction, beginning with the excavation. The construct tion of the home was overseen b Inc., Mike Nichols of Tamarack Construction Company, Inc., and Jim Schafer of StraightEdge Construction and the U of M COT instructors on a daily basis. The design of the home was drawn by Jeremy Herring of Morrison-Maierle, Inc and the interior design and dÊcor was inspired by Dara Wilson of Dara’s Home Design. Many local MBIA members contributed to the building of this home with donated materials and discounts. The Building Futures Committee would like to thank all the businesses for their support. This project would not have been possible without them. (A complete list of donors is located in the home.) This one-level house has an open floor plan with large windows that allows natural light. The living room has a gas fireplace and vaulted ceilings. The kitchen has plenty of Beech cabinets, a breakfast bar, built-in desk, granite counter tops and dining area along with a built in wine rack. Appliances include a large refrigerator, gas range, microwave and dishwasher, all in brushed nickel. This is a three bedroom two bath home. The master bedroom features a walk-in closet and a large granite countertops plus a large garden bathtub. AND MUCH MORE! g tiled shower,, tile flooring g and g
This home is ready to be lived in!
Directions: South on Miller Creek Road, through round-a-bout continuning on
Upper Miller Creek Road one block past Linda Vista Blvd, turn right on Jeff Drive, follow signs.
MBIA Member Involvement: Michelle L Felde of First Interstate Bank: Chair / Co-Founder and Coordinator of the Building Futures Program. Oversees process from start to finish, coordinating volunteers, securing financing, arranging marketing and open houses. Has been a proud member of MBIA for 20 years and served as Past President, Secretary and currently the Treasurer and Board member. Wade Hoyt of Hoyt Homes, Inc.: Project Manager for both Student Built Homes. He is inspired to help other builders become better business people, and work to support a dialogue between the business and the homebuilder communities. Wade has been a Past-President of the Missoula Building Industry Association. Mike Nichols of Tamarack Construction Company, Inc.: Co-Chair. Became involved with the Building Futures Committee seven years ago, he currently serves on the MBIA Board as the Secretary. He enjoys working with students and other colleagues to teach them something that he is passionate about. Jim Schafer of StraightEdge Construction: Co-Chair. Jim began his volunteer work with the Building Futures Program six years ago. Jim is proud to be a contributing factor to the growth of the program and enjoys being a mentor to the students. Dara Wilson of Dara’s Home Design: Interior Designer and Decorator. Dara donated countless hours designing the Student Built House, choosing interior and exterior colors and materials. Dara has also decorated the house for the Parade of Homes. Dara won the award for Interior Design for the first Student Build House during the 2010 Parade of Homes. Other Committee Members: Vicki Houk – 107 The Ranch Kathy Minster – Retired Volunteer and past MBIA office staff Rosie Buzzas – The Flagship Program Tammy Bodlovic – The Flagship Program Nicole Mitchell – The Flagship Program Dennis Daneke – U of M COT Lynn Stocking – U of M COT Molly Valdez – Past U of M student and now employee of U of M Lloyd Twite – Land Developer and MBIA Member
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Thanks to our Donars & Suppliers 107 The Ranch Abbo ’s Glass, Inc. Advanced Building Supply Allied Waste Services Anderson’s Masonry Hearth & Home Arledge Masonry BMC Boyce Lumber Caras Nursery & Landscape Corbels Culligan Water Condi oning Custom Drywall Dara’s Home Design Direct Source MT Dirtman Sprinklers Farmers State Bank Garden City Florascaping HD Supply Waterworks Insured Titles, Inc. Integrity Window & Door Interstate Alarm Company K & K Concrete Knife River Loren’s Carpet One Montana Closets Morrison-Maierle Mountain Supply Company Palmer Electric Technology Energy Services Paul Wilson Pain ng Plumbing Works Quality Seamless Gu ers Sco Twite Construc on Set In Stone Sherwin Williams Summit Roofing Sweet Pea Sewer & Sep c Temp-Right Services Twite Family Partnership Vann’s Wayne Dalton Garage Doors Western Montana Ligh ng Western Sheet Metal Western States Insurance Your Custom Cellar 33
#2 The Double D Ranch
The Blue Pines
The Student Built House
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Parade of Homes & Remodeling Tour
Missoula Building Industry Association
MBIA 1840 South Ave. West, Missoula, MT 59801 (406) 543-4423 Fax: (406) 721-5076 www.buildmissoula.com 35
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Insider Hints for Design On a Budget Spend lazy Saturday afternoons browsing the pages of Architectural Digest or Dwell, wishing you had the budget to hire an interior designer to replicate their artistic interiors? Well-designed rooms don’t always have to come with a huge price tag; in fact, designing on a budget may be easier than you think. Many times, by changing small elements, you can give a room an entirely new personality. Sometimes adding a few colorful pillows or picking up a paintbrush is all you need to do to make your room look like something out of the pages of a magazine. One of the most common fixes for a boring room is color. “Color is easy to do and inexpensive,” says Kathy Browning, owner of Design Consultants, a design firm in Virginia Beach, Va. Updating the color of just one wall in any room will give it an entirely new feel. Painting, when approached correctly, can be an enjoyable experience with instant rewards. Lauren Warnock, vice president director of design at Mary Cook Associates, an interior design firm based in Chicago, reminds home owners that warmer colors can make a room feel cozier and more inviting. Cooler colors like grey or “stark white,” on the other hand, may give a room a more industrial feeling. “Light airy colors open up a space, while deep, darker colors can make a room appear smaller,” Warnock says. For the style-conscious, earthy tones such as ambers, browns, and rust are currently popular. “Using modern glamour hues such as white and black with a punch of a teal, coral or chartreuse color is very hot as well,” says Warnock. Connie Edwards, director of design for Shenandoah Cabinetry, has her own advice when it comes to color, particularly if you are looking at the kitchen. “You can never go wrong with neutrals, but color is hot now,” Edwards says.
“Not necessarily vibrant colors — although for the right space, they can be fabulous — but think along the lines of buttery yellows, soft sage greens and nearly neutral blues.” Adding accents to pieces you already own can also make a large difference. For instance, if your couch is not as exciting as it once was, try throwing a few fun accent pillows on it. Remember, throws and cushions, when selected as accents, can really bring new life to a tired piece of furniture. “The use of pillows, throws and draperies in living spaces enhances a room in many ways,” Warnock says. Fabrics also can add beautiful softness to a room and allow additional patterns and textures to be brought into a room. Another budget-friendly change is to rotate the artwork in a room. Using the same frames but changing the images can easily create a new theme or mood, and combining several different frames in different finishes and sizes can achieve different looks. Often overlooked but strikingly effective, updated lighting can work wonders. “Lighting will dramatically change the mood of a room,” Warnock says. Try installing a new fixture or simply swapping out the shades on current fixtures. Installing dimmer switches can also make for an interesting change. Kate Brennan, vice president of new business development at Mary Cook, offers some advice for ready do-it-yourselfers. “Get excited about the transformation that will occur — usually people become more inspired to continue updating their homes.” Brennan says. “Take your project one step at a time and follow your gut.” For more information on designing on a budget, contact www.buildmissoula.com.
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6/17/10 3:03:17 PM
the Rattlesnake Hills
1409 Dickinson
Ratt Rattlesnake Hills is a rem remodel/addition project th that transformed twelve eexisting, unsightly single sstory apartments in M Missoula’s Rattlesnake V Valley into an elegant co courtyard complex of eight dup duplex and four simplex home homes. The exi existing structures were ‘greened’ by adding insulation to the walls and roofs an and by replacing existing windows with high effi efficiency Pella fiberglass i d SSustainable t i bl materials t i l such h as b b fl i hi windows. bamboo flooring, high efficiency boilers, dual flush toilets and Energy Star appliances are incorporated into each home. An unusual green siding material was employed in the project: a cement board rainscreen by Nichiha, featuring a hidden clip system which holds the siding 1” off of the face of the buildings, creating an air pocket for additional insulation and to ventilate the siding to reduce moisture problems. The location of the project, within walking distance to the local grocery store and quite close to town, is another green feature. Probably the largest sustainable building practice of this project is the reuse of the existing apartment buildings which saved natural resources and reduced landfill waste. These meticulously designed homes share over one acre of Rattlesnake property with views, convenience to downtown, and unmatched recreation opportunities. All of the homes share an organic contemporary aesthetic with a gas fireplace, large windows and an open floor plan. This exceptional condominium communityy also has access to a ½ acre common mon area.
After Before 42
Directions: North on Van Buren/Rattlesnake Drive to Dickinson Street on right.
Map Locator
Meet the Architect Pat Supplee, owner and principal architect of Studio Modera, PLLC, obtained her Bachelors Degree in Architecture from the University of Virginia in 1978 and her Masters in Architecture from Columbia University in 1982. After interning with FxFowle Architects in Manhattan, Pat established her own architectural firm, Pat Supplee Architect, in New York City in 1986. For the next decade the firm specialized in apartment renovations and interior design as well as office and commercial renovations in Manhattan. In 1997, Pat relocated to Missoula, Montana to pursue her love of residential architecture and of the great outdoors. For several years, Pat worked for OZ Architects, while gaining knowledge of the local building community and of the context of western Montana. Pat re-established her own firm, Pat Supplee Architect, PLLC in 2004. In the spring of 2007, the firm was renamed Studio Modera, PLLC. Pat became LEED accredited in March of 2009, earning the US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LEED Accredited Professional distinction. With a focus on sustainable, modern residential design, Studio Modera is dedicated to creating extraordinary homes for Western Montana.
10643 Upland Trail, Missoula MT 59804 t: 406.549.5529 f:406.549.5528 info@studiomodera.com
Meet the Designer/Developer Leah was born in Great Falls, Mont. Her childhood was spent on Montana's Highline: Cut Bank, Kevin, Sunburst, Babb and Browning. Billings followed and finally, Missoula, where she attended the University of Montana and has made her home ever since. She is married to Peter Talbot and has two children. Leah has been in the interior design business since 1991; first with Trappings Studio, then River City Design and most lately as Leah Talbot Interiors. Some of the more easily identifiable projects are Cafe Dolce in the Mall, Cafe Dolce on Brooks St., The Montana Club on North Reserve St., the 1821 Building on the Southgate Mall Campus and the Hardy Clinic on Mullan Rd. She has been recognized for her work in downtown historic preservation, and residential and commercial design projects in Missoula and the Northwest.
101 E. Broadway, Suite 203 Missoula MT 59802 t: 406.721.8845
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Lasting Impression
Considering Costs:
Comparing Home Mortgage to Foreclosure The economic downturn has hurt many American families during the past few years, and sadly that means there are a larger number of foreclosed homes on the market than during a healthy economy. The lower price of these homes can make them look like a bargain, but home buyers need to carefully compare the actual cost—and advantages—of a newly constructed home versus a foreclosed one before you buy. During an educational seminar at the 2012 International Builders’ Show in Orlando, Jay McKenzie, vice president of Builder Digital Experience, LLC, offered a number of advantages of purchasing a brand new home, and hidden costs of foreclosed homes that buyers need to consider: · Many foreclosures are sold “as is” with no disclosure requirements. You could be surprised with major repair bills for issues such as foundation faults or other structural defects, mold, hidden water damage, unsafe wiring, rodent infestations and more. A foreclosed home that appears to have been renovated may not have been done so with the proper permits and inspections. A brand new home provides peace of mind for your family’s safety because it has passed inspections and conforms to current building codes. A new home is also under warranty and any issues that arise during the warranty term will be fixed at no cost to the home owner. · New homes can be personalized with appliances, cabinets, countertops, carpets, floor coverings, paint color and other design elements to meet your family’s needs and tastes. They also come designed for modern lifestyles, with open space floor plans, walk-in closets, creative storage solutions and conveniently-located laundry facilities. With a foreclosure, you’ll have to spend time and money to knock out walls, re-paint, and make other renovations to change the previous owner’s tastes to your own.
· Newly built homes are highly energy-efficient, saving the buyer money and helping the environment. New windows, doors and insulation better control the home’s interior climate, and Energy Star-rated appliances and other modern components will help save costs on utility bills. With a foreclosure, if the appliances, water heater or HVAC are in working order, depending on their age, they may not be for long. And they certainly aren’t as energy-efficient as new ones. · New homes come outfitted with the latest home automation and wiring components that provide state-of-the-art technology capabilities to accommodate modern home appliances and entertainment resources such as highdefinition televisions, full-house sound systems, hard-wired fire and security alarms and more. Foreclosures probably don’t have updated wiring, and old wiring not only may not be able to handle modern resources—it may be unsafe and a fire hazard, and will cost a lot to update to current standards. · Financing a new home is easier than financing a foreclosed home. Many builders offer incentives to reduce closing costs and can complete the closing quickly, unlike banks that just want to get foreclosed homes off their books and may have a backlog of homes to process, which can take months or years. It is important to note that some home builders have expanded their businesses to include buying foreclosures, then renovating and re-selling them. In these cases, the builder normally has inspected the home for hidden damage or dangerous conditions, gotten the required permits, and completed the necessary repairs. They also often renovate, replace appliances and components, and perform many cosmetic upgrades to make the home an attractive and safe place for the home buyer. For more information on what to consider when buying a new home, www.buildmissoula.com or visit the National Association of Home Builders online at www.nahb.org. 45
Function & with edible landscaping Fashion
As Americans become more health conscious, farmers’ markets, produce co-ops and community gardening spaces are gaining popularity. Many families want to grow their own food, but may be challenged by a lack of space for a full-sized garden in their yard. But did you know that with the concept of edible landscaping, you can have an attractive-looking yard or patio that also provides fruits and vegetables your family can eat? According to the Ohio State University Extension Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, edible landscaping is the use of food-producing plants in the constructed landscape, principally the residential landscape. Edible landscapes combine fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, vegetables, herbs, edible flowers and ornamental plants into aesthetically pleasing designs. The designs can incorporate any garden style and can include just a few, or be completely comprised of edible species. Some reasons to include edible plants in your home’s landscaping include: • • • •
Ability to pick and eat fresh, fully-ripe fruits and vegetables Control the amount of pesticides and herbicides used on your food Save money by not buying fruits and vegetables at the grocery store Grow unique types of foods that may not be available in the store
Many edible species are not only functional from a food-on-your-table perspective; they are also attractive. For example, some flowers, such as begonias, day lilies, carnations, pansies, peonies and roses can be eaten. They also make a colorful addition to salads or as a garnish on plates. Red and yellow tomato and pepper plants add a splash of color to ornamental beds. To help you get better use of your yard, raspberry or blackberry bushes make a great border, and fruit trees provide shade. Just make sure you consider where you are placing them, cleaning rotten fruit or berries that have dropped onto your patio can be a frustrating and messy chore. More ideas for edible landscapes include: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Put pots of herbs on the patio Include cherry tomatoes in a window box or hanging basket Build a grape arbor Grow nasturtium, violas, borage, or calendula and include flowers in salads Grow Red-jewel cabbage Plant colorful pepper varieties alongside flowers Tuck lettuce, radishes, or other short-lived greens into a flower bed Replace a barberry hedge with gooseberries Put basil together with coleus in a planter Try yellow or “rainbow” chard Grow chives around the mailbox Train raspberries up your fence
The amount and location of consumable plant varieties you choose to include in your landscaping is completely up to your tastes, both literally and figuratively. Make sure to do your research and know how much sunlight and water each plant requires, what type of soil will best support that species, and how much maintenance you’ll have to do to get the fruits and vegetables you desire. For more hints for homeowners, visit www.buildmissoula.com
...Continued From Page 28
Even more specialized products such as music systems from Sonos or home control systems for things like heat and lights from companies like Control4, are embracing a consumerfocused direction. Part of this, according to Potter, is because the technology that makes these systems convenient is becoming more commonplace in objects that previously might not have had it. “There’s more and more wireless connections,” said Potter. “It’s not just Wi-Fi, though. Cellular connections are being built into things like cars now, so turning on your car from your phone is completely possible.” However, despite a new focus on consumer friendly home integration, navigating the best systems isn’t without pitfalls. “There’s definitely still some money you have to spend at first in getting the stuff you need,” said Derek Wilson, a product specialist for Vanns.com. Competing standards can also cause issues, according to Wilson. Groups like DLNA, for consumers using Android or Windows computers, offer similar functionality to Apple’s Airplay, but the two aren’t compatible. According to Wilson, it’s all about planning. “Once you get something like a tablet, it’s easy to build up a system over time,” said Wilson. “You kind of have to make a decision early on, and then stick with it, so having help can be important in making smart choices for your home.
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Rethinking Sustainability Pat Supplee, studioModera Before the industrial revolution, people built sustainably out of necessity. They built with local materials because there were no trucks or freight trains or cargo ships. They built their homes for their children and their children’s children so they designed and constructed them with great care and forethought. Because central heat and air-conditioning did not exist, houses were sited to capture winter sun and summer breezes. Deciduous trees were planted to shade the southern side of the house against summer heat and the side that was battered by winter storms was tucked up against a hill or pine trees were planted for protection. Lacking electric lights, windows were located to utilize natural light to illuminate interior spaces. And so, houses were constructed with local materials and were designed to use as little energy as possible, to have good ventilation for the warmer months, to exploit good views and daylighting, and to last and be cherished as a good place to live for generations. Then we developed central heating and air conditioning, good transportation, and cheap and available energy for lighting and heating our houses and for fueling our cars and trucks. After WWII, returning veterans needed fast and affordable housing, and lots of it; and suburbia was born. A single house plan was often used for every lot, with no thought about the siting of the home for daylighting or views or passive solar heating or natural ventilation. Cars allowed people to live at great distances from their place of work. And trucks, ships and trains brought materials from far away lands to be incorporated into these new tract homes. The tide shifted again when energy prices began to escalate in the mid 70’s. People began to think about how to build houses that use less energy. Old, sustainable construction techniques such as straw bale construction, passive solar heating and green roofs were resurrected in an effort to deal with skyrocketing energy prices and to create a more self sufficient lifestyle. New sustainable materials and systems were developed such as better insulation and sealants, double and triple glazed windows, solar arrays and solar hot water heating, and geothermal heating and cooling. We now have the opportunity to combine the time honored sustainable practices of our ancestors with the new technologies and materials that have been and are being developed to create comfortable, attractive, super energy efficient homes. 48
Perhaps the first and one of the most important steps in building a sustainable home today is to design your home to last. A carefully planned home that functions well, is properly sited, is attractive and well crafted will last for generations. The next step is to make sure the thermal environment is comfortable with as little fossil fuel consumption as possible. To attain this goal, build a tight envelope. Use good windows and well insulated floors, walls and roofs to keep out the heat and cold. Then, because your house will be airtight, plan to install an energy efficient ventilation (ERV or HRV) system to bring in fresh air, to reduce condensation and mold problems and to rid the house of toxic chemicals (VOC’s). This will reduce energy bills and maintain a comfortable, healthy living environment. Take advantage of passive solar energy by incorporating south facing windows; it’s a free source of heat. Shade these windows against the summer sun with deep roof overhangs or deciduous trees. Incorporate natural ventilation to help cool your house. If money allows, consider installing solar panels, solar hot water heating, and a ground source heating system. If you need one, choose a high efficiency boiler or furnace and select high efficiency appliances. Use daylight to illuminate your rooms by day and install LED lights for long lasting, super efficient electric lighting. Incorporate reducing, reusing and recycling in the construction and the life of your home. Go to Home Resources, yard sales, or lumber resellers to find materials that you can repurpose or simply reuse. Think about materials in terms of their impact on this earth…if you have to mine it or move it far distances or if it takes lots of natural resources to produce, it is not a sustainable product. If it smells bad it is probably off gassing and putting VOC’s into the environment as well as into your home and your body. Recycle construction waste as you build and design a recycle area into your home. And perhaps most importantly, design your home to be pleasing to the eye and to please the senses. Fill it with sunlight and plan your windows to capture good views; build a house that promotes happiness. If you design your house to sit gently on the earth, to barely sip conventional energy and with an eye towards creating a place that your great-grandchildren will want to live, you will be creating a sustainable home.
the Blue Pines
10643 Upland Trail
The site for this home is a pristine ponderosa pine studded hillside overlooking the Missoula valley. The design challenges were to construct a relatively inexpensive, sustainable home that th creates a sense of place in the landscape lan while respecting this wild and beautiful site. beau The design desi concept for the house was to create an outdoor living space in the form of a protected livi courtyard where one o could sit and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding natural world. world The house therefore took the form of an ‘L’ to define the courtyard which is oriented towards the view and the undeveloped side of the property. The structure also acts to shield the courtyard from the driveway and its associated vehicles. The house is organized into three simple volumes that describe the ‘L’ shape. At the joint, a tower, containing the stair and foyer, acts as the connector between the two rectangles which house the living and service spaces. The living spaces: kitchen, family room, bedrooms, dining room, and living room, face the courtyard and the view beyond. The service spaces: bathrooms, closets, and pantry, face north toward the driveway. Numerous sustainable features are incorporated into the house. The exterior walls and roof are constructed of SIP’S panels. The fir flooring and the redwood siding are salvaged, and the pine posts and beams are milled from trees taken from the site. The house employs passive solar heating and natural ventilation for cooling. The concrete floor and countertop in the kitchen function as thermal mass to work in concert with the south facing glazing to warm the house in the winter. Deep overhangs and sunscreens shade the glazing from the summer sun. The stair tower doubles as a cooling tower, funneling warm air to its top where it is dispersed via back to back windows. The landscaping is completely lawn-less. Patios and a deck step down the hillside dividing the courtyard into different outdoor rooms. Planting beds around the house feature native drought resistant plants and native grass was seeded over the remainder of the disturbed area. The roof hosts a variety of outdoor spaces as well, all with wonderful views. A covered ‘sky porch’ creates a place for sitting and sleeping that is protected from the elements. A deck for enjoying the sun and for stargazing floats amid a sea of sedum. Bordering the sedum an organic vegetable garden lines the north parapet wall, far from the reach of the deer and elk that roam below.
West on South Ave., 1st left on North Ave, left on River Pines Road, 2nd right at Big Flat Road, 1st left onto Upland Trail.
Map Locator
Meet the Architect and Designer Pat Supplee, owner and principal architect of Studio Modera, PLLC, obtained her Bachelors Degree in Architecture from the University of Virginia in 1978 and her Masters in Architecture from Columbia University in 1982. After interning with FxFowle Architects in Manhattan, Pat established her own architectural firm, Pat Supplee Architect, in New York City in 1986. For the next decade the firm specialized in apartment renovations and interior design as well as office and commercial renovations in Manhattan. In 1997, Pat relocated to Missoula Montana to pursue her love of residential architecture and of the great outdoors. For several years, Pat worked for OZ Architects, while gaining knowledge of the local building community and of the context of western Montana. Pat re-established her own firm, Pat Supplee Architect, PLLC in 2004. In the spring of 2007, the firm was renamed Studio Modera, PLLC. Pat became LEED accredited in March of 2009, earning the US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LEED Accredited Professional distinction. With a focus on sustainable, modern residential design, Studio Modera is dedicated to creating extraordinary homes for Western Montana.
10643 Upland Trail, Missoula MT 59804 t: 406.549.5529 f:406.549.5528 info@studiomodera.com
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The Latest New Home Design Trends (continued from pg. 23) Cost Effective Designs Rectangular home designs are more cost effective, so new homes no longer have the “exploding house” look with multiple, odd roof lines or the unnecessary interior volumes they create. But home designs can still be visually stimulating with creative and innovative modifications that reduce construction and system costs to the home owner. For example, mixing materials such as metal, wood and stone in the façade give a home a modern look. The Family Triangle Open floor plans is a trend that isn’t new, but has expanded. Ground-floor focused, open floor plan living spaces used to be specific to certain regions and generations, but now it is desired by all buyer profiles across the country. Many designs eliminate the living room and add a flex space or den adjacent to the kitchen or family room to allow for privacy when needed, and still accommodate flexibility for many different uses. Kitchen Entertaining with a View The kitchen remains one of the most important rooms in the house. Yet kitchens are still a modest size as the average overall square footage of new homes has decreased in the past few years. So designers are incorporating creative storage solutions to both suit the home owners’ unique needs and to allow more windows above the countertops rather than cabinets to retain a feeling of open, light space. Green Design Elements that Consumers Understand and Want The 2011 BALA entries reflected the fact that home buyers now expect a certain level of green design in their new homes that provide both comfort and cost savings. Green technologies such as tankless water heaters and highly efficient HVAC systems that directly impact and reduce operating costs are commonly installed in new construction. To see all the winners of 2011 BALA awards, go to www.nahb.org/BALA. To find a professional home builder or remodeler in Missoula, visit www.buildmissoula.com.
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Energy Efficient Appliances Homeowners are hearing a lot about energy efficiency these days. Whether it’s pamphlets on how to keep their homes sealed up in the winter or gentle reminders about flipping off the light switch when they leave a room. Tips, tricks, and promises about saving power seem to be everywhere. Shopping for appliances isn’t any different. Part of this is because there’s an increasing public awareness about just how important energy efficient appliances are. A 2011 survey conducted by Energy Star determined that almost 80% of US households have a good amount of knowledge about what the Energy Star logo means on products. Mike Redler, a product specialist at Vann’s in Missoula, has seen this as well. “Consumers are more educated about the importance of conserving resources.” Redler said According to the consortium for Energy Efficiency, in 2005 appliances like refrigerators, washers and dryers, dishwashers, and air conditions accounted for 19.4 percent of total home energy use. According to Energy Star’s annual report for 2011, qualified products can provide consumers up to 65% savings when compared to standard models. Many manufacturers even attempt to exceed that rating. “Dishwashers, clothes washing machines, and refrigerators have become much more efficient, and some are using half
of the energy they did just a few years ago,” said Redler. “And they’re not done yet.” Federal stands for energy efficient products are continually becoming stricter, according to yearly reports created by Energy Star. Homes certified as Energy Star in 2011 are estimated to be 15% more efficient than even those built to the 20099 International Energy Conservation Code. For most homes, an Energy Star certification can mean as much as 30% energy savings compared to a stand home by 2011 standards. According to a 2005 report that savings peaked at around 10%. In the US, because efforts by consumers to choose Energy Star rated and other efficient products has quadrupled since 2005, homes have seen total savings of about $270 billion per year, compared to the $44 billion. As more than one writer has put it, “that’s a lot of green.” But it’s not just savings that are drawing people to energy efficient appliances, according to Redler. “It’s easier to recommend an energy efficient washer or fridge these days,” said Redler. “People want to feel good about doing their part.” For more information about energy efficient products and lists of Energy Star qualified products, visit www.energystar. gov or www.cee1.org
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Creating a Home Office That Works for You Janet is pulling on her jacket and grabbing her briefcase and keys in a mad rush for the front door. Jim is letting the dog out, pouring a cup of coffee and heading down a back hallway of his house. Which one is going to work? They both are! Home offices are becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity with more people telecommuting or running their own businesses from their house. The number of Americans who work from home is in the millions, and with the rising cost of gas and increased traffic causing longer commutes, that number is likely to grow even more every year. Work space is no longer relegated just to the kitchen table or a corner of the guest bedroom; it has been promoted to a room of its own in the home. A 2007 consumer preferences survey by the National Association of Home Builders found that a home office was the third most desired specialty room, following the laundry and dining rooms, respectively. If you are looking to create a home office, or revamp an existing one, keep the following points in mind: Separate Your Space Although you are physically working in the house, it is important to set up your home office so that the lines between your home life and your work life do not get blurred. By creating a barrier, you will be less tempted to take a television break in the middle of your work day or work on spreadsheets when you are supposed to be “home from the office.”
Design Your Office to Match Your Work Style When choosing the furniture and layout of your office, make sure if fits the way you choose to work. For example, if you believe in “a place for everything and everything in its place,” be sure to allot enough space for adequate storage and file cabinets. If you work on several different projects, set up separate, smaller work stations dedicated to each task. Show Off Your Style There is no such thing as “one design fits all.” While one person may prefer the look of dark woods and rich colors, someone else may favor a more whimsical look with bright colors and clean lines. This is your chance to bring in designs and items that best reflect your personality and interests. Don’t be restricted by what you think a home office should look like. Make it your own since you will be the one spending the most time there. Make It Comfortable When choosing the furniture and amenities for your office, make sure that you are physically comfortable and that your work space is conducive to productivity. Your chair should be adjustable with adequate seat cushioning. Add a couch or armchair to the room to allow for additional seating for guests or to provide a place to read away from your desk. Install recessed lighting which is less harsh, and buy smaller desktop lights focused on task areas that are used for reading and writing to reduce eye strain. For more helpful tips on how to make your home office best fit your style, contact your local Home Builders Association at www.buildmissoula.com.
the Possibilities
Imagine the possibilities - a home of your own. Sounds good, doesn’t it? “A home of your own.” You pick the colors, plant a garden, and the kids can have a dog. At the same time, you may know someone who struggled with ownership. How do you know if the time is right for you to buy a house and how to avoid pitfalls?
Learn the process Like most industries, real estate has its own language, definitions, and acronyms. Education is the key to understanding. Through support from Montana Board of Housing (MBOH), home buyer education classes are offered statewide by NeighborWorks Montana and partner organizations. Nationally-approved curriculum is tailored to local areas, and taught by certified instructors. Topics include: what ‘mortgage-ready’ means; choosing a lender; find a real estate agent who understands your needs; evaluating credit; budgeting, and much, much more! Costs are minimal, and the investment in your future is beyond measure. Anyone can take the course, regardless of income. Schedules are posted on the Montana Homeownership Network (MHN) site http://nwmt. org/Templates/MHNHome.html. If you don’t have Internet access, please call 1.866.587.2244 or 406.761.5861. Arrange financing Unless you have enough cash to buy a home, you will need a loan. If your down payment savings are less than 20% of the house price, your loan will need to be insured or guaranteed. There are many types of loans, insurance, guarantees and programs. A good local lender can help you pick the best option. Click the “Lender” button on the MHN website for an interactive map of MBOH lenders. Lenders review your income and credit (called underwriting) and qualify you for your loan. Depending on your income, financial assistance may be available for down payment and closing costs. Shop for a home While it’s not required to use a real estate agent to shop for a home, it is a good idea. Licensed professionals not only have access to homes on the market, but are skilled in negotiation. Many take specialized training to be designated Workforce Housing Specialists. Click the “Real Estate Professional” button on the MHN website to find agents in your area. MBOH – Mortgages made in Montana that stay in Montana MBOH offers loan options through local lenders. Our programs offer attractive interest rates and closing cost assistance for eligible buyers and veterans. MBOH also offers tax credits in the form of Mortgage Credit Certificates. Visit our booth at the show, or www.housing.mt.gov. A home of your own. Learn the process and work with trusted advisors to make it a reality! Montana Board of Housing is a state agency under the Housing Act of 1975, attached to the Department of Commerce for administrative purposes. The Board is self-supporting and does not receive appropriations from the state general fund. 57
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2012 MBIA Membership Directory Accounting
Auto Dealers
Junkermier Clark Campanella Stevens.........(406) 549-4148
Karl Tyler Chevrolet.....................................(406) 721-2438
Langel & Associates, PC..............................(406) 728-8858
Culligan Water Conditioning.........................(406) 721-1991
Cherry Creek Radio.....................................(406) 728-5000
Mountain Broadcasting................................(406) 542-1025 The Montana Radio Company......................(406) 329-1860 Town Square Media....................................(406) 728-9300 Valpak of Montana......................................(406) 251-1411 Western Rockies Radio................................(406) 541-1071
Alternative Energy/Solar Electric Palmer Electric Technology Energy Services.. (406) 543-3086 SBS Solar...................................................(406) 541-8410
Billingslea & Moran Inc................................(406) 240-6231 Brunner Homes & Construction, Inc..............(406) 396-0403 Buckley Builders.........................................(406) 728-2631 Carl Construction........................................(406) 543-3512 Charter Construction, Inc.............................(406) 542-2434 Cyrus Building, LLC......................................(406)493-0662 Creekside Construction of Montana, LLC......(406) 859-4663 Edgell Building Incorporated........................(406) 721-1826 Gaddy Construction, LLC.............................(406) 531-2073 Gary Ince Construction, Inc...........................(406)777-2472
Appliances RBM Cabinets & Lumber.............................(406) 728-3535 Direct Source MT........................................(406) 728-8099 Vann’s Audio, Video & Appliance..................(406) 541-6000
Garramone Builders, Inc..............................(406) 728-1285 Hess Homework, Inc.....................................(406)544-5208
Hoyt Homes, Inc..........................................(406) 728-5642 Huff Construction........................................(406) 543-3274
The Acoustic Vision.....................................(406) 543-0030
Hutton Fine Builders, Inc..............................(406) 273-7776
Vann’s Audio, Video & Appliance..................(406) 541-6000
J.S. Custom Homes, Inc..............................(406) 626-4479 Koemans Construction, Inc..........................(406) 726-2058
studioModera.............................................(406) 549-5529
McCue Construction, Inc.............................(406) 549-2471 McElmurry Homes, Inc................................(406) 531-1892
Asphalt Surfacing
MPH Custom Builders, Inc...........................(406) 544-1411
Knife River...................................................(406)532-5250
Mostad Construction, Inc.............................(406) 542-0200
LS Jensen Construction & Ready Mix...........(406) 728-1400
Muehlhausen Construction, Inc....................(406) 251-6000
Wild Wood Construction..............................(843) 522-0291 Three Rivers Home Builders, Inc...................(406) 626-5732 Woodhouse Construction, Inc.......................(406) 793-4087
Building Materials BMC..........................................................(406) 728-4750 Boyce Lumber & Design Center...................(406) 728-7100 Buckeye Hardwood & Lumber Co.................(406) 726-2008 Empire Building Materials............................(406) 543-4700 GAF-ELK Materials Corporation....................(406) 273-5459 Lowe’s.......................................................(406) 329-1828 Murdochs Ranch & Home Supply, LLC..........(406) 549-2355 ProBuild.....................................................(406) 542-2125 RBM Cabinets & Lumber.............................(406) 728-3535 Rocky Mountain Lumber Company...............(406) 375-2540 Superior Hardwoods& Millwork, Inc..............(406) 251-2272
Habitat For Humanity-Missoula....................(406) 549-8210
Suter Construction......................................(406) 529-5375 Tamarack Construction Company, Inc...........(406) 273-9821
Bottled Water
Independent Publishing...............................(406) 543-6609
StraightEdge Construction...........................(406) 531-7261
Cabinets Abbey Carpets of Missoula..........................(406) 721-1810 Direct Source MT.........................................(406)728-8099 RBM Cabinets & Lumber.............................(406) 728-3535 Stensrud Cabinet Company.........................(406) 543-4144
Cleaning / Debris Removal Opportunity Resources, Inc..........................(406) 239-7472
Cleaning Restoration Dayspring Restoration, Inc...........................(406) 543-6070
Riverworks, Inc...........................................(406) 728-9065
Computer Software and Services
Stensrud Homes, Inc...................................(888) 307-3410
First Call Computer Solutions.......................(406) 721-4592
Schrock Construction, Inc............................(406) 961-6808
UniVision Computers...................................(406) 721-8876
Milodragovich, Dale & Steinbrenner, PC.........(406)728-1455 Worden Thane P.C.......................................(406) 721-3400 Straight Line Construction...........................(406) 251-5855
2012 MBIA Membership Directory Concrete Baer Concrete, Inc.......................................(406) 251-7030 Deneve & Kahl Concrete, Inc........................(406) 273-2324 Knife River..................................................(406) 532-5250 LS Jensen Construction & Ready Mix...........(406) 728-1400 Whetzel Concrete Construction....................(406) 726-3316
Consulting Shelley Howard Consulting/Property Mgmt...(406) 544-3269
Construction Services
Professional Consultants Inc........................(406) 728-1880
Carpet Brokers of Missoula..........................(406) 543-3111
Territorial-Landworks, Inc............................(406) 721-0142
Loren’s Carpet One.....................................(406) 251-2700
WGM Group, Inc..........................................(406) 728-4611
Pierce Flooring and Design Center...............(406) 543-8224
Equipment & Rental Services Time Rental................................................(406) 543-7136 Titan Machinery, Inc....................................(406) 543-7782
Excavating Baer Concrete, Inc.......................................(406) 251-7030 Dig It Excavating, Inc...................................(406) 880-2643
Steve Laber Construction Services...............(406) 543-4515
Fencing Counseling Services
Grizzly Fence..............................................(406) 549-3993
Alpine Granite Accents LLC..........................(406) 375-8406 Counter Solutions, Inc..................................(406) 721-0260 Direct Source MT........................................(406) 728-8099 Garden City Granite.....................................(406) 728-2220 RBM Cabinets & Lumber.............................(406) 728-3535 Set in Stone by Cornerstone Tile & Marble....(406) 726-3278
Design/Drafting Steve Laber Construction Services...............(406) 543-4575
Liberty Electric............................................(406) 721-4177
Beaudette Consulting Engineers...................(406) 721-7315 DJ & A Consulting Eng & Survey..................(406) 721-4320
Classic Hardwood Floors.............................(406) 549-5295 Lawson Flooring, Inc...................................(406) 251-2884
Furnishings The Acoustic Vision.....................................(406) 543-0030
Community Bank - Missoula........................(406) 542-5254
Wagner’s Home Furnishings........................(406) 728-3214
Farmers State Bank....................................(406) 829-5000
Your Custom Cellar, LLC.............................(406) 360-6629\
Farmers State Bank - Victor.........................(406) 642-3431 First Interstate Bank....................................(406) 523-4244 First Security Bank......................................(406) 329-1958
Garage Doors Wayne Dalton Genie Sales Center................(406) 728-6243
Missoula Federal Credit Union......................(406) 523-3361
Geothermal Heat Pumps
Mountain West Bank...................................(406) 542-6222
Anderson Heating & AC and Plumbing..........(406) 728-8048
Rocky Mountain Lumber Company.......................................
Temp Right Service, Inc...............................(406) 728-1111
Sterling Savings Bank..................................(406) 541-6208
Glass Garden City Paint & Glass............................(406) 549-0608
US Bank.....................................................(406) 523-2354 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage........................(406) 829-3409
Fireplace & Masonry
Green Building - LEEDS IHESS, Inc...................................................(406) 543-4495
Anderson’s Masonry Hearth & Home............(406) 728-6790
Axmen.......................................................(406) 728-7020
Quality Seamless Gutters.............................(406) 728-4002
Mutual Materials.........................................(406) 549-2011
Floor Covering
Anderson’s Masonry Hearth & Home............(406) 728-6790
Abbey Carpet and Floor...............................(406) 721-1810
Garden City Florascaping, LLC.....................(406) 549-5459
Eli & Associates..........................................(406) 549-5022 Morrison-Maierle, Inc..................................(406) 542-8880
Beaver Hardwood Floors..............................(406) 251-4717
The Living Room Furniture...........................(406) 721-1340
Palmer Electric Technology Energy Services.. (406) 543-3086
Floor Finishing
Financial Services
Treasure State Bank....................................(406) 543-8700
Superior Hardwoods & Millwork, Inc.............(406) 251-2272
Montana Murphy Beds................................(406) 240-3927
District XI Human Resource Council.............(406) 728-3710
RBM Cabinets & Lumber.............................(406) 728-3535
2012 MBIA Membership Directory Mutual Materials.........................................(406) 549-2011
Territorial-Landworks, Inc............................(406) 721-0142
Paul Wilson Painting....................................(406) 544-4560
WGM Group, Inc..........................................(406) 728-4611
Premier Paints............................................(406) 541-7768
Axmen.......................................................(406) 728-7020
Design Air, Inc.............................................(406) 251-7997
Bitterroot Turf Farm.....................................(406) 961-1184
Graybeal Heating & Air Conditioning.............(406) 549-5075
Caras Nursery & Landscape, LLC.................(406) 543-3333
Temp Right Service, Inc...............................(406) 728-1111
Dirtman Sprinklers, Inc................................(406) 251-6291
Gensco, Inc.................................................(406) 543-1133
Eko Compost, Inc........................................(406) 721-1423
Hot Tubs & Saunas Bullfrog Spas of Montana............................(406) 251-1340
Garden City Florascaping, LLC.....................(406) 549-5459 Lawns of Montana......................................(406) 728-9517
Rodda Paint Co...........................................(406) 721-5800 Sherwin-Williams Paint................................(406) 543-5950
Plumbing All Seasons Plumbing & Heating, Inc............(406) 240-3065 Garden City Plumbing & Heating, Inc............(406) 728-5550 Plumbing Works, Inc....................................(406) 721-2447 Temp Right Service, Inc...............................(406) 728-1111
Potter-Frame Enterprises.............................(406) 327-0509
Plumbing Fixtures
TruGreen....................................................(406) 829-8784
Mountain Supply Company..........................(406) 543-8255
Doubletree Hotel.........................................(406) 728-3100
Valley Landscape........................................(406) 721-7107
Holiday Inn Downtown at the Park................(406) 721-8550
Insulation Jack Riska Insulation...................................(406) 549-1303 Lynch Insulation, Inc....................................(406) 728-6785 Truco Systems, Inc......................................(406) 961-4990 MacArthur Company...................................(406) 327-9250
Lighting Western Montana Lighting...........................(406) 543-7166
Farm Bureau Financial Services...................(406) 728-6811 Payne Financial Group.................................(406) 728-2910 Western States Insurance............................(406) 721-1000
Interior Designers Dara’s Home Design...................................(406) 726-7776 Sue B Design..............................................(406) 239-8701
Internet Services Blackfoot Telecommunications Group...........(406) 541-5181
AlphaGraphics Missoula..............................(406) 728-4810
Property Management
Masonry Contractor
Caras Management Company......................(406) 543-9798
Arledge Masonry, Inc...................................(406) 543-8998
Missoula Property Management...................(406) 251-8500
C.T.H., Inc. Masonry & Remodeling..............(406) 240-6968
Professional Property Management, Inc........(406) 721-8990
The Masonry Center....................................(406) 721-6696
Mold & Meth Clean-up IHESS, Inc...................................................(406) 543-4495
Radiant Heating Montana Radiant.........................................(406) 239-7193
Real Estate
B & E Corp..................................................(406) 728-9410
College of Technology..................................(406) 243-7608
Lambros Real Estate, ERA...................................................
Northwest Collectors....................................(406 541-3993
Laura Walker.........................................(406) 532-9361
Missoula Area Chamber of Commerce..........(406) 543-6623
Lambros Real Estate, ERA...................................................
Painters/Paint Supplies Columbia Paint...........................................(406) 549-6111 Full Spectrum Painting, Inc..........................(406) 251-3583
Land & Resource Consulting
Garden City Paint & Glass............................(406) 549-0608
pLAND Land Use Consulting........................(406) 214-7475
Northwest Factory Finishes, Inc....................(406) 721-3217
Bruno Friia..............................................(406) 532-9200 Prudential Montana Real Estate........................................... Shelley Bundy........................................(406) 329-2068 Prudential Montana Real Estate........................................... Dan Ermantinger.....................................(406) 721-4141
2012 MBIA Membership Directory Prudential Montana Real Estate........................................... Donna Hamilton......................................(406) 329-2046 Prudential Montana Real Estate...........................................
Security Systems Blackfoot Telecommunications Group...........(406) 541-5181 Interstate Alarm Company Inc......................(406) 728-4546
Rhonda Hunt..........................................(406) 329-2019 Windermere Real Estate...................................................... Diane Beck.............................................(406) 541-6550 Windermere Real Estate...................................................... Jeremy Williams......................................(406) 541-6550
Real Estate Development Montana Northwest Company......................(406) 721-4033
Siding ABC Seamless of Montana..........................(406) 721-2649 D & N Siding & Windows.............................(406) 961-4293 Epic Steel Corp...........................................(406) 542-1711
Signs Sign Pro.....................................................(406) 721-9359
Title Services, Inc........................................(406) 728-8404 Western Title & Escrow................................(406) 728-0990
Truss Manufacturers BMC..........................................................(406) 728-4750
Utilities NorthWestern Energy..................................(406) 542-5953
Waste Housing Allied Waste Services..................................(406) 543-3157
Mostad Construction, Inc.............................(406) 542-0200
Specialty Contractors
Sweet Pea, Inc............................................(406) 728-3533
Twite Family Partnership..............................(406) 240-2581
Stitches Embroidery & Screenprinting...........(406) 549-2632
Water Conditioning
Staffing Service
Culligan Water Conditioning.........................(406) 721-1991
Water’s Edge Properties, LLP.......................(406) 549-1679
Remodeling Contractors
Express Employment Professionals..............(406) 542-0323
Castlerock Construction, Inc.........................(406) 360-8824
LC Staffing.................................................(406) 542-3377
Windows & Doors
Stone Fabrication
D & N Siding & Windows.............................(406) 961-4293
Edgell Building & Development, Inc..............(406) 721-1826 Garramone Builders, Inc..............................(406) 728-1285
Alpine Granite Accents LLC..........................(406) 375-8406 Hoyt Homes, Inc..........................................(406) 728-5642 Big Sky Granite...........................................(406) 251-8474 Huff Construction........................................(406) 543-3274 Garden City Granite, Inc...............................(406) 728-2220 Mostad Construction, Inc.............................(406) 542-0200 Suter Construction......................................(406) 529-5375
Structural Insulated Panels Big Sky Insulations, Inc................................(406) 388-4146
Epic Steel Corp...........................................(406) 542-1711
Dave Taylor Roofing.....................................(406) 728-3707
Montana Northwest Company......................(406) 721-4033
Independent Roofing, LLC............................(406) 396-6077
Morrison-Maierle, Inc..................................(406) 542-8880
Summit Roofing, Inc....................................(406) 829-9100 Truco Systems, Inc......................................(406) 961-4990
Roofing Wholesale MacArthur Company...................................(406) 327-9250 R & S Supply..............................................(406) 549-5050
Stewart Title of Missoula County..................(406) 728-1500
Telephone Sales & Service Blackfoot Telecommunications Group...........(406) 541-5181
Title & Escrow First American Title Company of MT, Inc.......(406) 829-2540 Insured Titles, Inc........................................(406) 728-7900
Kinetico Quality Water Systems....................(406) 363-1782
Integrity Window & Door..............................(406) 541-0899 Pella Window Store.....................................(406) 542-3840 Sierra Pacific Windows................................(406) 728-6142
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building Safe Neighborhoods by Dave Martin.
I recently asked my new neighbors why they moved to Montana and they immediately gave me a whole litany of reasons including the fresh air, the economy, the gracious people and very close to the top of the list was “Safety”. As VP of Product Management and CTO of a local Technology/Phone/Security company I was curious about their perception of safety in our wonderful community. After posing a few questions and listening to their comments what struck me most is that they, like so many of us, perceive Montana as a safe place because of the image of our western culture. As Montanans we love to hunt fish and enjoy the many abundant outdoor activities that our great state has to offer and we do it with pride and great gusto. I like the idea that Montanans are seen as proud, strong, self sufficient citizens but as we approach the inevitable one million people mark I have to stop and ask….. How we will be changed? In the business technology world, we must embrace change quickly to succeed so I tend to adapt that same philosophy in my personal life. Yes, security systems are now an affordable option but they are not the catch-all for home safety and personal security. When our company began selling security systems last year I used it as an opportunity to reach out to my grown children and after a great discussion I came away with a simple check list shared below. I encourage everyone to use this list as a starting point for a family conversation about making a home safety and security plan even if you think you will never use it!
• • • • •
Know your neighbors. They are your eyes and ears when you are not home Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t seem “right” that odd car in the neighborhood an opened gate etc, check it out or report it. Lock your doors and your car doors. Just make it a daily/nightly habit. Don’t make it easy for potential thieves. Be responsible when you leave for vacation. Notify the newspaper delivery folks and others that you will be gone. Re-visit your “Fire exit” plan; will it work for any other disaster such as a neighborhood evacuation?
New G
Murphy Beds
HOW DID YOU THINK OF THAT!!! “A er three years of marke ng, designing, building Montana Murphy Beds the most asked ques on I hear is – HOW DID YOU THINK OF MURPHY BEDS?” Pam Schultze moved to Missoula in 1984 from Baker, Montana. A small oil and farming town in southeastern Montana. She was 26 years old, just divorced with two children. Using her small town skills she was hired by the Bon Marche’ as a seamstress. A er all anyone from a small town knows how to sew, right? Within a year Pam was working in the visual merchandising department helping with interior displays of the store and window design.
Endless Possibilities! Did you know your guest room is only used two weeks out of the year?
M ontana M urphy B eds Pam Schultze
Owner & Designer (406)240-3927 www.pamschultze.com www.montanamurphybeds.com
Within another year Pam was promoted to Visual Merchandising manager. It seemed funny at the me because she didn’t even know Visual Merchandising was a profession. Her small home town didn’t even have a department store. She worked at the Bon for 10 years crea ng ever more complex and interes ng displays, merchandising props and store remodels. She remarried and decided to move on to another chapter. Deciding to stay at home for a while would be a great idea except for the boredom that set in. Pam wanted to find a new opportunity and s ll be home with her family. She read a small ar cle in an architectural magazine about Faux Finishing. WOW! once again. “I didn’t know that was a profession”. With her varied and vast experience doing window display, interior design and remodeling for the Bon Marche’ she exclaimed “I know how to do that!”. So on to another adventure and career. With hard work, hard knocks and lots of determina on she created a successful Faux Finishing business that is s ll thriving today. Now, are you wondering what all of this has to do with Murphy Beds? Well, Pam got a contract for distressing and refinishing cabinets for a small western Montana cabin. It was a mere 16,000, (sixteen thousand) square foot (not a typo) cabin and ended up being a nice two year project. Pam and her crew realized how nice the work was not being on ladders most of the day. She started thinking about the changing market and down sizing of homes and decided to ask one of the cabinet builders to build a Murphy Bed for her and see what it would entail. Pam and her crew were so excited about the concept that Pam began going to trade shows. With lots of adver sing, demonstra ng at trade shows, mee ng with contractors and listening to clients, people began to understand the space saving and u lity of Murphy Beds. As with all of her beginnings, it took a couple of years to work out the kinks and make it a viable business. MONTANA MURPHY BEDS is now a full service business. Pam is s ll the main designer. She will come to your home or building, measure and send you a professional plan for your space. Once a design is approved, it moves into the Montana Murphy Bed wood shop, then to the Montana Murphy Bed paint shop. Her crew then installs the finished beds and cabinets. The process is very professional from start to finish. For informa on and discussion of your next project and plan call Pam at 406-240-3927. Log on to her web site www.MontanaMurphyBeds.com or Visit her show room at 2301 Palmer suite#1.
2012 Parade Advertiser Index Accoustic Vision........................................................... 37 Allied Waste ................................................................ 22 Alpine Granite Accents................................................. 41 Andersons Masonry Hearth & Home........................ 26, 27 BMC........................................................................... 68 Boyce Lumber............................................................. 52 Brunner Homes & Construction..................................... 29 Buckeye Hardwood & Lumber Co.................................. 49 Buckley Builders.......................................................... 52 Busy Hands................................................................. 52 Centennial Timer Frames.............................................. 22 Comfort Systems USA.................................................. 16 Community Bank........................................................... 2 Culligan Water............................................................. 28 Direct Source............................................................... 37 Dreamsleep................................................................. 36 Edgell Building Inc.................................................. 14, 15 First Interstate Bank..................................................... 25 First Security Bank....................................................... 67 Garden City Florascaping.............................................. 31 Garden City Granite...................................................... 44 Hoyt Homes Inc............................................................ 31 Interstate Alarm........................................................... 44 Jeri Fisher Real Estate.................................................. 19 Karl Tyler Chevrolet........................................................ 3 Kinetico....................................................................... 47 Linleys........................................................................ 22 Loren’s Carpet One...................................................... 13 McElmurry Homes Inc.................................................. 41 Milodragovich Dale Steinbrenner PC.............................. 49 Missoula Federal Credit Union....................................... 53 Montana Board of Housing........................................... 52
Montana Murphy Beds................................................. 65 Morrison-Maierle Inc.................................................... 31 Mostad Construction.................................................... 24 Mountain FM............................................................... 63 Mountain Supply.......................................................... 58 Mountain West Bank.................................................... 47 Muelhausen Homes..................................................... 40 Northwestern Energy...................................................... 8 Payne Financial Group Inc............................................ 41 Pella Windows & Glass................................................. 17 ProBuild...................................................................... 47 Prudential Real Estate.................................................... 9 Rocky Mountain Bank................................................... 54 Sierra Pacific Windows................................................. 37 Superior Hardwoods & Millwork.................................... 39 Sweet Pea................................................................... 23 The Living Room.......................................................... 17 Time Rental................................................................. 16 Treasure State Bank..................................................... 52 TruGreen..................................................................... 28 Univision..................................................................... 16 Vann’s......................................................................... 55 Wells Fargo................................................................. 44 Western Montana Lighting............................................ 36
This publication is published by the Missoula Building Industry Association and Gateway Printing for the benefit of the MBIA membership and Parade of Homes & Remodeling Tour attendees. All editorial content has been written by the MBIA or the National Association of Home Builders unless otherwise noted. Printing by AlphaGraphics Missoula 1947 South Avenue West, Missoula, MT 59801 (406) 728-4810 Fax: (406) 728-4911 www.alphagraphicsmissoula.com 66
All items in this publication are property of MBIA 1840 South Ave. West, Missoula,MT 59801 (406) 543-4423 Fax: (406) 721-5076 www.buildmissoula.com
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