REUNION TOUR REVIEW Your guide to Lincoln for under a tenner
Editor’s note Welcome to the second issue of Bullet Magazine!
Forcing myself out of bed and having that cold air slap me in the face on the way to my lectures in the morning is a beautiful reminder that winter is well and truly on its way. Take a look at our fashion section as Rhian Mason will help you with your autumn/winter wardrobe!
James White is still on a high after his adventure to I hope all our new students see Blink 182, (jealous… have settled into University me?...nah…never!) Check out the music section life and are still having a for his review on how ball. Returning students, “absolutely amazing” it I presume you’re all was! studying hard, revising in the library, or working on Sara Ratcliffe has been that dissertation….yes!? doing some top reviews Yeah right! Me too! on the latest popular entertainment. If any of you have had the dreaded cold that has been flying around University, I feel your pain. I have been spending my Wednesday nights in bed drinking ridiculous amounts of Lemsip and Beechams remedies whilst feeling sorry for myself (just because no one else will!) rather than bopping around the Engine shed! *cries* Darren Moss is offering a helping hand and advising you guys on the old fresher’s flu and how you can beat it. If some of you are finding University life slightly stressful, and believe me when I say you’re not the only one, then we also have a fantastic article on how to deal with it and who to talk too.
Finally, I’d like to say a HUGE thank you to those who came to our launch party. It was great to meet and get to know you; I look forward to seeing more of you in the near future! Remember if you want to get involved or fancy a quick chat and coffee then drop us an email! – bulletmagazine@lincoln. Anyway my friends, I must dash, I hope you enjoy the issue and don’t forget to check out our website – It is now time for my third batch of Lemsip! *sneezes* Until next time....
Kayleigh }
How to beat stress at uni
Having a job at uni
Having a healthy life at uni
Top 10 Things to do in Lincoln for under a tenner!
Trick or Treat
New to Lincoln
What’s on this month
Single in Cathedral city
Editor - Kayleigh Taylor Deputy Editor - Alice Tomkinson Design Editor - Jake Townsend News Editor - Lauren Lewis Features Editor - Darren Moss Deputy Features Editor - Amy Hunter Entertainment Editor - Sara Ratcliffe Fashion Editor - Rhian Mason Music Editor - James White Sport Editor - Lee Wilson
Adverts printed in this magazine do not constitute a reccomendation by bullet magazine, Lincoln Students Union or the University of Lincoln. All details are correct at the time of print.
University of Lincoln Students Union, The Media Centre Brayford Pool, Lincoln, LN6 7TS Phone: 01522 88 6397 search: Bullet magazine
RISEHOLME BAR FACES CLOSURE The University of Lincoln Students’ Union has been in talks with the University’s Commercial services management team to ensure the Riseholme Campus social space, the R-Lounge isn’t closed.
outcome of the summer long descusions have managed to get the University to secure an additional £5k to keep the bar open on a full time basis during semester A.
“ This is really only a small success , with a bigger It was announced in battle to win. The SU will be September the University ensuring that the University would be closing the bar follow up with their promise apart from being open two and consult with students at days a week, along with Riseholme to find out what hosting one event a semester. they want to do with the The University founded their R-Lounge, when to have it decision to limit the bars open and how they would like opening hours on a £27k loss, to see it developed this year.” to keep the bar open full time and running low key events Any students with feedback for the Riseholme students. and comments on the R-Lounge should email SU SU President Chris Charnley President, Chris Charnley and VP Welfare & Liaison Steven Greaves have been e: in long discussions with Search ‘Ulsu Prez’ the University since the announcement was made during the summer. Chris Charnley explains that “ To close down what is such a vital and only social space for Riseholme students would have a massive negative impact on their student experience, and clearly unacceptable. It’s important for all students to have a relaxing and friendly environment”. The Students’ Union have announced this week that an 4 issue 2
Britain’s top selling daily newspaper The Sun, has turned its back on the Labour party and will be supporting the Conservative party in the next election. The Sun has supported Labour for over a decade, but announced the change with the headline ‘Labour’s Lost It’ hours after Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s speech at the annual Labour conference. The first video advert in a magazine has been published in the American Magazine ‘Entertainment Weekly’. The small screen comes in a cardboard insert with built in speakers ad rechargeable batteries. Adverts for Pepsi Max and the US TV channel CBS are shown on the device, which can hold up to 40 minutes of video. JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, was denied a prestigious US honour- The Presidential Medal of Freedombecause members of the White House under George W Bush’s power believed her books promoted Witchcraft. The Guinness book of World records 2010 has announced the world’s tallest man. Sultan Kosen from Turkey measures 8ft 1”, the average sized man would only reach to his elbow.
For more news check out
rned nd vative Sun a ange st It’ don
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ft 1”, only
It’s your university, have your say! Room MB10 10
main academic building (first floor atrium)
The first meeting will take place on
29th October @ 4:30pm SU President Chris Charnley e: w:
sponsored by FREE PIZZA
et’s face facts. Being a student means being stressed for a lot of the time. The continuing and unrelenting pressure to perform, coupled with assignment deadlines, revision deadlines, assessment deadlines, essentially deadlines and things to remember being thrown at you 24 hours a day, means that chances are you’re going to be pretty stressed. How do you deal with it? How do you cope with the pressure? Well, this month, I’ve been trying to find out. You might think that heading out on the town, with the express intention to not remember anything from the previous 24 hours would be a good way to deal with stress, and that’s the option that most students tend to go for. But I think that there may be more to it than that. Downing industrial amounts of booze might well be a good way to drown the sorrows, but is it the only way? Believe it or not, there are literally thousands of website out there, all dedicated to helping you relax. Looking through them there are some methods that are repeated over and over again, the ones that truly work. Now I’m not saying that following these tips will help you to get rid of stress completely, but they should help. 1.Get Some Sleep! – Your bed is your haven. Most students spend an inordinate amount of time in bed, but really it is the best way to stop feeling stressed. As soon as your head hits the pillow you should feel as though the problems of the day have been lifted from your shoulders, and when you wake up you can start anew. Imagine it as if before you go to bed, you write all of your problems down on a blackboard. And then, whilst you sleep, somebody wipes it clean. So you can start the next day feeling fresh. 2.Get A To-Do List! – If you already know what you want 6 issue 2
to get done in a day, then you’re less likely to forget anything. Forgetfulness is one of the leading causes of stress, so make sure you write down what you want to get done that day, and then you won’t forget!
3.Laugh! – Laughing makes you feel good, right? So do it more often! One of the best ways to relax is to watch a comedy programme or film on Tv, or go out and see any of the comedians coming to Lincoln this year. Just being positive about life is a great way to reduce stress. 4.Reward Yourself! – Recognise your achievements and reward yourself for them! If you do well on an assignment, rather than just shrugging it off and looking towards the next one, take some time to reward yourself, and congratulate yourself for your achievements. 5.Exercise! – Believe it or not, the best way to reduce stress is to do exercise. It stimulates both the body and the mind, and provides you with a way to forget about any problems. Focusing on a task such as exercise is by far the best way to reduce stress. Now some of you might argue that stress is a good thing in life. You might be one of those people who perform better under stress, and you have a point. Lots of us find we work better under pressure. I’ve produced some of my best work literally hours before a deadline, and that’s fine, a small amount of stress is good for us, it keeps us focused. But what we don’t need is stress 24/7. So we need to find ways of switching the stress switch off when we need to relax. The tips on this page should help you do that. They are proven ways to help you relax, and offer a refreshing alternative to beating up your liver on a daily basis. So remember these tips, and remember what Frankie says. Relax!
If you would like to talk to someone then you can go to Student Services and speak to the University counsellors.
Having a Job At Uni places will now be taking on ow that most of you have students, and they also know settled back into Uni life, that these students have to our thoughts are bound to split themselves between a turn to money. Many of you degree and a job. They allow might be thinking that one you to work at weekends, way to ensure you won’t be because they know that most reaching for your overdraft students will be able to be anytime soon will be to get more flexible over periods a part time job. Certainly, such as Christmas or the the many bars and clubs summer break.” of Lincoln are havens for students in need of some extra But what about those students cash. But is it really worth it? who may have to work during How can you manage having the week as well? Since most both a job, a hectic social life, of the student population can and studying for a degree be found in bars and clubs all at the same time? To find week long, these businesses out, I’ve been speaking to Tom Farmery, a second year Journalism student who’s managed to balance both his time, and his bank account.
“The way I manage my time, between having a job and being at university is quite simple really. It’s all about time organisation. If you can manage your time efficiently, then there’s no reason why you can’t have a job as well as study,” He says. When coming to Uni, Tom found himself in the same position that many students are in now. Settled in to uni life, but suddenly desperately short of cash. That’s when he started working for the Lincolnshire Cooperative, on a strictly weekend-only basis “most
one. But be realistic. You can’t work 24 hours a day all the week long, and make that clear from the outset. Employers will appreciate honesty and overall flexibility, as opposed to someone who cannot be relied upon. Thanks to the new Students’ Union Job Shop, students at Lincoln will find it easier than ever before to find a job whilst studying at uni. The Job Shop offers a one-stop system for finding employment, and even offers advice on contacting
“It’s all about time organisation”
cannot afford to take students on a weekend only basis. Tom admits having to work during the week at several points last year, but maintains that this is doable if you are able to manage what little free time you’ll have left effectively. From speaking to several students who’ve managed to hold down a job in Lincoln, one piece of advice seems to be given most often. That is that if you want a job, if you want some extra money to offset the student loan for a while, then by all means get
potential employers, such as how to spruce up your CV, and using covering letters to sell yourself to the business. Lots of students will be looking for work in the run up to Christmas, so now is the time to start looking. But watch out, with so many students looking for employment, vacancies are going to fill up fast.
7 issue 2
Having a healthy li Students in general are not a healthy cohort of society, we drink too much, we may smoke, we stay up late and we barely do any exercise that we can’t avoid. We are prone to a variety of our own special ailments, the dreaded fresher’s flu which is no doubt sweeping its way through Lincoln’s undergraduates being a prime example. But we needn’t be the stereotype. Basic exercise, good diet, and just maintaining a decent routine for eating and sleeping alongside the nights out can do wonders for our health with virtually no cost. This article will show you how to avoid and beat our nasty virus and offer some great tips for all students on keeping healthy and getting the most out of the university experience without completely destroying your body in the process...I speak from experience in that regard!
Heavy drinking, late nights and the stresses of coping with an entirely new lifestyle and environment put great demands on the body
Avoiding and beating Freshers flu One of the most important first experiences of university life is that of being struck down in your prime by the legendary fresher’s flu. Fresher’s flu for the uninitiated may sound like an urban myth but for those of us who have had it, the reality is far less kind. Fresher’s week is the time for new experiences, meeting new people and having fun in the first taste of freedom from parents. In the excitement of the first weeks however there is a moderate amount of danger to your health, usually arriving just in time for lectures, fresher’s flu is just waiting to strike those who are unprepared and for those who are unaware this article might just save you!
8 issue 2
What is Freshers Flu? The annual migration of thousands of students from around the country and indeed the world brings with it an influx and concentration of alien germs from many different sources. It’s inevitable with such migration that illness’s we may not be immune to are carried along for the ride and it’s in these germs that the source of Fresher’s flu lies. Flu is a viral infection caused by the influenza virus; this virus is easily transferable by breathing in infected liquid from those who cough it out. Most of us have had flu at some point in our lives, whether it is the seasonal bout, or indeed fresher’s flu previously, the symptoms are therefore common knowledge. Fresher’s flu may not actually be Influenza however the symptoms are similar to seasonal flu and include fever (a high body temperature of 38°C/100.4°F or over), fatigue, aching, severe headache, coughing sore throat. A runny nose, nausea, vomiting are also possible in bad cases of fresher’s flu. The other major cause of fresher flu is fresher’s week itself, and its degrading effects on the body and immune systems. Heavy drinking, late nights and the stresses of coping with an entirely new lifestyle and environment put great demands on the body. This can leave you vulnerable to illness and in conjunction with the above fresher’s flu is the result. There is no ready cure for Flu, like the cold it’s just something we have to live with, Fresher’s flu is no different, if you get it, you are going to be out for several days and there is no quick fix. The advice here will help ride out the discomfort and get you back to health as quickly as possible. As someone who has already caught and survived fresher’s flu this season, I wish everyone the best of luck in coping with the worst that fresher’s flu can throw at our new arrivals.
y life at Uni
Words by Robert Richardson
Top Tips for a healthy uni life:
Fresher’s Flu Super Tip:
EAT WELL, DRINK WELL. During fresher’s week and the first few months of uni your body will be put through its paces and it is essential that you eat well, try and get plenty of fruit and veg; as well as eating a solid meal per day. Another more important task is to drink plenty of water, as your body will need it to cope with fighting off flu, greater alcohol consumption than usual as well as all the other activities dehydrating your body over this period.
STOCK UP on the essentials needed to cope with fresher’s flu, over the counter flu remedies, paracetamol, the odd can of chicken soup. Once it hits you will not want to leave the room.
SLEEP is extremely important, don’t miss anything important like deadlines t or lectures, but equally don’t spend the year on a caffeine diet. Get some sleep and you will feel better, it will allow you body to recover. KEEP CLEAN. We all know during fresher’s week the cleaning standards will inevitably plummet but it’s essential to keep things clean. This will help stop the spread of flu germs and also save you time in coping with the post fresher’s mess during your first weeks of university. NIGHT OUT/NIGHT OFF Having a night off alcohol in fresher’s week can save you, as a recent victim of it, the night off in fresher’s was the cure and allows your body to recover from the great binge that is fresher’s week. DOCTOR Familiarise yourself with the campus doctors surgery and register as soon as possible so that if things do take a turn for the worse you have someone local to contact and invest in making sure you have someone to take care of you and is capable of getting you the essential supplies for riding out your unfortunate circumstances.
Students drink, its our defining feature
Keeping fit and healthy in your first few weeks and indeed the whole year can be a demanding task above everything else being thrust on you at this time. The university has great sports and gym facilities available to help you stay active. Even for those who are not sporty and I certainly count myself in that faction keeping fit and healthy can be done without going to the extremes. Staying fit and healthy can be done with very simple things, you don’t need a treadmill if you walk to and from uni and wander round the city all day, it is still exercise that will help. Sit ups, press ups, going up and down stairs instead of taking the lift, they are basic and free but will keep you healthy and may even shed a few pounds. Dancing on a night out can be healthy because dancing is a great form of exercise for the whole body; who knew that all those fresher’s parties may do some good in the long run, there really is an enjoyable workout. Students Drink, it’s our defining feature beyond our academic studies. Drinking is essential to university life, any excuse for a drink will be taken up and going out 5 nights a week as a warm-up for a heavy weekend can become routine, your body will hate you and your studies sidelined by hangovers and shots. Drinking is essential and I am the least qualified person to say don’t drink your loan away. But there is moderation even in the student lifestyle. If you’re going out 5 nights a week, cut it down, your body and bank balance will never be able to cope and it will fizzle out. Decide what nights out you don’t want to go to, set aside a couple of nights a week that you definitely won’t go out, you can catch up on work, watch TV, sleep, eat, and it will allow you to settle down a bit, which is important. Lincoln and uni life is drinking orientated but don’t make it your entire life, enjoy yourself but keep some perspective, your here for a reason and that is to study, don’t drink to avoid that reality, you have far too much to lose.
9 issue 2
TOP 10
to do in
ln Linco for under a tenner!
Words by Amy Hunter
Standard student spending usually includes countless messy nights, shopping for food and paying rent. So it’s not surprising when that once attractive loan starts to turn ugly as it descends into the midst of debt hell. Don’t let that stop you from having fun though! Make a change to your evenings and give some of these affordable activities a go.
10 issue 2
#1 Playzone
Every Tuesday is student night where you can spend the evening acting like a big kid! It’s built for adult play too, with some really steep drops and amazing giant ball pools. It’s located right next to the Lincoln City FC stadium. Time: 7:30pm to 21:00
#2 Rileys
Rileys offers American Pool, English Pool and snooker. A one off £5 payment would allow you to have access to any Rileys’ club and includes regular special offers at the bar and on table play. There is a Rileys on both Silver Street and Crofton Road. Monday – Friday 12:00 to 00:00 Saturday – Sunday 10:00 to 00:00
#3 Swimming
Fancy a dip? Yarborough Leisure Centre isn’t too far, but it’s worth getting a taxi there first if you’re not sure where it is. For those feeling extra active there’s swim-fit for £2.60. It’s on Riseholme Road and a taxi ride shouldn’t cost any more than £4, which is nothing if you split it with some friends! Time: See the timetable found on the website for the range of times and opening hours.
#4 Ghost Walk
It’s something different to try and it might actually be scary. Meeting at 7pm every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, Guided tours takes you around historic Lincoln in an attempt to give you the chills! Time: 19:00 to 20.15
#5 Brayford Belle Boat Trips £6 Try something different and take a trip with the Brayford Belle Boat. It goes by a pub, so next time you could take a walk and reward yourself with a pint! The boat leaves just outside the Odeon cinema. Time: 11:00, 12:15, 13:30, 14:45 and 15:45.
#6 Pub Quiz
Test what brain cells you have left and take a trip to the Tower Bars pub quiz! Taking place every Monday with a variety of set questions and plenty of alcohol and snacks at the bar it makes for a perfect student setting. The Tower Bars. Time: 20:00
#7 Cream Tea
various offers
Recover from a heavy night with one of Lincoln’s tastiest traditions. Not many universities can say they offer first class traditional cream teas in a proper rural environment. There are plenty of tea rooms to choose from up the hill, all offering this yummy treat for under a tenner.
#8 Superbowl
You and your mates can bowl two games for as little as £6, grabbing a bite to eat and having a drink while you’re there perhaps. The website offers more prices, all for less than ten pounds. Superbowl is on Valentine Road, which is about a 25 minute walk from the university. Time: 7 days a week from 10:00 until late.
#9 You’re ‘avin a Giraffe
Have a great evening at this comedy night held every Tuesday. Russell Howard has graced the stage, but it’s great for up and coming talent too, which can be just as funny if not more. It’s at the Engine Shed. Time: 19:00 doors open 20:30 start.
#10 Lincolnshire Life museum free Get a bit of Lincolnshire culture running through your veins and learn about the county you live in! You can try on Victorian style school clothes too which is a good giggle. It’s on Burton Road, up Steep Hill. and search for Lincolnshire Life Museum Time: 10:00 to 16:00
11 issue 2
fashion happenings The winter 09
Fashion Culture Calendar
NEWS FLASH Fearne Cotton unveils new line for Available now, Fearne’s line is refreshingly original and quirky; we were pleasantly surprised with the looks. There is a real feel of 60’s glamour and the usual Fearne Cotton rockability factor!
National Portrait Gallery London: TWIGGY: A LIFE IN PHOTOGRAPHS From 19 September 2009 - 24 March 2010 A new display at the National Portrait Gallery will celebrate Twiggy’s 60th birthday As one of the world’s first supermodels, Twiggy has worked with many of the world’s leading photographers and this exhibition will showcase a selection of the most iconic and important portraits that have secured her placing as one of our true fashion icons.
Somerset House: SHOWstudio: Fashion Revolution, 17 September-20 December 2009 SHOWstudio: Fashion Revolution is running along London fashion week and is a celebration of the events 25 years. It is based around the themes of ‘Process’, ‘Performance’ and ‘Participation’, and showcases over twenty projects from SHOWstudio’s archives alongside unique new films, artworks and live fashion shoots and events specifically devised for this groundbreaking and fashion forward exhibition.
Zara Gets Online: Finally, our favourite retailer has decided to become part of the online fashion directory. You won’t find looks that capture the catwalk trends as good anywhere else...look out for the online shop soon! BBC to show fashion drama Material Girl: Loosely based on Imogen Edwards-Jones’s bestselling book ‘Fashion Babylon’, Material Girl hopes to give you an insight into the inner workings of the fashion industry, with fantastic actress Lenora Crichlow (Being Human, Sugar Rush) taking the lead role as a budding fashion designer. Look out for it this autumn! H&M see Jimmy Choo launch in store November: Fashionlovers get very excited...Jimmy Choo is launching a range of shoes bags and accessories exclusively for H&M on November 14. You will find the fabulous designs at a fraction of the usual designer price tag “The Jimmy Choo collection for H&M is full of the perfect party pieces to buy now and then wear that night!” says Tamara Mellon, Jimmy Choo founder and president.
NOT SO HAPPENING Kate Moss: The Exhibition So I was going to excitedly tell you that this November you can take a trip to Paris and enjoy the life of our most glamorous fashion face Kate Moss in pictures for her very own dedicated exhibition, but progress has been delayed due to lack of funding just recently, so fingers crossed that the project gets off the ground for late winter or early next year! 12 issue 2
Intoeathr treendwforildA/W 09 Mensw
tartan This trend of the season calls for layering knits to nky chu and roy checks and flannel with coru best. its at e natr of ent inisc rem is that create a look
Trend Rep
ort: Menswear trends for Autumn Winter 2009 vary considerably this year; there is scop e to jump decades effortlessly, dres s ultra smart or lounge around in casu al gear, while still looking very fash ion forward! There are the classic silho uettes of Italian tailoring, such as blazers cropped pleated trousers and loafer style shoes, juxtaposed against the rugged natural look of the wild erness trend that is full of autumna l shades. And let’s not forget the retro 80’s accents in fashion, which are still very much a trend in menswear, with bold graphic prints and over sized cardigans and jumpers still reign ing supreme. (Images: Campaign shots Topman A/W09, Navy knit cardigan £45 Burton, Flannel check shirt £30 Burton, Fur trim hat £12, Beige jumper £40 Burton, Green coat £, Worker boot £64.99 River Island, Crinkle scarf £15 John Rocha Debenhams, Corduroy jeans £28 Burton.)
style sightings We trawled Lincoln’s Affordable Vintage Fair to find you the most stylish ensembles, which take influence from upcoming winter trends. Here we pick out the key pieces and trends from each inspiring look...
patterned legs
check and flannel jersey blazers
chunky gold
statement headwear sequins and sparkle
bold pattern skirts
Product Images: Gold cube necklace£20 Wallis, Patterned Leggings £35 French Connection, Jersey Blazer rarefashion., Vintage sequin dress £18 Beyond Retro, Flower headband £6 Accessorize, Bold pattern skirt £65, Check long tunic £28
14 issue 2
FASHION’S DIRTY SECRETS in The world of fashion is a topic that is widely talked about and criticized daily rious the press, but how much do we actually know of the illusive and often myste ? doors industry, and what really happens behind closed Just last month London celebrated its 25th year of London Fashion Week. Many argued it was the best yet, with many A-list attendees and huge successes for new and upcoming designers. The event found itself at the forefront of the fashion world; but yet again the celebrations were overshadowed by controversy. When designer Mark Fast decided to use size 12 and 14 models for his catwalk show both his creative designer and stylist walked out days before the show. Due to the ‘creative differences’ felt by his team, fast’s show was left in near jeopardy. However, the models were very much embraced at the event and Fast’s show was a remarkable success, and would have been, with or without the media interest it is now receiving. It seems that just when you feel that the fashion industry is taking steps to combat these unrealistic representations, it takes two steps back.
speculation, Tatiana revealed herself as New Zealand model Jenna Sauers, and in an astonishing essay, she revealed why she is done with fashion. There are stories of agencies turning a blind eye to sexual harassment and fees that meant young models are left scared, alone and severely under paid in foreign surroundings. Indeed the seedy and dangerous world of fashion has become rampant, as the arrest of one of Hollywood’s top designers, Anand Jon Alexander proves. He was recently sentenced to 59 years in prison for sex offences; with accusations that he lured aspiring models as young as 14 to his home for photo shoots and there, sexually assaulted them. One of the most explosive insights into the fashion industry came earlier this year. Sara Ziff is a successful model that has been the face of many fashion houses, from Tommy Hilfiger to Stella McCartney. Having experienced the world of modeling from the age of 14, Ziff has become a ‘whistleblower’ for the industry. With help of her boyfriend, Ziff compiled over five years of footage of her life as a model; from backstage at shows, personal video diary’s, to oneon-one model interviews. Her finished piece was startling. The seedy and often unimaginable stories that occurred in her footage portrayed a seemingly predatory and uncensored industry that did nothing to stop sexual assault, underage promiscuity, weight obsession and the belittling realization that the models themselves are simply disposable objects to be used and sooner or later, discarded.
“agencies turning a blindt” eye to sexual harassmen No-one can argue that fashion is a form of escapism; the extravagant shoots that fill the pages of our fashion magazines are meant to be taken as inspiration, or simply to convey a vision and idea of a concept or trend. However, the fashion industry is often scrutinized for setting unrealistic images as the norm, to emulate and aspire to. The waif-like clothes horses that scatter our glossies and trounce the catwalk, are very much the ‘public’ aspect within the business of fashion; yet it’s the designers themselves who run the inner workings and decide what we digest and consider acceptable.
Where there is an obsessive interest with fashion across the media, especially regarding weight issues and body image, we realize this is just the tip of the iceberg; and the latest worrying and shocking In recent months there have been a truths that have recently emerged have number of shocking insights of an industry shown us that one of the worlds most that has kept itself mostly hidden so far. powerful industry’s is far from the glamour There is a knowing acceptance of eating and opulence it would like us to believe... disorders for models within in the industry, and weight is an ongoing fixation. However If you want to have your say on this story, the industry’s darkest secrets are far more then why not get in touch with me on the disturbing. fashion blog at “Tatiana” was a highly successful model who, under her pseudonym would write about her experiences as a high fashion model working in the industry. On feminist website, Tatiana would detail the realistic truths behind a far than glamorous industry. After much Photo by Nikola Tamindzic
15 issue 2
DVD Supernatural Season 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Released 2nd November Based around the story of two brothers, Supernatural looks at what happens when all those urban legends such as the Hookman and Bloody Mary are no longer just stories. Season 1 introduces the viewer to the idea that there really are ghosts in the night. Season 2 focuses on what really happened to Sam (Jared Padalecki) as a baby and how his future in the fight against evil is unsure and older brother Dean (Jensen Ackles) make a pact with a cross-roads demon that exchanges his life for his brothers leaving Dean with only a year left to live, Season 3 sees Sam and Dean battle against tricksters and join up with thief Bella and the mysterious Ruby, in an effort to find a way to get Dean out of his deal with Lilith. Most impressively, it is Season 4 however, in which Supernatural really finds its footing as an amazing TV show, with the viewers seeing Dean being brought back from hell, a battle between Angels and the introduction of Sam’s battle with demon blood addiction. Although much darker in tone than the previous seasons, Season 4 still provides the audience with that delicate balance of horror and humour, if you find yourself cowering behind a cushion one moment, you will be laughing aloud the next. Priced at only £56 for the seasons 1-4, Supernatural is a television show that is a must for all students, going into it’s fifth and rumoured last season, grab a bargain and catch up on all the important events in the Winchester lives! Recommended if you like : horror, sci-fi, action and shows such as Buffy.
UP Released 16th October 2009 Up is a rather inventive movie from the people who brought us such great family films at Toy Story, Monsters Inc and Cars. The plot is essentially an old guy (Carl), at the end of his life, being kicked out of his house wishing to fulfil his lifelong dream (and that of his late wife, Ellie) to find a perfect place- ‘Paradise Falls‘. The first five minutes of the movie is a poignant retelling of his life story, with hardly any dialogue and some beautiful music. With the men in suits coming to put him in a home, the film only begins to feel like a comedy around 30 minutes in, just stick through the first half hour, believe me ‘Doug’ and ‘Kevin’ are worth it! On and off the screen, this movie has caused so much gossip and anticipation. Mostly the latter in the UK, due to having to wait 5 months since the US release to have its viewing pleasure! Previous Pixar flicks have starred the voices of great actors, including Owen Wilson and Tom Hanks. Although Ratatouille had few actors in the category of ‘big names’, this movie has even less. This is perhaps a way of Pixar showing there independence and that their movies don’t need big stars to be great. The animation, hard work and dedication shown in every Pixar movie continues to astound. They have thought of what light would be where, where the shadow would lie, every detail is thought of. In conclusion, a cute, smart and entertaining movie. Not so much funny, more…Uplifting. A solid 7, worth a watch. 16 issue 2
Words by April Butterfield
ALSO RELEASED ON DVD THIS MONTH Family Guy : Season 8 Released 2nd November 2009 We all know it by now, and if you don’t… Where have you been? Family Guy is a delectable blend of crazy humour, flashbacks and crazy antics from the Griffin Family. This is the only show that has been cancelled twice and brought back because of DVD sales. With the credit crunch in full swing, everyone needs a laugh, and Family Guy is the perfect escape from reality. Enjoy. Night at the Museum 2: Escape from the Smithsonian Released 9th November Another great film staring Ben Stiller as night watchmen, Larry. This movie takes place in The Smithsonian, Washington DC and features a whole load of new characters. My nine year old neice loved it at the cinema, and so did I. It also brings in the idea of going into the past in the pictures in the gallery which is a great idea and leads to loads more craziness.
BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM Platform: Xbox 360, Playstation 3 Release Date: Out now Price: £39.99 RRP Does anyone remember a time when Batman remained in our hearts as the collection of onomatopoeic Biff, Baff and Bams? A simpler time when an “ice” based pun from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s iconic Dr Freeze was enough. Unfortunately that time has come and gone and now all we have to comfort us is gritty heightened realism and a terrifying asylum breakout. Is asking a character to tell me to “Chill out” while he tries to kill me too much to ask?
The plot follows Batman as he transfers the Joker to the eponymous asylum. However the Dark Knight soon realises it has all been a ploy allowing Joker to gain control of the facility, who then employs the various inmates, such as Poison Ivy and Bane, in order to take out the caped crusader.
The combat system Rocksteady (the game’s developers) has employed is absolutely fantastic to watch. I use the word “watch” as combat mainly revolves around mashing one solitary button. Repeatedly tap the combat button and Batman will lay waste to the inmates of the asylum with grim vigour, acrobatic finesse and a catchy line every now and again. This could potentially become laboriously tedious, however Rocksteady have included several counters and stun moves in order to break up combat. A particularly nice touch is that after dispatching a group of enemies, the last blow will switch into a slow-mo close up of you breaking an inmate’s jaw, or whatever bone is to hand at the time. Gameplay is also shared with the slightly more engaging “Predator” sections. During these sections you must stealthily and silently take out each enemy, one by one, without being seen or heard. Now, never describing myself as a fan of the stealth genre
I was curious as to how this would affect my overall enjoyment of the game. I was pleasantly surprised, as these are some of the most enjoyable elements of the gameplay.
cast with many of the voice actors previously featuring in Batman’s various cartoon series.
And what would Batman be without his grim, overbearing surroundings creating In these sections you can a shadowy and sinister take down a room full of backdrop reflecting the enemies by popping up from Dark Knight’s tortured soul? floor grates, dropping down The Asylum itself creates from the inordinate amount a beautifully menacing of gargoyles that litter the environment for you to stalk asylum or gliding through the your psychopathic prey. From room majestically to ultimately its lush overgrown gardens plant your feet in the face to it’s clinically and dubiously of a mentally unstable titled “intensive treatment” criminal. However in the later ward you can’t help but sections we are promised admire the brilliantly apt the opportunity of using a settings. human-grappling gun, sonic batarangs and explosives Batman: Arkham Asylum, a (Ignore the earlier mention of triumph of the super-hero silent take downs). genre combining entertaining and addictive gameplay with a The voice acting is fantastic well written narrative faithful to with Mark “Luke Skywalker” the original medium. Though Hamill creating a disturbing Arkham Asylum may have you and malicious Joker. As the speculating as to the morally game is based on the comic dubious grounds of beating series Arkham Asylum’s, the mentally unsound, just Joker is based closely on his be safe in the knowledge comic book adaptation rather that they started it. You’ll than Heath Ledger’s recent either die a hero or you’ll live creation in blockbuster film long enough to complete the The Dark Knight. Hamill’s game. Joker will have you begging to lay the latex clad, cape Josh Roberts wearing beat down on this garishly coloured suit wearing psychopath. The rest of the characters are well 17 issue 2
A massive thankyou to he media crew for supplying us with photos from freshers week!
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07/10/2009 12:47
! T N A R
ll a t g n i e b
es nathan Holm Words by Jo
antage. For many animals, height is an adv t Consider the giraffe without tha be able not ld wou it k; nec g lon obscenely trees. Now to eat the juiciest leaves on the quickly consider the human and you will . see that height is not an advantage I am pushing 6.5 height, and you know something? I often wish I wasn’t as lanky as I am now. To use a well known adage you are literally head and shoulders above the rest. As if it isn’t bad enough that you have to stoop to hear the small folk at your feet somewhere, when you do bend down all that way they usually have a remark to make about how tall you are. In my life as a giant, I have come to realise that brain size must be proportional to height, because the small folk usually make silly remarks like Gosh, look how tall you are. You know, in all my years of being tall I have obviously forgotten just how big I am and therefore need to be reminded by everyone I meet. Another favourite remark is what is the weather like up there? I usually don’t reply to that one, and I tell them later that my mouth was glued shut by the snow and I frost forming around my head, or s nes sick ude altit had I simply say and didn’t hear them properly. 20 issue 2
ards smaller Society as a whole is geared tow y, it’s yo people. 50 Cent didn’t rap “go lank so I birthday did he?” Doors are smaller I...don’t so have to stoop; clothes are smaller ght thou wear them. Before you wince at the ify. clar to of myself naked, I would just like of high By don’t wear, I refer to the majority lly fit in rea street items, none of which I can leg is a inch to with any degree of comfort. 36 s are folk real size you know! Instead, we tall tall our like restricted to shopping online. It’s r othe n whe tax; I have to pay 30-40 for jeans ark. Prim at people can pick up a pair for 3.91 shop in The same goes for shoes, I can only n then eve Brantano, on their 13/14 shelf and the ts, boo k - bizarrely it is all heavy duty wor want I se cau ones with reinforced toe caps (be to be a builder why?) posture, and My height is even giving me bad d higher my poor heart has to pump the bloo gravity. It of e around my body against the forc either, I p doesn’t even stop when I go to slee a single or can’t lie out fully in either a double ition. pos al bed so I have to curl up into a foet to tries who Heaven help the future boyfriend on p slee to e fit into my bed, I think he will hav elf. mys it in a blow up bed as I can barely fit can Take my advice; don’t be tall if you r you t stun help it. Take up smoking to ” feet 6 growth, and stay below If any of you readers are interested in writing our next RANT then please send your ideas into us at: bulletmagazine@
FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS FOR STUDENTS & BLOCK BOOKINGS Student Support Packs Provided On Loan (No Need To Buy Expensive Books) Covering Lincoln And All Surrounding Areas Nervous Pupils Welcome Refresher And Mature Student Courses Also Available
120x168.indd 1
4/10/09 13:23:15
! t a e r T r o Trick ‘, Halloween, or ‘All Hallows Eve has Celtic, Pagan and Christian roots. It was the Irish who th imported the traditions to Nor ine Fam at Gre the in a Americ of 1846. The symbols mostly associated with Halloween, for example the jack-o-lantern, ck dressing in costumes and ‘Tri a or treating’ originated in Americ and over the past few decades the UK has adopted them. And so every October 31st, the as young ones step out dressed an and ils Dev s, bie Zom s, Witche array of characters. I’m a huge ry fan of scary movies and so eve Halloween and Friday the 13th
‘The Collection’ comes out, an anthology of the scariest movies around. Of course, many people are scared by different things, for me its little ghost girls, for a friend of mine its ventriloquists dolls! A scary movie must be synched so that the music becomes part of the story, it must keep us on the edge of our seat one minute and have us relaxed and comforted the next, in order to create a more terrifying scare. Here are five top movies that would create a great Halloween night in! So get the popcorn ready, settle down…and prepare to have that adrenaline PUMPED! scare-o-meter =
The Grudge (Sarah Michelle Gellar)
Very scary, I suggest the American remake, but the original Japanese is good too! Based on a Japanese myth, this movie focuses on a cursed house with some scary inhabitants! SCARE TAGS - dead girl, ghosts, freaky noises, jumps
The Unborn (Gary Oldman)
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A girl is haunted by a strange little boy and turns to her grandmother for answers. A movie guaranteed to make you jump (made me jump out of my skin and scream out loud 9 times at the cinema, and I don’t scare easily!) A bit of a simple plot line, and at the end the ‘Twist’ was sooooooooooo obvious! Hardly of 6th sense proportions! But for a great scare this is the film for you! SCARE TAGS - jumps, bangs, dead little boy (Scarier if you’re a twin, I’d imagine!)
Darkness Falls (Emma Caulfield)
Do you believe in the tooth fairy? A terrifying masked witch kills anyone who looks at her face, as a traumatised boy accused of his mothers murder grows into a scared man he must face his deepest fears in order to save himself and others. When this film came out I was around 12, it didn’t scare me, but the 20-25 year olds I watched it with were peeing their pants! I watch it back now and I cant believe how it wasn’t scary, this is a truly terrifying film!!! SCARE TAGS - porcelain masks, witches, jumps
22 issue 2
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scare-o-meter =
House on Haunted Hill (Famke Janssen)
A birthday party gets confusing when the invitations seems to have been mixed up, as the guests arrive and realise the mistake the house seems to come alive, shuts down and they are trapped. If images rather than noises scare you this is great, the end monster is quite disappointing but the ride you have along the way is well worth it! Plus quite a good plot in this one. SCARE TAGS - ghosts, poltergeists, freaky images
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A Spanish Reporter on the look out for a great story follows a group of firefighters on an emergency call, she finds a lot more than she bargained for. The list of scary stuff in this movie would be very long, lets just say, zombie dog, scary girl and screaming old lady. USA has remade this in the form of ‘Quarantine’ and I would strongly advise to stick with the original! SCARE TAGS - just about everything!
AT THE CINEMA... Saw VI (6 for those who have lost count!) Released 23rd October 2009 And so the tradition of releasing these movies before Halloween continues. I am a huge Saw fan, I watch most of them though squinted eyes, or trying to hold down my dinner, but they are entertaining, thought provoking and scary. This is true for the first 4 movies. However, the highly anticipated 5th movie came out last Halloween, leading to people scaring me on Halloween night out in town dressed as the weird pig thing (Saw 2). Alas, the fifth film was a snore fest which allowed us to catch some well needed ZZZs after two months of ‘hard work’ at university. The 6th film promises to give us some answers about Jigsaw, but at this point…do we really care?! From the trailer we can see what looks like a few good deaths (doesn’t explaining these films make you sound like a sadist!) but they will probably be a few good moments in a long film about a tired old plot line. Know when to stop guys! I will probably give this a miss, instead choosing the more comedic based ‘horrors’ coming out this year, including Zombieland and Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant. I’m afraid if you want a movie fright this Halloween, you will have to get a DVD in, or dress your boyfriend up in your mum’s clothes and make up.. Now that is a fright!
The Funny side of Horror? Many horror genre movies have taken the route of collaboration with comedy. Some of the greats include Urban Legend, Severance and Scream and with the recent success of Lesbian Vampire Killers, Horror Comedy looks set to stick around. In 1996, Wes Craven’s Scream, essentially listed what every other horror movie had previously done, they discussed ‘the rules’ of surviving a horror movie and speculated who the killer would be ‘if they were in a movie’. Since its release, the audiences have became more aware of the common conventions, filmmakers have attempted to change these conventions and scare us in new ways!
Randy: His body will come popping up in the last reel somewhere. Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out! See, the police are always off track with this shit! If they’d watch Prom Night, they’d save time! There’s a formula to it. A very simple formula! (Scream Quote: 1996)
New To Lincoln? Explore the City‌. s September saw the return of thousand of students to the city, with record numbers of Undergraduates at Lincoln, freshers will be overwhelmed with things to do, settling in to their course/ ds. housing and meeting many new frien walk a rs, hou few free a find If you do s up Steep Hill will clean out your lung astic fant the to eyes r you and open r. historical buildings Lincoln has to offe ute From the Brayford campus, a ten min free the past you g brin will walk uphill museum/attraction, The Collection. ily Great for students bringing their fam are re The city. new r thei out to check loads of activities for children while the students and adults look at some of and oln Linc of ings find al oric greatest hist up the surrounding county. Continuing k boo zing ama pass will you Steep Hill be can ains barg t grea e som re shops, whe ing picked up. A little hint, take your read list and you could be lucky enough to ing get more than 70% off the RRP, pass ign, Des and Art of ol Scho the Lincoln in the Cathedral Quarter Campus you
FACTS ing the castle two years William the Conqueror began build . after the battle of Hastings, in 1068 ng of The Da Vinci The Cathedral was used for the filmi ellen and Tom Hanks McK Code in which such stars as Sir Ian staying a the White and area ate were seen roaming the Bailg Hart Hotel. e’s novel, The Rainbow, An important scene in D. H. Lawrenc l edra Cath takes place at Lincoln
24 issue 2
pie will find many quaint little cafes and of shops. And upon reaching the top zing Steep Hill you will discover the ama es pric Lincoln Castle to your left, entry le cast are cheap and the walk around the top is worth it, you can walk along the parts of the castle walls, explore the Ram uted where many where publicly exec and go down into the underground dungeons.You also have a chance to see one of the four original Magna g Carta documents and an accompanyin the exhibition, explaining the origin of cts. Magna Carta and its far reaching effe To the right is Lincoln Cathedral, you cant miss it. This Anglican, Gothic style for cathedral towers all other buildings the as miles around, and was thought of ly near highest building in the world for 0130 a quarter of a millennium (from 1549). All Entry donations go towards maintaining the cathedral and once zing inside you will find Kings graves, ama , architecture and, the mythical Imp ing standing on one leg- well, a stone carv of him! See if you can spot him!
ng es astle p arts d
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What’s on this Motnthth is month. ou A selection of the best nights-
14th/15th October - Theatre - Going Down, 4Front Performance Company, 8pm, Drill Hall What’s Your Secret? Written and directed by Darren A. Furniss, this groundbreaking play first performed at the 2008 Edinburgh Fringe has been gathering strong reviews. Six people enter a lift. As it descends they are forced to confront their deepest, darkest secrets. (Aged 16+ only, contains strong sexual references and violent nature) £8 (Concessions, £6)
the Drill Hall for the minuscule price of £13, perhaps undervaluing himself? His comedic style is prominently observations on human behaviour, but he has a energetic imagination and will probably end up taking you on a path of wacky and bizarre imagery! £13
3rd November- Stand-Up Rhod Gilbert & the cat that looked like Nicholas Lyndhurst, Engine Shed The ‘Best Headliner’ Winner, still hot from the success of his appearances at Live at the Apollo 16th October- Theatre and Michael McIntyre’s Road Show, Memoirs of a Biscuit Tin, Maison Rhod graces us with his comedic Foo, 8pm, Drill Hall presence. I for one feel honoured. New to Lincoln, this blend of The title of his tour pretty much puppetry, physical theatre, clowning tells you your going to be in for and object manipulation sounds one randomly very interesting. It follows the story funny night of “a decaying house, a forgotten and the bond old lady and the memories that lie theme flier is within” £9 (Students, £6!!) strange and For more information on plays intoxicating. and comedy at the Drill Hall pop I may have in to the engine shed and get your it framed. Autumn Brochure. All in all he comes highly 18th October- Classical recommended, Music - Matthew Barley (Cello) & if not just to Julian Joseph (Jazz Piano), 4pm, LPAC listen to that A Show of two halves begins with gorgeous Welsh the music of Bach, and more. The accent! £15 second half consists of Jazz works when these two musicians come 8th together, a “unique musical journey” November£15 (£12) Classical Music - Graham Oppenheimer: 50 Not Out, 4pm, 22nd October- Stand-Up - Sean LPAC Lock, 8pm, Drill Hall You may know Along with International Artists, this guy from ‘8 Out of 10 Cats’ , 50 year old Graham is joined by but the truth is, he’s even funnier and Italian Cellist, British pianist live! He has also appeared on ‘QI’ et al. This promises to be a “party and ‘Dave’s Argumental’, but this atmosphere occasion!” £15 (£12) month is gracing our presence at
13th November- Stand-Up Julian Clary - 2009 Tour, 8pm, Drill Hall I know Julian Clary from those pantos on TV shown on Boxing Day. They always have Frank Skinner as Button and Julian Clary as a fairy! At £20 a pop, going to see Clary may break the bank, but it’s quite rare he goes on tour and lets face it, he is one funny guy! £20 (Concessions, £17.50)
25 issue 2
I have enjoyed what EPs I have received and am going to push for a section of at least the website to have an area dedicated to the local scene as well as frequent updates and information on what’s going on along with what has already happened, from near and afar. If you want to drop by an EP or get in touch, then either go to the SU centre or contact me at MusicBullet on Twitter. I would also like to say a personal thank you to all those whom have shown interest in contributing via the Fresher’s and Sports and Societies Fayre as well as those who attended our Launch Party, it was fantastic seeing each and everyone of you and I’m looking forward to seeing you all in the near future.
26 issue 2
THE ENGINE SHED SAT 3 OCT The Cribs MON 12 OCT Bloc Party SUN 18 OCT Gary Moore FRI 23 OCT Reverend and the Makers MON 2 NOV Dizzee Rascal MON 16 NOV Alesha Dixon Plus Special Guests TUE 17 NOV The Enemy SAT 28 NOV Dio TUE 1 DEC The Saw Doctors TUE 8 DEC Shed Seven THUR 10 DEC Dragonforce
SUN 4 OCT Mitch Benn & the Distractions THUR 1 – TUE 6 OCT Lincoln Six Days of Folk TUE 6 OCT Michael McGoldrick Carol Lea - flute Steven Billinger piano
WED 4 NOV sinfonia ViVA friendsofthebivouac
SAT 17 OCT Partisans FRI 23 OCT FossDyke Band & Lincoln Sounds
SAT 7 NOV New Jazz 5
TUE 10 NOV Ian Macmillan Orchestra THUR 12 NOV Antipode
SAT 3 OCT Stayin’ Alive whats_on
TUE 3 NOV Georgina Whitehead - Guitar
MON 12 OCT Svarc Family In Concert
TUE 2 MAR 2010 Ocean colour scene
FRI 2 OCT Blowzabella
FRI 27 NOV Royal Air Force Shades of Blue Orchestra
“LATEST NEWS (18th September 09). Scy and the Bivouac have parted company this week. It’s not turning out to be a good year. Scy considers their drink sales to be below acceptable levels, and therefore have pulled the plug on them being the venue for all current booked Bivouac shows. This puts us into another dilemma. As of this moment everything is up in the air.”
FRI 6 NOV Proms to Poppies
THUR 1 OCT Adrian Edmondson & The Bad Shepherds
TUE 24 NOV Simpson & Cutting
SAT 10 OCT Band From County Hell
FRI 11 DEC Florence and The Machine
TUE 17 NOV Lincoln Angels
SAT 14 NOV Lincoln Symphony Orchestra
whats on
Hello Students! I hope you enjoyed our first issue of the year which included an article by Billy Lunn from the Subways and Lincoln’s very own Jack “Straw” Shaw *cringes*. As the issue was focused around Fresher’s week, this issue is a bit more broad including; a review of Jose Vanders fantastic performance at SCY along with what I got up to on the other side of the pond in America…Sadly not much has been happening this month at the Engine Shed BUT October is going to be a sweet month! Don’t forget what’s going on! Also, exclusively on the website we have a roundup and review of Leeds and Download Festival.
MON 16 NOV Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes
JOSE VANDERS Artist: Jose Vanders, Elliot Morris, Sammi Ingamels, Sarah Bradley Williams. Venue: Bivouac at Scy 8th September 2009 Bivouac in Lincoln is a live music event that is well known for being a great place for catching up on “up and coming artists” in the Indie genre. It takes place at varying places in Lincoln, most recently finding its home at Scy, but is now moving on to pastures new. This Bivouac at Scy sees Jose Vanders return to Lincoln, promoting her new mini-album ‘Literature Lovers’. Supporting her is local musicians Elliot Morris and Sammi Ingamells- the fourth act of the evening unfortunately pulled out at the very last second. Luckily, one of the girls attending that night rose to the challenge and offered herself to warm up the crowd for a night of musical delights. Sarah Williams, 19, took to the stage first and played a great acoustic performance, and to say that everything was very last minute and it was one of her first proper shows it was brilliant. Many of the crowd seemed familiar with her, cheering her on, which left a nice intimate ‘open mic night’ atmosphere. The second person to grace the stage for the evening is the lovely Sammi Ingamells. Sammi, 17, has been playing live music around the Sleaford area for just over two years, and as such plays a very confident set, with a lot of support from the crowd. Her style is very similar to Sarah Williams’, and it is no surprise to find out that the pair have a very close friendship. Elliot Morris, 19, knows this ‘local gig’ circuit relatively well, having taken a year out of his studies to pursue his musical career. He is currently playing acoustic gigs around Lincoln to promote his new EP entitled, ‘This is all I am’. Like us here at Bullet, he also agrees that the music scene in Lincoln deserves a well deserved push, as it seems to be somewhat lacking apart from nights such as ‘Bivouac’. As an entertainer, it is obvious that he has taken time out to really get his set polished. With a great mixture of original and cover materialincluding a great medley of White Stripes, Justin Timberlake and Rage Against the Machine- all of which made for a great atmosphere for the upcoming sing-along with Jose. The intimate nature of Scy fits Jose Vanders’ style of music very well. Before her part of the set
started, Jose was busy getting to know everyone in the room, watching the support acts and offering words of encouragement. She’s a very approachable person, something that would have stood her in good stead in getting to where she is today. Confidence and charisma oozing from every pore- as always- she glides through a great set of old and new material, interjecting between the songs with stories of making the record, and having one too many drinks. Aside from forgetting a couple of words from a song, the set is played flawlessly, the old songs- Faces Going Places, A Little Love Song- are met with great enthusiasm, and the new- ‘For Now’, ‘Man On Wire’- are met with silence and anticipation. It does seem sometimes that some of the people at Bivouac this evening came for the supporting acts, and maybe not for Jose. It is clear however, that by the end of the evening, many are well and truly won over by her charms, as fans eagerly flock around the merchandise table when the set has finished. If any of you would like to learn more about these artists here are some really useful links:
Words by Rebecca Evans 27 issue 2
wHat’s e G a my agaiN?
usic What Did Bullet’s M er? Editor Do This Summ Artist: Blink-182 including; Weezer, Taking Back Sunday & Chester French Venue: PNC Performing Arts Center, Holmdel, New Jersey, United States of America
It’s a rare occasion for me to be faced with a sign saying “Welcome to Heathrow Airport”, so rare I’ve only ever seen it once before. I was about to travel three thousand four hundred and sixty miles to New York, and from there spend one night before heading south to Holmdel, New Jersey only to travel back several days later to England. I had my head in my hands, laughing, genuinely laughing at myself. I had spent three months saving, really saving for this, but that was nothing compared to the ten year wait, over five years of which was spent assuming this day would never, ever, be possible, let alone happening right now. When I was eleven years old I bought my first album, this album was called “Enema of the State” created by a band fronted by three of the most ill-humoured, immature and arguably untalented band (excusing the drummer) that may have ever had a series of multi-platinum albums. It was around this age that I found myself stuck in the middle of a school I really didn’t understand nor wanted to attend, ever growing and fuelling my teenage angst as my age grew. Blink-182 were a band who were always there for me, singing about being teenagers and teenage angst. If any of you have met me you would know, I live, breathe music. I owe my life to music. As I grew older I grew more and more ill finding myself in never ending trouble with the authorities along with having endless conversations with doctors and councillors. I never really knew what was going on. I went through some pretty rough times when I was growing up and music had always been the one thing that got me out of bed in the morning. Now, years later, I couldn’t be more grateful, and Blink-182 started that chain.
Skip forward a few days and a slight adjustment to a different time zone myself and my glorious girlfriend who accompanied me on this musical voyage were at the amphitheatre styled venue awaiting the first band, Chester French, to take the stage. When they did, it was mediocre, at best. As the last member left the stage, a sudden wave of excitement filled the air. Local band Taking Back Sunday were about to walk on to their homecoming gig. I rated Louder Now as one of the best albums of this decade, their definitive album and last with Fred Mascherino, whom I respected and held on a musical
would flail across the stage and truly got the crowd hyped, on their feet and singing along. Ending the set in what at least on my behalf a very pessimistic entrance exited with a completely polar opinion as they left the stage after a sensational cover of “Should I Stay Or Should I Go?” by The Clash. Weezer were fantastic. Performance, atmosphere, energy, setlist, everything. I would strongly recommend seeing Weezer when they return to the United Kingdom.
The sun had set behind the venue and everyone had taken their seats. It was almost time for the main event. I closed my eyes, years of wait. This really was it. Questions raced through my mind. Would Tom’s voice be too over-whiney? Would there be tension between them? Would it just be a poor substitute compared to their days in the early part of their career? The lights went down and the black sheet dropped in front of stage revealing the three people that changed and in my eyes, saved my life. “Oh fuck pedestal due to his raw, raspy voice twinned Holmdel!” screamed Tom’s overly camp voice and then they with his solid lead guitarist role, he was pinnacle member. This blitzed through “Dumpweed”, the opening song to “Enema was the third time I had seen Taking Back Sunday, second of The State”, beautifully may I add. Banter, tongue-in-cheek without Fred, and my opinion was no different to that of the comments and sexually inappropriate statements became rife second time, there is a hole that has not been adequately as they joyfully ran through a greatest hits set. Almost every filled, even with such a wonderfully picked setlist including single and even the lesser known songs like “Don’t Leave fan appeasing songs such as “What’s It Feel Like To Be A Me”, a personal favourite, was sang in key, and to perfection. Ghost?”, “Error: Operator”, “Liar (It Takes One To Know One)”, Melodic breakdowns and subtle lyric changes added to an “Cute Without The ‘E’”, “A Decade Under The Influence” already overwhelmed and emotional atmosphere, not just and “MakeDamnSure”. Sadly a subpar performance and on my behalf. The laser show wasn’t half bad either. As the aforementioned void let down a band that appears to be twenty-two song set drew to a close after the most expensive sinking further and further away from the limelight. hour and a half of my life the nineteen-thousand strong crowd were left with Tom exclaiming; “Goodbye Holmdel! Tell your Weezer were next. A band well respected within the punk-rock Mom I say hi! Tell your Dad I said you’re welcome!!” community and with a vast back catalogue of well known and loved songs. Opening with a surprising instrumental cover So here I sit, almost a month gone, still smiling. £1200, over of “War Pigs” by Black Sabbath and thoroughly ploughing seven thousand miles travelled for three people to deliver an through crowd pleasers such as “Hash Pipe”, “Undone – hour and a half of music to which I can now respond saying “I Sweater Song”, “My Name Is Jonas”, “Island In The Sun”, have seen Blink-182”. And that is something I never thought I “Pork And Beans”, “Beverly Hills” and “Buddy Holly”. Rivers could say.
Banter, tongue-in-cheek comments and sexually inappropriate statements
29 issue 2
ello beautiful Freshers.. I’m sitting here in my pants after a l evening in with my girlfriend wondering what I should write ot sure where to begin this edition kids. to you allmy about. Right now Yesterday girlfriend cameyou’re to seeprobably me to letrecovering from mid-week fresher hangovers, slightly apprehensive about yet anothe me know face to face she’d fallen out of love long getting you’llhad probably not spea with menight and of has been to forknow someother time.freshers I’ve never anyone break up withfilthy me amounts before and I’m really not anot used to in to again, downing of alcopops you’re fansuch of how I’m feeling at all. For months, I sacrificed industrial-sized amounts and for a lucky few of you, buzzing st myafter free some time, casual moneysex and energy in trying make your going to s with I’m sorry to say,tosomeone regularly for the next three plus years. This is a very small city. 19th “Everyone, no matter how comfortable they smallest UK,exact behindsame such booming metropolises look are ininthe the position as you”as Wells, Trur and Ripon. Before I go any further, I have to be dad for a second an use some protection if your be a bit hersay happy. For the first time in mygoing life Itotreated a cheeky. girl
with respect and love and lived to try and please her. I don’t blame her. It’s just as easy to fall out of love as it is in, though I am completely lost now. Every aspect of my life was influenced by how it’d make her happy. Sounds cheesy but I changed with her. Now she’s out my life, I’ve lost my motivation slightly. I’m not stupid enough to think I’ll never meet another girl. I just really, really this one. For wanted most of you, you’ve got three years in Lincoln. You’ll get to know
“Everyone, no matter how comfortable they look are in th exact same position as you”
the city very quickly and become part of the collective just as rapidly
One thing I’m going to consciously avoid this Don’t worry about fitting in. You’ll continue to time make friends way afte though is the rebound. The best part of breaking up your first year. I’ve made some of my closest friends in Lincoln only with someone for a lot of people, including myself, is recently. You’ll find them in certain nightclubs on a thursday trying to being able to regress into a binge drinking, sexually slither up the stairs in It’s a pair of size 8 skinnys ha.ofIts the biggest prob omnivorous psychotic. actually a hell of a lot guys I think, uncertainty not knowing fun.forIt you is incredibly selfthe destructive butofwith a lack ofhow your years going to go and who your going you to spend with. You’ve really g repercussions responsibilities can’tthem get into toonothing much trouble or get it too wrong. As someone once to worry about. Talk to your flatmates, other people in your said to me; ‘the best way to get over someone is to get no matter h building, people in clubs, bars - be confident. Everyone, under someonethey else’ and true, same it gives you the comfortable look areit’sinvery the exact position as you. I know closure you need.
as a student entering my third year in Lincoln, I’d love to be approac by somethis freshers want somebe more friends. Who doesn’t! Think However, is onewho ethos I won’t using this time, positive, yourself golike andtoembrace all our city has to offer you because aslet much as I’d sound like I’m fine going Just over makeher sure don’tand do anything you will to get asyou quickly as immorally as regret. I can, And for all the I just don’taway wantfrom to. I’m heartbroken andgirlfriends its going to people their boyfriends and for the first time th take more than a few messy one night stands to forget week, give them a call now. They’re probably quite worried. Even b about this one. invite them along. I’ve Seen way too many hearts broken because p get carried away with the festivities. Broken one or two myself. My boyfriend and I have been together Speak to you soon my lovers. for over a year now. Minus one problem Adam. we have everything else is perfect. His ex
girlfriend. She still tells him that she loves him and wants to see him all the time even though they broke up over two years Even though were we nearly Me and boyrfriend seeingbroke each other for ages up because of her, he still claims that they are just then when I went travelling we stayed together but it kin friends. He doesnt understand that its hurting our of fizelled as I hadn’t seen him for 2 months. He is now relationship and wants to keep meeting up with her. to america and isn’t back till october and I dont feel like I should wa What should I do?
30 issue 2
for him in september when im happy with how my life is going at th moment - its just awkward when I see him even though I do miss him I dont think my hearts in it anymore. what should I do?
I think I speak for most people when I say we’ve all been there. I’ve been there enough times to understand how frustrated you must feel. It sounds like your boyfriends trying to have his cake and eat it. When I was with one of my ex’s, she was hung up on her old boyfriends to the point she met them regularly and text them all the time. One of them claimed to have never have stopped loving her. It made me feel like I wasn’t that important, as she was getting a lot of her male attention If one of my ex’s claimed to still be in love with me, it would massively put me off seeing them, not spurn me on to text them, just because I don’t need that cheap affection. Apart from that it’d be unfair - as it is on you - to my girlfriend. I think your boyfriend, like a lot of partners, doesn’t think he needs to worry about problems like this because there isn’t much you can do about it. But there really is. Get him to give you an honest answer as to why he so desperately needs to hang onto some fool from the past instead of embracing what he’s got in the present - and if he doesn’t give you a proper answer then, give him an ultimatum; her or me.
IZABELLE Hello my darlings!! I hope I find you all well and not suffering too much under the black cloud of hangovers you have been plagued with and I expect nothing less!!
with my attempts, successes and failures particularly in my mission for a desirable young fellow with whom I can enjoy some smooches and cuddles on the warm winter nights to come, I have a couple of options, I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime I shall recount sordid tales of any fellows I stumble across on my travels. Ooh an apology to the returning beauties; I feel I’ve neglected you. I found myself getting all ‘mother hen’ on our lovely Fresher’s. I trust I find you all exhilarated and in reasonable health. I myself am struggling with the frightening prospect of my 3rd and final year. On one side I’m deliciously excitable about venturing out into the big wide world, leaving the comforting arms of Education but on the flipside I’m cowering in the corner weeing myself at the prospect of not having that loving safety net, the student loan, to fall into when one too many library sessions has driven me to retail therapy. It’s imminent; yes, it’s scary; by god yes, it’s inevitable; damn straight. But I’m just going to ride this wave and I hope I see the rest of you with me. Big schmooches my beauties!
I’ve met someone recently, except he has a girlfriend. He’s lovely and funny and smokin’hot to boot. Should I bother seducing him at all? Or just be as friendly as I can? R, By now I have no doubt in my mind that you’ve met all 20 sorts of weird and wonderful people, whether you’re a returning Lincolnite or a newbie to our lovely teeny Immediately I would usually say, in a most tiny, but buzzing City. I hope your first few weeks have incredulous tone. STAY.AWAY! However I been simply lovely. I imagine it’s included a continuous have found myself in such a predicament hangover, many ‘uh ohs’ and oh my gods at the recently, on two occasions. The first time I was doing photos plastered across our beloved and hated friend my best to throw out my pheromones in a vain Facebook; the devil that it is. attempt that he would get a whiff and be on it like the proverbial dog or rabbit. However, alas he had a Do not fear if the friendships you’ve found do not last ‘gf’. I was left somewhat diminished in my attempts at as long as you expect, you will meet new luscious naked hugging but I did flee speedily and licked my people, who will sit and pass you tissues when last wounds for a few hours. And now I find myself in a nights fumble in the dark was exactly just that and similar situation, again. Yet, as much as this boy tickles those mates who buy you a pint or invite you for some me in allsorts of ways and means. I know that I shall game on some games console (can you tell I know never instigate anything; I’m too monogamous for that nothing about such antics?). They will be the person to happen. So my answer is to just stay his friend, have sat next to you when you get your first 1st and the one some chuckles and just enjoy having another male in who makes you a cuppa when you didn’t do as well as your life that you can probe for boy answers when you expected on that assignment. another Romeo enters your world. They’re the easiest types of friendships. There’s very little bitchiness to If you’re not feeling all that wonderful after the contend with and hell! no flamin’ competition. Good adventures of Freshers week, don’t feel blue, feel red Luck darling!her, then you will be vicariously so. Get with lust, excitement and enthusiasm to get out there off your levi-ed behind and get on it. Good luck! and live it all. I intend to and I shall bash your ears
31 issue 2
SPORT It’s been a strange old month for Lincoln City, a less than acceptable start to the season saw the club lying in the lower regions of League 2. Not what was expected so after nearly 3 years of service it was deemed that Peter Jackson’s time was up. Hopefully fans will look back on Jackson fondly as he arrived at a time when the club was teetering on the edge of the football league and he steadied the ship. A much more respectful feat considering his personal battle with throat cancer. A one time Manager of the Month, Jackson can look back at his time with Lincoln City with a degree of success. The home form of the Imps and their mixed start to the campaign were cited as the reasons for Jackson’s dismissal. Chairman Steff Wright stated “You must look back over 12 months and you’ve got to see a pattern of progression over a period of time….Last season was a frustrating season. Our home form was very disappointing and that ended up in a reduction of gates.” There were over 70 applicants for the managerial hotseat at the bank, with familiar names such as first team coach Simon Clark and Head of Youth Tom Spall both in the frame after a brief caretaking role. But in the flurry of applications the board opted for what could be seen in some quarters as something of a calculated gamble in the ex-Chelsea, Celtic and England International Chris Sutton. Sutton who had a long and distinguished career at the top level in both England and Scotland is a newcomer to the managerial side of football. He does have plenty of experience in the pressures of the premiership and he actually holds a Premiership winners medal and was the joint winner of the golden boot during his time with Blackburn Rovers. Where Sutton carved a fantastic partnership with fellow managerial rookie Alan Shearer. It will interesting to see how Sutton settles into his management as we have seen it go both ways with successes like Steve Bruce and Mark Hughes alongside failures such Tony Adams and to an extent Paul Ince. Sutton himself believes his lack of experience will not be his downfall and counts himself lucky to have
X 32 issue 2
some of the played underneath and learnt from ny Dalgleish Ken ding inclu best managers around lucky to play was “I said on Sutt eill. and Martin O’N successful. It very under many managers who were ful but it was cess suc be to doesn’t mean I’m going and how them er und play to nce erie a fantastic exp on will be Sutt s?” could you not learn from those guy Imps The with act imp te hoping to make an immedia on gati rele the from y awa ts poin currently sitting two d nee “We saying, zone. Sutton stated his intent by if we do that we’ll and lts, resu of ple cou a up pick to course of the the r ove and get some momentum l improve.” we’l ed vinc con I’m ths next few mon in’s first £5 We can only wait and see how Brita r. Will his age man a as es ress million player prog he prove a will inexperience count against him or table. the up City oln masterstroke and pull Linc with his ed ress imp very ly ious The board were obv to the rs age man interview as he beat experienced self him g larin dec nt hotseat, Sutton seems confide well an beg ainly cert gs Thin .’ ‘ready and prepared much needed with Sutton driving the imps to a rshot. Hopefully home victory against top half Alde ue. leag the up h this is a base for a pus
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Its not howev Englan nation
... What do the Rugby World Cup, the Olympics and the Football World Cup all have in common. Yes they are the pinnacle of their respective sports, they are worldwide events and they are coming to England, kind of.
buzz that winning these competitions gave the country, imagine the hype around them if we hosted these elite competitions. After winning the Rugby World Cup, Kids all over the country didn’t want to be David Beckham anymore. They wanted to be Johnny Wilkinson and so the numbers of children playing Rugby soared. This interest has seemingly diminished along with the For definite we have the Rugby World Cup which kicks success of the national team, but in the nature of our off in 2015, we most definitely have the Olympics country we will all be weathered Rugby Fanatics when which take place in London in 2012 and hopefully the world cup comes round, especially if the national we can complete the three with team progress through the tournament. the Football World Money however is probably the driving Cup in either 2018 benefit of hosting these tournaments. or 2022. The bid England as a country for the Football wouldn’t have to go World Cup has through the extreme and already received costly redevelopment the backing of major of old stadia and the players in the football development of new world, who see it as ones for the Rugby and a travesty that the potentially the Football nation that invented World Cup. Therefore football has only held there is a huge platform the world cup a solitary for an economic boom. time. The nation also The sporting world is has some of the worlds one of the few areas that most advanced and haven’t been drastically hit biggest stadia, a good by the recession and the travel infrastructure fans are as diehard as ever. Combine that with and of course a nation that is almost entirely fans travelling into the country from all over the obsessed with the ‘Beautiful Game.’ So cross your world and the world wide coverage of the event and fingers and we should hopefully be host to the worlds you have a goldmine. Money which will go back into premiere sporting events within 6 years of each other. the respective games at grassroot level, tapping into the hype of the nation, money to train more coaches, The Benefits of which would be immense, the more referees, get better facilities from Lincoln City to development of the Olympic Village in East London has Manchester United and to generally improve what is already seen thousands of jobs created for the local already a fantastic system for both Rugby and Football. societies. The stadia and equipment left behind from the Olympics will also enable a whole new generation The only potential downside of all this regards the of athletes to grow up training on and using equipment Olympics. Which had been estimated to cost £3.3 that is fit for professionals. The Commonwealth Games Billion, although critics believe this could rise to £8 held in Manchester show the benefit of this legacy, Billion. The Olympics, unlike the two world cups, as the Velodrome used in the games is now the hub requires brand new facilities to be built. This demand of Britain’s Cycling teams. Teams that would an coupled with the current economic climate makes the unprecedented amount of gold medals in the Beijing cost of the games very unpredictable. We as a nation Olympics and helping Cyclists such as Bradley Wiggins don’t really have good history with building up new and Mark Cavendish execute an English assault on stadiums from scratch with the new Wembley stadium the Tour de France. So hopefully with the correct costing £757 million alone and was delivered ten infrastructure in place we will see Kids all over the months late. It has been argued that whatever the cost United Kingdom having access to the best facilities we the games will leave behind a lasting legacy but it is can offer. believed that the Beijing Olympics in 2008, cost more to build and host than they received from the games Its not just the facilities that will inspire generations itself. It is this potential pitfall that the games cannot however, we are all probably guilty of only cheering on fall into doing so could lead to the said ‘legacy’ being England in Rugby or Cricket when it’s either the Six forgotten as the bills need to be paid. nations/World Cup or the Ashes. But if you imagine the Page Design by Taran Uppal
the ashes England should be basking in the glory of winning the coveted Ashes series this summer. Another summer of capturing the countries hearts, in a long and arduous victory over the old enemy. But it has rapidly been forgotten, why? Because our national team have nose dived since the glorious summer tests.
34 issue 2
It in earnest began in the Ashes series itself, a series which in all fairness Australia dominated. The batting and bowling averages speak for themselves, with Australia completely and utterly dominated both, out of Australia’s top 7 batsmen an amazing 6 scored more than 350 runs in the series. England’s batsmen? Well only Andrew Strauss managed to score more than 350 runs, in fact Paul Collingwood, Ravi Bopara and Alastair Cook are in the bottom 6 when it comes to the overall batting averages. The damage report gets worse, 3 of Australia’s bowlers managed figures of 20 or more wickets in the series. England’s best bowler, our newest national hero only managed 18 wickets, while our second highest wicket taker, James Anderson managed a paltry 12. Yet England managed to come out triumphant, being excellent in crucial match winning moments. Australia will cry that they were
unlucky and missing their best bowler in Brett Lee, but surely one bowler couldn’t make all the difference? Well if the subsequent one day international series is any evidence, they may well have been right. A Brett Lee inspired Australian team annihilated the holders of the urn. Combine this with a toothless bowling attack and a lifeless batting line up and you lose 6 tests in a row only to salvage any lasting shred of pride with a solitary victory. Yes there are other factors, England was without its talisman Freddie Flintoff, Stuart Broad was missing amongst other. It has to also be noted that this tournament was something of a dead rubber, maybe the players weren’t as motivated as they were at the beginning of the Ashes series. That certainly seemed the case when England kicked off their ICC Champions Australia will cry that Trophy campaign with a convincing they were unlucky victory over Sri and missing their best Lanka in their first game. As usual bowler in Brett Lee, home press but surely one bowler the were suddenly couldnt make all the back on side, the crisis had ended difference? and so on. Yet there was always that small doubt that this was a one off, surely England were going to capitulate again against South Africa, the third best one day team in the world. Well maybe not, as England brushed them aside with a 22 run victory to secure England’s semi final place. A dead rubber against New Zealand was lost, but nothing could bring England down form this plateau. Then came the bad news, England’s opposition in the semi final would be Australia. Who else? Suddenly a very swift chance of revenge was in order. Maybe in a competition where there is something real at stake England would turn up and show glimpses of their ashes form? Well
that question was answered with a big fat no. England were again toothless with their batting and could only claim one Australian wicket as England’s 257 all out was hastily passed with the loss of just one wicket. Captain Andrew Strauss was damning but honest in his post match assessment commenting that ‘All credit to Tim Bresnan and Luke Wright for making sure we weren’t completely out of the game.’ There was a definite improvement in this series but still surely England should be able to play Australia without being easily beaten? There definitely needs to be a change within the England squad, but the future is bright, regardless of the team’s performances against Australia. There was no Stuart Broad, Freddie Flintoff, Matt Prior or Kevin Pietersen against the Aussies and any team in the world would miss players of that quality no matter who they are playing, especially when they are playing the top ranked one day side in the world. But the batting order needs to be addressed, especially at the top of the order, with batsmen like Cook, Collingwood, Bopara and Shah all having to either up there game or be dropped. But there’s a welcome break from one day cricket in the form of the test series in South Africa and a chance for the England team to regain some of the glory they should have been bathing in all summer.
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