Sustainability Presentation (Sade-Pearls)(Week.0) by Burak Çelik

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Week 0



ADA 412 Contemporary Problems in Urban Sustainability Bilkent University Department of Architecture 04.02.2018

What is Sustainability? According to Oxford Dictionary Definition 1[noun]: It is the ability to be maintained at a certain rate of level. Definition 2[noun]: Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. and for me: It is a word that requires more thoughtfulness, research and job for an environment of future generations.


Deforestation, the change in ecological life

Poverty and Economical inequality

Was the world sustainable so far?

The change in moral values


Social hierarchy

According to Companies... the answer is YES

Is it?


What if there is something to do for the scenes in the videoclip of Sade-Pearls..

What is Sustainable Architecture? How can Architects help the current situation of poverty? Sustainable architecture is a general term that describes environmentally conscious design techniques in the field of architecture. Sustainable architecture is framed by the larger discussion of sustainability and the pressing economic and political issues of our world. In the broad context, sustainable architecture seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by enhancing efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space.


How Sustainable Architecture works?

Ordering Systems: 1.Economic 2.Sociocultural 3.Aesthetical 4.Functional 5.Environmental


Sustainable Architecture can help poverty because.. 1.Economically, it.. - can provide job opportunities - can reduce cost of living ... 2.Socioculturally, it.. - helps to create healthy societies - increases quality of life and social integrity - can improve education and research activities ... 3.Aesthetically, it.. - can create beautiful and safe neighborhoods - can attract people to live there ... 4.Functionally, it.. - can serve for the right purpose - can provide well functioning areas and buildings - can provide an environment that sustain itself (such as growing their own vegetables) ... 5. Environmentally, it.. - helps people to use natural resources - helps people to manage their environment - reduces pollution(water, land, waste, air) - can help us to leave a healthy world to the next generations ...



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