Same World, New Solutions (If I were the King..) Presentation (Week.8) by Burak Çelik

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Week 8

Same World, New Solutions (If I were the King..)


ADA412 Contemporary Problems in Urban Sustainability Bilkent University Department of Architecture 25.03.2018

4 Primary Long-Term Problems of the World 1. 2. 3. 4.

Global Warming Hazardous Substances Water & Air Pollution Overpopulation

Many of the human-centered problems lead to global environmental problems that are causing long-term damage to the earth’s ecosystem. The only way to control current global environmental problems is to create sustainable development strategies and continue to create conservation methods. There is no simple formula for these solutions but if one person changes his/her behaviours, it may lead to a domino effect.


1.Global Warming Global warming has become one of the major problems people facing today. The problem has become worsen every day. It causes Problems like; • Change in ecosystem • Species extinction • Rise of sea level


Solutions: Eco-Friendly Products Governments can support eco-friendly products, give rewards and cut off the taxes from ecoproducts. Electric Cars and eco-friendly carbonfree products can help to stop factories that produces great amount of CO2. It also begins with our daily habits.


2. Hazardous Substances • Oil Spills • Radioactive Leaks • Tanker Spills


We have to stop poison living being and environment immediately.


Solutions: • Cut off fuel and diesel • Safety Protocol/ Change in Laws • Governments can promote Alternative Energy Resources


3. Pollution (Water/Air) Water Crisis The world facing a water crisis nowadays and 10% of people do not have access to potable water. Large industries including those that make chemicals and plastics dump a large amount of waste into the water. Human waste and rubbish also ends up in the oceans and lakes.

Ozone Depletion Ground-level ozone, particulate matter, lead, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide are all dangerous when released into the air. These pollutants can cause human health problems and damage to plants and animals.


Food-Hazardous Waste The mishandling of hazardous waste materials poses immediate and long-term risks to plants, animals, humans and the environment. Hazardous waste is any liquid or solid that contains carcinogenic or teratogenic compounds, including pesticides, paint strippers, solvents, paint, gasoline, bleach, ammonia, industrial cleaning agents and drain cleaners.


Solutions: Encouraging People Governmental award system for recycling Regulating Laws


Reverse Vending System Zero waste Scotland welcomes the plan to introduce a deposit return system for single use drinks containers. The system can extend to cans, aluminums, electronics, metals, woods and so on. It can be a global rewarding system


4.Overpopulation Problems: • Water & Food Scarcity • Lack of production • Depletion of Natural Resources • Conflicts and Wars • Rise in Unemployment


Solutions Better Education: Literacy plays a major role in checking population growth. Improving the literacy rate particularly in woman, can help in population control. Governmental Incentives: Certain incentives in the form of government benefits, scholarships, to children, subsidies, exemptions from tax, promotion in jobs should be offered.





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