The month of love is here. Let’s remember to show love and be kind to one another. Come and stop by the Joslyn Adult Center and add to our Valentine’s wall. We will have supplies for you to create your own card or decoration. We often associate the month of February with hearts because of Valentine’s Day. However, there’s another reason we should think about hearts this month. February is designated as American Heart Month, to advocate cardiovascular health and raise awareness about heart disease. We have included some tips provided by the American Heart Association on how to improve your heart health.
Joslyn was fortunate to have the Rotary Club of Burbank Sunrise sponsor the Young at Heart performance last year and we are excited to have them back again this month. They will be bringing Rat Pack Ricky and 60’s Tribute Group “Remember” to the Joslyn Adult Center.
We are excited to be collaborating with Metro On The Move Riders Program to bring the Older Adult Transportation Pop-Up to the Joslyn Adult Center. This event will provide older adults with information and resources to us public transportation with confidence. You can find details about all of our February events inside.
There are a few more activities starting this month. If your 2023 goal is to try out a new activity, then we are here to help. You should give one of our new classes a shot. Below are the details:
NEW - Fleet Feet Outdoor Walking Group: Mondays 10:00am-11:00am
NEW - Drum Circle w/ Amy: Mondays 3:00pm-4:00pm
NEW - Genetics, Psychology & Forensics Discussion Group w/ James: Wednesdays 3:00pm-5:00pm
We hope you have a lovely February!
Mondays at Joslyn 10:00am-11:00am
Join us each Monday at 10:00am for a 1-3 mile walk around beautiful Burbank. Bring friends and meet new people as we walk and talk. Distance depends on weather and group conscience. There will be no outdoor walks on rainy days. All abilities invited. For more information contact our sponsor, Fleet Feet Burbank at 818-238-9522
Wednesdays at Joslyn 3:00pm-5:00pm
Have you ever wanted to learn more about genetics? How about psychology or forensics? Well, we have a new discussion group starting at Joslyn covering all these topics. Come by and share with the group your questions and thoughts. Please join us, we need you. The group is facilitated by James L. Atwell, MA, author of How to Improve Your Life: Dreams, Self-Therapy & Genetics.
2nd Thursday at Joslyn 10:00am-11:00am
BUW invites all women who have completed 60 units or more of college work to apply for membership. The goal of Burbank University Women is to promote education and intellectual growth. Activities include monthly meetings with interesting speakers, book club, dining group, day trips, fundraising activities and furnishing college scholarships to graduates of Burbank high schools. For membership information, please call Jeri Primm at 818.843.2610 or Marcia Baroda at 818.848.2825
February is American Heart Month
American Heart Month is a great opportunity to focus our attention on ways to promote and maintain heart health. You can keep your heart healthy no matter what age you are by making changes in your everyday habits. Here are some tips provided by the American Heart Association on how to get started: Get enough exercise. Physical activity is one of the best ways to improve heart health. The American Heart Association recommends that individuals perform at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise. Quit smoking. If you’re still smoking, it’s time to quit. There are many benefits of living a smoke-free life including improved circulation, reduced risk of certain types of cancer, and feeling more energetic. Eat a heart-healthy diet. Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables while limiting saturated fats, salt, and foods containing cholesterol, like fatty meats. A Mediterranean diet focuses on eating a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seafood instead of red and processed meats.
Watch your numbers. Get regular check-ups to monitor health conditions that affect the heart, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Make sure they’re under control with medication. Reduce your alcohol intake. Excess alcohol consumption can worsen health conditions that contribute to heart disease, such as high blood pressure, arrhythmias, and high cholesterol levels Watch your weight. To help prevent heart disease, maintain a healthy body weight for your size. Too many pounds can increase the risk of heart disease. Get better sleep. It’s critical to have a good night’s sleep. Most experts say that older adults should sleep between seven and nine hours each night. Sleep is beneficial for brain functionality, metabolism, immune functionality, and emotional well-being.
Reduce stress factors. According to studies, stress can compound many heart disease risks that older adults already face, like high blood pressure. Take the time to find healthy outlets to relieve stress and lower your risk of heart disease.
We’re looking for experienced Bridge players who aren’t a part of a foursome. Please come and play on Wednesdays at 10:30am up until 2:00pm. If there are not enough players for a table, bring a deck of card and a competitive spirit. We’ll play a spirited solitaire game or Mexican Train Dominoes for 2 to 3 people. You can stay and play until we get you into a foursome.
Monday, February 13, 2023
LOCATION: Joslyn Adult Center Burbank, CA
Our February 2023 trip is scheduled for Monday, February 13 We will be traveling to California Science Center to see the North America Premiere Amazonia – Photography by Sebastian Salgaldo, world-renowned Brazilian photojournalist. The exhibit more than 200 photographs including portraits of the Amazon’s indigenous people and large-scale rich landscapes. Admission to the California Sceience Center and the Amazonia Photography Exhibit is free.
• You MUST sign a Metro waiver form. (double sided)
• You MUST have your BSAC to ride the Burbank Bus for free.
• You MUST have a current TAP card.
• You MUST sign up with Maria Kerrigan to be included in this trip
• There will be walking from Expo Park/USC Station to the California Science Center. It is about 10 minutes. It is mostly flat walking. Please wear walking shoes.
• Please bring a snack and/or water
• Bring cash/credit card if you choose to buy lunch at one of the Science Center’s four venues. If you prefer, you may bring your own lunch. Meet at the Joslyn Adult Center main desk at 8:45am so we can catch the 9:00am Burbank Bus/Pink Route Return to the Joslyn Adult Center at approximately 2:30pm.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact me.
Maria KerriganBurbankTravelBuddy@yahoo.com
OTMRP Travel Buddy for Burbank Joslyn Adult Center
Foundation for Senior Services and Senior Specialists Group presents
Part 1: The Five Wishes - Conversations for Peace of Mind
Monday, February 13 - 11:00am-12:00pm
The Five Wishes booklet from Aging with Dignity will be provided to all participants as a guide, as the SSG specialists share real-life case studies as we cover the key elements to include when completing this important information that will become a key part of your advance planning documents. A follow-up class will be offered to take a deeper dive into the Wishes as it relates to your individual values and preferences.
Part 2: The Five Wishes – Conversations & Planning for Peace of Mind
Monday, February 27 - 11:00am-12:00pm
This class will be very beneficial in understanding the importance of each of the 5 Wishes for your future planning. You will learn effective communication strategies in this interactive class, to work through each of your wishes, as we go through an in-depth overview to define what really matters most to you.
Earthquake Kit Giveaway & Preparedness Presentation
Sponsored by Quake Safe Seniors and Oakley Law Group
Everyone knows that the “Big One” is coming and can strike at any time. When it does, it will be devastating and emergency services will be overwhelmed. You may lose gas, electricity, and water for days. During a major disaster, minor injuries may be a low priority for emergency services. Be prepared to tend to minor injuries and survive a disaster by having food, medical and sanitation supplies on-hand and ready.
Burbank’s own Quake Safe Seniors, a California non-profit has teamed up with the Oakley Law Group to distribute essential “supplies to survive” to Burbank seniors.
100 Burbank seniors (age 55+) may pick up a backpack filled with enough disaster essentials for two people to manage for three days. Each senior will also receive a disaster toilet that may be used if the water supply is cut off or limited.
A short presentation on Preparing for a Disaster will begin promptly at 10am followed by the distribution of kits. Only 100 kits are available and will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. Only seniors who are present may receive a kit.
Kits are provided free of charge by Quake Safe Seniors and Oakley Law Group, but donations to replenish supplies are happily accepted!
Wednesday March 15 10:00am-1:00pm (or until supplies run out)
To enroll in the meal program, call the location from which you would like to pick up. After application, a start date will be given. Must be 60+ to qualify. Suggested $2 donation.
The City of Burbank Home Delivered Meals Program provides homebound individuals with:
• 5 to 7 nutritious meals per week in addition to milk, juice, fruit and bread
• Voluntary suggested donation is $3.00
The HDM Program is currently accepting applications. To qualify, applicants must be:
• A Burbank resident
• At least 60 years of age
• Evaluated by staff to determine need and eligibility
For more information and/or enrollment, please call (818) 238-5366.
The City of Burbank Nutrition Program is now practicing a Hybrid Meal Distribution. All three nutrition sites are now open for dine-in! However, program participants may choose to take their meals to-go.
• 5 meals are served each week: 2 hot meals, 2 cold meals, and 1 frozen meal alongside milk, juice, fruit, and bread.
• Tables are sanitized; disposable utensils are provided.
• Bringing a cooler or insulated bag is encouraged.
• Patrons must first enroll in the program to reserve their meals.
Nourishing News: 5 Top Foods for Eye Health
Healthy eating is good for your eyesight! Studies reveal that the five main eye diseases (cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), dry eyes, glaucoma and diabetic retinopahy) have a nutritional link. Foods with certain phytonutrients, which are powerful antioxidants, are important for keeping eyes healthy. The best source of these nutrients are found in whole foods including the ones below:
• Dark green leafy vegetables
• Orange fruits and vegetables
• Fish
• Dairy
• Green Tea
Other Factors to Consider
• If you’re at risk of developing AMD, an eye supplement may be recommended. Discuss the risks and benefits of supplements with your eye care professional. Only use as directed.
• Maintaining a healthy body weight and lifestyle contribute to eye health.
• Keep blood pressure and blood sugar under control and avoid smoking.
• Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
• If you spend a lot of time focusing on one thing, your eyes can get fatigued. Give your eyes a rest to reduce eye strain.