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23 TORPEX-2 Chemical

- RDX-41.6+TNT-39.7+A1-18.0+ Wax-0.7 % Colour - Gray V of D - 7495 m/sec Method of Loading- Cast Uses - Mines, Torpedoes,Depth Charges TORPEX-3 Chemical Colour V of D

- RDX-41.4+TNT-39.5+A1-17.9+ Wax-0.7+CaCl-0.5 % - Gray - 7495 m/sec EDNATOL


- Haleite-60/67/55/50 % TNT-40/33/45/50% 55/45 most common. Colour - Yellow V of D - (55/45) 7340 m/sec Method of Loading- Cast Uses - was at one time contemplated for use as a bursting charge in HEAT Amn; Found application as a substitute in the 220 frag; Bomb.

24 HBX-1 Chemical

- See RDX,TNT & Aluminium (RDX39.6+TNT-37.8+Al-17.1+Desensitizer5.0 +Ca Chloride-5%) (Comp;D2=Paraffin and other wax-84+ Nitric illulose-14+Lecithin-2%) Colour - Gray V of D - 7400 m/sec Method of Loading- Cast Uses - Depth charges, Torpedo warhead, Rocket warhead. TETRYTOL Chemical

- Tetryi-80/75/70/65 % TNT-20/25/30/35 % Colour - Yellow V of D - 7385,7340,7310 m/sec Method of Loading- Cast Uses - Demo Blocks 75/25, Bursters 70/30, Mines 65/35 EXPLOSIVE-D (Ammonium Picrate) Chemical

- C6H6N4O7 (C-29.3+H-2.4+N-22.7+O-45.6%) Colour - Yellow to Orange V of D - 7100 m/sec Method of Loading- Pressed in increment Uses - Bursting charge in AP Proj; and Bombs. Ingredient in Picratol




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