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No longer ‘the city dump’
Kingsway-Imperial neighbourhood transforms itself – with dedicated citizens leading the way Stefania Seccia
staff reporter
Burnaby has won awards for being a well-managed city. It boasts four town centres that are set to become major activity hubs in the near future with the completion of large development projects and proposals – and the city’s building permit values for this year alone are the envy of other Lower Mainland municipalities. But Burnaby is still a large city with a variety of neighbourhoods that don’t all conveniently fall within the core of the four hubs – and sometimes areas get lost between the cracks. More than eight years ago, the Kingsway-Imperial neighbourhood was one area quickly becoming known as the “city dump.” That is until local resident Diane Gillis decided to take the neighbourhood back from the rising crime, prostitution and drugs. “What I started noticing was scary stuff,” Gillis said about what the area was like almost a decade ago. “We had shootings. I’ve been solicited way too many times, from men thinking I was a sex-trade worker. “When I walked along Kingsway, I heard someone say the neighbourhood was gone.” Gillis’s grandparents came in 1917 and ran a local drug store. She has lived in the area for 30 years and witnessed the neigh-
Larry Wright/burnaby now
Face the change: Sean Kumagai, general manager of Metrotown Mazda, has been part of and has watched the
Kingsway-Imperial neighbourhood’s transformation over the last decade. The Kingsway Imperial Neighbourhood Association is having its next meeting on June 12 in MLA Kathy Corrigan’s office at 150-5172 Kingsway at 5 p.m., in an effort to further improve the community. bourhood’s worsening behaviours. “I do respect the fact that the city was thoughtful with its plan and it wasn’t anybody being careless,” she said. “It naturally evolved.” Gillis was tired of witnessing the crime and also being mistaken as a “Jane” by sex-trade workers, and decided to form the Kingsway Imperial Neighbourhood Association, which she is still president of. “The thing about it is that what we have to do is get the message out that this isn’t the city dump,” she said. “There have been mattresses, tires, broken chests and drawers dumped here. There’s been a fair bit of litter.” Gillis said she began to worry about the
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example the neighbourhood was setting to its youth living between Edmonds and Metrotown. “It had a bad influence on our youth,” she said. “It made the neighbourhood less walkable. “We got kids growing up in a community and we’re real believers in modeling behaviour.” Gillis took her cause to her neighbours, to join her new association, then to council, the police, the local MLA and the school board. “I went to council and the police,” she said. “I can attest to the fact that they listened to us. We don’t get everything we want, but the area has vastly improved.” Portables were put in at the local com-
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munity school, and the addition of a youth worker gave the community an opportunity to grow. Another positive step forward was the proposed rezoning to the local motel. “One thing that challenged me with creating a neighbourhood association was I wanted to meet in the community, but couldn’t find a public space,” she said. The association has met everywhere from coffee shops to senior centres, but it didn’t hinder progress. One of the big challenges Gillis has personally tackled is the graffiti in the area, which she says if left alone would continue to send the wrong message. “When you see graffiti it sends a Cleaning up Page 9
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