Burnaby Now - July 26, 2013

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Longtime city employee retires PAGE 3

Delivery 604-942-3081 • Friday, July 26, 2013

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Home declared unsafe Owner reportedly trapped in the home, under debris Stefania Seccia staff reporter

It isn’t the first time the Mandy Avenue home has been an issue for council, or the fire department, but now it’s officially a nuisance. Council has declared a home in the 6900-block of Mandy Avenue a nuisance. The city says it poses a “significant threat” to the safety of the property owner because of accumulated debris inside and outside the home, according to a staff report. After first rescuing the property owner in January after he was trapped under debris, the fire department was again called to the home on July 2. The owner was reportedly trapped in the home, under debris. Four units and 12 personnel responded and remained on the scene for more than an hour-and-a-half. “Similar to the original incident, the responding crews were met with a large amount of materials and debris, which complicated the rescue and raised concerns for their own safety,” said Denise Jorgenson, the City of Burnaby’s director of finance, in her report to council. At council’s Feb. 4 meeting, staff were authorized to undertake a cleanup of the property’s exterior at the owner’s expense, which cost $12,500. It took seven city staffers (labourers, foremen, property use coordinators and a carpenter) and one contract employee, an excavator and three dump trucks to complete the exterior

Larry Wright/burnaby now

Gorgeous greens: Charlotte Fesnoux, left, and Dolores and Bill Storness-Bliss display goods at the SFU Pocket Farmers’ Market. This is the sixth season of the market, which is held at the Town Square at Cornerstone (by the transit loop). It is held every Wednesday, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. until October.

Funds for Kinder Morgan hearing NEB announces money will be available to help people participate in the process Jennifer Moreau staff reporter

Burnaby residents concerned about Kinder Morgan’s pipeline expansion plan may have their say, now that the National

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Energy Board has announced that funding will be available to help people participate in the regulatory process. Kinder Morgan, which plans to twin the Trans Mountain pipeline, is expected to apply to the board for project approval in late 2013. The money is part of the National Energy Board’s participant funding program, which helps aboriginal groups, landowners, not-for-profits, people who live close to the project and other inter-

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ested parties to participate in the regulatory process, but they must apply and be approved by the board before they can weigh in on the hearing. Interested parties can apply to write a letter of comment or be intervenors. (Letters of comment are for people wishing to share their views without fully participating in the hearing, while intervenors can present evidence for their arguments.) Only those accepted by the board Pipeline Page 8

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