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For the love of a daughter
Security raises red flag
Mother makes a public plea for thief to return her late daughter’s birth certificate
Don Hauka and Jennifer Moreau staff reporter
Cayley Dobie staff reporter
When four-year-old Lucia Hazelton died, her family continued living their lives as though their first-born was still with them. Her mother, Rosanna Beraldine, kept reminders of Lucia with her at all times, including a photo of her daughter as her cellphone background. Beraldine even kept Lucia’s birth certificate in her wallet, alongside her other two daughters’ birth certificates and her own, as a way to have Lucia with her everywhere she went. “(She) was with me always, all the time,” Beraldine said. “It just makes me feel like she’s (Lucia) coming with me wherever I go, like she used to.” In 2008, the family lived in a gated community in Burnaby. On Christmas Eve, Lucia was playing in the snow with the other kids in the complex when a neighbour backed out of their driveway and struck the four-year-old. The freak accident left a hole in the family and carrying Lucia’s birth certificate with her was comforting to Beraldine. It was a reminder that one day their family would be whole again, after this life has ended, she said. But on Sunday afternoon Beraldine and her family suffered another heartbreak. Beraldine’s wallet in which she kept Lucia’s birth certificate was stolen from the Bonsor Recreation Centre during a kids’ swap meet. From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Beraldine managed a table at the swap meet. She kept her purse on a chair under her jacket, and she tucked the chair under her table while she spoke with customers. “I was standing there the whole time so I Stolen Page 4
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Jason Lang/burnaby now
Stolen: Rosanna Beraldine holds a photo of her late daughter Lucia Hazelton.
Lucia’s family keeps her spirit alive with small reminders, including her original birth certificate, which was in Beraldine’s wallet when it was stolen last weekend.
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A lack of security at facilities like Kinder Morgan’s Westridge Marine Terminal poses a threat to public safety, says an SFU security expert. Douglas Ross, of Simon Fraser’s political science department, said the ease with which Greenpeace activists occupied the oil terminal last Wednesday illustrates the vulnerability of Canadian industrial sites. Ross said corporations are unlikely to spend big bucks on security until after an incident takes place. “Security all around, all the time, is really expensive,” said Ross. “Until an incident happens, corporations are unlikely to pay what is necessary to protect highly sensitive sites such as refineries, pipelines – incredibly vulnerable, given (the) vast size and mostly in remote locations – chemical storage facilities or transportation equipment.” While local oil facilities, such as the Chevron refinery and the Trans Mountain pipeline terminus, have been in place for decades, Ross would like to see these kinds of facilities located away from populated areas. “Pre 9/11, nobody was thinking about home-grown terrorists potentially getting a hold of trucks loaded with explosives, gasoline bombs or things like that to wreak havoc in a facility like that. That’s Pipeline Page 10