Burnaby Now August 15 2014

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Helping the Eagle Creek salmon come home PAGE 8

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Burnaby Neighbourhood House gets new digs


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City renter fears highrises will force her out Jacob Zinn staff reporter

To Tisa Nowak, the writing’s on the wall. The nine-year resident of 6280 Cassie Ave. is certain that her lowrise rental apartment building will be torn down to make way for Rize Alliance’s Gold House development: two towers stretching 26 and 41 storeys into the Metrotown skyline. “I’m not naïve, I know this is going through,” she said. Nowak said when – not if – the building application goes through, she and her 200 or so neighbours will be displaced as the area densifies with more owner-occupied properties. “This area has always been predominantly rentals, and now they’re taking that away,” said Nowak of the city, noting that a number of other apartment towers have sprung up in the area since she moved in. “You’ve got one highrise here, you’ve got one highrise there, you’ve got another highrise there. Why not wait to see until they’re actually completed before you turn around and build two more?” Nowak’s building is one of four properties up for rezoning, all of which will be demolished if the development is approved. While she estimated that her building has 52 units, she said the majority of the rental apartments have multiple people, and approving this development will put them out on the street. “You’ve got a mother and father with two children in a one-bedroom because

Jacob Zinn/burnaby now

Not in my backyard: Tisa Nowak is against the Gold House development at Beresford Street, which is awaiting approval by Burnaby city council. Nowak is one of 200-some residents who will be displaced if the highrise project is given the thumbs up. they can’t afford something more,” she said. “There’s not sufficient, affordable rental (housing) as it is, and now you’re displacing 200 to 300 additional people.

“I’m one of them. Where are we going to go?” Burnaby city council recently held a public hearing regarding the develop-

ment, to which Burnaby First Coalition supporters Rick McGowan and Helen Renters Page 4

Company’s stock jumps after Ebola decision staff reporter

A Burnaby pharmaceutical company’s stock nearly doubled over the weekend following a decision by the FDA to use

one of its experimental drugs to treat the Ebola virus. Tekmira Pharmaceuticals’ stock reached $25.84 on the TSX on Monday, just days after the FDA changed its stance on the drug from a full clinical hold to

a partial hold, allowing it to be used on patients infected with the virus. The drug will be used to fight the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, which has already reached a death toll of more than 1,000 people, according to the World Health



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Ebola Page 4



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Organization. “We have been closely watching the Ebola virus outbreak and its consequences, and we are willing to assist with any responsible use of TKM-Ebola,” said

Jacob Zinn


A headstart for your child. French FrenchImmersion Immersion Opening a New Montessori Preschool Classroom in l us EdithsMontessori.com Cadl ay! September 2014! to




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