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Burnaby firefighter flexes for a good cause PAGE 11
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Taking us with you – even for a ride on a camel PAGE 27
Your source for local sports, news, weather and entertainment! >> www.burnabynow.com THE MAN WHO NEARLY DIED MEETS THE WOMAN WHO HELPED SAVE HIM
MLA asks if others involved in scandal
‘I just thought, ‘This is it ...’ Cornelia Naylor staff reporter
year ago this spring, a New Westminster woman and a Burnaby man met under unusual circumstances in the Kootenays – on the undercarriage of a 2007 Toyota Matrix flipped upside down in an icy, swift-flowing creek. Frank Barbosa was unconscious, his lungs filled with water; Lisa Collyer was scooping water and mucus out of his mouth and nose, and yelling for him to stay with her. The pair met again this week under happier circumstances in Downtown New West, with Collyer accepting a St. John Ambulance life-saving award for her actions that day, and Barbosa – a husband and father of two – alive, conscious, and there to show his gratitude. Their first meeting was April 20, 2013. Collyer, a Douglas College hotel management student, was on her way from New West to Rossland on a sunny spring day to work at a hotel for the summer. Twenty minutes outside of Christina Lake, she drove around a bend on Highway 3B and saw a group of people clustered by the side of the road, looking down a steep embankment. She stopped and saw a vehicle flipped upside down in the creek below, one man lying lifeless on its undercarriage with another man trying to provide first aid while yet another man splashed around in the icy water, trying to see if anyone else was trapped inside. Minutes before, Barbosa had been driving his Matrix in the opposite direction, back to
Jennifer Moreau staff reporter
To the rescue:
Above, Christina Lake Fire and Rescue personnel prepare to extract Burnaby’s Frank Barbosa from an icy Kootenay stream in April 2013. At left, Barbosa poses with New Westminster’s Lisa Collyer, who received an award Monday for helping to save him. Cornelia Naylor/
Burnaby, when he hit a patch of gravel coming around a sharp curve. The Matrix had skidded out of control and tumbled down the 20-
foot embankment. “Then all I remember was hearing a lot of noise, a lot of brush in front of me,” he said. He blacked out briefly, he
said, and when he came to he was trapped upside down in his seatbelt, his squashed vehicle filling with water. Rescue Page 4
The NDP is raising questions about the Liberals “quick wins” scandal, following Election Act charges against Burnaby’s Brian Bonney. Bonney was charged Monday, along with the Liberal party director Mark Robertson, for allegedly violating the Election Act during the 2012 Port Moody-Coquitlam byelection. The allegations, which have not been proven in court, stem from the RCMP’s investigation of the Liberals “quick wins” or ethnic vote scandal. Burnaby-Lake MLA Kathy Corrigan questioned the extent of the investigation, which is expected to wrap up in early 2015. “(Bonney)’s been charged and those are pretty serious allegations, … but there were others involved as well, and remember this goes right back to Christy Clark,” Corrigan said. “I think the question is: how much farther does this go? This particular investigation, I think it’s probably fairly widespread.” The charges – filed against Bonney, Robertson and their company, Mainland Communications – allege the two had Sepideh Scandal Page 3
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