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Your source for local sports, news, weather and entertainment! >> www.burnabynow.com ANTI-PIPELINE ACTIVISTS PLAN TO BLOCK KINDER MORGAN DESPITE RULING
Judge rules against city in mountain battle Jennifer Moreau staff reporter
Burnaby residents and antipipeline activists plan to block Kinder Morgan’s survey work in the Burnaby Mountain conservation area, following a Wednesday morning B.C. Supreme Court decision that rejected the city’s request for an injunction to stop the company. Kinder Morgan wants to run a new pipeline, which the city opposes, through the city-owned conservation area but must conduct survey work to see if the route is even feasible. “People are getting organized, so if push comes to shove, as they say, if Kinder Morgan comes in, we are going to try to be in their way and make their work very difficult,” said SFU English professor Stephen Collis. “I think there will be a lot of people taking this into their own hands.” Alan Dutton, a member of Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion, said the group is working with lawyers and the B.C. Civil Liberties Association to host workshops on people’s rights if they engage in civil disobedience. BROKE also plans on engaging the public to
On guard for trees:
SFU English professor Stephen Collis, far left, says residents are planning to take turns keeping watch on Burnaby Mountain, and if Kinder Morgan returns to continue survey work, they will stop the company with their bodies. Jennifer Moreau/burnaby now
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develop long-term strategies to stop the pipeline, Dutton added. “It’s a responsibility of people in Burnaby to make sure their land is protected,” Dutton said. Mayor Derek Corrigan issued a statement Monday morning,
suggesting the battle is not over despite the court’s decision. “It’s not the end of anything. It’s another step in what we’ve always known will be a long fight to protect our conservation lands – and all of our land in the
city – from further destruction by Kinder Morgan,” Corrigan said. Madam Justice Brenda Brown issued her ruling Wednesday morning, but she won’t release her reasons until next week. Corrigan said the city is con-
sidering whether to appeal and will look to the National Energy Board to stop Kinder Morgan’s work. “We strongly feel that the decision as to whether or not Kinder Morgan must respect our bylaws is one that should be made by the Supreme Court,” Corrigan added. Kinder Morgan left the mountain on Sept. 3, after the city issued a stop work order and tickets for cutting trees in the park, which violates a local bylaw, even though the NEB has sanctioned the company’s survey work. There are two legal proceedings underway: the city’s application to the B.C. Supreme Court Pipeline Page 11
Teachers have mixed opinions on agreement Cornelia Naylor staff reporter
Burnaby teachers stayed on the picket line Thursday as teachers across the province voted on an agreement that would end the nearly five-month-old labour dispute. “Different districts are doing different
things, but we’re on strike until the strike’s over,” local union president Rae Figursky told the NOW Thursday. Figursky said opinion about the agreement among local teachers was “all over the place” after they went over the points in the agreement at three study sessions Wednesday.
“My prediction is it’ll be a yes; it won’t be high,” Figursky said. The full text of the agreement, including a back-to-work protocol, wasn’t available to teachers until 1 a.m. Thursday morning and local teachers had between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. to vote. The details of the agreement and the
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results of the vote were not available by press time, but Figursky said back-to-work provisions in the agreement provide “a little bit of time for teachers to be in the schools without the students to get ready and then students starting.” As of Thursday, the school district had Teachers Page 11
COFFEE WITH RICHARD! Saturday, September 27 9:00 - 10:30 am Caffe Artigiano 4359 Hastings, Burnaby
I hope to see you there!
Richard T. Lee MLA Burnaby North
Richard.Lee.MLA@leg.bc.ca www.richardleemla.bc.ca