THURSDAY,AUGUST 11, 2022 LOCAL NEWS –LOCAL MATTERS. There’smore at NEWS 3 COMMUNITY 11 SPORTS 23 $8 millionfor infrustructure Burnaby wrestlerwins Chgold arges laid in hit-and-run WIN $250 SHOPPING SPREE AT METROPOLIS, see page 20 JOIN the conversation at MORE photos&contestsINSTANT updates

THURSDAY,AUGUST 11, 2022 LOCAL NEWS –LOCAL MATTERS. There’smore at HIGHWAY1 SHOOTING: The westbound Kensington exit from Highway 1was closed Saturday as policeinvestigated asuspected gang shooting that left one person dead andanother injured.
Teen identified ashighwayshooting victim NEWS 3 COMMUNITY 11 SPORTS 23 $8 million forinfrustructure Burnaby wrestler wins Charggold es laid in hit-and-run Continuedonpage4 WIN $250 SHOPPING SPREE AT METROPOLIS, see page 20 Glenn Chivers 604.420.9100 ut my 34 Years of Experience Work forYou! Each office is independently ownedand operated Medallion 2020 RE/MAX Hall of Fame RE/MAX Platinum Club Team AL KABANI Free Home Evaluation Call AL KABANItoday 778-773-4646 RE/MAXCrest | Since 1985 | #1-5050 Kingsway, Burnaby,BCV5H 4C2 778-773-4646
Homicide investigatorsare trying to piece together the last few hoursof 18-year-old Meysam Zaki’s life before he died of gunshots wounds beside the Burnaby Lake stretch of Highway 1Saturday. Police responded to areportofashooting on the Trans CanadaHighway near the Kensingtonoverpass at about 2:30 p.m., according to an Integrated Homicide Investigation Team news release. Aman had called911 after the vehicle he was driving wastargeted in a shooting thatkilled his pas senger, who has nowbeen identified as Zaki. The driver, who hasnot been named,sustained a non-life-threatening gunshot wound, according to police Asuspect vehicle was identified as ablack MercedesBenz SUV, accordingtoIHIT. At about 4:30p.m. Saturday, Burnaby RCMP gotacallabout avehicle fire in the 1100 block of EastlawnDrive near Beecher Park. The Burnaby Fire Department had responded to the blaze at 3:39 p.m., accordingtoassistant fire Chief DanWalton. Police believethe vehicle wasthe black Mercedes

Established in 2004, UniversityCanadaWest is an independent universitylocated in the heart of Vancouver.UCW offersarangeofbusiness programs, including the Master of Business Administration, Bachelor of Commerce and AssociateofArtsdegree programs. UCWprides itself on being relevant, accessible and innovative with leadership-ready graduates. PeaceGarden –Quiet, Organic, Beauty. Hiring alandscape gardener who worksinaquieter, moreenvironmental way is amajor vote fora cleaner,morepeaceful world. We can help you achieve the lawn or garden of your dreams using non-toxic methods, which is especially important if youhavechildren or pets. Learn moreat
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2 THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 • BurnabyNow Call 604 412 0100 to learn more abouthow we
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The George DerbyCentre,named in honor of VeteranGeorge C. Derbyand previously a rehabilitation centrefor young disabled veterans, wasopened in 1988 as aCareFacility, which today houses and cares forVeterans as well as community Residents. Thefacilityholds 300 beds spread over 4wings: Main South, Main North, LowerNorth and BSTN. Visit us at Bloom BugScreens is asmall family business specializing in top-qualityretractable bug screen systems, showerdoors/enclosures, windowblinds/coverings, and interior/exterior professional painting. We use high-qualityraw materials to exacting standards by our focused and committed installation team. Serving the Lower Mainland. Call us fora quoteat(604) 722-4371 SchooleyMitchell helps companies increase its bottom line by decreasing their expenses. Are youpaying toomuch foryour businessservices? Our model is risk-free, and our compensation is self funded. Contact Davey todayfor afree reviewofyour telecom, waste, merchant services, courier,e-signature, and fuel/fleet services.

STRUCK DOWN: Neither of the officersinjured in aBurnaby hit-and-run on March 4, 2019 has returned to work PHOTO SHANEMACKICHAN CorneliaNaylor
A31-year-old manhas been handed a120-day jail sentence anda year of probationafter be ing caughtjaywalking in Burnabywithahomemade stun gun Troy Reedman pleaded guilty on Aug. 2topos sessing aprohibited weapon and obstructing apolice officer in relationtoincidents in the Metrotown area on July 20, 2021. At about 7:15 p.m. that day, aMetroVancouver Transit Police officer spottedReedmanjaywalking andnarrowly avoiding traffic near Central Boulevard and Bonsor Avenue. Reedman gave the officer afakenamewhen the officer stopped him, butthe officer identified Reedmanusingmugshots andtattoos anddetermined Reedman was wanted on awarrant out of Vancouver,according to agreed facts presented at asentencing hearing inVancouver provincial court. Then Reedmantook off. “Mr.Reedman abruptly dropped hisbags and fled on foot westbound on Central Boulevard,” Crownprosecutor Carla Risleysaid. Asearch of Reedman’s suitcase andtwo dufflebagsafter the officer caught up with him produced three knives and ahomemadeconductive energy weapon (CEW). Reedman wasunder a release order at thetime prohibiting himfromcar rying knives —and an expert laterdetermined the CEWwas in good work ingorder and fit thedescription of aprohibited weapon. “Itwas determinedthat it had the characteristics of aCEW capable of in juring,immobilizing or incapacitatinga person or animal by discharging an electric charge,”Risleysaid.
Weapon: Transit police officersseized thishomemade stun gun from aman they stopped in Metrotown last year
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11,2022 3
Reedmanwas also orig inally charged with possession of afirearm contrarytoanorder,but that charge wasstayedlast week. Reedman ran into trouble with thepolice again acouple months ago in Vancouver. On June 4, anofficer sawhim riding abikeona sidewalk on Powell Street, butReedmanrefused to stop When officers didstop him, they determined he waswantedonfour separate warrantsand he was carrying six knives, bear spray, abaton and aquantity of drugs in breachofa
A32-year-oldBurnaby man has been charged in connection with ahit-andrunthatinjured twooffi cers withthe LowerMainlandIntegrated PoliceDog Service in Burnaby’sBig Bend area more than three yearsago Police at the time said the incident beganwith a callabout apossible drunk driver. BurnabyRCMPgot areportabout awhite, later modelToyota Camry with dark tintedwindows justbefore 11:30 a.m. on March 4, 2019, spokesper son Cpl. Mike Kalanjtold the NOW in 2019 He said an officer had located thevehicle near ByrneRoadand Marine Drivebut couldn’tsee if anyone wasinside because the windows were darkly tinted. When theofficergot out to take alook, however, the vehicle sped offonByrne Road into oncoming traffic, accordingtoKalanj. He said the officerdidn’t give chase becausethe car took offonthe wrong side of the road.
probationorder Reedman pleaded guiltytothatcharge as well last week. In ajoint sentencing submission, Risley and defence lawyer Sara Clouston called for a120 dayjail sentence andone year of probation. B.C. provincialcourt Judge John Milneaccepted thesubmission. “I’m satisfied that’sa fit sentence in the circumstances,” he said. Reedman is alreadyunder twolifetimefirearms bans. During hisprobation, he will be prohibited from possessing weapons andknives Man gets jail,probation after jaywalking with DIY stun gun
‘WEDIDN’TTHINKHE WASGOING TO LIVE’ RobertoFarinha, who saidhehad witnessed the crash from hisoffice win dowat4300North Fraser Way, told the NOW in 2019thathehad been watching agroup of officerswith the dog unit standing outsideone of their vehicles,which had been parked facing west on thenorth side of North FraserWay Awestboundsemi, seeingthe officersonthe road, had sloweddown, Farinha said, butanother westbound vehicle blew pastitonthe right and plowedthrough them. “Everybody wasin shock.Nobody could be lievewhathappened,”he said. An officer whohad been standing closer to the front of thevehiclewas ableto jump out of theway,according to Farinha,but the otherswere launched into theair,one as highas 15 feet “Wedidn’t think he was going to live,”Farinha said The white Camrywas locatedaboutanhourafter thecrash,abandonedin an industrial area by Keith Street and IvyAvenue. It wasreportedstolen thatday,according to po lice No servicedogs were injuredinthe incident.
Burnaby man,32,charged in connectionwith2019 crash thathurttwo policedog service officers
CHARGES On May26, morethan three yearsafterthe crash, charges were laid against Jason Kirupakaran of Burnaby. He facestwo counts each of criminalnegligence causing bodilyharm and failingtostopafter an accidentcausing bodily harm andone count of public mischief. At abailhearing inVancouver provincialcourt on May31, Crown prosecu torMark Myhre described theoffences as “veryserious,” sayingone of the of ficers will never return to work andthe otherhas not yetreturned to work three yearsafter the incident “The twoofficers did suffer life-changing inju ries,” Myhresaid. Accordingtothe allegationsagainst him, Kirupakaran “drove recklessly” and plowed into theofficersgoing over 100km/h, Myhre said. Kirupakaran then fled thesceneand called po licetosay his car had been stolen, according to the al legedfacts. But defence lawyer CarmenOchitwa said Kirupakaran “adamantly de nies”hewas the driver of thecar He has not yetentered a plea on anyofthe charges. B.C. provincial court JudgeDonnaSenniw re leased Kirupakaran on a $1,000 promisetopay Kirupakaran wasin courtlast Friday.His next appearanceis scheduled forAug. 19
in the community Charges laid in hit-and-run thatinjured police

Aknife fight, not a shooting,brought police to Station SquareinBurnaby last week, according to police Officerswerecalled to Silver Driveatabout 10:20 p.m. on Aug. 4for reports of three men fight ing —with witnesses saying aknife wasinvolved, according to aBurnaby RCMP news release “It’sbelieved twomen were leaving anearby restaurant, when they got into aphysical fightwith athirdman,who wasnot known to them, in aparking lot. Aknife waspulled during theincident,”the release said. Twoofthe men allegedly involved fled thearea in avehicle later boxedin by policenear Kingsway and SussexAvenue, ac cording to police. A33-year-old man found inside thevehicle wastakentohospital with stab wounds,which appeared to be superficial, policesaid. The second person in the vehicle,a 40-year-old man, wasnot hurt, accord ing to police A27-year-old maninvolved inthe fightwas foundinthe area by po lice and taken to hospital for injuries that also didn’t appeartobeserious, police said. Aknifewas located nearby and seized as part of the investigation, ac cording to the release. Burnaby RCMP is investigating the incident. Avideo of thepoliceresponse posted online de scribed the incident as a gang fight,and there was speculation the incident hadinvolveda shooting. But Burnaby RCMP said the fight doesn’tappear to have been gang related and there wasno shooting. “Alcoholdoes appear to be afactor,” read an emailed RCMPstatement.
Continuedfrompage1 now Joinusfor an open housea Saturday,August 13 3 | 9 am Popuptent at the Mounta 8486 Barnet Highway (across from Barnet Marinne Pa Comefor aride,learn about the plans for the Mountain Air Bike e Sk Course redevelopment and prov your feedback on the proposed concept design.Drop in to meet project team and ask questions No registration required MOUNTAIN AIR BIKE SKILLS COURSE REDEVELOPMENT Creating afirst-class local destination for biking enthusiasts. ndride day! m r Bike Skills Course Take our online survey! SurveyclosesFriday,August 26, 2022 SHARE YOUR VOICE! NOTICE OF DISPOSITION CityConnect | CityOfBurnaby| 4949 CanadaWay,Burnaby,BCV5G 1M2 TAKE NOTICE THAT the City of Burnabyintends to grant aleasefor aterm of five (5) years (the “Term”) to Cameray Community Fund(operatingasCameray Child &Family Services) over City-owned property located at 2038 Rosser Avenue,Burnaby, BC and legallydescribedasPID: 031-552-927,Air Space Parcel 1District Lot119 Group 1New Westminster DistrictAir Space Plan EPP107051, in consideration for $59,995.58 for each year of the Term, subject to annual adjustment during the Term. Experiencethe difference Chartwellprovides-wheresocial connections,exceptional services and dedicatedstaff can make your life better! CHARTWELL CARLTON 4110 NorfolkStreet, Burnaby 778-300-2389 | Call or scan QR code to receiveyour “Let’s getstarted’’ package.
Policeprobelasthours of
4 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • BurnabyNow
BurnabyRCMPinvestigateknifefight linked to the shooting,according to IHIT Police believethe shooting wastargeted, butinves tigators are still working to confirmwhere the shots were fired. They are also looking for information about Zaki’slast few hours. “Weare releasing Mr. Zaki’sname in hopes that witnesses will come forward who can assist us in building atimeline of his whereabouts in the time leading to his death,” IHIT Sgt.TimothyPierotti said in the release. “Any associates of Mr.Zaki or the second victim are urged to speak with police. IHIT is committed to bring justice for this young man’sfamily.” Anyone with information; dashcam video going west on Highway 1in Burnaby between 2p.m. and 3p.m. Saturday; or dashcam video in the area of Beecher Park between noon and 5p.m. Saturday is asked to contact IHIT at 1-877-551-IHIT (4448) or ihitinfo@rcmp-grc. 18-year-old’slife
City CorneliaNaylor

outstripping supply PHOTO ANDRESR/E+/GETTYIMAGES ‘O’type blood supply dwindling across the
Citynow HARMONY COURT ESTATE THESENIORS OF DISTINCTIONAWARDS DEADLINE FORNOMICATIONS EXTENDED TheSenior of DistinctionAwardsisanoccasion to recognizelocal seniorsand the valuable contributions they have made,and continuetomake, in our communities,workplaces,and families SENIORSCAN BE NOMINATEDFOR: 1. ARTS 2. LEADERSHIP 3. COMMUNITY SERVICE 4. HEALTHYLIVING NOMINATE ONLINE PRINT AND DROP OFF Harmony Court Estate 7197 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5E 4A6 OR Deadline has been extended to: August 30th Winners will be notified by September 15th eadline Media Sponsor: Hosted By:
optional measures Lifesaver:Demand fordonations
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 5
it has 57,000 open appointments thatneed to be filled
On July25, Canadian Blood Services announced it wasremoving itsmandatorymask-wearing and physical distance requirements “Although not required, masks help curb the spread of COVID-19 and arewelcome in ourenvironments and available to anyone who choosesto wear one,”a tweetfrom thenon-profit reads The announcement was met with backlash from the public,withmany saying they were cancel ling their alreadybooked appointmentsuntil the previously mandatory COVID-19 measures are brought back. “I just donated last week, butI guess I’ll need to cancel the appointment I’vemade in September to make my 137th donation,”ScottPiatkowski tweeted. “Let me knowwhen you’vereinstated your masking requirements.” “This is disappointing news, and Ihavecan celledmy bookeddona tiononAugust10asa result,” BrennaClarke Graytweeted When asked by the NOW if the decision to remove maskand physical distancingrequirements has led to alargedecrease in appointments,particu larly in theLower Mainland, CanadianBlood Services said as acommunitysetting,they’re able to shift frommandatoryto by Canadian Blood Services is country Canadian Blood Services says by end month
JessBalzer Blood donor appointments appear to be on a downward slide, and Canadian BloodServicesis taking ahit. Accordingtoits na tional inventory, there are only three days’worth of O+ andO-blood avail able across the country.When the inventory goes below eight days, these types are especially needed. A+,A-and B- areat fivedays, while B+ is cur rently at six days AB+ andAB- supplies arebothhigh-marked at 17 and 10 days respectively. Canadian BloodSer vices spokespersonDelphineDenis explained it can be achallengewhen levelshit three or four days, buttheycan replenish thesupply quickly withthe help of newand returning donors. There are 57,000open appointmentsthatmust be filled by theend of Au gust across Canada. Based on current bookings, they forecast they will fall short of the collectionstarget of 3,000 unitsinthe coming week In Burnaby,there are nearly 300donations needed by theend of this month. They also need 100,000 new donors this year to keepupwithdemand. “Summer is always a challenging time for collections, and this is the first summer since 2019 where there areno/very few restrictions on travel and activities,”Denis said in astatement “People in Canada are enjoying the returnto pre-pandemicactivities and summer travel, leav ing them withlesstime to donate.This hasbeen compounded withthe availabilityoffewer in-person community events to recruit newand returningdonors;ongoing illness and isolationrequirements relatedtoCOVID-19; heat-related weather impacts.” She added, since July 1, collections have been “steadily decreasing.” “Weurge new andreturningblood, platelet and plasma donorstobook and keep appointments.”

6 THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 • BurnabyNow
Everybodywas in shock. Nobody couldbelieve what happened. RobertoFarinha,storypage3 THEY SAIDIT... ARCHIVE 1985 OUR TEAM MY VIEW KEITH BALDREY Pickups,kibble seized in sting Twonew pickuptrucks, videocassette recorders, TVs, sewing machines, cartape decks, powertools and 1,200 pounds of dog food were amongthe items seized in ajoint operationbythe NewWestminsterPolice Department and Burnaby RCMPinMarch.The sixmonthstingoperation wasaimed at fencingrings,and sawundercoverofficersposeasdealersinstolen goods Twenty people were charged, and$185,000instolen merchandise fromcommercialand residential breakinswas recovered Healthcarerises aspoliticalpriority
B.C.’s health-care sys tem is either frayedaround the edges,inastate of near-collapse or continuing to provide exemplarycare —depending on one’s experience in it. Last week, Ireceived a numberofcalls fromlis tenersonCKNWwho either expressedheartfelt thanks for the treatment they hadrecently received or relayedsorrowfultales of woeinvolving them selves or family members who did not getthe treat ment they needed. Emergencyrooms continue to shutdownon weekendsinsome small B.C. towns, whilethe significant shortageoffam ily doctorsisstarting to have an increasingly negativeimpactonpeoples’ health. Doctorsand nurses are saying they have never seen the system sag so badly under thiskind of weight. Politically,the BC Lib erals have seized on the mountingpile of problems and have apparently made health-carecriticismtheir No.1 issue, zeroing in on HealthMinister Adrian Dix for specialattention. The Opposition even demanded thatDix be fired, which is something more reminiscentofthe 1980s than recent times. While the firing de mand mayhavebeenan overreach, the BC Liberals did releasea 30-day plan that contained some good ideas, although implementing themmay be difficult. Increasing compensation fordoctors, updating the fee-for-service model, reducing redundantpaperwork for physicians and acceleratingaccreditation forforeign-trained profes sionals areall proposals that have been pitchedin the past(the government seems to be working to implement some of them, although clearly notfast enough).
The two-member BC Green caucus, for its part, is on aspeaking tourof B.C. to talk about health care fixes they are proposing, In short, health care has returned as atop-ofmind issue for manyBritishColumbians, rivalling the seemingly unsolvable affordabilityissue as the dominantone. More people are now trying to accessthe healthcare system than at any pointinthe pandemic (during whichmanypeoplesimply stopped seeking treatment). And while our system is nowperforming record-high numbersof surgeries,a human resources problem appears to be bedevillingthe systeminwaysnever seen be fore thisyear Since the startofthis year, thenumber of healthcare professionals who have booked off sick has increased by the thousandscompared to previous times. In mid-July,the number of health-care workers who booked sick time in the previous week approached almost 16,000. Thatcompares with about 11,000 aweek in the three months preceding thepandemic andsimilar numberslast year.When about 5,000 fewer people are workinginthe system at anygiven time, that is a recipe for chaosinmany parts of thesystem Indeed, those absences (manylikelylinked to cases of COVID-19orlinked to burnout-related issues) are behind theclosures of smalltownERs and such. Changes arelikely comingtothe health-care system, butthey aren’tcom ingfast enough for many. Thousandsget the treatment they require from our health-caresystemeveryday,but those frayed edges and near-collapses in someareas willcontinue forsome time. Keith Baldreyischiefpolitical reporter forGlobal BC.
MARK FALKENBERG Editor 201a-3430Brighton Avenue,Burnaby, V5A 3H4 MAIN SWITCHBOARD 604.444.3451 DELIVERYINQUIRIES 604.398.3481 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING 604.444.3000 EDITORIAL/NEWSTIP LINE 604.444.3020 FAXLINE 604.444.3460 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED CANA DIAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER AWARD 2013 LARA GRAHAM Publisher THE BURNABY NOW IS AMEMBER OF THE NATIONAL NEWSMEDIA COUNCIL, WHICH IS AN INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATION ESTABLISHED TO DEAL WITH ACCEPTABLE JOURNALISTIC PRACTICES AND ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR. IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT EDITORIAL CONTENT, PLEASE CONTACT MARK FALKENBERG AT MWFALKENBERG@ BURNABYNOW.COM. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE RESPONSE AND WISH TO FILE AFORMAL COMPLAINT, VISIT THE WEB SITE AT MEDIACOUNCIL.CA OR CALL TOLL-FREE 1-844-877-1163 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. “If they reinstate theirmaskmandateand make morepeople eligible to donate there would not be ashortage. Ihad my first-ever appointment booked but cancelled when they dropped mandatory masks. They’re causing the shortage, not potential donors.” “Make it more convenient to give.I triedtobookin my areaand it wasfor the end of September.Way too long.” Laureen Takeshita viaFacebook Lisa Di Tomaso via Facebook Topic: Only 3days’ worth of ‘O’ type blood left Opinionnow

Editor: Earlier this year,Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland announced emergency support fortransitand stated, “Fast,affordable andreliable public transit is essentialto making our cities livable and to our economic recovery.” Public transit helps Canadians gettowork, reduces traffic congestion and improves air quality.For many Canadians, it is alsothe only viable option forgetting around. This investment will help keep Canadians moving and ensure our economic recovery leaves no one behind. Health and qualityoflifeshould be included in thatstatement.Paratransit like HandyDART has beenshown to provide access to health care,jobs, education and the social events that areessential forwell-being. Statistics Canada shows that,due to the aging baby boom generation,trips per senior aredown HandyDARTworkersserve, with dignity, safetyand respect,seniorsand disabled people. Theycan’t avoid close contact and risk contracting COVID, and injuryratesfor these workersare unprecedented. Thechallenging essential work that these workersdohas been compensated significantlylessthan conventionalbus driversfor over40 years. HandyDART is contracted to privatecontractorsfunnelling taxdollarsintoprofit,not service. Each time anew for-profit contractor is awarded acontract,progress in service, training and safetyislost With the present labour shortage, reliable transit serviceisn’tpossible without offering good working conditions, wagesand benefits In West Vancouver (one of the wealthiestmunicipalities in Canada),ATU 134Blue Bus work ershelda 99 per cent strikevote. Not because theywereunreasonable. Working conditions areabysmal. Unliketheircompatriots in other municipalities,they havenoturnaround time or breaks to eat, drink,stretch and, moreimportantly,use awashroom. Meanwhile, their payisover $3 less an hour Both conventional transit and HandyDART workers must be treatedwith respect.Skilled workers areinhigh demand and canwalkinto other jobs if their basic needs arenot met. Vot ershaveanopportunity to defend theirhealth, well-being and theenvironment in upcoming municipal elections.Public transit is notan option, it is survival, and electing strong transit advocates to municipal councils and the Metro Vancouver Regional District is essential. MarkBeeching,president,ATUlocal1724
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 7
THE BURNABY NOW WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. We do, however, edit for taste, legality and length. Please include aphone number where you can be reached. Send letters to: The Editor, #201A–3430 Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3H4,email to: (no attachments please) or fax to: 604-444-3460. Letters to the editor and opinion columns may be reproduced on the Burnaby NOW website,
Vote forpro-transit candidates thisfall
Opinionnow DEALER REGISTRATION NO.D5505 CASH WITHIN 2HOURS AVAILABLE MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9–4 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 WE P Y TOP Cash within 2 hours USED VEHICLES DOLLAR FOR QUALITY HARMONY COURT ESTATE THEDEADLINE FORNOMINATIONS HASBEENEXTENDEDTOAUG 30TH! TheSeniorofDistinction Awards is an occasiontorecognize local seniorsand the valuablecontributionstheyhavemade, and continue to make, in our communities,workplaces,and families. 1. ARTS 2. LEADERSHIP 3. COMMUNITY SERVICE 4. HEALTHYLIVING NOMINATE ONLINE PRINT ANDDROP OFF Harmony Court Estate 7197 Canada Way, Burnaby,BCV5E 4A6 OR Deadline Extended to August 30th Winners will be notifiedbySeptember 15th Media HostSponsor: ed By: NOMINATE ASENIOR FOR THEFOLLOWING:

Tenout of 11 other fineswere also allowed to stand. “The evidence shows thatbefore imposingeach fine,the strata wroteto Mr.Yang advisingofthe complaint, providing details, and advising Mr Yang thathecould re spondinwritingorrequest ahearing,” Carmody wrote.“Thereisno evidence that Mr.Yang re spondedtoany letter.” But Carmody did knock about $500 off the fines basedontechnicalities in relationtothe Strata Property Act. And the stratawas also ordered to reimburseYang $112.50inCRT fees
8 THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 • BurnabyNow City CorneliaNaylor
now Enhance your health and vitality as you age and join us for Mulberry’sSenior Wellness Expo! Learnfrompractitioners, vendors and educators about avariety of health and wellness topics including downsizing, real estate advice, financial planning, home medical equipment, physiotherapy and more. Local Burnaby clubs such as the Burnaby Gogo’sand South Burnaby Lawn Bowling offer new ways to have fun while fostering connections in your community You’ll also enjoy homemade refreshments from our Executive Chef, atour and prize draw! Space is limited. Call Terrie or Kaylie to RSVPat604.526.2248. Friday,August 12,2022 | 1-4pm 7230 AcornAvenue, Burnaby MulberryPARC Seniors’ WellnessExpo PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER.
Police are investigating an alleged assault during aBurnabyhockeygame.
Policeprobealleged skate-to-faceingame
ABurnabycondo owner who wasusing hisapartment as an Airbnb when a guest vandalized the building’smailboxand stole lettersand parcels has failed to get a$5,000 repair bill from thestrata cancelled by the province’sCivil ResolutionTribunal XuYang,who owns a condo on the fifth floor of aBrentwood highrise at 4465 Juneau St., applied to the tribunal to stopthe strata from charging “the unreasonable amountof money,” according to a CRTruling last month. Yang saidhe’dbeen charged atotal of $7,201.15inrepairstothe mailboxand other unrelated fines The stratacharged Yang $5,001.15 after it concluded aguestusing Yang’sstrata fobhad vandalizedthe mailboxand stolen lettersand parcels on Sept.7,2020, accordingtothe ruling. Tribunal member Micah Carmody found the strata’sconclusions about howthe mailboxwas vandalizedweresupported by the evidence. “Thatevidenceincludes fob-use records identifying when Mr.Yang’sstratalot fob wasusedtoaccessthe frontdoor and elevator, videosurveillance footage, photos and statements from aconcierge and from astratacouncil member,” Carmody wrote in aJuly 28 ruling. Yang,who didn’tdeny he wasrunning an Airbnb at his condo,contrary to stratabylaws, wasalso fined threetimes for using the apartment as ashort termrental, according to the ruling. Carmody concluded the strata wasentitled to im pose the fines.
The July 29 incidentat theScotia Barn (formerly 8Rinks) wasreported to policeonAug.2, accordingtoanemailedBurnabyRCMPstatement. “Duringthe incident, thevictimwas allegedly kicked by another player, causing injuries that requiredmedical treatment,”policesaid. BurnabyRCMPsaid investigatorswere in possession of video showing one angle of the incident. Apublic video feed of thegameshows one playerlying on the ice un der an opponent’s leg. Theopponent then raises his leg and appearstohit thevictiminthe face with his blade. The injured playerisseenlying on the ice forseveral minutes In astatement, the ASHLsaidthe playerinvolved in theincident during thegame between theHotshots and Grizznasty hasbeensuspendedand will face supplemental discipline. “Whileweacknowledgethatthe total prevention of incidents like this is not possible, we will continue to ensure thatsuch incidents are treated with appropriate supplemental discipline, including the potential for aplayertobeperma nently expelled from the league,”the statement said. CorneliaNaylor and Jess Balzer

•Not disqualified by the Local Government Act and/or School Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law;
•Registered owner of real property in the City of Burnaby for at least 30 days immediately preceding the day of registration;
Non-Resident Property Electors may register on voting day To register,Non-Resident Property Electors must submit: •Anapplication form*; •A photocopy of proof of property ownership; •Written consent form* from the majority of the property owners (if applicable); and •Two (2) pieces of identification (at least one with asignature) to prove identity It is recommended Non-Resident Property Electors confirm with the Election Office that they have the correct documentation to register prior to attending the voting location.
*Toaccess forms and obtain additional election information, please refer to the following: Phone: 604-294-7088 E-mail: Appointments are required to file nomination documents. Please contact the Election Office at 604-294-7088. The nomination period is from 9amonTuesday, August 30,2022 to 4pmonFriday, September 9, 2022. Originals of faxed or emailed nomination documents must be received by the Chief Election Officer (or designate) at Burnaby Election Office,3rd Floor,Christine Sinclair Community Centre,3713 Kensington Avenue by 4pmonFriday,September 16, 2022. City of Burnaby Election Office 3rd Floor Christine Sinclair Community Centre 3713 Kensington Ave Burnaby,BCV5B 0A7 City of Burnaby Election Office 4th Floor Christine Sinclair Community Centre 3713 Kensington Ave, Burnaby,BCV5B 0A7 Monday-Friday,8 am-4:15 pm Call 604-294-7088 to makeanappointment. IN PERSON BY MAIL BY E MAIL 604-294-7537 BY FAX
Saturday,October 15, 2022 (Advance Voting: October 1, 5, 8)
August 30-October 15, 2022, 8pmA copy of the list of registered electors is available for public inspection August 30,9amSeptember 9, 2022, 4pm Submission of nomination documents September 9, 2022, 4pmObjection to the registration of an elector September 16, 2022, 4pm Last day to submit originals of faxed or emailed nomination documents (if applicable). Last day to withdraw as acandidate without ministerial approval.
•Resident of the City of Burnaby in accordance with s. 67 of the Local Government Act of BC; and
•Not holding the property in trust for acorporation or another trust; and
Youare eligible to register and vote as a Resident Elector in the City of Burnaby if you meet the following criteria: •Canadian citizen; •18years or older on the day of registration or on General Election Day,October 15, 2022;
Filed nomination documents, including statement of disclosure required by the Financial Disclosure Act will be available on the City’selection website as soon as they are filed.
•Resident of British Columbia for at least 6months immediately preceding the day of registration;
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 9 2022
Resident electors must produce two (2) pieces of valid identification to prove identity and residence,one of which must include the elector’ssignature.Picture identification is not necessary
•Not eligible to register and vote as aResident Elector in the City of Burnaby
•Not disqualified by the Local Government Act and/or School Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law
In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act,the campaign financing disclosure statements will be available on the Elections BC website once they are filed. City of Burnaby election’s webpage provides adirect link to the campaign financing information collected and provided by Elections BC since 2014.
An objection to the registration of an elector whose name appears on the list of registered electors may be made in accordance with the Local Government Act by 4pmonFriday,September 9, 2022. An objection: •Must be in writing; •May only be made by aperson entitled to be registered as an elector in the City of Burnaby; and •Can only be made on the basis that the person whose name appears is deceased or ineligible to be registered as an elector of the City of Burnaby To object to the registration of an elector,submit an objection form* to the Chief Election Officer (or designate), Burnaby Election Office,3rd Floor,Christine Sinclair Community Centre,3713 Kensington Avenue,Burnaby by 4pmonFriday,September 9, 2022.
QUALIFICATIONS FOROFFICE To be eligible to be nominated as acandidate for the City of Burnaby Office of Mayor,Councillor or School District 41 School Trustee,a person must meet the following requirements of the Local Government Act: •Canadian citizen; •Atleast 18 years old on General Voting Day,October 15, 2022; •Aresident of British Columbia for at least 6months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed; and •Not disqualified by any act or law from voting in British Columbia, or from being nominated for, elected to or holding the office,orotherwise disqualified by law Further information may be obtained by visiting or contacting the Burnaby Election Office at elections@burnaby.caor604-294-7088.
Beginning on Tuesday,August 30,2022 until the close of voting on Saturday,October 15, 2022 acopy of the list of registered electors will be available for public inspection, at the Burnaby Election Office,3rd Floor,Christine Sinclair Community Centre,3713 Kensington Avenue,Burnaby from 8am-4:45 pm, Monday to Friday,excluding statutory holidays. Before inspecting the list, aperson must sign astatement that they will not inspect the list or use the information included in the list except for the purposes of Part 3– Electors and Elections of the Local Government Act
Aperson may register and vote as aNon-Resident Property Elector only in relation to one parcel of property in Burnaby If more than one person owns the property,only one owner may register and vote as aNon-Resident Property Elector
In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act,for the 2022 Local Government election, the following third party advertising limits apply: Directed Advertising Expense Limits Offices of Mayor and Councillor $8,129.84 Office of School Trustee $4,065.67 Cumulative Advertising Limit: $161,967.47 For further information on campaign period expense limits and third party advertising limits, please contact Elections BC: Toll-free phone: 1-855-952-0280
Public Notice is given to electors of the City of Burnaby that the nominations for the Office of Mayor (1), Councillor (8) and School Trustee (7) for afour-year term (October 2022-2026), will be received by the Chief Election Officer or adesignated person, as follows: Nomination documents, requirements and procedures for making anomination are available online at,and in person at the Burnaby Election Office,8am-4:45 pm, Monday to Friday,or Office of the City Clerk, Burnaby City Hall, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby,excluding statutory holidays, until the close of the nomination period. Candidates must be nominated in writing by at least two (2) persons who are qualified to vote in the City of Burnaby.Persons making the nomination must provide their name and residential address.
•Resident of British Columbia for at least 6months immediately preceding the day of registration;
In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act,for the 2022 Local Government election, the following expense limits for candidates during the campaign period apply: Office of Mayor $162,596.88 Offices of Councillor $81,582.62 School Trustee $81,313.34
Youare qualified to register and vote as a Non-Resident Property Elector in the City of Burnaby if you meet the following criteria: •Canadian citizen; •18years or older on the day of registration or on General Election Day,October 15, 2022;
10 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • BurnabyNow 4550LOUGHEEDHWY,BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM CHEVROLET •GMC •BUICK CARS COST LESS AT CARTER! Of fer available to quali fi ed retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on select vehicles purchased from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022. 2.49% purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 2.49% up to 60 months on 2022 Tr ailblazer models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade.
program details. FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 604.229.4066 #D5505 It’sinyour homethat matters most. AUTO I HOME I CONDO I BUSINESS I TENANT I Brentwood Town Centre P2107 –4525Lougheed Hwy 604-239-8712 5000Kingsway Plaza 4982 Kingsway 604-433-9351 Lougheed Town Centre 170 –9855Austin Rd 604-243-8681 Visit or Call for a Quote Today! Work somewhere AWESOME!
Example: $32,542 fi nanced at 2.49% nominal rate (2.49% APR) equals $267 bi-weekly for 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $2,101, for at otal obligation of $34,643. Freight ($1,900) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify ,e xtend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To ronto-Dominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility .T hese of fers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other and limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full
consumer incentives. Conditions

Infrastructure:TransLink is funnelling almost $8 million intoBurnaby and New Westminstertransit networks through its municipal funding program. PHOTO RICHARDNEWSTEAD/MOMENT/GETTY TransLink funding almost $8M in newprojects Burnaby,NewWestminster will see new lighting,cycling networks,crosswalk upgrades and buslanes Communitynow ted#1FlooringStore in Burnaby 9Years in aRow! Casa Madera QUALITY PRODUCT LINES SUCH AS • DANSK • VINTAGE • KENTWOOD • ENVISION • GOODFELLOW • TIMELESS •LAURENTIAN• APPALACHIAN• AND MORE... 1 PLACE 2015 BURNABY 1 PLACE 2016 BURNABY 1stPLACE 5mm x7” LUXURY VINYL FLOORING Starting at Sq.Ft. $3.99 3744 Hastings, Burnaby
TRANSIT PROJECTS IN BURNABY BC parkway pedestrian and cyclist lighting ($2,400,000)—provide lighting along BC Parkway from Patterson Stationto Edmonds Station. Edmonds town centre Bikeway Network ($790,900) —Provide 15 kilometres of cycling network within theEdmonds Town Centre. Government Road and Brighton Avenue signal ($500,224) —install a full signal at Government Road /Brighton Avenue. Lakefield Drive/ Fourth Street cycling facility ($2,000,000)—provide cycling network on the Fourth Street/Lakefield Drivecorridor between BurrisStreetand 19th Av enue. ProductionWayand Thunderbird Crescent signal ($431,624) —convert pedestrian signal at ProductionWay/Thunderbird Crescent to afullsignal. Sperling andDuthie traf ficcalming ($378,000) —provide curb, signal, crosswalk modifications on Sperling Avenue and Duthie Avenue from Broadway to Hastings Street. Westbound busapproach lane at Oakland Street and RoyalOak Avenue ($43,680)—convert west bound general-purpose lane to buslaneatOakland Street /Royal Oak Avenue. Burnaby is also involved in the 49th Avenue —eastbound at Boundary Road project ($132,000)inVan couver,which willupgrade the bus-priority lane signage to overhead signs on theeastbound approach from Arlington to Bound aryRoad, as well as up grades to the CentralValley Greenway in NewWest (below).
TRANSIT PROJECTS IN NEWWESTMINSTER Ninth Avenue (20th Street-23rd Street)and 21st Street (London Ninth Avenue) sidewalk and lighting ($100,000) —Construct sidewalk on Ninth Avenue from20th Street to 21st Street and on 21stStreet from London Street to Ninth Avenue. Boyd Street multi-use path ($35,000) —replace shoulder bikelanes with four-metre multi-use path on Boyd Street from HowesStreettoQueensborough Bridge pedestrian crossing. CentralValley Greenwayupgrade (Hume Park to Brunette-FraserGreenway) ($159,000) —con struct four-laneroad design with separated multi-use path on East Columbia Street from Hume Park to theCentralValley Greenway within thecity of Burnaby Grimston Park multi-use path ($15,000) —Con struct MUP at Grimston Park between StewardsonWayoverpass and city laneway to the north. McBride Boulevard at Sangster Place pedestrian crossing ($164,000)— install pedestriansignalat McBride Boulevard/Sangster Place. Moody Park multi-use path and NinthStreet bikeway ($261,000)— provide bikeway on Ninth Street fromQueens Av enue to Seventh Avenue and path across Moody Park from NinthStreet to Seventh Avenue /Tenth Street RotaryCrosstown Greenway -Seventh Avenue (Fifth Street to Eighth Street) ($630,000) —Provide improvements to Rotary CrosstownGreenway
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 11
LaurenVanderdeen Time to take your bike for aride on theCentral Valley Greenway —Metro Vancouver’stransit authorityTransLink is investing almost $8 million into Burnaby and NewWestminster’stransit infrastructure. It comes as part of a $130-millionpackage funding municipal infrastructure inTransLink’s municipal funding pro gram as laid out by its 2022 investment plan. With sevenprojects in each municipality,Burnaby will get more than $6.54million for its transit network and NewWest will see $1.36 million “TransLink is committed to ensuring transportation throughout theregion is as convenient and seamlessaspossible, regardlessofhow youpri marily travel. Investing in cycling paths, walkways and busspeedupgrades is just one of the ways we help to combat climate change by encouraginggreen transportation throughout MetroVancou ver,”TransLink CEO KevinQuinn said in amedia release.

12 THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 • BurnabyNow 2018TOYOTARAV4 HYBRIDAWD CARTERPRIC $35,800 CART $59,800 CARTERPRICED $73,800 CARTERPRICED $61,800 CARTERPRICED $46,800 CARTERPRICED $71,800 CARTERPRC $51,800 CARTERPRICED $29,800 2019GMCSIERRA3500 DENALI 2022G 2020GMCSIERRA DENALI1500 2019GMCACCADIA DENALIAWD 2021JEEPGLADIATOR OVERLAND 2019CHEVROLETTAHOE PREMIER •PowerGroup •Keyless Entry •Bluetooth •RearCamera #T8-63291 •8Passenger Seating •Leather Pkg •PowerGroup •Front &RearAir •Navigation &More #R2-17341 •Low Kilomete •NoAccident •FullLoad #82-73461 • Hardtop •8.4"Touch Screen •Spray Liner •Tonneau Cover #P9-66391 • Sunroof •Leather •NAV •MiddleBuckets (7 Pas) #N2-72361 CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLYASILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICESARE PLUS TAXES AND $495DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALERFOR DETAILS. DEALER REGISTRATION NO. D5505 • Sunroof •Heated& CooledSeats •Navigation •PowerAssistSteps &More #P9-66700 • NAV •Heated/Cooled LeatherSeats •PowerLiftgate #N2-04071 T R RI ED 9800 ACADIADENALI rs 22017BUICKENCLAVE 019GMCSAVANA2500 •6.0L •135”Wheel Base •Low Mileage •Last1instock #P9-65890 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET •GMC •BUICK CARTER AugustSpecials WePayTopDollarForQualityUsedVehicles 0.99%financingonselectGM’s • Short Box •Leather •Nav •Sunroof #89-58601 CARTERPRICED $89,800 s,

BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 13 4550 LOUGHEED HWY,BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET •GMC •BUICK #D5505 2022CHEVEQUINOXLTAWD MSRPPRICE $33,653 MSRPPRICE $57,728 MSRPPRICE $65 $,188 106/WEEKLY $185/WEEKLY$206/WEEKLY 2022GMCACADIA MSRPPRICE $57,088 $183/WEEKLY 2022GMCSIERRA3500 DENALI MSRPPRICE $92,663 $302/WEEKLY 2022GMCTERRAINSLTAWD MSRPPRICE $38,823 $125/WEEKLY 2022CHEVTRAVERSE PREMIEREAWD MSRPPRICE $59,558 $188/WEEKLY 2022CHEVTAHOE4WD MSRPPRICE $92,118 $305/WEEKLY 2022CHEVCAMAROISS COUPE MSRPPRICE $58,203 $184/WEEKLY 53OR OR OR $OR 3OR $58,203OR OR OR OR •6Speed •10Way PowerSeat •18” Chrome Wheel #Q2-34090 •9 Speed Auto •Power Sliding Sunroof •3.6L •Remote Vehicle Start •RSPlus Package #Z2-30590 • 6 Speed Auto Trans •PowerRetractableAssist •PowerSlidingGlass Sunroo •6.6LV8 •Spray On Bedliner •DenaliUltimate Package #82-66660 •AWD AT4 •6Passenger Seating •Convenience Package •Bose Speakers •AT4 ProPkg #R2-14040 •HighCountry •6.2 Litre •PowerAssit •Sunroof •TraileringPkg #N2-85030 • Remote Start •6.2 V8 •10Speed Auto #K2-22810 •9 SpeedAuto •1.5LDOHC •Floor Line Package •PowerLiftgate #72-06270 • 9 Speed Auto •SurroundVision •3.6 L •7Passenger Seating •Navigation •Trailer TowerPackage #Y2-41020 2022BUICKENCLAVEAWD AVENIR • 9 Speed Cxl •Sunroof •Convenience Pkg •Wireless Charging #E2-87570 RESERVE YOURSTODAY ATCARTER! ! 2022CHEVBLAZERRSAWD S 3500 of CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLYASILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICES ARE PLUS TAXES, LEVIES AND $495 DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. FINANCING ON APPROVED CREDIT,STK #Q2-34090 3.99% @84MTH TP $38,614; STK #E2-87570 3.99% @84MTH TP $74,894; STK #Z2-30590 4.49% 84 MTHS TP $67,325; STK #K2-22810 3.99% 84 MTHS TP $66,762; STK #R2-14040 3.99% @84MTH TP $65,480; STK #82-66660 4.99% 84MTHS TP $109,858; STK #Y2-41020 3.99% 84 MTHS TP $68,311; STK #72-06270 4.49% 84 MTHS TP $45,285. CARS COST LESS AT CARTER!

14 THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 • Burnaby Now
DEATH TOLL MOUNTS Data for newCOVID deaths includes anyone who tested positivefor COVID-19 within 30 days and then died. Nonetheless,the province’sdataholdsthatthere were 28 new COVID-19 deaths in theweekthat ended July 30 In theprevious three weeks, the data pointed to 29, 21 and 22 COVID-19 deaths respectively The BCCDC detected 983 new COVID-19 in fections in the week that ended July 30. Thatisupby62from the 921new cases re ported one week earlier, and it raises the number of known COVID-19 infections in B.C. to 379,274 since the first case was detected in late January 2020. The 14,324 COVID-19 tests conducted in B.C. in theweek ended July 30 wasupby1,118from one week earlier. with files from Glen Korstrom, Business InVancouver COVID-19 cases rise: B.C. authorities registered 45 new COVID-19 infections during the last weekofJuly
nudgeupinBurnaby Communitynow Infections
PHOTO PHOVIOLETASTOIMENOVA/E+/GETTYIMAGES Available in London Drugs stores or order online at Search for ‘Wrinkle and Frown Line Cream’ Reducethe appearance of wrinkles up to 68% WRINKLE ANDFROWN LINE CREAM: • For women & men of all ages and skintypes • Reduces the look of wrinkle depth up to 68% • 5 creams in one: A wrinkle cream, day cream, night cream, moisturizer, & make up base Our Printed Weekly Flyers Are Now Digital •Same Great Flyer •Even More Great Savings •Helping To Reduce Our Enviromental Footprint 5901 EAST BROADWAY, BURNABY, BC •7641 ROYAL OAK AVE, BURNABY, BC •7380 EDMONDS ST., BURNABY, BC TOWN CENT RE PAR K COQUITLAM AUGUST13 2022 FROM 11 AM TO 8PM JOIN US AT OUR FIR ST MULTI CU LTURAL EVENT FILLED WITH FOOD T RUC KS ,K ID S ZONE, AND ENTER TAI NMENT FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION: WWW.BC DUMPLI NGF EST. CO M BCDUM PLINGFEST@G MAIL .COM FREE ADMISSION Asian Arts &Culture Society Presents THAN KY OU TO OUR SPONS ORS !
JessBalzer New COVID-19 infections in Burnaby sawan increaseatthe end of July, according to government data. Burnaby recorded 45 cases from July 24 to 30, according to theBCCen tre for Disease Control’s (BCCDC) Graphic DistributionofCOVID-19 by Local HealthArea of Case Residence. The citysaw 30 cases from July 17 to 23. While most data metrics to track theCOVID-19 pandemicinB.C. have remained relatively flatover the past month, there were more patientsinhospital intensivecare units (ICUs) as of Aug. 4than at any time in the previous two months As of that day, of 410 patients in B.C. hospitals who had tested positivefor the SARS-CoV-2 virus, 38 were sickenoughto need extra careinICUs Thatcompares with 401 COVID-19 patients in B.C. hospitals one week before, with 35 of them in ICUs. The last time there were thatmanyCOVID-19 ICUs wasonJune 2, when there were 41 such patients out of 421 in all hospital wards combined. The number of COVID-19 hospitaliza tions in the province then sunk to alow of 273 in the weekly updates on June 23 and June 30, before rising into mid-July.

WHEN: Sunday,Aug. 14 (10a.m. to 2p.m.)
WHERE: Swangard Stadium(3883 Imperial St.) COST: $69.99 plusfees, tickets availableonlineat
WHERE: Central Park, Patterson and Kingsway parking lot (5801 Patterson Ave.) COST: Free. For more info search “Quidditch Open House” on Facebook SMALL FILE MEDIA FESTIVAL (ALL WEEKEND) SFUishostingthe Small File Media Festival this week,ending Aug. 14. Thefestivalcelebrates “smallfile media,”inthe formofmovies under five megabytes each, including GIFs, animation,“obsolete” technolo gies andother creativesolutions.It’saresponseto re search by SFUthatshows streaming media,likeNetflix and others, contributesone per centofglobal greenhousegases Theeventalsofeatures art satirizing the NFTtrend of digital artascurrency. Thefestival is hostingmovie screeningsatSFU’s Woodwards location on the downtown Vancouver cam pus, as well as onlineZoom seminars
WHERE: 149 West Hastings St., Vancouver COST: $10for one-day
WHEN: Saturday,Aug.13(noonto5p.m.)
WHERE: Nikkei NationalMuseum &CulturalCentre (6688SouthoaksCres.) COST: Free QUIDDITCH OPEN HOUSE Tryout anew sportatBurnaby’sCentral Park. The group VanguardQuidditchishostinganopenhouseto teach the basics of the game —all youneed to bring is a water bottle and runningshoes or cleats.Noathleticexperience or prior knowledge is needed.
WHEN: UntilAug. 14.For aprogram schedule see
in-person, $30 festival pass THURSDAY, AUG. 11 Community celebration: Burnaby Neighbourhood Houseishosting itsannual summer streetparty on Thursday,Aug. 11. PHOTO MILKO/E+/GETTY SUMMER NEIGHBOURHOOD BARBECUE BurnabyNeighbourhood Houseishost inga blockparty on Beresford,ashortwalk from the Metrotown SkyTrain station there will be stilt-walkers, hand painting(aCOVID-safe version of face painting), hotdogsand chips.Mayor Mike Hurley and Coun. JoeKeithley will performa mu sical set. Youcan alsoparticipate in a50-50raffle, with proceedsgoingtothe non-profit. WHEN: Thursday, Aug.11(3to7 p.m.) WHERE: Burnaby Neighbourhood House(4460 BeresfordSt.) COST: Free † cDropbyatyour onvenienceorscanthe QRcodetobooknow!
WHEN: Sunday,Aug. 14 (11a.m. to 1p.m.)
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 15 WEEKEND Find moreevents online: Please send your information for inclusion to Don’tmiss these weekend events & activities!
FRUIT BEER FEST eventfor the 19+ crowd, oneticket to FruitBeer Fest will getyou asouvenirdrinking glass and allthe beer andcider youcould want. There’ll be morethan 40 breweries’beers to taste —and notjust fruit beer! Food-wise, can check out thelikes of Between2 Buns,BlueHeron Cheese, Little Devils Pizza, TheReal PattyCo.,and by entertainers likeDaniel Wesley,the Boom Booms, MadRiddim and the GeekendersBur lesque will play the day.
more. Performances
ThesecondSundayofthe month is coming up,which means it’s time to browse thestallsatthe farmers market hosted by the Nikkei NationalMuseum&Cultural Centre. Find locallygrown produce, food trucks andcreative vendors —all JapaneseorJapanese-inspired.

16 THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 • Burnaby Now On sale Thursday, August 11 - Sunday, August 14 of the Italian Icommunity! n the 4142, 4150 & 4156 Hastings, Burnaby (604) 291-9373 • Meat Market + Deli + Cucina CIOFFI’S MEAT MARKET +DELI + CUCINA SPECIALS! CANADIAN BEEF RIBEYE WHOLE PIECE $11.99 lb.$26.44 kg (approx.6 kg) CANADIAN BEEF RIBEYE WHOLE PORTIONED ENDTOEND AND PAPER WRAPPED $14.99 lb.$33.06 kg CHICKEN BREASTS BONELESSSKINLESS $6.99 lb $15.40 kg (max. 5kg) GNOCCHI WITH TOMATO SAUCE $6.99 small $8.99 medium $10.99 large ORGANICLOCAL BRADNER BEEF ALLMEATCUTS 10% OFF 12 INCH ROUND PEPPERONI PIZZA $12.99 ROMA CAPICOLLO (hotormild) from Italy $2.59 100 g. CITTERIO PROSCIUTTO COTTO (from Italy) $3.89 100 g.

BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 17 We hope you’rehungry because Crave the Heights is back this yearfrom Aug. 19 to 28, bringing younew tastes anddelicious food Cravethe Heights is a10day dining showcase that celebrates thelocal diverse food options, with partici pating businesses offering exclusiveset menus, spe cialdishes and many more onlyavailablefor alimited time. This year,the event has 15 participants, including four of the Heights’newest eateries, SurenPersian Cuisine, Shen Sushi,Gabi &Jules and Circolo Cafe Bar. Craveisnot only showcas ing local eateries, but is also featuring local musiciansGabriel Hasselbach, NewOrleansStreetParty andFreakin’ Groovies. Enjoy jazzperformances on the evenings of Aug. 19,26 and27, at the Heights Fountain Squarefrom4 p.m. to 6p.m Formoreinformation on this year’s participating businesses and menus, visit Stay tuned to theHeights Merchants’Facebook and Instagram page @burnabyheights forcontest info. Getyour appetites ready for return of Cravethe Heights Cravings: Cravethe Heights is back starting Aug. 19. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED/CRAVETHEHEIGHTS 4058 E. Hastings, Burnaby 604-291-0674 Voted Burnaby’s BEST BAKERY& SPECIALTYCAKES Taste the difference quality makes WeeklySpecials on Sale August 8–August 13, 2022 Imagine abun with melted cheddar cheese throughout. It’sloaded with the taste of cheddar! Our puffpastry sandwiching whipped cream is acustomer favourite. Enjoy this light tasty dessert! MINI CHEESE LOAVES WHIPPED CREAM SLICES 56 SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITY’S VISION NEEDS DURING COVID-19 We welcome all our customers BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Our experienced licensed opticians look forwardtohelping you. For appointment, please call or visit our website. th WINNE R VotedBurnaby’s Best Optical PLEASE STAY HEALTHY + SAFE!

18 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • BurnabyNow
LaurenVanderdeen Early-bird tickets are on sale nowfor Nikkei Matsuri, an event hosted by the Nikkei National Museum &Cultural Centre. This family-friendly weekend event will have performances, food trucks and an artisan marketplace and incorporate el ements of the museum’s currentWashiexhibit. Food offeringswill includeTokyoKatsu-sand, Koyuki and SuzuYa.The Sake Association of BC has participating distributorsincluding Jizake Ja pan, Axis Planning and PureSake4U Vendorsincluding MysGreen (reusable products such as waterproof pouches and masks), ShinobuFabric,PacWest Kimono and SiamuraiApparelwill sell their wares in amarketplace. There will also be avariety of games to play, like abean bag toss,Wanage (a ring toss)and a“super ball” scoop competition. The event is afundrais ingevent for the museum, which has amissionto honour and share the historyand heritage of Japanese-Canadians andJapanese culture in Canada. If youwant to get involved as avolunteer,the Centre hasasignup application pageonline (learn more at www.nikkei forvarious positions including cleanup, crosswalk assistanceand game zone volunteers. When: Saturday, Sept. 3and Sunday, Sept. 4(11 a.m. –7p.m.) Where: Nikkei NationalMuseum& Cultural Centre (6688 Southoaks Cres.) Cost: $8 advance; $10 at door;free Nikkei National Museum at (search “Nikkei Matsuri 2022”)
10thannualNikkeiMatsuri festivalcomingtoBurnaby Communitynow Celebration: The10th annual Nikkei Matsuri festival comes to Burnaby this September. PHOTO RACHELDAVIDSON/ NIKKEINATIONAL MUSEUM & CULTURAL CENTRE 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 CHEVROLET•GMC •BUICK CARS COST LESS AT CARTER! Order by August 31st, 2022. Limited time of fer available on approved credit, for an ew 2022 Te rrain or Acadia. Example based on speci fi cally equipped 2022 GMC Acadia AT 4: $50,747 fi nanced at 2.99% APR, $0 down payment, $912/month for 60 months. Cost of borrowing: $3,951 for at otal obligation of $54,698. Applicable taxes and fees are extra. Rate will be honoured, but the residual and payment amounts re fl ected in the representative example are subject to change. See dealer and gmcof for details. FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 #D5505 CARRIERS NEEDED Please call 604-398-3481 or Email Jeico L. Lyndhurst Elementary, Grade 7
members, tickets available

There’savariety of ap proachestorestoring brownfield sites.Zhang said one is thecamouflage approach, whereall theindustrial structures are torn down. “You cannot see the identityorthe pastofthe site,” she said. “You hide everything.”
SITE REIMAGINED Zhang’srenderingsdepict the Shellburnsite as aspace forcollabora tivecommunity gardens, asalt marsh anda “petroleum labyrinth” in whicha winding path leadspeople around the post-industrial landscape. In her reimagining,the large oil tanks remaina major feature of thepark —Zhang said it’stogive visitorsavisualshock at the sizeand scale of the infrastructure up close, showing the impact of industrialism. “It givespeople areminder of the past; it shows theidentity of acer tain region,”she said, adding it could even make people uncomfortable. “Keeping thoseindustrial relicsisa wayofhelping the locals to remember theirpast.”
Example: $36,137 fi nanced at 2.99% nominal rate (2.99% APR) equals $277 bi-weekly for 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $2,595, for at otal obligation of $38,732. Freight ($1,995) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify ,e xtend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice.
The Shellburnsiteis no longeranactive refin erysite buthad adaily capacityof35,000 barrels by 1982. In 1993, it wasconverted into aterminal for shippingand receiving, as it stands today.
PHOTO YUEYINGZHANG/UBC refinery reimagined ascommunityspace forthe 200-acre North Burnaby Shellburndistribution terminal site WWW.CARTERGM.COM •GMC •BUICK CARS COST LESS AT CARTER! Of fer available to quali fi ed retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on select vehicles purchased from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022. 2.99% purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 2.99% up to 60 months on 2022 Equinox models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade.
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 19
FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 604.229.4066 #D5505
It’smore than 200acres of land on theshoresof the BurrardInlet: the Shellburn distribution terminal at 6511 Hastings St. —ShellCanada’s first Canadian refinery, built in 1932. In anew thesis out of the University of British Columbia’slandscape architecture program, graduatestudentYueying Zhang studied whatthe site could look like in the futureand howitcould be incorporated into its surrounding neighbourhood
As Burnabyreimagines its Lochdaleneighbourhood into an urban village, alarge patch of land north of theneighbourhood sits quietlyunchanged.
As peopleshift to cleaner energies (Canada’s climate target is netzero emissions by 2050), Zhang said therewillbemore and more unusedoil sites According to the city’s Lochdale urban village plan, if Shell exploresother land uses, “the public and otherstakeholders would play akey role in consideringhow these uses would best be integrated withthe existing urban village community,inagradual and incremental manner.” Shellwrote to the NOW in an emailedstatement thatitregularlyassesses future opportunities for its sites, butfor nowthe Shellburnsitewill remain adistribution terminal.
®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To ronto-Dominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility .T hese of fers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Conditions and limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details.
UBC student visualizes possibilities
Instead, Zhang preferred the educativeapproach, like what wasusedfor the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord in Germany, which shesaid encourages people to interact with the industrial structures The German parkfea turesoil tanks that have been converted into diving pools for thepublictouse. “When people truly in teract and experience the site with thepast struc tures, youwonderwhat washappening here before?” Zhang said. Zhang wrote herthesis through an environmental justice lens, aframework thattheorizes no mattera person’ssocial status, income or race,and no matter the species (humanor non-human), all should have the equal right to enjoy nature.
Greener future:YueyingZhang’srenderingsshow community gardens as acollaborative creation.

20 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • BurnabyNow 2 0 2 2 Vote for your favorite businesses in our annual A-List and be entered to win a $250 SHOPPING SPREE courtesy of METROPOLIS at metrotown. To vote, scan theQRcode OR visit

JessBalzer Housing prices across MetroVancouver continue to drop,with Burnaby seeingsignificantdeclines for thesecondconsecutive month. The Real Estate Board of GreaterVancouver(REBGV) says regionalsales fell 43.3 per centlast month —that’s1,887 homessoldcompared with the3,326 salescompletedinJuly2021. The numbersare alsoa 22.8-per-cent drop comparedwiththe 2,444 homes sold in June of this year “Homebuyersare exercising morecautionintoday’smarketinresponse to rising interest rates and inflationaryconcerns,” REBGV chair Daniel John said in theorganization’s latest report. “After twoyearsofmarketconditions thatfavouredhome sellers, home buyers nowhavemoreselection to choose from and more time to make their decision. “In today’schanging housing market, both homebuyersand sellers should invest thetime to understand what these changes mean fortheir personal circumstances.” As of lastmonth, Burn aby East holds abenchmark of $1,154,200(-2.1 percentcomparedwith June), while Burnaby North sits with an average priceof$1,051,100(-1.8 percentcomparedwith June). BurnabySouth saw the largest drop,coming in at abenchmarkof $1,100,600 (-4.2per cent compared with June). Single-family de tached homes also went down with Burnaby East at $1,805,400 (-4.4 per cent compared with June, Burnaby North at $2,076,700 (-2.4 per cent compared with June) and Burnaby South at $2,108,600(-7.2per cent compared with June). Areas covered by the REBGV include Burnaby, Coquitlam,Maple Ridge, North Vancouver, Pitt Meadows, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody,Richmond, South Delta, Coast,Vancouver, 2.99% TD RBC Royal 2.99%
Bank for
purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by
Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 21
Example: $79,992 fi nanced at 2.99% nominal rate (2.99% APR) equals $561 bi-weekly for 72 months. Cost of borrowing is $7,489 for at otal obligation of $87,481. Freight ($2,095) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable ta xes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify extend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To ronto-Dominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility .T hese of fers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Conditions and limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details. 1963
WestVancouver andWhistler. Housing sales continue to drop amid higher rates Citynow INSTANT updates Moving just goteasier with our summer savings event! Now is your time to enjoy alifestyle of hospitality services, social connections, and safety and security.Our summer savings can help! Reserve your suite by August 31 and get your first month free! Call today for your tour. INDEPENDENT SENIORS LIVING ASSISTED LIVINGSERVICES AVAILABLE 5291 GrimmerSt, BurnabyBC 5minutes from METROTOWN 604-568-5563 • 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 CHEVROLET •GMC •BUICK CARSCOST LESS AT CARTER! Of fer available to quali fi ed retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on select vehicles purchased in Canada from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022.
up to 72 months on new 2022 Silverado 1500 models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade.

ITEMS NOTACCEPTED ARE AS FOLLOWS: Expired food Rotting food Home-cooked food Open packagesoffood Leftovers Clothing or housewares Thirdcommunity fridge opensat Tian JinTemple Communitynow NEED EXTRA CASH? We are looking for carriersto deliver newspapersonThursday! CARRIERS NEEDED FOR UPCOMING ROUTES IN BURNABY ROUTE# QTY BOUNDARIES 22902907 78 Boundary Rd, Elmwood St, Smith Ave, Sunset St, Kincaid St 23013007 99 Hickory Crt, Garden Grove Dr 23203201 63 Wedgewood St, Rosewood St, Canada Way, 6th St 23403404 79 16th Ave,ArmstrongAve,Coldicutt St, Cumberland St, Endersby St 23903919 97 Parker St, Venables St, Union St, Beta Ave,Delta Ave 24004013 105 Dent Ave., Graveley St., Madison Ave., Rosser Ave., Whitsell Ave., Willingdon Ave An easy way to earn extramoney! Be part of agreat team! Forthese and other routes,please call 604-398-3481 or email
JessBalzer Burnaby’snetworkof community fridges has expanded again. The Burnaby Primary Care Networks hasadded athirdlocation atTian Jin Temple, located at 3426 Smith Ave. It openedAug. 6. The location includes asheltered pantryspace, and the program is encouraging additional do nationsincludingtoiletries, diapersand period products,aswell as rice and cooking oil. The initiativebeganin June 2021, when acommunity fridgewas placed outside the BurnabyYouth Hub (4750 Imperial St.) in Metrotown. Asecond opened in Octoberlast year at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in theStudentUnion Buildingnexttothe kitch enette,south of Freedom Square between the Diamond Family Auditorium and the Academic Quad rangle. “It is aplace for people in ourneighbourhoods to give and take, to reduce waste and feed their children better,”said an earliernews release from the Burnaby PrimaryCare Networks. “It builds and enhances our foodsecurity in Burn aby.” The fridges areavailable for anyone who wants to take food from them. They are not policed to see who is takingfoodor howmuch. “In Burnaby,wehavea robust network thatsup ports with an ongoing needfor food, with Food Hubsactively workingto supportfamilies and individuals across the city,”the release added. “But we already know thatitsometimesisn’t enough, and we also know thatthereanawful lotof people in the city who are underfed butaren’table or willing to reach out for help.” (made in acommercial kitchen)
22 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • BurnabyNow
ITEMS ACCEPTED INCLUDE: Fresh produce Dairy Bread Grab-and-Go foods Pantry items Prepared meals

BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 23
Justina Di Stasio beats Nigeria’sHannah Rueben to finish at the top of the Games podium now “I feltlikeI needed to win, and the fear of failurewas all I thoughtabout. Ididn’t know it at the time,but my anxietywas takingover.”
Champ:Burnaby’sJustina Di Stasio has another gold medal. This time, it came on the Birmingham, England, mat in one of the world’s topcompetitions among Commonwealth countries.
JessBalzer Justina Di Stasiois goldenonce again. The Burnaby athlete captured goldonSaturday, Aug.6 in Birmingham,England at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in the 76 kg women’s free style wrestling category. In the final,DiStasio wasmatched up against Hannah Rueben of Nigeria, who wouldgoup1-0 at the break. In the second half,the 29-year-old wasableto grab afour-pointtakedown to take the 4-1lead She wouldonlygiveup one morepointand cap tured gold with a4-2 win. “Wehad agame plan [for the gold medal match];I am trying to work on my two-on-ones and adjustingonthe fly. Sometimes Iabandon my game plan. But, in that match, when Iheard my coach saysomething,I listened andwas able to do it. IneededtoknowI could do that, andnow I do,” Di StasiotoldWrestling Canada Lutte at the end of thegoldmedal match. “She[Rueben] wasvery strong.When Ipulledher down,I couldfeel she wasstrong enoughtopull backup, so Ilet her do it so Icould sneak in. Ihad to be patient because if I missed, Iknewshe would know Iwas coming. Igot her whereI wanted three or four times, thenIhit it.” In heropening match, Di Stasiocruisedtoa 10-0win againstAustralia’s Naomi De Bruine, which movedher into the semifinals against Pooja Sihag of India. Shehad atougher competitioninthe semis with Sihag butcame out with a 6-0 winand advanced to the gold-medalbout. TheCoquitlam resident wasborninBurnaby and wrestled forSimon Fraser Universityduring her post-secondaryyears. Prior to this year’s Commonwealth Games,she already hadseveral medals to her name —includinggolds at the 2018 world championships and the 2019 Pan-American Games, as well as four more gold from past Pan-American Champi onships She’s alsobeenopen about herexperience with mental health and anxiety and, in August 2021, she penned aletter through the BCWomen’sHealth Foundation,detailing her struggles and saying the focus on her mental health became apriority during the Olympic trials in December 2019. “I felt like Ineededto win, and the fear of failure wasall Ithought about. I didn’tknowitatthe time, butmyanxiety wastaking over,”she wrote. “Normally, alittle bit of performance anxietyhelps me prepareand focus, but this time it wasdifferent —the pressure wasoverwhelming,and Icouldn’t find away to calmdown. “I didn’tmake the Olympic team,but earned aposition as an Olympicalternate by placing second.Watching back the final matches of trials, Ilooked tooscared to make amistake. Ifeltlike Istoodout therefor two matchesand wasted the opportunity.” Di Stasioexplained she knew sheneeded to cope with falling short of her goal in ahealthyway. However, like many others, shesaidshe was scared to admit she needed help “I kept questioning why Ifeltsolow and guiltyfor feeling badwhenthings in my lifewere ‘good.’ My bestfriend pushed me in the right directionby saying,‘Don’t thinkthat you’re too good for ther apy.’ Ihad thought that if I went to therapy Imightbe takingthe resourceaway fromsomeone else who truly needed help.Turns out, Itruly needed the help!” Di Stasiostarted therapy forher anxiety in January 2020, with support fromWrestlingCanada.

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BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 11, 2022 25 HOMESERVICES GENERAL EMPLOYMENT Distribution Clerk/ Customer Service Full-time CENTENNIALOPTICAL LTD. BC/ABBranch Office We are aleading Optical Distributor in Burnaby.Short walk to EdmondsSkytrain/transit.This is an entry level position to be filled immediately.Monday to Friday,8hour shift, 7am to 5pm. full training provided in all aspectsofour operations. Starting at $16.00/hour withmedical/dental and other benefits Email resume: CASH for your CLUTTER Iwillpay CASH for your UNWANTED ITEMS! Ispecialize in RECORDS, English Bone China & Figurines, Collectibles, Tools, Antiques, ETC Rob• 604-307-6715 NUMISMATISTPURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS& ACCUMULATIONS! Royal CanadianMint,Canada&World Collections Wanted.Also buying 9999bullion, old money,jewelry,nuggets, sterling, gold, silver, coins, bars, monster boxes +++ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521 INTEGRITYPOSTFRAME BUILDINGSsince 2008. Builtwith concrete posts. 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26 THURSDAY,August 11,2022 • BurnabyNow PRODUCE GROCERY MEAT&SEAFOOD BAKERY DELI LANGLEY FARM LAMARKET NGLEY FARM MARKET Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY,AUGUST 11 –SUNDAY,AUGUST 14, 2022 •WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. For freshness and quality you can count on! LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET Forfresh and quality foods 7815 KINGSWAY,BURNABY 604.521.2883 STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO SUNDAY 8:30AM TO 9:00PM •HOLIDAYS:9:00AM TO 6:00PM This sale is only for the Kingsway location $649 lb $269 lb $399 ea $439 ea $699 lb $699 lb CHICKEN BREAST FILLETS $15.38/kg INSIDE ROUND ROAST AA beef/ $14.28/kg OCH BOILED CLAM MEAT 100/200 /Frozen /300g TILAPIA FISH 550/750 VOP/Scaled &Gutted/ Frozen/$5.93/kg SNAKEHEAD FISHFILLET SLICES Frozen /250g $275 ea $135 ea $325 ea. RAISIN BUN 450g COCONUT TART 3” SHORTBREAD COOKIES 300g 2for $5 $279 /100g DUTCH EDAM CHEESE $349 ea $349 ea. $379 ea. $279 ea. $189 /100g $189 ea. INSIDE ROUND STEAK AA beef /$15.38/kg $499 ea $199 lb. 2for $7 $139 lb. 99¢ ea. $429 ea. $179 ea. $299 ea. $399 ea. EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC KETCHUP 500g ARGETA TUNA PATE 95g BOTTOM ROUND CORNED BEED OKANAGAN PEACHES Product of B.C. $4.38/kg $249 lb ORGANIC RED SEEDLESS GRAPES $5.4ProductofU.S.A.8/kg 99¢ lb. HAMI MELONS $2ProductofU.S.A.18/kg LOCAL BLUEBERRIES 1lProductofB.C.b.clamshell BROCCOLI CROWNS Product of U.S.A $3.06/kg LOCAL HUNGARIAN/HOT SWEET BANANA PEPPERS $4.3ProductofB.C.8/kgtofB $199 lb. $199 lb. LOCAL GREEN BEANS $4ProductofB.C.38/kg LOCAL GREEN LEAF/RED LEAF/ROMAINE LETTUCE Product of B.C. $549 ea. ASSI ROASTED SEAWEED 10x5g $129 ea. ASIAN FAMILY SLICED BAMBOO SHOOTS 227ml 79¢ ea. AA-1 SARDINES IN TOMATO SAUCE Selected varieties /155g AROY-D COCONUT MILK 1L CHUN GUANG ASSORTED CANDY 300g CABANA STRAWBERRY LEMONADE 591ml EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC RED KIDNEY BEANS 398ml EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC BABYBEETS 500ml EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC COCONUT MILK Regular/Light /400ml $269 ea. UFC SPAGHETTI SAUCE 1kg RICEUP BROWN RICE CHIPS Selectedvarieties /120g $169 ea. REGGIA PASTA Stelline /500g CASTELLO TRADITIONALBLUE CHEESE WEDGES 125g FREYBE PEPPERONI Original/Honey Garlic/Smokin’ Hot/ Preservative Free /125g