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Baristas brew up a winner in city battle Janaya Fuller-Evans staff reporter
The results are in – Morgan Allen from Caffe Artigiano is the top barista in B.C. Allen, along with the other top three competitors from the Western Regional Barista Championship last weekend, is off to the Canadian National Barista Competition in October. Tristan Mapstone from Fernwood Coffee Company took second place, while Kelsey Hemphill from Habit Coffee took third and William Wang from Prado came in fourth. The competition was held at Artigiano Roasting Co., the new roasting facility in Burnaby for Caffe Artigiano, last Saturday and Sunday. For a video The baristas had to and more make a series of espresso photos , drinks in a timed competi- scan with tion, according to a press release from the organizers. Judges rated the drinks based on taste, design, speed, showmanship and creativity. The national competition takes place at the Vancouver Convention Centre on Oct. 20 and 21. The event is part of the Canadian Coffee and Tea Show. jfuller-evans@burnabynow.com
Winner’s brew: Barista Tristan Mapstone from Fernwood Coffee Company, left, won second place at the Western Regional Barista Championships on Saturday. Jason Lang/ burnaby now
City will keep pit bulls muzzled in dog bylaw Stefania Seccia staff reporter
Burnaby council voted to keep pit bulls in the city muzzled and considered a “vicious dog” at Monday night’s meeting. On Sept. 9, a city staff report recommended keeping the breed-specific legislation in its 1991 bylaw and strengthening its fines and fees. The new amendments have replaced vicious dog incident and impound fees from $200 to $400, to $500. A vicious dog will now be impounded for 21 days and licence fees will be $100 and $150 (unaltered). A fine for an aggressive dog inci-
Coun. Pietro Calendino said protecting dent where no bite occurs is now $200. Councillor after councillor at the Sept. public safety is their number one priority. 30 meeting said they supported the report “I’ll call it the vocal minority that’s been addressing us, writing to us, again, as I because pit bulls are naturally vicious. said, passionate about their Coun. Nick Volkow said pit bull dog,” he said. “But he was open minded about First reported @ the issue until last Monday, BurnabyNow.com we have a very silent majorwhen after listening to the ity out there that is in supdelegations defending pit port of what the council is bulls and asking for the removal of breed- doing and they want us to not change our specific language – a news report of five mind about … restraining vicious dogs in pit bulls mauling a two-year-old in Los the public.” Angeles came forward. Calendino noted that he has spoken to “When it comes to the issue of pit bulls, several citizens who support strengthenI don’t know what we’re doing today is ing the city’s breed-specific legislation. not the right thing,” he added. Council gave the public until Sept. 20
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to send in comments about the bylaw amendments. According to the city clerk’s department, as of Sept. 30 about 108 letters were received: 95 were against the report and 13 supported it. Of the 108 letters, about 36 were from non-residents. The two delegations at Monday night’s meeting encouraged council to review its data, speak to the experts and engage with other municipalities. Burnaby is now one of three cities in the region that have not removed breed-specific legislation from their animal control bylaw, including
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