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Babies and the arts: A closer look A
Fun times:
Sarah McPherson, aged 20 months, plays with mom Jennifer McPherson during Toddler’s First Dance class at Cameron Rec Centre. The class is one of many local offerings for families who want to get their babies and toddlers involved in dance and music early in life. In a special report today, assistant editor Julie MacLellan looks at what this early exposure to the arts does for kids.
s you read this, families around Burnaby are packing their bags to get their little ones ready for music or dance class. And we do mean little: many of them can’t even walk themselves to class, never mind carry their own bags. Music and dance classes for babies and toddlers are becoming popular with local families. Private studios and city-run parks and recreation programs offer programs that bear such names A Special Report as Mini Music and Baby’s First Dance. So what’s with the boom in baby arts? Arts reporter Julie MacLellan – herself the mother of a 15-month-old – thought she’d do a little investigating and find out. As it turns out, we’re not on a quest to turn out a new generation of baby Baryshnikovs and mini Mozarts. But we are increasingly embracing the notion that early exposure to the arts is good for our kids. And it seems science is on our side. In today’s Burnaby NOW, MacLellan takes a closer look at babies, toddlers and the arts. See pages 3 and 11.
Larry Wright/ burnaby now
Renegade dentist gets three-month jail term Stefania Seccia staff reporter
The manhunt continues for the renegade dentist who practised illegally in Burnaby and throughout the Lower Mainland, as Tung Sheng (David) Wu was finally sentenced on Oct. 15. Early Tuesday morning, B.C. Supreme
Court Associate Chief Justice Austin Cullen sentenced Wu to three months’ jail time for being in contempt of court for his illegal dental practice. Wu has not been present to any court proceeding and is still in hiding. “He is a person without honour or regard for Canadian civil society,” said Jerome Marburg, CEO of the College of Dental Surgeons of B.C. “He preyed on the
vulnerable and put many people’s lives at risk.” Last August, the court found Wu in breach of a 2003 court order prohibiting him from practising dentistry and issued a warrant for his arrest and a permanent injunction. “I understand upwards of 450 people approached the health authorities,” Marburg said about Wu’s former clients.
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“That’s not nearly the amount of folks he was preying on.” The investigation and legal proceedings has cost in excess of $140,000 to the college, but that does not include the ongoing costs, according to Marburg. “We’ve got to get him first,” he said about recovering the cost to the college. “That is the problem. … We’ve got to find
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