Burnaby Now October 23 2013

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Calvary Chapel faces uncertain future PAGE 11

Delivery 604-942-3081 • Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Reporter takes the welfare food challenge PAGE 3

Your source for local sports, news, weather and entertainment! >> www.burnabynow.com HORSING AROUND IN THE CITY


More protests expected


Puppies, kittens, still for sale

Burnaby mayor says lack of sufficient on-site security leaves site vulnerable

Stefania Seccia

Stefania Seccia

staff reporter

staff reporter

As Kinder Morgan tries to figure out how 16 Greenpeace activists were able to get onto its Westridge Marine Terminal property and chain themselves to equipment and the front gate, Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan says the issue may be a lack of sufficient on-site security. “Over the years, we’ve expressed our concerns with Kinder Morgan … relying on more remote centres some distance away and reducing the amount of people working at the plant,” Corrigan told the NOW. “It’s a concern we’ve expressed a number of times. What’s true we always find with companies is their economic interests are really the first priority and they consistently bring that attitude to the table.” As the Burnaby NOW reported in its last edition, 16 activists from the international environmental group were on site Oct. 16 protesting the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain expansion project. If approved, the $5.4-billion undertaking would twin the existing 1,150-kilometre pipeline between Strathcona County, Alta. and Burnaby. Corrigan said he predicts the Kinder Morgan facility in Burnaby will face more protests in the future. “The reality is these kind of facilities are always potentially targets, and I think we’ve known that for a long time now, that these facilities should be carefully watched because there is a significant public danger as a result of them,” he said. “Any time you’re storing or transporting Protest Page 8

Jason Lang/burnaby now

Hi-Yo, Splatt! Away! Helene Littmann and her horse, Splatt, take a walk on the Avalon trail near the Burnaby Equestrian Centre at Burnaby Lake.

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Pet sales Page 9

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Coming on the heels of the breedspecific legislation decision, Burnaby city staffers are once again recommending amendments to the animal control bylaw that work against what activists want. More than a year ago, Kathy Powelson, executive director of Paws for Hope Animal Foundation, appeared before council and asked the city to ban the sale of puppies, kittens and rabbits. A report from city staff, presented to council this week, instead recommends continuing with the sale of puppies and kittens, requiring the spay and neutering of rabbits, and banning the sale of turtles. Council tabled the report at its Oct. 21 meeting to allow the public to comment on it over the next two weeks. It will make its decision about the staff recommendations after the two-week period. Mayor and councillors at Monday night’s meeting were either ready to pass the recommendations that night or wanted the report to better address animal welfare. Both Coun. Pietro Calendino and Coun. Sav Dhaliwal suggested that stores should also spay and neuter kittens for sale to address the stray cat population problem. Coun. Dan Johnston said he wants the public to come out in the next two weeks to have their voices heard. Mayor Derek Corrigan agreed and

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