Burnaby NOW December 18 2013

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Burnaby’s first and favourite information source

Delivery 604-942-3081 • Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Her dying wish: Rawnie Dunn fights for her right to die

Will bus loop closure hurt residents?



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You pick the top story The Burnaby NOW’s Story of the Year is as much a tradition as Christmas lights and holiday treats – but this year we are adding a twist to the much-anticipated feature. This year we are asking you, the readers: What is your top pick for News Story of the Year? In the running for News Story of the Year is Kinder Morgan’s muchdebated proposed pipeline expansion project. This week, Kinder Morgan officially applied to the National Energy Board for approval of their plan to twin the existing Trans Mountain pipeline, which runs through Burnaby, increasing capacity from 300,000 barrels of oil per day to 890,000. Development in the city: Boom, boom, booming. There are a number of developments awaiting approval by Burnaby city council, including the first phase of the Brentwood Town Centre redevelopment and a possible three-tower development at the Value Village site in Edmonds. But with development comes change, and no one has handled change quite like TransLink: The good, and the botched. From the Compass card to the upcoming changes to the bus loop at Brentwood and Metrotown malls, TransLink has a lot of projects on the go in Burnaby, and it’ll be interesting to see how

they all play out in the New Year. TransLink’s woes, however, pale in comparison to the heated debate over the city’s animal control bylaw. The bylaw sure caused a stir this fall in Burnaby. Pet store owners were facing off against animal welfare groups over the retail sale of pets, while pit bull lovers demanded council remove breed-specific legislation. Council eventually decided to strengthen breedspecific wording and continue to allow some pets to be sold in retail shops. for And then we had the renegade dentist. Guilty of illegally practising dentistry from his home, the story of Burnaby’s Tung Sheng (David) Wu captured the attention of readers across the Lower Mainland. So, we want to hear from you. What story strikes you as being the most newsworthy, the most important story to Burnaby residents? Please take our poll at www.burnabynow. com and weigh in on what you think was critical news this year. Oh, and if you think we’ve missed something that should be the top story, or at least in the running, shoot us an email about it to: editorial@burnabynow.com. You can also comment on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/BurnabyNOW. We will unveil our staff picks and readers’ choices for the story of the year in our Dec. 27 edition.


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Critter crazy: From pit bulls to pets for sale in stores, Burnaby was

going to the dogs in more ways than one during 2013. Advocates defending stores selling pets and those opposed filled a recent council meeting.

Pipeline: MP says residents need to get involved Jennifer Moreau staff reporter

If Burnaby residents have concerns about Kinder Morgan’s proposed pipeline expansion, now’s the time to get involved in the National Energy Board process, warns local MP Kennedy Stewart. On Monday, the oil and gas giant finally filed an application with the board for a $5.4-billion plan to nearly triple pipeline capacity, expand the Burnaby Mountain tank storage facility and increase the num-

ber of berths at the Westridge Marine Terminal. The board has 15 months to decide if the project is in Canada’s best interest and can move forward. “When the bulldozers start going through communities, it’s too late at that point, so we want to start looking into the process early on,” Stewart said. The local MP, who has been following the issue since he was first elected in 2011, has set up a website called Let B.C. Decide, where Burnaby residents can register for upcoming information sessions he’s plan-




ning to host. “We’ll be running workshops on how to participate in the process because the National Energy Board doesn’t seem to want to do that,” Stewart said, referring to the board’s aborted plan to hold a public information session in Burnaby on how to get involved in the process and opt for an online version instead. The application includes a pipeline corridor, which is a wide berth where the line can go, but the exact location won’t be determined till late 2015, according to the

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company. “That’s the proposed route,” Stewart said. “Once they get approval, then that thing called right-of-entry kicks in, and anything that’s within that 150 metres can be expropriated if the National Energy Board grants approval for this application. That’s really what homeowners have to look out for. It’s really important for people to get involved in this process.” Now that Kinder Morgan has filed the Pipeline Page 8

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