Burnaby Now October 1 2014

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Burnaby’s first and favourite information source

Taking a walk back through city history

Delivery 604-942-3081 • Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Local boxers hope for winning punch

PAGES 11, 12


Your source for local sports, news, weather and entertainment! >> www.burnabynow.com Burnaby’s Michael Bublé cracks up city cops


Ambulances are taking too long Jacob Zinn staff reporter

The release of the Burnaby Fire Department’s annual report was as good a reason as any for council to criticize ambulance response times in the city. At Monday’s council meeting, Coun. Colleen Jordan highlighted the types of calls that the fire department responds to, and noted that more and more of them are medical emergencies. “The 2013 annual report … shows that 59.2 per cent of the calls that our fire department responds to are classified as medical emergencies, and that doesn’t include another 1,500 motor vehicle incidents,” she said. “In total, that’s 70 per cent of the callouts that our fire department responds to. The fire service is becoming much more of a rescue service than a fire service.” Jordan noted proper paramedic service was a hot topic at the recent Union of B.C. Municipalities conference and said that in Ambulance Page 10

Jennifer Gauthier/burnaby now

Hometown welcome: Burnaby native and Grammy award winner Michael Bublé poses for photos with RCMP officers at the Burnaby RCMP open house on Saturday. Bublé showed up at the open house with his grandfather Demetrio Santanga to pay a call on Const. Michael Kalanj, whose father was a longtime family friend of Santanga. For more photos from the open house, see page 21 and check out www.burnabynow.com.

For more photos of Buble’s visit, scan with Layar and go to www. burnabynow.com

NEB will hold hearing on pipeline access Jennifer Moreau staff reporter

The National Energy Board is holding an oral hearing on Oct. 8 in Calgary to resolve the legal imbroglio between the city and Kinder Morgan over the Burnaby Mountain conservation area. While Burnaby is arguing Kinder Morgan is breaking the local bylaw by cutting trees in a city park, the pipeline

company maintains it has the federally sanctioned right to work on the cityowned property, whether Burnaby grants permission or not. The NEB wants the two parties to weigh in on the issue at the Calgary hearing and answer questions on whether the board has the legal authority to strike down Burnaby’s bylaw, so Kinder Morgan can work on the mountain. “We’ll hear arguments from both sides

and any attorney generals, should they choose to participate,” said NEB spokesperson Sarah Kiley. Mayor Derek Corrigan took issue with the Calgary location, pointing out that the distance makes it difficult for Burnaby residents to attend. “We requested that the hearings take place here,” Corrigan said in a media release on Monday. Langley and Abbotsford, two munici-

palities already granted intervenor status in the pipeline hearing, plan to back Burnaby in the Oct. 8 hearing, and the city’s lawyer expects more to come forward. “The big issue here is whether the NEB has the power to strike down municipal laws,” Greg McDade told the NOW. “This is a really important constitutional

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