A lock must not only endure any attacks, but also permit secure and easy management during daily use. If its keys are effortlessly accessible even the best lock is useless. Let’s take a look at different types of locks and the safety they offer.
A key lock is not very expensive and is simple to operate. However, key management is an important security issue.
If left in the room near the safe it will get into wrong hands and will be misused.
You will find it difficult to keep it in an inaccessible place just because such a place doesn’t exist.
If you take it with you all the time you might end up losing it or it might get copied or even stolen.
An electronic combination lock doesn’t have these problems. If one forgets the code or if there is a fault to the electronics you will have the emergency key to open the safe. This key is not something you need access always. In most cases it is never used so you don’t have to bother about key management.
The electronic combination lock will also have high number of possible combinations so only you will have access to the contents inside the safe.
The mechanical combination lock has more or less the same advantages of an electronic combination lock. But unlike an electronic lock, the mechanical one has a tremendously low risk of faults. But the number of combinations will be limited.
The risk of forgetting the code is the problem that you may face with both electronic and mechanical locks. Biometric locks can solve this problem. By reading an exclusive physical characteristic of each individual, such as fingerprints or retina, they allow access.
This is more practical as these unique features cannot be copied and there is no risk of misplacing the key or forgetting the code. These safes can store several fingerprints so that more than one person can access it in offices and business establishments.
While considering a locking system security should be your main concern. Before choosing a security safe model, think how you intend to manage access codes and keys. Combination models are an excellent choice if you have a good memory. A simple key lock can be a good choice if you have a truly secure location to store it.
Models with fingerprint readers are the answer if you have difficulty in remembering the code or if you don’t want to worry about where to hide the key. Visit Guardwell Locks & Safes, for buying fireproof lock safes in Dublin for your home or office to secure your valuables.