What is a bench vice and its benefits?
Bench vice normally referred as vice is a holding device that is attached to a workbench.
Purpose: The bench vice is designed with the purpose of holding a work piece firmly so that it wouldn’t slip away from its place while it is being worked on.
What is bench vice and its benefits? As mentioned here, one of the main benefits is that it holds any object firmly in between its two jaws. The jaws can be tightened and loosened with the help of a screw with a handle at one end. This helps the worker to work more efficiently with both hands rather than holding the object in one hand which will be inconvenient.
Though it is mainly used in woodworking, it offers several other benefits in various operations such as: Metalwork It holds any metal in place while it is cut, filed or modified. Sawing Sawing wood is a tedious and dangerous job if done only in one hand. Using a bench vice allows you to work easily without the need to hold the work piece. You can use both your hands to hold the saw alone.
Drilling Using a bench vice to hold an object that you have to drill holes on is the best way to attain accuracy in drilling holes in the right place and with the right measurement. Smoothening Bench vice is very useful in works that use sandpaper for smoothening purpose. It is much easier y to fix the work piece in the bench vice rather than holding it while working.
Gluing This is another job where bench vice is quite beneficial. As gluing two pieces of a work piece requires some good amount of pressure to hold the two sides still until it sticks onto each other, the jaws of a bench vice will do this job for you. Wiring Bench vice is a perfect object to hold electric conduit firmly in place. This secures the pipe in order to be cut as per the required measurements.
Visit reputed online industrial product suppliers to shop quality bench vice and other industrial tool kits online.
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