BusinessMirror January 24, 2024

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Microinsurance premiums grow to ₧10B-IC By Jasper Emmanuel Y. Arcalas @jearcalas




HE amount of premiums collected by the microinsurance industry as of the third quarter of last year rose by almost 20 percent year-on-year to over P10 billion as more Filipinos insured their lives and assets. The Insurance Commission (IC) said microinsurance premium production as of the third quarter of 2023 expanded by 19.6 percent to P10.157 billion from P8.493 billion recorded in the

same period of 2022. “The big increase in premium collection could be attributed to the across-the-board increase in premium collection by MBAs [Mutual Benefit Associations], and life and non-life insurance companies,” the IC said on Tuesday. IC data showed that premiums collected by MBAs grew by 10.21 percent year-on-year to P5.586 billion from P5.069 billion. Mea nwh i le, l ife i nsu ra nce companies posted P2.73 billion in microinsurance premiums during the reference period, which was

16.02 percent over the P2.353 billion it registered in the third quarter of 2022, according to IC data. IC data also showed that premiums collected by non-life insurers as of the third quarter of 2023 jumped 71.96 percent to P1.84 billion from P1.07 billion. The IC noted that the number of lives insured under microinsurance policies also increased during the third quarter of 2023. “As of 30 September 2023, the number of lives insured under microinsurance policies is more

than 56 million Filipino lives, or 2.34 percent higher than the number of lives insured as of the same period last year,” the IC said. IC data showed that the total number of lives insured as of the third quarter of 2023 reached 56.286 million versus the 54.999 million recorded in the same period of 2022. “MBAs insured the highest number of Filipino lives, with a total of 28.6 million Filipino lives insured, followed by the life See “Microinsurance,” A2

BusinessMirror A broader look at today’s business



Wednesday, January 24, 2024 Vol. 19 No. 101

P25.00 nationwide | 3 sections 28 pages | 7 DAYS A WEEK

UNITED VS. ‘P.I.’ Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri reads on Tuesday

(January 23, 2024) a manifesto signed by all 24 senators rejecting the people’s initiative as a way to push for Charter change, which he described as an effort to destabilize the bicameralism of the Senate and House of Representatives and undermine the country’s democracy. Story on page A12. ROY DOMINGO

By Andrea E. San Juan



O remain on track in meeting the country’s goals by 2028, the National Economic and Development Authority (Neda) has urged Congress to pass bills that address the “structural weaknesses” of the country’s production sectors, among others. Neda said these measures include the bills on the Department of Water Resources, Open Access in Data Transmission, and the various fiscal reforms that seek to strengthen tax administration, among others. In a statement on Tuesday, the agency prodded the lawmakers to pass these bills as the 19th Congress resumed its second regular session on Monday. One year since the launch of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028, Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Arsenio M. Balisacan said that “While we saw some of our headline indicators improve, much remains to be done.” With this, Balisacan said, “To ensure that we remain on track to meet our goals by 2028, and in

anticipation of future challenges and scenarios, we must pass key legislative measures aimed at strengthening the country’s economic governance and addressing the structural weaknesses of our production sectors.” Citing the 2023 State of the Nation Address (Sona) of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., underscored the importance of the proposed Department of Water Resources, which will serve as the “primary agency responsible for the comprehensive and integrated water resources development and management in the Philippines.” Currently, Neda noted, over 30 agencies have overlapping



HE House of Representatives on Tuesday received an assu ra nce t h at m i l l ion s of senior citizens and persons w it h d i s abi l it ies ( P W Ds) would soon enjoy a 20 -percent discount on the use of ex pressways and sk y ways in Metro Manila, southern Luzon and northern Luzon. The assurance was given by a representative of San Miguel Corp. (SMC) during the inquir y conducted by three committees: on ways and means, on senior citizens, and the special committee on PWDs. This investigation aims to address gaps and confusion in the implementation of laws regarding discounts and benefits for the elderly, PWDs, and solo parents. Spea ker Ferd inand Romualdez ordered the inquiry upon receiving complaints that many business establishments have not been honoring

the mandated privileges. R a f ae l Ya but , he ad of SMC’s infrastructure group a nd for mer publ ic work s undersecretar y, expressed support for the 20-percent discount and committed to coordinating with the Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) and other relevant agencies for its implementation. He said they would coordinate with the Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) and other concerned agencies on how to grant it. Albay Rep. Joey Salceda, chairman of the ways and means committee, proposed a mechanism where the 20-percent discount would be added as an equivalent amount to the cost of an expressway or skyway radio frequency identification (RFID) card or its top-up load. This way, he said there would be no loss for the expressway/skyway operator. “In other words, it would be an add-on. If you buy P5,000,

Peza inks deal with RCBC, SMBC to broaden network


HE Philippine Economic Z one Aut hor it y (Pez a) inked an agreement with Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) and Sumitomo Mit su i Ba n k i ng Cor porat ion (SMBC) which aims to help the investment promotion agency to tap into a “broader” network of

international investors. On the other hand, PezaDirector General Tereso O. Panga said the collaboration with RCBC “could streamline processes within the economic zones, making it more efficient and attractive for See “Peza,” A2

See “Seniors,” A2

See “Neda,” A2

PESO EXCHANGE RATES n US 56.1630 n JAPAN 0.3793 n UK 71.3944 n HK 7.1841 n CHINA 7.8102 n SINGAPORE 41.8533 n AUSTRALIA 36.8991 n EU 61.1334 n KOREA 0.0420 n SAUDI ARABIA 14.9748 Source:

BSP (23 January 2024)

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BusinessMirror January 24, 2024 by BusinessMirror - Issuu