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Cont e nt s 0 2 MessagefromtheEditor 0 3 HowtoOp mizeRunningaBusiness 0 5 BusinessConfidence 0 7 5TipsforBuildingaStrongOnlineBrand 1 1 PosivityintheWorkplace 1 5

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www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


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www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


How to Optimize Running a Business By Sonya Watts

Running a business requires a lot of finesse and there are so many things to have in mind. However, once you manage to organize everything in the right way, it will sometimes feel as if everything just works on its own. This usually functions in two layers. First one is to make business easier to run (for example optimizing it for accounting) and to make it more optimal as a user experience. Still, there is a long way until you get there and there are numerous steps you will have to take before you can rightfully claim that your business is indeed optimized.

accounting is one of the most persistent issues that you have to deal with as a business owner. Luckily, there are a lot of ways in which you can make this better, especially for small businesses and startups. For example, you can always consider simplifying things by having people take separate business credit cards for their business related expenses. In the same manner, you can open up a company account apart from having a personal one. Finally, it is always a great idea to turn to cloud accounting, just don’t forget to save your backups regularly and everywhere.

Manage your time better

Simplifying the accounting If we are to be completely honest,


Another issue that you and all your employees will be facing, will be the lack of time. Now, dealing with this issue requires a no small dosage of self-control and restraint, which can be quite difficult at times. Fortunately, there is a way to cheat yourself into managing your time substantially better. The key here lies in using a time management app. By giving you a precise insight into your daily activities, it helps you improve in these areas quite a bit. The best thing is that after a while, you will even start using some of those apps in your private life as well.

Optimize payment method Now that you have done some steps to make your business run smoother, it is time to do something that will help your clients use your services easier. Seeing how you are still there to make money, only logical choice would be to deal with the payment method first. Your first concern here should be payment integration, so naturally, you need to look for a provider that offers you such a service. Doing this kind of integration on your own can be exhausting and having someone do this for you can be a genuine saving grace. Luckily, with the right provider

you can have all of this up and running in no more than half a day.

You are not alone Last but in no way least important is that you realize that you are not on your own. Sure, in an ideal world you would be able to keep everything in your hands and not feel overburdened about it. Still, it is not a sign of weakness to know when to ask for help. Just remember, you don’t have to micromanage everything. Try to divide your job as evenly as you can and appoint different people to do different jobs. Some members of your staff would surprise you with their efficiency if you decide to give them just a bit more of autonomy. Needless to say, this will save you enough energy to focus on places where you are really needed. Optimizing your business is a thing that you will eventually be forced to do and the sooner you get around to it the better. This will not only save you a lot of time and increase your productivity, but also be more satisfactory to your clients which is one of the most important things there are. As you can see, doing this in time is a clear and undeniable win-win scenario if there ever was one.

About the Author Sonya Watts is a passionate business consultant from Melbourne, Australia with five-year experience. She has a wide range of interests, including online writing, technology trends and marketing in general and likes to share her own experiences in those fields. You can find her on Twitter - @wattsmsonya


Business Confidence By Malik Muhammad Confidence may be understood as a state of being certain about the truth of a theory, hypothesis, statement or course of action as correct or most effective. It’s about being sure. Being bold. Having faith in the direction you are pursuing. Whether you are an individual start-up or a global conglomerate - confidence in your identity, strategy and product will impact how successful you are in your business development. The mission statements or tag lines about your business must weave a seamless thread through the tapestry of your company ethos. The initial interaction with potential customers whether in social media, over the telephone or via your website should reinforce your brand

message by making each interaction as consistent as possible. People should always be reminded of the core values you espouse and the strength of your brand. This takes confidence. This takes an active belief in what you represent plus the way you represent what you are selling/ offering / providing. 'The Panama Papers' is a recently coined term in business lexicon referring to the leaked files from the hitherto generally unknown Panamanian law firm - Mossack Fonseca. The leak was unprecedented in that approximately 12 million files were released concerning the offshore administration of firms in a global network reaching over 40 countries through 600 people. The Mossack Fonseca brand


operated in tax havens by franchise agreements that enabled individual entities to increase their clientele and offer services including wealth management. It currently acts on behalf of some 300,000 companies as the globe's fourth largest offshore services provider. The specialisation and global domination of Mossack Fonseca is an example of corporate confidence in its business model. Arriving at a state of certainty about your business will be filled with challenges. This is necessary for growth. Being realistic about what you can achieve may often limit your willingness to use all the support or resources at your disposal. Being realistic can make you lazy. I'm not suggesting that you and your team become reckless; I am saying that you should push yourself a tad further than rationale suggests. See beyond the logical to visualise the (currently) impossible. Once you see it, strategise to reach it and inspire others to effectively help you in this higher dimension of achievement. Be sure and be bold. Confidence has been the forte of many great companies and individuals thought out history. Others may not have your vision

achievement. Be sure and be bold. Confidence has been the forte of many great companies and individuals thought out history. Others may not have your vision or foresight. Some will, some won't, so what? The Wright Brothers were mocked when their single engine plane initially failed but air flights are now virtually as common as road trips. The global behemoth Marks & Spencer manifested as a concept in the mind of a Polish refugee named Michael Marks in 1884 who opened a market stall in Leeds, UK. His tag line was 'Don't ask the price, it's a penny'. Marks later formed a partnership in 1894 with a former wholesale company cashier named Thomas Spencer. Confidence Reinforcements: • Develop a clear understanding and knowledge of your business. • Create your strategic plan then keep reviewing it with a qualified team around you. • Bolster your belief in and about what you do. ... And remember to enjoy the process!

Malik Muhammad was raised and educated in Jamaica, read law in London and is the conceptualiser of The Empowerment Mastery System. This system is based on The 8 Principles of Self Empowerment that are guaranteed to improve your quality of life, elevate your wellbeing and help you / your organisation or your business to make measurable progress. Malik specialises in sharing self empowerment techniques with diverse audiences.Twitter


5 Tips for Building a Strong Online Brand By Lilly Adams One of the major benefits of Internet is that it enables small businesses with limited marketing budgets to build successful brands and to compete with much bigger companies. In this article we provided you with tips that will help you to turn your small-time online business into a powerful brand.


Create useful and informative content This is one of the most successful ways to tie potential customers to company’s


website. Turning it into an info-point for various niche-specific subjects increases the number of website visitors, which with some conversion rate improvements can drastically increase company’s sales. One of the most common ways to enrich your company’s website with an interesting content is to add a blog to it. When doing this remember that you don’t need to stick to articles in your blog posts. You should add many different kinds of content including: photos, videos, podcasts, infographics, etc.


Choose your domain name


Choosing the right domain name is very important for building an online brand. Most experts advise people to choose domain names with ’.com’ extensions. With this being the most popular trend since the introduction of internet, today there’s a very limited choice of goodquality ‘.com’ TLDs. ICANN tries to solve this problem with launching more then a dozen domains every month from 2013 onwards. These generic domains completely changed naming trends. .Me domain extension for example can be particularly practical, because it enables entrepreneurs to make creative domain


names like ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, etc.

Don’t give up on email marketing yet

Many people think that times when e-mail marketing was able to increase brand’s visibility are long gone. Fortunately, informative and well-designed newsletter outlets can still create a change and build great audience. The use of e-mail in personal interaction decreased in recent years, but business correspondence still requires people to check their inbox on a regular basis. Unlike during the 90’s and 00’s, marketers now need to be very careful when choosing the right e-mail marketing service. Gmail and various other providers use advanced filters to single out promotional e-mails and most of them don’t even enter users’ inbox. Most experts advise people to choose MailChimp or some other famous e-mail marketing service, and to share only topquality content with readers in their newsletters.



Use advanced targeting filters social media ads provide Social media advertising platforms provide marketers with highly efficient targeting tools, which combine various types of audience targeting including: demographic, behavioral, interests targeting, etc. Facebook for example allow us to pick out very specific cohorts for our ad’s audience. We can target people on the basis of their: age, interests, sex, location, political views, etc. Best way to manage your Facebook ads, is by using an app called PowerEditor, which offers much longer list of targeting criteria, and can only work with Google Chrome.


Today many people use review websites in the lack of information or experience. That’s why reviews on app stores like Google Play or iTunes, or websites like Yelp and Glassdoor, have so strong influence on consumers. That’s why companies need to offer various discounts and presents to customers who decide to write a good review of their product or business. This way they will increase their visibility on popular review websites and use all benefits that this new version of word-of-mouth marketing brings. Although new technologies made branding process much easier, marketers still need to invest a lot of time and work to make their brand stand out from millions of others. They also need to constantly follow new digital trends, so they can improve their marketing strategies, and shift their attention in the right way during campaigns.

Support customers to write reviews and testimonials

About the Author Lilly J Adams has worked for six years in different marketing agencies across Australia. Her specialties are advertising, digital marketing, marketing for small businesses and consumers behavior. She loves art, books and watching crime TV dramas. Twitter | Facebook |Google+



Positivity in the Workplace By DIB Development

Have you ever noticed that when you’re surrounded by positive people you tend to think and act more positively yourself? By the same token, a negative atmosphere can quickly escalate into apathy and conflict. In short, positivity in the

workplace is crucial for productivity, staff morale, job satisfaction and overall business performance. DIB Development, experts in people development, explores some of the reasons why a positive brain makes a more productive workplace.


Train the brain to be more positive and more successful You might wake up in the morning and feel like turning over and going back to sleep, grumpily wishing it was your day off and not a day to go to work. The good news is that with a little psychological thinking, you can train the brain to think more positively and thinking positively puts you halfway to a more successful future. Turning up to work with a positive attitude not only puts you in a better frame of mind for the rest of the day but it will rub off on those around you, stimulating a more positive atmosphere. Radiating positivity doesn’t necessarily mean walking around the office all day with a smile on your face, but can comprise of a whole host of ‘positive’ attributes, including giving thanks to others, showing random acts of kindness, acknowledging a job that has been done well, celebrating achievements and looking for opportunities to have some light-hearted fun. Instead of complaining about tasks in hand and other people, exchange the negative work attitude with a positive one, which compliments instead of complains and smiles instead of frowns.

Shawn Achor, psychologist, public speaker and CEO of Good Think Inc., where he teaches about positive psychology, talks about how rising levels of positivity and training the brain to think more positively helps us to be happier, which inspires us to be more productive. In this great TED talk Shawn shares with us that a positive brain is 31% more productive than your brain at negative, neutral or stressed and the amazing chemicals released to make this possible.

Enthusiasm is the key to success Enthusiasm is infectious. By making the effort to be more enthusiastic about your daily responsibilities and the people around you, your enthusiasm will create a more positive attitude in the office, and will help others adopt a more enthusiastic, positive mind-set. Randy Slecta, President of Leadership Management International Inc., a global leadership and organisation development company, cites enthusiasm as the sixth key to future success. “Enthusiasm is the energy, the fuel, the blazing fire that that brings about a successful result,” writes Randy, adding: “Enthusiasm is a magnet. It attracts you to those things you set out to achieve. It creates the conditions for a successful result. It enables you to take advantage of


the opportunities as they present themselves.” By retraining the brain to be a positive powerhouse, one that replaces negative, pessimistic thoughts with positive ones and tackles each task with enthusiasm and vigour, will put you in the driving seat for a more successful future that you are in control of.

Positivity equates to increased productivity As we’ve already touched upon, positivity equates to productivity, which at work can make the difference between a wellperforming team and, ultimately, business and a poor performing business. Let’s take the perpetual complainer as an example; after all it’s safe to say most have come across one! Complaining is a habit that is ingrained into society, with some having a tendency to complain more than others. A perpetual complainer can be draining for people, bringing the whole of the environment ‘down’ with their relentless gripes and moans!

On-site perks In an article titled ‘Positive teams are more productive’, the Harvard Business Review (HBR), reiterates the importance of positivity in nurturing a more productive environment. Whilst many companies are still relying on using the ‘same old methods’ to help develop productivity, such as setting goals, strategy planning, and streamlining operations to reduce inefficiency, others, as HBR writes, are offering employee perks, such as day care, on-site food and company gyms, which can be an effective way to nurture positivism that helps equate to greater productiveness within the workforce. Who wouldn’t want to work at a place where positivity is positively encouraged? About the Author This blog post was written by DIB Development, a team of specialists in people development and experts in leadership and team development, aimed at helping people be the best version of themselves that they can be.

Simply making fewer complaints at work can boost the productivity of a team. The savviest and most skilled of leaders will endeavour to solicit the complaints and act on the ideas of ‘complainers’, turning them into potential problem-solvers, thus nurturing team productivity.


How to Create a Beautiful Website without Knowing a Bit of Code By Sandra Hinshelwood More than any time in the past we are being told that now is the best time to start a business. Interest rates are low, inflation is low, the economy is bouncing back, and technology has levelled the playing field by lowering overheads, simplifying processes and improving overall business efficiency… The number of online businesses has sky rocketed over the years and currently there are over 8 million Britons who run online businesses from home. Whatever your business, it is essential that you have a website as it is one of your most powerful marketing tools. As a small business owner your website will provide you with credibility and if you do not have a website you will not be taken seriously. Your prospective customer will expect to be able to find out a little about your product or service.

How hard is to set up a website? And can it be done by someone who doesn’t know a bit of code? Now, I know that if you are not technically minded, the prospect of creating a website can be quite daunting and when people talk of HTML, responsive sites, and CSS, your eyes start to glaze over. But, don’t despair you are about to discover how to easily create a beautiful website that is responsive (mobile friendly). When building a website there a number of things you really need as standard: Responsive design – this is vital as more and more people are using mobile devices and this is set to rise. When people look at your website on their smart phones and tablets you want them to have a good


experience and not want to give them any reasons to abandon your site. Blogging capabilities – as part of your marketing activities you should be creating content that engages and informs your target market. The longer you can keep people on your website the likelier it is that they will purchase from you in the future. Therefore, it is beneficial to keep them on your main site instead of directing them to a separate blog site. Clean layout and design – your website is your “shop window,” it needs to make a good first impression. You need to consider the following: Your design needs to be a reflection of you, your product and your service; it needs to be easy to navigatewhen people land on your site they need to be able to find what they are looking for with ease, and it should be informative, encouraging visitors to linger. In addition to the above you need to think about SEO, plugins, email marketing, taking online payments, social media integrations, share buttons… the list goes on. I have a WordPress website that I created myself. WordPress offers great flexibility, but I often found no one to turn to when I had questions.

Therefore, the following website builders have been recommended because there is support available when you need it and also everything that is offered within the website builder has been closely monitored and tested and not likely to break your website, as can happen with the various free WordPress plugins that are available. If you want:  Ease of use  Wide selection of templates  Easy to integrate contact forms  Built in SEO wizards  Responsive design  Easily customisable elements  Analytics  24/7 Customer service  Blogging  Personalised domain and email address  Hosting  Detailed Instructions and help guides Check out Squarespace, Weebly and Wix. You will discover how to easily create a beautiful website with all the functionality you need. Most importantly you will not find the process overwhelming as the templates and interface make the process easy with many drag and drop elements. You can read a comprehensive review of the above sites here.

About the Author Sandra Hinshelwood is a business coach and mentor. Drawing upon her experience as a virtual assistant and team leader in the corporate world, she works with small business owners and solopreneurs to eliminate feelings of overwhelm and empowering them to focus on their goals and visions with greater clarity.


Questions Business Owners Should Ask Before Renting Property By Daniel Sarath

As a thriving small business or successful entrepreneur, you may eventually find yourself in the fortunate position of being able to expand your offices or rent your first property and take on some additional employees. If you find yourself in this situation, an exciting period in your business’ story can be undermined by the stress of renting a commercial property. It is a complex process and there are a great many aspects that need to be considered before you settle on where you would like to establish your new offices, many of which tend to be forgotten among the enormous pile of things to think about. Here are some of the most important questions to think over before you choose a new property for your business:

Is the location ideal for your staff? The property you purchase is not just for your business; it is also for the staff who will be working there. Business owners

must ensure they are taking care of the needs of their current or future employees with the office space. This includes making sure their commute to work is as painless as possible as 13% of people find travelling to work stressful. Is the office accessible on public transport, and is there sufficient parking there or nearby? You should also consider whether it is close to local amenities your staff may require – post offices and supermarkets so they can run errands, for instance, or bars and restaurants where they might congregate outside of work hours. If your new offices can’t provide this you may lose some of your current workforce and struggle to recruit new ones.

Have you instructed a conveyancing solicitor? With so many other things to worry about, the legal procedures involved in renting a commercial property (preparing the relevant documentation, conducting property searches and performing the


handover of contracts) can feel like an unnecessary waste of time. These are best left to property conveyancing solicitors – legal experts who will be able to manage some of the workload for you and can do so with specialist knowledge of how the process works.

Is the size of the property able to match your growth? Your commercial property is a long-term investment which you will want to use for the foreseeable future. Business owners who consider an expansion may put limits on the size of their ambitions but the last thing you want is to reach maximum capacity in a year’s time and have to move again – it is stressful enough just doing it once. Before you choose an office to relocate to, you should analyse the estimated size of your company’s growth and how you imagine your business in the not-too-distant future. Are there other departments you might need to introduce if

your company continues to grow, for instance? Is any work you currently outsource likely to be brought in-house?

Have you researched the neighbourhood yet? Just like moving into a residential property, it is important to get to know the neighbours. You shouldn’t be surprised by how many clients will look at a company on Google Maps before they visit, and if you are in an unsatisfactory neighbourhood they might take their business to a competitor that is. Where you are located says a lot about your image as a business. Would you rather work with an advertising company in the business district of a city centre or in a suburban industrial unit? It is also worth keeping in mind where your competitors are (if your competition are too nearby it might make attracting clients harder) and if there is any ongoing construction in the area that could distract the team.

About the Author Daniel Sarath is an online writer based in the United Kingdom who has published articles about business, marketing and technology. He is also a digital marketing executive for Magnus Legal.


What Should You Expect From A Company That Offers Website Design Services? Pauline Etcuban With the advent of technology, it is no longer surprising that a lot of online businesses have emerged simultaneously. Because of this phenomenon, the number of web design companies in the market has also increased. If you think your website only has few visitors, then perhaps its layout and design are already outdated. To help you with this dilemma, you can always ask for help from the professionals who are experts in the field. A Professional website development company is a type of company which offers services that concerns in designing everything on a website. Its aim is to make your website appealing enough for the customers. Hiring a web design company is helpful for those who have a website which is intended for business. A business website is a type of website which promotes, endorses, and offers services in exchange for an equivalent monetary value. Before you decide to hire one, it would be helpful if you know what to expect from a web design service. Below is a list of what you can expect when you work with a web design company.

Consultation Stage This is the agenda the first time you get in touch with a web design company. To craft the exact design that you want for your website, they need to know you and your business, the services/products that you offer, and of course, your customers. In a nutshell, they have to understand the concept and purpose of your website. The consultation stage is not an interview though; it is more of a brainstorming stage wherein all your ideas (both yours and the company) have to coincide to create the web design that you wanted. In order to ensure that the design is what your customers find appealing, knowing your business reputation and image through the eyes of your customers is a good indicator. This way, you can decide whether to retain that image or to change and improve it.

Several Proposals Once the web design company has all the necessary data, they will immediately craft several designs. These designs are considered a proposal and are subject to your approval. In cases where in the design does not meet your


standard, you can request for another design or a revision. Do not get frustrated if it takes a long time before you can decide the right design. Do not feel bad about it as it is their job to give you the web design that you want. So, expect a lot of design proposals, but do not get too overwhelmed though. Do not be too shy to say “No” or “That’s not what I want”. It is important that you both agree on the design to avoid any conflict and complication.

Account Representative in Setting Up the Account Once you have already agreed on which design to use, the design company will start setting up your account. In this stage, you have to expect that more information will be gathered to ensure that every detail of the site is at par with your standard. Most professional website development company will send an account representative to assist you in creating the account. It would really help if the two parties are both honest with each other. You should be open about your ideas and how you have envisioned your website.

A Lot of Design testing You need not worry if the initial design does not meet your expectations. They can always make adjustments and revisions if necessary. Here, you can already see a glimpse of what

your website will look like.

Limitations Do not think that once you hire a web design service, you can instantly get your website. You have to bear in mind that they also have some limitations. One of which is time. You have to understand that creating and designing a website takes time. So, expect that it may take time before they can deliver your website; that is if you want one with a high quality. The duration of the web design process depends on how detailed you want your website to be.

High Service Fee Web designing is no easy task. That is why you hire one in the first place. So, it is already expected that the fee is quite high, especially if you hire a reputable web design company that have already made a name in the industry. Also, there seems to be a scarcity of trusted professionals in the field, the more reason to increase the fee. You might contest this idea as there are a number of web designers who offer their services in various platforms and sites on the internet, but if you are looking for a professional one who can deliver your website on time without compromising the quality, then you might only find a few. Yes, there are a lot of web designers out there but only few are trusted and renowned in the field.

Pauline Etcuban, understands the intrinsic attributes of making excellent content that suits the needs of every business especially when it comes online marketing. She can conceptualize and implement marketing plans, together with ConvertBetter, an expert of Online marketing company and Web designers helps her be a professional marketer.


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