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www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om
Cont e nt s 0 2 MessagefromtheEditor 0 3 KeepingYourPasswordsSafe:TheHowtoGuide? 0 5 DoYouKnowtheDifferenceBetweenHTTPandHTTPS? 0 7 HowtoImplementaNewRetailManagementSystem:Part1 1 1 5TasksEntrepreneursCanOutsourcetoaVirtualAssistant 1 5 MakingYourAdministraonMoreEffecve 1 7 TheAdvantagesofDiversityintheWorkplace 1 7
www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om
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www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om
Keeping Your Passwords Safe: The How to Guide
Your password is considered to your life online. By not keeping your passwords safe, not only could you lose your data but it could also lead to a hacker getting into your account and if you make use of the same password for each of your accounts, it could lead to a much bigger disaster. When making a password, make sure that it is a strong one. If your password isn’t a strong one, it won’t matter how safe and careful you are to ensure that it doesn’t get into the hands of others. A password which is generally considered to be strong is one which has capital letters, small case letters,
characters and numbers which might be difficult to remember but also makes it difficult to hack into, otherwise laps in passwords or weak passwords could create serious issue. Passwords are something which you shouldn’t share with others as that would defeat its purpose. A number of people don’t realize that by sharing their passwords with others, the chances of their accounts getting hacked into increase. One should also make sure to not share any personal details through a text message or an email as these mediums do not have the
adequate amount of security needed in order to keep such details safe from anyone who may be interested. It is best to never use the same password twice. While this may be difficult advice to follow, it can certainly help you with your accounts. A number of accounts tend to get compromised because passwords get cracked on websites which are insecure. It is also a good idea to change your password often. This way, you can ensure that all your information and personal data is kept safe. If you believe that any of your accounts has been compromised, the first step to take would be to change your password. This is a great way of keeping scammers and hackers away from your personal information. When answering security questions, it is a good idea to keep your answers vague. By giving the correct answer to what is being asked will make it easy for any hacker to do the same. Instead, it’s best to not be
specific with regard to the answers you give to your security questions to make sure that you keep your account protected in this manner. Another common way through which accounts are getting hacked into is through phishing scams. Through this, individuals can lose their personal data and information by simply clicking on a link which is pretending to be from a known source. Once you click, it takes your password and thus has access to your details. In case you get such a link, it would be best to double check and confirm with someone from the company as to whether they have sent you the link in the first place or not. Passwords are something which we tend to overlook a number of times however these also have the potential of taking apart out world which is why we must be careful when it comes to using them.
About the Author Nicki is an Tech Experts and Relationship Advisor. She writes about latest Tech News and Reviews her latest article Mobile Spy Application Procedure got wide social media attraction.
Do You Know the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS? By Lisa Rodriguez The internet is used by just about everyone these days and by now you’ve probably realized it has a language all of its own. There a few basics that everybody knows but it’s always good to educate yourself to make sure your information is secure. You’ve most likely surfed quite a few websites in your time and noticed that all of them either start with “HTTP” or “HTTPS.” Do you know what these acronyms stand for? You may not think there’s much of a difference between the two, but the difference is actually quite significant. For those of you that don’t know, “HTTP” stands for “Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.”
It’s simply the protocol that’s used which allows you to communicate with other websites. The acronym “HTTPS” stands for “Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure.” Sites that use the “HTTPS” acronym are encrypted. That means they will keep all of your private information such as credit card information, passwords and other personal information from being stolen by hackers or other people with devious intent. When accessing or transferring information by “HTTPS”, the only parties which can access the information are the client and the end server. The two most common types of
encryption layers are TSL (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). This technology is referred to as a sort of digital trust to make consumers feel safer when exchanging their personal information. In order to use this type of encryption layer, a server must have a public key certificate which is verified by a third party. Where Is HTTPS Used? You may not know it but you most likely use “HTTPS” every single day. This technology is used for banking sites, log-in pages and anywhere else you might use your personal information. Even social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter must use “HTTPS” to protect your information. How to Know Which Sites You Can Trust The internet is a big place and for every trustworthy site out there, there’s ten more that aren’t so trustworthy. When making purchases or giving up personal information it’s always a good idea to look
out for the “HTTPS.” If it doesn’t have that acronym in the web address you probably shouldn’t be providing any personal information to that site. It’s also worth taking a few minutes to research the reputation of the websites you’re using. If the site is a company or brand you’re unfamiliar with, look them up to make sure that they’re safe - because in the end a few extra minutes of research could save you a lot of frustration down the road. Just remember, when using the internet be sure to keep your eye out for two key things: the “HTTPS” and some sort of certificate such as TSL or SSL. There are a lot of people out there on the internet with bad intentions but by taking a few minutes to read this, you’ve taken a big step in the right direction. Always remember to educate yourself so that you can protect yourself, and keep your eyes open. If you found this post helpful, please share it with your network!
Much success to you, Lisa Rodriguez, CEO, Next Level Consulting & Virtual Assistant Services - "Serious Solutions for Serious Entrepreneurs" - Take a moment to CONNECT with US today! Facebook Page | LinkedIn | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Image Credit: https digital web background — www.psdgraphics.com
How To Implement a New Retail Management System: Part 1 of 2 By Andrew Gorecki of Retail Directions What is a retail management system and why do you need one? If you run a successful retail business, you have a good reason to feel proud. Retail is a notoriously challenging industry to work in, and only the most capable business people have succeeded. However, when they reach a certain size, all retail businesses need a good retail management system so the business stays under control and its potential can be maximised. Consider these challenges that you’ve perhaps already faced or are anticipating as your business grows:
As your retail business grows, the volume of data balloons and it becomes increasingly difficult to handle. Without a sound retail system in place, data like customer orders, inventory, shipping and so on must be tracked and organised manually, resulting in high staff costs and increasing the likelihood of errors. Every time you want to do something new or change a business process you find that it is very difficult. Making disjointed legacy systems and spreadsheets work together is a daunting task and trying to change them later is even harder. Have you ever felt like the various departments in your organisation were operating on different planets? A retail management system places all data in one centralised database system, synchronising your cash registers, inventory, online shop(s), customer data, warehouses and supply chain.
Implementing a comprehensive system to manage a retail enterprise does take time and effort. Still, once you’ve gotten over that hurdle, you won’t look back, as your retail business will not only run more smoothly but also be more capable of expansion than before. It will become scalable. While selecting a good retail system vendor and putting in place a strong team will win half the battle, there are still several things you should do in order to ensure the highest chances of success. Because enterprise-wide system implementation requires cooperation at every rung of your organisation, it is crucial that you start on the right foot by driving your team members to make the necessary preparations, to enable your system vendor to work without obstructions. This guide was written with the aim of demystifying the retail system implementation process and making businesses aware of what they should expect and do to prepare for an imminent enterprise-wide system implementation.
We hope you will find this guide useful and wish your retail business the greatest success possible! Choosing the right retail system vendor The very first step, and arguably the most important, is to choose a reliable system vendor who not only provides you with a product that suits your business but who is also able to provide implementation services, to make the introduction of the new system to your business as seamless as possible. There are many retail system vendors in the market these days, so trying to determine which one is best for you can seem like a monumental task. To make things a bit easier for you, here’s a checklist you should run through when evaluating a potential system vendor:
The vendor should be fluent in retail – A good retail system vendor is more than just a generic systems provider. Retail systems are wildly different from other types of systems, so engaging a vendor who specialises in retail is crucial to ensuring a smooth transition. The vendor has a solid track record – One should beware of unknown system providers, but even a well known vendor does not ensure success. Just because a vendor has made numerous sales doesn’t mean that the majority of the attempted implementations have been successful. It is best to engage a vendor with a perfect or near-perfect success rate. This is not easy as few retail system vendors are prepared to do what it takes and see through every implementation to a successful end. Changing market conditions, retailers’ key staff changes, new business requirements and poor quality data in the legacy systems may all obstruct the project. By the way: beware of vendors who are just resellers. They are unlikely to have the level of commitment and agility you can get from the vendors who actually developed the software. The vendor’s solutions can be easily adapted to your business model – Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all computer system. The right system for you must be retail-specific, so the vendor doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel to cater to your business processes. The vendor should be able to implement the system for you - While it might be tempting to cut costs by going for a cookie-cutter system with parts of the system implemented on your own, the huge costs involved when a job is botched make this a bad idea. Ideally, a vendor should be able to implement the system for you from start to finish, and in all parts of your business. The vendor’s solutions are market-proven, scalable and cost-effective – A great vendor becomes great by delivering smooth solutions, and you’ll want to look for a track record of already implemented market-proven, scalable and cost-effective systems that can successfully grow with your businesses. The vendor is reliable and trustworthy - You will be working very closely with your system vendors, and will have to make them privy to some very intimate information.
Hence, it is important to pick a vendor that is reliable, trustworthy and makes the effort to understand your business. The vendor is able to implement the system quickly and successfully – When it comes to implementing a retail system for the entire enterprise, speed matters. The longer implementation takes, the messier things can become as the market and business never stand still, and the more difficult it will be for your staff to straddle the old and new systems. Watch our video on why retail IT implementations fail. The vendor does not offer the cheapest solutions on the market - When determining a budget for a new retail system, we would like to caution against aiming to pay rock bottom prices for the cheapest solutions on the market. Cheap, DIY templates usually end up costing well-meaning businesses more money than they imagined by forcing them to hire their own consultants and, more often than not, to spend on damage control when things go wrong. The vendor’s platform delivers progressive functionality without complexity – The technology required to stay relevant and competitive in retail is ever changing. It’s critical that your system vendor offers a feature-rich platform with latent and constantly evolving functionality that you can turn on as your business grows, and as the landscape transforms. Right now, omni-channel capabilities must be innate in the retail system you select. And, looking ahead, the right vendor will be able to guide you towards the technological necessities of tomorrow.
Keeping an eye on your purse No one can predict exactly how much a full implementation of a new retail system will cost you. Many variables come into play at each stage of the process. Solid upfront analysis must be done to narrow down the expected costs, but you still need to bear in mind the possibility that your cost may end up deviating quite a bit from your initial estimates. So it is prudent to plan to spend only 80% of your budget to allow for unforeseen implementation costs. Spending must be reviewed on a regular basis, and if you find that you are spending considerably more or less than expected, you need to reassess the state of the project. Once implementation of the new system is under way, here are some money management pointers you might find useful. Review the business process and consider altering your processes to help the transition along. This can lower costs by reducing time wastage and unnecessary software configuration or modifications. One of the culprits of cost overrun is mismanaged training and education of staff, which businesses tend either to underestimate or go overboard with. A well-crafted training plan is crucial to saving costs in this area.
It is generally a good idea to start training your staff as late as possible, so that any new knowledge and skills can be immediately used. Starting the training process too early can result in a need for repetition and refreshing, and wasted efforts in the event of staff turnover. The project should be run as fast as safely possible so that costs are not wasted due to changes in staff or the business itself. Data import and migration is another high cost area, and much care should be taken to prepare data prior to implementation.
Adapting your business processes Implementing a new retail system is a massive undertaking, so you will want to adapt some of your business processes to suit the new system to make the IT part of the project simpler. Don’t be intimidated — adapting your business processes to make them compatible with the new system is a lot less scary than it sounds. While most retail packages can be tweaked to suit your existing business, and indeed a good system vendor will aim to configure the system to match your processes, problems arise when your existing processes have been put in place by tradition or personal preferences rather than by structured review and process design. In many cases, it is advisable to correct lacking business processes rather than to have a system designed around practices that are flawed and liable to cause problems somewhere down the road. For instance, if stock arrives in the stores without purchase orders, this is considered a poor practice irrespective of reasons. The introduction of the new system could be the catalyst to change this practice. As your team members may initially be resistant to change, it is important to communicate closely with them to ensure they appreciate why any changes need to be made. While the teething stages may be challenging, it is crucial that your teammates understand that amending your current practices can pay great dividends in future. Of course, not all business processes should be changed. This is particularly true when your business processes constitute a strategic advantage over your competitors. Coming up in part 2: Managing change at your organization; Data cleansing; After implementation; Closing About the Author: Andrew Gorecki, MD of Retail Directions, is a passionate commentator on a wide range of business and management issues. He has been working with the retail industry since 1985. Living and breathing the business of retail, he also provides strategic business advice to large corporations. In June 2010 he was nominated for the Australian Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
5 Tasks Entrepreneurs can Outsource to a Virtual Assistant By Felix Tarcomnicu A Virtual Assistant is the Entrepreneur’s best friend. Entrepreneurs are risk-takers by nature. They like to be in the driver’s seat; steering the business throughout the long journey to success. As such, entrepreneurs find themselves inundated with a pile of tasks some of which are nonessential because they want to be closely involved with every aspect of the business. But time is an element which entrepreneurs have no control over and eventually the more they do the less they accomplish and productivity declines. Since entrepreneurs cannot control time, the next best thing they can do is manage it.
Enter the Virtual Assistant A Virtual Assistant or VA is a person who is contracted to manage a specified scope of work and conducts these online and from a remote location. The online job market has increased in popularity since 2006 when businesses worldwide had to deal with the effects of a recession. Companies had to look for ways to streamline costs without compromising productivity and the online job market provided this option. Because of the stringent demands of businesses, candidates for online work had to be well qualified and experienced to render the desired service. Thus, VA’s have evolved
from doing secretarial and personal assistance services to more specialized skills. I have identified 5 of the most important tasks an entrepreneur can outsource to a VA. As you can see, these tasks cover a wide range of functions which the business owner would not be able to attend to or prioritize. These 5 tasks form the cornerstone of the businesses’ foundation. Each task provides much needed support for the business to run efficiently and productively. 1. Accounting. The downfall of most businesses has been rooted in their inability to track their cash flow. This is especially true for small businesses or start ups that have limited capital or access to immediate funding sources. Business owners have to be sure they have enough cash to keep the business running by paying creditors, suppliers, contractors and of course, its own employees. A business owner does not have to be an Accounting major to understand the value of managing the enterprise by numbers. But the projected cash flow statement and cash disbursement schedule are necessary documents that must be made available for immediate reference on a regular basis. Here is a short-list of key accounting functions a VA can do:
Bookkeeping Payroll Preparation Projected Cash Flow Cash Disbursement Schedule
2. Online Research. In order to thrive and remain competitive, the business must always be updated in all information pertaining to their industry. But research is a time-consuming activity; data gathering itself will require acquiring references then qualifying these on their value or relevance. In business, opportunities are found by those who have the knowledge and competencies to identify them. Therefore, it becomes crucial to have updated information available for study as often as possible. Business conditions are continually changing as the world gives in to the pull of globalization. Research has become an important component in the business development agenda of every enterprise. Once a VA has done the research, he or she can now orient the business owner through the following:
Industry Knowledge Prep Data Presentation
3. Data Management. Another key component to business success is managing the data base. For some industries such as those in real estate, the Customer Relationship Management or CRM system is critical to the growth and expansion of the business. The data base is the hub where all agents,
field technicians and supervisors get their information on clients or customers. It helps them develop and stay on course their current strategies. For customer support agents, the CRM is where they can retrieve information on the status of a customer’s complaint or “trouble ticket”.
Data Entry Data Updates
4. Scheduling. One of the original tasks of the VA remains one of its most important to this day. In order to maximize their time, entrepreneurs have to be able to organize the available hours for work in a day. Once the business gains traction, the entrepreneur’s daily schedule can become a grind. The last thing an entrepreneur needs is to miss opportunities because appointments were not set or important inquiries via e-mail were not attended to right away. VAs can also manage your social media accounts which are crucial in building the online presence of your business.
Appointment Setting Calendar Management Liaison Work Social Media Management E-mail Management
5. Phone Handling. Another original task which still carries weight today is the ability to take, make and handle calls when necessary. In business, sometimes a game-changing deal is just a phone call away. This is especially true in a competitive environment where there are other businesses providing similar products and services. Having a VA allows you the peace of mind knowing someone will be available to take those calls or make those follow up calls when you absolutely have to.
Inbound Calls Follow up Calls
There are several tasks that an entrepreneur can outsource to a Virtual Assistant. But essentially, what a VA needs to provide a business can be summed up in one word: ORGANIZATION. With organization, you increase efficiency and improve the level of productivity. Efficiency allows more things to be done under the same time frame. When a business is organized, the business owner will be able to focus on the items on the agenda that require his or her expertise.
About the Author Felix Tarcomnicu is an entrepreneur and marketer. He is currently working with OutsourceWorkers, an Australian company that helps business owners outsource work to virtual assistants.
Making Your Administration More Effective By John Stone A business mechanism needs to work in a smooth way if you want your business to grow and develop into a stark company. Now, we aren't the first ones who have come to such a witty conclusion. The question that arises here is how a business owner or manager should organize it to keep all the cogs turning and the whole system functioning with as few problems as possible. Although every business is a unique system, some general rules must be followed to reach such a flawless office. Secretary to hail snail and electronic mail Even in companies that have a long tradition employees make mistakes. Sometimes they cause additional expenses and some other times the damage is not worth mentioning. But the link that is most often the weakest one is communication. Occupied with many other tasks, employees simply forget to convey messages to their
bosses or colleagues. That is why the cult of secretary is still present in the business world. Hiring an experienced secretary who will be responsible for all the hard copy letters addressed to your business, e-mail messages and correspondence in general will speed up the business-conducting and decision-making process within your business. Self-service info board In accordance with the importance of proper information sharing in a company, every business owner should ensure that the latest updates and work duties are listed in a visible place in the office(s). For instance, you could use a notice board to keep everybody aware of the most important meetings, deadlines and to-dos for every single workday. The best place for the board could be somewhere near the front door. As the employees are coming to
work in the morning, they will see the main things in focus for their share of work. Step-by-step moves and improvements The most important feature of office functionality, beside efficient communication, is definitely a simple but exact agenda for a certain period of time. Business plans should be made by team leaders and managers. They should also negotiate a regular rhythm of plan analysis and revision. If goals have not been achieved, something needs to be changed. In order to build business administration skills and managerial/organizational expertise, business executives need to start planning day to day operations to give additional incentive to their workers and the company in general. Launch business to seventh heaven It must be said, although it almost goes without saying, that a business today can hardly rank with its rivals if all the business
administration and communication is done through written forms. Since the web is rapidly moving to the cloud, businesspeople should consider that option, as well. Giving tasks in a quicker way and storing and updating documents are only the tip of an iceberg hidden in the business advantages of the cloud. A lot of paper will be saved and the secretary from the beginning of the story will have a chance to earn a higher salary if he/she becomes responsible for that part of business organization, as well. Dealing with correspondence, together with transferring documents outside and within a business is important for every company. If you have great experts and innovative ideas, but fail to arrange the business properly, you will drop back. Today documents and all the written stuff can be done online and within your local business intranet. Secretaries and team leaders are the generals that govern that battle and if they succeed, your business will develop without any strains.
About the Author John Stone spent a better part of his life working as a business consultant. He is currently the editor of BizzmarkBlog. Always on the move and keeping up with the latest developments in technology, through years of experience he became a devout believer in the notion that form should always follow function and that developing the ability to think outside of the box is a prerequisite of being a successful entrepreneur. In his spare time he enjoys playing guitar and watching Formula 1.
Diversity conjures up notions of gender
Diversity is the art of thinking independently
equality, fairness, balance, celebrating
difference or different things/people existing together in a group, affirmative action and or sexual equality et al. The era of working 9 to 5 has long gone in most industries. This reality may be attributed to factors such as technological advancement, shifting trends and the impact of globalisation. We have become better connected to emerging markets and with this comes the
(It's not the only definition; I just find it the most appropriate in support of the view you are about to read.) Diversity may be linked to culture, approaches to management, gender or practices in the workplace. We are focusing here on the benefits of diversity within business and specifically: YOUR business.
interpersonal relationships that need to be
Age, race, educational background, culture,
understood, respected and continually
religious expression, sartorial expression, life
developed. Whether in the global market or
philosophies, core values - among other
small entrepreneurial endeavours; diversity is
differences - can make up the fabric of any
good for business.
business. There is a direct correlation
So what is diversity? The best definition I offer in my seminars/workshops or talks is that often credited to Malcolm Stevenson Forbes.
between the width of the reference pool and the ideas that evolve. Different people contribute varied approaches to realise a common objective. Your business will maintain a practical advantage within your
industry by facilitating the expertise/
feel a connection to themselves through
perspectives/life skills of persons who think
advertising and subconscious messages that
or assess issues in their unique ways - The
they can relate to and sometimes via people
best idea being the one that's used at any
that look like them or appear to reflect their
given time.
core values. Strategies to achieve these aims can result from thought showering (brain
What you've just read is not to state the obvious or insult your business intelligence;
storming) sessions based on the varied range of individuals in your business.
it's to emphasise the benefits of diversity as a tool to improve your market share and keep
The effectiveness of diversity in the
your business viable in today's super
workplace or in your business also depends
competitive global economy.
on the vision of those in leadership. Innovation requires practical execution so
Diversity may also be employed to attract new customers and penetrate untapped markets. It's said that we do business with people we like, know or trust. Never underestimate the subliminal impact of language, physical presence and cultural references that can be directly felt by potential customers. When you look at a picture that you know you're in; you
the culture in the company sets the tone for the overall productivity. Open mindedness and a commitment to weeding out discriminatory practices whenever they arise will encourage a willingness to share ideas. Diverse people - execution of greater ideas more profit. Diversity sustains your business because it's simply good business practice and it makes financial/ethical sense.
generally look for yourself first right? People
About the Author Malik Muhammad is a Self-Empowerment Specialist, radio presenter and author of 'Empower yourself to succeed'. He was raised and educated in Jamaica, read law in London and enjoys quad biking, vegan cooking and jazz. www.be-motiv8d Photo credit:: paper-people-chain — www.psdgraphics.com
Cont r i but e I fy ouwoul dl i k et oc ont r i but et of ut ur ee dionsofBus i ne s sPa r t ne rMa g a z i neďŹ nd outmor ehe r e .
Ge ti nT ouc h Wewe l c omey ourf e e dba c k , c omme nt sa ndque sons . Pl e a s es e nda ne ma i l t oi nf o@bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma g a z i ne . c om
Phot oCr e di t : Phot ok a nokwww. f r e e di gi t a l phot os . ne t