Issue 17

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I s s ue17•J ul y / Augus t2016

bus i ne s spa r t ne r t hema ga z i nef ors ma l l bus i ne s sowne r s

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om

Cont e nt s 0 2 MessagefromtheEditor 0 3 5TypesofinternetMarkengTechniques 0 5 AvoidableAccoun ngMistakesThatCouldCostYouThousands us i ne s sGii ng1 0 1 : do’ sa ndDon’ t sofGi v i ngPr e s e nt st o 0 9B Cl i e nt s

1 1 HowAppren cesHaveBecomethe“NewNorm” 1 5

Howt oI mpr ov eY ourDi g i t a l Ma r k e ngS t r a t e g y

1 7 HowYouCanAchieveaPaperlessOffice:GetStartedToday 1 9 TheImportanceofWringaWillForBuisinessOwners

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


E di t or S a ndr aHi ns he l wood

Me s s a g ef r omt hee di t or We l c omet ot heJ ul y / Aug us te dion. I don’ tk nowa bouty ou, but t hel a s tc oupl eofmont hsha v ebe e nv e r ybus y …t r a i ni ng s , pr e s e nt aonsa nda wa r dc e r e moni e sf ort hec hi l dr e n. I ti sa ne x c ing mefil l e dwi t hl ot sofoppor t unie s .I ha v e r e br a nde da ndl a unc he dmyne wc oa c hi ngwe bs i t e–Bus i ne s s Br e a k t hr oug h.T he r ei sa l s ot hei mmi ne ntl a unc hofmyne w onl i nec oa c hi ngc our s e .I wi l l k e e py oui nf or me d.

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www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


There are many ways to market your brand. One look on the average Internet marketing website and the chances are they will specialize in one form of marketing. The reality is that you should be using a range of techniques in order to boost the stature of your website. If you’re new to the game, this article is going to introduce to you the main types of Internet marketing techniques you should be aware of. Search Engine Marketing This is one of the most common forms of marketing, and certainly the most enduring. The aim of the game is to get as high up in Google’s indexes as possible. It’s one of the trickiest forms of marketing

to get into because all your competitors have a major start on you. You also have to be aware of the fact that Google will change the rules without warning on a regular basis. There’s absolutely nothing you can do about this and, in some cases, your efforts can be wiped out in a matter of minutes. Social Media Marketing The newest form of marketing is social media marketing. It’s all about yielding the power of social media in order to bring in more customers. To do this, you will build up human relationships and spend most of your time interacting with people on a personal level.


The social media channels you choose to interact on will differ depending on your business. You may decide that you want to keep things casual on Instagram, or become more formal on LinkedIn. There’s also paid social media marketing. Platforms like the Facebook Power Editor make it easier than ever before to pinpoint your target market and speak directly to them. This requires lots of split testing, but once you get it right it can yield huge rewards. Content Marketing You’ve heard the fact that content is king before. And nothing has changed because it does remain the most powerful option for marketing your brand. Everything is driven by great content that’s relevant to your target audience. Understand your target market and start writing long form content that targets specific issues. Content marketing is something that drives every other marketing channel. Email Marketing Getting in touch with people via email is one of the oldest forms of marketing. Today, it’s a hub for exclusive content. This exclusive content can be used to encourage people to sign up to your list.

The same content will keep people glued to your list, as well. Keep in mind that email marketing can still be used to sell, although this is not something that you’ll be doing the majority of the time. Start building up your list early. Doing a Good Job The best way to maintain a positive reputation online is to just do a good job. This is one of the best Internet marketing strategies you can adopt. Invest in the quality of your customer service and make sure that you are taking any complaints seriously. By doing a great job you will ensure that people flock to your brand because they know that they are going to be treated right. This applies to every type of interaction you could have with a customer. Conclusion – Combine for Maximum Effect These five types of Internet marketing techniques should be combined together to help your brand gain the largest amount of exposure possible. It’s easier than you think to do this because you will be doing it naturally just by talking to your customers. Examine what other brands are doing. Refine your own strategy. Boost your brand’s prospects today!

About the Author Charlie Robinson is an accomplished marketer and interim VP of Marketing for high-growth tech startups. He is currently the VP of Marketing at Adling, a digital marketing agency based out of Cupertino, CA You can find him on Twitter here.


Easily Avoidable Accounting Mistakes That Could Cost You Thousands By Russell Smith Accounting a complicated and vital

simple solutions. If you’re a business owner

component of the business machine — the

managing your own finances, be sure to

core around rich everything else operates.

keep reading, and discover some easily

You cannot run a successful business

avoidable accounting mistakes which could

without having a strong grasp of your

potentially cost your business thousands

finances. Accounting mistakes, however, are all too easily made.

Data-Entry Inaccuracy Caused by Human Error

Many small business owners undertake

The problem: Unfortunately, it is human

their own accounting, which can often

nature to be imperfect. We get distracted,

prove to be problematic. Untrained in the

we get tired, confused and we make

complexities of accounting processes, many

mistakes. The most common accounting

struggle with the day-to-day running of

mistakes are caused by human error in data

their finances. While there are many

entry. Simply failing to record purchases, or

potential mistakes to made, most also have

calculating income incorrectly, can lead to


inaccurate books, books that will then be

and work from simplistic, poor quality

used to form reports and tax returns.

financial reports.

Running a company on an inaccurate

The answer: Specialised accounting

financial report is a surefire way to run into

software offers a sophisticated and

trouble, and incorrect tax returns can incur

technologically advanced solution to the

penalties and fines that knock your business

complex task of accounting. Automated


features allow for quick and easy reports, updates, invoices and more, while specific

The answer: Human error is hard to stamp

recording options offer easy access to

out, but it can be reduced. Another eye can

everything from supplier accounts to

be invaluable, and having somebody simply

payroll data. By speeding up accounting

check over the data previously entered into

processes — some of which can take hours,

a system can help stop errors occurring.

or even days under inadequate systems —

Data reconciliation is also a vital part of

and improving the quality of the

ensuring accuracy. Matching records to

information you run your business from,

bank transactions is a simple, yet effective

you can save a small fortune.

technique for maintaining error-free books. Failing to Monitor Client Payments Working from Basic, Unspecialised

The problem: A business which does not


get paid is not profitable, and cannot

The problem: In order to maintain an

survive. Yet, many misunderstand the

accurate understanding of your business's

difference between a promise of payment

financial situation, you must keep any and

and actual payment. Small businesses are

all fluctuating numbers under a strict and

fragile things, and 30 days of no payment

watchful eye. Yet, most small businesses

can be the difference between profitability

run their complex accounting systems out

and insolvency.

of inadequate and basic software. Whilst some businesses are simply too By doing your accounting out of generic

lenient with payment deadlines, others are

software, you are likely to endure

too busy to keep track of every client that

unnecessarily slow accounting processes

owes them money, and resort to trusting


that debts will be paid. This can have severe

cause of inaccurate data entry, beyond that

and costly repercussions.

of human error, but it also means that you

The answer: Treating clients and customers

cannot claim on expenses as there is no

like cash cows is a quick way out of

evidence to back them up — potentially

business, but so is allowing them to get

incurring large and unnecessary costs on

away without proper payment. It is

tax returns. Evidence is also required in the

advisable to set strict deadlines for invoices

event of an audit. If you were to be called

and be rigorous with follow-ups if they are

upon by the government, without proof of

not met. Keep track of all clients and money

transaction, they will have to take your

owed — specialised accounting software is

word for incomings and outgoings, which

an easy way to monitor this — and never let

they are unlikely to do. This can cause a

an invoice go unpaid. Offering discounts for

range of time-consuming issues, but is so

prompt payments almost always results in

easily avoided.

fewer late payments. The answer: Maintaining records of all Mismanagement of Transaction Evidence

transactions is the most effective way of

The problem: Keeping the evidence of your

ensuring you don’t ever have to deal with

business transactions — invoices, receipts,

matters of inadequate transaction

bills, bank statements — is vital for

evidence. Save and backup all online

everything from data reconciliation and

transaction records, and keep all paper

bookkeeping, to tax returns and expense

receipts, invoices and bills — be sure to


request electronic evidence whenever possible, as this is easier to store.

Without them, you cannot prove what transactions you have made. This is another Russell Smith, a chartered accountant from Leeds, is a small business owner and finance expert. Russell is passionate about using his knowledge of finance to help small business owners, and he regularly blogs about important updates, as well as on good accounting practice. Site: Socials:


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Business Gifting 101: Do’s and Don’ts of Giving Presents to Clients By Kit Kalagayan Giving gifts is huge when it comes to business.

present into that information. If you give them

Your gift can either make your client extremely

something they love, they will be utterly

impressed or it can turn off the happy client



Choose to give food or beverage. Gourmet cookies, artisan tea or a cake are great gift

Since giving gifts to clients is a difficult ordeal

ideas for clients because food gifts always

that can either make or break your relationship

imply “I want you to be happy!” Wine is also a

with your customers, it would not hurt to make

great choice, but do research on what kind of

a bit of preparation. Here are some do’s and

wine your client likes, first. Food also is the

don’ts in giving presents to clients.

best inter-company gift because it can be shared by many people.

When Giving a Present to a Client, Do:

Choose to give something useful! A small

Tailor your gifts to your recipient. If you

statue looks great but it might just gather dust

research about them a bit, you will get an idea

on your client’s closet.

on what they like and you can work your


Give something from your hometown, if you

Give general store gift cheques like Amazon

just got back from home. It shows that they are

or Walmart. Giving general goods vouchers

in your mind and that you value your

only shows you are too lazy to actually care.

relationship with your client.

However, something specific like spa gift

Consider cultural differences. If you have a

check is fine.

client that is of a different nationality, research on what gifts and gifting etiquette are

What Kind of Gifts to Give?

appropriate at their homeland and apply it to

Glad you asked! Here are some gift ideas for

them. For example, the Chinese consider

your clients:

umbrellas a bad luck when given as a gift and

Gourmet cookies, a cake, dessert delicacies.

the Japanese will refuse your gift around three

Coffee or tea gift baskets.

times before accepting it (so that means you

Dessert gift baskets.

should offer it more than three times).

Wine. Books on how to grow their business.

When Giving a Present to a Client, Don’t:

Your hometown’s specialty.

Print or engrave your company logo or name

A spa or massage voucher.

on the present, especially those that are

A cute or funny coffee mug. (Sans your

intended to be used everyday like shirts or

company logo. Resist self promotion this

umbrellas. This is not the time to promote your


company and your clients are not your walking

Handmade soaps or scrubs.


An iPad or an android tablet.

Expect anything in return. While some cultures

A pocket watch.

make it a point to return the favour by sending

Pocket multitools.

a present on your way, your intention of giving a gift is to strengthen the relationship with a

Should I Give a Gift to All of My Clients?

valued client.

The last thing to remember is not all clients are created equal! To save on expenses, you may choose to give presents of your biggest clients only and choose smaller but useful trinkets to give to the others.

Give money. In the business world, money gifts are considered bribery.

About the Author Kit Kalagayan owns Gift Canyon, a website that discusses gifting etiquette, tips and lists of gift ideas for any occasion or recipient. You can follow Kit at Twitter.


How Apprentices Have Become the “New Norm” Hadyn Luke Government statistics show there has been a rise in the number of apprenticeships in the UK in recent years. Many youngsters are viewing apprenticeships as a preferable alternative to going to university. A study of almost 3,000 young people in 2014 found that more than half of the respondents said they would be interested in an apprenticeship rather than going to university. In a separate study it was found

that employers ranked apprentices 15% more employable than youngsters with degrees or other qualifications. So prolific has the rise in apprenticeships been that skills minister Matthew Hancock urged young people to consider an apprenticeship, referring to them as the “norm for school leavers who want to earn while they learn and forge a successful career.”


With those embarking on apprenticeship schemes on the rise, CMS VOC explores how apprenticeship schemes are fast becoming the “new norm”. Workplace training is being viewed alongside further education With apprenticeships gaining a higher profile, they are no longer thought of as inferior to further education. There has been a positive shift towards apprenticeships in recent years, with more and more people recognising the many benefits of apprenticeships, including having a better chance of getting a job, being given the opportunity to gain broader experiences, and having the chance to learn useful skills. A survey conducted by the Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors (APHC), which was released to coincide with the National Apprenticeships Week, found that out of 1830 homeowners in the UK, 86% agreed that school leavers should be considered to become involved in an apprenticeship instead of being pushed into higher education. 19% of the survey’s participants acknowledged that higher education is not for everyone. Alongside this increased positivity around apprenticeships and how they offer a credible alternative to embarking on further education, there is still an idealised perception of this type of work-based training and how it provides a stepping

stone into securing a career in important industries. As The Guardian writes: “In an era where most of us work in front of a computer screen, there’s still a romanticism attached to apprenticeships. They conjure up images of Britain’s industrial part and a time when employers took a young person, probably a young man, under their wing and taught them the tricks of the trade.” A rise in standards in apprenticeships In accordance with the growing demand for apprenticeships there has been an increase in standards to this type of training. The UK government has made changes to the way it assesses and approves bids from employers to develop new apprenticeships. An independent report saw entrepreneur and educator Doug Richard call upon the government to improve the quality of apprenticeships and make them more focused on the requirements of the employer. Some of these changes includes focusing on the outcome of the apprenticeship and what an apprentice can do when they complete their training. Another change mapped out in the Richard Review of Apprenticeships Report is that all apprentices should reach a good level in Maths and English before they are


able to complete their apprenticeship. Doug Richard spoke of how apprenticeships need to run in-line with further education: “Apprenticeships need to be high quality training with serious kudos and tangible vale both to the apprentice and the employer. I want to hear about an 18-yearold who looked at their options and turned down a place at Oxbridge to take up an apprenticeship if that is the right path for them.” Combating skills shortages In-line with Richard’s calls for apprenticeships to benefit both the apprentice and the employer, there is a myriad of benefits associated with this type of work-based training. One of the key benefits is that apprenticeships help combat skills shortages. By providing apprentices with practical, onsite training, skills within a workforce are improved, which not only benefit the individual being trained, but also the company providing the

apprenticeship, both in the short-term and in the long-term. Qualified apprentices help fill vacancies and skills gaps. They enable employers to recruit the right candidates with the right skills, acting as a dynamic approach to tackling problems associated with the ageing workforce and skills shortages. The increasing number of high quality apprenticeships being offered by employers in the UK are designed to develop the next generation of skilled workers and managers. They encourage new entrants into sectors that might be struggling with skills shortages by providing an alternative route to learning high skills. With the mutual benefits apprenticeships bring to both employers and employees it is hardly surprising that the Centre for Economics and Business Research predict that in the forthcoming years, apprenticeships could contribute up to £3.4 billion a year to the British economy through productivity gains by 2022.

This article was written by CMS Vocational Training (CMSVOC), specialists in providing a vast range of courses and training programmes across diverse sectors. CMSVOC is committed to helping people of all ages, backgrounds and industries, find the right course and training programme so they can progress in their chosen career or embark on a new career. CMSVOC’s professional and talented staff have specialist knowledge in a wide range of industries and work with learners to help them achieve their career dreams.


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How to Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy Diana Smith

It is no secret that if you want to be competitive on the market you have to invest into digital marketing. Luckily, today there are many opportunities for businesses to do so. It is important to think carefully and make smart moves if you want your digital marketing strategy to improve. If you decide you want to invest more into digital marketing you should take a look at the following 5 tips.

Focus on Mobile Devices One of the biggest mistakes many business owners make today is that they do not focus on mobile devices when advertising their business. When designing a website, you have to make sure it is easily accessible from devices such as smartphones and tablets. Not delivering a proper mobilefriendly experience can seriously hurt your

brand. Besides all of this, Google has recently released a new algorithm which ranks websites that are mobile-friendly higher in searches. If you want to make sure your website is easily accessible from a mobile device, you can run Google’s mobile -friendly test.

Keep it Simple There are many businesses that tend to cram too much information in a little space. But the fact is consumers are inundated with content and their attention spans have become shorter. That is why if you want your digital marketing campaign to be effective, you will have to try to keep it as simple as possible. Pick a single message you want to send to the consumers and focus on it. It is up to you to decide whether you want to build up your brand,


promote a new product or highlight something that your business has been doing.

Identify Your Audience This is another crucial step you will have to make. You have to know what are the interests of the consumers what are they most likely to type into search when looking for products or services you provide. This will make it possible for you to target your marketing strategy directly to your audience and make the most of it. Consumers who are looking for the products or services you provide will be able to sign up and contact you directly. There are tools you can use to check out what consumers search for the most.

Engage in Social Media A recent study has shown that 75% of all internet users has at least one social media account. This only proves that social media is one of the best places to advertise your business today. You should consider opening accounts for your business on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Once you do that, you can start sharing the information about your business and

products with the consumers. Still, getting some help from the experts is always a good idea. If you do business in Australia, there is a social media agency in Sydney you can turn to and improve your social media presence.

Build a Base of Loyal Customers Whenever a consumer visits your website, you can try moving them towards becoming a loyal customer. The best way to do this is to offer them a chance to sign up for your mailing list. You can then notify them about new products or any upcoming sales. Try making every e-mail you send personal and make sure it includes a link that will drive your customers to your website. Having a mailing list is a key to creating a base of loyal customers and increasing the number of people who trust your products or services. Technology is becoming one of the most important aspects of every business and if you want to be successful, you will have to invest in it. Make sure you do all of the above mentioned things and you are guaranteed to attract more customers.

About the Author Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to business and technology. In her free time she enjoys exploring new low cost advertising opportunities.


How You Can Achieve a Paperless Office: Get Started Today By Joseph O’Brien

The paperless office still seems like a distant dream, despite the advent of the smart tech and cloud computing. Traditional paper based processes like paper contracts and invoices are slowly dying out, yet companies struggle to adopt fully paperless technologies. We look at how to make your office more paperless and reduce paper waste, as well as unpick some of the reasons why you aren’t ready to let go of paper yet.

up on a cloud drive, synced to many devicespractically impossible to lose. The misconception about paper being somehow ‘safe’ is simply not true; single paper hard copies of a document are the most vulnerable type of company data.

Paper places a burden on the environment (and business)

Almost half of paper used in the office gets binned at the end of the day. Despite campaigns about smart paper practicespeople still waste a lot of paper at work.

The US is the biggest global paper consumer, with an incredible annual paper & card consumption of 229 kg per capita- compared to the global average of just 57 kg! Consuming too much paper is bad for the environment, depleting natural resources and creating harmful industrial waste. The paper industry are doing their best, but the destruction of forests, and the chemicals needed to treat paper, are environmentally devastating. Paper can be bad for business too. Paper processes waste valuable employee time, and can lead to costly mistakes. These statistics from the Paperless Project are stark: Companies lose a paper document every 12 seconds, costing them $350 to $700. Compare this to documents that are backed

Paper leads to inefficiencies: more than 70% of the world’s industry would face imminent failure in the event of the destruction of their paper records.

What is holding you back? Despite the obvious problems with paperbased records- they still persist. Due to technological barriers and inefficiencies, a completely paperless business is not a feasible target for many people. Here’s some key paperless business sticking points: Low adoption rates for new technologies means businesses aren’t primed for the transition. Issues like not having enough tablets for a meeting, or a robust WIFI connection, make people reach for the paper. New technologies are still not robust enough to fully replace paper.


Lack of facilities and supporting infrastructure means processes are slowed down, not speeded up. Unwillingness to change in key industries that have traditionally relied on paper. Lack of awareness means business case for change is sometimes missed. Often personal preference and team dynamics take precedent over change and progress.

Begin with simple policy changes The best way to move things forward is to implement small policy changes. In starting small, you will immediately have an impact. All company printing should be double-sided. Using scrap paper for printing internal documentation like meeting notes should be encouraged. Emails don’t need to be printed. Meeting agendas can be shared amongst people, or read off a tablet.

paperless competition between different teams is a great way to get people talking.

Adopting paperless processes Thanks to the possibilities offered by cloud computing and software you can axe the paper in more than one business area. Benefit from key time-saving innovations like cloud bookkeeping to streamline your finances, and move your HR processes online. Online timesheets, e-payslips and eP60s are making everyone’s lives simpler. On the creative side, there are loads of ways to mind-map and brainstorm online- you don’t need reams of paper to develop a new creative idea.

Make it easy by investing in the right technology Dual monitors, smartphones, fast computers, broadband- you will need to give people the right tools to ensure that they can do their jobs properly without paper. Digitisation is an investment, but it’s worth it!

Paperless office benefits

Cloud file sharing platforms (Google Drive, Dropbox ) should be used for sharing editable documents around the team.

A more environmentally-friendly office. 

Save money on buying paper, printing, photocopying, and waste disposal.

Make it about people

Less time-consuming archiving.

Business is more portable and travels better- no massive folder to take with you on trips!

Less human error, increased productivity.

People often have a bigger impact than policies, so get people on board with the paperless drive. Appoint paperless heroes, feature paper statistics by the printer, and start a newsletter to shout about all the company’s paperless innovations. A

Hi, I’m Joseph O’Brien, and I am a curious freelance writer who has a strong interest in business processes and productivity. I’m particularly interested in covering paper-based business processes like secure shredding, as well as digital ones like outsourced cloud bookkeeping and big data.


The Importance of Writing a Will For Business Owners By Georgina Bullock Writing a will isn’t something that many people like to think about. It’s quite depressing to dwell on what will happen after you die, but without proper preparation, your assets might not be distributed how you’d like. The outcome might be as simple as a prized possession not going to the right person, or as devastating as your family losing the family home.

Many people assume that their assets and possessions will be very simply divided up between their loved ones, and that will be the end of it. Unfortunately, without a will in place, the law takes control and dictates how things should be divided. This might result in your family home being sold to settle care home expenses. Things can get particularly complicated if you own a business and business assets. According to


research, it is estimated that 1 in 10 business owners feel that their business would have to cease trading should one of the key individuals in the business pass away. However, the risk of this happening could be easily mitigated with some careful planning. If you are the head of an ownerdependent business, it’s important you put a will in place so your business can continue to run smoothly in the event of you passing away. It’s not unusual for businesses to meet their demise as a result of lengthy legal proceedings following a death. Even if only one child is working in the business, the law states that the business would have to be equally divided between all children. If this happens, that child would then have to buy their siblings out to take control of the business, which can lead to unnecessary will disputes and emotional distress for your loved ones. If it is not your wishes for your family to inherit the business, as you have partners or other critical figure heads within the organization, arranging for each business owner to take out a life policy in trust for

the other business owners can protect that. This way any funds are paid directly to the surviving owners should one of them die, so that they can buy out your part of the business. Succession planning is the most important aspect of writing a will for business owners. In order to maximise the benefits of Business Property Relief, which provides relief from inheritance tax, careful and strategic planning is required. If your spouse takes control of your company and sells it on, the proceeds from the sale will become part of their estate and be subject to inheritance tax when they die, leaving less for your children. It makes more sense to keep the shares, but hand over the company to a trust. Your spouse will still benefit from the trust, but they won’t pay the inheritance tax. Being elderly or developing an illness shouldn’t be the only precursors for writing a will. If you get married, enter a civil partnership, or have children, you should start thinking about how you’d like your assets to be divided, should the worst happen.

Georgina Bullock is a freelance writer and research journalist, who specializes in a number of core areas, including business, law and property. Through studying journalism at university, Georgina was introduced to a number of contacts in different industries, which is where she discovered her passion for these areas. She is a regular contributor to Gorvins Solicitors, where she comments on the latest developments in the legal industry.


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