Issue 23

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I s s ue23•J ul y / Augus t2017

bus i ne s spa r t ne r t hema ga z i nef ors ma l l bus i ne s sowne r s

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om

Cont e nt s 0 2 MessagefromtheEditor 0 3 WhatDoesBrexitMeanforSmallBusinessOwners? 0 5 6CrucialTipsForStarngaSuccessfulOnlineBusiness i v ot : Howt oPl a nt oCha ng eDi r e con 0 7P ofY ourS ma l l Bus i ne s s

1 1 HoldingOntoandRecruingTechTalentPost-Brexit oog l eS e a r c he sf or‘ S t a ndi ngDe s k s ’ Ha v eMor eT ha nT r i pl e d 1 5G i n1 2Mont hs

1 9 BookReview:BookMarkengMadeSimple 2 1 4WaysDronesWillChangetheBusinessWorld

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


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Me s s a g ef r omt hee di t or We l c omet oI s s ue2 3 . He r ewea r ea g a i n, a tt hemi dpoi ntoft hey e a r . I hopey ou’ r e ma k i ngg oodpr og r e s swi t hy ourg oa l s . E v e ni fy oua r enotqui t e whe r ey ouwa ntt obet ha ti sOKt oo. Nowi sag ood met or e v i e w a ndr e e v a l ua t e …e v e nt opi v ot . T a k et he met omoni t ory our bus i ne s sa ndi de nf ywha ti swor k i ngwe l l a ndwha ti snotwor k i ng s owe l l . Pe r ha pss omec ha ng e sa r er e qui r e d?

L a y out&De s i g n S a ndr aHi ns he l wood& J a s mi neHi ns he l wood

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www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


What Does Brexit Mean for Small Business Owners? As an entrepreneur, you know that any political or legislative change will have an impact on your business. Brexit is a massive event that will affect the manner in which small businesses are operated. Here are a few of the most important effects you’ll have to keep in mind over the coming years.

Needless to say, uncertainties about the single market and free movement of people are having a negative impact on companies. Organisations like the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) are calling for more clarity and rapid measures that will deal with the unrest in the business community.

Businesses Still Abide by EU Rules

A quarter of FSB members export goods and services to foreign markets. The majority of these small businesses have partnerships in the European Union. The free market gives access to over 500 million potential customers and its value is estimated at 11 trillion euro. Changes in the current arrangements could have a

While the transition period is lasting, businesses in the UK will have to abide by EU regulations and wait for new rules to be agreed upon. It’s still not clear what trade relationships companies in Britain will enjoy with partners in the EU.


seriously negative effect on small and medium-sized companies.

to mean that a UK free from EU regulations could eventually become more attractive to foreign investors.

What will Change? Some are optimistic that leaving the EU would signify red tape reduction, market deregulation and more freedom for small businesses. These are some of the main reasons why supporters of Brexit voted for leaving the European Union. On the other hand, immigration restrictions competitiveness of smaller companies. Access to affordable labour is of paramount importance for startups and small businesses in the UK. It has already become evident that certain sectors will be experiencing labour shortages as the number of EU citizens coming to the UK decreases. According to ONS data for early 2017, there are 748,000 national job vacancies. At the same time, companies are complaining about a difficulty finding suitable candidates for the positions due to a shortage in qualified workers. If many positions remain unfilled, the growth of small and medium-sized companies in the UK could be curbed. A survey carried out among 1,000 employers suggests that more than a quarter of company owners believe that EU nationals they currently employ will leave their job and potentially leave the UK, as well. The good news is that in the weeks after the announcement of Brexit, the number of registered new businesses by Europeans went up. Some are interpreting such data

The Good News There may be some additional good news for small business owners in a post-Brexit world. For a start, the British currency saw a sharp value reduction in the months after the announcement of Brexit. This has had a greatly positive effect on the tourism sector. Not only is it driving foreign tourists to the UK, it’s also keeping local tourists in the country. There’s also an argument for a bigger number of skilled workers coming to the country. Brexit will potentially expand the entry of immigrants from non-EU countries like India and the US. The influx of such professionals will lead to positive market developments. There’s even an idea for the introduction of a point-based immigration system that will drive top talent to the country. Some predictions focus on positive developments in the real estate sector, as well. It’s still too early to draw general conclusions about the years to come. The legislative measures that the government will introduce are the biggest determining factor for the fate of small companies in a post-Brexit UK. About the Author Article 1 is a London based law firm specialising in UK immigration law and related human rights and EU freedom of movement law.


6 Crucial Tips For Starting a Successful Online Business By Steven Clarke In today’s digital era, starting an online business is an opportunity for great success. It’s a very profitable concept, as staff requirements aren’t high, and the same goes for overheads. However, the truth about many start-up businesses is that they fail. What you need to do is make a difference in order to succeed. Starting an online business is somewhat similar to starting a traditional business – you make a plan, get the necessary funding, have a product or service to offer, and get it done. However, there are also some steps that are unique to it.

Define what you want to sell There are two sides to an online business – a great number of customers and a large competition. Whatever it is that you decide you are going to sell, you are most likely not the only person with the same idea. You need to find yourself a particular niche and come up with a way to create something that makes a difference. Make sure that you add something unique to

your product, or provide expertise in the field as your selling point. Check out what your competitors are doing, and what they aren’t, and fill that empty space with your own product or service.

Get a business name and a domain Once you have defined your product, you need to come up with a name for your business. However, before you set your name up and let everyone now, you need to see whether the domain for it is available. You’ll have to look for an alternative solution if you can’t find one. Still, with domain extensions, it is no longer as hard to get the domain you want. So if the particular domain for your business name is taken, you can pick one of the many top-level domains to add to it, such as .business, .expert, etc. Put yourself out there One of the most important outlets today for marketing your product or service and building a fan base are social media


websites. So make the most out of your social media page. Post previews of your product, valuable videos on what’s going on with your business, and of course, follow people. It is also very important that you make yourself available and reply to comments as much as you can, so people see that you care about what they have to say. This is a great way to generate interest.

Create a great website Having a website is a must today, and it should reflect your business and product. It should be stylish, but it is more important that it looks professional. According to the advice from small business website design experts, you need to make it so that customers engage with it and easily get to where they want to be. The path to making a purchase needs to be intuitive. It is a good idea to have an online portfolio, where prospects can see what you have done in the past, and decide whether what you have to offer suits them. Brand your every page with your logo.

Locate influencers in your field It is essential, especially for a start-up business, to have the support of an influencer in the field. An influencer is

someone who has a large fan base, and if they recommend you, you are bound to drive more traffic and generate more sales. In order to get them on your side, it might be necessary for you to invest some money, or offer a lot of freebies, but it is truly worth it in the long run. Once you get their attention, all you need to do is to ask them to share your content as much as possible. Analyze your progress and make use of that info You should analyze your progress and find out what product is being sold the most, which content is drawing the most attention, and which social network is driving the most traffic. Then, once you have determined these things, you can come up with ideas how to improve on them. It is essential that you always test your efforts, and never stop improving. The hard work never stops.

In summation Starting a successful online business isn’t necessarily easy, but it is bound to bring you profits if you do it right. Follow these 6 essential steps to get it done, and put all your effort into creating the best experience for your customers, as well as improving what you have to offer.

About the Author Steven Clarke is a digital marketing specialist/business consultant. In his spare time, he likes to write about his ideas and share them with the world. Steven is a regular contributor to several websites.


Pivot: How to Plan to Change Direction of Your Small Business By John Packham To pivot or not to pivot. It’s a question

pivot refers most simply to those moments

heard often across boardrooms and small

when a leader or management team realize

businesses as global competition and

that their current business model is not

technological advances allow (or force)

working. This realization, if accepted fully,

organizations of all sizes to change quick

triggers a (quick) reshaping of the business

and often dramatically in response to

to a new plan or model in order to remain

shifting markets and emerging

relevant and invigorated. More realistically,


as Alan Spoon describes, a pivot allows a

A familiar word in the world of start-ups,

business to “grow beyond their initial


dreams by re-imagining their assets and

for once the pivot begins it requires an

talents, thinking more broadly about the

anchor point. Without this anchor point

customer problems they solve, and

firmly in place, it is far too easy to lose

accessing growth capital to seize the new

focus on your endpoint as well as on what

high ground.�

non-negotiable points are (and we all have

For small-business owners looking to pivot,

them), or what your cost projections really

paying particular attention to some basic

say. Without this anchor point, pivots take

steps in the planning stages not only

on an energy all their own, and you

mitigates the risk associated with the

struggle to keep all the moving parts from

investment of time and money in moving

spinning out of control as the usual (and

from Plan A to Plan B, but can clarify the

unavoidable) contingencies appear.

operational elements needed to accomplish

Once B is firmly in place, write a list of

a pivot as elegantly and cost-effectively as

what are known as transform goals. These


are the key differences between your

Most obviously (and a too-often overlooked

business in Plan A and your business in

step) is to understand that a pivot is change,

Plan B. For instance, your current Plan has

and as such means that your business is

your business fully imagined as a

starting out in one place and ending in a

traditional brick-and-mortar sales model,

different one.

while your transformational Plan pivots it to a hybrid of traditional and online sales. Or perhaps you see your business pivoting from a suburban strip mall to an upscale



urban shopping centre. Or from a position of brand inclusivity to a more focused, brand exclusive model, which might allow

This simple moment is crucial: to imagine B (your new state of the business) as clearly and completely as possible. Setting B firmly in your mind, in your business plan, and as the fixed end point of the pivot is critical,

for some price renegotiations with your suppliers. The important thing here: know what will be different about your business when you complete your pivot. With transformational goals set, the next


step is to think through what are called

strategic “relaunch” so that both current

reduction goals. In other words, make a list

and potential customers can see the new

of what has to be reduced or eliminated

iteration of your company in action. If your

from Plan A in order for your business to

pivot is focused on optimizing online sales,

pivot successfully to Plan B. This list might

you might have to expand your

include a reduction of inventory, a

infrastructure or invest in technology that

simplification of your supply chain, or a

allows you to meet the next generation of

move to a new, more appropriate space.

customers “where they are” (a common

Planning on what barriers need to be

phrase informing many pivots) or that will

removed, and how to remove them, before

improve delivery of online orders.

the pivot begins allows for a full and

A successful pivot demands foresight,

thorough cost and risk analysis as well as

resilience, and resolve. It means moving

the opportunity to gather input and ideas

beyond the simple numbers of a business

from key stakeholders. The more eyes on

in order to imagine a future that is brighter

the plan at this point, the better.

and more profitable. When successful, a

With reduction goals established, move to

pivot not only revitalizes your business

setting your application goals, also known

(and your excitement about doing

as those pieces that need to be added to

business) but amplifies its value to your

your business in order to Plan B. You might

customers. Careful planning goes a long

have to renegotiate financing in order to

way to ensuring that your aspirations for

underwrite the pivot, for instance, or plan a

your business can be realized.

About the Author Having grown up in a family owned business, and now working as the Content Director for Karrass - a company specializing in negotiation training for businesses - John is grateful for the many opportunities he's had to share his passion for business and writing.


Focusonyourgoal s , notyourf ear .

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Holding Onto and Recruiting Tech Talent Post-Brexit If all goes to plan, Britain will leave the EU no later than April 2019 now that Article 50 has been triggered. It is expected that this will have an impact on the recruiting field especially as the pool for specialists from the EU is likely to dramatically shrink. This means the pressure is on for companies to put in place competitive recruitment and retention strategies. Between 2014-2024, the employment of computer and information technology occupations will grow from 3.9 to 4.4

million jobs according to the BLS. However, Melissa North, Head of HR at Sopra Banking Software has said that UK Tech companies may lose out on the best talent as EU employees are put off joining due to the uncertainty of Brexit and so recruiters need to create a plan of action. According to Melissa:  The movement of workers needs to be a top priority  As does developing the employer brand  While embracing home-grown


recruits from a grass roots level through apprenticeship programmes. We further discussed the upcoming issues in employing the best tech employees‌


Banks such as HSBC and Goldman Sachs are increasing their headcount in Paris due to the triggering of Article 50. Do Sopra Banking Software, as a French company with head offices in the UK, see their recruitment being affected in the near future?

We are unsure what the future will hold. However, if further restrictions come in then it will affect our ability to recruit new people into our business. It could also affect internal transfers and importantly secondments, where we bring in overseas experts within our current business to offer expert skills to our customers. We explore all options in order to the find the best talent for Sopra Banking Software and we will continue to do this, working within whatever the new rules as a result of Brexit may be. We do have employees currently working for us from outside the UK within the UK offices. What’s important is that we get some certainty soon as to what the

arrangements will be. This will avoid any unnecessary attrition as people look for jobs outside of the UK unsure as to what their position will be. EU employees might be put off joining UK companies, businesses like Sopra Banking Software feel they could already be losing out on talent due to the unknown outcomes of the Brexit negotiations. The movement of workers needs to be a top priority, as far as I am concerned as Head of HR. We need to plan for the future so we will continue with our efforts to work with schools and higher education providers to help improve the employability and skills for the future UK workforce. This will include an increase in our offer of apprenticeships programmes.


What benefits do you see motivating tech employees? Salary is always important to employees but I think in the tech sector the main motivator is the work they are doing. As in all organisations not all employees are motivated by the same thing but a combination of interesting work and engagement with the company being key. Communication events with staff are important and of course investment in


team building activities supports this, this is a strength of Sopra Banking Software.


Is it true tech employees want more creative benefits rather than primarily salary?

I think it’s true of all employees. What we are seeing is more employees wanting ‘instant gratification’ from their benefits, perhaps a sign of the times we live in, we are always looking for the best way of doing this. We have a broad age range across our business, so what one employee is looking for, another one is completely different so introducing flexibility in benefits is key.


Are you looking to entice more millennials into this sector? If so how will you be doing this?

Yes, we always need to build for the future and we want to grow our talent within our business. This is a key part of our strategy, not only via the recruitment of 5/6 graduates each year but by also increasing our investment in apprenticeships. These

recruits have a thirst for knowledge and want the opportunity to develop quickly, perhaps by experiencing different parts of our business. Our Career Framework allows employees to do this, developing their skills and competencies across a wide range of job families, if this is what they are looking for, otherwise developing their knowledge to become an expert in a particular job family.


Do you see a significantly high demand for skilled experts in cyber security and data analytics? Is it becoming an issue?

Yes we are seeing this, so much of life is now managed online, therefore the security aspect is becoming bigger and bigger. It’s important to us and to our customers. A security breach not only impacts those affected directly but the organisation at the hands of the breach in a significant way, so it’s crucial that they and we get this right. Data analysis is about giving a better service, whether this be being able to make things easier for your customers or for your business, and can be a differentiator for your business. Both areas are moving at a very


fast pace, so the demand for expertise in these areas is high.


Where is the best place to look for talent? Why?

We are trying all different ways to find the best talent but we also need to develop our employer brand further and sell what a great company this is to work for, so that the best talent seek us out and want to work for us. A great way of doing this is by working with local schools and higher education providers and building relationships with students at an early stage.


Work life balance and employee wellbeing are very important to Sopra Banking Software. We encourage social activities amongst employees and having fun at work! This year will see an employee wellbeing campaign rolled out across the business in order to ensure our employees welfare is at the forefront of our minds. We have a range of flexible working arrangements in place across all areas of our business. Recruiters need to put a plan into action. It is clear that many businesses may not only be at risk of losing their current employees during the next two years but also that they are likely to witness a shrinking talent pool to find the best tech employees from, especially international companies that cross promote. With the tech industry ever advancing and growing, strategic plans are necessary for recruiters to keep up.

How do you ensure that your employees maintain a good work/life balance?

About the Author Sopra Banking Software is a trusted, long-term partner of over 600 banks in more than 70 countries. Sopra Banking Software is a subsidiary of the Sopra Steria Group, a world leader in digital transformation, with more than 38,000 employees. In 2015, Sopra Steria Group achieved a turnover of â‚Ź3.6 billion.


With searches more than tripling in the US and growing by more than 20% in the UK in the last 12 months, demand for standing desks is on the rise, indicating that more firms and individuals are becoming interested in new ways of approaching health and wellness at work. According to research by leading project and cost management consultancy, TowerEight, over the last five years, searches for standing desks have increased more than six times in the UK, showing a massive surge in occupier interest.

Taking a Stand for Health Workspace Lead at TowerEight, Sam Addison, conducted the research with interior design groups Wagstaff and Parcour, adding that: “standing desks were initially dismissed as a curio, a throwback famously used by eccentrics such as Dickens or Hemmingway, but the health

evidence now seems indisputably positive and as a result, corporate demand has really picked up. The move towards more agile working from larger firms also chimes with standing desk demand; office workers are increasingly confident in seeing the office in a different way and demanding more from the space they occupy every day.” Google data shows that demand peaks at the start of each year as health and wellness campaigns kick in and staff interest in healthier, active workplace options increase. Mark Shepherd of the Wagstaff Group says, “this is not a trend being driven by creative firms or smaller companies as might be pre-supposed. The wellness agenda and ensuring productivity benefits have become central to occupier strategy, driven by growing awareness of wearable tech and fitness tracking,”


According to a post in Forbes on the biggest workplace trends to expect in 2017, workplace wellness is set to become a huge focus with more companies using programs to ‘lower absenteeism, attract talent and save on healthcare costs’. With the realisation that work stress is a big issue for employees, more firms are looking at ways to create healthier environments.

5 Ways to Increase Wellness at Work Research shows employees are 38% more engaged at work when they feel their employers care about their wellbeing. With most employees spending more time at their desks than anywhere else, it’s more important than ever for managers to encourage both sitting and standing for optimal health at work. 1. Invest in Ergonomic Seating Sitting isn’t all bad. Some office tasks are more easily performed when seated and it also provides a moment to rest and shift the load to

a different set of muscles. The trick is that, according to whitepaper research, sitting shouldn’t be static. A good chair will allow for a wide range of postures and support the spine better, enabling more motion and the option to recline and shift when needed. Health professionals also say that periodically switching between sitting and standing can reduce fatigue and musculoskeletal discomfort. 2. Encourage Standing Research by Authority Nutrition shows that almost 1000 extra calories are burned each week by standing at a desk each afternoon. The health benefits are said to include a lowered risk of heart disease, lower blood sugar levels, a reduction in back pain and improved mood and energy levels, not to mention an increase in productivity. HealthPartners Research Foundation says that employees reported feeling the following when using a standing desk periodically:


• 87% more comfortable • 87% more energised • 75% healthier • 71% more focussed • 66% more productive • 62% happier • 33% less stressed 3. Make Walking a Habit Whether by holding meetings on the move, actively encouraging employees to walk to each other’s desks more regularly or installing treadmills at work, more companies are recognising the benefits of movement and the role that walking plays in a healthier workplace. 4. Make Posture a Priority There is a direct association between poor posture and health ailments, including back, neck and spine problems, as well as muscle pain. A

workplace consultant can advise on posture by identifying workstationrelated issues and providing tailored support recommendations for individuals. 5. Encourage Mindfulness More employees are being encouraged to practice daily mindfulness at work to reduce stress and anxiety. It also has neurological benefits linked to increased emotional intelligence. Daniel Moodey, Director at Parcour Consulting, says he sees demand growing even further: “I can only see this rising to a point where the sit/stand solution will become a workplace standard for desking. This will cross over into other areas of the working environment such as meeting rooms where we have already started delivering sit/stand meeting tables.”

About TowerEight TowerEight is an experienced, independent, project and cost management consultancy, which provides first class services to the construction and property industry. The team pride themselves on finding intelligent solutions for our clients and conduct themselves with a “total commitment to deliver as trusted partners”. With a team of over 70 based in headquarters on London’s Great Portland Street, TowerEight offers a range of services including project management, cost management, project monitoring, and acquisition support services.


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Book Review: Book Marketing Made Simple As a business owner it is likely that you have struggled at times to get yourself and your business services known. A good way to stand out and get known is to write a book. When done well it can catapult you to the top… you become a person of influence, an expert, an authority figure! However, writing the book is not enough. If no-one knows about it – your book will not serve you. Whether you are thinking about writing a book, part way through or have

finished your book – “Book Marketing Made Simple” by Karen Williams will help you to get your finished book out there! Karen’s book is packed full of practical tips and broken down into three sections – pre launch, launch and ongoing marketing strategies (post launch). Whatever stage you are at, you can dip into the book to the section that is relevant to you, but having said that I would definitely recommend you read it from start to finish and then go


through it again! The important thing to bear in mind is that the marketing of your book should be started as soon as possible‌ even before you start writing your book. Karen has a great writing style that is easy to follow and as an experienced coach and mentor, and author of 5 books, she has plenty of experiences to share. This is coupled with additional tips from industry experts. You will find case studies galore and plenty to think about.

marketing process. When you start exploring the marketing options it is easy to get overwhelmed but Karen helps to keep you grounded. She recommends that you pick three key ways to market your book and once you have your systems in place to introduce more strategies. There are plenty of strategies suggested to cater for the introvert or extrovert; for a big budget or smaller budget; and for different types of businesses. Get started on your marketing immediately, and if you implement the strategies suggested by Karen, you too may become an Amazon bestseller like Karen. You can find out more about the book at her website and if you want additional support Karen provides mentoring services and a book writing retreat.

This book forces you to get clear about who you are writing for and why. With this in mind you will be prompted to pause and reflect throughout the book writing and

Sandra Hinshelwood is a business coach and mentor. Drawing upon her experience as a virtual assistant and team leader in the corporate world, she works with small business owners and solopreneurs to eliminate feelings of overwhelm and empowering them to focus on their goals and visions with greater clarity.


4 Ways Drones Will Change the Business World By Matt Lee

The drone revolution is about to hit in a big way. It is expected that by 2020, the drone market will expand by 6000%, reaching a global value of $127 billion. Soon, drones will change the way we do business, becoming integrated within many standard processes and practices across numerous industries. To remain competitive, companies must start evaluating ways in which drones could operate within their business model. If you’re caught behind when the drone revolution hits, you’ll be left with a mad scramble to catch up with those who anticipated the rise of drone technology. But, what exactly are the effects that drones will have on the business world? 1. Streamlined Supply Chains Everyone is aware of Amazon’s plans for a delivery system ruled by an army of drones whizzing around the country. However, the fact is this isn’t just some PR stunt that has no grounds in reality. It is actually an evolution process set to have large implications in the world of commerce and supply chains.

Cost projection figures suggest that the induction of a drone delivery system could provide huge savings for the company, with drone operations about to deliver over 80% of all packages at a far cheaper rate than those delivered by truck. Drones are also considerably quicker, too. Packages can be affixed to drones, delivered within hours or even minutes of order placements, with the drone returning to its depot to continue carrying products. The technology also has the capability to deliver to GPS coordinates given off by smartphone devices, not just addresses, which means consumers can order and receive products anywhere. Drones have the potential to cut costs, improve efficiency and add new dynamics to supply chains across many businesses and industries. Given the benefits, we aren’t just going to be seeing drones in large corporations. From eCommerce businesses to pizza delivery companies, plenty of small business owners are looking to drone training courses to make sure they are set up and ready for the upcoming revolution.


2. Revolutionising Inventory Processes Recording, checking and taking inventory is a long, drawn-out and laborious task, but it has to be done. Under current systems, managing inventory often absorbs a lot of hours and even more money. However, drones are changing all that. Automated drone systems can be programmed to follow flight patterns searching for specific barcodes or other electronic signals. Small and nimble, they can move through sites full of large amounts of inventory, such as warehouses, shop floors and even areas of livestock, checking inventory quickly and efficiently. Drones can be used to speed up the inventory process, decrease costs and lower the possibility of human error. Another strong benefit over current inventory tracking technology is that they can also help locate individual items over large areas, without the need for long searches. 3. Increased On-Site Security When CCTV was made widely available to businesses in the 1970s, it took off with remarkable results. The use of this deterrence technology transformed the onsite security of millions of businesses across the globe. Now, though, CCTV is old-hat compared to what else is available. Drones are offering a new and more versatile alternative to CCTV cameras. Like CCTV, they can record and monitor,

deterring criminals and recording crimes should they take place. Unlike CCTV, though, drones can follow and track ongoing incidents, without the limitations of a fixed camera. Security can move their drones to positions they need to be in, allowing them to make better decisions, gather quality evidence and increase the deterrence aspect of onsite security. Drones are also able to get to blind spots that are not covered by fixedposition cameras. 4. Remote Management Camera-mounted drones are not just making surveillance easier; they are also changing the way projects are managed. Given the accessibility and versatility of drones, members of management are able to use them to view and monitor the projects of work projects from remote locations. An example of this is in the construction industry, where drones can be used to travel around building sites to survey current progress. Management teams and even investors get a real-time, detailed look at what is going on without having to travel, saving both money and time. Drones allow management in many industries to gain accurate and current information that opens up the chance to make decisions remotely (even internationally) giving them the opportunity to focus their time and skills elsewhere.

About the Author — Matt Lee is an ex-pilot turned drone expert. Through his business, Uplift Drone Training, he runs drone piloting training in the UK, helping individuals and businesses learn how to master the rising form of technology.


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Phot oCr e di t : Phot ok a nokwww. f r e e di gi t a l phot os . ne t

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