Issue 32

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I s s ue32•J a nua r y / F e br ua r y2019

bus i ne s spa r t ne r t hema ga z i nef ors ma l l bus i ne s sowne r s

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om

Cont e nt s 0 2 MessagefromtheEditor 0 3 AHobbyoraCareer?13WaystoTakeYourBusinessSeriously 0 7 SixFinancialMetricsEveryBusinessOwnerShouldReview 0 9 10WaysYouCanFundYourBusinessasaYoungEntrepreneur 1 3 HowDoesOnlinePaymentProcessingWork? 1 7 TheImportanceofBuildingSuccessfulRelaonships 1 9 LawyersonDemand:TheFutureofLegalServices r k e r s ' Compe ns aona ndY ourS ma l l Bus i ne s s– 2 1 Wo Wha tt oDoWhe na nE mpl oy e eS us t a i nsa nI nj ur ya tWor k

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


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www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


A Hobby or a Career? 13 Ways to Take Your Business Seriously For your business to accomplish anything significant, it needs to follow a plan. After all, there’s no way to reach success unless you actually know what this looks like. With that in mind, you should take the time to write a clear guide of what you’re going to sell, who you’re going to sell it to, and how you’re going to do this. Your plan needn't be too long, but it should cover all of the areas of your business. This task is especially crucial if you plan to apply for any kind of funding.

1. Know Your Business Plan For your business to accomplish anything significant, it needs to follow a plan. After all, there’s no way to reach success unless you actually know what this looks like. With that in mind, you should take the time to write a clear guide of what you’re going to sell, who you’re going to sell it to, and how you’re going to do this. Your plan needn't be too long, but it should cover all of the areas of your business. This task is


especially crucial if you plan to apply for any kind of funding.

2. Open A Bank Account Keeping your personal and business finances together may seem like a convenient and simple choice, but it actually makes things a lot harder. When your money is mixed together, it can be difficult to know what money belongs to you and what belongs to your company. This can cause you to overspend in one area or the other. To prevent this, you should open a separate bank account for your business. This can also help to protect your personal credit rating.

your work. This should be an area you can spread out, stay organized, and get some privacy when you need it. An entire room is ideal for this purpose but isn’t always a realistic option. If you have to share space, then you should section it off to create boundaries.

5. Set Regular Office Hours

3. Keep Track Of Expenses Money is the fuel that keeps the world of business up and running. If you were ever to run out of cash, it wouldn't be long until you couldn’t function anymore. For this reason, it’s vital that you keep track of your income and expenses. You should ensure that you do what you can to keep costs low and always have enough money to cover overheads and any unexpected expenses. You can do this by setting aside money each month to build a business emergency fund.

4. Create A Dedicated Workspace Although you can potentially work from your bed or couch, these aren’t the most productive or professional places from which to conduct your business. Because of this, you should create a space dedicated to

Working for yourself and from home doesn’t mean that you’re free to chat whenever you like. Unfortunately, some family and friends just can’t understand this. To remedy this issue and present yourself as a professional, you should set office hours and ensure that you stick to them. Tell loved ones not to disturb you during these hours and show them to customers and clients by putting them on your website. This will help you to stay focused and create a work-life balance.

6. Build A Support System Building a serious and successful business is a task that requires a great deal of hard work. Without the proper support at home, this work can start to take over your entire


life, causing tension and unbelievable amounts of stress. Because of this, you should ensure that your loved ones are okay with your plans to build a small business. You can also gain support from other professionals by finding a mentor and by attending groups and classes with other entrepreneurs.

7. Learn Everything You Can

That being said, you don’t need to and shouldn’t eliminate or minimize every expense out there. Businesses run on money, which means that investments are just as important as savings. With that in mind, you should ensure that you invest money in your company by paying for things that boost sales or efficiency, like marketing and technology.

9. Grow Your Online Presence

The business world is always changing, with new ideas, processes, and more being thought up every single day. If you want to keep up, then you need to learn all that you can and never stop learning. You can take classes and courses, like the business management programmes from Aston, read blogs and listen to podcasts related to business, and attend conferences and seminars in your industry. You may even want to hire a business coach to stay on track.

8. Invest In Your Business All entrepreneurs know the importance of money, which is why most do absolutely everything that they can to keep costs low.

Even the best business ideas in the world can’t be successful unless people actually know about them. For this reason, you must ensure that you invest your time and money into developing and implementing great marketing strategies. In the technologically-minded world we live in, almost everyone spends time on the internet, so you should pay extra care to your online presence. Publish content your audience will enjoy, consider social media ads, and create a website.

10. Change What Doesn’t Work There is always the chance that things won’t go to plan, especially when marketing is concerned. You may have done the research you needed to and thought your tactics would work, but sometimes this just doesn't happen. Instead of continuing to invest in something that won’t see a return, you should change the things that don’t work. To be able to do this, you need to measure success by checking your analytics.


11. Give Yourself A Title

designs are something you want to see every day and think others will too.

13. Start To Hire Help

People who have hobbies are just people who have hobbies, but those in charge of a business tend to have an official title by which they are known. With that in mind, you should ensure that you come up with a great title for yourself. Once you have, you can add it to your emails, company website, business cards, and more. There are plenty of things that you can choose from, so make sure you give yourself a credit that makes you feel serious and legitimate.

12. Design Some Branded Merchandise There’s no feeling quite like seeing your company logo on your pen or mug every time you use it. It helps to solidify the idea that your business is real and building its success. For this reason, you should consider creating some branded merchandise of your own. Of course, you’ll want to wait until you have the fund available, but, once you do, there’s nothing stopping you. Just make sure that your

Almost every business owner begins their corporate venture alone, but, once things start to pick up, there will soon come a time that you simply can’t handle the workload by yourself. When this moment comes, you’ll need to bring in outside help, whether that be employees you hire on a permanent or temporary basis or agencies and freelancers you outsource work to. Whatever you decide, just ensure you

choose the right people for the jobs. For a business to become more than it is, you need to take things seriously. Hopefully, with the advice above, you have some idea of where you can start to do this.


Six Financial Metrics Every Business Owner Should Review By Paul Jarrett Business owners have dozens of reports available at the click of a button, but some basic metrics can help you make smarter business decisions. Here are six metrics every business owner should review each month.

#1 Contribution Margin

The breakeven in units formula reveals how much you must sell to cover your costs, and sales above the breakeven level generate a profit. Here is the breakeven in units formula, assuming that “X” is the number of units sold:

The contribution margin formula is (sales – variable costs), and this formula is a great tool for evaluating fixed costs.

$100X sales - $60X variable costs - $3,000 fixed costs = $0 profit

Assume, for example, a product’s sale price is $100 per unit, your variable costs per unit total $60, and total fixed costs are $3,000. If you sell 100 units, sales total $10,000 and variable costs add up to $6,000. Your contribution margin is ($10,000 - $6,000), or $4,000.

$40X = $3,000

The $4,000 contribution margin covers the $3,000 in fixed costs, and the remaining $1,000 balance is profit.

To solve for X: X = 75 (units) The firm must sell 75 units to breakeven Any component of the formula can be easily changed to consider the impact of a different sale price, a change in variable costs, or an adjustment in total fixed costs.

#3 Profit Margin

This metric helps you determine the number of units you must sell to cover total fixed costs and generate a desired level of profit. Note, however, that fixed costs should always be viewed in total dollars, not as a fixed cost per unit.

It’s a simple formula, but every business owner should compare the profitability of products using profit margin, which is defined as (net income) / (sales). Profit margin tells you the profit you make on each dollar sold, regardless of the sales price of a product.

#2 Breakeven in Units

This formula is particularly useful for


companies that sell dozens- or even hundreds- of different products. Assume that an ironmongers shop earns a 15% profit margin on a $5 hammer, and a 10% profit margin on a $250 lawn mower. While the mower brings in more revenue, it generates less profit per dollar sold. Use profit margin to adjust the sales mix for products that you sell, so that you can increase your total company profit.

#4 Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio No business can survive unless it can collect sufficient cash to operate, and this ratio measures how quickly a firm collects cash from credit sales. The higher the ratio, the more better. The ratio is defined as (Net credit sales / average accounts receivable). The goal is to increase the numerator (credit sales), while minimising the denominator (accounts receivable). In a perfect world, a business can increase credit sales to customer who pay faster, on average, each month or year. As the ratio gets larger, the firm collects more cash over time.

#5 Inventory Turnover Ratio In a similar way, the inventory turnover ratio reports how long it takes a firm to convert inventory into cash. For most companies, the biggest use of cash is accounts receivable, inventory- or both. This ratio is (cost of goods sold / average inventory value), and the goal is to generate the highest ratio possible. The strategy to collect more cash is to maximize sales, while minimizing the dollar amount of

inventory you must carry. If you can sell more without needing to increase your inventory levels, you’ll collect cash faster.

#6 Current Ratio The last ratio is the most simple, but may be the most important metric for your business in the short term. The current ratio is (current assets / current liabilities), and this ratio measures your firm’s ability to generate cash inflows to pay bills over the next 12 months. Current assets are cash, and assets that will be converted into cash within 12 months, which include accounts receivable balances and inventory. Conversely, current liabilities are bills that must be paid in the next 12 months, including accounts payable. Your goal is to maintain a ratio of at least 1.0, which means that you have sufficient current assets to pay current liabilities. If the ratio is lower than 1.0, you may have to borrow funds to operate over the next 12 months. Simple, But Powerful These metrics may seem simple, but they are powerful tools to help you make informed business decisions. Take a look at these six metrics every month, and make improvements to your business.

About the Author Paul Jarrett founded Renaix in 1997. He studied Management before completing an MBA and brings to his recruitment activities considerable experience and an extensive network of global contacts. In addition to roles in financial line management and audit, he is also responsible for search and general management assignments.


10 Ways You Can Fund Your Business as a Young Entrepreneur Today’s youth are blooming all over the world and they are filled with ecstatic and innovative business ideas. However, one obstacle stands in their way: funding.

funding for your startup. Some of them are listed in this article. What are you waiting for? Read on and get your business off the ground.

To add to this hindrance is the inadequate knowledge in starting a business or even securing funding. At this point, it might seem like the end of the road for many young entrepreneurs, but that is not true.

1. Go Old-School Old-school means credit unions and banks. In fact, about three-quarters of all new businesses seek financing from these financial institutions.

There are a number of ways you can secure


It might not be the modern way of business financing, but online banks still support startup and new business. What they won’t do is fund an experiment. If you want to convince them into financing your business, you’ll have to convince them using a stunning business plan. Having a business plan is crucial for any business, especially when seeking funding. Since you’ll be taking out a bank loan, however, you’ll have to internalize your business plan. If you believe you have the perfect business plan, then banks are an option for you. Otherwise, continue reading to learn about other choices.

2. Online Lending The evolution of technology has brought many good things, one of them being online lending and investments. The rise of online lenders in America has been fueled by the growing appetite for loans. Traditional lenders such as banks have strict criteria for borrowers, making it difficult to take out loans. As a result, young entrepreneurs are turning to online lenders for startup funding. The advantages of online lending far outweigh the disadvantages. For example, the duration of the process, from application to funds disbursement, is minimal. Some of the nation 21 loans

lenders could conclude the process in under a week. In addition, these financial institutions are quite lenient with their criteria. As much as these lenders have lucrative offers, it’s important to keep your eyes wide open because many predatory lenders lie in wait for unsuspecting borrowers. Always make sure you understand the loan terms and the interest rates you’ll pay before taking out a loan from any lender.

3. Consider the Government The government is a good place to seek funding. Since the U.S. government understands the contribution of small businesses to the economy, it has various programs which young entrepreneurs can take advantage of. The Small Business Administration provides lenders with ways to offer more loans to entrepreneurs while eliminating a number of the risks involved. These programs vary from one state to another and they also change so you can do your research to see which programs your state offers at the moment.

4. Friends and Family Many entrepreneurs have taken this route in the past and it seems to be working just fine. Friends and family are often overlooked for various reasons, but you can


leverage the family factor and the close ties you share to acquire some funding.

In addition to obtaining the funding for your business, you’ll also get access to business mentors who will hold your hand throughout the journey. This includes market and financial advice. As a young entrepreneur, this is a brilliant route because you get to use the venture capitalist’s expansive network as a launchpad.

6. Angel Investors The best part about this is that you might end up getting the full amount you need without the unnecessary pressure of highinterest rates. On top of that, you can even end up bagging a valuable partner. While this route has produced great businesses, many friendships have taken a hit due to misunderstandings regarding loans. Therefore, it’s important for you to craft a contract with all the terms clearly spelled out. This way you can avoid any misunderstandings or doubt.

5. Venture Capitalists Venture capitalists are simply risk-takers. These investors take small business ideas and fund them all the way. Nevertheless, you’ll still need to prove to them that the business has a huge profit potential. You can do this by rolling out a prototype and proving that it works.

The difference between this group of investors and the venture capitalists is that they look for quick success. Technology provides such success and this is where angel investors flock in numbers. However, you can still find these investors in other fields. The reason why angel investors look for quick profits is that they are individual people rather than large corporations. They have little money to invest and once they do, they want it back fast. This might seem like a turn-off, but if you have a strong business plan which also shows potential upscaling, then you have a great possibility of securing funds.

7. Loans If you’re a startup and your business doesn’t have any tangible collateral, then a 7a loan might be the best option for you. Starting up a business is a tough task. At


first, you might be working from your home and the only asset you have is your laptop.

their website and find some good funding options.

By all means, that cannot help you secure funds to scale up your business. Therefore, as a young entrepreneur, your best shot is to apply for a 7a loan. However, you need to keep in mind that these loans are quite difficult to get.

10. Try to Save & Avoid Overspending

8. Crowdfunding This is a new method to raise funds and it has worked for many entrepreneurs. Thanks to technology, a number of platforms have come up, offering a chance for young entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas in order to get funding from a number of people interested in the business. Some of the most renowned crowdfunding platforms include Kickstarter and Crowdfunder. All you have to do is create a compelling campaign and wait for the funds to start trickling in.

9. Peer to Peer Lending Options Same as crowdfunding option, a P2P lending platform can also help to gather some funding for a startup. However, these platforms are likely to focus on individual lending in place of “crowd “of lenders. Joining top P2P platforms can typically help to find the amount that you need to borrow, the exact purpose of borrowing cash and other terms. List such things on

“Saving the money “is a skill that most of the young entrepreneurs fail to do. Sometimes they are too much existing about their new venture so fall in the trap of overspending often. For being a successful new entrepreneur, one should focus on building a great product and excellent customer service. Spending too much on advertising or luxury offices etc. won’t necessarily help to build a new business.

Parting Shot As you have seen, there are multiple ways you can get funding for your business as a young entrepreneur. Nevertheless, the best way to identify the right option for your business is to develop a clear business brand, strategy, and plan. Once you identify the real purpose of your business and its’ target audience, then it’s time to start looking for funding.


How Does Online Payment Processing Work? By Will Cunningham The eCommerce industry is colossal. The


global eCommerce market is currently

The good news is that I’ve worked in the

worth $2.8 trillion and that’s expected to

finance industry for years so I’m the

grow to $5 billion by 2021!

perfect person to answer that question.

With so much money changing hands, you

Let’s get started.

might well wonder how it all works. How does a customer in Ohio click the check out button and pay a company in

How can you pay? The term online payment covers any form


of payment made online. As you might have

Payment Gateway

guessed, that’s a very wide range. You’ve got things like eWallets, online bank transfers, mobile payments, cryptocurrency and, of course, credit/debit card transactions. While the first few do account for a big chunk of the online payment market, it’s the credit and debit cards that make up the bulk of the money changing hands.

A payment gateway is a service that integrates with your eCommerce platform and coordinates the actual payment. Merchant Account A merchant account is a special category of bank account that allows businesses to accept payments via debit and credit cards.

Acquiring Bank

So for this blog, I’m going to concentrate on just online debit and credit card payments.

The acquiring bank is the institution that

If it’s wildly successful, I might come back

provides your merchant account.

and revisit some of the other payment

Issuing Bank

methods too!

What parties are involved? For each online payment, there’s a few big players you need to think about. In this section, I’ll give you a short introduction to

The issuing bank is the institution that issued the credit or debit card to the customer.

Card Scheme

each and then we’ll learn about how they

The card scheme is the network that

all interact with each other to power a

bridges the gap between the acquirer and


issuer. Think Visa, MasterCard, American

eCommerce Platform

Express and so on.

An eCommerce platform is the piece of software behind an online business, which handles everything from the website to the shopping cart. Think of services like Shopify, WooCommerce and Magento.

Now you know the six key players (seven if you include the customer), we can move on to the nitty-gritty of payment processing. How does a single click result in these seven players moving money from one account to another?


How is my payment

7. The issuing bank reports the success or

failure back down the chain to the payment

actually processed?

gateway, which in turn informs the

While online payments are intensely

eCommerce platform.

complicated at a technical level, they’re

8. If the transaction was successful, the

actually quite simple to explain in a more

eCommerce platform finalises the order. If

general sense.

it was rejected, the platform will usually

In fact, I can explain how an online payment works using just eight steps. Here they are. 1. A customer adds a product to his or her

bag and clicks check out on your eCommerce platform. 2. The eCommerce platform processes the

alert the user and allow them to try paying again. What’s most impressive is that all of that happens in just a couple of seconds! So next time you’re shopping online, try and think about all the parts whirring around behind the scenes.

order and sends the transaction details to the payment gateway.

About the Author

3. The customer enters their payment

Hi! My name is Will Cunningham and I

information into the payment gateway.

recently left the world of print media for

4. The payment gateway encrypts that

the open expanse of digital. Recently, I’ve

information and securely transmits it to the

been helping Cardswitcher educate the

acquiring bank.

world about merchant services, payment

5. The acquiring bank then forwards the

technology and all sort of other things.

information to issuing bank via the card scheme. 6. The issuing bank compares the

customer’s payment information to its own records. If the information matches, the transaction is approved. And if it doesn’t, the transaction is rejected.


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The Importance of Building Successful Relationships By Malik Muhammad The ability to develop and nurture mutually beneficial relationships is key to the success of any serious businessperson. In my travels, I often observe how people connect over coffee, dinner or on the golf course. The same can be said of social events such as film premieres, art exhibitions and celebration parties. There is something special about the human connection that adds extra value to other forms of communication such as Twitter, DM, Messenger, Instagram Stories, iCals, WhatsApp group messages and texts. These and the various other forms of

digitized communication tools came from the minds of talented people. People create technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is concerned with the ability of a computer program or machine to learn and think. This area of computer science focuses on the creation of intelligent machines that react and work like humans. Like humans, but they are not human. Building positive human relations with others who can help you to make more money or achieve a specific aim is a powerful skill in the development of your business and may also benefit your interpersonal dealings.


MAKE THE EFFORT TO CONNECT Attend certain events, join industry-specific social media platforms, subscribe to trade magazines, send a thank you card after dinner (an actual card not a text), return calls within 48hrs, return texts as soon as practicable and emails within four days of receipt.

integrity and mutual understanding that transcend a written or verbal contract. Long-term business associates trust each other. They are more likely to take each other’s calls, more likely to make recommendations and more keen on listening to proposals or even accepting interns.

GIVE BEFORE YOU RECEIVE Position yourself to be able to add value or be of service to others before establishing what they can do for you. Keep investing in yourself so that you operate from a place of abundance and security in your talents or skillset. This reaffirms your infinite potential so that you can give and share knowing that there is always more from where this came from. You are unique, and the same applies to the way you operate, how your business functions and the manner in which you deliver your product or service.

Business flourishes between people who know, like or are recommended to each other. Unconscious bias is real and your network may impact your net worth. It has never been enough to have a good product or service with adequate distribution at a reasonable price for your target audience if you intend to grow a successful business. Building relationships with the right people have always been and will always be mutually beneficial.

UNDERSTAND AND REPRESENT YOUR CORE VALUES What do you stand for? What drives your business? Are you effectively showing how your business satisfies a particular need? You are the billboard for your business and the chief brand ambassador. Does your personal style reflect that? How about your community outreach initiatives or social engagement policies? Are your social media posts in line with your values? AIM FOR THE WIN/WIN People are more likely to engage with you when they benefit alongside you. Building successful relationships involve levels of

About the Author Malik Muhammad was raised and educated in Jamaica, read law in London and is the conceptualiser of The Empowerment Mastery System. Malik enjoys vegan cooking, quad biking, jazz and yoga. He is an after dinner speaker, workshop facilitator and convenes international & corporate inspirational seminars. Malik is the host of online talk show ‘Reasoning Sessions’ and specialises in sharing self-empowerment strategies with diverse and multi-faith audiences. LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter


Lawyers on Demand: The Future of Legal Services With the continuing growth of modern technology, the legal profession has been drastically revolutionised in the past few years. Most businesses these days are using different business models to ensure growth in their work. The impact of technology cannot be overlooked in the field of legal services. New reports reveal that the future of legal services will be much dependent on lawyers who are using the latest technology. The reason behind this is that clients need services at affordable

rates and want to access professionals whenever they need irrespective of time -bound work routines. Although, careers in law nowadays are now being influenced by digital trends, the biggest change observed in this field is in terms of virtual law firms. Instead of insane working hours, letting others take benefits from your efforts and various other negative factors of working in a large law firm, it can much better to work independently as a freelance lawyer.


Traditional law firm or freelance lawyer? There is no doubt that traditional law firms spend a great deal of resources and time to train their legal associates so that they can become fully-fledged lawyers. But this doesn’t result in an increase in productivity, as often once they become a qualified lawyer, they spend many late nights working in the office. Most of the time, they need to take additional workload outside work hours. While working as a freelance lawyer or a consulting solicitor, you can enjoy an alternative lifestyle. It is not just about working hard to meet the expectations of the firm; instead, you get the opportunity to work hard to achieve your own dreams. Freelance lawyers work as per their personalised schedule and enjoy more flexibility and freedom in their work. They can even open certain side business and spend quality time with friends and family. If we look at the client’s perspective; they are able to get legal advice on demand. There is no need to wait for office hours for a qualified lawyer who can serve their needs; rather, they can contact a freelance lawyer at any hour of the day to get immediate advice at a reasonable fee. These latest work trends are beneficial for service

providers and service seekers as well. Here we have highlighted few benefits of freelance lawyers: For the lawyer: 

Self-employed solicitors can enjoy more freedom.

Freelance lawyers get the opportunity to work within flexible work routines.

They are able to boost their earning potential.

Freelance lawyers often offer incredible value for work.

You get the opportunity to work on unique clients and a variety of cases.

You are able to develop their skills in the desired

For the client: 

They can have easy access to legal advice with lawyers on demand.

Legal services are available at affordable rates.

It’s possible to reduce overhead costs.

Offers a cost-effective alternative to the traditional in-house lawyers.

You can easily find experts related to the specific case.

Freelancing lawyers are able to offer quality services to occasional and short-term clients as well.


Workers' Compensation and Your Small Business – What to Do When an Employee Sustains an Injury at Work

Opening a small business is no walk in the park. Aside from getting the finances to start your company, keeping it afloat and providing customers with quality services, you also have to think about the safety aspect of your business. General liability, property and vehicle insurance are a must, but you cannot forget about insuring your workers. In case any of your workers are injured while on the job, workers’ compensation insurance will settle the medical bill and cover at least a part of their wages. However, if you approach a worker’s compensation claim with the wrong strategy, it can be quite costly for your company. With that in mind, take a look at what you should do if an employee gets injured at work.

Provide medical care When an accident occurs, it is vital to provide the injured employee with prompt medical care. Evaluate the severity of the injury and call emergency services if the person’s life is in danger. If it is not an emergency, transport the injured worker to a health facility. Depending on your policy, it can be either the closest one or one that is specified by the workers’ compensation insurance carrier. For minor injuries, keep a first-aid kit on the premises. For this to go smoothly, you need to designate a person responsible for transporting the hurt worker to the hospital. Moreover, encouraging your staff to take CPR training is also of great use. Additionally, you can consider giving first responders a tour of your facilities. That way, they can familiarize themselves with


your premises in case their help is ever needed.

Investigate the incident You have to conduct an investigation for every incident that occurs in the workplace. Depending on the industry you are in, you should secure the scene with tape, cordon it off or deal with any dangerous materials. Additionally, make notes and record everything. Determine who was involved, what, where, when and why it happened. Obtain all the facts and talk to the witnesses. Interview the supervisors. Even though the insurer will conduct their own investigation, doing this can help you realize the flaws in your safety program. Moreover, you should be aware of scams. Even though some workers may file a fraudulent claim, it’s important to never confront the worker before the investigation is complete as it might turn out to be true no matter how fabricated it looks.

Contact the insurance provider HR should get in touch with the insurer as soon as an incident has occurred. A timely report will increase the chances of the claim being accepted while failing to submit an injury report will lead to no compensation. The provider will

investigate the incident and request medical records. You should do everything in your power to assist them in this process. In case the claim is denied by the insurer, the employee has the option to ask for a review of the decision as well as to look for legal help. Experienced workers’ compensation lawyers can take a look at the claim and decide whether there is a case to be pursued. Come up with a return-to-work plan Bear in mind that you cannot fire the employee while on medical leave. It’s best if you get a temporary replacement. When the worker is feeling better, they should be welcomed back. In case they are unable to return to work, once the medical leave has expired, you can terminate their contract. It is important to stay in touch with the injured worker as well as the claim representative. That will allow you to determine the best time for the member of your company to come back to work and the type of work they can do. Keeping up with their recovery will help the worker feel valued. In case you decide not to get workers’ compensation insurance, your employees can decide to sue you for negligence and ask you to cover all the medical expenses. As a small business, this is the last thing you need. That is why prevention is vital. Make sure you conduct a workplace risk assessment, train your workers properly and develop a safety plan and there should be no problems.


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