Issue 38 - Business Partner Magazine

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Issue 38 • January/February 2020

business partner

the magazine for small business owners

Business Breal<through

Cont e nt s 0 2 MessagefromtheEditor 0 3 DawnofaNewYear:TimetoMakePlans 0 5

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owT oCr e a t eAS uc c e s s f ul Re f e r r a l Pr og r a mF orY ourS ma l l 0 9H Bus i ne s s

1 3 HowtoWriteaSalesProposalThatRocks s i ngDBSChe c k st oHi r et heRi g htPe opl e : Wha tE mpl oy e r s 1 5U Ne e dt oKnow

9 YourNextTeam:4ThingsYouMustConsider 1 2 1 WhatisCommercialLaw?

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


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Me s s a g ef r omt hee di t or I s s ue3 8 . We l c omet oourfir s ti s s ueof2 0 2 0–notonl yaNe wY e a r , butane w de c a det oo.

L a y out&De s i g n S a ndr aHi ns he l wood& J a s mi neHi ns he l wood

Bus i ne s sPa r t ne rMa g a z i ne i si s s ue dbi mont hl yby S a ndr aHi ns he l wood/ E ffe cv eWe bs i t eMa r k e ng + 4 4( 0 ) 7 7 8 23 1 0 0 5 8 Arc l e si nBus i ne s sPa r t ne r Ma g a z i neha v ebe e n r e pr oduc e dwi t ht he pe r mi s s i onoft hea ut hor s . T hev i e wsr e fle c t e ddonot ne c e s s a r i l yr e fle c tt hev i e ws a ndopi ni onsoft hee di t or .

I don’ tk nowa bouty ou, butI sl l r e me mbe ra l l t hef e a rs ur r oundi ng e nt e r i ngt hene wmi l l e nni um. Bus i ne s s e swe r epr e pa r i ngf orY 2 K a ndpu ngme a s ur e si npl a c ef ort hemi l l e nni umbug . T he r ewa ss o muc hf e a ra r oundhowc omput e rs y s t e mswoul dwor k , i fa ta l l , onc e wee nt e r e dt hey e a r2 0 0 0 . T hea mountof mea ndmone ys pe ntpl a nni ngf ora nda nc i pang pr obl e mswa si mme ns e , a ndma nype opl ec a l l i tt hebi g g e s t none v e ntofa l lme . Howe v e r , e v e nt houg ht he r ewa snott he c a t a s t r ophea sa nc i pa t e d, i twa snota l l at ot a l wa s t eof mea nd mone y . Bus i ne s s e swe r ef or c e dt or e v i e wt he i rpr oc e s s e sa nd a ddr e s spot e na l i s s ue s . T he r ei sa l wa y sv a l uei ndoi ngt ha t . I t r e s ul t si nas t r e a ml i ni ngofpr oc e s s e sa ndi de nf y i ngot he ri s s ue s t ha tma ya r i s e . Que uet he“ Y e a r2 0 3 8Pr obl e m. ” Asbus i ne s sowne r swes houl dc on nua l l yr e v i e wourpr oc e s s e sa nd pr e pa r ef ordi s a s t e r s . T he s edi s a s t e r sne e dnotbes uc ha st heY 2 K bugorY 2 0 3 8pr obl e m. I tc oul dbes ome t hi ngs uc ha swha tha ppe ns i fy ourc omput e rbr e a k s . Ha v ey oug otaba c kupofy ourwor k ? S o, a sI us ua l l ya dv i s ei ne a c hne wy e a r–t a k es ome met or e v i e w y ourpr oc e s s e s , pr oc e dur e sa ndg oa l s . I fy oua r el a me n ngt ha ty ou don’ tha v et he me , ma k et he meorg e the l p. Doi ngs onowwi l l s a v ey ou mea ndups e ti nt hel ongr un. Wehopey oue nj oyt hea rc l e si nt hi si s s uea ndwi s hy ouaha ppy Ne wY e a r . Wehopet hene x tde c a dei sa ne x c inga ndpr os pe r ous onef ory ou. T oy ours uc c e s s , S a ndr a

www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om


Dawn of a New Year: Time to Make Plans Malik Muhammad The dawn of a new year is likely to create

level of interconnectedness that clearly

the desire in us to review the previous

represents your product, brand or service.

twelve months, make plans for the year

You and your team are in effect brand

ahead and resolve to do certain things

ambassadors with specific areas of

differently in our personal lives. The way we


structure our personal lives will impact and often reflect the way we operate our

Once this is understood and accepted it

businesses. The values at the core of your

becomes easier to create, review and adapt

operation coupled with the procedures

systems that promote the growth of your

developed by you and your team will

business. You collectively appreciate the

determine the culture and the way things

importance of paying attention to the basic

are done within your business. All aspects

aspects of what you are doing because

of your operation should demonstrate a

success is in the details.


With effective systems in place you are

team. This strengthens the position of your

better equipped to measure progress,

business to both stay relevant and increase

receive early indications of potential

market share.

inefficiencies, adapt to unforeseen circumstances, develop sound fiscal policies

Effective systems, methodologies

and train people properly. Your team will

procedures will only benefit your business.

have room to contribute their unique

A business is as strong as the qualified and

skillsets and personalities to the overall

creatively intelligence expertise of its team.

objective because they are clear about their

The team is ultimately influenced by the

importance within the structure provided

leadership / direction of the business

for the growth of the business, their

owner. It’s all interconnected.

continued professional development and personal wellbeing.

The dawn of a new year is similar to the dawn of a new day or any other day of

You may have noticed that there is a heavy

productivity in your business operations. I

emphasis on team thus far and this is

suggest that you continue to nurture your

deliberate. One of the major challenges of

relationships, establish and review your

small to medium sized business owners is

internal systems, prioritise your wellbeing

the willingness to effectively delegate after

and maintain the authenticity of your

they have been used to wearing so many

product, service or brand. One other thing:

hats or functioning in varied capacities out

create time to celebrate your

of necessity. You can only do so much by

accomplishments and actively engage in

yourself, therefore, you achieve more

ways to enjoy the process of expanding

through building and empowering your

your business.

About the Author Malik Muhammad was raised and educated in Jamaica, read law in London and the author of ‘Empower Yourself to Succeed’. He created The Empowerment Mastery System to influence, help and inspire businesses to cultivate their visions in a specific time frame. Malik enjoys vegan cooking and quad biking. He is an after-dinner speaker, event host and convenes empowerment seminars internationally. LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | Website


Great Business Marketing Plans For Advertising On Social Media Platforms If you're not incorporating social media into your business marketing plans, then you're losing out on a wide audience. Social media has become one of the largest ways to reach your target audience in today's world.

advertising on a variety of social media platforms.

Social media is one of the best platforms for marketing and advertising, but it takes a bit of strategy to do it right. Before jumping right into using social media for your business' advertising, take a look at today's top business marketing plans for

1. Focus on Goals that Matter

Doing so is the best way to begin learning how to build your brand's reputation through online marketing.

When using social media platforms to build clientele and bring awareness to your brand, you need to focus on goals that matter. How many likes or retweets


your post got might keep your spirits high, but this is information that doesn't actually matter. What matters is any goals that are met that can be measured by their results. Having 100 likes on a post doesn't help you determine how many customers purchased your product. Because of this, one of the first things you want to do is establish your measurable goals or objectives. When creating these goals, ensure they're relevant to your business, attainable, specific, and have time restraints on them. Some things to focus on other than your retweets, likes, or shares are your web referrals, conversion rates, and the number of leads generated. Align your social media goals with the marketing strategies that you create. For example, you can have an outline of what your business objectives are, what the social media goal for that objective is, and the metrics that can be measured. 2. Know Your Target Audience The next step to take is to know your target audience. You cannot target an audience on social media platforms if you don't know who your target audience is. You have to know as much information about your target audience as possible to create content for them that they'll find valuable.

Use social media analytics to determine who uses which social media platform the most, they're ages, where they live, their languages, and more. For example, if your target audience is millennials, then you'll need to know which platform is best suited to reach them. Learn who is liking, sharing, and commenting on your posts to discover what type of audience is most interested in your product or services and then go from there. 3. Post Valuable Content Once you know who your target audience is, you can then determine what type of content is valuable and what type of content is not. If your audience does not find your content to be valuable or useful in any way, then they won't stick around to see any more posts from you. To ensure that you're posting what your target audience wants to see, look for common keywords or terms that are search for relating to your business. If your business sells dog food, and a common term searched for is, "Which type of dog food is best," then you know what the people want to know. Use this information by creating a blog post that then discusses which types of dog food brands are best. If your business


sells hauler insurance, you can create a post that explains all the things you need to know about that type of insurance. Both of these examples provide valuable information to target audiences.

your target audience is interested in.

Also, be sure to posts a variety of content types including blog posts, videos, graphs and charts, and more.

If your competitor is using a social media strategy that seems to work well, don't hesitate to use the same strategy, but make it even more valuable to the target audience. As mentioned before, try your best to put your own spin on it, making it unique to your brand.

4. Look for Inspiration

6. Adjust Your Strategy

You want your business and brand to stay unique, but that doesn't mean you can't find a bit of inspiration for other businesses using social media. One way to find inspiration is to think about the pages that you enjoy following and purchasing from.

After you've developed the perfect social media marketing strategy, don't forget that you'll need to make adjustments along the way. It's hard to create something perfectly the first time around, and because things change so quickly, you'll need to keep up with the changes.

What tactics do they use to draw you in? What do you like best about these pages and what do you wish they'd do differently? This is a great starting place when needing some starter ideas.

What worked great yesterday may no longer work as well today. Never hesitate to adjust your strategy when needed. Listen to your audience and try to give them what they need and ask for.

Once you draw your inspiration, just be sure to spin it a bit differently in your own way.

What Are Your Social Media's Business Marketing Plans?

5. Track Your Competitors You always want to keep a close eye on your competitors as well. Tracking your competitors is a great way to keep up with them. You can also get some insight into keyword searches and other things that

What will your social media's business marketing plans be? Keep these tips in mind when creating your plans to ensure you have a successful outcome!


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How To Create A Successful Referral Program For Your Small Business Word-of-mouth is the secret sauce to business growth. You work hard to land those first few customers. You leave your business cards at restaurants, beg your friends and family to purchase, try every marketing campaign out there, make as many follow-up calls as you need to make, and finally, customers start rolling in. However, once you have clients to maintain, you don’t have the bandwidth to do the same thing you did to land those initial customers.

This is the point where referrals become necessary. Referrals aren’t just essential for your state-of-mind though, they’re a critical component to growing your business. People are four times as likely to purchase from you if a friend referred them. Additionally, word-of-mouth is the main factor behind 20-50% of all purchasing decisions. Plus, a whopping 92% of people trust referrals from their network. Bottom line: you need a referral program.


Many business owners think that simply asking your customers to refer their friends is enough. That’s not the case. You need a plan and a comprehensive program to ensure that you capitalize on the power of referrals.

friends and family. Think about your own life and how often you recommend products and services to your network. You don’t promote every product or company you use. You only talk about the experiences that are worthy of sharing.

Here’s how to do it.

Make sure that every part of the customer experience is above and beyond. It starts with a fantastic product or service, but their experience matters, too. If your website is hard to navigate or your customer support stinks, they aren’t going to refer you. Look at your customer retention and customer churn rates. If you don’t have loyal or returning customers, then you need to stay on this step until you do.

Step 1: Make Sure Your Current Customer Experience is Top-Notch To gain referrals, you need to make sure that your customer service and experience is worth recommending. If your products are duds or if your customers aren’t happy with what’s happening, they aren’t going to refer their


Step 2: Decide on Your Goals and Incentives

Step 3: Create The Right Messaging and Delivery

Identify your goals. You want more growth, but what does that mean? If you start with a general goal in mind, you’re setting yourself up to fail. Do you want more customers? How much growth do you hope to achieve? Start by identifying the value of your average customer. If your average customer spends $100, then your CPA or cost per acquisition (i.e., how much you can spend to earn a customer) needs to be less than $100. Say you spend about $50 in advertising to land each customer. That makes your CPA $50, and your profit per customer $50.

Once you have your incentives laid out, you have to think about how you’re going to tell your customers about it. Create a landing page that lays out your referral program. Talk about how the program works, the incentives, and any other things your users need to know. Be sure to include the option to share the page on social media, too. Use compelling copy to entice your buyers to sign up. Keep it simple and make the landing page beautiful to look at and easy to navigate.

Once you identify your CPA, or what you’d like your CPA to be, then you can look at incentives. While it’s nice to think people will promote your business for free, most people need a little extra push. How much can you spend to earn referrals? Refer back to your CPA. Many companies offer discounts as referral incentives. Say you offer a 20% discount per referral, and your average customer pays $100 per product, then each referral costs you $20, for a CPA of $20. Not bad, right? Some businesses offer other incentives, too. Cash Visas, gift cards, social media shoutouts, free products, and more are common incentives. Just make sure to choose an incentive that your customers will actually be motivated by, and an incentive that makes sense for you monetarily.

Then, figure out how you’re going to get the message out there. You can use several methods and should probably incorporate several. You can use newsletters, social media posts, email signature links, blogs, and more. Also, don’t ignore the power of human referral options. You can also use business cards, brochures, and phone calls to let your customer know about your referral program.

Once you decide how you’ll be getting the word out there, design any necessary material, like email templates, image graphics, etc. Now, don’t shoot out the message yet. There’s still more to do.

Step 4: Automate It and Enable Analytics Figure out how you’re going to automate the referral program. There are several referral software solutions out there, but


you need to decide which you’re using. These programs come with all the tools you’ll need to manage the back end side of the referral process. While you might want to try to do it manually, don’t fall into that trap. You’ll need to have a way to track who referred people. You’ll need to track how much those referred customers spent. You’ll need to make sure that your customers aren’t abusing your referral system. Additionally, you’ll need analytics to track the effectiveness of your program. Remember the CPA we talked about earlier? You don’t want to waste your budget on a referral program that’s not working to win loyal, paying customers. Moreover, once your program is effective, you’ll need to be able to scale it an let it run on its own. So, set up your automation and analytics before you reach out to any customers.

Step 5: Reach Out and Implement Once you’ve completed the above steps, you’re ready to go. Start first by identifying your most loyal customers. Make them your test subjects. Reach out and tell them about your exciting new referral program. Starting with your most

dedicated customers allows you to work out any kinks before rolling it out to everyone. Once you’re satisfied, fire out the messages, post the posts, and start offering referrals to all your customers. Encourage your employees to ask for referrals after a positive experience. Get in the habit of promoting the referral program like you promote everything else. You can mention the program at the end of customer service calls, on purchase receipts, at the end of a transaction, and more. Every interaction is an opportunity to promote your referral incentive program. Use your automation platform to scale it out and track your analytics to make sure that it stays profitable. Remember to adapt as needed. If you start having customer service or experience issues, or if you see the program isn’t working, take the time to adjust. Follow these steps to create a referral program in your business. Doing so will expand your customer base and increase the value of your company in no time. Pretty soon, you’ll go from a small business to a large one, and you’ll have a slew of customers ready to share the word.

Matt Lee is an accomplished marketing consultant and blogger. He helps business owners learn modern marketing tactics and provides tips on how to sell your business to get paid maximum value.


How to Write a Sales Proposal That Rocks If you want to land more sales, you need to learn how to write a sales proposal properly. Underwhelming sales proposals can hurt your chance at securing the sale, so learning how to write a good one is a must. Continue reading this article to learn what a sales proposal is, how to format it, and the best practices to follow.

What Is a Sales Proposal? A sales proposal is a document that explains how you'll solve a problem for the potential client. You list the products or services you want to help them with and the key benefits that they will experience when they use these products or services.


How to Format a Sales Proposal The first part of your proposal needs to have a firm introduction that is going to hook the potential client. After the introduction, you need to state the problem you want to help them solve. Even though they know their problem, you want to show that you know and understand the problem they are experiencing. Next, propose the solution using your products and services. Go beyond the basic benefits of your solution and talk about how the solution is going to affect the big picture. The next part of the proposal needs to have your schedule and a price quotation. Let people know when you can offer the solution and how much the solution is going to cost them.

After you've gone through these important parts, it's time to wrap up the proposal and bring it home with a strong conclusion. Your conclusion is a mirror of your introduction and is meant to wrap up your idea nicely. Restate the benefits and why doing business with you outweighs the costs you talked about in the proposal.

Other Best Practices to Keep in Mind After you've worked on your proposal and are all finished, it is easy to want to hit save and never look at it again. While you might not have noticed any errors, there are a likely to be at least a few. Go back through the proposal and edit it for grammar as well as for brevity. If your proposal is too long, you might scare off your potential client. People are busy and they don't have time to read a winded proposal.

Make sure your proposal is filled with confidence and direct language that lets the reader know that you are an expert in the area you're addressing them about. If you want to win their business and write a proposal that rocks, showing that you're an expert and trustworthy are key.

You're a Sales Proposal Writing Pro Now that you know how to write a sales proposal, you can get better results each time that you try to secure the sale with a client. Why stop learning here? Our site is full of articles that can help you as a sales professional and beyond.


Using DBS Checks to Hire the Right People: What Employers Need to Know The hiring process can be time-consuming and tiring, but how do you know if you are about to hire the right people from the extensive list of candidates?

tell you everything you need to know. There's always a possibility to learn more about the best candidates using DBS checks.

Employers might feel overwhelmed and often under pressure of making the right decision, but having some help other than a CV and interview while recruiting definitely helps.

DBS checks stand for Disclosure and Barring Service which is used to check someone's criminal record as an employer. Depending on your industry, you might even be required to make DBS checks (for example, healthcare or childcare).

Sometimes, CV and interview might not


In this post, find out why finding out how every single bit of information is crucial in making the right decision and how DBS checks can be a great business investment.

Information Should Always Come First Whether you're doing the interviews yourself or you've hired a hiring agency to help you find the best candidate for the role in your company - it's important to get as much information as possible before making the decision. It's hard to know up-front whether the candidate's past experience and knowledge will prove to be a valuable asset for your business. Doing a bit of in-depth research and double -checking the information is highly recommended. You might be happy to find a candidate that checks all the boxes from the list of hundreds of candidates. But this isn't the time to stop the research yet it's the right time to step it up a bit to find out whether the candidate is the right choice for the role.

And since information is so important, other than contacting previous candidate's employers & references, using a DBS Check service is another great way to find more

about your candidates. But what is a DBS check, how do you get one and do you really need to perform a check for your potential employees? Read on to find out!

What are DBS Checks and How Helpful are They? A DBS Check is a way for employers to check the criminal record of someone who's applying for a role. In some situations, a DBS check is even required before you can hire a potential candidate. However, there are 4 different types of DBS checks: •

Basic check- shows unspent convictions & conditional causes

Standard check- everything from basic check + reprimands and final warnings

Enhanced check- everything from standard check + any information held by the police that might be relevant for the role

Enhanced check with barred listseverything from enhanced check + whether the candidate is on the list of barred people from doing the role

If you're required to perform a DBS check (for healthcare, childcare, or any other similar industry) before hiring the applicant


- you'd want to go with enhanced check with barred lists. For some businesses, DBS checks might not be available and it also depends on the role you're offering. However, there are situations where you aren't required to perform DBS checks as an employer, but it can be very helpful - such as in the finances sector. Knowing whether the candidate is barred from doing the role can help prevent the damage before it's done.

DBS Checks are Quick & Affordable Solution DBS checks can tell you a lot and yet they're very quick to get and are affordable - which is good new for employers. UK government recommends choosing a company that specialises in the DBS checks and is listed on the list of responsible organisations. Typically, all you need to get a quick & affordable DBS check is the following information:

Contact details

Company details

Additional details

Payment details

You can usually expect pretty quick turnaround times of anywhere between 24 to 48 hours.

DBS Checks & Recruitment When you're in doubt, having that extra bit of information can always help you make a better decision. If you're in a position where you're required to perform a DBS check on employees you hire - you should think of it as an advantage rather than an expense. In fact, you should think of introducing a DBS check to your hiring process as DBS checks can often tell you more about the candidate. And in worst-case scenario, you might find something the candidate has been trying to hide, so you can prevent the damage rather than repair it.

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Your Next Team: 4 Things You Must Consider Over the years there have been some truly interesting studies when it comes to building a team. We've all heard of the forming, storming, norming and performing stages, but in truth the theory is just the tip of the iceberg. Sure, it serves a purpose, but sometimes it's about going beyond this.

This is going to be the purpose of our article today. If you have inherited a new team at work, or even as part of your own business,

developing them is a long-term and difficult task. Here, we'll break down four areas which you should focus on to make it all the easier.

Make an emphasis on celebrating success (and failure) Quite often, many of us are very good at


doing either one of these, but never both. Some of us will focus more on the successes, but ignore the failures of our work. Then others, will do the opposite. Suffice to say, to build an effective team, you need to do both. Sure, you need to review what went wrong and how you can perform better next time, but at the same time you need to keep motivation levels high by celebrating success whenever possible. The worst thing you can do is ignore both of these, which tends to result in low morale, and the development of a blame culture.

Build relationships We mentioned some studies at the start of today's article, and many of these focus on building relationships. This is an essential element of team building and in some cases, it happens very naturally. This doesn't mean to say that you need to step back and let your team get on with things though. There can be ways you enhance your team relationships, with team building activities being one of these. These have come on leaps and bounds over the years, and there some examples of modern activities can be found at

together, there are a whole host of unknowns. This is where you need to step in and ensure that information is being communicated as much as possible. Even if one member of your team isn't going to directly benefit from said information, by being transparent in the early days you can make everyone sing from the same hymn sheet. Verbal communication is obviously the best technique here, but in the modernday world don't discount workplace chat apps as well. This can make sharing information even more easier.

Make sure everyone has a role Sometimes, in the art of building a team, you can just throw bodies together. You can gather team members, but these members don't really have individual roles. What tends to happen is that nobody quite understands what they are doing, and clashes occur. As such, before you start the hiring process, map out what your project needs. From then on, assign roles, and calculate exactly what type of people you need. This should ensure that everyone works with each other, rather than in silos.

Emphasize communication Particularly when a new team comes


What is Commercial Law? Also Known as Trade Law In a civilised society, laws are there to keep us safe and protect our rights. The term Safe covers a myriad of terms when it comes to the law. Safe from harm, safe from fraud, safe from exploitation, and safe from injustices. Laws differ around the world but impacts us all to some degree. Commercial law is a key aspect of the law that few people understand despite its

potential for huge ramifications. Commercial law is sometimes referred to as business or trade law, it regulates the conduct of people, merchants, and businesses who are engaged with trade, sales, and commerce, including ecommerce. It is one of the most important legal areas for businesses of any size. If this doesn't apply to you then commercial law will still affect you as it covers consumer protection, contracts (including your employee contract), and intellectual property.


Areas of Commercial Law Commercial law impacts many aspects of your day-to-day life, which is why it’s so important to know about it. It covers everything from the shipping of goods, guarantees, fire, life and accident insurance, advertising, starting (or closing) a business, and consumer complaints. Depending on the complaint, there may be work to do that also involves environmental or real estate law. Commercial law is far-reaching and vitally important to our society. Most people will purchase items from businesses without giving any thought to the legal side of the transaction. If you buy any product or service, you are effectively creating a contract to buy or sell something in exchange for reimbursement. That contract may be verbal and implied, but it exists. A contract is legally binding if it contains three things: an agreement, an exchange of economic value (i.e. money), and the intention to enter into legal relations. When it comes to commercial law and the transactions within it, it is presumed that this intention exists.

complexities around the law, commercial law solicitors are often in high demand. As with any disagreement, there are two sides, both believing that they are right, and the other side is wrong. A lot of commercial law involves disputes and conflict resolutions, this could be between two companies or between a business and a consumer. I’m sure we’ve all seen a seemingly never -ending list of terms and conditions that we blindly agree to when we sign up for a new service, even just a new website. We all read them... right? Obviously, most of us don’t, but if a problem arises, then it’s those contractual terms that are going to form the basis of their complaint. From a business perspective, the conditions need to be well-defined because, as a legal entity, any business will have certain obligations to fulfill. This will include things like if a refund is needed and how that will be processed. Without a set of clearly defined terms, businesses open themselves up to lawsuits.

Dispute and Conflict Resolutions Because of the wide implications and


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