Business Partner Magazine - Issue 57

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Sandra Hinshelwood Aljon Sampaga EDITOR LAYOUT/DESIGN Business Partner Magazine is issued bi-monthly by Sandra Hinshelwood of Effective Website Marketing TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SOPs How To Improve Your Customer Retention Rate The Future of Business 5 Mistakes Advertisers Should Avoid in a Slow Economy Mark Stiffler Discusses Harnessing Data Analytics to Improve Business Efficiency 6 Techniques to Help You Master the Art of Social Selling The Strength of Storytelling 7 Ways to Articulate Your Story and Make Your Personal Brand Stand Out from the Noise ....................................................................................................03 ....................................................................................................07 ....................................................................................................09 11 ....................................................................................................15 19 ....................................................................................................23 01


Welcome to issue 57 of Business Partner Magazine.

As we enter the spring season in the northern hemisphere, it is an excellent time to look at our business with fresh eyes. In addition, spring is typically a time for cleaning the home – getting rid of clutter. However, this spring cleaning does not have to be limited to the house. Instead, it can be a time to look at our business. What is working well, and what needs to be changed? How can things be improved?

Consistency ranks high among the success factors when looking at what makes a business successful. However, if you do not have a standard set of standard operating procedures (SOP), now is a great time. “It’s what separates those who fail from those who succeed. It takes the regular application of routines and processes to achieve the objectives and goals in your life.” SOPs will increase efficiency, reduce errors, save time and assist with the smooth running of the business. Our cover article goes into further depth on this topic.

Having SOPs in place will help you to improve your customer retention rate. For example, if a customer calls your office, there will be consistency in how you process orders or handle complaints. This will ensure that if a customer gets in touch. You can find more ways to improve your customer retention rate in the article “How to Improve Your Customer Retention Rate.”

The last few years have been hard for many business owners, and it does not look like things will get any easier over the coming months. So take time to do a SWOT analysis to devise a successful strategy for your business.

The articles in this issue cover both internal and external factors affecting business. I hope you will be able to take away ideas and tips to help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and devise a plan to move forward.

Remember, spring is a time of new beginnings, renewal and growth. So here’s to better times in your business.

Best wishes, Sandra 02



Consistency ranks high among the many things that contribute to a company’s success, and this is what SOPs are all about. Habits are formed by repeated behavior and ultimately become automatic, relieving stress and easing burdens. It’s what separates those who fail from those who succeed. It takes the regular application of routines and processes to achieve the objectives and goals in your life, whether those goals are to create your dream house or just to get your kids to bed at 8 p.m.

For a moment, consider your go-to eating place. Maybe it’s the nearby Mexican restaurant famous for its mouthwatering burritos. Why do you enjoy eating there so much? Because you know that the guacamole is always delicious—not to forget the salsa. That restaurant earned

your undying gratitude and loyalty by sticking to procedures and maintaining consistency.

But let’s put aside the hunger and get down to business. SOPs provide consistency, which benefits your workers, customers, and company. So let’s take a closer look at what they are and why you’d be wrong not to employ them in your business.

What Exactly Is an SOP?

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are detailed manuals outlining the proper way to handle typical workplace activities and 03

and occurrences. SOPs often provide a timeframe for completing each step along with the order in which those steps should be performed. Some typical corporate contexts that call for an SOP are:

• New Customer/Client Onboarding;

• Customer service;

• Blog Management.

With correct and frequently updated SOPs that are easily accessible in a centralized business playbook, your business will function more smoothly, make fewer errors, and be less likely to face regulatory action. Keep on reading for six key reasons every business should have SOPs.

Reasons Why Every Business Should Use SOPs

• Speed Up Employee Training Process

Having SOPs available gives new hires a place to begin learning about the company’s operations. They can see how often certain tasks need to be completed, what is involved in doing so, and who is responsible for what. This saves you or another member of your team many hours of training time while getting them up to speed much more quickly.

• Enhance Productivity by Raising Employee Morale

After getting their first instructions, workers can use SOPs as a guide to make sure they do their jobs correctly and in the time allotted. Employees will feel more certain in their abilities the more closely they adhere to the SOP. Workers that are more efficient at their jobs save time and lower the likelihood of mistakes.

• Validate the Standard of Your


How can you ensure that the quality of your products remains constant? Having quality checks at intermediate steps is one method. The other is making sure 04

everyone is on the same page about the end product’s requirements. SOPs are a great way for manufacturers and service companies to get their message out to their employees about how they should do their jobs to achieve the required product quality.

Establish a Standard of Service

Although your clients may never see your standard operating procedures, they will be able to tell that you operate a serious business. Having ‘Service’ SOPs ensures that every team member understands what to anticipate from service interactions. Examples of customer service include how a client is treated over the phone, how quickly their issue is addressed, and how long it takes to fulfill an order.

Enhance Compliance

If you’re in a highly regulated industry (like the food sector, medical billing, or financial consulting), you need to be extra careful to always play by the rules. Having these guidelines outlined in your standard operating procedure will serve as a useful reminder to you and your team of the procedures necessary to ensure compliance.

• Reduce the Chance of Accidents

Restaurants, bakeries, and factories have a higher accident rate than most other types of businesses. Your employees’ safety is your first priority as an employer, and standard operating procedures may help you meet that goal. A restaurant, for instance, might benefit from standard operating procedures outlining the proper way to clean the kitchen, how to properly care for potentially harmful equipment, and how to handle mishaps.


You don’t need to create a big SOP handbook outlining all of your company’s processes at once. We recommend that you begin by writing down the steps you follow the next time you do a job activity. It doesn’t need to be fancy, and it doesn’t need to be formatted a certain way; all it has to be is a record of the actions that need to be taken to finish the process. 05

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How To Improve Your Customer Retention


Customer retention rate (CRR) is a key performance indicator of any business’s success. It measures the percentage of customers that remain loyal to your brand over an extended period of time. A high CRR means you have succeeded in establishing a strong connection with your customers and building a successful customer loyalty program. Here are several strategies you can implement to increase your customer retention rate.

coming back for more. You can offer rewards such as discounts, exclusive deals, or free gifts to encourage repeat purchases from existing customers. This will help build trust and loyalty towards your brand and make them more likely to return in the future. Also, loyalty programs are great for gathering valuable data about customer behaviour, which can create targeted marketing campaigns and drive even more sales.

Develop A Loyalty Program Keep In Touch With Your Customers

Loyalty programs are one of the most effective ways to keep your customers Stay in touch with your customers and 07

keep them up-to-date with new offers or updates about your products. This can be done through email campaigns, social media posts, or even SMS messages. It’s essential to ensure that the content you provide is relevant and useful for your customers, as this will help foster a stronger connection between them and your brand. Additionally, it’s important to be timely with your communication and ensure not to over-communicate, as this can make customers feel spammed or ignored.

experiences tailored specifically towards their needs or preferences. This could mean anything from offering special discounts based on past purchases, sending out birthday wishes, or even recommending products based on previous interactions. Doing this shows customers that you care about them as individuals rather than just another sale. Not only does this foster a sense of loyalty towards your brand, but it also increases the likelihood that they’ll return again.

Focus On Customer Complaints Analyze And Monitor The Data

Customers that have had a negative experience are more likely to leave your brand and never return. However, if you take the time to address their issues properly, it can actually increase customer loyalty. Make sure that your team is wellequipped to handle complaints, and invest in resources for customer service, so customers feel heard when they reach out with an issue. Additionally, you could get a complaint management service that can help you track customer feedback and address it quickly. This will show customers that you are taking their complaints seriously and make them more likely to return.

Offer Personalized Experiences

Customers appreciate it when businesses go out of their way to provide personalized

Data analytics allows businesses to monitor and analyze key performance indicators such as revenue, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction levels over time. By tracking and analyzing this data, businesses can identify areas where improvement is needed to drive more sales and boost customer retention rates. Tools allow businesses to track user activities on their website and apps to better understand user behaviour and optimize their digital presence accordingly.

Customer loyalty is key to the success of any business. Investing in strategies such as developing a loyalty program, keeping in touch with customers, focusing on customer complaints, offering personalized experiences, and analyzing data are essential to increase your customer retention rate. Doing this will help create stronger relationships with your customers and make them more likely to return. 08

The Future of Business

It is no longer enough to be in business solely to make a profit. It is about profit and social impact. Profit and positive change. Profit and making the planet a better place. Consumers are more discerning and care about issues like sustainability, child labour and ethical practices. Recycling items is a normal practice, with even clothing websites specialising in the resale of used clothing. Such preloved clothing even has its own collection points in some fashion stores to encourage people to drop off these items.

Nespresso have their AAA sustainable quality programme that develops committed relations with coffee producers and ensures genuinely cohesive links between the growth of excellent quality coffee and the sustainable elevation of the communities that farm said coffee. This sort of programme is good for the farmers, coffee lovers, the company, and future generations and encourages environmental and social responsibility.

HSBC currently work with their clientele to increase low-carbon solutions and lower their emissions as they, as a company, aim to reach net zero in both their supply chain

and operations by 2030. Net zero is also the target for their financial portfolio by 2050.

Let us briefly look at a long-standing example from the world of fashion through two words: Vivienne Westwood. Fashion and activism intersected with sustainability, shaping popular culture and empowering people to think about the betterment of the world they live in.

In recent years, menopause has finally come centre stage. Well-being Of Women is a unique charity that covers the broad spectrum of reproductive 09

and gynaecological health pertaining to women. Their Menopause Workplace Pledge has been signed by over 2,000 employers to date, focusing on connecting with / supporting smaller to medium-sized businesses on the realities of menopause.

These examples from the worlds of coffee, banking, fashion and charity are references for the changing landscape in consumer thinking and, therefore, consumer spending. Cheap pricing isn’t the only way to attract business. People also want to know what you stand for, your core values, your beliefs, and the causes you support as a business. Why is this relevant? Because they see if their values/beliefs are aligned with yours before buying from you. They see if you appeal to them in any way and if you are in tune with the ever-changing

landscape they inhabit.

Global behemoths like Amazon force small to medium-sized businesses to stand out to generate custom. Connecting with the customer personally is a way to stand out, be noticed, and generate business. This connection breeds brand loyalty and joy in being associated with your business because they can relate to you. There is a deeper understanding of social capital in that more people buy products based on their conscience rather than simply to increase their well-being. More consumers care. What do you care about as a business, and how do you demonstrate it?

About the Author

Malik Muhammad was raised and educated in Jamaica and read law in London. He created The Empowerment Mastery System to influence, help and inspire businesses to cultivate their visions. Malik enjoys vegan cooking and quad biking. He is an after-dinner speaker, event host and convenes empowerment seminars internationally. His latest book COFFEE & CONTEMPLATION: a taste of empowerment is available on Amazon. 10

5 Mistakes Advertisers Should Avoid in a Slow Economy


Consumers may feel anxious about their financial situation during a slow economy. Advertisements that use fear-based messaging, such as warnings about the consequences of not buying a product or service, can exacerbate these feelings and push consumers away. Instead, advertisers should focus on highlighting the benefits and value of their products or services and avoid using negative or alarmist language.

For example, instead of an advertisement that says, “Don’t let your car break downget our tune-up service now,” an advertiser could say, “Keep your car running smoothly with our expert tune-up service.”


Consumers are often more price-sensitive during a slow economy, so advertisers should be careful not to appear too expensive or out of reach. Advertisements that focus too heavily on luxury or premium offerings may not resonate with consumers who are more focused on finding good deals. Instead, advertisers should consider highlighting the value of their products or services, and emphasizing any discounts or promotions that may be available. 11

For example, instead of an advertisement that says, “Experience luxury living at our high-end apartment complex,” an advertiser could say, “Enjoy comfortable living at an affordable price at our apartment complex.”


Advertisements that seem out of touch with the current economic climate can be offputting to consumers. Advertisers should be mindful of how their messages may be

perceived and avoid appearing frivolous or wasteful in their advertising. Instead, they should focus on highlighting the practical benefits of their products or services and demonstrate how they can help consumers during difficult economic times.

For example, instead of an advertisement that says, “Treat yourself to a luxurious spa day,” an advertiser could say, “Relax and rejuvenate with our affordable spa services.”


One of the biggest mistakes advertisers can make during a slow economy is cutting back on their advertising budget. Advertisements play a critical role in attracting new customers and keeping existing ones, and cutting back on advertising can lead to a decline in sales and revenue. Instead, advertisers should consider adjusting their advertising strategy to better align with the current economic climate rather than cutting back on spending altogether. 12

In a slow economy, it’s important to stand out from the competition. Generic advertising messages will not resonate with the audience as much as a message that is tailored to their specific needs and concerns. Advertisers should focus on being more specific in their messaging and highlighting their products’ or services’ unique features and benefits to attract more consumers.

For example, instead of an advertisement that says, “Buy our latest smartphones”, an advertiser could say, “Upgrade to the latest camera technology with our latest smartphones.”

Overall, during a slow economy, advertisers should focus on being sensitive to consumers’ financial concerns and avoid using negative or alarmist language. They should also be mindful of pricing and avoid appearing tone-deaf to the current economic climate. By focusing on the value and practical benefits of their products or services and not cutting down on advertising spend, advertisers can help consumers feel more comfortable making

a purchase. Additionally, by avoiding being too generic in their messaging, advertisers can differentiate themselves from the competition and stand out in the market.


Venkata Bhonagiri is currently serving as Senior Partner, Group Director, leading the strategy and analytics practice at Mindshare in Chicago. He has over 13 years of experience in media strategy, insights, and analytics. He developed, integrated, and scaled core service offerings, including business planning within Mindshare. In his current role, Venkata spearheaded multichannel data-driven planning, marketing, and implementation of bespoke global media solutions for major brands such as Kimberly Clark, Ferrero and Discover and supported businesses across verticals including CPG, B2C & B2B, Tech, FinServ, Travel, and Insurance sectors.

To reach Venkata, email: venkata. 13
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Harnessing and analyzing data is one of the most important skills a business can possess. With the right data analytics tools, companies can be better informed and make smarter decisions that lead to greater efficiency. In this blog post, expert Mark Stiffler will explore how data analytics can improve efficiency and profitability in any business.


Mark Stiffler says data analytics is the process of collecting, organizing, and analyzing large amounts of data to gain insights about a particular subject or issue. By uncovering patterns or trends in the data, businesses can gain valuable insight into their operations, customer base, and competitors. This information can then inform decisions that will help improve efficiency and increase profits.

Data analysis can also be used for predictive modeling, which uses historical data and machine learning algorithms to predict future outcomes based on current trends. Predictive models are powerful tools that allow businesses to anticipate changes in market conditions before they happen, allowing them to prepare accordingly.


Data analysis has many benefits for businesses of all sizes. First, it allows companies to gain insights into their operations by tracking customer behavior, 15

sales numbers, marketing campaigns, website traffic, and more. This information can then be used to identify areas of improvement or opportunities for growth within the company. For example, by using predictive models to forecast demand for specific products or services over time, businesses can adjust their production levels accordingly to maximize profits without wasting resources or risking stock shortages. Additionally, data analysis helps companies optimize pricing strategies by providing insight into what customers are willing to pay for specific products or services at different times throughout the year.

By leveraging data analysis techniques such as customer segmentation and clustering algorithms, companies can identify distinct groups within their customer base to better target marketing messages or tailor products/services specifically for those groups. Companies can also use sentiment analysis algorithms on social media posts about their brand to understand customer sentiment towards their offerings–allowing them to take corrective action when necessary with minimal effort required on their part.

Finally, data analytics makes it possible for companies to track ROI on marketing campaigns more accurately than ever before - giving them a clearer picture of which strategies work best (and worst) at driving sales so they can maximize their return on investment while eliminating wasteful investments of time & money.


The first step to taking advantage of data analytics is to have the right tools in place. Depending on your budget, you may opt for simple solutions like Google Analytics or more powerful enterprise-level options such as IBM Watson Analytics or Microsoft Azure Machine Learning.

Once you’ve selected the right tool, you can begin collecting, organizing, and analyzing 16

your data. It’s important to remember that data analysis is an ongoing process. Once you have a good handle on the basics, it’s important to continuously refine your techniques to ensure you’re getting the most out of your data.


Data analytics can improve efficiency and profitability in nearly any type of business. Understanding your data is essential for success, whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation. For example, suppose you’re looking to streamline operations, identify areas for growth, optimize pricing strategies, target specific customer groups, or track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

In that case, data analytics can provide the insights you need. Contact a professional consulting firm today for more information on data analytics and how to get started. They’ll be able to help you define the best approach for your business and guide you through every step of the process. With their help, you can unlock the potential of your data and take your business to the next level.


When leveraging data for your business,

expert help is no substitute. A professional consulting firm can assess your current situation and provide tailored advice that fits your needs. They can also advise you on the best tools and technologies for your specific use case and guide you through every step of the process. With their help, you can start taking advantage of data analytics to improve your operations and maximize profitability.

So if you’re looking to get the most out of your data, don’t hesitate to contact a data consulting firm today. With their guidance, you can unlock the potential of your data and take your business to new heights. Good luck!


Data analysis provides a wealth of information that businesses large and small alike need in order effectively manage operations, optimize pricing strategies, identify new opportunities & markets, target customers more effectively, track ROI, and generally improve overall efficiency & profits. While it may seem daunting at first glance, with the right tools & expertise in place, any business should have no problem taking advantage of the power that comes with harnessing data analytics today. 17

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Is cold calling a thing of the past? Not necessarily, but the rise of social selling demonstrates there may be a way to generate better leads. Social selling is a sales and marketing strategy in which sellers connect and engage with prospects through social networks. This method can help you introduce yourself to new audiences, helping build relationships and resulting in sales.

But how can you become a social seller that gets conversions?

Follow these tips to build a social selling strategy that gets results.


Let’s say you’re a value-driven company and want to demonstrate your focus on creating an inclusive workplace. You could simply post a picture of your workplace with a caption explaining how your company is inclusive. That would be you telling your

prospects who you are.

Or you could share a series of posts detailing the stories of your co-workers from all different backgrounds and how they came to become integral members of your company. You’d show your audience your company is committed to inclusion without outright saying it.

Creating eye-catching, engaging, and onbrand content can help you introduce yourself to potential prospects without physically introducing yourself. Social selling isn’t about sliding into someone’s direct messages and telling them about your company and why they should buy from you.

Better forms of social selling are more subtle, allowing your content to speak for you. In a way, your content is having a conversation for you. The potential client seeing your posts is learning about your company, even if they don’t realize it. 19
Show your prospects who you are rather than telling them.

But to create engaging content, you must invest in social media posts that fit your brand and goals. Every image, video, or text post you share must exemplify your company.

From a clear profile picture to a caption in your brand voice, think of everything you post online as an extension of your sales pitch. For example, what would you say if you were to give an elevator pitch to your new Instagram follower? Does that pitch come across with your profile photo, bio, and posts?

2. Choose the right platforms and understand how they tick.

How you social sell depends on the platform because content and engagement vary from one channel to another.

Think about what you see on LinkedIn. Your feed is likely filled with thought leaders talking about multiple industries, friends, and colleagues posting updates on their career journeys and job postings. Now think about your TikTok feed. Here you’ll find trending, often unpolished videos, frequently with catchy music attached.

You wouldn’t go to TikTok to read an article from a CEO about the state of hiring in 2023, and you wouldn’t go to LinkedIn to see what new song has become a dance trend. What you post on each platform should depend on how audiences use them, but it’s worth diving deeper. To reach more audiences,

you need to study the platforms and invest in making the right type of content.

In 2022, Instagram prioritized video content, resulting in brands focusing more on still photos seeing their reach and engagement drop. As of 2023, Instagram says it will reprioritize photos, balancing the algorithm’s rankings of video and still content. Knowing these adjustments to social media channels’ algorithms can help you maintain, grow, and engage your audience. If your content isn’t getting seen, the possibility of social selling effectively dramatically declines.

Still, don’t discount a platform just because you think your industry doesn’t fit on it. TikTok is an example of a channel brands are still learning to use. They’re seeing no one-size-fits-all way to create content for it. And the more outside of the box you are on TikTok, the greater your traction can be. So don’t be afraid to get creative and step into unfamiliar places.

3. Demonstrate you’re the expert.

To become a master at social selling, you need to establish yourself as an expert. Why should someone buy from you? The first question is, why should someone listen to you? Before you can sell to someone, you need to convince them you’re worthy of their attention.

When becoming a part of the conversation 20

on social media, you need to understand you’re competing for attention. At any moment, someone could scroll away from your YouTube video even though they still have a minute left before it ends. They could stop reading your LinkedIn post without interacting with it. They could unfollow you on Instagram if your Stories aren’t engaging them. So your content needs always to provide value to your audience.

To create valuable content, you must prove you have worthwhile things to say. You can show your value by building credibility. So, first, show your credentials on social media profiles and posts. Then, create content that comes from your knowledge and expertise.

Write LinkedIn articles and post them to your feed. Share an Instagram Story series that addresses common questions in your industry. Join a Facebook group to meet people interested in your industry, make connections, and assist.

4. Stay up to date on your prospects’ industries.

If you’re in a B2B company, it’s your business what your prospect’s business is. You should always consider how your audience could benefit from your product. But to understand how they could benefit, you must know what’s happening in their industry.

industries that could utilize your product, you can stay ahead of your competitors and craft more well-informed sales pitches.

If your knowledge of an industry is outdated, your pitch will lose relevance. And if your pitch is obsolete, the recipient will think your product is too.

You can also use industry alerts to help establish yourself as a thought leader online. In addition, you can share the news online in different ways, such as through a LinkedIn article, and demonstrate to your followers you’re on top of new trends and information.

5. Stay active in the online conversation.

Social selling is as much about selling as it is about relationship building. Engaging with your fans and followers can help you create more points of connection with your potential prospects. Pay attention to what people are discussing online and find ways to interact.

Industry alerts should be on your radar if you want to master social selling. By understanding what’s happening in

Consider investing in a social listening tool. A social listening tool will track your mentions online. Many of these applications will also follow other words or phrases you’d like to stay on top of. For example, say you sell a product that allows your customers to collaborate with their coworkers virtually. In addition to having the social listening tool track when users mention your name, you can also track your competitors’ names and other keywords like “online collaboration tool.” 21

Then, you can head to the post that mentioned your name or other word and make a connection. By making this connection, you can begin to foster a relationship and positive feelings this person has for your brand.

6. Take it to their inbox.

Social media is just one part of the social selling puzzle. Using it can help your audience start to understand your brand, but it can also help you know your audience.

By finding prospects through social media, you can better target your pitch to that specific person. A more targeted pitch typically has a better conversion rate than a more general pitch. When you find prospects online, you should tailor your pitch to who they are.

What industries are they in? How can your product help them with their specific position? Do their values align with your brand? Find ways to relate your product to your prospect.

But now the question becomes how to send your pitch to the potential client. Sending the pitch in a direct message is one option, but you may end up in limbo. If you’re not friends, mutual followers, or otherwise connected on a social media platform, you’ll most likely send your message to a folder outside their primary folder.

As a result, your prospect may never see your message.

Another option is to email your prospect.

Sending an email instead of relying on social media can result in a higher clickthrough rate, higher conversions, more direct conversions, and, ultimately, a higher return on investment (ROI).

Social media can help you make that email happen, as you can use social media profiles to learn about your email recipient. You can even use profiles on places like LinkedIn to find the email address you need.

Wrapping Things Up

Understanding the art of social selling starts with the understanding it’s not entirely about selling. Instead, it’s about creating connections. You want your prospect to find value in your content and, therefore, in your product.

You can show your audience why they should want to connect with you through engaging and relevant content. And while they’re learning about you, you can use social media to learn about them, allowing you to create better pitches and stronger leads. 22

Ways to Articulate Your Story and Make Your Personal Brand Stand Out from the Noise

Competition is hotter than ever for brands. Everyone is fighting to stand out and capture their audience’s attention, but how?

Storytelling is what separates the “good” from the “great.” Brands with compelling stories are the ones that last.

Though humans have been telling stories for thousands of years, from the earliest cave drawings to the current content we see on our Facebook newsfeed, brands often forget how valuable it can be. Audiences hear a story and get invested in the hero’s conflict and journey, and brands can use this to build loyalty from their audiences.

Here are 7 ways you can use storytelling to elevate your personal brand.

1. Know Your Audience

Knowing the audience well is the key to any marketing message. When a brand gets caught up in its own merit,

the audience can get lost in the shuffle. Remember, what makes a story interesting to one audience may make it fall flat with another, so you have to find the story that works for your audience.

2. Show Authenticity

Consumers are savvy. They research products and brands extensively and know if a brand is only out for themselves. On social media, consumers can connect with brands and see their authenticity, which is where you can make your personal brand shine. You don’t have to be perfect – you have to be real. Tell the audience how you struggled to start your business or share some meaningful “peaks behind the curtain.”

3. Find Your Why

The now-famous “Start with Why” Ted Talk from Simon Sinek is a go-to for brand storytelling. During this talk, Sinek shared the secret: People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” This is the key behind successful brands with loyal 23
The Strength of Storytelling: 7

advocates like Apple.

Find your own “why” and share it with the audience. You’re not in business only to make money. Your brand has another purpose, whether it’s to help people or make the world a better place. Discover your “why” and use it to guide your storytelling.

4. Use Emotion

Empirical evidence matters in marketing, but that’s not the only aspect of purchase decisions for people. You need to share the facts and figures along with emotional content that makes your audience care about what you have to say. Create stories that have an emotional aspect and inspire action from your audience.

5. Keep It Simple

K.I.S.S., or Keep It Simple, Stupid, is a common adage that refers to a design principle. The idea is that designs and systems should be as simple as possible to provide a high level of acceptance and interaction. The same can be applied to brand marketing and storytelling. Avoid using industry language that isn’t appropriate for your audience and follow classic storytelling with a beginning, middle, and an end. Complicated stories will only bore your audience.

6. Start with the Problem

Beginning with your audience’s problem is a sure way to capture their attention. Your product or service solves a problem, and highlighting that in the story offers solutions and keeps your audience interested in what you have to say.

7. Make It Visual

Stories can be told a number of ways, from words to video to art pieces. Humans are visual, however, and process visual content up to 60,000 times faster than text. Leveraging visual content like videos or animation will have a greater impact, especially if you combine it with sound or music.

Tell Your Brand Story with Allison Todd

The power of storytelling can help you leverage your brand’s strengths and capture the attention of your audience.

About the Author Allison Todd

is a coach and consultant with over 20 years of experience transforming small and large businesses’ operations and profitability. Whether it’s beginning, launching, or scaling a business, Allison founded her coaching and mentoring businesses with the hopes of helping clients conquer their fears and build confidence to take their business to the next level.

Allison 24


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