I s s ue06•S e pt e mbe r / Oc t obe r2014
bus i ne s spa r t ne r t hema ga z i nef ors ma l l bus i ne s sowne r s
www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om
Cont e nt s 0 2 MessagefromtheEditor 0 3 ReecveQuesoning 0 5 ThePowerofProfessionalPresentaon 0 7 TryingTooHardtoGetitRight 0 9 4MustFollowMarkengPrinciples 1 3 TheLanguageofAppreciaon 1 5 Thereareonly3WaystoGrowYourBusiness 1 7
www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om
E di t or S a ndr aHi ns he l wood
Me s s a g ef r omt hee di t or We l c omet oi s s ue6ofBus i ne s sPa r t ne rMa g a z i ne . Anot he rs umme ra l mos tov e r !I hopey oua l l ha dag oodf e wmont hsa nd ma na g e dt oe nj oys omes uns hi ne ! E x c i t e me nti sbui l di ngi nourhous e hol da sJ a s mi nel ook sf or wa r dt os t a rng he rne ws c hool i naf e wda y s ’me .
L a y out&De s i g n S a ndr aHi ns he l wood& J a s mi neHi ns he l wood
I ti snoty ourt y pi c a l s c hool .T hes c hool s hewi l l bea e ndi ngi soneoft he ne wg ov e r nme nt f unde dUni v e r s i t yT e c hni c a l Col l e g e s( UT C)c r e a t e dt o a ddr e s st hee v e r g r owi ngs k i l l sg a psf a c e dbys c hool l e a v e r s . Wea r el i v i ngi na ne r aofr a pi dc ha ng ef ue l l e dbye me r g i ngf or msof t e c hnol og y .T hi si sl e a di ngt ot heg r owt hofne wi ndus t r ys e c t or s , ma nyof whi c hdi dnote v e ne x i s tj us taf e wy e a r sa g o. “ UT Csi nt e g r a t et e c hni c a l , pr a cc a l a nda c a de mi cl e a r ni nga ndc r e a t ea n e nv i r onme ntwhe r es t ude nt sc a nt hr i v ea ndde v e l opt hea bi l ie st ha t i ndus t r yne e ds . ”Y ouc a nr e a dmor ea boutt heUT Cshe r e h p: / / www. ut c ol l e g e s . or g / Asabus i ne s sowne ry out oowi l l ha v et oa da ptt oc ha ng e si nt e c hnol og ya nd a s s e s showy ourpr oduc ti ss e r v i c ei sde l i v e r e d.Howy our e s pondt ot he s e c ha ng e sc a nulma t e l yha v ea ni mpa c tont hef ut ur eg r owt ha nds uc c e s sof y ourbus i ne s s .
Bus i ne s sPa r t ne rMa g a z i ne i si s s ue dbi mont hl yby Asas ma l l bus i ne s sowne ry ouha v et hea dv a nt a g eofbe i nga bl et or e a c t S a ndr aHi ns he l wood/ f a s t e rt ha nt hema j or i t yofl a r g eor g a ni s aons .Y oura bi l i t yt or e a c ti sy our E ffe cv eWe bs i t eMa r k e ngg r e a t e s ts t r e ng t h.
Cha ng ei si ne v i t a bl e .Y oura bi l i t yt os ur v i v ewi l l r e qui r ey out ol ooka tt he s e c ha ng e spos iv e l y .Re me mbe r , y oudonotha v et obet hee x pe r ti nt he s e e wt e c hnol og i e s .Out s our c i ngt ot hos ewi t ht hes k i l l sa nde x pe rs et ha t Arc l e si nBus i ne s sPa r t ne rn y o u l a c k w i l l a l l o w y o u t o f o c u s o n t h e s t r a t e g i e s t o g r o w y o u r b u s i n e s s . Ma g a z i neha v ebe e n 4 4( 0 ) 7 7 8 23 1 0 0 5 8
r e pr oduc e dwi t ht he rc ov e rs t or yt hi smont hi s“ Re fle cv eQue soni ng ”byBi j a l S ha h.I n pe r mi s s i onoft hea ut hor s . Ou oda y ’ sf a s tpa c e ds oc i e t yi ti sne c e s s a r yt ot a k eaf e wmome nt st opa us e T hev i e wsr e fle c t e ddonot t a ndr e fle c ti fwea r et oa v oi dbur nout-r e a dmor ehe r e . ne c e s s a r i l yr e fle c tt hev i e ws a ndopi ni onsoft hee di t or .B e s twi s he s ,
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www. bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma ga z i ne . c om
Reflective Questioning by Bijal Shah Society today can be furiously fast paced and absolutely hectic; going here and there, doing this and that and generally aiming to maintain some sort of equilibrium. Some of us fall asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow due to ‘burn out’ and others lie awake at night entertaining the whirlwind of thoughts that go on and on and on throughout the night. There is no time for reflection and this is dangerous. We can ultimately end up repeating unproductive and emotionally draining cycles that can negatively impact our mind, body and soul.
Effective reflection comes in the form of questioning. The ability to question our emotions, actions and behaviour can help raise awareness of self; this is a truly poignant place to be. Asking yourself open -ended questions (questions that require
an answer other than ‘yes’ or ‘no’) can help you to make changes. Making a minute or massive change in your life can be a learning curve or it can drastically increase your happiness. Reflection requires time and time can be found. If we just look closely then we will see ample opportunities to ask ourselves reflective questions; these are just a few suggestions:
Wake up ten minutes earlier
Go to bed ten minutes later
Use five minutes of your fifteen minute break
Phone a friend and discuss your reflective questions for that day/ week
Ask yourself reflective questions while you are exercising
Use your journey time on the tube/ bus etc.
Effective questions that will help you to make a positive change in your life:
Why am I doing this?
Who do I know that does this well?
What can I learn from them?
What can I now do differently?
How will this affect people around me?
What do I need to adjust?
What’s the first thing I want to do?
What resources do I need?
What resources do I already have?
When will I do it?
How will I reward myself once I’ve done it?
About the Author Hi, my name is Bijal Shah and I am the Director and Creator of Dream Minds. My company offers inspirational workshops and Life Coaching for children, young people and adults. The workshops focus on increasing learning power and unlocking personal potential. There are separate workshops for children and adults. Through Life Coaching, I help people to fulfil their personal goals so the can be the best that they can possibly be. http://www.dreamminds.co.uk/
The Power of Professional Documentation
Emily Cooper It doesn’t matter what business you are in, you will be judged by any prospective clients on the quality of your documentation, long before you actually get to provide them with a product or service. You could potentially be losing customers without even realising it. So in order to ensure that customers aren’t put off by your documentation, check out these three top tips for optimising your image.
Spruce Up Your Print Publications There are all sorts of documents that you could have in print form, from brochures to legal documents. Brochures in particular are your first opportunity to impress potential customers, so you need to make sure that they are a true representation of your company and your product. Formatting and layout are key to keeping someone reading your document, and it’s not easy to get it
right! The right balance of corporate logos, photos, artwork and information is required. Although you could design print publications in a number of ways, using a professional application, such as Adobe InDesign, allows you to put together great professional looking documents. If you don’t have the expertise in-house to produce documents that satisfy your customers, then it is always worth considering outsourcing this type of activity.
Hold Attention with Slick Interactive Documents How many times have you given up investigating a product or service because links are broken, audio or video content doesn’t work, or the information you want is difficult to find? Design interactive documents with your customers in mind.
Again, layout is key, as you have to balance attention grabbing images with links to more specific information, whilst also making sure that the route to that information is clear. Interactive documents probably have the highest value as they can be instantly sent to prospective customers. There are many mediums that you could potentially use, from audio to video, slideshows to eBooks. Keep your customer interacting with the document through correct balance and pleasing display. You don’t want potential clients getting frustrated and put-off because they can’t find the information they need.
Create A Professional Web Presence
It is so easy to build your own website these days that it is easy to forget that to design an effective web page takes skill, knowledge and an appreciation of customer requirements. A poorly designed web page can really put people off your company before they have even read a single piece of information. Wobbly layouts, poorly worded content and wacky colour schemes can all serve to drive away potential customers and clients. Make sure that logos are clear, photos and artwork add valuable information to your website, and that your pages are easy to navigate. All prose should be written in easy to understand language, with correct grammar and spelling, to give your company the best image possible.
About the Author Emily Cooper, owner and Virtual Assistant at The Admin Assistant, was born with a passion for administration and organisation. With vast experience working in various highpressure office environments, Emily created The Admin Assistant to provide remote administrative solutions to individuals and businesses across the globe. Emily’s knowledge, skills and strong work ethic, combined with current and emerging technologies, help her clients to work smarter, not harder. http://www.theadminassistant.com.au/
When I was a child, I spent a lot of time trying to ‘fit in’. My family moved around a lot, so I had plenty of practice at being the new kid at school. One thing I got good at doing was adapting. This comes in handy when you’re setting up in business, exploring new ground, adapting, evolving and generally making it up as you go along. But sometimes, my ability to adapt can go too far. Sometimes I’m too willing to adapt, too eager to please. Sometimes adapting becomes people pleasing. I found myself in a situation recently, where I was under pressure to ‘get it right’. There was a lot at stake, professionally, commercially and personally. When what I delivered didn’t quite hit the spot, it took up so much space in my head, trying to figure it out, work out what was missing, what went wrong, what I should have done
differently, or how I needed to change. All that wrestling got me nowhere. Until a friend reminded me of something I often say to her: Some people get it. Some don’t. If they don’t get it, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve got it wrong. It just means they didn’t get it. You can help them get it, if they want your help (which is different from changing yourself or running off to find a different ‘it’ to give them). And don’t forget the people who do get it, and absolutely want what you have to give. People pleasing happens when you start thinking more about “what will make them happy” than “what will help them”, when you’re focused more on “what do they want from me?” rather than “how can I best serve these people?”
It takes us down the road of questioning ourselves and doubting the value of what we have to give. It convinces us that we need to change, to be someone else, to be accepted, loved and valued. It lures us away from what we do best, and has us chasing shadows… And ironically that’s when we have the least impact. When we try to change who we are to fit in, the best we can do is a good imitation. As Judy Garland said, “Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.” It’s only when we stand firm in who we are and what we have to give, that we can give our best – and funnily enough, that’s when we do our best adapting too. In my particular situation, I went back with
a perspective of “How can I help?” rather than “What did I do wrong?” and we had a really useful conversation, which will hopefully be the start of a fruitful partnership. What about you? Do you sometimes slip into people pleasing? Do you get tempted to fundamentally change who you are or what you offer, to fit in with what you think other people want? Remember, some people won’t get it. And that’s ok. Instead of trying to please everybody, ask yourself this: When am I at my best? How do I give my best? Who do I give my best to? I’d love your take on this. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!
Grace Marshall is head coach and chief encourager at Grace-Marshall.com and author of the Amazon bestselling 21 Ways to Manage the Stuff That Sucks Up Your Time. She is also a Productivity Ninja with Think Productive a company that runs time management workshops with a difference. Grace admits she's not a naturally organized person. Her passion for productivity began when she got fed up of saying "I haven't got enough time." With two young children herself, Grace has a particular passion for helping busy time jugglers find ways of getting things done with less stress, less overwhelm, more fun, enjoyment and fulfilment. Get her free guide to overcoming overwhelm here.
4 Must Follow Marketing Principles by Mary Brown Marketing is an essential part of business success. Proper marketing strategies will help you reach out to your target audience. You can encourage them to support your business and increase your profitability. Marketing is not as easy as many people think. It encompasses all the things you do to promote your products or services. You will never stand out of the crowd, without a proper marketing strategy. You must understand the needs of your potential customers. Learn to speak the language of your customers. Always present a genuine passion about your products and try various methods to increase your sales. Success is the natural response to an effective marketing strategy. You can walk away graciously with confidence. The purpose in your business is to increase sales and achieve maximum profits. Brand your business with independence and begin to
promote your products. Create an opportunity for better marketing success. Dare to be unique with your effective marketing strategies. There are various marketing principles that should be seriously taken into consideration. The more you are able to learn, more the chance that you will get success. Below are 4 essential marketing principles that you might use for your accomplishments:
1. Proper Planning A proper marketing plan is essential for every business. It will lay down the structure of your marketing activities throughout the year. It allows you to weigh your options and help you minimize any untoward risks associated with your business. If you are targeting many groups and your marketing activity is thin, it
will give negative results. Proper planning includes traditional
marketing methods, an attractive website, target audience, types of promotional products, and the specific market. Regardless of any business type, planning is always a good strategy. You should never take it for granted. This will help you build a huge fan base, and can help you achieve more benefits from your ventures. You should know how to identify perfect customers, how to segment your market, which people make up your customer base and what encourages them to buy.
2. Method of Communication
understand what you are saying and what is the actual meaning. With your direct message, your initial marketing plans come into play. By knowing the methods to target your target, you'll be able to apply strategic methods to deliver your message. Various forms of communication include mail, media, direct contact and electronic marketing communication.
3. Be Creative and Always Deliver on Your Claims Repeating the same things again and again is not a good marketing strategy. You should deliver your message in different and attractive ways. Your intended audience must understand typically what you are saying. If you claim that you will be sending promotional products to the first 200 visitors or will be giving discounts, then make sure to deliver on your claims. It will help build trust and establish your reputation in the market. You must demonstrate your ability to understand and satisfy your clients’ needs.
Always make sure to be clear with your message. You must realize that marketing is all about an effective communication. You should be able to deliver a clear message to your potential customers. Try to be brief and direct to the point. In the event, your message is not clear; you may lose your audience. Make a habit of making people
Key performance indicators help measure progress towards your goal and their effectiveness determines the fate of an organization. Your claims and promises come under the key performance indicators determining the success or failure of your business. False promises do not go in favor of any business.
4. Different Platforms Businesses can use a number of platforms to plan their marketing strategy. Internet marketing is very important these days for businesses to promote their brands online. The internet is a vast space with huge resources for connecting with a number of people. From email marketing to social media marketing, there are many methods that you can use to expand your business. You have to pick a particular marketing mode which can bring the most benefits to you. Internet marketing strategies allow you to harness the power of internet in promoting your brand image. You can reach millions of people around the world that are looking for specific products. Your business strategy can heavily rely on the social networking. These are some of the marketing principles that businessmen should follow to get success. Always make use of the tools that will boost your business. Don’t waste your
time and allow all these marketing principles to work. Try to attract the attention to business and don’t give up by failures. Always try to learn from your mistakes, as failure is a part of succeeding. Score an effective marketing effort in terms of sales and identifying your potential audience. Be enthusiastic about your business, as nothing beats an enthusiasm when it comes to selling. About the Author: I make the complex clear and compelling. A creative and entrepreneurial communications professional with experience in marketing, international business, education and design, who has developed successful programs to reach technical and business audiences in highly regulated industries. I am currently working for http://fourquadrant.com/. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ marykbrown345
The Language of Appreciation By Malik Muhammad One of the most effective and meaningful ways to build solid business relationships is by showing appreciation. Simple expressions of gratitude and meaningful recognition may seem a tad ‘old fashioned’ in these technologically advanced times, however, ‘manners maketh the man’ (and/ or woman). Valuing the contribution of others, respecting their expertise and giving them their proper acknowledgement will help establish a mutually beneficial environment for joint ventures. It may also increase sales because people enjoy doing business with those they like, those they know and those that add value to their profit margins. Feeling appreciated is deeper than simply being told ‘thank you’ or ‘well done’ or ‘great job’. It’s more than a bouquet of flowers or an in-store gift token. More than a joint company dinner or drinks at a plush bar. Appreciation reminds all parties that what they do is unique and adds to the overall success and general
welfare of the project or business deal. It reinforces the integral role that the individual or business plays in the attainment of a particular goal at any point in time. Appreciation serves as a genuine, yet practical, reminder that the other party is acknowledged, respected for their talent / leverage / contribution and necessary to the development of the task at hand. “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace” is a useful reference on this subject. In it, psychologist and co-author Paul White claims office encouragement can decrease tardiness, diminish absenteeism, lessen staff turnover, help workers become more engaged and increase production. I would like to add that demonstrations of appreciation send positive energies to the recipient which promotes the release of endorphins – the feel good hormone – resulting in their
subconscious willingness to go that extra mile for the business and this positively affects profits. In 2013 UK department store group, John Lewis, announced a 17% bonus for staff after reporting a rise in profits. The partnership, which includes Waitrose supermarkets, said it made pre-tax profits of £409m ($613m) in 2012 - a rise of 15.8%. John Lewis is owned by its employees meaning that some of the profits are paid as annual bonuses. The 2013 bonus was up from the 14% paid out in 2012 which effectively made it a bonus pool worth £210m shared between approximately 84,700 staff (known as partners). Staff (partners) are dedicated to the success of the business because they are clearly appreciated.
the corporate culture. Potential business ventures and persons with whom you do business will be forced to rotate form a higher axis when dealing with your business because you place a high value on what you do. The same is true for those who work for you or work on your behalf. Being able to understand the quality, worth or importance of someone is beneficial in business. Appreciating your customer base includes developing ways to enhance their experience with you and your product. Dealing with other businesses is made easier by building solid relationships and demonstrating that you value what they bring to the negotiating table.
“Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well”
Appreciation is therefore good for business Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire 1694and cost effectively so. It’s also a way of instilling a high professional standard within 1778, Writer and Philosopher About the Author
Malik Muhammad (www.be-motiv8d.com) focuses on providing people with the tools to feel empowered to achieve their goals in a specified time and motivates them to overcome major obstacles. His expertise is based on applying the 8 Principles of Self Empowerment that are guaranteed to help people be successful, see returns on their investments and make measurable progress. Malik is a motivational speaker, radio presenter and author of Empower yourself to Succeed. He was raised and educated in Jamaica, read law in London and enjoys quad biking. www.be-motiv8d.com
There are only 3 ways to grow your business! By Sandra Hinshelwood
Growing your business does not have to be complicated. Marketing expert, Jay Abraham states that there are only 3 ways to grow your business. 1. Increase the number of clients. 2. Increase the average size of the sale per client. 3. Increase the number of times clients return and buy again. With only three things to focus on, the task of growing your business becomes significantly less daunting, dare I say it, even easy. The starting point is to figure out what a customer is worth to your business over a purchasing lifetime. This is also known as the ‘marginal net worth’ of a customer. This can be defined as “the total,
aggregate profit of an average customer over the lifetime of his/her patronage – including all residual sales – less advertising, marketing, and product or service fulfilment expenses.” Jay Abraham Do the following exercise to determine the marginal net worth of your customers. Start by calculating the number of clients/ customers you have. Calculate the average sale and the average profit per sale. Determine how often they come back to make additional purchases. (Be conservative with these figures). Example: Let’s say you have 100 clients. If the average transaction is £200 and they make two purchases a year, the total
transaction income is £40,000 100 x £200 x 2 = £40,000 Once you understand what the customer will be worth to your business you will know how much you can afford to spend to acquire a new customer, instead of allocating an arbitrary amount e.g.5% of sales on advertising. Now that you know what you can afford to spend to increase your client base, you need to next focus on how you can increase the average size of the sale per client.
So using the same figures again, but this time increasing the number of times that the customer purchases from you from 2 to 3, you will truly see the power of focusing on these three simple elements to grow your business. 110 x £220 x 3 = £72,600 Your customers are your greatest asset and also an asset that you can leverage simply by giving them more opportunities to buy from you and the ability to do so more frequently. About the Author
A sale can often be upgraded by selling an “add-on”, e.g. supporting reference material to go with the training programme. The opportunities in upselling are enormous and can lead to massive growth. So, it we look at our figures again you will be able to see the impact of increasing your client base by 10% and also increasing their average spend by 10%. 110 x £220 x 2 = £48,400 The next step in the plan is to increase the number of times a customer purchases from you. The only way to do this successfully is to have a range of products or services that the customer can choose from. You must ensure that you have ‘back-end’ sales. It is 5 times easier to sell to an existing customer than it is to gain a new one. Do not waste this opportunity.
Sandra Hinshelwood is a business coach and mentor. Drawing upon her experience as a virtual assistant and team leader in the corporate world, she works with small business owners and solopreneurs to eliminate feelings of overwhelm and empowering them to focus on their goals and visions with greater clarity. www.sandrahinshelwood.com
Cont r i but e I fy ouwoul dl i k et oc ont r i but et of ut ur ee dionsofBus i ne s sPa r t ne rMa g a z i neďŹ nd outmor ehe r e .
Ge ti nT ouc h Wewe l c omey ourf e e dba c k , c omme nt sa ndque sons . Pl e a s es e nda ne ma i l t oi nf o@bus i ne s s pa r t ne r ma g a z i ne . c om
Phot oCr e di t : Phot ok a nokwww. f r e e di gi t a l phot os . ne t