Brochure - Cervecería Nacional_English

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Working Together for Ecuador

An Undisputed Part of Ecuadorian Identity Cervecería Nacional shows an innovative corporate culture that works towards making a positive impact on Ecuadorian society WRIT TEN BY




he Las Peñas neighbourhood,

sustainable processes that

in the historic centre of the

also contribute positively to the

Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil,

Ecuadorian society.

witnessed the foundation of Cervercería Nacional (CN) as The Guayaquil Lager


Beer Brewery Association in 1887, a

Cervecería Nacional has been

brewery and ice-making company.

transformed in all its aspects,

In October, 2016, AB InBev – the largest


driven to grow and become

brewery in the world – became the main

stronger and more efficient.

shareholder of Cervecería Nacional. This

This has led to a positive

allowed the company to continue with its

corporate culture that

traditional production of national beers,

flourishes both across

as well as expanding its catalogue with

production plants and within

imported varieties in the framework of a

operative work.

great cultural and corporate change. The merger promoted production in the

As regards its sourced raw materials such as barley, rice,

two plants of Cervecería Nacional in

packaging, labels and cold

Pascuales (Guayaquil) and Cumbayá

equipment, CN created a

(Quito), with modern and environmentally

supplier development program looking for collaborators that are close to its expectations. This led to joint work and advice in order to offer world-class products and supplies that, in accordance with government regulations in Ecuador, give priority to local raw materials and Ecuadorian suppliers. These strategies are part of the Decalogue (2016) that serves as a roadmap to CN,



CN It has 2 production plants, 1 malting plant and 17 wineries throughout the country

w w w. c e r v e c e r i a n a c i o n a l . e c

Comprehensive solutions to complex problems PINO/ELIZALDE’s philosophy is team work. We strongly believe in the maximizing and long-lasting effects of synergy. We understand that the business environment in Ecuador is complex and, as such, in order to implement comprehensive solutions, our lawyers combine their strengths, knowledge and capabilities, with the highest ethical standards, to meet the needs of our clients in the most effective and efficient manner. The firm is located in Guayaquil, but also has operations in Quito, and outreach throughout the whole country, focusing its practice on several areas of the law such as Corporate and M&A, Energy and Natural Resources, Dispute Resolution, Banking and Finance, Competition and Antitrust, Tax, Intellectual Property, among others, which allows us to provide comprehensive and complete advice to meet the needs of our clients.

Plaza Lagos/ Km. 6.5 Vía Samborondón Bloque Exedra Norte Piso 1- 5 Guayaquil / Ecuador.

where the support of its suppliers is key

The main idea is that students go

from local producers to international

through a selection process

companies such as Sinel, Amcor, Sivesa,

focusing on their willingness to

Croner or Matex.

grow, their energy and their ability to learn. The programme is aimed


finishing their degrees and those

Cervecería Nacional employs more than

who are still studying too.

2,000 collaborators – a key pillar of its

at both university students who are

Globally, 300 applicants are

success. Consequently, CN invests

selected who go through two years

greatly in developing the potential of its

of training and internships in the


different areas of the organisation.

The Global Management Trainee

When they graduate from GMP,

(GMT) programme was created to select

they assume immediate middle

young global talent and offer the

management positions.

possibility of developing a professional

In the same way, CN is also

career within the company, for which CN

responsible for enhancing the

opens a call every year in all the universi-

skills of employees who are already

ties of the country.

part of its team. There is an emphasis on meritocracy: 30% - 40% of the activities on the agenda are devoted to coaching and employees are empowered to work in different areas of the company to acquire a global vision. CN leaders are evaluated by the quality of their teams – they are expected to surpass themselves.

Click to watch: ‘130 AÑOS CN’

The company promotes and seeks people’s growth within the w w w. c e r v e c e r i a n a c i o n a l . e c


En nuestras cajas siempre van las mejores marcas.

PLAPASA, proveedor estratégico de más de 45 años de Cervercería Nacional, se enorgullece por sus 130 años al servicio de Ecuador.

Nos sentimos parte de su éxito.

¡Felicitamos a


por su Aniversario 130 y una trayectoria ejemplar! Para Aon es un orgullo haber formado parte de este hito.

organisation and is agile in measuring

as well as building houses for those

talent potential, combined with results,

affected by the Ecuador earth-

year on year. This has led to CN enjoying

quake of 2016.

a high ranking in terms of indicators and

In relation to sustainability

results among companies of massive

regulations, CN measures its

consumption in Ecuador.

impact on the density of local water basins. CN consumes three litres


Ecuador nowadays, a global

CN has a strong commitment to making

milestone and one of the best

positive changes to society in Ecuador.

indicators of water consumption

Its most ambitious programme, Growing for a Dream, offers training and

of water for each litre of beer in

for the AB InBev group as a whole. In the same way, CN has global

education to women in the company who,

commitments in conjunction with

as an example of relevance, make up

some brands and aims to have all

60% of the sales channel in its Latin

its products produced with

American stores.

renewable energy by 2025. CN is

The creation of this program is

dispensing with thermoelectric

benefiting 15,000 women and is based

energy in favour of wind and

on training, access to financing, technol-

hydroelectric power, a goal that it

ogy and even scholarships for their

has already achieved this year by

children, since part of what the company

using 100% renewable energy.

is looking for is for families to have a better future. The initiative #MeUno (#IJoin) involves


3,000 volunteers who work on initiatives

Cervecería Nacional’s approach is

from cleaning beaches – such as the

customer-centric; therefore, it

Corona campaign in Galapagos Islands

offers products that are integrated

– to helping and supporting children with

into its customers’ daily lives to

limited resources and learning difficulties,

improve them in a responsible way. w w w. c e r v e c e r i a n a c i o n a l . e c




as far as promoting responsible con-


sumption, since in Ecuador there is a risk

Technology and digitisation are key

of high consumption even among minors,

enablers in offering better quality

due to a lack of adequate differentiation

and services to CN’s customers.

The commitment to the customer goes

between low-alcohol drinks and illegal

For example, 90% of the

alcohol (which makes up 30% of the total

company’s sales happen by

national consumption).

teleshopping. CN has created a

CN has a commitment by which its

whole Artificial Intelligence (AI)

portfolio sets the alcohol levels at 30% for

system that can offer recommen-

low-alcohol content beverages, as well as

dations to customers, according to

operating a programme to educate

indicators such as the day of the

consumers and sellers in responsible

week and the predicted consump-

consumption habits.

tion for that area, region and geolocation.


Employs 2500 collaborators

increasing Ecuador’s per capita beer consumption, since it is one of the lowest in the region. It is currently set in 32l of beer consumption per year, unlike the 48l in Colombia and Perú and the

Produces an average of $ 100 MN in revenue every year

nearly 80l of consumption in Mexico and Venezuela. This generates a very strong growth potential for the beer market, which is linked to the development of beer culture and to boosting

The company is growing again after 2016 (17% of lost sales)

beer as part of the life of Ecuador’s population. In addition, CN is developing other product lines, some of which are related to beer such as the malts line, but also non-alcoholic beverages. For this an investment plan of around $400mn has been created for the next 5-year period.

For this, CN is integrating a B2B platform where customers can order via an app or through the website, tracking their orders until delivery. The company has also developed the ability to measure trends in real time by monitoring social networks, in a Command Centre from where all the marketing of its brands is generated since the company’s digital media originates there, too. As development objectives for the coming years, CN plans to help w w w. c e r v e c e r i a n a c i o n a l . e c


Km. 16,5 Vía a Daule, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 090610 T +593 4 216 2066

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