BRCA July 2015

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JULY 2015





Figure 1 in action


T H E J U LY I S S U E O F Business Review Canada is here and it’s all about

leadership. Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is everything.” The famous physicist seemed to hit the nail on the head. After all, without imagination, the list of innovators we’ve put together for our leadership sector wouldn’t exist. This month, you’ll get the privilege of not only meeting three innovative companies, but their products as well, and how these new products are respectively changing specific industries. Big data. You’ve heard the term, but what does it mean and who does it affect? SweetIQ spoke with Business Review Canada to offer its own personal take on the subject, as well as how to utilize big data. Finally, business schools in Canada—there’s so many to choose from, but which particular ones should CEOs be looking at for future employees? We’ve put together a Top 10 list of business schools that shouldn’t be missed—especially if you’re looking to hire.


Cutter Slagle




6 Leadership

Learn from these innovating companies and their products

12 Technology

What SweetIQ has to say about Big Data

20 Top 10


Business Schools in Canada



26 Peregrine Diamonds Limited

56 Kobay Enstel Limited

RETAIL 36 Canaroma Bath & Tile


CONSTRUCTION 64 Cervini Painting and Decorating Ltd.

26 Peregrine Diamonds

42 Aliya’s Foods

42 Aliya’s Foods 4 July 2015


Kobay Enstel Limited


Cervini Painting and Decorating




Take a look at these three innovating compa their products to see how change is happ W R I T T E N B Y: C U T T E R S L A G LE 6

July 2015


anies and pening. 7


ChargeSpot in use with iPhone

CHANGE IS GOOD, right? Okay, before we get into a debate over whether or not the act of change is good or bad and start arguing about the idea of diversity, let’s take a look at the positive ways in which three different companies have introduced change throughout their individual industries. Innovation is defined as, “Making 8

July 2015

changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas or products,” which is exactly what VitalSines, ChargeSpot and Figure 1 are doing and continue to do with their products. In fact, you just might be able to learn a thing or two from the aforementioned companies— take a look!


VitalSines, Inc.—Who they are and what they do Easily found on the company’s website is the following: “VitalSines develops technology that turns biological data into actionable information anyone can use to manage their health or performance.” Sounds extremely important—we’re obviously dealing with the health industry, but in layman’s terms, what are we actually discussing? VitalSines’ first product was the iheart. The iheart is a health and wellness gadget and app that can easily measure the user’s pulse for 30 seconds; afterwards, immediate results are produced and display your physical age—how old you are on the inside. Users can then choose to change their lifestyles, being more mindful of their diets and incorporating exercise into their daily routines. If these positive lifestyle choices are made, on top of regular testing with iheart, then users can literally watch themselves get physiologically younger. Regarding the development and future of iheart, Dr. Jess Goodman, president and founder of VitalSines has stated, “VitalSines is committed

to helping Canadians live long and healthy lives. The VitalSines team has developed a small and inexpensive optical pulse sensor that opens a new window onto human physiology, and reveals life as never seen before. Our goal is to give people an ability to monitor health and recognize benefit from healthy lifestyle choices. “VitalSines sees Canada, with its history of health care innovation, as a natural leader in development of personal health monitoring solutions. We intend to create a ‘made in Canada’ personal health monitoring industry on worn sensors streaming a comprehensive picture of life to the Cloud.” ChargeSpot—Who they are and what they do If you have a smartphone, and you probably do, then you need to learn about ChargeSpot. After all, you’ve undoubtedly experienced a time in which your cell was quickly dying and you desperately needed a charge. Or perhaps you hate carrying around your phone’s charger and would very much enjoy a new, convenient and quick way to give your device a little bit of extra power. 9

LEADERSHIP Enter ChargeSpot. ChargeSpot is doing its part to bring wireless power to offices, cafes and various other various public locations. In short, the company’s main objective is to become the leading provider of wireless charging in public and commercial spaces. Simply put, if you have a wireless charging-enabled phone, all you have to do is set your phone on the surface above a ChargeSpot transmitter and let the charging begin. When it comes to installation, the ChargeSpot transmitter can be put in and then hidden from view. Therefore, you’re not only getting functionality, but you’re also able to keep a clean, organized space. ChargeSpot Sparks are also available that allow wireless charging to take place with your phone. These wireless charging receivers come in lighting or microUSB versions, and can simply be plugged into the device. ChargeSpot Sparks can also be custom branded. Mark Goh, CEO of ChargeSpot, has said, “Wireless charging is the future for mobile devices, and we help corporations and businesses adopt this new technology and improve employee 10

July 2015

productivity and guest satisfaction. We are changing how people access power with better and smarter ways to charge.” Figure 1—Who they are and what they do You’re most likely familiar with Instagram. Instagram is an app that allows users to quickly and conveniently share their lives (in photos) with family, friends and other “followers.” In a sense, Figure 1 is quite similar to Instagram, except its target audience is doctors and others in the medical field. Available in almost 100 countries, Figure 1 is a free app that can be downloaded by visiting the App Store or the Google Play Store. Developed by Dr. Joshua Landy, a practicing intensive care physician at Scarborough Hospital in Toronto, Figure 1 opportunely gives doctors the ability to share and discuss diverse medical conditions with the aid of photographs that can be accessed via a smartphone. Back in October, Landy spoke with IBTimes UK and said the following regarding the innovating app: “This was something that came to me, as a combination of my clinical work as well as my research work. I see a lot


app in use

of complex cases that are best shared with other health care professionals, but the pain of not having a proper system to share images or discuss cases is an obstacle.” Now, professionals in the health care industry, as well as medical students, have the opportunity to contribute to any case that has been uploaded to Figure 1. In short, Landy has successfully combined textbooks with the digital world, creating change

in the medical field. So . . . change is good, right? Let’s ask that question once more— change is good, right? Looking at the innovating developments VitalSines, ChargeSpot and Figure 1 have made and continue to make, it’s rather clear that (in these circumstances) change is not only good, but necessary. With change, comes the possibility for greatness.




Are you familiar with Big Data? Find out what SweetIQ has to say on the subject, as well as how to overcome certain obstacles. 12

July 2015




TECHNOLOGY BIG DATA . . . you’ve undoubtedly heard about it. It’s quite possible that you’ve even read about Big Data. So what is it? Can you describe big data or how it works? Big Data is simply defined as “an evolving term that describes any voluminous amount of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that has the potential to be mined for information.” But what does that mean? To understand the concept more clearly, we’ve reached out to Michael Mire and Mohannad El-Barachi, co-founders of SweetIQ, to get their take on the issue. In regards to Big Data, they’ve said the following: “When Big Data enters a conversation, it’s often as an elusive, hard-to-grasp concept. If your company is ready to start working with Big Data, but don’t know where to get started, you’re not alone. Many companies are hesitant to invest in nascent technology without fully comprehending the potential gains and expenses.” You’re now, most likely, not only wondering about Big Data, but SweetIQ too, and what their particularly connection is to Big Data. 14

July 2015

SweetIQ is an industry leader in local search marketing. Specifically, the company assists Fortune 500 brands convert online searches to in-store shoppers. SweetIQ offers a technology platform that provides local marketing analytics, intelligence, recommendations and automation to major brands across North America. Big problems for Big Data Interestingly enough, and you’ll most likely agree, it’s not always clear what you can do with Big Data. In reference to the name, the SweetIQ team commented, “It’s called ‘Big’ Data for a reason.” Consequently, when looking at extremely large data sets, it may be difficult to form a clear idea on how to find what you are really looking for. And that’s just the beginning! SweetIQ has also made note of how with Big Data, it’s not always clear what you are looking at. “Each person analyzing a set of data may come up with their own interpretation, making it easy to miss actionable trends. You will always find unexpectedly correlated data; successful data scientists will apply

Co-founder of SweetIQ, Mohannad El-Barachi

that newfound knowledge to an existing problem to help improve the bottom line.” And finally, the fact could easily be argued that organizations aren’t giving enough leeway to data scientists. SweetIQ stated: “Employees working with Big Data may lack time or resources to properly explore the information. As an example, SweetIQ, crawls a billion web pages a month, collecting information

about online listings. That’s a mountain of data. Understanding how to sort, manage, and display the data concisely is what makes it useful to our clients.” Big solutions for Big Data problems Now that you’ve become familiar with some of the problems of Big Data, it’s important to learn how to overcome them. After all, what’s the point of 15

TECHNOLOGY hearing about the issues if you don’t get a chance to discover the solutions? SweetIQ believes that it’s important to derive actionable insights from raw information. In particular, they stated, “Look for information you can draw on and that your company can use to make improvements. Again looking at local search, it’s one thing to show that 500 people clicked for directions to your store from your Google+ page. It’s quite another to show that five per cent of those clicks resulted in sales at your store. Better yet, comparing that number against the average sale can show how much money those clicks are making for that location.” Lastly, it’s necessary to start small. “Start small and implement one change that will show some success in your organization and build on it. When you prove that Big Data can be used successfully you will be given more resources to invest in it.” Learning to understand Big Data Do you at least now have a better understanding of Big Data? By now, you should be familiar with the term, as well as the issues that can arise and how to overcome them. 16

July 2015

Co-founder of SweetIQ, Michael Mire

Depending on your particular field of business, becoming completely knowledgeable on the subject of Big Data might be necessary in order to reach a certain level of success. More about SweetIQ SweetIQ provides their clients with powerful analytics to help drive brand engagement, capture online opportunities and implement local marketing campaigns. Therefore, SweetIQ not only understands the concept of Big Data, but the troubles or concerns that can often take place, too. The


company has not only offered their personal viewpoint on the matter, but the various hurdles that Canadian companies need to overcome in order to properly collect and store Big Data,

as well as what these companies can actually do once they’ve invested in it.


TOP 10


Recruiting talent is an ongoing – and often frustrating – offered through these 10 business schools, however, a will be prepared to provide value to any organization. Written by: Cutter Slagle


– process. The programs all but ensure graduates

Ivey Business School 19

TOP 10 It goes without saying that employees can make or break a company: As a head executive, you can only do so much. In order to ensure a company’s success, it is important to form a hardworking, trustworthy and loyal team that wants to accomplish the same goals that have been set for your business. But how do you go about finding these individuals? Business Review Canada (with the assistance of QS Global 200 Business Schools Report) has put together a list of business schools throughout the country from which executives can confidently recruit new talent and future workers. While QS explored various qualities including MBA recruitment trends, MBA salaries and compensation trends, we chose to focus on one important question: What does each school offer that will help students prepare for corporate life?

10 20

Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

July 2015

Location: Downtown Toronto Dean: Tiff Macklem

Notable Programs: Master of Finance, Executive Master of Business Administration, Doctor of Philosophy One of the most interesting aspects of Rotman’s MBA program is the Live Case, in which students are given an opportunity to tackle a current business problem in real time and apply model-based decision making skills to actually solve the issue. What better way for students to become familiar with the world of business than with real examples? During their second year, students are given the chance to spend an entire term in an international exchange program.


Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario

Location: London, Ontario Dean: Bob Kennedy

Notable Programs: Master of Business Administration, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy Ivey Business School adds


more than 350 new classroomtested case studies each year. The school’s publication, Ivey Business Review, is one of the top case publishers in the world. Most notably, the academic community has expressed how Ivey Business School sufficiently meets the rigorous demands of management education by responding to the constantly changing needs of business and society.


Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia Location: Vancouver Dean: Robert Helsley

Notable Programs: Master of Business Administration, Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting, Marketing & Sales Management Sauder School of Business is well known for leading Canadian business schools with over $1.3 million in grants each year. Due to this impact on research management thinking, more than 400 research papers and 20 books have been published since 1995. Furthermore, the school hosts 15 specialized research centres to help students become better prepared for the business world.


Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University

Location: Montreal, Quebec Dean: Morty Yalovsky (interim); Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou (begins 2016)

Programs: Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration, Doctor of Philosophy With over eight on-campus Research Centres, McGill University students are given an inside 21

TOP 10 look into the business world and what to expect after graduation. Furthermore, a variety of public business seminars and custom executive education and coaching for all levels of management are available for students.



Notable Programs: Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Business Administration, International Masters of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration, Master of Finance, Master of Accounting, Master of Business Analytics To further enhance the experience at Schulich School of Business, there are two student government bodies. Students are given the opportunity to participate in annual elections to later become representatives in the Undergraduate Business Council or the Graduate Business Council. Furthermore, students are able to become members and hold positions in various organizations, giving them an inside look at what responsibilities they may hold after graduation.

HEC Montreal, Universite de Montreal

Location: Montreal, Quebec Dean: Dr. Michel Patry

Notable Programs: Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management, Master of Science in International Business, Master of International Arts Management, Master of Business Administration in Financial Services and Insurance, Doctor of Philosophy HEC Montreal is known for only admitting experienced candidates with superior GMAT scores and all-around credentials. In the past, those who have graduated from this school have gone on to earn top salaries after graduation. Nine different academic departments are offered to allow students the opportunity to learn even more about the real world of business. 22

July 2015

Schulich School of Business, York University

Location: Toronto, Ontario Dean: Dezso Horvath



Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University

Location: Kingston, Ontario Dean: Dr. David Saunders

Notable Programs: Queen’s Commerce Program, Master of Business Administration, Queen’s Executive Master of Business Administration, Master of International Business, Master of Science in Management, Master of Finance, Doctor of Philosophy Queen’s School of Business is specifically known for developing exceptional leaders, valuable team members and highly effective managers. To assist students even further, programs offer a range of features that allow students the chance to personalize courses to fit individual strengths and aspirations


Notable Programs: Master of Business Administration in any of the following: Finance, International Business, Public Policy and Management, Natural Resources The Alberta School of Business is highly recognized for its strong culture of excellence and engagement. There are 11 different research centres that give students of all backgrounds the opportunity to become more familiar with the daily ins and outs of business etiquette. There are also 20 different student clubs that allow interaction and learning amongst peers to take place.

The Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta

Location: Edmonton, Alberta Dean: Joseph Doucet 23

TOP 10


Telfer School of Management, University of

Ottawa Location: Ottawa, Ontario Dean: Francois Julien

Notable Programs: Master of Business Administration, Executive Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Management, Master of Science in Health Systems, Master of Health Administration Telfer School of Management offers six research centres and

four different laboratories to better prepare its students for the business world. Specifically, the IBM Centre for Business Analytics and Performance gives students the opportunity to become more familiar with real business situations that take place on a daily basis. The Market Place for Safe and Fair Trade laboratory presents students with the opportunity to become more accustomed to the rules and regulations practiced in the business world.


DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University Location: Hamilton, Ontario Dean: Dr. Leonard Waverman

Notable Programs: Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration, Master of Finance One of the most unique aspects of the DeGroote School of Business is its Master of Finance program. This opportunity provides students 24

July 2015


with in-depth training in finance, emphasizing the development of the analytical skills required to address the increasingly complex problems faced by the financial

industry. Therefore, students can become knowledgeable on actual business strategies before even graduating and securing employment.


Peregrine Diamonds Ltd

A path to power

People and product are the keys to success for Canada’s leader in diamond exploration and discovery Written by: Jennifer White Produced by: Andy Turner



Cooper Rig


om Peregoodoff has always loved the outdoors. Combining this passion with an affinity for science (and math, but that’s “off the record”) made a career in the diamond exploration world a natural fit. “I was quite a keen observer very early-on in life, and [working in this industry] is a fantastic way to be outdoors and practice my love of exploration,” he explained. As president and CEO of Peregrine Diamonds Ltd., a Canadian-focused exploration and development company, he has indeed found his calling—and the 28

July 2015

company is thriving. Peregoodoff has an extensive background in early-stage global exploration, operations and business development. With a BSc. in Geophysics from the University of Calgary, Peregoodoff understands the current state of the industry and can anticipate needs for future growth based. While this ability can be partially attributed an innate interest, his comprehensive awareness of the foundation of mining and exploration is mainly the result of direct industry experience.


Team player As is the case with many good leaders, Peregoodoff is quick to give credit to others when discussing the company’s success. “The strength of the company is based on the people,” he said. “Led by Dr. Herman Grütter, who is extremely well-known in diamond exploration circles, I’d venture to say that our technical team is second to none.” Dr. Grütter’s experience assessing the economic and developmental potential of kimberlite provinces has been key to the project’s continued success, as has his team of experts. “The tech team is supported by people such as Jennifer Pell, who has also had a very long career specifically focused on diamonds – a lot of which focused on the northern territories as well as the Arctic.

“Diamonds are a luxury item, so, for example, we are competing against handbags and electronics for luxury dollars” – Tom Peregoodoff , President and CEO

w w w. p d i a m . c o m


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P E R E G R I N E D I A M O N D S LT D “There are three clusters of new kimberlite discoveries that can be attributed directly to members of this team,” Peregoodoff said, including [President and CEO of Peregrine Exploration Ltd.]Brooke Clements, who led the team that successfully discovered the Renard kimberlite cluster in 2001. Chidliak diamond project Located on South Baffin Island approximately 120 kilometers from Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut, the Chidliak diamond project is 100 percent owned by Peregrine—but this wasn’t always the case. “The germination of project was from BHP Billiton,” explained Peregoodoff, who held various executive roles with the global giant for a cumulative tenure of 18 years. In his most recent role as the vice president of early-stage exploration, Peregoodoff was responsible for global exploration activities across all commodity lines. The initial plans for a joint venture between Peregrine (49 percent) and BHP Billiton (51 percent) received approval for a $17.7 million exploration project; however, in


2012, Peregrine, acquired BHP Billiton’s 51 percent share, thus assuming 100 percent ownership. In addition, De Beers, one of the most recognizable names in the diamond world, backed out in 2013 after spending around $10 million to gain exclusive rights to the project. A diamond-based database The purchase of BHP Billiton’s 51 percent interest also included receipt of the company’s Canadian diamond exploration database, thus providing Peregrine with data from over 38,000 kimberlite indicator mineral samples. “Discovering new diamond districts is a very methodical process and the database acquisition from BHP is the foundational data set for exploring for new kimberlite districts,” Peregoodoff said. “The industry started working in the Northwest Territories (NWT) back in nineties; the growth in the NWT has been driven largely by the discovery of some great diamond mines, such as Diavik and Ekati.” Kimberlite discoveries at w w w. p d i a m . c o m



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Chidliak “The first discovery of kimberlite at Chidliak was relatively quick,” Peregoodoff said, referring to the initial find in 2008. To date, there have been 71 discoveries in total, eight of which are considered “potentially economic.” These include: • CH-1 • CH-6 • CH-7 • CH-28 • CH-31 • CH-44 • CH-45 • CH-46

P E R E G R I N E D I A M O N D S LT D CH-6 The maiden Inferred Resource at CH-6 was declared 7.47 million carats in 2.9 million tonnes at a grade of 2.58 carats per tonne to 250 meters depth; however, in January 2015, the Inferred Resource was updated to declare 8.57 million carats in 3.32 million tonnes at a grade of 2.58 carats per tonne. An additional 3.20 to 4.38 million tonnes of kimberlite classified as a Target for Further Exploration (TFFE) have also been identified at CH-6.


significantly higher than that. Based on CH-6 and CH-7, Peregoodoff also believes a Phase 1 mine development at Chidliak has the potential to produce at least 1 million carats per year.

The Diamond Bourse of Canada In May 2015, Peregrine became a member of the Diamond Bourse of Canada (DBC), a diamond and gemstone trading facility and industry association. “For us, [membership] provides a lot of flexibility as we advance CH-7 toward the development of Chidliak,” Although classified as TFFE at Peregoodoff said. this point, the estimate for CH-7 “We have more and more people is between 3.72 and 6.01 million interested in seeing our goods, and tonnes from surface to a depth of because we’re members, these 290 meters. interested parties are able to get an “We’ll be able to tell what the early indication of what the goods potential economics are of CH-7 look like, for example, or do any due once we process the 550 tonne diligence, if needed.” bulk sample in August 2015,” To become a member, Peregoodoff explained. Peregoodoff explained, companies To consider CH-7 successful, must be “sponsored” by a current Peregoodoff is hoping for a company – De Beers vouched for combined grade and carat value in Peregrine – and go through a review excess of $125-$150 per tonne, but by the DBC to ensure a corporation’s believes that the 2015 bulk sample business practices align with the result will show value per tonne to be group’s standards of excellence. w w w. p d i a m . c o m



Membership also requires an evaluation of key team members. “The DBC looks for companies with a proven track record; they want to see groups that are leading up to – or are in the line of sight for – 34

July 2015

becoming a diamond producer.” Shareholder benefits Peregrine is a relatively small operation when one considers the impact being made through large endeavors.


As the sole owner of the Chidliak diamond project, Peregrine has been able to provide shareholders with exclusive benefits available based on (potentially valuable) diamond discoveries—and with an ambitious yet methodical approach, Peregoodoff and his team of experts are poised to reach their goal of becoming Baffin Island’s first diamond mine.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Mining and Exploration HEADQUARTERS

Industry outlook On the production side, “Players come and go,” Peregoodoff said. “BHP exited the diamond industry altogether, and Dominion is now global. The landscape of production has changed overall.” The recent formation of the Diamond Producers Association, an industry initiative led by De Beers, illustrates the adaptation of the industry: Despite fluctuations within the market, industry insiders see the value of – and need for – continued growth. The association is just one way to support one another on this mutual endeavor. In addition, the global financial crisis was a hard hit for the purchasers and craftsmen, he said. “Diamonds are a luxury item, so, for example, we are competing against handbags and electronics for luxury dollars. “The diamond industry as a whole has gone through – and continues to go through – significant upheaval; change will continue to be seen,” Peregoodoff predicted.

201-1250 Homer Street Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6B 1C6 FOUNDED


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Canaroma Bath & Tile Canada’s leader in luxury bath,

lighting and tile products joins the nation’s largest home improvement center, Improve Canada Exclusive brands and luxury items conveniently offered under one (very large) roof Written by: Jennifer White

Produced by: Sean Bakke


C A N A R O M A B AT H & T I L E


amily-owned and operated for nearly 40 years, Canaroma Bath & Tile is one of Canada’s most respected and well-known importers of luxury bath, lighting and tile products. Founded by Frank Piacentini and Roy Mancini in 1979, the company holds tightly to its roots, maintaining the same values today as when it was a two-man startup.

experienced tremendous growth and shows no signs of slowing down. The seamless manner in which the company has been able to update infrastructure and inventory to match customer demands and corporate growth is a clear indication of smart management and a hardworking team with a bright future. Canaroma aims to introduce additional exclusive brands to its Continuous growth collections each year, attending From a 7,000 sq. ft. outlet center with trade shows around the world an attached showroom to a 20,000 and maintaining an awareness of sq. ft. showroom with an attached customer needs. outlet center, Canaroma has “We listen to our customers; we 38

July 2015


try to offer what they want,” Patricia Ee, Sales & Marketing Director, said. “Traveling throughout the world, we see different styles and trends that we bring back for our collection.” The company recently added lighting to its home improvement and design collections, which Ee believes serve as a complement to the current collection of vanities— especially with the Swarovski accents.

In addition, she continued, “We are expanding our trade department by making more connections with designers, decorators and custom home builders.” These expanding collections, customers and connections are supported by an even bigger expansion-based endeavor: the recent partnership with Improve Canada, the 320,000 sq. ft. home improvement center developed w w w. c a n a ro m a . c o m


C A N A R O M A B AT H & T I L E in Toronto. The one-stop-mega shop will allow shoppers access to more than 400 home improvement businesses across 36 different categories under one roof. “Logistically it is better for customers,” Ee said of the move, which includes a partnership with American Standard.

– many have lasted more than the near 40 years the company has been in business – and this trait seems to have secured a place in the company’s culture. And by continuing to foster relationships within the industry, Canaroma is able to offer exclusive brands from around the globe, many of which are not available to purchase from any Competitive advantages other company in Canada. Canaroma’s owners Piacentini and In some cases, Canaroma is “the Mancini are excellent at building and only North American distributor,” Ee maintaining supplier relationships explained.


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“Having these brands is an absolute draw for designers and architects who want their client to have something really exclusive and unique. And because we have such a range of products, from very affordable all the way to exclusive, it is a natural connection.” Canaroma’s collections consist of more than 30 international brands that collectively feature a unique and comprehensive blend of design styles, from classic, vintage and modern to antique, art deco and everything in between. People and the planet Luxury and exclusivity are not the brand’s only focus: corporate social responsibility is also important to Canaroma. From reusable materials and green bathroom products to costeffective initiatives for consumers, the company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint as much as it can. The close knit company also prides itself on maintaining an “at home feeling” in the office that resonates with customers, suppliers and staff members alike. “We feel like we are part of the Italian family— that comes across when the sales team interacts with customers,” she said. Over the next year, Ee predicts the company will continue to focus on these core values, adding more suppliers, products and brands to its portfolio and perhaps expanding to the U.S.

Company Information INDUSTRY


7979 Weston Road Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada, L4L 1A6 FOUNDED



$50 million

w w w. c a n a ro m a . c o m


Aliya’s Foods Ltd

Consistency and Quality Aliya’s Foods Founder and President Noorudin Jiwani discusses certifications, automation and the next generation Written by: Sasha Orman Produced by: Sean Bakke



Veg Samosas

I Noorudin Jiwani President, Aliya’s Foods Ltd.

Anis Jiwani Vice President Operations 44

July 2015

n 1999, Noorudin Jiwani and his wife, an actuarial consultant and a dietician, decided to quit their 9 to 5 jobs and go into business for themselves. The couple gravitated toward the idea of manufacturing authentic Indian foods, interested in seeing that sector grow and helping it along. From that mutual interest, Aliya’s Foods Limited was formed—after a year of examining options and exploring promising regions of Canada, the company put down roots in supportive business-friendly Alberta. By its 15th anniversary, Aliya’s Foods has grown extensively from its initial 2,000-square foot facility in Edmonton’s suburb, Sherwood Park. Today Aliya’s Foods operates out of a fully automated, state-of-the-art 42,000-square foot facility, built in 2010 to support the growing


New Branding

demand for the company’s Chef Bombay brand of authentic Indian appetizers and entrees from butter chicken and channa masala to pakoras and its most famous samosas. As a supplier to every major supermarket chain in Canada, along with Trader Joe’s in the United States, Aliya’s Foods has grown swiftly over the better part of two decades—and the company is poised for further growth in the near future. Progress in certification and technology “We both believed if we were going to do anything, we had to make sure that we were fully certified and had HACCP certification,” said Jiwani. At Aliya’s Foods Ltd, third party certification is a crucial part of the brand’s identity and a major factor in its ability to grow beyond its Edmonton roots.

“I think our growth has always come through trade shows. We always evaluate trends based on what consumers are asking for, rather than what we feel ourselves” – Noorudin Jiwani President, Aliya’s Foods Ltd

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Ad Creative:


BUILDING TRUST THROUGH INPUT. DELIVERING EXCELLENCE IN OUTPUT Care. Collaborate. Create. That’s how BlueStone Print has achieved success for over 37 years. As a full-service commercial printing company, we believe customer care is about forming a trusted partnership. Collaboration is defined by our ability to understand our client’s needs from their perspective. And creating means we consistently aim for the perfect blend of adaptability, impeccable design and flawless execution. The result is a quality product delivered to clients in a timely and efficient manner.

We understand the dynamics of a highly competitive marketplace and today’s great demands on company time and resources. That’s why we take pride in our 35,000 square foot, Oakville facility, well-equipped with advanced pre-press and printing technologies to service the full-scale, high volume printing needs of an ever-changing business environment. We offer national and cross-border clients a wide range of services including packaging (design and development), printing (offset and digital), bindery, die-cutting, and specialized finishing. Our BlueStone team of specialized professionals is trained to keep pace with quick changes in technology, consumer behavior and its impact on marketing, sales and production needs. That’s why we insist on developing prototypes designed to always meet our client’s specifications and workflow requirements. We have been honoured to service the printing and packaging needs of Aliya’s Foods Limited. And we take pride in referrals that fuel our growth, strengthen and build long-term relationships that are based on trust and confidence.

We have an integrated approach to servicing any printing and packaging needs for a variety of industries. Our broad network of suppliers underscores this. We love a challenge. And getting the job done is not just a BlueStone Print promise, it’s a commitment. We welcome your enquiries!


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“If we were not CFIA approved, we could not sell our product outside of Alberta—our first reaction was that, since we would like to sell throughout Canada and the world, CFIA was our first criteria,” said Jiwani. But while the approval of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is an important jumping off point, Jiwani explained that is only the beginning in a long line of certification approvals. “As soon as we got CFIA approval, this led to HACCP certification. Clients like Costco and Loblaws would not list our products if we didn’t have HACCP, so this opened more doors for us. These were our initial certifications, but eventually we started looking at the US market and therefore the USDA, or the United States counterpart to the CFIA.” From there, Aliya’s Foods has


begun to focus on third party certifications like SQF. “Major supermarkets want third party audits, so we keep getting those certifications to make sure none of those doors are closed to us,” says Jiwani. But in addition to creating new opportunities for Aliya’s Foods, the idea of certification for the company is also closely linked to the simple idea of providing proof to the claim that Aliya’s Foods products are the best they can be. “With my wife being a dietician and very focused on quality, our main objective from Day One has always been: whatever we do, quality has to be of the highest standards,” said Jiwani. “That’s why we kept adding on anywhere we could see having mechanisms in place to measure quality, and why we make sure to keep attaining

“Our main objective from Day One has always been: whatever we do, quality has to be of the highest standards” Noorudin Jiwani President, Aliya’s Foods Ltd. w w w. c h e f b o m b a y. c o m


There is always room at our table.

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Crowe MacKay is proud to be the trusted advisors of Aliya’s Foods Limited and is pleased to congratulate them on 15 years of success stories. Our bread and butter is serving and supporting clients like Aliya’s through their growth and development. Call us, we can add to your recipe for success.




those certifications. One of our popular mantras is this: we will not sell anything we wouldn’t want to eat at home everyday.”

Jiwani. “We always evaluate trends based on what consumers are asking for, rather than what we feel ourselves. It’s at trade shows, along with food demos at the store Learning from the public level, that the company is best As a food manufacturer, keeping able to evaluate those consumer up with current consumer trends is trends and spot which ones Aliya’s imperative. Aliya’s Foods strives to Foods should aim to meet next. maintain a link with its consumers At the moment, these shows have and peers—and there are few better helped Aliya’s Foods identify and ways to do this than through trade test a number of concerns including show and expo attendance. While further certifications confirming that these exhibitions allow Aliya’s Foods Chef Bombay branded products are to show off new product creations, Halal, GMO-free, and gluten-free. they also allow the company to obtain “Everyone is looking for Halal right crucial feedback and keep an ear to now, so we ask: ‘how do we now the ground of what consumers are get our products Halal certified?’” looking for from food processors and said Jiwani. “Non-GMO is also now manufacturers, ultimately helping coming into play as a certification Aliya’s Foods grow and thrive. that we are evaluating seriously “I think our growth has always at the moment, as is gluten-free. come through trade shows,” said We do make a couple of products w w w . c h e f b o m b a y. c o m




that are gluten free, but we are in process of getting certification for that.” As with the many other certifications that Aliya’s Foods has obtained, becoming certified Halal or gluten-free serves to assure consumers that the company lives up to strict standards at all times and is dedicated to maintaining a standardized high quality product for consumers. Toasting to quality and consistency What sets Aliya’s Foods Limited apart from the competition? According to Jiwani, some of the company’s most unique and critical traits involve its adamant dedication to quality and consistency. “We never compromise on quality,” says Jiwani, noting that the company is also set apart by the many


certifications that formally back up its claims to quality and consistency. “Having certifications sets us apart, in the same way that our fully automated facility sets us apart,” said Jiwani. According to Jiwani, the company produces 250,000 samosas each day—an undertaking that would require 40 to 50 people if the samosas were being made by hand instead of through automated processes. Because of its HACCP-compliant processes, the business is able to maintain an output that is not just impressive in its size but its consistency from batch to batch. “Every batch is identical, said Jiwani. “We differentiate ourselves in those areas, and are very sincere about how we do it.” Growth in the future ahead As Aliya’s Foods Limited moves

“If it wasn’t for our staff, which has been so enthusiastic and consistent, we would not have seen the growth we have seen in the last 15 years” Noorudin Jiwani President, Aliya’s Foods Ltd. w w w . c h e f b o m b a y. c o m



Anis and Noorudin

We offer product customization, importation, warehousing and distribution for Industrial, Retail and Foodservice customers.

Congratulations Aliya’s Foods on your 15th Anniversary!

We are a produce wholesaler based in the Greater Vancouver region that strives to bring only the best quality produce to the markets. We also import many different exotic fruits and vegetables.

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into the future, in addition to obtaining its certifications in the Halal, GMO-free and glutenfree arenas, the company is also looking at further growth into new international markets, bolstered by the strength of its brand appeal. “We’re trying to grow the Chef Bombay brand as being the brand of choice, and we would like to see our branding more prominent,” said Jiwani. “We would like to see ourselves at more supermarkets in the US—until now we have only scratched the surface of the US market—and we are also currently working toward expanding our horizons to Europe.” But as it continues to grow, the company notes that this growth could not have happened without the support of its employees—a point that becomes even more salient now that the second Jiwani generation is starting to find a place within the business. “To me, if it wasn’t for our staff which has been so enthusiastic and consistent, we would not have seen the growth we have seen in the last 15 years,” said Jiwani. “The next thing is that we are seeing the next generation of family coming on board—our daughter just finished her MBA and is now joining the company, along with our nephew, and my wife and myself are handing over some of our responsibilities and having a transition. That’s the next generation taking over now. We believe in them, and they believed in us.”

Company Information INDUSTRY

Food Drink & Franchise HEADQUARTERS

6364 Roper Road NW Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6B 3P9 FOUNDED



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Kobay Enstel Limited

Kobay Enstel Limited: Creating value through excellence in innovation

Based in Ontario, the automotive manufacturing company is expanding its footprint into North America by supporting the growth of its Japanese Tier 1 customers Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano Produced by: Sean Bakke



Management pic

“Our Canadian roots will always be our foundation.� — Gavin Galansky, President Located in Scarborough, Ontario lies a quality manufacturer of automotive stampings and sub assemblies that has come to be known for its specialization in the manufacturing of intricate, progressive die stampings, mig welded sub-assemblies, seating 58

July 2015

assemblies and tube bending. Founded in July 2006 after the merger between Kobay Tool & Stampings and Enstel Manufacturing, Kobay Enstel Limited has since risen to constantly challenge the standard operating procedures of the industry. The company prides itself on operating under lean manufacturing practices, building a strong team and



finding innovative, cost-efficient manufacturing techniques. “Our company is all about the strength of our people,” said President Gavin Galansky in a recent interview. “We want to show that we are adding value to our customers by developing innovative processes that reduce cost and enhance the quality of the product,” said Galansky. A world-class team Kobay Enstel’s design team is a group of dedicated professionals with over 40 years of combined

experience. Constantly striving to exceed customer expectations, each associate at the company is in constant communication with one another. With customer satisfaction being a top priority, Kobay Enstel follows the Japanese model of Q.C.D.D.M. (Quality, Cost, Delivery, Development, and Management) in its production processes. “Each function of the organization has specific action plans that all go into the Q.C.D.D.M. model,” said Galansky. “Everything from developing our processes further, to becoming more efficient, to driving w w w. k o b a y e n s t e l . c o m


K O B AY E N S T E L L I M I T E D out costs from the system—the whole way the company is run— follows the Q.C.D.D.M. model, and everyone on the floor understands it.” In terms of management, Kobay Enstel prides itself on developing its people. In doing so, it allows the company to take on projects that most others would shy away from due to their challenging engineering aspects. Kobay Enstel recently secured contracts to complete seating assemblies on the next model of the Honda Civic in 2016, and 17-model Honda CR-V, which is just one example of a project the company has been able to confidently accept because of its strong workforce.


This means two things for Kobay Enstel. “For one, it secures our future,” said Galansky. “And the second half of the equation is that we’re being recognized and rewarded, allowing us to venture into greater things.” Due to the scope of these projects, Kobay Enstel expanded its current facility by adding roughly 21,000 sq. ft. Brand new state-ofthe-art robotic welding cells are being installed alongside state-ofthe-art hydraulic tube benders. According to Galansky, a second plant will also be opened in Alabama, U.S. around February 2016 to begin Kobay Enstel’s expansion efforts into the U.S. This plant will be around 35,000 sq. ft.

Stamping plant w w w. k o b a y e n s t e l . c o m



Team Kobay

and will start production in 2016. The main focus at this facility will be to support the work being done on the Honda Odyssey and Honda Ridgeline platforms. “The primary reason we’re expanding is to support our customers,” said Galansky. “There is a lot of automotive activity in the southeast U.S. and our goal is to grow the plant in Alabama with our Japanese and North American customers.” Further expansion efforts Upon the initial entrance into the U.S. with a plant in Alabama, Kobay Enstel wishes to grow its North 62

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American footprint by opening a plant in Mexico and Indiana as well. In five to 10 years, the company’s plans are to enter Mexico and establish a plant there, as well. “Honda has a big plant in Celaya, Mexico and for the next model of Honda Civic we’d like to be able to support that,” said Galansky. “[In the next five years] we’d like to grow our footprint, secure more business and grow with our Japanese customers, particularly on vehicles like, the Honda Ridgeline and the Honda Odyssey—which are all made in Alabama,” added Galansky. Kobay Enstel would also like to


develop its process technology specifically with laser welding and tube bending. “Kobay Enstel, in the last few years, has shifted away from just being a stamping company as stamping is becoming more and more of a commodity,” Galansky said. “We’re moving more into welding and sub assembly—more complex sub assembly and tube bending.” Looking ahead “It’s a very exciting time for Kobay Enstel,” exclaimed Galansky. With the North American automotive market growing, Galansky sees a lot of potential in the growth of the company, as well. “We’d like to grow our business to become the go-to as the number one Tier I and a half,” said Galansky. “We’re somewhere in between Tier I and Tier II—we have a little bit of a Tier I aspect to us in the assemblies that we’re doing, but we like operating in the Tier II space.” “By not going full Tier I, we are able to keep our costs and overhead very competitive,” he continued. Despite the growth that Kobay Enstel is looking forward to in the US and Mexico, it will always remain true to its Canadian roots. “We will always be a Canadian company,” Galansky concluded. “We want to always support our Canadian customers and so there will always be a plant here.”

Company Information INDUSTRY

Manufacturing HEADQUARTERS

125 Nashdene Rd., Unit 5 Toronto, Ontario, Canada FOUNDED



$50 M

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Cervini Painting & Decorating Ltd. Cervini Painting & Decorating Ltd. adds a little color to the city Cervini Painting & Decorating Ltd. has become one of the largest painting contractors within the Greater Toronto Area—here’s how. Written by: Cutter Slagle Produced by: Rich Gentile


C E R V I N I PA I N T I N G & D E C O R AT I N G LT D .

Onsite management team

We’re very hands-on,” said Rocco Cervini, Vice President of Cervini Painting & Decorating Ltd.. Family owned and operated, Cervini Painting & Decorating Ltd. has been in business for over 30 years. During this time, the company has become one of the largest painting contractors for new highrise developments within the Greater Toronto Area. As many of their clients are the top new home developers in Canada, customer service is a main priority throughout the Cervini business. In fact, it’s just one of several factors that have allowed this painting and decorating 66

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company to distinguish itself from others in the industry. A Shade Brighter than the Competition “We’re both a big and a small company,” Cervini stated. “We’re still small in a sense of how we run, operate and are structured, but we do a lot of work and have done a lot of work. We’re a small company at heart, but have gotten bigger over the years.” Cervini has a goal of not only pleasing the client, but making sure that the contractor or customer becomes a repeat consumer. “We have a vision of doing the best we


Emilo Cervini, Anthony, Peter, Rocco Cervini

can, whether we’re making a lot of money or no money,” added Cervini. Cervini Painting & Decorating Ltd. is very thorough throughout the entire painting process—from the initial quoting stage, to the actual procedure and finally, to the closing of the project. As part of its focus on customer service, the company does everything in its power to be proactive. Cervini was brought up in this business with a certain mentality and still lives by it today: “No matter what you do, make sure you do the best job you can—whether you’re making a lot of money or no money.” After all, Cervini recognizes that it is the client that keeps him and his team in business: “At the end of the day, you’re working— and that’s a good thing.”

Hullmark Tridel

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C E R V I N I PA I N T I N G & D E C O R AT I N G LT D . Green is the New Norm Five years ago that the company made the conscious decision to “go green.” As Cervini explained, to “go green” is really not a new concept, but a normal method of the business. After doing the research and discovering how important it was to help the environment by recycling and reusing certain products, a valid effort was put into effect to help make the change. He said it was a “no brainer that the business was going to head this way.”

Load Up on Savings. Every Day. Introducing ProDiscounts from Sherwin-Williams. All you need is a pro account to pile up big savings: u Save 15% off list price on painting supplies* u Save 20% off list price on case lot quantities on over 150 popular items u Enjoy volume pricing on paints and coatings *Some exclusions apply. See your Sherwin-Williams store or representative for details.



While most jobs are LEED category jobs or “green” jobs, there are still many that don’t require this particular form. Instead of having separate supply and paint lines, however, Cervini utilizes just one line to comply with the LEED stipulations. “We try to make sure that whether it’s a LEED category job or not, that it’s green regardless— we’re using green as much as possible.” On top of being a “green” company, Cervini is in the process


of implementing the use of an intumescent fire safety coating. Steel structures are becoming more common in Toronto, and need to be treated with this intumescent coating for better protection on the chance that a fire breaks out. Cervini has traveled to New York and other markets where this process is already taking place. While Cervini knows that it is only a matter of time before the coating becomes mandatory, he’s decided to take a proactive approach and become familiar with the method now so that he has “time to learn it and run his business with it.” The sole purpose of this special coating is to keep the fire and heat away from a steel beam long enough for people to have an opportunity to evacuate the building during a fire. Depending on the fire rating or particular code of a structure, a certain amount of coating thickness is used on the metal. If a fire were to take a place, the coating expands to four or five times the actual surface it’s covering and acts as a barrier to keep the beam from getting too hot and collapsing under pressure. Cervini noted that, while this isn’t

an “aesthetically pleasing looking paint, it’s not meant for looks.” He did mention that in most cases the fire safety coating can be painted over with regular paint to better match the surroundings. Painting Their Way to the Top Cervini Painting & Decorating Ltd. is recognized as a “Top Specialty Contractor” in Toronto, as the company has worked on the most high-rise condominium projects in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area over the last 20yrs—at one point in the last few years, Toronto had the most highirse projects in the world. “We’ve never lost a project because of quality,” said Cervini. “If we’ve lost a project, it’s more for budgets and costs than anything.” The majority of the jobs that the company is working on at the moment and the vast amount of clients are those associated with high-rise buildings. “We’ve been painted into being a high rise painter,” Cervini quipped. However, the team does have lots of experience doing commercial work. One of the most fascinating projects that Cervini has been a w w w. c e r v i n i p a i n t i n g . c o m


C E R V I N I PA I N T I N G & D E C O R AT I N G LT D .

Studio - Aspen Ridge Homes

part of was the Absolute World Twin Towers, which have been dubbed the “Marilyn Monroe Towers” due to the curves of the structures. Each floor of the skyscrapers was shifted on an angle to give it the revolution effect. One reason these buildings are so well recognized is due to the fact that you can see for miles; even from the CN Tower in Toronto can be seen from this location, a good 50 or 60 miles away. 70

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One of Cervini’s current projects is the Aspen Ridge project. Cervini mentioned that its location helps to set it apart from other builds. “Two different worlds are within walking distance,” He said. Hospitals, the club scene, trendy areas and baseball fields can all be reached without the aid of a vehicle or bicycle. The building itself is not a typical tower, but has more of an art theme and has been designed


to different exterior elevations. Hullmark Center is another example of the mulit type projects that Cervini has complete being a mix use of commercial, retail and residential in 2 stunning towers by Tridel.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Construction Global

The Colors the Future Holds for the Industry Cervini Painting & Decorating Ltd. is known for mixing its younger staff with its veteran employees. Cervini stated, “It’s important to find the person who wants to learn and who can put their pride in their back pocket.” New or younger employees can learn insight from workers who have been with Cervini longer. However, the older employees are not training the younger staff as their replacement. With this process, no one has to worry about losing their job. In fact, Cervini mentioned, “Attitude and the economy are what dictate the longevity of an employee’s job with us.” While no one can control the way of the economy, workers can control how they choose to behave. When discussing what’s in store for the industry, Cervini noted that there isn’t enough of the younger generation getting involved. With his company, he hopes to set an example and take the business back to what it used to be, with respect and appreciation for this specific trade. While too many people seem to be working without experience or knowledge, Cervini knows how important it is for him and his team to be “pure, know-how painters.”


21 Kenview Blvd. Unit #6 Brampton, Ontario, Canada FOUNDED



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