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The Value of Mobile in the Digital Age
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s we enter into the final month of 2020,
Elsewhere, we discover what it means to be
we speak to the likes of Andy Gladwin,
a digital brand in today’s world, as well as the
Head of Mobile at Cheetah Digital, on the
ways in which companies can drive the most
importance of mobile technology in a digital
value out of their digital brand strategy in our
transformation strategy; Iron Mountain Data
roundtable discussions with McKinsey, Toluna
Centers’ (IMDC) Alex Sharp & Eric Boonstra
and Ebiquity. While Vikas Butaney, Vice
on the company’s services, ambitions, and
President and General Manager of Cisco
why sustainability is at the heart of its oper
IoT, explains how companies can get the
ations; and Zoran Vasiljev, CEO at Centili,
most out of IoT; and Ray Joyce and Steve Gill
on why MPaaS (monetisation platform as a
HR Services at EY discuss the rise of human
service) could be a decade-defining trend
and AI collaboration in HR operations.
in digital monetisation.
“One major trend that is being shown at the
Other leaders that feature include, Ntyatyi
present time is to provide HR and, in turn,
Petros, Head of Group Stakeholder Relations
organisations with greater insight to their
at Absa Group, who discusses the fund
data,” notes Joyce.
amentals of stakeholder engagement and
Finally to end the year, our December Top 10
how the process is evolving as a result of
ranks - by year - its top mergers and
technology innovation. While Fuad Chapra,
acquisitions made by companies in the
Head of Family Business, KPMG (Saudi
EMEA region over the last two decades.
Arabia) provides his expert insight on
Do you have a story to share? If you would
investment management benefits and trends. “Similar to other industries, technology has become increasingly important to enhance customer experience [...] Blockchain could save investment managers approximately US$2.7bn through the use of distributed market infrastructure,” says Chapra.
like to be featured in an upcoming issue of Business Chief EMEA, please get in touch at georgia.wilson@bizclikmedia.com
Enjoy the read! Georgia Wilson b u s in e s s c hie f. e u
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Kayleigh Shooter Andy Stubbings Eve Howat Daisy Slater
Mike Sadr Ryan Hall Ben Maltby Craig Killingback Stuart Irving James Berry MEDIA SALES DIRECTOR
Jason Westgate
Lewis Vaughan
Stacy Norman
Jordan Hubbard
Glen White
Karl Green Thomas Livermore James Richardson Michael Banyard Jake Megeary Kris Palmer b u s in e s s c hie f. e u
12 Cheetah Digital: The Value of Mobile in the Digital Age
38 What Does it Mean to be a Digital Brand?
70 82 58
Mergers and Acquisitions of the Last Two Decades
128 JTI
146 PWC
164 Liberty Global
180 9mobile
214 BKW AG
272 242 Endava
256 KWS Group
O2 Czech Republic
316 IMI Critical Engineering
300 Bayer
346 Cap DC
334 Kensington Mortgages
360 Iron Mountain
376 Vodafone Ghana
390 Pestana Hotel Group
406 Waygate Technologies
TSP Engineering
450 Special Investigating Unit
460 American University of Beirut Medical Center
Cheetah Digital: The Value of Mobile in the Digital Age WRITTEN BY
busi ne ssch ief . eu
Andy Gladwin, Head of Mobile at Cheetah Digital, discusses the importance of mobile technology in a digital transformation strategy
s digital consumers’ needs have evolved, all-too-many brands’ approach to them have not kept pace. Modern consumers
enjoy almost blanket 4G coverage, but the digital experiences they receive is oftentimes akin to dial-up. Better data sets and more sophisticated 14
targeting has not necessarily led to better advertis ing, experiences or content. Graduating from the University of St. Andrews in 2005, Andy Gladwin, Head of Mobile GTM at Cheetah Digital began his career in mobile technol ogy by joining Ericsson on the graduate scheme where he worked his way up to Head of Commercial for their SMS business unit (Ericsson IPX) which became part of Netsize. In 2013, Gladwin moved onto hold leadership roles at ExactTarget which was acquired by Salesforce, CLX Communications and his most recent tenure was as Vice President lead ing sales of Vodafone’s global SMS business, where he attended Vodafone’s executive leadership talent programme ‘Inspire”. It was a reunion over a coffee in London with his former leader Sameer Kazi from ExactTarget that DECEMBER 2020
busi ne ssch ief . eu
Managing Mobile Moments in an Omnichannel World. CLICK TO WATCH
16 set the compelling path to join Cheetah
find an enterprise that doesn’t want
Digital. “I realised that this wasn’t just
to engage with their customers in the
a coffee, but an opportunity, one that I
most frictionless manner possible. Part
couldn’t really refuse. The opportunity
of working out what makes the engage
was to go and work within a visionary
ment frictionless is identifying where
company that is set to disrupt the digital
the customers exchange information
marketing landscape and shape the
and communicate. This is mobile.”
Mobile contribution to this strategy.”
These are the thoughts of Andy Gladwin,
Eight out of 10 digital minutes reside
Head of Mobile at Cheetah Digital.
on the mobile phone, with consumers
“To convolute the issue we live in
picking up their device on average 96
an omni-channel world. Consumers
times a day. It’s clear that a fully-fledged
interact with an average of 6 digital
mobile strategy is no longer a nice to
touchpoints when engaging with a
have, but the cornerstone of any digital
brand. Whether that be content on
transformation. “You are not going to
social media, payment through wallet,
“ Mobile sits at the heart of digital transformation. Eight out of 10 digital minutes reside on the mobile phone” — Andy Gladwin, Head of Mobile at Cheetah Digital
preference insights and behavioural data to no longer infer, but anticipate what its customers are likely to do
news from SMS, or offers via email to
next. Then they can use this data to
name but a few. Principally however,
power more-personalised, and criti
all these touchpoints can be directly
cally, frictionless engagement across
accessed through mobile. And the
all touchpoints. It helped of course that
upside to this is brands can gather vast
SMS, as well as browser, email, apps,
amounts of consumer data, opt-ins,
social and wallet are available on the 17
Andy Gladwin Title: Head of Mobile
Company: Cheetah Digital
Industry: Computer Software
Location: United Kingdom
Approaching 15 years experience across the mobile messaging market, Andy Gladwin is a thought leader in mobile channel communications. He has been an active participant within industry bodies and worked at different levels of the mobile value chain most recently as a VP within Vodafone’s global messaging division. Today he resides in the UK, where he is the go to market leader for Cheetah Digital’s Global Mobile service offering.
busi ne ssch ief . eu
vast majority of mobiles. What’s clear
report that they have only a few of
is that mobile should be the nucleus
their marketing channels connected.
of any digital communication strategy.”
Each and every vertical is undergoing rapid digital transformations, however
thinking brands have headaches
Naturally in any modern enterprise
managing brands and data sources in
there are a plethora of institutional
different territories, time zones, and
challenges that make a mobile-first
languages. Data silos are an unfortu
strategy somewhat difficult to realise.
nate inevitability.”
even the most modern and forward-
In the data economy, it’s not uncom
When it comes to software, Gladwin
mon to hear marketers complaining
explains that over his many years work
about how they have too much data
ing in mobile he has come to realise
to analyse. “53% of organizations
that centralisation is key. “Modern
Thinking Caps | Andy Gladwin on Messaging Apps, RCS, and if SMS is Even Relevant Anymore CLICK TO WATCH
the customer in a unified, single view, which is necessary to fully understand each customer and provide them with a truly-personalized experience. The opportunity to wow the customer is lost forever.” Explaining some of the benefits of this approach, Gladwin says, “having a centralised, single source of truth of the customer serves as a complete, up-to-
enterprises are awash with data, but it’s
date record and empowers marketers
fragmented from all manner of sources
to build lasting and more meaningful
and siloed in disparate systems which
relationships with customers through
are not integrated, nor were designed
accurate, timely, and trustworthy data.
to be. Marketers have no way of seeing
The closer marketers can get to the busi ne ssch ief . eu
utopia of a golden record, the more
mobile app before you choose to send
likely they are to interact with custom
an email. This helps to assure that those
ers through preferred channels with
things correlate to have the right level
preferred messages. Done fittingly, as
of relevance and value, as well as drive
customer preferences and/or transac
a single voice.”
tion history change, the record changes with it. Going a step further, Gladwin further
At Cheetah Digital, the company takes the data insights and processes these within its Engagement Data Platform
highlights that a centralised approach
(an evolution of a CDP). “On a software
enables enterprises to engage with
level, it’s from here that enterprises
customers in a personalized, meaning
are able to securely manage that data
ful way. “Anticipating customer behavior
from any source and in real-time with
through insight enables you to keep
other digital channels. We can also
ahead of the competition by delivering
apply machine learning to optimise
the right experiences at the precise
send times, as well as building pro
moment a customer engages. You can
pensity models that look at feedback
see what was the last activity and what
loops and other insights to determine
their behaviors have been within the
the likelihood of a customer following
through with an associated call to action. According to McKinsey, there is a 10 to 20% incremental boost in conversion rates and customer lifetime value when coordinating messages across chan nels,” comments Gladwin. “Marketers and their customers deserve better. With the Cheetah Digital EDP, as consumers engage in mobile apps, wallet, email, social media
“ You are not going to find an enterprise that doesn’t want to engage with their customers in the most frictionless manner possible” — Andy Gladwin, Head of Mobile at Cheetah Digital
platforms, chat applications, and other touchpoints, this data is ingested in realtime and can be acted on immediately.” 21
POWERING PERSONALISATION WITH THE RIGHT DATA The converging forces of privacy legislation sweeping the globe, and consumers that are ever-more cog nizant of privacy preserving tools, means that they are likely to only con tinue doing business with the brands that they trust and who tailor cam paigns to them. Expanding on powering person alisation from the right of data, that’s gathered compliantly, Gladwin breaks down the best approach. “The future of marketing to individuals with rel evance is about asking them about busi ne ssch ief . eu
“ Above all the most important decision maker in channel choice is that of the customer and every enterprise should actively seek preferences and correspond with their communications accordingly” — Andy Gladwin, Head of Mobile at Cheetah Digital 22 their interests, motivations and desires, rather than inferring or snooping on them. This is zero-party data. Forrester describes it as a class of data that is intentionally and proactively shared by the customer.” “Unfortunately it’s not merely a case of building it and they will come. Digital consumers expect to be entertained, engaged, and receive something in return for their attention and personal data. At Cheetah Digital, we have a solution – Cheetah Experiences – which enables our customers to create interactive marketing campaigns that engage with customers and collects DECEMBER 2020
first-party data, complemented by a raft of preference and behavioural data that customers volunteer – the key is offer ing a tangible value exchange.” Gladwin continues, “and it doesn’t need to be a red-letter prize, things like coupons, competitions, social kudos, or exclusive content drive value in return for data.” When it comes to the role of mobile in the acquisition of data, Gladwin explains that there are three parts. “The first is
again ensuring that the organisation is
to leverage the immediacy of mobile
present on the relevant and preferred
channels to enable enterprises to
channels of their customers to provide
become scientific with their send time
access. Part two is harnessing tools
and resultantly maximise conversion
such as the haptics of the mobile device
by delivering the right message during
to drive a value exchange that is interÂ
the moments of relevance. With a native
active and engaging. This could be to
capability on every handset, SMS is
use scratch screens to reveal a promoÂ
an effective vehicle to address a large
tion or to gain customers insights as
audience and engage with immediacy.
they swipe left or right to register their
90% of messages are read within 90
preferences or interests. Part three is
seconds and unlike some alternative
busi ne ssch ief . eu
younger channels the technology is not a barrier, where there is the same level of familiarity to a 17 year old as a 70 year old.” In addition to data acquisition, mobile technology can also offer it’s own addi tional behavioural and contextual data insights to drive personalisation. By observing frequency and recency data from an app, enterprises can ensure that they are addressing customer needs in line with their interactivity and associated customer lifecycle 24
placement. Location is another asset
on the metrics that move the needle,
that can trigger contextual real time
not just those that look good on paper.”
engagement as consumers enter or
When it comes to the importance
exit a geo-fence or taking it to a macro
of its people, Gladwin explains that
level, it could enable a retailer to review
at Cheetah Digital the company has
environmental conditions and promote
an in house services organisation to
raincoats to one customer and swim
provide its customers with support
wear to another based on the weather
and account management services
at the time of send.”
– which is something that Gladwin believes distinguishes the company
from its competition. “Our in house ser
Cheetah Digital is an organisation
vices organisation have a very intimate
rooted in driving business outcomes.
understanding – not only of the client
To realise that it’s imperative to have
– but with our technology. This native
people lasered on business goals
expertise enables them to not only
rather than vanity metrics. “Whatever
consistently drive and deliver results
vertical you’re in, you need to focus
through implementation and design,
where engagement has moved from transactional to conversational gives brands more of an opportunity to engage, listen and influence customer behaviour. For too long marketing has been a decidedly one-way affair, with brands seeking to push their message louder and further into more intimate contacts. However it’s not better marketing, just better targeting. Using mobile to engage in true two-way com munications with consumers through legacy and emerging channels will be but also to enhance performance and
the next significant paradigm shift.”
ultimately revenue and profitability for track the right metrics, convert these
into tangibles like revenue and prove
The relationship between consumers
ROI. Through perpetually testing and
and enterprises is moving from physi
enhancing the use of mobile channels
cal to digital at such velocius pace
we can optimise these numbers.”
and to be effective managing mobile
our clients. We’re here to identify and
Looking at the mobile industry
channels and customer moments are
as a whole, Gladwin believes there
critical for driving engagement. This
are several major shifts emerging
has never been as important as it has
for mobile technology. “Devices
been in the past year or so, as market
have gone from being convenient to
and customer dynamics and consumer
connected and through this period,
priorities are changing – as consumers
content has evolved from being
are avoiding crowds, spending less
relatively basic to incredibly rich. The
time in stores and venues and increas
evolution of the channel ecosystem
ing their online activity. busi ne ssch ief . eu
When thinking about mobile and how it connects brands, consumers and touchpoints, it is an ecosystem that offers many channels. “SMS as we discussed earlier offers ubiquity, immediacy, engagement and familiarity, and of course gives the benefit of high confidence to deliver a message to all customers with it being read in a short time. If you were to receive a fraud alert, you would want to receive it via SMS so you could act quickly rather than an email. Apps hold value driving 26
convenience, immediacy and provide a non-restricted environment to rep resent a brand’s content. Having your
provides a gateway to reward loyal cus
app on a home screen is like having a
tomers with points or coupons.”
prominently placed billboard and offers
Clearly there’s lots to ruminate, but
a streamlined pathway to gain informa
Gladwin is clear “above all the most
tion such as bank account details or a
important decision maker in channel
call-to-action where your airline seat
choice is that of the customer and
reservation may be open to confirm.
every enterprise should actively seek
Apps also open up the opportunity to
preferences and correspond with their
trigger real time messages based on
communications accordingly.”
activities such as in app behaviours or geo-location.”
“Mobile wallet is fast emerging as
When discussing the impact of COVID-
another convenience touchpoint for
19 so far in the industry, Gladwin says
consumers, from paying for coffee or
“There has been an elevated impor
catching a train, but for marketers it
tance during COVID to support the
27 lack of physical customer engagement
Recent research shows that app
and rise of eCommerce to substitute
utilisation is up 50% and the pandemic
physical relationships. For example we
has accelerated the enterprise digital
have a supermarket client in France
communication strategy – on average –
who sent out a message to all of their
by about six years. “Moving companies
customers in March detailing their new
forward in that strategy, mobile again
store opening and closing times along
is becoming even more key. To be
with their online ordering capabilities.
successful you need to be where your
So in terms of driving clarity in an ambig
customers are, and that is no longer
uous environment, SMS has been a great
physical engagement. With the rise of
way to cut through the noise, to be able
remote customers, mobile is going to
to go through a different channel that
be the key to success.”
isn’t suffering from buffering and other issues, to get immediate important mes sages across during this time.” busi ne ssch ief . eu
L E A D E R S H I P & S T R AT E G Y
Exploring the fundamentals of stakeholder engagement WRITTEN BY
busi ne ssch ief. eu
L E A D E R S H I P & S T R AT E G Y
Ntyatyi Petros (Absa Group), details the fundamentals of stakeholder engagement and how the process is evolving as a result of technology innovation
n its most basic form, stakeholder engagement is centred around the cultivation and mainte nance of mutually beneficial relationships with
those that have both a direct or indirect impact on an organisation. With this in mind, Ntyatyi Petros, Head of Group Stakeholder Relations at Absa
Group explains to Business Chief that “stake holder engagement is a critical value-creating process that furthers the growth ambitions of a company.” These types of engagements develop meaningful platforms to share information about a company’s business, social, political and physical environment, as well as its plans and processes. “Stakeholder engagement is an iterative process that involves ongoing engagement, monitoring, evaluation, and re-engaging with stakeholders to reinforce key messages,” adds Petros.
THE BENEFITS VS. THE CHALLENGES THE CREATION OF TRUST “Without trust, very little business can take place,” comments Petros. Stakeholder DECEMBER 2020
“ Stakeholder engagement is a critical value-creating process that furthers the growth ambitions of a company” — Ntyatyi Petros, Head of Group Stakeholder Relations at Absa Group
busi ne ssch ief. eu
L E A D E R S H I P & S T R AT E G Y
“ Organisations must be clear from the start what they seek to achieve from engagement with stakeholders” — Ntyatyi Petros, Head of Group Stakeholder Relations at Absa Group
engagement improves the under standing of the interests and expectations of key stakeholders as well as generating shared values.
A SOCIAL LICENCE TO OPERATE “In the business world, stakeholder engagement is essential to the bottom line,” says Petros. If done correctly and consistently stakeholder engagement gives an organisation a social licence to operate, enabling stakeholders to advocate for the company.
COMMITMENT When it comes to stakeholder engage ment, commitment, time, and the ability to prioritise and allocate resources for max imum impact is a challenge. “Effective engagement can be compromised by
How Mobile Network Operators are evolving and investing to service everyone CLICK TO WATCH
33 an ability or willingness of stakeholders
consistent dialogue with stakeholders
to move beyond their own narrow sec
to listen, learn, understand and influ
toral interests,” comments Petros.
ence the relationship to get the best outcome for both parties.” As a result a
strategy must coincide with a policy that
Stakeholder engagement is not a
will guide engagement to be meaningful,
‘one off event’. Petros explains that “it
consistent and ongoing, to avoid confu
takes a great deal of patience, effort
sion, duplication and resource wastage.
and proactive engagement to shift
“Organisations must be clear from the
negative stakeholders into a positive
start what they seek to achieve from
disposition and keep them as allies.”
engagement with stakeholders. They
When it comes to getting the most
must understand what is important to
out of stakeholder engagement opera
a varied group of stakeholders and
tions, Petros explains that engagements
importantly, how they must engage
“must be underpinned by frank and
them to get the best influence.” busi ne ssch ief. eu
L E A D E R S H I P & S T R AT E G Y
• identify all stakeholders that are critical to the business • Profile the critical stakeholders, ascertaining their disposition towards the company. Are they allies, hostile or neutral towards the company? Should they be advocates of the company?
• Develop a communication and engagement model that is underpinned by the company’s key messages - Ntyatyi Petros, Head of Group Stakeholder Relations, Absa Group
EXPLODING THE FUNDAMENTALS With the entrant of fast-evolving technological capabilities, Petros iden tifies that “technology has exploded and fundamentally changed the way people connect, which is evident in stakeholder engagement.” With the availability of multiple channels of engagement - each with their own DECEMBER 2020
“ Technology has exploded and fundamentally changed the way people connect, which is evident in stakeholder engagement” — Ntyatyi Petros, Head of Group Stakeholder Relations at Absa Group
benefits and challenges - stakeholder engagement professionals need to be able to choose the most appropri ate channels of communication in order to maintain the fundamental purpose of stakeholder engage ment. “Engagement is no longer a top-down process, companies are seeing greater demand for consulta tion and meaningful engagement from their stakeholders. There is constant change and the external environment is shifting rapidly,” adds Petros. Another distinctive shift in stake holder engagement operations highlighted by Petros is “stronger collaboration between different profes sionals e.g. stakeholder engagement busi ne ssch ief. eu
L E A D E R S H I P & S T R AT E G Y
“ Stakeholder engagement is becoming increasingly about holding each other accountable and ensuring that we retain our commitments and moral authority” — Ntyatyi Petros, Head of Group Stakeholder Relations at Absa Group DECEMBER 2020
managers, media relations managers, social media specialists and managers of corporate social investment to give stakeholders a holistic experience.” Following the impact of COVID-19, Petros expects the shift of ‘embed dedness’ into everyday business decision-making, when it comes to stakeholder engagement to continue to increase. “There is already an appre ciation of the need for collaboration and co-creation of solutions. A trend that I am seeing is the recognition that
stakeholders must put greater effort
comments Petros, who concludes that,
in leveraging each other’s strengths
“stakeholder engagement is becoming
to obtain greater impact and work
increasingly about holding each other
towards achieving common goals.”
accountable and ensuring that we retain
Reflecting on stakeholder engage
our commitments and moral author
ment, Petros sees greater use of data,
ity. Previously, stakeholders would be
data analytics and other intelligence
reluctant to hold companies to account
gathering mechanisms in its future to
for fear of losing relationship benefits.
improve decision making. “Stakeholder
However, stakeholders are becoming
engagement is already increasingly
much more emboldened.”
seeking to predict and anticipate emerg ing risks and scenarios to introduce better insights into the organisation,” busi ne ssch ief. eu
EY: Collaboration Between Humans and AI in HR
busi ne ssch ief. eu
Business Chief EMEA discusses the rise of human and AI collaboration in HR operations with Ray Joyce and Steve Gill HR Services at EY
In the last decade, the rise of artificial intel ligence (AI) has been exponential. By the end of 2020, the AI industry is expected to have a
total revenue of US$156.5bn, with 80% of emerg ing technologies having AI foundations as we enter into 2021. While the International Data Corporation
(IDC) expects investment in AI to be impacted by the outbreak of COVID-19, the corporation still predicts that the worldwide revenue will surpass US$300bn by 2024, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.1%. With this in mind, Business Chief spoke to Ray Joyce, Global Talent Predictive AI Lead, HR Services and Steve Gill, Global Talent AI Lead, HR Services at EY to discuss the rise of human and AI collaboration in HR operations. Working in the industry, Joyce identifies two major trends that are currently occurring in the industry, “I think one major trend that is being shown at the present time is to provide HR and, in turn, organisations with greater insight to their data.” He highlights that harnessing machine
busi ne ssch ief. eu
U S E C A S E S O F A I I N H R : C H AT B O T S A N D C A R E E R P L A N N I N G
“A chatbot enables employees to ask HR-related questions in a ‘safe-place’, but can also relay insights in data directly to the employee. Learning recommenders can be used to help them learn new skills, which nudges and prompts to promote engagement. Career planning scenarios can help employees model what their future career path in
an organisation can look like, and how to get there. For candidates, automated screening and sourcing removes the need for a recruiter to sift through multiple CVs (all of which are done objectively).” Steve Gill, Global Talent AI Lead, HR Services at EY
learning at an organisational level
are beginning to replace (in a limited
helps identify trends in data which may
fashion) Employee Self-Service
not have been easily identified before.
portals and beginning to carry out
“From an employee perspective, the
transactions, such as a change of
biggest trend is most definitely chat
address. This level of automation will
bots – which not only provide a fast
only increase as companies become
and reliable place for an individual to
more confident in allowing AI to com
have questions answered but also a
plete tasks on behalf
safe environment, where they can ask
on an individual,”
any question they like and get a per
comments Gill,
sonalised answer back in real time.”
who adds that
While agreeing with Joyce, Gill does
“for instance, a
predict that the future will move away
recruiter could
from using AI solely for insights in
raise a new req
data and chatbots, and become more
uisition; as soon
centred around automation. “This is
as this has been
already being seen in chatbots which
completed, busi ne ssch ief. eu
44 H U M A N S A N D A I : H R T R E N D S A S A R E S U LT O F C O V I D - 1 9
“Quick access to information, be it answering questions from employees about what COVID means to them in the workplace through providing insights into all the data that could affect a business, are just two solutions we used at EY. Our internal chatbot was quickly updated to help provide real time answers to employees around simple questions ranging from the mechanics of suddenly having to work from home to personal wellbeing, eg ‘How do
I isolate and continue to work?.’ We also ingested the enormous amount of data that suddenly became available, using AI to cut through the padding and speculation, allowing EY to analyse this real data to help us better understand the effect the pandemic would/could have on our business and our clients.” Steve Gill, Global Talent AI Lead, HR Services at EY
the system has already reviewed the
‘know’ their people. AI allows talent
current talent pool(s) available and
teams to analyse the data in ways that
made recommendations on who would
they have never been able to in the past.
be a good fit – and more critically why.
With this insight also comes the ability
Process mining can review current HR
to automate many tasks based on the
processes and make recommenda
data in a way that is not only consist
tions on savings based on budgets,
ent but also objective.” However, Gill
time and people.”
comments that while this is certainly
Identifying that talent is the most
a benefit for organisations, “HR data
expansive resource that an organi
is not always ‘clean’ - as any company
sation has, and typically the most
that has done a data migration will know
expensive. Joyce explains that, while
- so there may be tasks needed to ready
the digital footprint that employees
the data. Once this has taken place, it
generate on a daily basis is significant,
will be of utmost importance that the
before many companies do not always
rules and mechanisms used follow the
The Future of HR is Digital | Kiran Jadav & Steve Gill CLICK TO WATCH
busi ne ssch ief. eu
organisation’s inclusion, equality and
AI adoption strategy, it is important to
diversity principles, so that trust can
“ensure that there is an ethics and bias
be achieved.”
review team in place which contains
While there are a lot of AI solutions out
members of the HR team. Ensure that
there, Joyce states that organisations
every step of the journey they are part of
must “see through the ‘sales’ and ensure
the team and understand the AI. Ensure
that the solutions are tied to key metrics
HR knows that they own the solution
within the business case. Start small -
and that it is their AI. In addition, do
but think big!”
not plan or structure your strategy so
Agreeing with Joyce, Gill explains that
that you have to have everything 100%
when it comes to developing an effective
accurate; AI needs to learn and to make
“it is important that HR teams feel involved in the AI solutions. AI should not be ‘done to’ but ‘with’. Most of the data or processes that AI will change or replace will be owned by the HR or People teams and it is very important that the ownership stays with them. Letting the HR team have a say in how the AI will operate will help drive the adoption and take away uncertainty. It is important that content owners trust the AI to make the right decision or answer the question correctly, espe 47
cially in an area like HR.” Ultimately Joyce concludes that when it comes to the collaboration of humans and AI in HR operations, “An open mind is critical. Technology is changing rapidly and what may be true today can mistakes, bring your employee base
change tomorrow.” As a result, organi
with you, let them have a say in what they
sations need to be agile in their thinking.
want so that solutions are meaningful to
Joyce also highlights that emerging
them. It’s all fine having the most techy,
technology is not perfect to begin with,
whizzy solution, but if
and there may be failures along the way.
it is not what the employee or business
“Having strong stakeholders, a resilient
wants, then basically it just turns into
culture, and accepting potential failures
an expense and the budget could have
as a learning curve instead of a reason
been used elsewhere.”
to stop will allow companies to keep
Further to Gill’s explanation of an effective strategy, Joyce adds that
moving forward, and then ultimately reap huge rewards.” busi ne ssch ief. eu
busi ne ssch ief. eu
in the western region of Saudi Arabia, started his career at KPMG in 2014. Chapra’s responsibili ties at KPMG include: leading M&A transactions, group restructuring assignments and business valuations, as well as specialised advisory services to the government of Saudi Arabia and leading family businesses. Prior to KPMG, Chapra has held executive positions at Panda Retail Company and the Savola Group.
WHAT IS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, AND WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF SUCH SERVICES? Investment management is the service provided by professionals in the management of financial assets and investment assets for an entity or an individual based on an agreed upon investment plan.
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“ BLOCKCHAIN COULD SAVE INVESTMENT MANAGERS APPROXIMATELY US$2.7BN THROUGH THE USE OF DISTRIBUTED MARKET INFRASTRUCTURE”” — Fuad Chapra, Head of Family Business at KPMG (Saudi Levant Cluster) and Head of Advisory in the western region of Saudi Arabia
in their investment that matches their risk profile and the desired investment horizon, commonly through the invest ment in funds. Furthermore, investment manage ment service providers would typically work to re-balance the investment portfolios based on the latest trends and analysis, thereby taking this bur den away from the investor.
WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES OF INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND WHEN ARE THESE TYPES OF SERVICES BENEFICIAL FOR BUSINESSES? There are costs associated with investments through an investment management service provider – the
Professional investment manage ment services offer a wide array of
fee that is required to be paid to the investment manager. This could
benefits. The primary benefit to inves tors is that this allows them to obtain advice and recommendations from experts in the field of investment and those that specialise in various types of investment. More importantly for individual investors, investment management services allow an easier means for the investor to achieve diversification busi ne ssch ief. eu
of the performance of the endowments of Yale and Harvard, both of which are amongst the largest university endow ments in the world. With a staff of 30, Yale believes in the model of managing investment managers. Harvard, on the other hand, has had staff up to more than 200 individuals and performed a hybrid of selecting its own investments and managing investor managers.
Similar to other industries, technology either be on the basis of a percentage
has become increasingly important to
of assets under management and/or a
enhance customer experience. This
percentage of profits over a specified
includes digital onboarding of new cus
amount. This implies that if the inves
tomers and providing transparent and
tor had invested in the same assets by
up-to-date information on the status
themselves, then the investor would
of the customers’ investments.
generate a higher return. In addition to the benefits mentioned
Furthermore, there has been a sig nificant rise of robo-advisors which
earlier, engaging with an investment
automate investment management
management firm allows businesses to
through the use of algorithms, and
focus their efforts on their core opera
thereby making investment management
tions. Furthermore, it allows the business
services more accessible for a wider
to have flexibility when they want to
demographic, as well as an increase in
change their investment strategy. A
availability of exchange traded funds that
good example of this is the comparison
aim to mirror performance of a particular
all activity is verified and accurate.
By harnessing blockchain, invest-
Ultimately, this can reduce the time
ment managers can benefit from
and costs associated with conduct-
its smart controls and automation
ing verifications.
capabilities. With Blockchain’s business rules and computer protocols,
investment managers can run settle-
Blockchain technology can eliminate
ments without human interference
human error for investment manag-
and facilitate, verify, or enforce the
ers, by using real time track and trace
negotiation or performance of
audit trails.
a contract. Transaction ledgers Conducting transactions on block-
chain technology, all parties can
Adopting blockchain technology
gain transparent access to the
reduces transaction costs, as well as
data via a distributed network.
the need for infrastructure and the
This type of transaction can not
associated costs.
be altered without permission from the network, which means
Source: Accenture and IBM
busi ne ssch ief. eu
a significant impact on investment
management services. As an example,
COVID-19 has caused significant mar
Castalone estimated that blockchain
ket volatility, a reduction in deal volume
could save investment managers
and uncertainty in asset valuation. As a
approximately US$2.7bn through the
result, many investors have sought to
use of distributed market infrastructure.
shift towards less risky investments. In
Last but not least, artificial intelligence
contrast, sovereign wealth funds have
and machine learning are also antici
seen this as an opportunity to acquire
pated to change the way investment
equity investments at attractive valua
managers make investment decisions.
tions. COVID-19 has also accelerated
index. The US ETF market is expected to continue to be largest. However, the European ETF market is projected to have more aggressive growth. Blockchain is also expected to have
AI & Manufacturing in Asia — Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions: Microsoft Asia CLICK TO WATCH
digital transformation across all industry
as well. This includes opening and
segments, thereby warranting renewed
enhancing channels for digital wealth
diligence on investment recommenda足
and robo-advisory in addition to lev足
tions. In particular, equity investments in
eraging digital to enhance the overall
companies that may have traditionally
customer experience. It is important to
performed well may not necessarily be
note that the move towards digital will
a good investment if they fail to digitise
also increase the importance of cyber足
their business model and adjust to the
security and ensuring the protection of
new normal.
customer data. In terms of investment
Similarly, investment management
strategy, post COVID-19, investment
companies should seek an acceler足
management service providers are likely
ated pace of digitisation for themselves
going to seek out undervalued assets. busi ne ssch ief. eu
What Does it Mean to be a Digital Brand? WRITTEN BY
Business Chief speaks with leaders from McKinsey, Toluna and Ebiquity on what it means to be a digital brand and the best strategy to drive value
here are a number of definitions for what constitutes a digital brand. In this roundta ble, leading experts look at the difference
between digitally native companies and how tra
ditional companies are becoming digital. Business Chief also gains insight into what it means to be a digital brand in today’s world, as well as the ways in which companies can drive the most value out of their digital brand strategy.
THOSE PARTICIPATING IN THE ROUNDTABLE INCLUDE: JP: Jesko Perrey, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company MM: Michele Morelli, EVP, Global Marketing Strategy, Toluna AM: Angus McLean, Director at Ebiquity
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“ It is virtually impossible to segment a traditional brand from a digital brand today because social media and the internet are ubiquitous” — Michele Morelli, EVP, Global Marketing Strategy, Toluna
WHAT IS A DIGITAL BRAND? JP: ‘Digital brand’ can often be mis leading because too many companies
T H E I M PA C T O F C O V I D -1 9
think that it’s simply doing what you already do but using digital channels.
Thanks to COVID-19, the adoption of digital that would have happened across all industries in a five to 10-year period happened in six months. Essentially, COVID-19 has stolen companies’ time to prepare for this development. Combine that with the latest and greatest trends which are personalisation, being human and being socially responsive and my advice would be: be yourself and don’t try to play an artificial game.
This is much more about a mindset. A digital brand is a brand that anticipates and is responsive to their customers’ needs. To do this at scale, companies rely on flexible technologies, com prehensive data sets, and advanced analytics. Given the profound shift to digital during COVID-19, every brand needs to be a digital brand. MM: There are two ways to look at digital brands. One is a brand that exists solely within the ecosystem of the digital environment. Huffington Post and Twitter are both digital brands. The other, and more interest ing, perspective is digital brand as
Jesko Perrey, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company
part of a ‘traditional’ brand’s identity and strategy that acknowledges and leads with the importance of its online presence, user experience and busi ne ssch ief. eu
engagement. It is virtually impossible
being developed in a productive way.
to segment a traditional brand from
Influencer marketing, for better or
a digital brand today because social
worse, is also part of digital marketing.
media and the internet are ubiquitous.
The steps from an unboxing video view ing to purchase are much shorter than
for personalisation in messaging and
MM: One trend we are seeing is
communications. Especially in the
the continued blurring of brand and
current environment, digital brands
acquisition marketing. The stand
are expected to not only adapt their
ard customer journey path taught
communications messaging and
35 years ago has been completely
tone to reflect the circumstances,
disrupted. The path to purchase is
but to change their product and ser
not linear; today it’s more a jumbled
vices offering. This is where market
mess. People are consuming content
research – especially platform-based,
for entertainment and the ‘time-to-
agile research – is key.
in a non-digital world. Another trend is the greater need
purchase’ window has been greatly
JP: Two stand out. One is person
reduced across the board. In social
alisation, which is the ability to tailor
media, shoppable posts are now
offers, products, services, and com munications to individual customers wherever they are in their decision journey. These brands harness technology and insights to always be relevant to their customers. The other is the ability to continually pivot and innovate. That requires an operating model that constantly looks for new opportunities and develops new ways to tap those opportunities so they can
FoRfest2020 - Brand Building by Responding to Shifting Consumer Needs in Real-Time CLICK TO WATCH
63 stay ahead of competitors wherever
will fall and the friction for consumers
they emerge.
to purchase from these brands will erode away. We have already seen the
introduction of seamless, one-touch,
AM: The future was always bright for
stores and Amazon marketplace.
digital brands, a growing and highly
However, COVID has accelerated
connected customer base, easily
digital transformation among almost all
accessible target audiences through
companies to varying degrees, includÂ
major digital platforms, being able to
ing traditional incumbents.
move faster than larger more traditional
end-to-end ecommerce with Facebook
JP: The human touch is becoming
competitors and not being restricted
hugely important. In response, digital
by geography or physical retail. As
brands will get more human and more
the world moves evermore online, the
personal. They will be much smarter in
barriers to entry for new digital brands
terms of spending and more diligent in busi ne ssch ief. eu
measurement and optimisation. The variety of channels is so huge now, and the ways that customers use them change so often, that brands have to be much more diligent about how they spend. Across all countries measured in our global consumer sentiment surveys, consumers revealed that they are turn ing to digital and reduced-contact ways of accessing products and services. In the UK, 71% of consumers stated that they had tried a new shopping behaviour, with 16% stating that they had tried a 64
new digital shopping method. As these habits further evolve, granular data analysis and disciplined marketing-per formance management will be essential for brands to stay in touch with their cus tomers and drive MROI. In addition, we’re seeing corporate purpose, environmental considerations, the balance of individual time and all social topics (such as Black Lives Matter and diversity) driving the consumer agenda. As such, there are many poten tial areas for getting it wrong. Again, this is really about developing deep and meaningful connections with customers based on a deep understanding of what they care about, want, and need. DECEMBER 2020
“ The human touch is becoming hugely important. In response, digital brands will get more human and more personal” — Jesko Perrey, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company
MM: Voice and audio will be the next
aren’t using a click to engage. Audio
frontier for digital brands. It’s impor
branding and sound logos will become
tant to note that digital brands evolve
increasingly important.
as consumer behaviour evolves. And what their presence looks like in a more
non-visual world. Right now, UX, UI and
JP: The basics still hold: you need to
design are an integral part of a digital
provide something that your custom
brand, but brands must think about what
ers value. But with ‘digital’ at the core,
interactions will look like when people
you can react more quickly, test new
now, digital brands need to understand
busi ne ssch ief. eu
opportunities cheaply, be much
Marketers have to work closely with IT,
more precise about how you con
sales, operations, finance, etc, to make
nect with customers, and go after a
digital work. On the other hand, just
much more granular and widespread
because digital gives you the oppor
set of opportunities. Is it even possible
tunity to do more doesn’t mean that
to be a ‘non-digital’ brand in today’s
you should do it. Privacy, security and
purpose are all issues that consumers
The challenges are huge. On the
care deeply about, and brands need to
one hand, it requires a new order of
continually balance how they want to
collaborative leadership to manage
connect with customers with the need
the complexity of technology and
to maintain trust with them.
data-driven marketing at an unprec edented degree of granularity. DECEMBER 2020
MM: All brands are now digital brands. The differentiators are;
“ Is it even possible to be a ‘non-digital’ brand in today’s environment?” — Jesko Perrey, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company
brands in reaching potential customers on digital platforms. Another benefit of being a digital brand is the ability to turn on, turn off and change strategy quickly based on data and insights gathered through digital channels. Being able to dynamically and at reasonably low cost produce and
prioritisation of digital, emphasis on
iterate creative, product messaging
the UX and UI and integration of digi
to what works is a huge advantage.
tal platforms in customer service and
However, building consumer confi
products. This all equates to simplicity
dence and brand credibility without a
for the consumer. For instance, with
physical retail presence is a challenge.
digital, you can open a bank account
Can your brand be trusted to deliver?
quickly to secure the best interest
Does it actually exist or is there risk of
rate online. The offline method seems
an online scam?
obsolete and laborious. The benefit
Many small businesses establish
is clear: the better and easier it is for
ing themselves as digital first brands
consumers to do business with you,
are bootstrapping and don’t have the
the more market share you gain.
deep pockets to compete with more
However, for all digital brands,
established brands. As with any small
customer service is challenging and
business, people are wearing many
must be a top priority. If you need to
hats and might be the HR, marketing
reach an actual person at Facebook
and logistics person in one. However
or Google to fix a problem or answer a
the ability to find talented contrac
question, good luck! Customer service
tors and online tools to help has never
doesn’t exist for some of these large
been easier. Many online brands out
digital brands. Amazon got this right.
source key functions like shipping and
AM: A major benefit is the ability to
logistics and never actually house the
compete against well-established
physical product. busi ne ssch ief. eu
‘learn to walk before you run.’ A good
JP: You need to pull it back to the prin
ferentiation) and which really focuses on
ciple of good marketing/branding. The
what your brand stands for. In addition,
rules of good marketing and branding
one of the key features for an effective
are being distinctive and being differenti
strategy is the right people. Key people
ated. That’s particularly important to
are the core differentiator and make
revisit now as consumers are re-evalu
the magic happen. They are the scarc
ating what’s important to them and their
est resource in digital and non-digital
families. Even more important is the rule,
brands. Another is to combine creativity
digital strategy, therefore, is a strategy that focuses on the core elements (dif
(often an element that is underplayed in digital brands) and match it with superior advanced analytics to ensure long-term success. Advanced analytics allow you to personalise, select elements that are appropriate, and allow you to spend effi ciently. When companies get that right, their investments generate value quickly
“ The ability to find talented contractors and online tools to help has never been easier” — Angus McLean, Director at Ebiquity
and they develop strong relationships based on trust with their customers.
within an organisation. Moving offline
MM: Put the customer at the centre of
research processes online allows you
your strategy. Understand: how do they
to keep the customer close while also
engage online, where they are going, and
maintaining the integrity and quality of
what content are they consuming? As a
your research.
digital brand, these questions are para
AM: The most effective strategy is one
mount. Digital tracking is an effective
that gets implemented, which generally
way to spot changes in digital search and
means keeping it simple. Defining the
buying behavior. With access to in-app
vision and setting goals, establishing a
buying behaviour and mobile search, our
timeline and clearly communicating the
clients use digital tracking to understand
strategy to everyone who needs to be
when and how consumers shop. Brands
involved. A strategy cannot be effective
should also focus on user centric design.
if people are not aware of it and have not
A good UX designer always has the con
bought into the vision.
sumer at the centre of their design. With
Management support is also key to
this approach, users are at the centre of
any digital initiative. They require invest
every step of the design process.
ment in tools and people but progress
Digital is not only about the external,
is better than standing still so don’t over
it’s about the internal. Employing digital
complicate it. Set goals, use data, test,
technology in areas like research speeds
iterate, support successes and learn
up decision-making and creates agility
from failures. busi ne ssch ief. eu
Cisco:How to Get the Most Value Out of IoT WRITTEN BY
busi ne ssch ief. eu
Business Chief speaks with Vikas Butaney, Vice President & General Manager, Cisco IoT on how to get the most value out of the internet of things (IoT) TAKING IT BACK TO BASICS, WHAT IS IOT? Vikas Butaney, Vice President and General Manager of Cisco IoT, defines the internet of things (IoT) as a set of technologies that extends connectivity to edge devices and a wide range of ‘things’ to extract value from business data 72
and accelerate digitalisation. An example of IoT powered devices in an operational setting include automated robots that need to work 24/7 with no interruption in their communications in a pick and pack distribution centre or manufacturing facility. In all cases where IoT is deployed, Butaney emphasises the importance of a secure and reli able communication system as foundational to success with this technology.
“ Securely connecting IoT devices is paramount” — Vikas Butaney, Vice President & General Manager, Cisco IoT
61% of enterprises show a high level of IoT maturity, Gartner
75bn of enterprises show a high level of IoT maturity, Gartner
127 new devices are connect to the Internet every second, McKinsey
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3. Establish cross-functional teams
1. Be strategic and maintain focus.
4. Ensure that technology partners
It is important to understand the
have a high level of experience in
objectives and use cases before
your industry and the market power
designing IoT connectivity and
to maintain business operations for
decades. Butaney notes that “these
that have shared business objectives.
types of operational settings have a 2. Avoid having a site by site, custom deployment of IoT. Instead, define
long shelf life. It is important to make sure that IoT solutions do too.”
company-wide standards, which are deployed step by step across
5. In addition to ensuring technology
the company as facilities are
partners have a high level of indus
built or refreshed. “This standard
try experience, it is also important to
approach will drive the greatest
engage IoT partners at every stage
amount of efficiency at all levels
to accelerate learning and over
of the organisation.”
come challenges. busi ne ssch ief. eu
“ Video and mission critical communications over wireless are exploding edge bandwidth requirements and requiring new wireless technologies to support near-zero latency connectivity” — Vikas Butaney, Vice President & General Manager, Cisco IoT
THE CHALLENGES IOT Complexity: frequently operational settings across industries are legacy
systems that have been around for
Productivity improvements: the
decades. As a result rolling out new
capabilities of IoT are enabling
solutions with IoT can be complex.
improved operational efficiency such as: reduced downtime, improved
Security: when deploying IoT solu
resilience and efficiency, as well as
tions, organisations need visibility
improved output and speed.
on what is connected and potential threats. It is important for organisa
New customer experiences:
tions to leverage IoT security tools
Cisco’s Control Center connects
to ensure that they are not vulnerable
over 60 million cars, enabling new
to cyberattacks.
driver experiences, shile machine builders and device makers use
Scalability: With IoT being com
Cisco Control Center to connect
plex to deploy and manage at scale.
100 million devices offering their
Butaney explains that IoT projects
customers new capabilities.
require a strong partnership between IT and OT in order to build scalable
Improving the way people work:
and secure projects for lower lifetime
improving workplace safety, produ-
TCO. “Bespoke projects are hard to
tivity, efficiency and revenue.
sustain over time.”
Vikas Butaney, Cisco | Cisco Live EU Barcelona 2020 CLICK TO WATCH
for high bandwidth, low latency wire
With 75 billion IoT devices expected
devices on the move, “this wireless
to be connected by 2025, Butaney
connectivity to ‘things’ in motion is
details that “securely connecting IoT
frequently much more demanding
devices is paramount,” but requires
than connecting data to people over
a new level of security vigilance than
wireless. Video and mission critical
before. As a result it is important to
communications over wireless in min
implement IoT security solutions out
ing, ports, manufacturing, trains and
side of traditional network firewalls.
roadways are exploding edge band
In doing this, IoT devices can be con
width requirements and requiring new
nected securely and continuously
wireless technologies to support near-
monitored for potential threats.
zero latency connectivity.”
Another key trend highlighted by Butaney is the increased demand
less. With the increase in connected
In addition to security and high band width, low latency wireless, Butaney busi ne ssch ief. eu
E M E R G I N G I O T T R E N D S A S A R E S U LT O F C O V I D - 1 9
IoT has become a CXO-level conversation again: IoT’s value proposition is rapidly expanding from productivity, efficiency, and new services to enabling the board-level topic of 2020 - business resiliency. Businesses need to rapidly adjust operations based upon the workforce availability, supply chain interruptions, and changing customer expectations – exactly the places where IoT now sits. IoT is delivering secure remote operations: over the last few years, the focus for IoT was on connecting devices to tap into new data for analytics. Now, in response to COVID, there is an added requirement to enable remote operations for both business resiliency and cost efficiency. This will fundamentally change how IoT devices will be connected.
IoT is now accelerating the move to a new class of networking: companies need secure remote access to IoT devices for diagnostics and remote technicians, in addition to remote controlling and operating IoT devices. This new dependence on IoT raises the bar on secure remote access requirements, including: • Connectivity for IoT devices requiring increased bandwidth • Extremely low latency wireless connectivity for applications at high speed • C ybersecurity to protect expansion of the threat surface • Network automation to make deploying and managing IoT devices at scale doable with finite resources • Edge computing for when going to the cloud is too slow to support real-time edge processes and analysis is needed closer to the IoT device
79 highlights the role 5G will play in the
weaknesses that address specific
future of IoT. “Wireless technologies
goals. The same is true for connectiv
are a key pillar of IoT and 5G has
ity needs in IoT deployments.”
huge promise,” comments Butaney,
With organisations needing a
who also states that, by 2023, 34%
cohesive strategy that doesn’t result
of all mobile connections will be IoT
in costs, complexity and security
connections, up from 13% in 2018.
risks, particularly in a post COVID-19
However, he does emphasise that
world, Butaney explains that there is
there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach.
an increased need for business resil
“Think of your mobile phone: one type
iency and remote operations. “These
of wireless technology doesn’t meet
needs are driving an evolution of
all your needs. You have LTE/5G
automation systems to be more end-
cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and
to-end connected, more autonomous,
NFC - at least five wireless technolo
and able to be remotely supervised
gies - each with their strengths and
via IoT connectivity.” busi ne ssch ief. eu
“ This wireless connectivity to ‘things’ in motion is frequently much more demanding than connecting data to people over wireless” — Vikas Butaney, Vice President & General Manager, Cisco IoT DECEMBER 2020
Butaney recommends a four-step process for picking the right IoT wireless technology to reduce costs, complexity and security risks: 1. Decide what IoT device you are going to connect 2. Decide the application requirements - latency, reliability, cost, thrupu, etc 3. Decide the deployment scope indoors or outdoors, over miles or a few hundred feet 4. Assess the technology options against those requirements Overall, Butaney expects IoT to continue to deliver radical transforma tion across industries. “In a sense, the future is now. IoT is already critical today for many businesses. This will only become more pervasive.” Just a few examples of the future and
Combined, businesses, governments and consumers will invest nearly
US$1.6trn to install IoT solutions in 2020, PwC
current impacts of IoT include: con necting intersections to reduce traffic and improve road safety; connecting robots to reduce machine downtime through predictive maintenance; and connecting workers to improve worker safety ( measuring worker proximity in an age of pandemics). busi ne ssch ief. eu
T O P 10
Mergers and Acquisitions of the Last Two Decades Business Chief ranks – by year – its top 10 mergers and acquisitions made by companies in the EMEA region over the last two decades
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T O P 10
JUNE 17 2020
Saudi Aramco acquires 70% stake in SABIC
June 2020 saw Saudi Aramco acquire a 70% stake in SABIC, a pub lic petrochemicals manufacturer, based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The transaction - totaling US$69.1bn - was said to be consistent with the energy and chemical company’s long-term strategy to expand its integrated refining and petrochemicals capacity, as well as derive value from the hydrocarbon chain. “The completion of this transaction marks an important step in Aramco’s continuous drive to develop a global integrated Downstream business designed to add value across the hydro carbon chain. As SABIC joins the Aramco family of companies, we expect to create synergies and add value through integra tion in procurement, supply chain, manufacturing, marketing and sales,” commented Abdulaziz Al-Gudaimi, Senior Vice President of Downstream, Saudi Aramco.
APRIL 6 2020
Safaricom and Vodacom jointly acquire M-PESA
In a joint announcement made by Safaricom and Vodacom the two organisations Acquired the M-PESA brand, product development and support services from Vodafone as part of the two’s joint ven ture. The joint acquisition aimed to accelerate the growth of M-PESA in Africa, as well as develop opportunities to expand. “For Safaricom, we’re excited that the management, support and development of the M-PESA platform has now been relocated to Kenya, where the journey to transform the world of mobile payments began 13 years ago. This new partnership with Vodacom will allow us to consolidate our platform development, synchronise more closely our product roadmaps, and improve our operational capabilities into a single, fully converged Centre of Excellence,” commented Michael Joseph, outgoing Safaricom CEO, on the acquisition.
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6 Ways Inventory Management Fuels Supply Chain Explore How Inventory Management Enables Supply Chain to Reach Its Fullest Potential For most businesses, the supply chain is not only the primary cost centre but one of the most challenging aspects of running a profitable operation. This ebook examines the role of inventory management in each step of the supply chain and share best practices for how businesses can use inventory management to optimise and run a more profitable operation. Download Ebook Now
APRIL 1 2020
Capgemini acquires 98% of Altran Technologies
As of April 1 2020, Capgemini acquired 98.15% of Altran Technologies, providing the company with 98.03% voting rights. With similar corporate cultures and operating models, the integra tion process of both companies provided the new group with greater capability to support industrial and technology companies in their digital transformation journey. “We are satisfied with the outcome of this friendly tender offer, whose success allows us to hold more than 98% of the share capital, giving us access to all the value creation levers. We would like to thank all the Altran shareholders who tendered their shares, thus validating the soundness of our strategy and the industrial project we are proposing,” commented Paul Hermelin, Chairman and Aiman Ezzat, Chief Executive Officer, Capgemini Group on the acquisition.
busi ne ssch ief. eu
T O P 10
DATE JULY 8 2019
Orange completes 100% acquisition of SecureLink
July 2019, saw Orange complete an 100% acquisition of SecureLink in a US$611mn deal aimed at reinforcing its cybersecurity opera tions in Europe, to combat the increasing global threats. “It is a growing market that requires both a critical size to respond to the complexity of attacks and close proximity to customers. This new acquisition positions Orange as the industry leader in Europe, with more than 600 million euros in pro forma sales in 2018 and more than 2,100 cyber security experts,” commented Orange on the acquisition.
First Gulf Bank and National Bank of Abu Dhabi merger
July 3 2016, saw the boards of both First Gulf Bank (FGB) and the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) vote unanimously to merge the two banks. The merger transaction was approved by both organisations’ shareholders on December 7 2016, with the new entity changing its name to First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) in May 2017. “The launch of our new brand marks the culmination of the historic merger between National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) and FGB, and reflects the successful union of these two renowned institutions. FAB represents the genesis of a story, built upon our sturdy Abu Dhabi roots and is set to spark a movement dedicated to helping everyone we inter act with, to grow stronger. This is an exciting milestone, as we establish a new identity which draws on past achievements, whilst symbolising our vision for the future,” commented His Highness Sheikh Tahnoon Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of FAB.
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Pack the essentials for your business trip: Laptop Charger Business insights Payment solutions
From T&E expertise to business insights to payment solutions, the American Express Corporate Program gives you all the tools and services you need, so you’re fully prepared for business wherever you are. To learn more about the American Express Corporate Program, visit www.americanexpress.com.
FEBRUARY 15 2016
Royal Dutch Shell acquires BG Group
In a US$53bn deal, Royal Dutch Shell acquired the entire issued and to be issued share capital of BG Group plc. The acquisition of BG Group, came as a result of the company’s efforts to enhance free cash flow and accelerate its liquefied natural gas (LNG) and deep water opera tions to reshape the company. “This is an important moment for Shell. It significantly boosts our reserves and production and will bring a large injection to our cash flow. We have acquired productive oil and gas projects in Brazil and Australia and other key countries. We will now be able to shape a simpler, leaner, more competitive company, focusing on our core expertise in deep water and LNG,” commented Ben van Beurden, Chief Executive Officer, Royal Dutch Shell.
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MARCH 6 2007
National Bank of Dubai and Emirates Bank International merger
March 2007 saw the National Bank of Dubai (NBD) and Emirates Bank International (EBI) merge their operations to become the largest bank in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by assets. Following the merger the new entity was rebranded as Emirates NBD. “The integration of two of the UAE’s firmly established and bestknown financial institutions will create a UAE champion and a regional leader. This merger reinforces Dubai’s position as a world class financial centre,” commented His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.
Air France and KLM merger
With airline competition continuing to rise, September 2003 saw Air France and KLM merge their operations to become Air France KLM Group. The IPO was officially launched in 2004 on the Paris Euronext and Amsterdam markets as well as on the New York Stock Exchange. “Since May 2004, Air France and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines have become the largest European airline group: 1 group, 2 airlines, and 3 businesses. Each airline has retained its individual identity, trade name and brand. The 3 core businesses are Passenger Business, Cargo, and Engineering & Maintenance. Both airlines run their own operations from their respective hubs Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Amsterdam-Schiphol,� notes the group.
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Adaptability is not an aspiration. It’s a business asset.
“Applying Industry 4.0 processes has improved production decision making at 85% of manufacturers.” MPI Group study 2020 – read the study to learn more To survive in an era of volatile demand, uncertain supply, and constrained capacity, your organisation must be adaptable. Now is the time to commit to a new way of working that can help you adapt to supply chain disruptions, react to changes in demand, and capitalize on new opportunities. SAP will work with you as you move towards digitalization and Industry 4.0 in a company-wide, business strategy that focusses on data-driven customer attention and • Build intelligent, individualized products by connecting each customer’s voice to everything from product planning to delivery. • Meet the demands of customers looking for sustainability. • Create the kind of production process that adapts • Use intelligence and networks to integrate every machine, partner, and employee. • Connect the entire company, bringing together logistics, sales, and service, so every step is orchestrated. The SAP Digital Supply Chain portfolio supports industry 4.0, enables the digitalization of engineering, manufacturing, and asset operation processes, connects and automates machines and devices, and brings intelligence via AI and advanced analytics to an entire production process. This can help to continuously improve production performance, lower cost, and increase the agility and resiliency of your supply chain. Adaptability is no longer an aspiration, it’s a business asset that can help you stay connected to your customers, integrated with your partners, and ahead in your industry.
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Deutsche Post acquires DHL Dating back to 1998, Deutsche Post had a long standing interest in DHL International. Over the course of the next five years Deutsche Post continued to expand and intensify its interest in the company, acquiring a total 75% majority
stake in DHL In July 2002. By December 2002, DHL became a wholly owned sub sidiary of Deutsche Post after it acquired the remaining percentage. “The merging of capabilities is an exam ple of the synergies possible within the Deutsche Post World Net group of compa nies. The combined strength of Deutsche Post Global Mail’s network and DHL’s express network benefits customers with one of the most robust and technologically advanced global networks in the interna tional mail market offering convenience, efficiency and cost savings,” commented Randy Clark, Senior Vice President, the Americas, DHL Worldwide Express.
Annual General Meeting 2020: Interview with CEO Frank Appel CLICK TO WATCH
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France Telecom acquires Orange In a US$32.9bn deal, France Telecom acquired Orange in 2000 from Vodafone, establishing the company as the second largest mobile company in Europe at the time. As part of the acqui sition, France Telecom merged Orange, Itineris and its other mobile activities to create ‘New Orange’, and taking on US$2.3bn of its debt. “The acquisition of Orange and the creation of New Orange is a major step in France Telecom’s international strat egy to become a European leader and global player,” commented Michel Bon, Chairman, France Telecom.
MAY 30 2000
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MPaaS: A Value Proposition for the Next Decade WRITTEN BY
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Zoran Vasiljev, CEO at Centili, explains why MPaaS (monetisation platform as a service) could be a decade-defining trend in digital monetisation
hen McKinsey recently noted that the tel ecommunications industry has become even more central to how modern society
operates following COVID-19, it was all too familiar to people and companies building digital services for millennials and Gen Z. These individuals and businesses are immersed in the world of low atten tion spans and instant purchases, apps and mobile services, and the constant striving for frictionless user experiences. To them, mobile operators could open many doors and solve many problems, if they are willing to share the key. Beyond providing minutes and gigabytes, telecoms could indeed plug many of the essential components into the digital ecosystem. Think pay ing for taxi rides or app subscriptions with telco tariffs with one or two taps on the phone. Think onthe-go verification via the identity attributes MNOs (mobile network operators) can supply. Think engagement and user journey orchestration via texting and bots.
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many global markets. Learning apps, audiobook services and e-publishers are increasingly looking towards MNOs as partners in monetisation. To put it in play on a larger scale is not easy, but it’s doable. According to Zoran Vasiljev, CEO at the monetisa tion company Centili, carrier billing platforms and business practices have matured, and the time is ripe for a dif ferent approach. Since being founded in 2011, the company he is now leading The potential of carrier billing in the 104
has implemented countless payment
digital ecosystem is not a new story:
pages, flows and subscriptions with
buying a low-priced game token, a
hundreds of MNOs and digital mer
piece of music or social media item
chants. Wargaming, Badoo, iTaxi,
with a mobile phone and charging it
Bigo and 21st Century are some of
to a phone bill has been an appealing
them. As a technology partner, Centili
prospect for 20 years. Yet telco pay
has removed complexity and worked
ments have not risen to the universal
out ways to make carrier payments
availability and recognition.
easy to spot and use by customers,
Regulation, hesitation, and revenue
easy to manage and settle by mobile
split issues held the potential back.
operators, and easy to add to games,
Despite that, great examples of telco
websites and apps.
payments came to life in the past
Vasiljev believes that, in 2020, the
years, enabled by enthusiasts from
prerequisite expertise, platforms and
monetisation companies, MNOs and
knowledge needed to implement
agile developers. The gaming industry
and run carrier payments on a large
has gone a long way. Dating service
scale now exist, in ways that will not
‘Badoo’ excels in using telco billing in
only serve subscribers, MNOs and
merchants but also boost innovation in
Coded from scratch in 2011, it
the ecosystem. Their flagship product
has grown ever since, with constant
– Centili Maestro – is a cloud platform
upgrades reflecting the needs of tel
with key capabilities to do just that. It
ecoms and merchants from all corners
comprises APIs, a bundling platform,
of the world. Connected to 280 mobile
payment pages, portals, and dash
operators, Centili system can apply
boards. It smoothly integrates into
microcharges to mobile tariffs of over
MNOs existing business processes
four billion people, while managing
and billing platforms, adhering to the
subscriptions, bundles, opt-ins, and
highest security standards.
refunds, as well as revenue splits
Zoran Vasiljev Title: Group CEO
Company: Centili
Industry: Mobile Payments Location: London, UK Zoran Vasiljev is the Group CEO of Centili. He is an executive with extensive knowledge and legacy in building and running successful digital ventures. He is specialized in telecommunications, investment strategies, M&A, organizational transformation, marketing and product development, channel strategy and business development. Zoran has more than 25 years’ international experience in digital media, telecoms, and management consulting. Before joining Centili, he led projects in the EU, MENA and APAC, holding top executive and leadership roles with Apigate, Axiata Digital, StarHub, Arthur D. Little, Value Partners and Peppers & Rogers Group. He joined Centili in March 2020. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
and settlements. At the same time, it
running of their digital monetisa
enables MNOs a real-time view of the
tion ecosystem significantly. Centili
third-party charges happening over
handles commercial agreements and
their network. They can structure this
settlements with national and interna
part of their business professionally
tional merchants and integrates
and transparently, with monitoring,
them onto the billing platform.
analytics and alerting on multiple levels. Self-care portal for mobile
edge and capability, built through
subscribers is an important part of
consistent specialist work completed
the package, too.
over the last 10 years in Europe, Asia,
Such a proposition is increasingly
“It is the very core of Centili’s knowl
Middle East and Africa. This year
described as MPaaS (Monetisation
MPaaS has been gaining serious trac
Platform as a Service). For mobile
tion, with global markets recognising
network operators, it simplifies the
the value,” Vasiljev emphasises. Five
Centili SMS Payments flow demonstration CLICK TO WATCH
to use it to add gaming content to their portfolio. TV streaming services and video game developers are also seeing the benefits of using the Monetisation Platform as a Service model. As Vasiljev points out, the proposi tion reaches beyond the standard implementations have either started or
PaaS scope, as it includes business
finished since April. Several European
services and consultancy, and it’s
MNOs have turned to the MPaaS model
been evolving towards the Software
to launch digital services quickly, while
as a Service (SaaS), already including
skipping the long and expensive integra
many characteristics of that model.
tions on their legacy systems.
“Exciting times are ahead,” he con
Besides mobile network operators
cludes, as he firmly believes this to
there has been interest from other
be the winning proposition for digital
verticals. A major Nigerian aggregator,
monetisation in the upcoming decade.
‘21st Century’, is using Centili Maestro as an underlying platform for largescale projects seen as having a major impact on the digital transformation in Africa. European VoD platforms and cable TV STB providers are starting busi ne ssc h ief . eu
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n uncertain times, the benefit of a strong and enduring financial institution can be invaluable to maintaining the wellbeing
of communities. Wesleyan Assurance Society (Wesleyan) is a Birmingham-based company founded in 1841 that, across its long heritage, has 110
survived two world wars, several global depres sions, the 2008 financial crisis, and is currently weathering the storm of COVID-19. In all that time, and despite the difficulty, its dedication to “creating brighter financial futures” for trusted professionals, including doctors, dentists, teachers and lawyers, has remained robust, unshaken and secure. Group Chief Operating Officer David Stewart’s journey with Wesleyan began in April 2019, when he joined as Technology & Transformation Director, rising to his present role five months later. Originally trained as a chemist, Stewart found that his true passion lay in business, “I had my first foray in financial services back in 2008 when I joined what was HBOS, which was taken over by Lloyd’s in a matter of weeks.” Rising steadily to a
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Take back your time, capital, and resources to focus on what you do best Today’s business environment is more challenging than ever—your business needs to operate on a leaner budget, with your employees working remotely more frequently. To remain competitive and thrive amidst change, let Lenovo Device as a Service (DaaS) manage your device lifecycle, freeing your employees to stay dedicated to clients. Your business must get the best from each employee to succeed. IT has to empower your employees to stay focused no matter where they’re located. Whether you’re an up-and-coming small business or a global enterprise, Lenovo’s services portfolio offers a Device as a Service solution to keep your operations leaner, your costs lower, and your employees more productive.
Lenovo: Partners in productivity Rob Makin, WW Executive Director, Lenovo Device as a Service, explains how Modern IT can secure success and stability amid a market of uncertainty “We had to move very quickly when COVID-19 struck,” says Rob Makin. Makin, who has spent the past 25 years leading IT sales and business teams across Europe and APAC, is closing in on six years at Lenovo. There he heads up the worldwide Device as a Service (DaaS) business, helping companies adapt their IT infrastructure to empower employees and move away from the outmoded CapEx model. “This basically entails us managing the full life cycle of their devices,” Makin explains, likening it to a “mobile phone experience” requiring little input on the part of the end user. Lenovo handles distribution of devices - in the office or, more frequently these days, at home - remotely testing, loading software and preferences, and managing any issues or updates along the way. At the end of the chosen contract period, Lenovo collects the device, closing the loop. “From a productivity point, it’s a huge advantage; from an experience point, it’s a huge advantage, particularly when we are working from home and don’t have that IT specialist to go to,” Makin explains. Overhauling legacy IT systems “can take months or years,” he says, but a partnership approach “works best.” Lenovo has a close partnership with financial services leader Wesleyan. “We’re very proud of our relationship at Wesleyan. It’s very much a cohesive team, which makes the support of their workplace environment a simple thing. We also deliver predictability of cost, something that was important before the pandemic and is now even more vital for organisations.”
Rob Makin @ Lenovo
Lenovo DaaS ensures stability in user experience and cost-age at Wesleyan, but Makin says the two firms are collaborating on further transformations for the post-COVID market. “We are talking to Wesleyan about how we can implement Lenovo Device Intelligence, our predictive and proactive analytics, across their devices,” Makin says. “This means rather than a device having errors or faults, whether it be software or hardware, we want to be able to predict when it’s going to have an issue.” This flexibility will be key to the future success of businesses, says Makin. “And that’s certainly what we at Lenovo DaaS believe in; what we are developing and expanding to is to really look at Modern IT low-touch as a service. We want to really accelerate and support enterprises and the businesses moving forward as we come out of the pandemic.” lenovo.com/daas
our members and customers. That’s a goal I buy into wholeheartedly.”
number of executive positions within
Stewart states that he brings
the company, he relates that, when he
three aspects of his career outside
first heard about Wesleyan, he was
of finance (primarily retail and sales)
immediately drawn to its culture, his
to bear on his role as COO: customer-
tory and the opportunities it presented.
centricity, colleague focus and
“I was particularly attracted to the
commerciality. Although Wesleyan’s
company’s mutual heritage: we’re not
consistent capital strength has been
here to meet short-term shareholder
key to its enduring success, its will
goals; we’re here to deliver value for
ingness to adapt its services to the
changing needs of its clients has
across executive leadership,” Stewart
been equally important: “Our financial
explains, including a new CEO, COO
consultants meet our customers day-
(Stewart himself), Chief Distribution
to-day and we also get a lot of insights
Officer and, most recently, a new Chief
from professional advisory boards.”
Financial Officer. “We are confident
This willingness to evolve even per
that we are set up for the next phase
meates the structure of the C-suite:
of Wesleyan’s development.” This
“We’ve had a significant change
refers to the company’s accelerated
David Stewart 115
Title: Group Chief Operating Officer Industry: Financial Services
Location: Birmingham
David Stewart joined Wesleyan in April 2019 and became Group Chief Operating Officer in August. He has responsibility across Wesleyan for Change & Transformation, Technology, Cyber Security, Data & Analytics, Customer Operations, Procurement and Workplace Services. Prior to joining Wesleyan, David spent over 10 years at Lloyds Banking Group in a number transformation and operational roles, latterly as Chief Operating Officer for the Group Services division. Before joining Lloyds, David’s career spanned retail (Asda), FMCG (Mars) and telecommunications (Phones4U). This broad experience has been the foundation for David’s passion to deliver lasting change which benefits customers and colleagues. David is the recently appointed co-Chair of the fintech arm of SuperTech, the newly formed professional services cluster for the West Midlands. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Let’s advance your IT and make it work harder for your business Blue Chip provides businesses with mission-critical IT support and infrastructure behind many of the largest brands in the UK. Specialising in mission critical systems through our Tier III and Tier IV by design data centres, we provide the e-commerce backbone for high street retailers whilst managing 10% of the UK’s banking traffic, keeping business running all over the world. From hardware and hosting to software and support, we work to advance your IT – making it work harder for your business.
THE BANKING CLOUD PLATFORM FOR GROWTH The spring of 2020 certainly wouldn’t be the optimal time to pick for a complex migration of a banking system’s IT infrastructure into the cloud. In recognition of UK financial services being tightly regulated, Wesleyan was looking for a secure cloud platform to fuel business transformation and growth. Blue Chip Cloud has an enviable collection of accreditations, which has enabled banking, wealth management and pharmaceutical companies to innovate within tight and ever-changing regulations Traditionally, financial services organisations have looked upon cloud moves in a conservative manner due to regulatory pressures and perceived risks. When these combine with complex IT infrastructure it can be difficult to see a way forward. Blue Chip Cloud is a game changer for the finance industry, who will often have a mixture of infrastructure to include traditional Windows and Linux environments, and the rock-solid IBM platforms such as IBM i, AIX and z/OS mainframe. A cloud transition for Wesleyan Bank had long been scheduled for Easter Bank Holiday weekend, a month into the toughest phase of national lockdown in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to careful planning with Wesleyan the transition into the Blue Chip Cloud was smooth and seamless. The delivery was carried out completely remote during lockdown, removing risk to all involved. All of the Intel and AIX estate moved over, with Blue Chip managing the operating system, backups and the disaster recovery solution, while securely hosting some additional infrastructure that’s not cloud ready. • 10% of the 157 UK banks hosted • £150bn+ funds under management hosted • 800 clients receive business critical services
COMPLIANCE IN THE CLOUD The security accreditations held by Blue Chip are at the highest level, holding four ISO certifications which are audited annually by a UKAS-accredited body. The company also undergoes an annual independent review of Service Organisation Controls (SOC). Blue Chip holds the highest standard for compliancy with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard - PCI-DSS Level 1. In addition to banks; famous retailers and supermarkets are customers, as this compliance covers online payments and card data.
“ We have many highly regulated customers in the Blue Chip Cloud under FCA and EBA parameters. As their key service provider, we help these customers meet their regulatory requirements by demonstrating our business and compliance maturity.” Derek Waterman Chief Compliance Officer, Blue Chip Blue Chip gives financial services organisations assurance they can meet regulatory requirements. The continual improvement ethos and transparency enables the IT specialists to continually support their clients’ journey with their regulators. KEEPING SECURE IN THE CLOUD The Blue Chip Cloud is underpinned by industryleading security vendors to build enterprise-class hardware and software solutions, with the availability, reliability and security demanded by the financial services industry. We’re widely recognised as a highly secure home for global financial data, handling a substantial amount of the UK’s banking traffic and removing the risks associated with a move into the cloud.” Tim Stringer Chief Information Security Officer, Blue Chip CONTINUED ASSURANCE While reliability, agility and security are at the heart of the Blue Chip Cloud, another factor that makes Blue Chip a destination for companies that operate across 180 countries, is the consistency to deliver, even during a global pandemic. Delivering any new cloud project throughout a pandemic is an achievement, maintaining a level of support is another achievement all together. So, we close with a statement from their long-term banking software vendor who partner with Blue Chip to deliver services for multiple clients: “Blue Chip were equally as responsive and reliable as they were prior to the pandemic, when, for example, we put in a request to troubleshoot a particular hardware failure. The mobilisation of the virtual team at Blue Chip with our own virtual team was consistent, quick and everything we would have wanted it to have been.”
two-year transformation journey, which aims to “raise the bar” of service delivery for customers. 118
Diversifying the company’s channel offerings has been an integral part of its tech transformation. Part of this focuses on customer-centric opera
we want to deliver. What do we need to
tions: Wesleyan has been pursuing
bring into the organisation, and where
omnichannel capabilities to bring
can we find efficiencies and smarter
freedom of choice to an increasingly
ways of doing things, either by develop
diverse client base. Although it’s often
ing capabilities in-house, calling on third
easier to adapt services in theory
parties where needed, or introducing
than practice, due to the increasingly
automation to certain processes.”
nuanced value of customer-centricity,
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Stewart states that the company is
is one of Wesleyan’s key partners
employing a relatively simple method
on developing a new tech strategy,
to ensure its roadmap for innovation
particularly with an increased empha
is correctly drawn: “Our approach is
sis on data and analytics. Stewart
to first identify what the ‘end state’ or
explains: “PwC has been instrumental
target customer experience is that
to us building our ‘data warehouse’.
From that, we’ve started to deliver use cases to the business, such as our customer intelligence dashboards that are now being used by all of our financial consultants to gain bet ter insights into customers’ needs. Importantly, PwC is also supporting us as we develop our ‘cyber matu rity’; we’re making good progress on our journey to enhance the protec tion that we can offer.” Additionally, Stewart references Bluechip, Lenovo and Softcat as “key partners who are helping to drive Wesleyan’s digital transformation journey.”
Wesleyan - We are all about you CLICK TO WATCH
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Change how you see digital transformation Digital transformation is about more than technology. We are working with Wesleyan to create a culture of innovation that embraces change, seeks imaginative ways to do business and uses data to unlock opportunity. Together, we are developing a more resilient business, able to move at speed and adapt to change while delivering great customer experience. Find out how we can help you achieve your transformation goals, contact: Justin Murphy Transformation Partner justin.murphy@pwc.com
Sultan Mahmood Financial Services Partner sultan.mahmood@pwc.com
pwc.co.uk/Wesleyan Š 2020 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved.
32589_RITM3840574_Wesleyan advert_v3.indd 4
0 07:33
robust then it’s built on quicksand.” Stewart points to Wesleyan’s success ful migration of its data centre, which
This touches on an important aspect
occurred over the Easter weekend
of digital transformation, not just for
in the height of lockdown. For most
Wesleyan but generally: if the funda
organisations, data centre migrations
mentals aren’t right, neither will the
are among the most complex tech
rest. “We are putting a lot of invest
nology projects to deliver, and this
ment behind our IT resilience and
was no exception for Wesleyan. “The
cybersecurity; those are absolutely
implementation touched every single
essential. You can have the most fan
area of our technology estate, much
tastic digital interface you want, but
of which was highly complex and
if the infrastructure behind that isn’t
incredibly frail.” Another example of
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122 Wesleyan’s approach includes starting
opened Wesleyan’s eyes to the fact
to incorporate robotic process auto
that we can still be effective remotely.
mation (RPA) in customer operations.
Quite frankly, the idea of having flex
Although the digital transformation of
ibility between home and the office
Wesleyan was already firmly underway
is hugely attractive, although some
prior to the lockdown imposed by the
employees find working entirely from
pandemic, it is safe to say that the cir
home difficult.” This latter point is vital,
cumstances have shaped its progress.
he explains, as another crucial legacy
Shifting from an office-centric organi
of COVID-19 has been the company’s
sation to a more flexible and remote
renewed emphasis on supporting the
operating model, Stewart is confident
mental health and wellbeing of its staff.
that the revised work paradigms will be
Support is something that Wesleyan
both enduring and ultimately beneficial,
truly believes in: its reach extends past
both to employees and customers.
customers, members and employ
“Providing everyone with laptops has
ees and actually touches the fintech
In addition to the work it does for professionals in a financial capacity, Stewart highlighted that the company is a staunch advocate of equality, inclusion and diversity. Acting as ‘gender network sponsor’ for Wesleyan, he states the definite progress being made to balance representation of women in senior leadership roles: “I’m very proud to be the gender network sponsor. Since 2018 we’ve increased the number of women in our senior leader population from 18% to 30%. We’re still not where we want to be, but we have numerous initiatives that are driving that agenda forward.” Regarding the company’s efforts to assist communities and individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic, Stewart also highlights its
free-to-access, 24/7 healthcare and wellbeing support hub, Wesleyan Wellbeing. “The online service offers a free psychological triage, and access to specialist mental health clinicians for our members. Through the Wesleyan Foundation, we have also gifted over £100k to various charities and organisations in support of key worker mental health needs.” In September, despite the economic downturn, Wesleyan paid out its highest-ever mutual bonus to members: a £30m dividend to customers invested in its profits fund, with each investor receiving a 1% uplift on the value of their investment. As a testament to its financial strength, the Society has paid out over £67m to members over the past three years in the form of mutual dividends.
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the events of March slowed things down a bit.” Providing a valuable col
Year founded
laboration space in the heart of the
workstations, numerous breakout
Number of employees
city, the initiative features over 30 areas and an auditorium. Significantly, it also provides the West Midlands of England with its own fintech cluster, something which had been lacking. “I think it’s great that Wesleyan is able
community. It achieves this through
to play its part in helping the local
its ‘The Engine Room’ initiative at
economy. One of the barriers to entry
Colmore Circus, Birmingham. “The
for fintech startups is simply having
Engine Room is a state-of-the-art
access to a physical environment that
fintech hub,” Stewart explains. “It was
is conducive to growth.”
launched in November 2019 and built up a fantastic head of steam until
Maintaining the same vision that has seen it prevail in the market for almost busi ne ssc h ief . eu
180 years, Wesleyan will continue to partner on projects with companies that demonstrate the same integrity, impact and committed work ethic it exemplifies. Part of its continued vision is an adherence to its individual mis sion and purpose: creating brighter financial futures for the professions we all trust. “We will remain a segment specialist because it’s the right thing for our customers and our business,” Stewart explains. “We are not a massmarket player. Rather, we cater to our customer groups in a very focused and appropriate way.” Wesleyan’s ongo ing transformation, combined with a well-crafted product range and awardwinning investment funds, appears to form a strategic roadmap geared for success. That success will belong not only to the company and its staff but also to its customers, whose vital work is needed now more than ever. “I said what attracted me to Wesleyan was the opportunity it presented. I’m 18 months into the role now and absolutely still firmly believe in our message.”
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Digital Transformation in the Tobacco & Vaping Industry DECEMBER 2020
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Chief Information Officer Atiq Samad reveals the transformations he has overseen at JTI, from industry 4.0 to artificial intelligence
TI is the world’s third largest tobacco company, operating in 130 markets with a workforce of 44,000 people, 29 fac
tories, 8 R&D centers and 6 tobacco processing facilities around the world. The company’s Chief 130
Information Officer is Atiq Samad, and he has been in the role for two years. Such a large, global company has had a head start on the adaptations companies are experiencing worldwide in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as he explains: “Fortunately at JTI, we were already used to having virtual teams, because we are spread out all across the world, representing many different locations. We’ve learned over the last 15, 20 years how to work in a virtual team.” When Atiq joined JTI, he made it his mission to look at the company’s IT landscape holistically, in order to modernize its technology platforms under the banner of a Business Platform Modernization (BPM) program. “We were one of the first big companies with a single instance database on SAP
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How Wipro helped JTI implement a milestone program and reduce friction. Enterprises must do the near-impossible: Meet the high expectations of their customers and do it at the lowest cost possible. That’s why 93% of enterprises are embracing digital transformation to deliver greater value to their business. However, adding digital transformation initiatives on top of the day-to-day operation priorities is a big ask for most technology departments. JTI experienced this first-hand: IT management bandwidth was consumed in putting out fires, such as delivery quality issues and difficult supplier relationships. With no time left to innovate for the broader business objectives, JTI needed a solution that would allow its IT team to focus on what’s important. JTI sought help from a partner that could meet its needs by managing their global data center and cloud services — at scale, integrated and at a competitive cost. Wipro became exactly that partner. Wipro team quickly became immersed with the JTI team working toward the same goals. In fact, Wipro was onboarded in just 2 ½ months — three weeks ahead of schedule!
Lately, Wipro team has also supported JTI in their strategic BPM program: Wipro team worked diligently behind the scenes in multiple areas: data centers, SAP and more.
Since Wipro has started providing Data Center and Cloud services, JTI has seen tangible improvements and overall services stabilization, including a steep drop in Priority 1 incidents and a reduction in the incident/change backlog.
Wipro has done a tremendous job of transitioning our global Data Center Operations in a very short time and without disruption. Not only could they deliver a superior service as of day one, but they also kept improving and adding value. Ultimately, Wipro earned JTI’s trust and could further develop a successful relationship. — Guilain Rogg • VP, JTI
Our partnership with Wipro is a strong one based on solid execution, trust and commitment. Wipro has brought their best to create value for our business. I especially appreciate the focus on not only execution but also innovation that touches various aspects of our business. – Atiq Samad • CIO, JTI
Wipro A true partner for digital transformation In an ever-evolving business and digital landscape, enterprises need to be able to innovate while maintaining their core offerings. Wipro is the ideal strategic partner for helping enterprises unlock value through digital transformation, thanks to its internationally recognized expertise that extends far beyond data center and cloud operations. Wipro Digital and Designit are helping transform our customers’ business in fundamental ways.
Learn more about our capabilities today. Wipro • Wipro Digital • Designit
“ We’re looking at the digital employee experience, and we’re even challenging the concept of offices entirely” — Atiq Samad, CIO, JTI
that moved from ECC to S/4HANA. And this was of course a big technol ogy migration, but not only that, we also did a finance transformation. In terms of our CRM, as part of our trade marketing excellence (TME) program, we decided to go to the lat est technologies with Oracle, which is the Oracle Engagement Cloud. We’ve also brought in a single source of truth called One Data, and we‘re looking into the factories and logistics too, to bring them up to the same level.”
It’s not just technology that has
the technology investment portfolio
changed as part of the BPM ini
management process, where we have
tiative, but also the culture. “We are
a portfolio of all the technology invest
bringing in an investment mindset.
ments. We look at each investment
So, hand-in-hand with the business
and look at both their initial business
platform modernization program,
benefits and their strategic fit to make
we have implemented what we call
a strategic roadmap.”
Atiq Samad Title: CIO Company: JTI Industry: Tobacco & Vaping
Location: Switzerland
Atiq Samad, Chief Information Officer (CIO) for JTI has held the position for the past two years and is responsible for JTI’s worldwide IT organisation. Atiq is accountable for the definition and execution of JTI’s long term IT strategies and responsible for the technology investment portfolio that supports JTI’s growth ambitions. Atiq began his career RJRI/JTI in 1994 and has consistently taken on new roles with increased accountability across the entire IT function, including leadership over the Center of Excellence, IT Global Development Center and Business Platform Modernization (BPM). Atiq holds a Bachelor of Technology degree from Indian Institute of Technology and MBA degree from Indiana University. Atiq lives in Nyon, Switzerland with his wife and 2 children.
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“ At JTI, we were already used to having virtual teams, because we are spread out all across the world” — Atiq Samad, CIO, JTI
Part of that strategic roadmap has been embracing emerging technolo gies. “We’re expanding into artificial intelligence, IoT, robotic process automation. We already have them on a small scale, but now we’re going to expand further into the digital space.” Future projects coming down the line include getting more out of data with buyer insights and predictive analytics. “We’re looking into the digital space, and how we can lever age IoT for our vaping products, for
example. That also opens us up to
139 practice ecommerce - which we can’t with our traditional business.” The transformation goes further into the manufacturing sites themselves. “We are also looking into industry 4.0,” says Samad, “which we already do in terms of manufacturing, operations management and quality sensors. But we want to expand this and really look into transforming our manufacturing and factories. We’re also doing a pro ject now that’s focused on our global supply chain. That’s building the foun dation for greater sales forecast and operations planning (S&OP), where we busi ne ssch ief . eu
key people remarkable projects
#Precise Resourcing Outcome Focussed RealTime Hiring Decisions Assured Accuracy PreciseResourcing@hansonregan.com
will look at the entire company’s sales
Orange Business Services and Wipro.
and operations planning process - but
In addition to that we engage with mid-
that’s for the future.”
sized companies that give us more
JTI’s technological transformation has
agility and flexibility. Some of these
required the participation of a number
companies started very small and they
of partners such as Hanson Regan and
grew with us, so they feel part of the
SCL Consulting. Samad notes that the
team spirit that we have created at JTI.”
companies it works with vary in scale.
Thanks to the existing measures
“We have a few big strategic partners,
put in place by Samad and his team,
we work with SAP, Microsoft, Oracle,
JTI was well able to weather the
“We’re going to expand further into the digital space” — Atiq Samad, CIO, JTI
busi ne ssch ief . eu
coronavirus storm. “We have eve rything cloud ready - that’s why, for example, when we felt the impact of coronavirus, we went from 600 remote workers to about 18,000 remote workers within three days. From an infrastructure standpoint, we had to make an effort, but it didn’t cre ate big problems.” Samad further sees the pandemic as opening up possible avenues for potential change. “We’re looking at the digital employee experi ence, and we’re even challenging the 142
concept of the office entirely. Can we
Year founded
$12.4bn+ Revenue in US dollars
44,000 Number of employees
“ We look at each investment and look at both their initial business benefits and their strategic fit to create a strategic roadmap” — Atiq Samad, CIO, JTI busi ne ssch ief . eu
not have dynamic offices, for instance?
in good stead for the future. “While
But as the CIO, my biggest focus always
our competitors are focusing on
has been and always will be on remain
upgrading their systems and moving
ing secure, compliant, and resilient.”
to new platforms, we will already be
That philosophy is aligned with the
experiencing the value of that technol
goals of the business at large. “Our
ogy. That’s one thing that really makes
goal is to become the number one
us ready for the future.”
tobacco company in the world. In today’s world, you cannot do that without technology. I’m excited about it because we can really add value through the technology we introduce.” Samad is clear that the technological work the company has done stands busi ne ssch ief . eu
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wC has identified a number of trends. affecting organisations, centered around a digital landscape that was growing in
complexity even before the COVID-19 pandemic. “We are in a very strange and unprecedented situ ation - the ‘new normal’, as we call it within PwC,” 148
says Ivo Van Bennekom, Director, Digital Identity. “What that new normal means, is that it’s acceler ated a big change that was already happening prior to the COVID-19 situation, where we see clients changing from a traditional value chain that was very direct, to starting to become more part of a digital ecosystem, collaborating to delivering a variety of services towards the end consumer.” Increased digital complexity and ever-changing employee roles within an organisation means iden tifying and allowing the access of users is all the more important. “Managing identity is vital, but it’s also a daunting task for many organisations who lack proper identity and access management (IAM) for governing their digital identities,” says Duane Carstens, Director, Cybersecurity & Privacy. “That’s regardless of their IAM service maturity DECEMBER 2020
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and whether they are adopting or replacing digital technology through their digital transformation”. To help organisations with digital identity, the company maintains more than 950 digital identity profession als as part of a broader cyber team that is 3,500 strong, with extensive experience across various industries. PwC consequently differentiates itself from competitors in the space along a number of lines. “One of the biggest benefits that clients see when work
ing with us, is that we can deliver an integrated approach to the whole breadth and depth of cybersecurity and digital identity management,” says Van Bennekom. Carstens believes in the transformative power of PwC’s cyber business. “The purpose of our cyber business is to help build a secure digital society. This is done through three key aspects, including 1) serv ing our clients, 2) extensive research and disruption to the market and to threat actors which is done by chal lenging conventional thinking, and 3) shaping society by being an exemplar. These three key aspects are encom passed by our DNA which includes DECEMBER 2020
empowering an innovative and
which companies must respond to.
diverse team.
“We see key emerging cybersecurity
PwC is equally focused on forging
risks as a result of COVID-19,” says
strong bonds with their customers.
Carstens. “There are a lot of opportun
“Our value is defined by the relation
istic threats at the moment.
ship with the client,” says Carstens.
The increasing attacks on businesses
“That relationship is born from an
means that identity and access man
intelligent, engaged, highly collabora
agement continues to be of paramount
tive process. It’s about helping them
significance, in the risk management
through their digital transformation
priorities of organisations.”
journey, through their challenges and
“The focus should be on provid
providing the insight to assist clients
ing the right people, with the right
to reach their objectives.”
access, at the right time through the
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is resulting in innovative attack vectors
identification, authentication and app ropriate authorisation information
Ivo Van Bennekom Title: Director, Digital Identity Location: Arnhem-Nijmegen Region Ivo leads the PwC Digital Identity Impact Center for the EMEA region. Ivo has over 15 years of experience within the digital technology space, with a specific focus on global identity market patterns and translating them to business objectives for clients. He is a strategic and tactical Subject Matter Expert on digital identity topics advising Client Senior management. Ivo works for a variety of sectors, with a main focus on Finance, Retail and high-tech firms. He is engagement leader of several global Cyber Security & Digital Identity programs. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
PwC and Okta: delivering cloud identity solutions
Okta’s Paul Rooke, Managing Director - GSIs and Advisories, on the company’s provision of its cloud identity platform alongside PwC Okta is a cloud identity platform focussed on enabling organisations to use technology securely, as Paul Rooke, Managing Director - GSIs and Advisories, explains: “We promise to always protect the identities of our customers’ work force and their customers. We have 14 offices around the world, 2,700 employees, approaching 9,000 customers and six and a half thousand integrations with other technologies.” As companies look at their digital transformation programmes, they don’t want to get locked into legacy applications that take years to roll out, and they don’t want to be locked into identity solutions that are stuck onto those applications as an afterthought. We take away the headache of identity, allowing PWC to focus on the business requirements of their clients.” The partnership has afforded Okta the ability to get a broad view of client requirements, as Rooke explains. “PwC are authoring not just identity strategy, but across digital transformation as a whole. With PwC at the forefront of a client relationship, they work very strongly with our own professional services team, our own customer success organisation, and our engineering teams, to really get deep into our technology and make sure that our technology fits the requirements of those large programmes and customers.”
Rooke identifies legacy migration as one of the keys powering the relationship into the future. “We’re able to leverage Okta’s Access Gateway into legacy tools, whilst at the same time moving that organisation, as part of it’s transformation program, into the new world. That involves replacing on-premise apps with cloud apps, and at the same time, having Okta sitting on top of everything as a cloud technology that retains a gateway into legacy systems.” The company is further empowering users by putting its technology into the hands of developers. “Developers can actually build Okta into their own home-grown applications. That’s something that PwC can offer as a service to clients, guiding and helping them strategise around that.” Rooke remains confident in the strength of the partnership and its ability to withstand the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges it has presented to clients. “The remote work piece has obviously developed at pace this year, and that’s something PwC and Okta can deliver solutions for. For example, a soft drinks organisation is now managing the relationship with suppliers and their distributors globally using Okta as the identity solution. That’s something we’ve only seen accelerate this year.” okta.com
Year founded
Number of employees in Africa
Number of employees globally 154
security principles” Carstens adds. “Identity and access management is not just about the technology, it also involves the organisation’s people, processes and governance on the service. This holistic approach will provide secured flexibility for your remote workforce to remain productive and ‘work from anywhere’.” Defending against those threats requires capabilities across a range of arenas. “Digital identity can roughly be carved up into four different areas,” says Van Bennekom. “One is the workforce identity space, so access management, but also identity gov ernance. Second, is privileged access management, for users such as data base administrators that, basically with one press of a button, can wipe out a complete IT estate. Thirdly, we have customer identity, from B2B customers to consumer scenarios, or even governments and how they interface with their citizens. Lastly, we have artificial intelligence, RPA and the identity of things.” With such a wide range of areas to be aware of, a holistic approach is necessary. “What’s most important busi ne ssc h ief . eu
what tools, how are they using those tools, are they the right tools and governing the usage along your journey. Imagine if Hilary and Norgay just tried to climb without
Senior Vice President, EMEA SailPoint
knowing all the information about the route and having the 350 porters, 20 Sherpas and the tons of supplies to support the expedition. COVID-19 has changed the business landscape, with
On May 29, 1953 two men shake hands around noon.
over 55% of companies now looking to invest in new
One a 33-year-old bee keeper, the other a 39-year-old
digital experiences and requirements to support their
Tibetan climber. At that moment Edmund Hilary and
business. Also over 54% recognise the need to improve
Tenzing Norgay transformed the climbing world and
their cybersecurity and resiliency in light of the changing
achieved the accolade of being the first people to climb
workplace, according to PwC CIO Pulse survey. But after
the world’s highest mountain—creating a path for those
stay-at-home restrictions and social distancing suddenly
who come after them. To say in passing that you’ve
forced more collaboration and commerce online, over
“climbed Mount Everest” always implies that you did
52% of companies now recognise that they need to invest
the impossible.
in new technology and AI enabled business models to support their transformation.
Why is this important in today’s world? Whether it is COVID-19, new competitors, expansion, operational
Unfortunately, legacy technology complexity in the
efficiencies, all organisations need to transform to a new
current security landscape and outmoded platforms
digital era and one of the only ways you can do this is
remain major obstacles to the pace and success of
mapping out the path as to who in your organisation has
digital transformation efforts. Many companies have
hundreds—if not thousands—of systems running their business, with their security approach being siloed. Conventional IT approaches to these problems are not helping. Large programs, re-platforming, and complex replacements take many years, cost more than most companies can afford, pose risks, and are highly
Proactively detect and revoke inappropriate access
Enable stronger collaboration and effective governance
Automatically check access policy before granting
Unify and centralize access certifications across data
Model the future of a company’s access so they
unlikely to deliver on the promise. Accelerating digital transformation requires a new approach and with SailPoint Predictive Identity, organisations can build and adapt the route that supports their journey for their employees, partners, RPA’s and other stakeholders. Studies have found that undergoing a digital transformation can improve an enterprise’s productivity, collaboration, and innovation among employees. Additionally, it can improve prestige in the modern marketplace, streamline business processes, consolidate corporate assets, and improve the bottom line overall. The growth of cloud adoption (86% of the SailPoint EMEA Virtual User Group has predicted growth in SaaS applications in the enterprise over the next 18 months) will mean the integration of your business processes across endpoint devices, operating systems, applications and resources. It enables access to endpoints outside the traditional enterprise structures and across disparate locations to corporate assets, all of which will form part of the digital transformation; with SailPoint Predictive Identity and PwC we can help your enterprise handle transitioning to the cloud through its centralization mechanisms, structured approach and by ensuring regulatory compliance through the platforms monitoring capabilities. SailPoint’s Predictive Identity approach can help an organisation prepare for their transformation journey, as well as supporting it along the way and adapting when
and policy violations to strengthen security
across business, IT and audit/compliance teams
new access privileges
centre, cloud, and mobile systems
can assess the impact of a transformation on their application landscape
With SailPoint and PwC we are able to create an identityfocused digital transformation strategy that enable users – whether internal or external, human or nonperson – to streamline actions, duties, or processes on the journey. An identity enabled enterprise can scale to heights previously inaccessible as it ensures that you can climb to those heights responsibly and profitably. With identity governance as a key foundation for your digital transformation, it means that user permissions need to be tightly controlled more than ever. Your enterprise must be able to maintain security as well as ensure that business processes are smoothly managed and conducted. Digital transformation enabled by identity is a key for every organisation as it attempts to ascend their Everest. Tenzing later revealed in his autobiography, “Tiger of the Snows”, that Hillary had in fact preceded him, something they kept a secret for years. Because to a mountaineer, it’s not about who sets foot first, it’s about supporting each other through tough times and letting your partner shine. With SailPoint and PwC supporting you, there will be no summit you cannot conquer in your security journey.
encountering hurdles or new paths. With SailPoint Predictive Identity you can…
Map your current user estate and answer who has access to what, how did they get access and do they need access on an ongoing basis
Provide proof and irrevocable evidence of compliance to internal and external auditors
Visit us at www.sailpoint.com to learn how SailPoint can help transform your business with Identity.
PwC BriqBank helps with digital identity CLICK TO WATCH
158 in terms of digital identity is that
“The vendors that we typically work
management should have a complete
with are on a journey together with us to
vision for their identity and access
actually decrease the technology debt
management program. Coupled with
that you need in order to fulfill a lot of
that vision should be capability in man
those use cases,” adds Van Bennekom.
aging and governing identity, as well
“Cloud solutions, for instance, simplify a
as controlling and monitoring access,”
lot of the technical digital identity com
Carstens says. “Capabilities have to
plexity while also reducing the cost of
run across different groups, including
operating such a system.” The effective
human and non-human users, who
utilisation of appropriate technologies
will be in contact with your organisation
will allow organisations to spend more
and the assets that you’re trying to
time on what really matters: managing
protect, from applications in the cloud,
business risks related to digitalisation.
to on-premise solutions, databases and
An accomplished cybersecurity
operating systems and the data that
strategy is a vital complement to digital
resides on these assets.”
transformation. “Digital transformation
Duane Carstens Title: Director, Cybersecurity & Privacy Location: City of Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa Duane is an Associate Director in the PwC cybersecurity and privacy practice, providing comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to assist businesses with assessing, building and managing their cybersecurity capabilities, and enabling effective management to a myriad of potential threats from strategy to execution. Duane’s working experience spans over 15 years working with listed entities across various industry sectors, in numerous countries, and within multiple roles. He is engaged in the understanding of technology and trends, and being able to articulate and make comprehensive, pragmatic decisions for businesses and consumers. Through Duane’s career, he has worked on security programs / ISMS development, vendor & client management, assessments, governance, risk & compliance, formalizing innovative business operating models, improving processes and optimizing controls, while achieving strategy and objectives.
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“ O UR VALUE IS DEFINED BY THE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CLIENT” — Duane Carstens, Director, Cybersecurity & Privacy, PwC
can result in a company becoming a target for attackers because they know that there’s a lot of volatility within the organisation,” says Van Bennekom. “We understand how to integrate cybersecurity into those types of transformations, because technol ogy continues to be the driver and it’s evident that security is an enabler of those digital journeys.”
PwC consequently ensures its cyber
processes and take the right approach
defence offering keeps up with the
to help organisations become smarter
pace and evolving trends. “We are
in terms of cybersecurity defense,”
already in the fourth wave of digital
says Van Bennekom.
transformation. Agility is becoming
While as a consulting and advisory
more important and, with that, the
house PwC remains technology and
required agility of cyber defence is
vendor agnostic, SailPoint, OKTA and
also increasing. We’re also bringing
CyberArk are some of the solutions
in consultants from other PwC com
it employs to help clients achieve
petencies to understand business
their goals. “The technology vendors busi ne ssc h ief . eu
BUSINESS AT THE SPEED OF INNOVATION Privileged Access Management for the New Digital Landscape. Move fearlessly forward into the new digital landscape with CyberArk and secure access to the organization’s entire digital business, protecting all privileged credentials.
will continue to add the desired value to our client engagements.” Going forward, the two are clear that PwC stands in good stead to assist not only its clients but society at large with transformation in access management, decreasing complexity and improving the utility of digital envi ronments. “We’re focused on building
that we work with are a big part of
trust in society and solving important
helping clients to decrease their IT
problems while making sure that
complexity so that there’s more room
we are looking at this from a broader
to create business value,” says Van
perspective rather than just creating
Bennekom. “Typically, the vendors
locks,” says Van Bennekom. “You need
that we work with are capable of cover
to understand what an organisation
ing a whole ecosystem of use cases
wants to achieve from a business
and different types of identities, all
perspective to understand how
from the cloud.”
cybersecurity can support that most
The companies with whom PwC
effectively. We’ll continue integrating
works with are therefore carefully
all those different competencies to
selected through a consultative
decrease the complexity and the risks
approach, based on product value
of our clients’ ecosystems.”
and market need. “Digital identity for us as a business is one of our growth priorities over the next few years,” says Carstens. “Together with the right partnerships, matching a solu tion to a client problem, and our robust methodologies supported by our global network of subject matter experts, we busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Communications Driven by Innovation WRITTEN BY
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Julie Fedele, VP of Emerging Business Activation at Liberty Global, on emerging business, venture partnerships and opening new markets
iberty Global could be the biggest enter prise you’ve never heard of. It’s not really a household name, though the household
is where it is to be found in the guise of its much more recognisable European brands Virgin Media, UPC and Telenet, and in the Netherlands Vodafone 166
Ziggo. Liberty Global is among the largest con verged video, broadband and telecommunication companies, with annual revenues of US$11bn, 11 million customers and 20,000 employees. This company has grown since its foundation in 2005 by means of a canny and active M&A strategy, riding the crest of the wave of transformation as telecoms has evolved through technology – a pro cess serially documented in these pages. Its latest announcement, the creation of 4,000 jobs by merg ing the UK operations of Virgin Media and Britain’s largest mobile operator O2 (owned by Telefónica) is at once creative and aggressively competitive. Liberty Global CEO Mike Fries is keen to seize opportunities in the dynamic markets of Europe: “When the power of 5G meets 1 gig broadband, UK consumers and businesses will never look back.” DECEMBER 2020
busi ne ssch ief . eu
Clearly a company on the move
“I quickly saw the parallels with the
determined to lead in the emergent
healthcare industry, having worked
telecommunications field, Liberty
inside across multiple roles during my
Global’s appointment of Julie Fedele
10 years at Bupa’s” says Fedele. “Both
to the position of VP of Emerging
sectors have seen sustained growth
Business in June of this year 2020
and rapid disruption. This disruption
was an imaginative move. She had
means that traditional sources of
little direct experience in telecoms
growth become challenged and finding
apart from an early stint as a con
new sources is something that really
sultant with Telstra in her native
excites me. There is a tremendous
Australia but she came with a track
opportunity to reimagine capabilities
record of value activation, a quality
and partnerships by leveraging our
that’s perfectly timed with this com
core assets like network, customer
pany’s current direction.
base and product platforms. We are
“ When the power of 5G meets 1 gig broadband, UK consumers and businesses will never look back” — Julie Fedele, VP of Emerging Business, Liberty Global
essentially an infrastructure-based, consumer business that monetises this infrastructure with integrated services. As 3rd parties evolve their services, we become a meta-aggregator, simplify ing experiences for the consumer. Coming into this role, I asked: how can we leverage our assets at pace to develop new value – and break long development cycles?” Fedele learned the advantages of breaking technol ogy down into microservices that enable rapid change and flexibility. 169
Julie Fedele Title: VP of Emerging Business Company: Liberty Global Industry: Telecoms
Location: London
Julie Fedele, VP of Emerging Business Activation at Liberty Global, is a true value activator. Achieving an MBA from the University of New South Wales (2009 to 2012), her first foray into start-ups was an online enabler called Popping Up, helping online businesses take advantage of empty retail space and move ‘from clicks to bricks’. Since joining Liberty Global, Fedele has been appointed a Board Member of nonprofit organisation Women in Cable Telecommunications. Viewing life as a continual journey of learning, Fedele stated, “My goal is to improve how I understand the world and my place within it every day.” busi ne ssch ief . eu
We are Xperi. With the combined power of TiVo, DTS and IMAX Enhanced, Xperi is revolutionizing the way people experience entertainment at home and on the go. Our commitment to innovation, deep experience and end-to-end solutions like TiVo’s Next-Gen Platform have secured our place as a long-standing technology partner for Virgin Media, Liberty Latin America and other global brands. Together, we deliver awe-inspiring visuals, heartpounding audio and personalized content discovery to millions of people around the world, all day, every day.
“ What we aim to do with the Emerging Business team is to create revenue optionality at pace” — Julie Fedele, VP of Emerging Business, Liberty Global
Bringing that principle to her current role, she’s in favour of over-the-top, or plug-and-play services. “What we aim to do with the Emerging Business team is to create revenue optionality at pace,” she says. “This is what differentiates emerging and new business. Emerging business is identifying completely new revenue streams. For example, launching a new business under the Virgin Media brand or a new brand, that taps new margetmarket segments.“We don’t
need to explore the whole pool – but we can widen the swim lane!” A business the size of Liberty Global generates a lot of ideas. And an impor tant part of the Emerging Business teams’ remit is to advance some of the best, the ‘activation’ part of her job title. The team consists of squads pods directed to look at, say, e-health, e-sport or consumer energy, Fedele explains. “With the team, we then scope out what this means, set param eters – for example when considering healthcare we split out ‘lifestyle well ness’, a very busy field, from ‘e-health, and concentrate on the latter.” From there on they operate like a DECEMBER 2020
Entering the Gigabit Era CLICK TO WATCH
173 separate business unit to define the
right, enabling families to stay in con
opportunities and partners they might
tact and individuals to avoid isolation.
work with. These tend not to be start-
“I am deeply interested in how we can
ups, she says: though early-stage
create an ecosystem in the home,
businesses are her passion, it’s hard
based on peace of mind, safety
for a large enterprise to work with
and healthcare and every aspect of
them. “We look for Series B/C part
people’s lives, through our enabling
ners and beyond. We want confirmed
services,” she says.
growth, sound management and a clear path to scale,” she says.
Content, it has been said, is king, and though Fedele fully expects the corporation to continue its M&A
growth, she focuses her team on
Covid has emphasised the central
partnership. She thinks there’s a
importance of connectivity, which
real gap in healthcare services to
has been elevated to a basic human
the home: “I am not talking about busi ne ssch ief . eu
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Learn more about Afiniti
Women in technology
The history of Afiniti
Afiniti’s impact
Year founded
$11.bn+ Revenue in US dollars
20,000 Number of employees
busi ne ssch ief . eu
“ There is a tremendous opportunity to reimagine capabilities and partnerships by leveraging our core assets like network, customer base and product platforms” — Julie Fedele, VP of Emerging Business, Liberty Global DECEMBER 2020
flooded markets like e-fitness or digital yoga mats, but how we can play a role in the home when some one is facing a health event whether it’s a fracture, a diagnosis or a need for something like physiotherapy or even psychotherapy.” Fedele is passionate about activat ing new revenue. Her background includes running innovation labs and managing an accelerator programme for start-ups and she was impressed after joining Liberty Global to find that
it took an expeditious approach to
many moving parts and multiple things
onboarding new partners. She feels at
changing every day, which can be a
home, though admits to not being
challenge getting alignment over video
a typical corporate animal.
calls: I am really keen to show the rest
“We work in a very flat structure and
of the business how a ‘digital native’
personally l love the flexibility of work
team works and demonstrate how a
ing remotely, though it has to be said it
large corporate like Liberty Global can
does have some downsides, especially
be nimble and activate new ventures –
for the younger team members who
even during a pandemic!”
are deprived of the chance to learn by osmosis from the rest of the team,” admits Fedele. “They are on my mind a lot – we work in an agile team, with busi ne ssch ief . eu
Inside 9mobile’s Digital Transformation WRITTEN BY
busi ne ssch ief . eu
9mobile CEO, Alan Sinfield, talks digital transformation, serving the underserved and creating a cultural shift, all in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic
igeria is a frontier market with huge reserves of untapped potential. A coun try of 206mn people, large portions
of its market are underserved, both in terms of Telecommunications, Media & Technology (TMT) and, Banking. The country’s telecom market only 182
has a mobile broadband data penetration rate of around 45%, and more than half of its citizens that are the right age to own a bank account are com pletely unbanked. “There’s huge growth potential here,” says Alan Sinfield, CEO of 9mobile. Having accumulated multiple decades worth of experience, both in the banking sector and lead ing telecoms in frontier markets, Sinfield sees a wealth of opportunities for 9mobile to grow and evolve into a top-tier competitor in the Nigerian mobile industry. We sat down with him to discuss his vision for digitally transforming 9mobile, driving major fibre deployments throughout a geographi cally and politically diverse country, banking the unbanked, and nurturing a vibrant ecosystem of Nigerian companies in order to build a truly sustain able, valuable, home-grown MNO. DECEMBER 2020
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“ The sheer enthusiasm of the team here, the talent and passion they have for the business made for a nice welcome” — Alan Sinfield, CEO, 9mobile
A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Founded in 2008 as Etisalat Nigeria, 9mobile rebranded in 2017 to better reflect both the company’s identity as a wholly-Nigerian owned, Nigerianfocused MNO, and its commitment to delivering innovative, best-in-class services to its customers. Currently, 9mobile is the fourth-largest telecom in Nigeria, a fact which Sinfield fully intends to remedy. “There’s no reason for us to be in fourth position in this market. We have
the same foundations from which to work from as the other operators in Nigeria, so when you compare our 13 million customers to the leading tel ecom players in the country, some of which have between 50 and 70 million, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be in the same space,” he explains. “We have lofty goals, but every intention of achieving them.”
EMBRACING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION FROM THE INSIDE OUT Sinfield and 9mobile are in the process of acting on a five-year plan to transform the business into a leading competitor in the Nigerian telecom market. In order DECEMBER 2020
to realise the company’s full potential,
and VR to robotics. A lot of what we’re
Sinfield explains that new technologies
looking at centres around applying the
have a key role to play, both in 9mobile’s
latest technological advancements
internal operations and regarding the
within the operation to streamline and
offerings to its customers.
make it more effective,” he explains.
“We’re in a fast-moving world. There’s
“We’re also paying close attention to the
so much happening right now around
evolution of IoT, and how best to adopt
technological innovation, from AR
that technology internally, as well as
Alan Sinfield Title: CEO Company: 9mobile Industry: Telecommunications
Location: Nigeria
Alan Sinfield is a hybrid senior executive with experience and expertise in the telecommunications, banking and fintech industries. He has held board and senior leadership roles in several companies, including mobile, fixed line and broadband data operators, and in the fintech and banking sectors across emerging markets in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. He served as CEO for four years at Ooredoo (Starlink), a subsidiary of the listed Qatari Telecommunications Group, as well as serving as Chief Information Officer and Chief Customer Services Officer at Orascom Telecom (IraQna), a subsidiary of the listed Egyptian Telecommunications Group. Furthermore, he has held the role of Chief Executive Officer at Amara Communications Co. (ananda), a 4G LTE mobile broadband operator in Myanmar, from 2018 to 2019, and also held the position of CEO at Cadcomms (qb), a full-service Mobile Operator in Cambodia, from 2010 to 2017. busi ne ssch ief . eu
“ We have lofty goals, but every intention of achieving them” — Alan Sinfield, CEO, 9mobile
explains. “In some instances, 3G is legacy technology, but when you’re looking at rural communities that have had no access to data so far, the speeds you can get with 3G are mindblowing in comparison.”
ROLLING OUT FIBRE how to use it to help customers’ busi
While 9mobile already has an opera
nesses perform better.”
tional network consisting of close to
Externally, Sinfield explains,
6,000km of fibre, Sinfield notes that
9mobile’s technological advance
the market still remains largely under
ments need to be rolled out in step
served. In the main, he explains, this is
with the expectations and demands of
due to a long-standing state of affairs
its customers. “It’s about understand
tied to multiple levels of federal and
ing what the customers want, which
state regulatory control throughout
is high-speed data at very affordable
the diverse political landscape that
prices that works everywhere and
makes up Nigeria.
when they need it,” a challenging
“One of the barriers, historically, to
feat in light of the sheer size and
rolling out fibre in Nigeria is the fact
geographical diversity of the Nigerian
that it’s such a large country made up
market. Understanding the current
of individual states with local govern
capabilities of the mobile network in
ments, which means you’re dealing with
different parts of Nigeria is essential
multiple levels of government below
to elevating 9mobile’s offerings in
the national level,” he elaborates. “What
a sustainable way.
this means is that some places are
“A lot of what we’re doing is based
charging for rights of way at rates that
on tailoring our technical strategy to
are just plain prohibitive.” The country’s
deliver right-sized coverage for the
minister for communications and digital
communities we’re serving,” Sinfield
economy, Dr. Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami, busi ne ssch ief . eu
has been instrumental, Sinfield adds,
the necessary infrastructure itself can
in challenging this status quo. “He’s
be prohibitive. “The cost of deploying
convinced a lot of states that decreas
fibre is very high,” remarks Sinfield.
ing those up-front payments will lead
As a result, 9mobile has been forging
to better adoption of ICT technology
alliances and partnerships with other
and more revenue in the long-term.”
Nigerian operators, creating a shared
As a result, right of way charges are
fibre network that could soon serve
being dropped across the country,
even the most isolated areas of the
allowing 9mobile, as well as other
region. “It doesn’t make sense for all of
MNOs and fibre companies, to roll out
us to dig the same hole and lay the same
more infrastructure in support of the
fibre. We already have deals in place
Government’s five year broadband plan.
with other operators to swap fibre; we’re
However, even with government tariffs reduced, the expense of installing DECEMBER 2020
building out a huge ecosystem through out the entire country,” he adds.
M O B I L E B A N K I N G FO R T HE U N BAN K ED Of the 206 million people living in Nigeria, approximately half of that population is of an appropriate age to own a bank account. “Of that population, just over 50% of them are unbanked. That’s 50-millionplus people who don’t have access to banking services,” says Sinfield. Earlier this year, the
to be an online service, but with additional elements of traditional retail banking,” he says, agreeing that the service will be something of a hybrid between a digital-only challenger bank like Revolut or Starling, and a more traditional financial institution.
company became one of the first firms in Nigeria to receive the government’s new payment service bank licenses, as part of the government’s new initiative to increase financial inclusion.
The service itself can work on a host of different devices, from smartphones and tablets down to 2G feature phones. You don’t need to be on a smartphone or download an app to use it; the whole service works with USSD strings,” he says. “It’s more than just mobile money. We’ve got the capability for people to have savings accounts, remittance accounts, and more. It’s a great way for us to both enable our customers and to help the government achieve its financial inclusion goals. It really does open up opportunities as financial inclusion also drives digital inclusion, which will really support growth in Nigeria.”
In response, 9mobile has spun out a dedicated banking business to compete in the country’s burgeoning fintech space. Given his experience in finance, and previous work with mobile money solutions in other frontier markets, Sinfield notes that developing the new offerings has been extremely exciting and is looking forward to the launch of the new 9PSB. “What we’re developing is a standalone bank which is going
“We’re going to have retail banking halls, as well as ATMs.
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“ Our banking service is a great way for us to both enable our customers and to help the government achieve its financial inclusion goals” — Alan Sinfield, CEO, 9mobile
that process, everyone at 9mobile is an ambassador for the brand. If they don’t live, breathe and represent the brand then the company won’t suc ceed. The only way we will succeed is through teamwork.” He adds that, in addition to improv ing training programs and delving deeper into the company’s core competencies to better understand the strategic changes that need to be made, he’s working to create a rewards-focused culture at 9mobile. “We want people to understand that,
if they want to progress, they’ll have
Every digital transformation, at its
to put in the work, and that if they put
heart, lives or dies by the strength of
in the work, they’re going to progress
a company’s people. 9mobile is no
and be rewarded for helping to grow
exception. Sinfield admits that, prior
the business.”
to his arrival, the company had expe rienced a few difficult years related to
investment in infrastructure and other
As a wholly Nigerian-owned busi
areas. “However, what we do have
ness, ensuring that 9mobile works
internally is a wealth of great human
to nurture and grow the ecosystem
capital, that we will be further develop
around it in a sustainable way is an
ing through investment in training, and
essential goal for Sinfield and the
career development,” he says. “What
company’s shareholders alike. “We
I’ve been doing since I’ve arrived is let
have a strong focus on using local
ting people know that we are turning
companies wherever we can to
things around. I’ve made it clear that in
help give them a leg up, by investing busi ne ssch ief . eu
KE Y P ART N ERSHI P S “ O ur partners are key to ensuring that we achieve our business goals. We want to recognise where we’re strong, where they might be stronger, and make sure we’re leveraging the right alliances to ensure that both businesses mutually benefit” - Alan Sinfield, CEO, 9mobile. Ceragon Ceragon is one of our main network partners relating to microwave transmissions. They’re instrumental
in making sure our data is hauled back to our network hubs and how we provide broadband connectivity to our customers in areas where we cannot immediately lay fibre. We work very closely with them and intend to continue to do so as we roll out more of our network.
Comviva does a lot with us in the area of value-added services. They’ve been working with 9mobile for a number of years and have a solid, evolving solution set that they provide to us.
Huawei is one of our core network vendors. They provide great service. They’re always helping us expand our technical capabilities and we’re continuing to explore new ways for them to be a part of our value chain going forward.
Microsoft Microsoft is a major part of our future plans. They’re a key partner for everything we want to do and, in addition, they have some fantastic goals based around their CSR programs, so we’re working closely with them to ensure we make the most of the products and services they offer so we in turn can offer the best possible service to our customers.
Huawei believe in the market potential of 9mobile and proud to partner with 9mbile to provide network signal coverage and data connection for more and more people in Nigeria. Huawei fully supports 9mobile in fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic through ICT technology. Huawei and 9mobile will together contribute to the development of ICT talents in Nigeria and committed to more cooperation.
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“ Everyone who works for 9mobile is an ambassador for the brand. If they don’t live, breathe and represent the brand then the company won’t succeed” — Alan Sinfield, CEO, 9mobile
and giving them our business,” he says. “As a wholly Nigerian-owned company, our shareholders want to invest in Nigeria and its communities, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. We’re going to build a com pany that is sustainable and delivers real value to all of our stakeholders.” Going forward, Sinfield says that customers, companies and share holders can expect big things from 9mobile. He adds that he’s extremely grateful to the company’s loyal
Year founded
2,300 Number of employees
customers, who have continued to
and SME-size companies, which
support them through past years,
are very underserved right now. We
and that rewarding that loyalty is a
already work with a large number of
top priority for the company. “We
those companies and I want to note
have a lot of new plans and ideas. A
that we’re very grateful for their con
lot of our customers have stuck with
tinued patronage and support.”
us through thick and thin, and we want to make sure that we reward their loyalty while we continue to invest in our network and services for them,” he says. “It’s not just at the consumer level though; Nigeria abounds with micro busi ne ssch ief . eu
Digital Transformation in Semiconductor Procurement WRITTEN BY
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Arm’s Alisa Bornstein, Group Procurement Senior Director, on the transformation in procurement worthy of Arm’s high-tech reputation
rm is a British multinational semicon ductor and software design company headquartered in Cambridge, UK. Arm
technology touches more than 70% of the world’s population, and its processor designs have ena 198
bled advanced computing in more than 180 billion chips to date, powering products from the sensor to the smartphone and the supercomputer. One of the key functions enabling its success is the supply chain. Alisa Bornstein is Group Procurement Senior Director at the company, with over 25 years’ experience in procurement at com panies including Ericsson, BT, Telia, Millicom, IHS and now Arm. “I have experience of procurement start-ups, green-field and significant transforma tions, as well as leading teams in multicultural, complex and fast moving environments and mature and emerging markets. At the places I’ve been I’ve professionalised and digitalised procure ment and brought in innovative, agile, lean and efficient service and solutions to the business.”
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“ Strategic partnerships with suppliers are critical to supporting an organisation’s objectives” — Alisa Bornstein, Group Procurement Senior Director, Arm
and effective function supporting the business’ objectives and future plans.“ That transformation program was undertaken with the aim of digitalis
On her decision to join Arm, Bornstein
ing core procurement processes to
says: “Arm stood out for its unique
enable efficiencies, boost controls,
people, culture of collaboration and
minimise risks, and improve the experi
brilliant minds. Almost two years in,
ence for end-users. “Procurement
and after 18 months of the transforma
digitalisation has exploded across
tion program, I am proud to say that
the entire business environment, and
procurement at Arm today is recog
its entire value proposition to the
nised as a value-creating, responsible
overall organisation has changed tremendously,” says Bornstein. “Digitalisation influences all areas of procurement, from category man agement, strategic sourcing, supplier and risk management, to transactional purchase-to-pay operations.”
Arm | Architects of Possible CLICK TO WATCH
201 Naturally, the project has resulted
configuration changes and deploy
in a ground-up overhaul. “We started
all the solutions. We set separate
our digital journey by improving the
workstreams for supplier and content
basics, standardising and redesign
enablement, and change management.
ing the whole source-to-pay (S2P)
The plan was rigorously monitored
process and deployment of Ariba,”
by external and internal teams.
says Bornstein. “This required a
Advice and support from the imple
significant change in our ways of
mentation partner in the design phase,
working and the company culture.”
during configuration, testing and
The project hasn’t been without
during go live was absolutely a crucial
complexities. “We were preparing
success factor.”
the rollout for 18 months before we
Having been live with Ariba for the
engaged an external implementation
past year, Bornstein is satisfied that
partner. With them, a schedule was
the digital strategy has delivered and
developed to review the design, make
continues to create significant value busi ne ssch ief . eu
THE WORLD IS CHANGING. ARE YOU? Faster. More agile. More innovative. More sustainable. Lower cost. Improved EBITDA. If procurement is not accelerating your business outcomes, it’s probably time for a rethink. The world’s leading businesses trust Proxima.
Proxima: delivering true value in procurement Clare Harris, Senior Vice President Operations, describes how Proxima has established itself as a world leader in procurement consultancy services
Over the last 25 years, Proxima has established itself as a world-leading expert on procurement consultancy services, helping a broad spectrum of customers to unlock their supply chain’s full potential, from the largest Fortune 500 entities to bespoke startups. “Ultimately, we work with our clients’ procurement and commercial teams to help drive value from their cost base,” says Clare Harris, Senior Vice President. As a company, Proxima helps customers optimise what they spend with suppliers and build exceptional procurement functions. “When you think that, on average, about 70% of organisational spend is with suppliers, then you can immediately understand the potential that exists for savings and innovation,” Harris states. However, it isn’t necessarily a purely ‘cost-saving’ exercise; the company specialises in maximising the value of every penny spent. “It’s about understanding what value means to our clients, whether that’s cost, speed, return, risk efficiency, or quality.” Contributing to the company’s enduring success has been a flexible strategy focused on being adaptable to the changing supply chain environment. That evolution, Harris says, has been characterised by increased networking, collaboration and emphasis on procurement itself. The benefits of this industry development have been keenly felt by Proxima’s clients. One in particular, Arm, shares a close working dynamic with it: “Proxima has
Clare @ Proxima
been able to bring both commercial expertise and category knowledge, while also injecting capability at a time when Arm’s existing procurement team were quite stretched,” Harris explains. Establishing a “twoway feedback” loop, the collaborators have been able to react swiftly to challenges and coordinate decisively, “We work together at pace and deliver value quickly.” Using different time zones to its advantage, Proxima’s UK team can hand over to the US team and vice versa, creating a continuous cycle of problemsolving capability. This kind of partnership will prove vital in the postCOVID-19 world, where traditional operational patterns no longer hold true and an innovative mindset is crucial. As other companies strive to build an operating model for procurement that matches today’s challenges, Harris believes that Proxima’s breadth of expertise will become even more valuable. “I think a lot of companies are now asking, ‘How can we transform ourselves to make decisions quicker?’, and that theme will continue into 2021.” Proxima’s aim, then, will be to guide that development and continue its ongoing mission of delivering real value to its customers.
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f in d ou t m or e !
“ Our procurement team recognises the challenge that COVID-19 poses to our organisation and is working hard to continuously assess and mitigate these risks” — Alisa Bornstein, Group Procurement Senior Director, Arm
is looking into the future trends of the procurement digitalisation . “We’re in the time of technology disruption,” she
for the company, for instance by offer
says. “Why not combine best-of-breed
ing a one-stop shop, with everything
systems and integrate them to work
you need in one place, and standard
together to deliver a great experience
source-to-contract process that
to internal customers and suppliers?”
ensures that purchase-to-pay works seamlessly. Nevertheless, Bornstein
To this end, she emphasises that procurement is about much more
Arm AI Processors Making Smartphones Smarter CLICK TO WATCH
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than buying. “There are many other
The ongoing transformation of Arm’s
areas where procurement adds value
procurement is built on the strategy to
and where technology enables data-
deploy leading procurement practices
driven intelligence and efficiencies.
and processes, supported by tech
Innovation in Procurement is crucial
nology solutions, to deliver financial
for professional and forward thinking
benefits and added value, compre
procurement functions.”
hensive corporate social responsibility
Alisa Bornstein Title: Group Procurement Senior Director Industry: Semiconductors
Location: United Kingdom
Alisa Bornstein leads Arm’s global Group Procurement organisation responsible for reshaping procurement while driving positive financial outcomes for the company. Her functional accountabilities include category management, strategic sourcing, supplier management, contracts and transactional purchase operations supported by enabling technologies. Her senior experience covers a broad spectrum of the function including procurement business partnering, strategy, processes, policies, data analytics, planning and execution of strategic and transactional operations, communication and training. Prior to Arm, Alisa held senior leadership roles at large enterprises including Ericsson, BT, Telia and Millicom where she focused on transformation and digitalisation of the procurement, and serving as the procurement subject matter expert for the business. Alisa is passionate about people and talent development, building collaborative business partnerships and teams. She is a progressive and highly respected procurement leader, and is a frequent speaker at Procurement and Supply Chain industry global conferences and forums. Alisa holds a Master’s degree in Finance from St Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia. She is Russian by origin, a Swedish citizen for over two decades and resides in the UK since 2014. Alisa is true international leader with experience operating around the world, facilitated by her multicultural and inclusive leadership style, with a warm, direct and consensus approach, and fluency in three languages. busi ne ssch ief . eu
“ Group Procurement will continue to be a value-creating, responsible and effective procurement function, supporting Arm’s business and mission to architect a smarter world” — Alisa Bornstein, Group Procurement Senior Director, Arm
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“ Digitalisation influences all areas of procurement” — Alisa Bornstein, Group Procurement Senior Director, Arm
products,” says Bornstein. “That’s achieved through building collabora tive, mutually beneficial relationships, a proactive development of leading practice strategies to maximise the value of these relationships, driving innovation programmes, reducing supplier-related risk, leveraging
(CSR), supplier risk management and
purchasing power and shared values
stakeholder engagement & collabora
around sustainability and diversity.”
tion. It has required a shift in, among
As with essentially all of the world’s
other things, the way of working
companies, the COVID-19 outbreak
with key suppliers and partners, with
has impacted operations, particularly
Bornstein identifying seven key quali
when it comes to the supply chain.
ties she looks for, namely being:
“Reports on how the COVID-19 out break is affecting supply chains and
• An expert in service type and market • Accountable • A Strategic Advisor • An Innovator • Easy to communicate with • A Cultural fit • Ethics and Compliance-minded
disrupting manufacturing and service operations around the world are increasing daily,” says Bornstein. “The
“Strategic partnerships with sup pliers are critical to supporting an organisation’s objectives in maximising the value it obtains from its external partners, providers of outsourced solutions and third-party services and busi ne ssch ief . eu
prediction is that the impact of COVID-
also bears in mind the impact on its
19 on global supply chains is to remain
suppliers, hence the action Arm has
for many months. Our procurement
taken. “We’ve sent communications
team recognises the challenge that
to key suppliers encouraging them
COVID-19 poses to our organisation
to share with us their business conti
and is working hard to continuously
nuity measures. Arm’s top 20 suppliers
assess and mitigate these risks.”
were contacted, and follow-up is
Bornstein emphasises that it is not
ongoing to understand their plans
only focused on the well-being of its
and any impact this will have on Arm.
own organisation and employees but
We are also working with, for
example, IT equipment suppliers to
to be a value-creating, responsible
monitor and maintain our stock levels
and effective Procurement function,
on a regular basis.”
supporting Arm’s business and mis
It’s no surprise then that Bornstein
sion to architect a smarter world.”
is confident that Arm’s procurement function will continue to live up to the company’s reputation as a hightech leader. “The world is changing. Industries are changing. But our focus in Group Procurement will continue busi ne ssch ief . eu
Driving Digital Change for Energy and Technology 214
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Thomas Zinniker, Chief Information Officer at BKW Group, explains how business is thriving through synergies across energy, grid and services
homas Zinniker, BKW Group’s Chief Information Officer, pops up on Zoom against a striking Alpine backdrop and
for the next hour, speaks with refreshing clarity about the changing nature of energy and tech nology, and BKW’s pivotal position at the heart 216
of these changes. Whether it’s urbanisation, climate change or digitalisation, BKW Group is a driver of change and comfortable embracing solutions, innova tions and data, as befits its vision to create “infrastructure solutions for a future worth living”. One of its core messages is decentralisation and maintaining flexibility amid volatility, across its three central business sectors – Energy, Grid and Services. Specifically, it has expertise in five key areas; Energy, Power Grid, Infra Services, Building Solutions and Engineering. The numbers speak for themselves. In the half year to 2020, BKW’s revenues shot up 12 per cent to around CHF1.5 billion and operating profit rose 5 per cent to CHF219 million.
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“ We have grown dramatically over the last couple of years and we’ve taken the strategy to build up a network of companies rather than integrate them” — Thomas Zinniker, Chief Information Officer, BKW Group
Recently BKW announced its entrance into the gas market, primarily for two reasons; it has significant par
“We have grown dramatically over
ticipation in power plants, enabling it to
the last couple of years and we’ve
buy gas more cheaply, and many of its
taken the strategy to build up a
business customers are demanding
network of companies rather than
turn-key solutions.
integrate them,” Zinniker says, “which
Fuelling Energy, Grid and Services
means we need technology to create
One key factor in the group’s ongo
that network, to combine skills, for big
ing success is its ability to diversify
ger projects and all the collaboration
and keep one eye on the bigger pic
elements that are essential.”
ture – whether it’s entering the gas market and providing end customers with a comprehensive energy offering from a single-source supplier; opening
Diversity I Corporate Film I BKW CLICK TO WATCH
219 up new distribution channels with
With half of energy consumption
electricity suppliers and installation
occurring within buildings, the group
partners; or growing its end-to-end
is striving to develop solutions to save
Home Energy system. Underpinning
energy and reduce CO2 emissions.
all these elements is the technology;
Zinniker believes technology is a
each day computers with “100 engi
“key enabler” in the fight against cli
neering years’ worth of performance”
mate change.
scan the entire BKW network. From a ‘pure energy’ company, BKW
“With the increase in decentralised power production – be it wind or
has grown into a service company
solar – the grid has a completely dif
across Europe, specifically Germany,
ferent meaning and capacity issues,”
Switzerland and Austria. In future,
he says. “Technology helps us get
Zinniker believes the energy sector
better insights into where the bottle-
has to come up with solutions in
necks are and also what we need to
a more smart way.
change to adapt to new consumption busi ne ssc h ief . eu
DIGI AL makes it work. The energy and infrastructure service provider BKW relies on SAP solutions as the basis for a successful digital transformation. As a digitalisation service provider, T-Systems in Switzerland supports companies end-to-end with the continuous development and operation of their SAP landscape. www.t-systems.ch
and production patterns, and to a
energy consumption dropped, but the
certain extent, steer the new ways
group has not been heavily impacted.
of consumption.”
In its company presentation, it states
In terms of engineering services,
Mühleberg nuclear power plant
BKW has been appointed as general
disassembly is ‘on course’ despite
planner for the overall build-up of the
the pandemic, while innovative, tech-
Tesla Gigafactory in Berlin – a pres
oriented buildings include the Tic
tigious win for the group. Besides
Tric Trac solar-power cooling system
that, infrastructure services focuses
in Zurich and Lonza’s new laboratories
on the large transmission grids, com
in Visp biopark.
munication networks, and drinking water supply. On the business side, COVID-19 has impacted its services area and
“Due to our model to hedge prices and sell production in advance, we were in a good position when energy prices dropped due to lower consumption,”
Thomas Zinniker Title: Chief Information Officer
Industry: Utilities
Location: Switzerland Thomas Zinniker joined BKW in 2016. As a CIO he is responsible for further developing ICT services – supporting the transformation of BKW from a pure utilities company to an international Infrastructure Services Supplier. Zinniker has a degree in Computer Science and Business Administration. Prior to BKW, Thomas worked in various global companies as a software engineer, consultant and CIO. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
says Zinniker. “When it comes to work
from home, that we give employees
ing from home, we were well prepared
stability and structure from a working
and ready from the first day of the
perspective,” adding that the group
pandemic. We have been building our
ranks among the top 10 recruiters
remote working platforms for many
in Switzerland.
years in the light of networking the
Industry 4.0 is a hot topic in the area
newly acquired companies, so when
of power generation and power grid as
the lockdown came, it was quite easy
it switches to a decentralised model.
for us to transition.”
“Electricity cannot easily be stored
But Zinniker acknowledges that in a
so you need insights into what’s going
world of volatility, there will be ongoing
on with the power grid,” says Zinniker.
challenges and technology is going
“We will now have more room to influ
to be increasingly crucial. “It’s impor
ence production and consumption.
tant, during this period of working
With the combination of technologies
“ We have been building our remote working platforms for many years so when the lockdown came, it was quite easy” — Thomas Zinniker, Chief Information Officer, BKW Group
Clean tech is another key area, though Zinniker wishes the debate wasn’t so “dogmatic” when assessing energy consumption benefits. The flexibility of a gas plant, for example, can be much better controlled and use less CO2 serving as a bridge to solar or other new technologies. Last year, BKW became the first
and combining new ways of storing
publicly listed Swiss company to
energy, we are better equipped to
launch a green bond for trading on the
deal with these uncertainties. In other
Swiss stock exchange, with CHF200
areas, AI is enabling us to plan with
million allocated to fund sustainable
new piping, leakages and installations
projects throughout Europe.
and check everything fits by using Augmented Reality technologies.” The cloud supports the group as a
STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Strategic partnerships across markets
tool to gain flexibility – but it is just a
and sectors are vital for BKW Group,
tool, Zinniker stresses. “Digital trans
he adds. They add the crucial flexibility
formation is not just automation – it’s
and resilience in our growth path and
the smart integration of people, pro
let us focus on our core business. For
cesses and technology. You need to question everything, have the right cul ture and be allowed to make mistakes.” He highlights Uber as a good example of a company which could have created an app that just bun dled call centres but they completely re-thought the model from the con sumers’ viewpoint. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Intelligent tech needs ingenious humans Explore how Extended Reality is changing the way people and companies work at accenture.com/xr
“ I like to see myself as the coach on the sidelines, there when they need help, rather than to interfere with the game itself” — Thomas Zinniker, Chief Information Officer, BKW Group
customers. “It is crucial to think out of the box, when developing new prod
instance T-Systems is a strong partner
ucts for a changing market. Strategic
in the SAP area. We just outsourced
partner help us to bring in new ideas
the total SAP infrastructure to them.
an shed light on bling spots we all have.
“With their very strong position as a
Especially in areas, where we are
service provider to the energy market,
working since decades more or less
we are continuously exploring addi
the same way”. 225
tional opportunities to further grow in to new areas.” As an operator for critical infrastructure in Switzerland we need to be resilient in case of major incidents in order to guarantee an up and running energy supply for our cus tomers. With HPEs services for data storage and backup solutions we have implemented additional resilience. Our goal was to build a fallback scenario which has to work in case our own security measures are failing. But not only in the infrastructure area, but also in the business part we rely on partners such as Accenture bringing in expertise and new ideas to develop new services for our
• Production sites: 103 • Countries: 8 • Shareholders: Canton of Bern (52.54%), Others (37.50%) and Groupe E (10%) • Employees: 3,200 (Building Solutions), 2,900 (Engineering), 1,700 (Energy) and 700 (Power Grid) busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ Digital transformation is not just automation – it’s the smart integration of people, processes and technology” — Thomas Zinniker, Chief Information Officer, BKW Group
BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY “From a career perspective I was always in the area of bringing IT into business, and making technology benefit the business. I’ve worked as a consultant for many years, in large multinational companies. But my philosophy has changed over the last couple of years. I’ve seen that the increased speed in
change can only be achieved through
help, rather than to interfere with the
self-organisation and self-sufficient
game itself. Always trust people – trust
employees. As a manager you can’t
is essential. Mistakes happen but be
always tell people what they have to
transparent and look for solutions.”
do. Provide people with guiding prin ciples, give them a clear target – but let them find the way to that target themselves. I like to see myself as the coach on the sidelines, there when they need busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Delivering World-Class Connectivity WRITTEN BY
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Judith Gardiner and Sohail Qadir discuss their companies’ joint venture to bring an unprecedented level of connectivity to the Middle East
erched at the easterly edge of the Arabian Peninsula, where the Gulf meets the Indian Ocean, the Sultanate of Oman sits at the
crossroads of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Positioned as it is, Oman is uniquely suited to serve as an interconnection hub for the entire 230
Middle East region, as well as the wider world beyond. “The positioning of Oman is excellent,” says Judith Gardiner, Vice President of Growth and Emerging Markets at Equinix. Sohail Qadir, Vice President of the Wholesale Business Unit at Oman’s largest and leading telecom operator, Omantel, agrees. “This region is becoming highly connected,” he affirms. “Our location between Europe and Asia means that all the subsea cables that connect Asia to Europe, or Asia to Africa and so on, pass through the Middle East. We are becoming a hub for interconnection.” In 2018, Omantel and Equinix embarked on a his toric joint venture. Over the past couple of years, the data centre giant and Omani telecom leader have worked together to build a world-class, carrier-neutral data centre hub and international business exchange DECEMBER 2020
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ There is no other place with this level of connectivity in the region. Even in the bigger data centres in Europe, it would be very rare to see something like this” — Sohail Qadir, VP, Wholesale Business Unit, Omantel
(IBX) in the city of Barka - just outside the Omani capital of Muscat. The facility, MC1, came online in early October of this year, with more than 23,600 square feet of colocation space and 725 cabinets for colocation hosting. Most importantly, the partnership has allowed Equinix to unite its global data centre network and extensive infrastructure expertise with Omantel’s strategically placed network of subsea cables to create the most highly connected telecom facility in the region. We sat down with Gardiner and
Qadir to learn more about this unique partnership and what it means for the future of Oman as the connectivity nexus of the Middle East and beyond.
A DIGITAL REVOLUTION As one of the world’s premier digital infrastructure companies, Equinix oper ates more than 220 colocation data centres in 26 countries globally. The Middle East, Gardiner explains, holds a great deal of promise for the company. “The Middle East has proven to be one of the most exciting areas of cloud growth and cloud has quickly become a key factor in the region’s digital trans formation,” she says. “There’s been DECEMBER 2020
Introduction to Judith Gardner Vice President of Gems at Equinix CLICK TO WATCH
233 rapid growth of the digital economy
and storage that is required for eve-
and it’s really driven increased demand
rything to function harmoniously,” she
for global connectivity and hybrid multi
cloud solutions. The increased use
Qadir notes that the Omani govern-
of cloud services and mobile devices
ment’s active role in the data centre
are causing an exponential growth in
and cloud industry has accelerated
the volume of data being stored and
dramatically over the past year, due in
processed.” Gardiner adds that the
part to the COVID-19 pandemic, but
expansion of the Middle East’s digital
also as a result of the region’s changing
economy has also spurred the adop-
relationship to the oil and gas industry.
tion of new applications and services
“The Middle East is heavily dependent
using advanced analytics and machine
on oil revenues, with some economies
learning, which are demanding greater
in the region being as much as 90%
performance. “They’re really leading to
dependent on oil revenues, and you
a reshaping of the network compute
will not find a country - especially in the busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ The Middle East has proven to be one of the most exciting areas of cloud growth” — Judith Gardiner, VP, Growth and Emerging Markets, Equinix
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) - that
A few years ago, cloud was something of
is less than 75% oil dependent,” he says.
a no-no in this region. Just a few months
Following the global drop in oil prices
ago, the Omani government announced
last year, there has been a serious push
plans to deliver Oracle cloud in Oman to
towards cloud and digital services, as
consolidate all its IT requirements. Cloud
governments work to ramp up cloud ser
has become a very important goal for the
vices in preparation for a regional pivot
towards a more digital economy. “It’s “In response, governments and agencies
have been aggregating and consolidat
The Middle East and the rest of the world
ing their requirements on services like
are moving towards increased cloud
Oracle, AWS, Azure, etc. and these
adoption and greater dependence on
projects are starting to come online.
digital services at an unprecedented rate.
a big crisis in the region,” Qadir explains.
235 E X E C U T I V E P R O FILE :
Judith Gardiner Title: VP, Growth and Emerging Markets Company: Equinix
Industry: Internet
Judith Gardiner joined Equinix in 2013 as Director of Sales Strategy and Operations for EMEA, going on to serve as Chief of Staff for EMEA leading multiple high impact projects in the region, including acquisitions and integration programs, before becoming Vice President of EMEA’s Growth and Emerging Markets in 2019. Judith joined Equinix from Polycom, where she held management positions in Finance and Sales Operations in Europe over the span of 10 years. Previously, Judith worked at Peoplesoft (now Oracle) in the Netherlands, after spending five years at Deloitte in Ireland. Judith qualified as a Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
The current crisis has, Gardiner explains, dramatically accelerated the pace of digital transformations around the world. “Before COVID-19, a digital transformation project could be expected to take two years, and now that same transformation has to happen in two months. The conversations we’re having with other countries in the Middle East have been accelerating,” she says. A recent report from Deloitte identified the trend, noting that a global shift towards remote work, and the pandemic rendering on-premises data centres inaccessible has rapidly accelerated cloud migrations around the world. “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital
transformation in two months,” Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella told Deloitte, confirming Gardiner’s assertion. Executing a historic joint venture like the one between Equinix and Omantel is a challenging feat at the best of times. However, Gardiner reflects, the companies’ respective teams rose to the challenge commendably. “Previously, we would have never thought we could achieve something like this without travel,” she says. “While it’s been disappointing not to be able to do a lot of the work in person, it’s also been really rewarding to see the teams join together and integrate successfully, even in the midst of a pandemic.”
“ With Omantel in Muscat we’re going to be able to offer 160 milliseconds of latency between Frankfurt and Singapore” — Sohail Qadir, VP, Wholesale Business Unit, Omantel
in Oman. The Sultanate also has another operator, which has another two cables landing in the country. All of these sub sea cables now have access into MC1, making for 16 subsea networks in one data centre,” says Qadir, adding that “There is no other place with that level of connectivity in this region. Even in the bigger data centres in Europe, it would be very rare to see something like this.”
The latest findings from the Global
The initial success of MC1 has already
Interconnection Index predicts that
garnered significant interest in the
enterprise consumption of interconnec
project. Qadir notes that the venture
tion bandwidth will grow at a CAGR of
is currently working on five additional
45% across the EMEA region by 2023.
projects to bring even more connectiv
Equinix and Omantel’s joint venture is
ity to MC1. “There’s a point-to-point
poised to elevate connectivity in the
link between Perth in Australia and
region to a revolutionary degree.
Oman, which will land in MC1 and go
First opened in early October this
live towards the end of 2021. It is called
year, MC1 is a state-of-the-art IBX,
the Oman Australia Cable (OAC) and
strategically positioned to make use
will be one of the longest direct subsea
of Omantel’s extensive subsea cable
cables in the world. We are also working
network. Omantel currently has invest
with Google and Telecom Italia Sparkle
ments in more than 20 subsea cable
on a cable system called Blue-Raman,
systems, which connect to five landing
which will also land in MC1, just to name
stations in Oman and one in France,
a few,” says Qadir. “Moreover we are
making Omantel the first GCC telecom
planning to extend the GCCIA cable to
operator to have a subsea landing sta
MC1, which is an alternative terrestrial
tion in Europe.
path connecting the GCC countries”, he
“Omantel has 14 subsea cables landing
added. Qadir explains that the goal is to busi ne ssc h ief . eu
238 E X E C U T I V E P R O FILE :
Sohail Qadir Title: VP, Wholesale Business Unit Company: Omantel
Industry: Telecommunications
Sohail Qadir is vice president of wholesale business. He is responsible for developing and growing Omantel’s emerging International businesses, like expanding submarine cables, voice transit and national interconnects including MVNO. In addition, as senior management member he is responsible for overseeing the company’s growing business and footprint outside Oman. He has more than 20 years of experience in a broad range of IT & telecom segments with a specific focus on international business. Before joining his current position in August 2010, he served as chief operating officer in Worldcall Telecom Limited. Mr. Qadir holds B.E. in Computer Systems and Masters in Business Administration. DECEMBER 2020
Introduction to Sohail Qadir Vice President of Wholesale at Omantel CLICK TO WATCH
239 create an environment where Omantel
adding that Equinix’s role is then to man
does not need to build its own subsea
age those intersection points between
cables into MC1, as the facility attracts
cables globally. “With Omantel in Muscat
outside investment from cable and
we’re going to be able to offer 160 mil
infrastructure companies due to its role
liseconds of latency between Frankfurt
as a regional interconnection point. “Five
and Singapore, and that sort of connec
years down the line, MC1 will be among
tivity is only going to accelerate adoption
the most highly-connected data centres
and transformation even further.”
globally,” he enthuses. This level of connectivity is going to
be a driving force behind uniting the
The pace of innovation and adoption
digital economies in EMEA with APAC
around digital services is only going to
and beyond. “The subsea cables that
accelerate. The Equinix and Omantel
Omantel is investing in are really going
joint venture is set to keep pace with
to drive connectivity,” says Gardiner,
demand. “We launched MC1 just last busi ne ssc h ief . eu
An insight into the partnership between Equinix & Omentel CLICK TO WATCH
“ Before COVID-19, a digital transformation project could be expected to take two years, and now that same transformation has to happen in two months” — Judith Gardiner, VP, Growth and Emerging Markets, Equinix
month and we are already in discussions over possible expansions,” says Qadir. In closing, Gardiner emphasises the fact that continued investment in the Middle East’s digital infrastructure is essential for the region’s success, and that its opportunities, both locally and as a global interconnection point, are sig nificant. “We’re very focused on Muscat right now. The interconnection platform is incredibly important. What we’re see ing drive our customers isn’t space and power, it’s the interconnection platform we provide, the reliability and service excellence, and fundamentally the access to all the digital ecosystems and partners we can offer,” she says, adding in conclusion that “It’s vital that com panies invest in developing the digital infrastructure of the Middle East, or the pace of innovation will quickly outstrip its capabilities, and the region’s promis ing growth as a digital hub will stop. But we’re not expecting to see that; if any thing, we’re expecting to see it grow and develop even faster than we’ve already seen.”
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
BEN MALTBY busi ne ssc h ief . eu
elena Nimmo joined global software com pany Endava as CIO a year and half ago, having been in the technology industry
for 20 years. A native of Finland, she started her career at Finnish technology giant Nokia in the logistics division, before joining Symbian Software 244
and moving to London in 1999. “From there I worked at Fujitsu, then spent a good six or seven years in publishing through both Euromonitor and Thomson Reuters. Working in those different sectors has given me a breadth of understanding that I think has been truly beneficial as I’ve taken on more senior leadership roles.” Endava has operations across the globe, including the Americas, Europe and Asia. Nimmo says the company occupies a specific niche in the industry. “We’re in a sweet spot between your traditional IT providers, the SIs, the digital agencies, which are obviously much smaller and much more nimble, and also the business and technology consultancies. We sit in amongst the nexus of all three of those, so we help businesses define, design, develop, run, and evolve their technology and their products. DECEMBER 2020
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
As an organisation, Endava wants to
a pivot in cybersecurity as we moved
reimagine the interface between people
to home working.” With much of the
and technology and make the digital
estate being software-as-a-service
experience something really positive.”
solutions, that pivot has been made
Nimmo considers herself fortunate
easier, but it brings its own set of chal
to have inherited an IT estate that
lenges around the digital experience.
was already fairly digital, which greatly
“The challenge is making sure that the
helped the organisation pivot to remote
data connections are there,” she says.
working within 48 hours globally due
“So you’ve got that flow of data between
to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
the various different systems. That will, for
“Making sure that we have got the right
instance, help you if you were to start
types of collaboration tools in place
a new role in an environment where
has been absolutely critical, as well as
you don’t actually get to meet your
Helena Nimmo Title: Chief Information Officer Company: Endava Industry: Information Technology & Services Location: London
colleagues, making onboarding much easier and much slicker.” The company operates on a hybrid of private and public cloud, but Nimmo is clear that the cloud mustn’t be consid ered a fix-all. “Cloud-first shouldn’t be interpreted as a cloud-only approach. There will always be certain systems and data in any organisation, depending on what your industry or unique selling point or critical dependency is, that you
Helena joined Endava in May 2019 and has global responsibility for Internal Tech across the Group. Helena has over 20 years of experience in change and organisational design through product development, data management and technology transformation. Prior to joining Endava, Helena has worked in multiple sectors and variety of organisations including Thomson Reuters, Cancer Research UK, Fujitsu and Symbian. She started her technology career with Nokia.
might want to keep on premise. So public cloud-first is an aspiration, but it’s not busi ne ssc h ief . eu
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our blanket approach.” When it comes to making the most of data, “patience” is her watchword. “Data tends to be one of those really knotty problems that you start thinking about and end up putting in the too-hard-to-dealwith-today box. I think it takes a lot of patience to unpick data, because data is what makes technology relevant. If the data isn’t right, the system is not going to matter.” Enabling Endava’s transformation has involved a number of key technol ogy partners. Microsoft’s Azure serves as the cloud provider for the Endava IT estate, with their relationship stretching back around 10 years and encompassing a number of Gold and Silver partnerships in various areas. “When working with Azure, we employ the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework, and the Azure Well-Architected Framework. We also busi ne ssc h ief . eu
have partnerships with Google and AWS. Our goal is always to create the most secure, high performing, resilient and efficient cloud infrastructures and applications for our users and for our customers.” says Nimmo. The company also works with the likes of Datadog and Terraform, with Nimmo stressing that “taking the leap into next generation technology with all our partners is something that we pride ourselves on as a business.” Another of her inheritances was a 252
culture of openness, creativity and trust, which Nimmo has sought to nurture and protect. “Technology and transformation, technology
and change, clearly go hand in hand. If you’re introducing new technology, you are changing the way people behave or interact with the system or the data. The way I look at tech nology and Endava is that we have a good, strong organisational culture and value system. I’m looking at how to use technology to preserve it, rather than change it.” That strong culture has been espe cially important through the pandemic.
Year founded
7,199 Number of employees
“If I look at my own leadership style,
remote working technology. “Working
it’s collaborative and open. I’ve always
from home, working in isolation suits
been of the view that you need to be
some better than others, so it’s impor
able to challenge me. So I give my team
tant to be better listeners. If you think
members the space to do that if they
about remote collaboration before the
don’t agree with what I’m saying.
pandemic, if you dialled into a meeting
That does prompt a better level of
while others were physically present
conversation, better collaboration
in a meeting room, you were always
and much better results.” The pandemic
a bit of a hanger on. That’s definitely
has created the need for a higher level of
changed. Now, people are given the
sympathy and empathy, which has been
opportunity to talk and encouraged to
necessary to best take advantage of
voice their thoughts and opinions.” busi ne ssc h ief . eu
While she sees benefits stemming from the pandemic in terms of drawing people away from cities and leaving space for local innovation and startups, Nimmo emphasises that the downsides must also be recognised. “If I was just starting in my career, I would struggle to only work from home. You learn so much by observing others, collaborat ing and even stopping to have a drink after work. Those are really key paths to becoming a corporate citizen.” Nevertheless, she reports that the
organisation recorded an improvement in productivity since the transition to fully working from home. “I think the key thing that we’re seeing right now is that home working is clearly possible at a scale that nobody believed it would be. More and more organisations are com ing out and saying that. We’ve already seen that our productivity has not only stayed stable, but actually improved, which is fantastic. That’s where we’re really reaping the rewards of remote working, by providing the flexibility to blend work and personal lives.” While the pandemic has certainly had an upending effect, Nimmo believes that the traditional stresses on CIOs DECEMBER 2020
Endava Solutions: Digital. Agile. Automation. CLICK TO WATCH
255 are not going away. “Any IT leader will
reputation as a digital organisation.
tell you that we always face the pres
“We provide our customers with digital
sure to be really creative, innovative
solutions, so I have to make sure that
and cutting edge, while at the same
our technology stack remains relevant.
time, not costing too much money.
Clearly one way of doing that is ensuring
As a business, we have a ‘pass it on’
that we have a seamless user experi
culture and so I am often asked
ence, whether you’re working from
to share tips and insights. As we all
home or from the office.” That dove
start to focus on their plans for 2021,
tails with her belief that “technology
I am conscious of the need to be
needs to be a platform for efficiencies,
focused on Digital Necessity over big,
not a platform for complexities.
old-fashioned and expensive transfor
Because with efficiencies ultimately
mation projects.”
comes savings in cost and time.”
Nimmo is focused on ensuring the solutions in place live up to Endava’s busi ne ssc h ief . eu
KWS: Digital Transformation in Procurement WRITTEN BY
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Peter Hagenow, Head of Strategic Procurement at KWS, discusses the digital transformation of the procurement function at his organisation
WS is one of the world’s most renowned plant breeding companies. Founded over 160 years ago, KWS focuses on plant
breeding and the production and sale of seed for corn, sugarbeet, cereals, rapeseed, sunflowers and vegetables. Peter Hagenow is the Head of Strategic 258
Procurement at KWS. Having joined the organisa tion in November 2018, Hagenow possesses over 15 years of international experience in large and medium sized industries and has held positions in sales, procurement, manufacturing and general management. Upon joining KWS, Hagenow set a roadmap and began to transform the procure ment function. “When I joined the company, I was on my own in the global procurement department and it took some weeks before anyone else joined,” he explains. “At the same time, we were starting to develop the global transaction centre which my equal, Maik Mueller, headed up as the team lead. Both of us then began to create our teams and to set up the process landscape. My primary role was to search for category managers both internally
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Digital Procurement: Lean Processes, Lower Costs, Better Decisions Digitization makes purchasing more efficient across all industries. An online store like Amazon Business helps companies streamline processes, control costs and make better buying decisions. The tail spend purchases outside of negotiated procurement contracts - in particular can be managed in a more cost-effective way. Small product orders account for up to 20 percent of a company’s expenditure but make up 80 percent of suppliers. With digital procurement, managers are contributing to their company’s success by saving costs. Optimizing search, approvals, order processing, and payments have a potential to cut non-material costs significantly in every order. In contracted categories, as e.g. IT accessories, office and MRO supplies, savings can be realized due to lower unit prices, e.g. about 20 percent in IT peripherals according to the recent Deloitte study “COP response to combat Covid-19”.
Another advantage is that employees know Amazon from their private shopping experience and intuitively find their way around Amazon Business. They are enabled to purchase goods themselves - critical product groups can be excluded, and approval processes applied. Amazon Business can be easily integrated into the existing ERP or procurement systems. B2B online stores are a key element of digital procurement. Companies benefit from lean processes, lower process costs, competitive prices, and volume discounts. For purchasing managers, B2B online stores should therefore be a key factor with regard to designing their procurement strategy.
and externally to create a team of true
about 65% of our workforce glob
experts in procurement. Today, the
ally,” he explains. “The next step is to
teams are close to being completed
stabilise the core and add more stra
and we’ve started to integrate bots
tegic processes to the digitalisation
on the operational side, while having
agenda. Ultimately, we want to make
a true expert network on the more
purchasing as simple as possible
strategic side.”
and it should be as easy as doing online
Under Hagenow’s leadership, KWS
shopping at the weekend. We want
is connecting all 70 of the countries
that same experience and to make it
it serves through its centralised pro
as streamlined as possible.
curement function in Berlin. “We’re over
To try and make this happen, we’ve
halfway through and have connected
set up electronic catalogues in our 261
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
262 purchasing system that allows you to
desired goal in a few simple steps.
check out in six clicks only and make
With only a few clicks, the office
it easy for our internal customers.
supplies are ordered in a catalogue
That’s what we’re constantly
system, such as Amazon Business.
striving for.”
Algorithms help us to find even more
Hagenow has observed how
optimal ordering slots. Approvals are
digitalisation has transformed pur
made on the road by mobile phone.
chasing and recognises the trend of
Contract texts can be evaluated
buying online. “We all buy something
automatically, signatures via computer
almost every day and we love to buy
have become standard. Ordering by
online. Nobody finds this process
voice or chatbot are reality. A number
difficult and we find efficiency is very
of years ago, it was my aim to have
high,” explains Hagenow. “This is
a fully paperless office and I believe
also expected of modern purchasing.
we will make this a reality very soon.”
Digitalisation allows us to reach the
“However, this means that we have
“ We must take care of the workforce of today to ensure they’re equipped with everything they need to succeed for tomorrow” — Peter Hagenow, Head of Strategic Procurement, KWS 263 to be able to control the data that
biggest benefits of a centralised
accumulates, i.e. make it available
procurement process is creating one
for evaluation and use. This is a new
unified way of doing things to make
requirement for purchasing. But we
the process more efficient. “With pur
should not and must not be afraid of
chasing, if you have one unified way
change. I believe that with all the auto
of doing things then it allows you
mation and optimisation, manpower
to think about automation,” says
will not be lost. It will look different
Hagenow. “During the last two years,
in the future, maybe we will automate
we’ve set up the procurement pro
purchasing as far as possible. The
cesses in a way where the approval
concepts, the contents and the control
of a purchase is done at the very
of the systems will simply become
beginning. For example, if I want
more important and job descriptions
to buy a type of equipment above
will change accordingly.”
a certain threshold and my manager
Hagenow believes one of the
needs to approve it to ensure we busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ We want to make purchasing as simple as possible and it should be as easy as doing online shopping at the weekend” — Peter Hagenow, Head of Strategic Procurement, KWS have the budget then this can be eas ily done. This means that when it’s all 264
approved and the item is delivered, we don’t need to look at the invoice anymore, we can automate the payment. This is
less required to approach the supplier
why it’s important to have a centralised
base with a club on their back, but
procurement process.” Over the past
rather to seek strategic approaches and
two decades, Hagenow believes that the
job profile of the buyer has transformed
With over 160 years of experience
as the world continues to embrace digi
in the industry, Hagenow acknowledges
talisation at scale. “Digitalisation is the
the added challenge of convincing every
keyword,” he explains. “ERP systems
employee to transform operations and
have been occupying us for some time
the day-to-day process. “Our company
now, the operative buyer has become
has been around for such a long time
less and less a mere typist who some
that it makes it more challenging to
how transports the order into the ERP,
change the process,” he explains. “We
and is increasingly developing into
constantly get asked: why change
a Content & RPA Manager. At the same
something that works? So, this took
time, strategic purchasers are less and
a little time to get everyone onboard.
265 E X E C U T I V E P R O FILE :
Peter Hagenow Title: Head of Strategic Procurement Company: KWS Industry: Agriculture
Location: Einbeck
Peter Hagenow is KWS’ Head of Strategic Procurement, reporting to the CFO Eva Kienle. Since joining in late 2018, he is responsible for the Procurement Expert Hubs for Direct and Indirect Material and Investment & Technical Procurement. Prior to joining KWS, Peter worked at Akelius Residential where he also built up the central procurement function. Before Akelius, he worked in various industries, each time related to procurement but also to the production environment. Peter earned a Master of Engineering degree in Industrial Engineering from Rostock University. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
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T:297 mm
“ With purchasing, if you have one unified way of doing things then it allows you to think about automation” — Peter Hagenow, Head of Strategic Procurement, KWS
to try and reassure people when it comes to digitalisation and help make them understand that there is no danger to new technologies.” Having partnered with SAP for a number of years, Hagenow under stands the importance of key, strategic collaborations to success. “In the beginning, Maik and I needed
The larger the company, the more com
to connect to the business so that
plex it gets to drive digitalisation and
we could build the procurement func
we have to remember that we’re not
tion. Our company has used SAP for
a small company anymore. It’s vital to
decades so we were reaching out to
sell your idea and convince people that
them to search for the right tool for
it’s for the best. I believe it’s important
us,” he says. “One of the best things busi ne ssc h ief . eu
AMAZ ON B U SI NE SS Hagenow believes that his company’s relationship with Amazon Business has been a key component to success. “In terms of COVID-19, it has been very helpful for us that we had partnered up with Amazon Business at an earlier stage of our journey,” he says. “Our requestors were already used to kind of online shop the day to day requirements online since we introduced the Amazon portal. This is a big plus when you’re suddenly connected to your company through the internet.”
“A big advantage in the international context is that we have been able to introduce Amazon business and the possibility of restricting the access to certain product categories. Soon we will be managing the tail end spend through Amazon in 17 countries with a one-creditor approach, but we are also looking to integrate other partners with their pre-negotiated assortment of goods to the portal.”
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“ I believe it’s important to try and reassure people when it comes to digitalisation and help make them understand that there is no danger to new technologies” — Peter Hagenow, Head of Strategic Procurement, KWS DECEMBER 2020
about working with SAP is that when we have a certain development need, they always listen and try to build our requirements into the products over time. They’re a big reason why after our five year transformation journey, we will almost have a fully digitalised purchasing experience.” Looking to the future, Hagenow believes that digitalisation will only become more influential and promi nent in the supply chain industry. “I think we will see even more
digitalisation, not just at KWS but also
“We’ve started introducing bots and are
the sector itself,” he affirms. “I believe
looking at our operational purchases of
that strategic procurement will transi
today and reviewing what their role will
tion from the pure negotiation of finding
be tomorrow,” he explains. “All of our
other added value and move towards
employees in Berlin that are working in
common development with suppliers.
our transaction centre are multilingual
There will be lots
so we’re trying to get connected to all
of new technology implemented that
of our countries. We must take care of
will allow us to manage our day in
the workforce of today to ensure they’re
a quicker and more efficient way and
equipped with everything they need to
the future is bright.” Hagenow adds
succeed for tomorrow.”
that the development of the workforce is essential to long-term success. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
an Hruska is a man on a mission. The CTO at O2 Czech Republic is not so much joining the post-pandemic wave of digital
transformation as engineering the technological tide which continues to revolutionise our corporate
and leisure lives. In the space of an hour we cover CRM, cyberse curity, apps, TV platforms, employee dynamics, 5G and mobile, and I leave our Zoom call with a sense that we could easily have talked another hour, such is the dynamism of O2’s business, scope of the mobile industry and seemingly endless permuta tions which have been presented by the pandemic. To date, the operator has almost 8 million mobile and fixed access subscribers. COVID-19 has impacted us all, and for Hruska, it’s been a case of juggling inherent paradoxes: while economies have slowed, the tech space has accel erated, and despite virtual being the new normal, we can’t skirt physical realities. He has had to keep a close eye on all four balls simultaneously.
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Emeldi Commerce® Omni-channel CRM – a CSP digital transformation key enabler Emeldi provides a state-of-the art suite of Business Support Systems that offer Communications Service Providers (CSPs) the ability to monetize new services, implement new business models and differentiate content; delivering a seamless customer experience across all sales and care channels. We have a proven track record of delivering and supporting E-commerce, Order Management, CPQ, Enterprise Product Catalogue and Omni-channel CRM – all delivered within a modern microservices architecture. This enables CSPs to deliver innovative products and services at lower cost and in less time, with reliability and ease. The platform’s overall cost of ownership is highly competitive vis a vis our competitors and the investment is future-proofed by the architectural design which is “5G -Ready”. Emeldi Commerce® Omni-channel CRM was recently implemented at O2 Czech Republic, providing them with an omni-channel solution across all sales channels and customer facing touch points, fully-integrated with their OSS systems.
Learn the Emeldi way forward
“ The trend that can be seen is that the time for delivering changes is shortening, you have a smaller window of opportunity” — Jan Hruska, CTO, Czech Republic
processes finished with a stage that had to be completed physically – but now we are 80% digitised,” he says. “You can combine bundle services in the CRM and everything can be finished online. Normally IT and marketing are separate, but we wanted to create one team that’s focused on the customer experience and are the gatekeepers of the system.” Dusan Bystriansky, Director of Emeldi
“The trend that can be seen is that
Technologies, a leading software pro
the time for delivering changes is
vider to the telco industry, explains how
shortening, you have a smaller window
its relationship with O2 Czech Republic
of opportunity – and it’s getting even
stretches back to 2001.
shorter with things changing overnight.
Reflecting on O2’s implementation
People are going more online following
of the Emeldi Commerce® Version 5.2,
lockdowns, though many telcos are still
he says: “O2 was really quite brave –
selling through traditional channels.”
they went with a big bang when it came
Fortunately, the bedrock to this con
to the scope of transformation, not
stant change has been O2’s Customer
just with order management, sales and
Relationship Management (CRM)
customer care but also they combined
system, which chalked up its second
three billing systems into one.
anniversary in October. The success lies in its common inter
Emeldi provides an ‘omni channel’ CRM for all sales and support chan
face simplicity which is designed to
nels, which is supported by single
provide the same service and clarity
consolidated customer and product
of information, irrespective of whether
catalogue repositories. The platform’s
you’re a first-time customer or sea
unified architecture provides digital
soned shop assistant.
commerce and CRM functionality in a
“It wasn’t digitised initially, as most
single application. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ We have redesigned the architecture and the new app is totally scalable and can meet any scenarios” — Jan Hruska, CTO, Czech Republic
Bystriansky added that it is now work ing on a pilot project to decouple front and back end systems, which will likely start early next year, and continue to
‘break up’ elements in future as it imple ments the latest 6.0 and 6.1 versions. Emeldi Commerce® version 6.0, imple mented in June 2020 is serving O2 customers to support sales of phones
and telecommunication equipment.
With the digital bandwagon in full speed
Next year O2 is planning to implement
across Europe, Hruska acknowledges
version 6.2 to enhance administration
each country is at different stages; he
of enterprise product catalogue, which
cites one of the advantages of the Czech
is the “heart” of the CRM.
Republic is it arrived later to digital and
“Emeldi is a key partner that we picked
is less restricted by legacy systems
because of their flexibility,” says Hruska.
prevalent in many European countries.
“We’re able to influence the product and
Hruska says there is still an internal
get any solution we need. Putting their
IT part to introduce, to make the system
technology in the middle of our CRM
even more efficient. “We originated the
is definitely strengthening our partner
entire system in 2014 and it’s now time
ship,” he said.
to be modernized – this will be phase 2,
• Contract customers: 3,259 • Mobile registered customers: 5,862 • Mobile prepaid customers: 1,945 • M2M SIMs: 658,000 • Broadband internet customers: 840,000 • Customer base in Slovakia: 2,152
the modernization of the architecture,
and we’re taking advantage of the CRM
Hruska continued: “Seamlessly we
solution that’s been recently developed
are adding “digital onboarding” to
for the continuous integration and con
our CRM and launching phase two
tinuous deployment, supporting all the
of the transformation.”
modern buzzwords like devops, microservices, and running in containers.”
He is confident it will close the final 20% and be “fully digitised” next year.
Bystriansky added “Our solution ena
Already a number of significant chan
bles IT and the Business to work much
ges are being implemented, from digital
more effectively and quickly together.
photocopies for ID registrations to
This overcomes the traditional problems
e-SIMs, which it introduced in February.
of “excess demand” from the business
More recently, it launched a Chatbot
for IT services suffered by many Telcos.
in August, under its Digital Care program, busi ne ssc h ief . eu
280 which takes customer service to a new
technologies, such as microservices and
interactive platform. “This is great for
the cloud.
initial identifications and in some trou
“The old architecture wasn’t scalable
ble shooting scenarios, we are able
enough. When people moved to digital
to automatically get a description of
heavily at the start of the pandemic,
the issue,” he says. “It means you can
we weren’t able to serve them properly.
offer better service to the customer so
So we have redesigned the architecture
there’s no need to wait in queues.”
and the new app is totally scalable and
Alongside customer benefits, the
can meet any scenarios.”
technology also helps reduce staffing costs and headcount. “Our ambition is
to transfer 60% of call centre and back
The way consumers consume digital
office capacity, ultimately back office
during the pandemic has changed amid
should disappear completely,” he adds.
lockdowns, switches to work from home
Most recently, it rolled out a new
and increased job insecurity. In March
mobile app, based completely on modern
and April, Hruska said it had the best
sales for internet connectivity – but was
commercially as we converted cus
mindful of cost pressures.
tomers. We had to move fast – it was
Consequently in spring O2 offered unlimited data for all, as people moved from offices to home and started using
developed in four days, and we needed to be agile.” If you are getting the full family bun
the service in a different way.
dle, it’s a big investment, he concedes.
Laptops and notebooks surged in
“The traditional approach among telcos
popularity and it held promotions
was to do some discounts and subsidies
when students were in lockdown.
in exchange for fixed-term contracts.
“In a normal time we would mon
Now more customers are refusing this,
etise but we wanted customers to use
they don’t see certainty and don’t want
the free data, and it was successful
to pay fixed terms. The installment
Title: CTO
Company: O2
Industry: Technology
Location: Czech Republic
Jan Hruška has been at the helm of O2’s Technology Division since 2018. The division bears overall responsibility for the operation of the company’s information technologies and networks, technological support of customers as well as product development for both fixed and mobile networks. Since 2004, Jan has held several positions within O2. Until 2018, he acted as Marketing Director for fixed network products and ICT. Prior to that he held, for example, the positions of Director for distribution strategy, planning and reporting, and e-shop manager. Before joining O2, Jan worked as an adviser with Anima Praha from 1997 to 2006. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University, Prague. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ Companies are now more exposed to cyber risks and we’re seeing double-digit growth in firewall and antivirus services” — Jan Hruska, CTO, Czech Republic
During the pandemic, the business had to pivot as shops were receiving fewer customers. “What we did was to plug in the call centre system, ena bling shop floor staff to handle calls during downtimes,” he adds. “Even in summertime when restrictions were released, we decided to stick with it as there are always times of the day when
programme can help, and this is some
stores aren’t busy. We also reduced
thing we launched in July.”
the size of call centres, and sent staff
Moving forward, if the marketing
there home overnight. We extended
team is proposing some features or
VPN, and are now serving 80% of call
changes, he says its ambition is to
capacity from home, as well as using
implement it in days – not in a tradi
more part-timers. It’s much more
tional two-month IT cycle. “We must
flexible and efficient, and these are
have capability to do it quickly.”
permanent changes.”
5G OPPORTUNITIES There is much agility – and com plexity – in the country’s 5G scene. Infrastructure provider CETIN, O2 Czech Republic and Telenor CEE are all part of PPF Telecom Group (the group holds an 81% stake in O2) and CETIN recently awarded Ericsson
DUSAN BYSTRIANSKY Title: CEO Company: Emeldi Group Industry: Telco
to build 5G radio networks, according to Reuters reports, aiming at ultimately replacing Nokia and Huawei as cur rent technology providers. The central European country is starting an auc tion for 5G frequencies to attract a fourth operator alongside O2, T-Mobile and Vodafone. Hruska is upbeat about 5G’s poten tial and believes “the next big wave” will be the new iPhone 12 and 12 Pro, which will launch locally in November. “We are a small country and not nor mally on the first wave of countries, but I am positive about these models.
Dusan Bystriansky, from the role of Emeldi Group CEO, steers the company’s strategic directions and operations as one of the founders serving with the company since its inception in 1998. He brings to the company over 30 years of IT Telecommunications experience in leading enterprise consulting projects in Canada, USA, Australia, UK and continental Europe, and most importantly a passion to deliver solutions which meet and often exceed customers’ expectations.
Apple appeals to early adopters and I’m sure customers will upgrade.” Initially it is focusing its 5G efforts on Prague and Kolin, to be cost efficient, and has signed up 2,000 customers so far. Emeldi’s Bystriansky added: “The system is also 5G-ready. It supports busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ The IPTV upgrade next year will be cloud-based and mark a ‘step change’” — Jan Hruska, CTO, Czech Republic
all possible scenarios for delivering
ice hockey leagues. He said a pla
seamlessly innovative 5G products
nned upgrade next year will make a
and services to both businesses and
‘step change’.
consumers; whilst at the same time
“It will be cloud based and more
significantly reducing IT delivery time
resilient in terms of traffic peaks and
and costs through use of DevOps
growth of the customer base,” he says.
and CI/CD.”
“If you want to watch a match, you can buy the package in minutes – it’s fully
digital. The architecture allows us to
One of O2’s most customer-focused
increase the performance and focus
platforms is its IPTV, which enables
on specific components, as well as
it to broadcast Premier League and
anticipate ‘spikes’ – this is unique to us.”
Champions League matches exclu
Bystriansky amplified the point say
sively, as well as Czech football and
ing “Our Enterprise E-Commerce suite
is indeed future-proofed, offering CSPs
O2 Czech Republic introduced a
both full cloud native architecture or
smartphone protection system last
SaaS offering. Both options provide
year so if you’re browsing the internet
CSPs with scalability, agility and end-
and something is suspicious, it will
to-end automation of operations.”
flag up whether to block or carry on. “We have around 200,000 users since
the start. Everyone is now in the digital
Hruska notes increased demand for
space and trying to protect themselves.”
cybersecurity during the pandemic,
Hruska concludes that “All this is pos
especially in the B2B segment, as compa
sible thanks to our CRM system and our
nies are realising their vulnerability.
partnership with Emeldi Technologies.
“The pandemic is accelerating focus.
Having them in the middle is providing
Companies are now much more
us with flexibility and allowing for fully
exposed to cyber risks and we are
digital customer experience”.
seeing double-digit growth in firewall and anti-DDoS services.”
Be Together and activate our best service package (Czech) CLICK TO WATCH
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Mavenir Office Buildings, Brno, Czech Republic busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Virtyt Koshi, General Manager for EMEA at Mavenir, talks 5G, network flexibility and the power of OpenRAN to usher in a new era of telecommunication
he evolution of global telecommunications networks from 4G to 5G is proceeding at an unprecedented speed. However, as the
telecom industry embarks on this generational leap, 288
the strategies, business models and infrastructure technology required to support this evolution have yet to be fully realised. 5G offers lower latency, greater throughput, less delay, and a huge increase in the number of con nected devices, which places demands on existing network architecture practices that are no longer sustainable. “One of the things we are seeing in the 5G space now is that a lot of people in the industry are talking about 5G networks in terms of architec ture that was suitable for 2G and 3G, but is no longer suitable for 5G,” explains Dr Virtyt Koshi, senior vice president and general manager EMEA at Mavenir. “You can’t build high speed 5G networks in the same way that we built voice centric 2G and kbps low speed 3G networks.”
“ OpenRAN has really captured the market’s imagination and Mavenir is the leader in that market” — Virtyt Koshi, GM, EMEA, Mavenir
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Energy Efficient Multi-RAT Radio for Open RAN
As a global Open RAN industry leader, Comba Telecom’s Open Radio features outstanding performance with low levels of power consumption and noise figure.
radios, providing a complete solution for all applications including rural and suburban coverage, in-building coverage/capacity improvement and private networks.
Engineered with Multi-TRX radio technology, Comba’s RRU allows 4G/5G capacity upgrade to 2T4R, 4T4R or 8T8R depending on specific band combinations. The Open Radio product portfolio has added more bands to both high power and lower power
Comba’s RRU is compliant with the O-RAN 7-2x functional split, providing open interfaces to the Baseband Unit and the operation and management interface to simplify interoperability between suppliers. It can be easily and quickly interfaced with 3rd party basebands via the industry standard CPRI/ eCPRI interfaces.
Learn more
“ OpenRAN allows the flexibility to bring best of breed solutions to market, lower CapEx, OpEX, and grant our customers the ability to decrease time to market”
As the global telecom industry changes and adapts to an increasingly digitalised world, Mavenir is leading a new generation of companies with extensive solution portfolios focused on helping telecom operators automate, cloudify, expand and drive efficiency across their networks on the road to 5G and beyond. The company is also leading the industry charge on the subject of open radio access networks (OpenRAN),
— Virtyt Koshi, GM, EMEA, Mavenir
a revolutionary new approach to mobile networking that allows operators to slot different products from different
Virtyt Koshi GM EMEA at Mavenir CLICK TO WATCH
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vendors into their network archi
We sat down with him to discuss
tecture, eliminating the need to buy
the ways in which Mavenir is bringing
locked proprietary systems from
revolutionary degrees of network
a single firm.
flexibility to its customers, allowing
“OpenRAN allows the flexibility to bring best of breed solutions to
them the agility they need to compete in the 5G age.
market, reduce CapEx, lower OpEX, and grant our customers the ability
to decrease time to market with
As a result of using higher frequency
new products and
signals, 5G networks can transmit
services like mobile edge comput
more information an order of mag
ing, high throughput 5G and private
nitude faster than 4G and earlier
networks, and advanced consumer
generations of mobile network tech
communications,” Koshi explains.
nology. However, Koshi notes,
Virtyt Koshi Title: SVP and General Manager, EMEA
Company: Mavenir
Industry: Telecommunications Location: Dallas, Texas Dr Virtyt Koshi is Mavenir’s SVP and GM responsible for Europe, Middle East and Africa region. Virtyt brings new business models to Service Providers in the transition to the next generation of networks. He brings global experience in Leadership, Sales, Operations, and Advisory assignments with Communication Services Providers, Vendors, Regulators, and Investors.
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
in order to practically establish 5G
Europe, the 5G network rollout has
coverage, telecom operators face
been hampered by affordability issues.
serious obstacles from a CapEx and
“In addition to Capex challenges due
regulatory perspective, as well as the
to very expensive traditional equipment,
laws of physics themselves.
the OpEx that is required to build, oper
“We need to move from macro struc
ate and maintain a telecom network
tures to smaller cell structures with 5G
becomes enormous because it’s primar
networks,” he explains, noting that while
ily a real estate driven business, which
it is possible to cover large areas with
drives up expenditure,” Koshi notes.
a 5G network using a single site, econo
This is where Mavenir comes in. With
mies of scale very quickly render such
a laser focus on intelligent, cloud-based
an approach impractical in areas of
innovation in the telecom space, the
highest demand.
company has been turning its collec
“The transmitter power has to be large.
tive experience expertise to new ways
For example, CSP’s quote twice as much
of thinking about building a telecom
power is needed for 5G than 4G. This
becomes a big regulatory and safety
“We’re looking at building webscale
constraint, on top of all the logistical and
networks which are, by an order of mag
spatial (real estate) issues that creates.
nitude, more cost-efficient compared
All that impacts your time to market and
to what’s being offered by the market’s
OpEx,” he adds.
legacy suppliers. Webscale networks
From a practical point of view, Koshi
are cost-effective from a CapEx per
adds, the size of 5G network infrastruc
spective and bring huge OpEx savings
ture is also very much dictated by the
to the operator as well,” he explains.
laws of physics. “The industry is moving towards using smaller sites as the basis
for 5G networks, because the higher your
Mavenir’s executive team is made up of
frequency, the faster the signals you’re
some of the most experienced players
sending break down and dissipate.”
in the telecom industry. CEO and
The result is that, particularly in
founder, Pardeep Kohli, who has an
impressive track record in establishing
“A lot of people who work for Mavenir
and leading innovative companies,
now used to work for large operators
among others, served as the CEO
and telecom suppliers, so we’re also
of Ranzure, one of the earliest players
experienced with and focused on what
in the 5G cloud RAN solutions space.
matters to our customers’ customers.”
Stefano Cantarelli, Mavenir’s EVP
He adds that the key criteria for suc
and CMO, is a veteran of Huawei and
cess at Mavenir is finding the best
Vodafone, etc.
possible ways to meet the needs of its
Koshi himself was an instrumental player in Ericsson’s transformation
customers, and its customers’ customers.
from a legacy vendor to virtualisation
“We ensure that all businesses are
and telco supplier, also working as
being served with the latest solutions
the head of technology strategy at
that add value to their operations, and
Vodafone UK. “Our focus is always
that consumers are being given access
on identifying what matters and is best
to the services that delight them,” he
for our customers,” he elaborates.
says. “To achieve that criteria, we need
Viryt Koshi Explain the importance of the new 5G network CLICK TO WATCH
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In the modern telecom industry, no company is an island. “Any telecommunication network vendor depends on its supplier ecosystem, whether that’s Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei, and so on. No one can exist on their own in this commercial context,” Koshi explains. “For example, we work with the market leaders in antennas, globally, such as Comba Telecom.” Headquartered in Hong Kong, Comba Telecom is one of the world’s leading solutions and services providers for the wireless access and antenna market. Earlier this year, Comba and
Mavenir collaborated on a groundbreaking project with Turkcell, delivering integrated OpenRAN solutions into the Turkish telecom’s network core. “We did a truly innovative project with Comba and Turkcell, implementing fully containerised CU/DU and Open Front-Haul with Split 7.2 in trial deployments,” says Koshi. “That means the radio is completely open to any base band software or other company software. It’s an alternative to the proprietary common private radio interface that you get with a lot of suppliers today, which gives a massive amount of flexibility.”
“ You can’t build high speed 5G networks in the same way that we built 2G and 3G networks” — Virtyt Koshi, GM, EMEA, Mavenir
to work backwards from the goal. We
“We’re talking about tens of billions of
need to figure out if we have effective
connected devices, wearables and sen
and efficient networks to support those
sors that current generation networks
goals and whether we can continue
will not be able to sustain,” Koshi says.
investing in those networks to keep
“When you look at all the requirements
meeting demand.”
of 5G, like latency, throughput, capac
Koshi explains that, while the indus
ity, delay and the demands made by 5G
try is inexorably moving towards 5G,
services, it all conspires to make 4G
previous generation networks still
infrastructure non-viable for this next
have a role to play. “Some of the older
generation of products and services.”
networking technologies still serve a function. Even 2G networks can use
their low bandwidth to support IoT
As the demands on mobile networks
devices. Also, 4G has become a very
increase, operators need access to
reliable mobile broadband service for
unprecedented levels of flexibility and
the consumer segment.” The role of
efficiency in order to ensure that their
5G, he continues, lies in connected
architectures are suitable for the
industrial applications, like automated
coming of the 5G age.
production systems, new business models, new virtual services, etc” “It’s going to revolutionise industrialisa
Traditionally, mobile carriers have only been able to purchase radio net work infrastructure from small groups
tion around the world considering the
of legacy suppliers like Huawei,
higher speeds and levels of connectivity
Ericsson and Nokia, which provide
it can deliver.” Use cases like autono
a proprietary and inflexible package
mous vehicles, remote health-care, and
that might not suit every need. Mavenir,
enhanced broadband applications like
along with other players in the space,
cloud gaming and mixed reality, how
is looking to change this through the
ever, are also on track to radically alter
rapid expansion of OpenRAN.
both the consumer experience, and
By allowing operators to combine
the demands placed upon telecom net
hardware and software solutions from
works to provide them.
a wide range of different suppliers, busi ne ssc h ief . eu
OpenRAN allows carriers to more readily embrace cloud-based software solutions and select the best hardware for their unique needs. The result is a world where mobile networks are far more future-proof than in previous generations. “OpenRAN has really captured the market’s imagination and Mavenir is the leader in that market,” says Koshi. “We provide a unique proposition to our cus tomers, and have been able to work with Vodafone, Turkcell, O2 UK, Dish (US) 298
and many others on innovative Open RAN projects.”
Viryt Koshi Explain the importance of open RAN CLICK TO WATCH
FROM TELEGRAPHY TO 5G The history of human evolution and society is the history of communica tions. Koshi emphasises the fact that, from the invention of telegraphy to the invention of the telephone, to data communications, to mobile and now to 5G, the ability to exchange informa tion over great distances has driven society forward. “It’s enabled not only business produc tivity but also wide social communication. The world needs to continue investing in telecommunications for the sake of people, businesses and our planet as a whole,” he says, adding that Mavenir is and will continue to play an impor
“ 5 G is going to revolutionise industrialisation around the world based on the higher speeds and levels of connectivity it can deliver” — Virtyt Koshi, GM, EMEA, Mavenir
tant role in that process. “Mavenir is one step ahead of the curve in terms of innovation, creativity and bringing new ideas to the market. Going forward, we’re going to deploy and bring this leading edge technology to as many customers as possible, so they can ben efit from as early as possible, and reduce their time to market while launching new and exciting projects that have a man ageable CapEX and OpEX.”
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Bayer Italy’s Supply Chain Transformation WRITTEN BY
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Michele Palumbo, Head of Supply Chain Management at Bayer Italy, discusses the challenges of COVID-19 and the way technology is shaping the future of the supply chain
he arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic sent shockwaves through global supply chains this year, with plant closures and
supply shortages leading to major disruptions. This 302
led many organisations to rethink the way they operate, choosing digital solutions to enable more visible, and easier to manage supply chains. In the case of Bayer Italy, their Head of Supply Chain Management Michele Palumbo explains that COVID-19 led to a digital acceleration that normally would have taken them 10 years, but they instead achieved in little under 10 months. “It sounds crazy to say this is ‘thanks’ to COVID, but I believe there is always something positive to come out of even the most negative of things,” he says. Bayer Italy’s digital transformation actually began in 2010 as they strived to move from soft ware to a collaborative ecosystem. “You can have the best algorithm that you could imagine, but no algorithm is able to predict what will happen in the future, so we were dealing with DECEMBER 2020
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“ It sounds crazy to say this is ‘thanks’ to COVID, but I believe there is always something positive to come out of even the most negative of things” — Michele Palumbo, Head of Supply Chain Management Italy, Bayer
some business disruption risks related to invoicing software,” says Palumbo. “We took this as an opportunity to think about how we could connect with our partners while integrating them into the legacy system that we had.” To do this, he says they needed to move beyond the concept of an interface. “It was too expensive and too difficult for small companies that were our partners,” he says. “We had to find a solution that could talk every kind of IT language, and at the same
time get information from every kind of data source.”
Michele Palumbo Title: Head of Supply Chain Management Italy Location: Milano, Lombardy, Italy Since 2017 Michele Palumbo has been Head of Supply Chain Management Italy at Bayer S.p.A. He started working for Bayer in 2010 to source logistics and distributive services for the group in Italy and he implemented important strategic and more operational projects in the remit of the life science industry. Summa graduate from Bocconi with a research empirical thesis on circular economy and majored at Polytechnics of Milan in industrial management, he joined the SDA Bocconi faculty where he designed and coordinated managerial logistics training for the technology and production department. After collaborating with some management consulting companies, he took on the role of innovation and logistics manager in the business services department of the pharma-chemical group, Hoechst, in Italy. Then he was responsible for central logistics services in one of the leading pharma wholesalers in Italy, Comifar-Phoenix Group. He is Adjunct Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management at the Catholic University of Milan and faculty member of Il Sole 24 Ore Business School. “A serial innovator�, as a manager and academic, he offers a multifaceted perspective able to create value in different contexts thanks to technologically advanced, sustainable and efficient solutions. Empathic and altruistic, intellectually curious and a visionary, he has a large family and ever since he has been involved in charitable initiatives. He is a board member of the Italian Food Aid Foundation. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
BAYER’S DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY In 2010 Bayer Italy undertook the challenge for a transparent supply chain. The need to change the software for pre-invoicing transport costs offered the opportunity to challenge the scope: to embrace partners and customers in a collaborative ecosystem. The first step was to grant a fully automated Transport Management System (human intervention only for exception) able to calculate costs for 200,000 deliveries per year to about 20,000 customers in a widespread network of 300 wholesalers, over 11,000 pharmacies and parapharmacies, 3,500 hospitals, laboratories and nursing homes, 3,000 retail outlets. Once the first goal was attained, Bayer moved to an extended solution, beyond the concept of interface: a collaborative cloud platform able to dialogue natively with external actors, whatever IT language would have been used. At that time, this was a breakthrough in “track & trace” systems: Bayer moved from paper documents to digital Delivery Documents and Proofs of Deliveries tackling every kind of issue in the between. Cybersecurity was not affected by the adoption of a cloud solution, since the legacy system let in only defined information following a stringent exchange protocol granted by an information security 3rd party.
THE FOUR BENEFIT AREAS We can say Bayer has identified four benefit areas: the first benefit is referred to a full automated transportation costs calculation; with this system 1 person can handle about 20.000 customers and 200.000 deliveries per year, without it about 7 employees would be needed and we’d have however a lower level of accuracy. The second benefit is that, together with the track & trace of deliveries, this system also allows to detect exceptions and to send an automatic alert to the right person. Third benefit: this system is multichannel and multicompany -– Bayer Group has different companies operating in different fields and a wide range of suppliers – and enables collaborative practices through the supply chain. Finally, the fourth benefit is a business intelligence dashboard to check performances together with the possibility to simulate different distribution scenarios, e.g. moving a warehouse or increasing/reducing the number of warehouses, considering the impact in terms of costs and service level.
Bayer: Who We Are CLICK TO WATCH
308 Working with TesiSquare, the
the possible synergies in coordinat
answer was to build a cloud-based
ing the goods - like a calendar with
platform where every actor in the
bookable slots - enabled the use of a
process is able to connect in real time
barcode or QR code to grant a free
and provide useful information, issuing
pass to the carriers coming from
alerts only to the owner of the relevant
whichever country.
part of the process, and not sending multiple emails to numerous people. This enabled an ecosystem where real-time connections among the actors activated forms of collabora
“This prevents huge queues from forming, and you can also plan the resources that are required for receiv ing or dispatching goods,” he says. Moreover, the control tower doesn’t
tion previously unimaginable. As an
just offer business intelligence and
example, the collaboration was also
advanced analytics features, but also
extended to the competitors working
allows them to plan how many ware
in the same LSP warehouses since
houses are needed, and where. Via
€43.5bn Full-year sales
Investment in research & development
103,824 Number of employees
a simulation module, it’s possible to move, close and increase LSP sites, to see what would happen in terms of costs, as well as service levels on the basis of ‘what if?’ analysis based on real data referred to the timeframe. Palumbo believes the supply chain of the future will be PAL - personalised, automated, and local – a view shared by transformation change expert and author Sean Culey. “We want to be able to cope with the service level requirements of the customer of the future. They will have a minimum acceptable level, which is the Amazon one, and if we are deliver ing drugs the expectation is to have a
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Valsir does it Greener
From our production plant to your logistic hub, our sustainable pallets are structurally excellent, customisable according to your needs and equipped with tracking technology. Check it out!
“ We want to be able to cope with the service level requirements of the customer of the future” — Michele Palumbo, Head of Supply Chain Management Italy, Bayer
“This helps to identify what the pal lets are carrying, and they’re also great in terms of the Falsified Medicines
higher service level than if you’re deliv
Directive (FMD) that will be in place in
ering a pair of shoes (with due respect
Italy from 2025, helping to track goods
to shoes).”
along the supply chain and provide
Their next challenge was to make sure the supply chain was transpar
visibility in real time to relevant authori ties,” says Palumbo.
ent. Palumbo says they had blind 311
spots when it came to proof of deliv ery to the customers. “This is crucial for pharmaceutical providers, because we’re dealing with a very long list of things like changes in temperature, humidity, geoloca tion, lead times, regulatory and quality compliance, security and sustainability, among others.” Their solution, which they developed with Murata ID Solutions, was to apply disposable RFID (Radio-frequency identification) tags on the shipping cartons and embed permanent ones into the pallets – a technology that enables data to be transmitted cheaply and easily. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
On top of that, the pallets used
The idea was simple, he says.
are not the regular ones, and the
Bayer began working with Valsir
company found a way to reduce the
to take the most polluting plastics
number of pallets they were losing
which would normally find their way
along distribution lines. “We realised it
into landfill or the world’s oceans
was possible to create a closed circle
and instead create a granule that
reusing the same pallets for distribu
can be used to make plastic pallets.
tion,” Palumbo says.
By doing this they are able to operate
with 4,000 reusable pallets made
“The Green Pallets are practically
from recycled plastic, instead of
fireproof, washable, are not affected
75,000 single-use pallets each year
by mold or bacteria, are difficult to
made from wood. As well as saving
break, and easy to repair. If they
money, and reducing waste, they are
do become damaged, the plastic
generating an additional €250,000
can be reused as raw material for a
euros by selling the wooden pallets
new pallet. They’re light and easy to
they no longer need.
dismantle, are stronger than wooden busi ne ssc h ief . eu
pallets, and are stackable,” he says. This particular initiative has won numerous awards from Environment Authorities and Logistics councils. Palumbo says that the whole pro cess has been dramatically simplified. “We send the order of dispatching goods to the logistics service provider. They print the labels, arrange transpor tation units, and ship the carton boxes on the Green Pallets. If something is missing during the shipping phase, then we can activate an inventory con 314
trol that tells us where it is. This works not only because the box isn’t visible, but also because acoustically it emits a different noise with a different fre quency and volume depending on how close you are to it.” The advantages of their new system have not just been financial. “There have been benefits in terms of service levels, because from a real time point of view, we are automating a lot of activities which before were manual, so we’re gaining time. Also, service quality – can you imagine the amount of products we were losing because they were missed, misdirected or damaged? Now we have real-time visibility, with greater security.” DECEMBER 2020
“ T here have been benefits in terms of service levels, because from a real time point of view, we are automating a lot of activities which before were manual, so we’re gaining time” — Michele Palumbo, Head of Supply Chain Management Italy, Bayer
Even though their journey to go digital began before COVID entered the picture, this new way of working
actors, then people start collaborat ing,” he says. “This is a powerful means by which
seems tailor-made for current proto
you can optimise processes and
cols, as it’s entirely contactless and
leverage synergies that were com
makes social distancing in the ware
pletely unknown before because you
houses possible with only one person
didn’t have the broader view of oth
required on the shop floor.
ers. Together, we can solve problems
Palumbo emphasises how impor
this way.”
tant working with partners has been to make this possible. “We have a great collaborative approach. If you connect people, and you connect busi ne ssc h ief . eu
COVID-19, Digital Disruption, and Supply Chain Operations: The IMI Perspective WRITTEN BY
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Aidir Parizzi, Director of Global Supply Chain for IMI Critical Engineering, discusses COVID-19 and digital disruption. IMI Critical Engineering is a leading provider of specialised valves for oil, gas, chemical and petrochemical industries, globally. ‘Flow control technologies’ for the sake of conciseness. The company has a myriad of subsidiaries around 318
the world and employs over 4,000 professionals across different regions. Like any ‘big business’, in the looming shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, IMI had to adapt to the new normal while still prioritising their clients’ needs and adapting their own staff setups to remain resilient in trying times. At Supply Chain Digital, we wondered how a multinational company that provides crucial parts to industries across the globe dealt with the challenges presented by the pandemic; how technology influenced them, and what strategies they put in place to ensure their business success. Fortunately, Aidir Parizzi, Director of Global Supply Chain at IMI, took the time to chat with us about maintaining business operations in the face of adversity.
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“ From a business continuity aspect, what gave us the time and resources to focus on PPE, logistics and resourcing needs was the fact that we were well-prepared for an event of this magnitude” — Aidir Parizzi, Director of Global Supply Chain, IMI Critical Engineering 320
“While we kept as many people as possible working from home, the majority of our sites kept operating and serving our customers, following guidelines set by different govern ments around the globe. The first concern was regarding personal protection equipment (PPE). We have mobilised Supply Chain teams in Asia, the Americas and Europe to provide our employees with the necessary protection equipment. Around 100 thousand masks were acquired – not medical masks, but here we’re refer ring to FFP2 and FFP3, which provide enhanced protection. In addition, we procured thermometers, gloves, thou sands of litres of hand sanitiser and thermal imaging devices for each site. We also had to deal with increasing import/export obstacles that came gradually – country restrictions, logistic issues, and licences required, for example. From a business continuity aspect, what gave us the time and resources to focus on PPE, logistics and resourcing needs was the fact that we were well-prepared for an event of this magnitude”.
IMI Corporate Video - 2020 CLICK TO WATCH
321 For IMI Engineering, though COVID19, specifically, wasn’t necessarily expected, “pandemics, like other envi
data analysis required to react quickly and efficiently to unexpected events.” All of these measures are, of course,
ronmental, geopolitical or commercial
dependent on digitalisation: a con
disruption, of regional or global mag
cept that has been sweeping across
nitude, are almost always inevitable,
every industry for decades, now – but
but at the same time highly predict
in a more driven manner, recently,
able. Our Strategic Sourcing Process
with the adoption of new, futuristic
created three years ago, includes risk
technologies and capabilities. “The
management measures that, in spite
fundamental reason to digitise is
of a significant supplier base reduc
speed. It’s no longer only about making
tion in the last three years, provided
the right decisions, but about making
us with the diversified dual sources we
them in the shortest possible time.
needed, the strong long-term supplier
We need to understand the impact,
relationship, agreements and reliable
real or potential, of commercial risks busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Salesforce helps you connect channel partners, sales, service, and marketing teams on a single platform. So you can synchronise how, when, and who you engage with, from online channels to the factory floor. Be a relationship maker. Learn more at salesforce.com/MFG. We bring companies and customers together.
The Salesforce Solution: In Conversation with John Kelleher John Kelleher joins Supply Chain Digital to discuss the ongoing partnership between Salesforce and IMI Critical Engineering, and the reasons behind it. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting — albeit virtually — John Kelleher, the Area Vice President of Enterprise Sales UK, at Salesforce. The leading VP took the Supply Chain Digital hot seat and openly discussed Salesforce’s business model, the company’s partnership with IMI Critical Engineering, and the ways that digital transformation has affected global supply chain networks.
now support other areas of capability and are working closely with IMI to extend the relationship further. IMI continues to develop capabilities on the Salesforce platform, and we are working with them on key strategic pillars such as Customer Satisfaction and Commercial excellence to support IMI’s sales and customer services pre-and-post sale.” End-to-end, if you like.
“Back in ‘99, Salesforce was one of the pioneering companies that took cloud-based technologies into businesses. Our initial area of capability was focussed on CRM, Customer Relationship Management, where we supported our customers to establish a customercentric approach to their business models, enabling them to better connect to their customers and visibility across their sales processes. Fast forward twenty years and Salesforce has built a complete 360-degree suite that has extended the capabilities of classic CRM into customer service, marketing, and eCommerce — both B2C and B2B.” More recently Salesforce has made major acquisitions in the areas of integration and analytics with the respective acquisitions of Mulesoft and Tableau. Both maqui brands, they are enabling us to support customers maximise their existing technology investments and optimise cross-functional processes, whilst maintaining customer-centricity.
John added that “The relationship is very much based on traditional Salesforce CRM. The reliability is there, and the partnership continues to grow, which suggests we’re delivering value for IMI and how they manage their processes. Due to COVID-19, reps that were out on the street – as it were – have been brought in-house easily because their front office estate is built on cloud-based capabilities like Salesforce. The company was able to adapt to the new sales environment far quicker than they would have, had they been constrained by more on-premise, in-agile technologies. So it’s a traditional starting point, but with modern technology, we’ve been able to help IMI Critical Engineering adapt quickly in a highly volatile world.”
On Salesforce’s partnership with IMI Critical Engineering, John was willing to share his insight. “[Salesforce has] got a long-standing relationship with IMI. Whilst our initial engagement was around core CRM, we have built a richer 360-degree relationship with them and
and opportunities, faster than our com
regions, working without colours and
petition and before it cascades to our
stripes, as a single company, and we’ve
customers. An end-to-end Supply Chain
made significant progress in that regard”,
planning also involves all functions and
Aidir stated.
When I asked Aidir about the widely-
was created to evaluate Brexit impact,
spread claim that digital transformation
and then expanded to other events. It
has undergone a ten-year evolution,
helped us immensely to quickly react
courtesy of the pandemic, he suggested
to the effects of the pandemic.”
that it had sped up the process, but IMI
“Beyond Supply Chain, the digital
were already evolving their supply chain
transformation effort had to be accel
norms long before the global event.
erated to cover all aspects of the
“As a British company, in addition to the
operation, including relationships
pandemic, we have been focused on
with customers and suppliers, remote
potential disruption, delays and cost-
customer assistance, inspections,
related issues related to Brexit. Our
and last but not least, how our prod
Supply Chain Digital Twin, for example,
ucts must adapt in a digital world. 325
Aidir Parizzi Title: Director Global Supply Chain Industry: Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering Aidir Parizzi has over 25 years of extensive experience in Engineering and Supply Chain Management, with a strong track record of Supply Chain performance improvement in global businesses. He has worked internationally with global leaders in the Automotive and Oil & Gas industries, always focused on building and consolidating Global Procurement & Supply Chain effective teams and processes.
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That journey is long and full of pivoting points, but our teams have the talent and motivation to get it done. I don’t think there’s a single formula that serves all companies, and the concept of digitalisation itself keeps evolving rapidly. Each company will have to find its own solution,” Aidir added. A lot of companies, after the initial shock of COVID-19, having watched as their global supply chain networks were torn apart, their balance books inked with red figures, and job losses 326
across the board, have openly stated that they wish they could have done things differently. Many would have done things differently on the run-up to the pandemic, had they known what was around the corner. On this, Aidir told me that IMI is “now looking at several measures to better prepare us for these events, but while we didn’t have a crystal ball, we put in place sev eral actions in recent years that helped us in this period.” “Having a truly global team with people in all continents creates an invaluable collaboration net work, which was crucial for us this year. Two aspects we continue to DECEMBER 2020
“ The fundamental reason to digitise is speed. It’s no longer only about making the right decisions, but about making them in the shortest possible time. We need to understand the impact, real or potential, of commercial risks and opportunities, faster than our competition and before it cascades to our customers” — Aidir Parizzi, Director of Global Supply Chain, IMI Critical Engineering improve are reinforcing or empow ering our Category Management team and further investment in Cost Engineering tools,” the Global Director added. As supply chain networks continue to expand, just like IMI’s, resiliency is becoming increasingly important. Yet, for such a popular term, it’s prov ing itself to be elusive, and difficult to actually grasp – this was a predict able problem when you consider that busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ We need to make sure the company continues to grow and innovate, in spite of current adversities. The best way to do it is to work in partnership with customers and suppliers. We’re confident we have the right people, technology and energy to continue delivering breakthrough technology for a better world” — Aidir Parizzi, Director of Global Supply Chain, IMI Critical Engineering
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“ The digital transformation journey is long and full of pivoting points, but our teams have the talent and motivation to get it done. I don’t think there’s a single formula that serves all companies, and the concept of digitalisation itself keeps evolving rapidly. Each company will have to find its own solution” — Aidir Parizzi, Director of Global Supply Chain, IMI Critical Engineering 330
IMI Critical Engineering - Retrofit3D Brand Video CLICK TO WATCH
331 the majority of companies have rigid global, interdependent networks. In response to this idea, Aidir shared that “[IMI Critical Engineering] has ca. 850 direct material suppliers,” down from over 3000 just three years ago, “with virtually no sole sources. Resilience is an integral part of our supplier onboard ing process, and we also focus on regional resilience, meaning that we aim to have dual sources within the regions and avoid financial losses in case of disruption. China and India as an example of dual sources.” Aidir warns that, in the pursuit of busi ne ssc h ief . eu
supply chain resilience, many com
internally only or work on technical
panies who are looking to adopt all
aspects without customer input. It’s
of the latest technologies need to be
something we strive to keep in mind
wary. Regardless of whether you’re
all the time.”
investing in Analytics, Automation,
At the very end of the interview,
Cloud, Cybersecurity, IoT, or any other
I asked Aidir about the future outlook
product, “[the] technology must stay
for IMI Critical Engineering and for the
focused on our top priority, which is
supply chain as a whole, his answer
to make us the supplier of choice to
to which was both a poignant and suc
our customers. There’s always a risk
cinct answer, “Digitalisation is a key
of losing that focus when you prioritise
aspect, but also flexibility, from a Supply
Chain and operations point of view. We
with customers and suppliers. We’re
need to be able to manufacture and
confident we have the right people,
service our products wherever the
technology and energy to continue
customers are. The answer now is very
delivering breakthrough technology
similar to what it was last year, but the
for a better world.�
speed and motivation to act has been greatly increased. We need to make sure the company continues to grow and innovate, in spite of current adversities. The best way to do it is to work in partnership busi ne ssc h ief . eu
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Kensington Mortgages is the largest independent mortgage lender in the UK and specialises in mortgages for borrow
ers with more complex income profiles – such as the self-employed or people with multiple sources of income – who find it difficult to get a mortgage 336
from one of the High Street lenders. Vicki Harris is the Chief Commercial Officer at Kensington Mortgages. Having joined the organi sation in 2018, Harris is responsible for driving growth and innovation at the firm. Over the past few years, Harris believes her organisation has undergone not just a digital transformation but a business-wide one too. “When I joined, we took a step back and asked the question: what is the purpose of our organisation? We spent quite a lot of time understanding this and defining what makes us different - and from that, we updated our strategy and refreshed our brand and values,” she explains. “We then used that as the driving factor to kick off a range of initiatives across the business including building out our digital capabilities. A lot
“I THINK IT’S A REALLY EXCITING TIME FOR THE SECTOR AND WE’RE ON THE CUSP OF DISRUPTION” — Vicki Harris, Chief Commercial Officer, Kensington Mortgages
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Kensington Mortgages Home of the Specialist Mortgage CLICK TO WATCH
of it was around how we think about the business, our people and how we can be more agile in our decision-mak ing. It was far broader than just digital, although that was a key part of it.” On the digital side, Kensington Mortgages has been working very closely with SOPRA Banking Software to develop a new core platform. Unlike many of the older systems currently in use across the industry, it is built around a modular and flexible archi tecture that will allow the company to make changes to products, pricing and processes very rapidly. “It’s been
a massive project that has finally gone
months of bank statements. We now
live over the past few weeks. We are
use APIs a lot more to access third
now working hard to build out a range
party data. And we’re in the process
of new and exciting products and
of rebuilding our website so we can
refine our pricing approach accord
engage more directly with customers.
ingly.,” explains Harris. “We will gather
I think the mortgage industry more
lots more information as we look to
generally is one of the few areas in
underwrite new borrowing through
retail financial services that hasn’t
things like open banking rather than
been disrupted yet but this is coming
expecting customers to provide
and we need to be ready for it.”
Vicki Harris Title: Chief Commercial Officer
339 Industry: Financial Services
Location: London Vicki joined Kensington in April 2018 and as Chief Commercial Officer is responsible for driving strategy, growth and innovation across the Group. Prior to Kensington, Vicki was Group Head of Strategy and Marketing at Aldermore Bank, one of the original challenger banks post the 2009 financial crisis which successfully IPO’d on the London Stock Exchange in 2015. This followed 3 years as COO of Octopus Investments, one of the fastest growing and most innovative wealth management companies in the UK. She previously spent time across a variety of roles in GE Capital and 4 years as a consultant at McKinsey. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
POWERING UP YOUR PEOPLE Providing ever-evolving mortgage software solutions means your people can increase the speed, volume and accuracy of mortgage applications for the most important people of all – your customers. This means improved efficiency and increased margins for your business, both now and in the future.
Our ability to deliver game-changing agility has powered us since 1968. It’s why some of the biggest financial organisations in over 80 countries trust Sopra’s team of more than 5000 experts to help keep their competitive edge and why over 1500 Financial institutions run Sopra Banking platforms every day.
Hit the ground running Rapid deployment is essential. We provide you with a core system configured to your requirements, allowing you to run current programmes seamlessly and giving you the capability to launch new products without the need for code changes. Our solution extends into all aspects of the mortgage market, mortgage provision and processing. Sopra’s solution means you hit the ground running from day one.
Expand your end-to-end digital capability The end-to-end processing of mortgage applications takes time because of the number of elements involved. Sopra’s ‘Orchestration Layer’ pulls all of those elements into a single place, simplifying processing and reducing the time it takes to implement. In turn, this improves the application experience of your customers, regardless of what channel or device they use.
Enhance your customer experience We give you access to a range of digital assets and work collaboratively to develop new propositions to innovate across the end-to-end digital journey. Together we create unique, customised journeys for your customers and brokers. Our in house experience design consultants (CX Partners) will guide you through our process of research, prototyping and consumer testing.
Constantly innovate We are committed to innovation and iteration. We have a legacy of building strong partnerships, especially in Fintech. Yet the Fintech ecosystem is vast and often confusing. That’s why we are part of the ‘Chemistry
Find out how we recently upgraded KMC onto our new digital mortgage platform
Programme’. This is a market leading structured approach identifying the Fintechs that will add real value to our clients’ business in the short, medium and long term.
Provide dynamic digital solutions, today and tomorrow In response to evolving customer and market requirements, our product environment enables new product offerings and mortgage application journeys to be created and updated in digital timelines. Our unique branding and design system lets you build, test and roll-out new customer experiences faster than ever before.
SMARTER, FASTER PERFORMANCE STARTS HERE Our experts are available to discuss how together we can transform your customers’ mortgage experience and also arrange a demo of our latest products and solutions. So, if you want to power up your people, start talking to our people today.
All of Kensington’s mortgages are analysed by VECTOR, which is a pro prietary and powerful analytical model that is embedded into all phases of the mortgage lifecycle. “VECTOR has a massive database spanning the last 25 years with over a million data points showing how loans have behaved in different macroeconomic environments,” says Harris. “We have an AI platform that allows us to use VECTOR to help us understand
Kensington Mortgages We look for ways to say YES CLICK TO WATCH
343 how our loans will perform over time
are the one area where it now takes
depending on different economic sce
longer than it did before.
narios. This also gives us an edge to develop new products.”
“People used to go to their bank branch more often, so back in the 90s
Harris is well aware that mortgages
if you wanted a mortgage you went to
generally are one of the last remaining
see your branch manager, you talked
areas that are yet to be innovated. “I
them through what you needed and
saw a chart recently that showed in
they had the power to make a decision.
1990, it took a week to buy an airline
It happened quite quickly because it
ticket, two weeks to get new house
was done locally, even though it wasn’t
insurance and three weeks to get a
done digitally. However, what has hap
car loan,” she explains. “But, all those
pened over the past 15/20 years is that
things have moved from weeks to sec
the bank has taken away that power
onds as you do them online, whereas
from the branches, it’s all centralised
mortgages, which used to take days,
and has been digitised. You go into busi ne ssc h ief . eu
some central process within the bank
years will hold for her organisation
with people that don’t understand
and the industry itself. “I think it’s a
individual circumstances and you
really exciting time for the sector
often end up with a ‘computer says
and we’re on the cusp of disruption,”
no’ approach. Taking out a mortgage
she explains. “Kensington is cur
is a complex process, much more so
rently growing at 30% year on year
than perhaps getting a car loan. You
and we expect the growth of digital
have to value the property and try to
within the industry to only accelerate
consider whether the person involved
post-COVID. We also anticipate an
can sustain paying a mortgage for the
increasing need for specialist mort
next 25 years.”
gage lending as people’s financial
As Kensington gears up to celebrate 344
situations become more complex.
its 25th year anniversary in December,
Coming out of COVID, there are
Harris is looking to the future and is
going to be a lot of people that were
optimistic about what the next few
on furlough or had to take a payment
Kensington Mortgages: Using data to write better mortgages CLICK TO WATCH
holiday where it’s going to take more time to underwrite them. I think there will be a much more customer-focused approach and we have a number of new products in the pipeline to allow younger people to get on the housing ladder. Customers are demanding that we do things in different ways and it’s time to start addressing that. The future is bright.”
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Cap DC España, a subsidiary of CAP Ingelec, provides invaluable local knowledge and project management to international clients in Europe and Africa
ccording to the data analysis specialist Arizton, the data centre/colocation market in EMEA was worth around US$14bn in
2019. It’s a burgeoning market, driven by factors like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 348
and rapid adoption of internet-based services among businesses in the Middle East and Africa region. The Cap DC Group, a subsidiary of the leading French Cap Ingelec brings together local engineer ing firms in Southern Europe and Africa to build data centres to meet this demand, and has been ranked among the top 15 global data centre engineering firms by Arizton. While its core business is data centre engineering, increasingly it is offering its clients in southern Europe and francophone Africa the option of EPC or turnkey construction contracts, says its Managing Director Antonio Ríos Suanzes. Antonio came on board in 2017 to set up the com pany’s headquarters in Madrid. In that time his team has grown to eight, turnover to €5.5m, and revenue is targeted to reach €10m by 2022.
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Where real estate meets the cloud 1. Amsterdam, The Netherlands 7.5 ha | 40 MW (pot. 80 MW) 2. Frankfurt, Germany 3.5 ha | 65 MW 3. Paris, France 2.0 ha | 40 MW 4. Milan, Italy 2.0 ha | 40 MW 5. Madrid, Spain up to 10.8 ha | 49 MW
Powered shell opportunities in Continental Europe At Goodman we deliver high-quality built-to-suit powered shell in record times, which will help you meet your ambitions and growth needs. Accelerate your data center development through our real estate solutions and knowledge.
“Madrid is seeing strong growth in tier
tech giants (GAFA) have no foothold yet
2 of the European data centre market
and very few pan-African colocators
thanks to the increase in subsea cables
are active.
reaching the Iberian peninsula,” he says.
“The market is still mostly driven by
“We foresee huge growth in Madrid and
telcos like Orange, or by the public sec
Barcelona over the coming years.”
tor,” says Antonio. “For example, we
Cap DC has also begun its expan
are working for the national data centre
sion into Milan, he adds, and Microsoft
agencies in Senegal and Guinea. The
announced recently that it will build data
size of the data centre market in Africa
centres in Greece, while Cap DC deliv
is currently far smaller than in Europe,
ered two colocation projects in Turkey
but we consider that with rapid popula
in 2020.
tion growth and the real innovation
With the southern Europe data centre
capability across the continent, it will
market set fair, he notes that Africa
equal the rate of development in Europe
is a completely different market. The
within five years.”
Madrid company has six offices in Africa
He is encouraged in this view by
from Morocco to Senegal to Ghana and
African leadership in mobile payment
Cameroon. In these markets, it’s all about
and its innovations in e-agriculture and
potential. Apart from South Africa the
e-health business.
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Wherever it is to be built, time to mar ket is the most important consideration
cater for the unknown final requirements of the final client.
for data centre operators and this
“In our view, the technical solution for
is where Cap DC derives a distinct
a data centre client is a combination of
advantage from its deep engineering
merging operator requirements (some
know-how and the resources of
times pre-defined in the best-practice
Cap Ingelec.
policies of the company) with the skill
Flexibility and modularity are its priori
to adapt these requirements to local
ties. Power usage effectiveness (PUE)
regulations as necessary, and to validate
driven by modern cooling systems such
construction feasibility in a short time
as direct and indirect free-cooling and
frame,” he says.
choosing the right location are always
The contracting model developed
important, but design flexibility must
by Cap Ingelec and Cap DC has been
a major growth factor since 2015, Antonio feels. “The difference in approach between a general contractor and an engineering specialist is clear. The turnkey contract model we offer our clients focuses on time-to-market. Between our group infrastructure and our local representa tives, we can provide full governance of the projects, including licensing, securing power supplies and managing all legal issues: this enables us to commit to a budget and schedule with the client and stick to it. “This model has helped many of our cli ents not only to design but to deliver their
“ The size of the data centre market in Africa is currently far smaller than in Europe, but we consider that ... it will equal the rate of development in Europe within five years” — Antonio Ríos Suanzes, Managing Director, CAP DC España
data centres on time. We are very grati fied that more clients are trusting us with the full design and construction of their projects. It’s convinced us that this is the construction model that fits this market.” For Antonio Ríos Suanzes, the key to an effective turnkey solution in the data centre industry is to have the right collaborators, partners and suppliers in place. A good example is the fire protection system, which needs to be planned at an early phase of the pro ject to ensure a system that is fit for busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ We consider that this pandemic has boosted digitalisation more than any new product or marketing campaign” — Antonio Ríos Suanzes, Managing Director, CAP DC España purpose and protects the data cen tre through its entire lifecycle. Taking into account every possible detail during the project planning stage 354
means less need to make changes later. Making changes to the routing of the pipe network, for example, could disrupt
are delighted to bring to the client the
operations. Also, fire suppression in
quality and performance of our suppli
data centres can be challenging due
ers.” Close communication across
to the high airflow and the increased
the entire value chain is his mantra:
power density of servers. The upgraded
“If one partner has a problem, the others
FM Standard 5560 incorporates new
have a problem too.”
fire test protocols for data halls and
Strategic partners are equally impor
subfloors: long-term Cap DC supplier
tant. Private equity and hedge funds
Marioff provides a high-pressure water
are increasingly interested in data cen
mist solution, a very reliable fire protec
tres as an alternative to their logistics
tion system focused on total cost of
investments. The global property group
ownership (TCO) and with OEM sup
Goodman is setting the standard on this
port 24/7, says Antonio.
shift of emphasis and is a key partner for
“We manage construction but we are not a supplier company, so we DECEMBER 2020
Cap DC. “Goodman has the financial resources
Antonio Rios Suanzes Title: Managing Director
Company: CAP DC España
Industry: Construction
Location: Madrid
Antonio Rios Suanzes is Partner and Managing Director at CAP DC España, responsible for the company development in Spain from its creation in 2017. He holds two master’s degrees in Engineering and Corporate Finance. During his three years at CAP DC España, he has overseen the growth of the company from one to eight employees and seen the turnover increase by € 5.5 million. Over this period of time, Antonio has also grown as a leader and acquired essential managerial skills at the young age of 33. Antonio has broad experience in international projects and reports directly to the group CEO based in France. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
Reliability without compromise Fires in modern data centers are harsh; not only in their direct damage, but also indirect damage to business continuity. Prepare against fire with Marioff HI-FOGÂŽ: a high pressure water mist fire protection system that uses a small amount of water at the seat of the fire; thus minimizing damage and downtime.
Your safety is our expertise.
“ Goodman has the financial resources and strong local teams in key locations” — Antonio Ríos Suanzes, Managing Director, CAP DC España
357 and strong local teams in key locations
has had to face the challenges posed
such as Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam,
by Covid-19, though the situation has
Milan and Madrid,” says Antonio. “Its
boosted the data centre market.
group strategy is to purchase a plot,
“We consider that this pandemic has
secure the power infrastructure (a
boosted digitalisation more than any
specialised process in a complex and
new product or marketing campaign,”
regulation-fraught environment), and
says Antonio. “We expect growth in
then invite interested parties. Once
digital services that will require more
the data centre operator is on board,
investment in data centres and faster
Goodman will support construction
development of tier 2 cities like Madrid,
and rent it to the operator. This model
Monaco or Bordeaux. Internally, in Cap
speeds up delivery by outsourcing plot
DC we were prepared for a ‘smart work’
selection and power due diligence. In
period and we are very proud of how the
Madrid, we are talking 6-12 months
team has reacted to this situation. The
saved on ready-for-service date.”
technical team has been working from
Throughout 2020, every industry
home and the construction team have busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ The turnkey contract model we offer our clients focuses on time-to-market” — Antonio Ríos Suanzes, Managing Director, CAP DC España
adapted their schedule to keep the busi ness running and minimize the impact.” The dramatic uptick in demand will not decline when Covid is finally vanquished, he believes, as business consolidates the efficiencies it has been forced to adopt. In a city like Madrid, securing power supply for new data centre capacity at strategic locations can be a limiting fac tor, he notes: “We have identified power supply and infrastructure between sub station and data centre as a red flag that was delaying or even withdrawing pro jects. To tackle this, since 2018 we have offered a consulting service to deal with the electricity provider, securing power alongside a specific turnkey contract to develop this infrastructure. We are very happy with how this has impacted our business and we have been growing turnover every year.” This success is getting recognised: Cap DC recently received an award as the leading company in Data Center Construction in Spain in 2020 from La Razón newspaper, one of Spain’s most influential.
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Iron Mountain Data Centers’ (IMDC) Alex Sharp & Eric Boonstra discuss IMDC’s services, ambitions, and why sustainability is the heart of its operations
Starting their respective careers in the data center industry in 2005 and 1990, Eric Boonstra, VP and GM in Western
Europe and Alex Sharp, Global Head of Data Center Design and Construction collectively have 45 years of experience in the industry. The two 362
have worked for the likes of Siemens, ABN AMRO, SpendLab, EvoSwitch, Wates, Mace and CBRE. Joining Iron Mountain Data Centers (IMDC) in 2019, Sharp identifies the company as “a leading provider of data center and colocation services. We have a global portfolio which includes hyper scale ready facilities, strategic-edge facilities and underground data centers, which are fully powered by 100% renewable energy.” Being sustainable is a fundamental element of IMDC’s strategy: “we try to make sure that every thing that we do is as renewable and as sustainable as possible,” comments Sharp. “We believe that we are one of the most sustainable colocation provid ers in the world, which is really important to us and at the same time makes us stand out from the com petition,” adds Boonstra, who joined IMDC in 2018. DECEMBER 2020
2013 Year founded
$4.26bn+ Corporate company revenue, US dollars
350 Number of employees
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Alex Sharp @Iron Mountain CLICK TO WATCH
While most organisations have an interest in minimising their impact on the environment, Sharp reflects that, in his career, no company has been more considerate of its impact on the envi ronment than IMDC. “Sustainability at Iron Mountain Data Centers is not optional,” he says. “It’s not an aspira tion, it’s an absolute requirement. Our CEO Bill Meaney is absolutely pas sionate about renewable energy, and energy optimisation processes. He aggressively drives us to try and find new solutions, look at different fuel technologies for instance and push the
envelope in terms of doing things that
we do, and our customers are aware
other organisations haven’t done yet,
of that. We look at designing the most
if we think it’s the right thing to do in
efficient data centers that minimise
order to be sustainable.”
the consumption of electrical energy,”
IMDC’s approach when it comes
says Boonstra.
to sustainability is to lead rather than
One example that highlights these
follow; the company is keen on trying
sustainability ambitions is the fact
new solutions that will increase its
that IMDC helps its customers to
sustainability efforts. “Sustainability
look at the hardware they put into an
is at the forefront of everything that
Iron Mountain data center to drive
Alex Sharp
Title: Vice President, Global Head of Design and Construction Company: Iron Mountain Data Centers Industry: Data Center & Colocation services Alex Sharp joined Iron Mountain Data Centers in 2019 as Global Head of Design & Construction. Prior to joining Iron Mountain Alex was Global Head of Projects and Construction for CBRE DataCenter Solutions as he joined CBRE from Mace Limited where for 8 years he was Senior Managing Director of their data center construction business. Alex is an Electrical & Electronic Engineer and one of Europe’s leading data center builders with the ambition to further develop and grow Iron Mountains Data Centers business by building sustainable data center facilities. Alex is a regular speaker at prominent industry conferences such as Datacenterdynamics and DataCloud Global in various places around the world. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
efficiency and sustainability for their
Going forward, Sharp sees IMDC
racks in any of their data centers glob
adding cooling technologies, carbon
ally. “We look at technologies where
scrubbing, and trying to get conces
customers can replace six of their
sions with its customers where it can
legacy racks in a data center with one
run its data centers at slightly higher
that is far more efficient, where the
temperatures, to its focus areas when
energy is being tailored and used at
it comes to sustainability. “Our aim
the appropriate point where it needs to
is to reduce our carbon emissions to
be. It makes it far easier for us to man
get to a position where we are car
age the air within the data center. So
bon neutral, initially, before we push
for us, it’s far more than just looking at
for carbon negative where we take
the design of a data center; it’s work
harmful greenhouse gases out of the
ing with our customers to ensure that
atmosphere. We also want to look into
we’re deploying those energies in an
the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and
efficient way.”
analytics when it comes to the design
Eric Boonstra @Iron Mountain CLICK TO WATCH
“We’re very proud of the Green Power Pass,” says Boonstra. “Iron Mountain Data Centres is the first operator in the industry that has launched this kind of portfolio-wide renewable power solution.” Prior to its Green Power Pass offering, Sharp details that customers with colocation data centers couldn’t use renewable energy that was being consumed there as part of their own sustainability reporting. “We didn’t think that was very fair. So we worked together with industry leading organisations such as Future of Internet Power (FoIP) and the
Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA) in the US to come to a solution where customers can now claim colocation power consumption from the minute they sign a contract with us. We can do this because we provide a very clear audit trail in terms of where the energy comes from and how it’s deployed within the data centers, as well as an audit letter of attestation at the end of every year to our customers to explain what power they’ve used and where it was sourced from so they can apply it to their own corporate social responsibility reporting.”
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World-class data centre design, build and installation services Agile / Efficient / Precise Discover how our unique self-delivery methodology can streamline project delivery. Find out more at:
“ WE HAVE MADE A LOT OF INVESTMENTS, AND BECOME TWICE AS BIG IN THE LAST TWO YEARS IN EMEA” — Eric Boonstra, Vice President and General Manager Western Europe, Iron Mountain Data Centers
of a data center to compare what it is and what it should be operating at, and ultimately coming up with solutions to make not only new but legacy data centers more efficient and resilient.” In addition to its sustainability efforts, IMDC also has a strong focus on ensuring that its data centers
Eric Boonstra Title: Vice President and General Manager Western Europe
Company: Iron Mountain Data Centers Industry: Data Center & Colocation services Eric joined Iron Mountain Data Centers in 2018 after the acquisition of EvoSwitch and currently serves as the Vice President and General Manager Western Europe. Prior to his role, Eric was the CEO of Evoswitch for 10 years and was instrumental in the company’s M&A activities. With the high ambitions IMDC has set for developing and growing it’s data centre portfolio across the European region, Eric’s main drivers to achieve these ambitions are through customer satisfaction, sustainability initiatives, operational excellence, international growth and industry leadership. His focus on attracting international customers for Iron Mountain has been helped by his multi-sector experience, which includes senior management roles in Siemens, Staples and ABN AMRO Bank. Eric also holds several board positions including the Dutch Data Center Association, and the Amsterdam Economic Board. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
serve as connectivity ecosystems that enable customers to transact their services. “We not only look towards greening the grid with our renewable initiatives such as Green Power Pass but we strive for our customers to transact their services from within the Iron Mountain ecosystem in the most efficient way possible. With our ever growing ecosystem of Carriers,
“ OUR AIM IS TO REDUCE OUR CARBON EMISSIONS TO GET TO A POSITION WHERE WE ARE CARBON NEUTRAL” — Alex Sharp, Vice President, Global Head of Design and Construction, Iron Mountain Data Centers
Internet Exchanges and Cloud Service
Providers we enable our customers to
secure, efficient and resilient, while
connect and enhance their business
also providing opportunity and choice
by providing the route of their choice
for our customers,” explains Boonstra.
to any CSP on a global scale. So really
With this in mind, Boonstra reflects
it’s about providing top quality services
that over the last two years, IMDC
within our data centers, that are highly
- which originates from the US - has
Datalec is a design, build and installation company that our customers were continually asking us to use for fit outs. I think typically when you’re asked to use a particular company for any reason, and it’s not someone that you’ve selected, you fear the worst. But that certainly wasn’t the case with Datalec. A lot of our hyperscale customers were asking us if we would use Datalec, which is a very niche business providing worldclass customer fit out and team user solutions.
They show an exception level of attention to detail, where they really do work to understand the brief. Consequently they have come to partner with us as the data center owner and operator and the relationship has grown from there. Now we use them in their own right as an installation company and we’re getting a fantastic service from them. Alex Sharp, Global Head of Design and Construction, Iron Mountain data centers (IMDC)
grown very fast on a global scale next to the EMEA region. “This was exactly our plan,” comments Boonstra. “We have made a lot of investments, and become twice as big in the last two years in EMEA.” Currently Iron Mountain has data centers in Amsterdam - its headquarters for the EMEA region - Frankfurt and London, with plans to further expand in not only the leading countries in the region but the emerging ones, too. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
While these are notable successes for IMDC in the EMEA region, Boonstra adds that “we are currently one of the top 10 global data center providers, and we have strong ambitions to get into a top 5 position.” As a result the company’s ambitions to expand its global operations continue. “We cur rently have 15 locations globally with eleven data centers in the US, one in Singapore and three in Europe that we are heavily investing into. But we want to continue to expand our port 372
folio and enhance our position to be a global leading data center provider in the future. So that’s why our target markets are retail, enterprise and
construction projects all around the
hyperscale businesses. In the past
world, and while we are still doing okay,
you had providers for each industry,
we have seen a few delays as a result
but I believe that leading providers of
of COVID. We have seen both good
the future will be able to provide their
and bad outcomes due to COVID-19.
services to all of these markets,” com
One of the things we have all seen is
ments Boonstra.
that there is a lot more traffic going
When it comes to the effects of
through the internet due to people
COVID-19, Sharp adds that “if you
working from home, which is chan
look at revenues and pipelines there
neled through our data centers. So
is luckily no impact, we are growing
we’ve seen a much bigger increase in
fast despite COVID. But where we
demand for immediate space that our
have seen some impact is in the con
customers need - particularly cloud
struction projects. Currently we have
service providers. So the demand has
About Iron Mountain Data Centers CLICK TO WATCH
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“ IF YOU LOOK AT REVENUES AND PIPELINES THERE IS LUCKILY NO IMPACT; WE ARE GROWING FAST DESPITE COVID” — Eric Boonstra, Vice President and General Manager Western Europe, Iron Mountain Data Centers DECEMBER 2020
grown significantly through COVID, but with that has come its own challenges, and of course movement of personnel and movement of equipment has been an issue through COVID.” Looking to the future Sharp states that IMDC’s ambitions for 2021 - like 2020 - will be much the same. “To con tinue to be a partner of choice for our customers, to deliver high quality ser vices, and to expand our offerings in all regions. We actively anticipate expand ing into new regions and contributing to those communities that we go into. We will also, as ever, ensure that we con tinue to minimise the impact we have on the environment and drive social inclu sion in the regions we operate in.” Adding to Sharp’s comments in the future, Boonstra says: “We want to be a top leading data center provider in the world, so we will keep on invest ing, conducting M&As and carry out construction projects around the world, despite COVID-19 changing the ways that we work.”
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Vodafone Ghana: Digitalisation at Scale 377 WRITTEN BY
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Shoyinka Shodunke, Director of Technology, Vodafone Ghana and Angela Mensah-Poku, Director of Digital and Commercial Operations at Vodafone Ghana discuss the organisation’s ongoing digital transformation and the challenge of COVID-19
odafone is a leading telecommunications provider in Ghana. The organisation is a total commu
nications solutions provider - mobile, fixed lines, 378
internet, voice and data - and the telecom firm of choice for many Ghanaians. Shoyinka Shodunke is Director of Technology for Vodafone Ghana. With a wealth of technologi cal experience, he previously worked at MTN in various roles across Nigeria, Zambia, Uganda and Cameroon before moving into his current role in March 2020. “We’re a unique telco and are currently going through a transformation with a flavour and unique ness of the Ghanaian market,” he explains. Shodunke explains that his firm has established three core, strategic pillars as baseline of opera tions as Vodafone Ghana seeks to transform from a traditional telco to a digital organisation. “One of those pillars is culture and how we behave on a daily basis,” says Shodunke. DECEMBER 2020
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“ The pandemic has accelerated everyone’s planning to attain that digitalisation and it came at a time where we were ready in terms of the practices we already had in place” — Shoyinka Shodunke, Director of Technology, Vodafone Ghana “Secondly, we have to ensure that 380
to operation, and it came at a time
we’re building platforms that are
when we needed some sound check
transformative. Lastly, we’re driving
or simulation in terms of the practices
differentiation from unique capabili
we already had in place. Our ability to
ties that are developed in-house and
transform our call centres and a move
engagement of ecosystem partners via
from traditional bricks and mortar
software engineering using platforms.”
customer service was testament to
As a result of the impact that COVID-19 has had on organisations
our digital journey and what we’re try ing to do.”
the world over, Shodunke reflects that
Angela Mensah-Poku, Director of
the pandemic has acted as a catalyst
Digital Transformation and Commercial
for digital transformation.
Operations at Vodafone Ghana,
“COVID has been an interesting
believes her organisation’s digital trans
situation to overcome across all
formation agenda is to deliver the most
industries,” explains Shodunke. “The
engaging customer experience.
pandemic has accelerated everyone’s
“We do this by blending the best of dig
planning to fully embrace digitalisa
ital and human interaction in a personal,
tion across all verticals from planning
instant and easy way,” she says.
Shoyinka Shodunke Title: Director of Technology
Industry: Telecoms Location: Ghana
Shoyinka Shodunke is a a dynamic, resourceful and strategic leader with over 20 years of diverse business experience, 10 of which have been at C Suite level. Shoyinka has worked extensively in numerous business verticals including but not limited to Telecoms, Consulting and Oil and Gas across Africa, Middle East and Europe. He has held a number of award recognized leadership positions which have led to significant ground breaking organisational transformation. He possesses significant skills and experience in Operations, Business Change Transformation, Strategic Planning, Risk and Compliance. He is a dynamic and solution-focused professional with a record of achievement and demonstrable success in delivering key initiatives, reliably managing multiple mission-critical programs and portfolios, provision of stability and management of business systems; establishing and building upon key internal and external relationships. He is best described as a ‘change agent’, a confident self-starter experienced in leading, building and maintaining strong organisational growth. He is currently the Director of Technology at Vodafone Ghana.
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382 “Vodafone had already started our
instantaneously and in a personalised
journey of digital customer experi
way and Mensah-Poku believes its
ence ahead of the pandemic. We were
introduction has been influential.
driving a shift in consumer behaviour
“We made TOBi the constant
before the outbreak. In line with our
across all channels during COVID-19
commitment to building a digital soci
and this has been invaluable,” says
ety that improves people’s lives, we
employ new technologies such as
“The My Vodafone app is one of the
artificial intelligence (AI) to transform
many ways to excite and interact with
our customers’ experience and the
our customers. This was delivered
efficiency of our operation. We have
by young, talented Ghanaians who
a host of digital-led platforms, which
brought their expertise and creativity
include a machine learning chatbot
to deliver this ‘wow’ experience.”
and self-service app.” Vodafone Ghana introduced its vir tual agent, TOBi, to automate contacts DECEMBER 2020
Its unique and elaborate features offer a complete all-in-one solutions platform for our customers. This
Angela Mensah-Poku Title: Director of Digital and Commercial Operations Industry: Telecoms
Location: Ghana
As a Commercial Director and Managing Director with over 15 years of leadership experience in Africa and Europe, she holds a Masters in Information Systems. She is skilled in leading large teams through change and driving for results. Angela’s expertise lies in influencing large-scale internal transformations to capture revenue, profitability, digital experience and efficiency improvements. She currently serves as Director for Digital Transformation and Commercial Operations. Angela leads an organisation of more than 500 employees to advance the company’s digital transformation agenda, mobilise and deliver commercial and customer experience through our customer facing teams and deliver significant commercial results. Prior to this she was the Director of Vodafone Business and Managing Director of Vodafone Wholesale. Angela currently represents Vodafone Ghana on the Data For Good-Big Data Steering Committee a partnership including FlowMinder and Ghana Statistical Service, and is also Non Executive board member of Hacklab Foundation and on the Board of Women In Technology Science Engineering And Mathematics for Ghana. She is also a member of the UK and Ghana Chartered Institute of IT.
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Huawei AirPON Solution; helping MNOs to QUICKLY build Fixed Networks AirPON is helping Vodafone Ghana to rapidly cover competitive areas with FTTH, and the operator is ready to introduce new services to provide subscribers with converged broadband. AirPON Solution lights up global wireless sites and shortens Time to Market of Optical Fiber by 30%, thus shortens ROI period.
Learn More
“ In the market that we operate in, your ability to innovate is going to stand out and determine your overall position in the market” — Shoyinka Shodunke, Director of Technology, Vodafone Ghana
unique app allows customers access
you talk about the impact of COVID,
to Vodafone services and is designed
our customers and ourselves had to
with the objective of empowering the
adapt and become more digital in a
customer to do more and manage their
matter of weeks. Fortunately for us,
accounts on the go. The app also inte
we were already on that journey and
grates TOBi in its interface and so you
being on that journey meant we could
don’t necessarily have to go to a retail
introduce the My Vodafone app to
store for assistance.”
drive conversations and mitigate the
“Tobi is now taking on around 30%
pressure during those critical periods.
of all customer contacts to our experi
Hopefully when we fast forward to
ence centre and is able to deal with
next year, you will see a very differ
transactions and information,” adds
ent organisation and customer base
that aren’t afraid to embrace digital
“It runs on machine learning and Big Data and was something the team
because they had no choice.” ‘’We place the customers at the very
were able to implement in-house
heart of all that we do and this is what
that has managed to bring significant
drives our leadership in innovation.
efficiency and take our customers
Enabling our customers to interact
on that self-service journey. When
seamlessly and consistently with us, busi ne ssch ief . eu
“ Ecosystems require everyone to contribute to success” — Shoyinka Shodunke, Director of Technology, Vodafone Ghana 386
when and how they want, is a promise and this is what differentiates us.’’
“The key area for us was around security,” he affirms. “When you trans
Shodunke believes that one of the
form to the digital space, your services
key lessons learnt from the coronavirus
move from the traditional protection
was around ensuring cyber security
received from bricks and mortar, to
was prevalent at all times.
everyone having access whatever
approach with involvement of ecosys tem partnerships and believes it’s a key driver to success. “In the market that we operate in, our ability to innovate and self-disrupt is going to stand out and determine your overall position in the market,” explains Shodunke. “Innovation is a critical suc cess factor to us. Building platforms requires a deviation from how telcos have approached building products and services to using a nexus of forces to drive new business models and better engagement of our ecosystem to drive a two-direction model partici pation. Our three key pillars all come back to our culture of innovation.” The importance of developing key, strategic business relationships is essential to the long-term approach of most companies. Vodafone Ghana has established partnerships with Tech Mahindra, Raycom and Oracle that are particularly influential. platform they need to get the job done.
Shodunke recognises the value in
It’s vital to ensure there is good security
an ecosystem of partners to ensure
in place to avoid data leakage and intru
everyone can play a key role.
sion to malicious use of your system.” Shodunke acknowledges the importance of adopting an innovative
“Partnerships are important in terms of where we’re driving the busi ness now. If you take a deep look at busi ne ssch ief . eu
successful digital initiatives, they are primarily driven by partnerships, new ways in which actors collaborate to bring value. Such ecosystems require everyone to contribute and work to its success and to continuously innovate to keep it so. This model ensures a win-win. Driving innovation, rather than previous transactional models. Such partnerships are more about harnessing the full benefits of an eco system so that every partner invests in value creation.” 388
Shodunke points out that for a partnership to be successful, both parties must be working to a common objective. “There must be strategic alignment,” he says. “You must have
“ I would consider Vodafone Ghana as the top digital company in Ghana because if you look at our engagement tools, I haven’t seen any of those tools in the market by our competitors” — Shoyinka Shodunke, Director of Technology, Vodafone Ghana
common goals and objectives under pinned by solid relationships.” With the future in mind, Shodunke believes his organisation is in a great position to continue to be a top telco of choice in Ghana and to expand in the country. “From a Vodafone standpoint, today
services go far beyond the native
we’re a telco company transitioning to
telco products of voice and services,”
a technology communications com
explains Shodunke.
pany. We’ve redefined our strategy and objectives. Our products and DECEMBER 2020
I would consider Vodafone Ghana as the top digital company in Ghana.
There is no comparison in terms of cusÂ
experience whichever channel they
tomer value and experience to our My
use to contact Vodafone Ghana.�
Vodafone app, chatbots or websites. We are introducing more initiatives to ensure that customers get a seamless busi ne ssch ief . eu
Pestana Hotel Group: A Testing Ground for Technology WRITTEN BY
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Gonçalo Marques Oliveira, CIO, discusses how COVID-19 may change hospitality and why Pestana Hotel Group believes in a managed approach to technology
f one was to consider the industries most affected by the COVID-19 pan demic, hospitality would probably feature
prominently. The prolonged closure of buildings, the 392
introduction of new ‘spread prevention’ measures, and international travel restrictions have all conspired to make operations much more difficult. Despite this, there remain some prominent examples of compa nies that have combined perseverance with a highly innovative mindset to achieve profitable outcomes and positive customer experiences. Pestana Hotel Group (Pestana) is one such company. Founded in 1972 and headquartered in Funchal, Portugal, Pestana is a chain managing 100 hotels across three continents (Europe, South America and Africa), as well as six golf courses, two casinos and more. A proudly Portuguese entity, the company even began a collaboration with Cristiano Ronaldo in 2015 to open a hotel chain under his ‘CR7’ brand - the first of which opened one year later in Madeira Island.
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Year founded
Gonçalo Marques Oliveira, Chief Information Officer, joined Pestana in March 2020, just as the pandemic was escalating to lockdown. “The initial
$450mn+ Revenue in US dollars
7,000 394
Number of employees
impact of COVID-19 on the company was huge,” he recalls. “We closed almost all of our units in 15 coun tries between mid-March and April.” However, Oliveira adds that, despite the unanticipated disruption, Pestana was still thinking several moves ahead to ensure a swift resumption of services as soon as they were able. “Everyone acted in a very professional way and in expectation that we would be ready to reopen at any point; we wanted to make sure that the condi tions were right.” Oliveira’s career has been diverse but consistently marked by strong business development and ana lytical skills, which he has honed at several world-leading organisations. Beginning his first technology-related role in the early 2000s, Oliveira states that he was initially reticent: “My first reaction was to say, ‘I’m not the best guy to do it.’ Fortunately for me, my boss at the time said, ‘No, let’s give it a try,’ and I was subsequently able
Pestana Worldwide CLICK TO WATCH
to specialise myself in a number of technological trends.” When the opportunity to work at Pestana pre sented itself, he says that he was “immediately struck” by the chance to combine what he’d learned in a
“ The initial impact of COVID-19 on the company was huge” — Gonçalo Marques Oliveira, CIO, Pestana Hotel Group
customer-centric framework that augmented experiences via technol
initially found himself - made it readily
ogy rather than overwhelming them.
apparent to him that Pestana’s tech
“Because it’s the service industry, peo
partners are indispensable to the
ple want to see and interact with you:
company. Reaching out to them with
they want to experience your hotels.”
two goals in mind (securing both opera
The difficulties of lockdown - the
tional and financial support, if needed),
operating milieu in which Oliveira
Oliveira says that the result was largely busi ne ssch ief . eu
Pestana Hotel Group | Overview CLICK TO WATCH
396 a highly positive one that underscored
have a very distributed network
how trust is almost as foundational
of hotels that requires real-time or
as the tech services themselves. “I’m
near real-time communications,” he
proud to say that the majority of our
explains. “Our responsiveness is one
partners supported us both techno
of Pestana’s trademarks and Altice
logically and financially during the
Portugal has been essential to main
lockdown period, which is a testament
taining that.”
to the kind of industry where we work;
However, Pestana’s distinctly high
where people understand the value
level of customer service doesn’t
of longer term relations, instead of
come from technology alone. On the
just the immediate benefits of selling
contrary, it is the company’s outstand
software.” Portugal’s largest telecoms
ing workplace culture that ultimately
provider, Altice Portugal, is one such
drives its success; technology acts
company that Pestana shares an
simply as an enhancer. Operating in
especially close partnership. “We
a ‘reverse pyramid’ structure, Oliveira
Gonçalo Marques Oliveira Title: CIO
Company: Pestana Hotel Group
Industry: Tourism
Location: Lisbon
Gonçalo Marques Oliveira holds a Management Degree from the Portuguese Catholic University and an MBA from INSEAD, in Fontainebleau. Before joining the Pestana Hotel Group, the largest multinational hotel group of Portuguese origin, Gonçalo was the COO/CIO and Executive Board Member of Tranquilidade, an insurance company. Previously Gonçalo had served as CIO at Galp Energia until 2017, which followed his 12 years at Portugal Telecom (PT), where he was, among other, Head of Information Systems and Board Member of PT-SI (the IT branch of Portugal Telecom). In March 2020 he joined the Pestana Hotel Group as member of the Executive Committee and CIO. During his professional career spanning over twenty years, Gonçalo Oliveira had several responsibilities in the fields of Digital Transformation, IT, Operations, Customer Care, Strategy and also in Consulting, having worked at McKinsey & Co. Gonçalo lives in Lisbon with his wife and two young children.
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Innovative solutions for your day to day life We continuously invest in innovation. We develop equipments and solutions f rom which the people can seamlessly benef it every day, in areas such as Medicine, Education, Culture and Sports.
Learn more
“ Because it’s the service industry, people want to see and interact with you: they want to experience your hotels” — Gonçalo Marques Oliveira, CIO, Pestana Hotel Group
how important I am, my first job is to listen to those employees and enact changes from their feedback. That kind of leadership underscores what makes Pestana a true leader in the service industry.” The company also utilises review search engines as a resource for quickly determining needed improve ments or service additions. In some
states that the opinions of every
sense, Oliveira suggests, the lockdown
employee form a crucial cycle of feed
period was advantageous for Pestana
back that helps determine Pestana’s
as it allowed the company to implement
future direction. “Our staff are trained
long-term strategic objectives with
and encouraged to be close to our
greater focus, as well as accelerating
thousands of customers. No matter
its digital transformation.
busi ne ssch ief . eu
“ The ability to leverage technology is becoming an increasingly distinctive factor for customers” — Gonçalo Marques Oliveira, CIO, Pestana Hotel Group IoT (internet of things), AI (artificial intelligence) and AR/VR (augmented reality/virtual reality) are three key technologies being actively explored in hospitality, and Oliveira states that Pestana is equally interested in explor ing their use. “The ability to leverage technology is becoming an increas ingly distinctive factor for customers, particularly where you have a number of companies using it extensively,” he notes. AI is particularly applicable to Pestana’s vision of constantly-improv ing services, albeit with restrictions on what kind of customer data is collected and how it’s used. COVID19 has also accelerated its interest in experimenting with a number of IoT-based technologies. Pestana’s dedicated app, which launched in July 2020 (available on both Android and busi ne ssch ief . eu
“ The hospitality industry is a testing ground for understanding how people interact with technology” — Gonçalo Marques Oliveira, CIO, Pestana Hotel Group
iOS), is its most concentrated effort in this area: empowering customers to make a reservation, check-in, check402
out, and engage with hotels digitally (or not) in the capacity that they are com fortable with, the app is important for realising the hospitality sector’s need for tech-enhanced, COVID-secure operations. “We’ll also be investing
ownership by shareholder Dionísio
some money in VR to provide a virtual
Pestana, son of one the original found
3D tour of our properties instead of
ers Manuel Pestana, which Oliveira
just looking at pictures,” Oliveira adds.
believes adds a sense of ‘trademark’,
If a piece of technology can result
integrity and far-reaching industry
in a greater customer experience,
experience to its daily operations.
Pestana isn’t afraid of investing money
Having an knowledgeable individual
to explore the idea. This willingness,
at the helm could prove crucial for
in addition to its strong finances, are
navigating hospitality’s post-COVID-19
two qualities that Oliveira highlights
landscape, where many are carefully
as putting the company ahead of its
considering what the industry’s
competition. Another factor is its
future might look like. “First of all,
Pestana believes that people will
needs, particularly as travel restric
continue to enjoy traveling,” Oliveira
tions continue to complicate travel
affirms. “But our view is that the
plans. “Our goal is to give them the
future should enhance conveni
experience they want,” he states.
ence and provide booking flexibility.
Looking ahead to 2021, Oliveira
Customers should be able to cancel
hopes that the company will resume
a booking without penalties, while
its plans for further expansion in
also being provided with benefits
growth. “Right now, the industry
and advantages, even if they are last
itself is very fragmented. However,
minute bookings.” This demonstrates
I believe that Pestana, because of its
Pestana’s refreshingly understanding
solid operating model, will benefit in
and perceptive analysis of customer
that environment.” While it remains busi ne ssch ief . eu
unclear where and how opportuni ties for controlled growth will present themselves, he remains confident that the company’s dedicated commitment to the industry will enable Pestana to broach new geographic regions and create a more balanced global portfo lio. Moreover, the Group will continue to explore potentially revolutionary tech-based service enhancements for its customers, maintaining its status as a hotel brand at the cutting edge of digital capabilities. “The hospital ity industry is a testing ground for understanding how people interact with technology,” Oliveira concludes. “Everyone at Pestana is thinking in the long-term, and we believe hospitality is a really exciting industry to work in right now.”
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Peace of Mind Through Digital Inspection Solutions 406
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Arungalai Anbarasu, CT&SO, discusses the company’s philosophy on digital transformation and how it’s creating peace of mind for manufacturers post-COVID-19
lthough the detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are beyond dispute, one positive aspect has been a renewed
openness to digital transformation and its possibili ties. Waygate Technologies is a staunch champion 408
of its effect in the non-destructive testing (NDT) and industrial inspection arena. Originally GE Inspection Technologies, the company eventu ally rebranded itself in 2020 but still maintains its rich industry heritage with over 125 years of world-leading excellence - a combination of 1.700 employees operating globally as part of the Baker Hughes corporation. Using cutting-edge data ana lytics, Waygate Technologies seeks to augment productivity, boost competitiveness, and provide clients and their customers with the peace of mind they require. Naturally curious and exploratory at a young age, Arungalai Anbarasu, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer, says that engineering provided her with the perfect outlet for exploring these
Year founded
1,700 Number of employees
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“ We retained the people and the culture, so we rebranded in a way that our customers would still recognise us and our services” — Arungalai Anbarasu, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer, Waygate Technologies
passions. “My Master’s thesis (at the Georgia Institute of Technology) was actually on non-destructive testing,” she explains. Joining GE in 2005, Anbarasu quickly developed profes sionally, “I started to understand why business strategy is so important for a company, which made me take on different roles in the company, from finance strategy to operations, tech nology, business management, and finally the role I find myself in today.” When the company became Waygate Technologies, she relates that captur ing the brand attention once afforded
to GE was challenging. “GE Inspection
customers would still recognise us
Technologies (GEIT) enjoyed such a
and our services. Ultimately, we pro
strong presence in the NDT industry.
vide them with a gateway to innovation,
We retained the people and the cul
so that, I believe, was the reasoning
ture, so we rebranded in a way that our
behind our new name.”
Arungalai Anbarasu Title: Chief Technology & Strategy Officer Company: Waygate Technologies Industry: Industrial Inspection Solutions and Non-Destructive Testing Location: Huerth, Germany
Arungalai Anbarasu is the Chief Technology & Strategy Officer at Waygate Technologies, driving strategy and innovation for the company. In addition to pushing the technology and business models, boundaries on inspection solutions, Aru and her team are also focused on the digital transformation of Waygate Technologies and spearheading Waygate’s evolution into a Digital Inspection Solutions provider, taking customers from inspections to insights and from insights to innovations. Prior to her current role, Aru was the General Manager for Industrial X-ray and CT solutions business at Waygate Technologies. She also spent over a decade in GE in multiple impactful roles in business divisions such as Global Research Centre, Oil & Gas, Power Conversion, Healthcare and Renewables. She is passionate about encouraging Women in STEM fields and continues to pursue avenues to support this topic. Aru currently resides in Hannover with her husband Divyang and daughter Ada. busi ne ssch ief . eu
D H VA N I R E S E A R C H & D E V E L O P M E N T
One of Waygate Technologies’ most important partners is Indian tech hub Dhvani Research & Development. Leveraging IITM, CNDE and ESCON technologies, the company is striving to become a world leader in the research and development of non-invasive diagnostics.
Anbarasu had the following to say about the two companies’ relationship: “We’ve been working with Dhvani for a few years now and count them as a
valued partner in our journey. Dhvani has access to a wide pool of resources, a strong track record in delivering ADR software and associated applications for x-ray and ultrasound, and their customer base includes top global brands. They are incredibly flexible in their working arrangements and truly drive us to succeed on multiple fronts simultaneously; a nice contrast from hardware companies, which are used to more structured and therefore slower shifts.”
In terms of more recent challenges, Anbarasu cannot deny that COVID-19 has presented a significant operational hurdle. However, she caveats this with a sense of optimism regarding the development of tech within NDT. “I almost see this as the beginning of a new digital revolution towards ‘Industry 4.0+’. I think a lot of this will continue beyond COVID too, with legacy customers becoming more DECEMBER 2020
Waygate Technologies | A world leader in non-destructive testing. CLICK TO WATCH
413 accepting generally; they used to pri
latter allows operators to analyse
oritise face-to-face interactions during
and upload data independently
an inspection, but these days we’ve
from anywhere.
been convincing them to do it virtually.
Having these tools, and many oth
Although the pandemic has driven
ers, illustrates what gives Waygate
us apart physically, it has brought us
Technologies an advantage over
together virtually.” Furthermore, two of
other companies in the space, “We
Waygate Technologies’ flagship digital
have one of the broadest product
products - InspectionWorks Connect
portfolios available,” Anbarasu states.
and Insight - are geared for meet
“That world-leading breadth across
ing the core challenges introduced
visual, ultrasound, x-ray, CT, Eddy cur
by COVID: the former allows users
rent, portables, handhelds and cloud
to connect a handheld borescope
services puts us in a really unique
or ultrasonic testing (UT) device to
position.” Observing that a global shift
remotely located experts, while the
away from single-unit data to larger busi ne ssch ief . eu
ANALYTIC INTELLIGENCE We are industry leaders in the development and deployment of NDE 4.0 related tools and technologies globally. We focus on product and applications development and also offer services in the area to our clients. Our ability to work across software, hardware, IoT, AI while bringing in the cutting edge domain skills offers a signiďŹ cant competitive advantage in the NDE space. Our collaboration with academia and associated industries and the use of blended skills that combine physics with data driven analysis help address some of the challenges faced by industry today. We have skills in developing digital twins for inspection processes and our product portfolio includes simulators that help optimise inspection time and resources. We use both knowledge based and data driven intelligence to generate synthetic data, where required. This is particularly useful in ramping up AI based tools that have an appetite for large volumes of information. We deliver end-to-end integrated solutions to our clients and have the in-house capabilities to work across platform technologies, automation, robotics, text / image analytics, decision sciences and IoT. We have developed visualisation and dashboarding tools that can also deliver enterprise reports. We are actively engaged with clients in the manufacturing, transport, construction, maintenance, energy, infrastructure, electronics, and healthcare sectors. LEARN MORE
“ Although the pandemic has driven us apart physically, it has brought us together virtually” — Arungalai Anbarasu, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer, Waygate Technologies
connected ecosystems of informa tion that unlock value exponentially is taking place, she positions the company at the head of this new trend in NDT and industrial inspec tion. “We pride ourselves in helping our customers both detect defects and avoid them altogether; detecting is important, but if we can avoid a fault DECEMBER 2020
transformation journey is a desire to move beyond simply selling ‘product solutions’ and instead focus on envision ing, creating, building and selling digital inspection solutions. As such, the company has established a four pillar philosophy: 1) Focusing explicitly on developing collaborative partnerships, both with customers and vendors; 2) Shifting away from building products featuring software to true software products; 3) Employing a new com mercial presence in the market that will enable the execution of its goals; and 4) Evolving hardware and manu facturing rhythms to drive a steady customer expectation of software releases and updates. Leveraging Waygate Technologies’ storied herit age and not allowing traditions to stifle innovation will be crucial, particularly from occurring, I think that’s far more
as the company transitions from being
valuable to them.” In a way, Anbarasu
a device-centric to a data-centric
says, our approach is comparable to
inspection company. Clearly, a cultural
the best healthcare: its testing identi
shift will be integral; “That is a much
fies problems early, before they have
larger challenge, though, because
an opportunity to develop into some
you’re trying to convert people from
thing more hazardous.
their long-held beliefs. This needs to
However, fundamentally guid
be achieved through the right capital
ing Waygate Technologies’ digital
investment, training commercial teams busi ne ssch ief . eu
“ Waygate Technologies delivers peace of mind with emerging technologies” — Arungalai Anbarasu, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer, Waygate Technologies
and expanding our digital presence in different geographical regions.” Far from being a strictly internal evolution, though, Anbarasu makes it clear that Waygate Technologies’ digital transformation will have direct benefits for customers. “Consider this: a borescope built by us can enter the combustion chamber of an aircraft engine through an approximately 1cm diameter port, travel to a loca tion and capture an image with its own light source and stereo camera, measuring, in 3D, depths of defects down to the several microns. This is then taken to an exponentially higher value for the customer when Waygate Technologies deploys automatic defect recognition algorithms built on the cloud, delivered on the device. This enables the operator using the instru ment to make ‘plane-side’ decisions, thus saving millions of dollars lost in downtime. This is truly incredible tech nology, and that’s just one example,” she enthuses. “Waygate Technologies delivers peace of mind with emerg ing technologies,” Anbarasu adds. “These are truly enabling our custom ers to have full confidence in our busi ne ssch ief . eu
solutions’ ability to safeguard them from a quality perspective.” One of the company’s core digital initia tives, InspectionWorks|Ecos, offers an integrated, blockchain-powered data management solution, enabling unified inspection insights across a customer’s entire ecosystem and the complete lifecycle of their assets. Already highly anticipated for its perceived high value and market necessity, Waygate Technologies believes that leveraging this new 420
data solution could be transformative for modern industrial inspections. Already serving the aerospace, defense, automotive, electronics and
same time, we will strive to partner with
energy industries, Anbarasu intimates
clients in new technologies like electric
that, although these will remain the
vehicle (EV) batteries, hydrogen and
company’s core markets, Waygate
3D printing.”
Technologies is interested in branch
Data, Anbarasu states, will be the
ing out further. “Inspection data is
key to this expansion and Waygate
everywhere and in every process; it
Technologies’ broader digital transi
can be a very powerful tool for custom
tion. “I don’t think the abundance
ers to drive productivity, quality and
of data is an issue; I think there’s no
safety,” she says. “We will continue to
longer a debate on whether data is
serve these traditional markets and
valuable and whether it feeds digital
also explore growth areas like medical
transformation. However, what’s now
devices, other forms of transportation
critical is the infrastructure around
and the pharmaceutical sector. At the
data: simply digitising all inspections
“ Everyone needs to unite, follow the rules, and beat COVID-19” — Arungalai Anbarasu, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer, Waygate Technologies
to corporate ethics as it does to equip ment, viewing Waygate Technologies’ position of social responsibility, par ticularly in the post-COVID-19 world, as equally substantial. “We are trying our best to help out where we can, such as inspecting ventilators, and digital transformation can be a force
is only the starting point; it is when this
for good in achieving that goal,” she
data can be tied to the asset being
concludes. “Everyone needs to unite,
inspected and then cross and counter
follow the rules, and beat COVID-19.”
referenced that its value starts rising exponentially”. Further, she indicates that ‘infrastructure’ refers just as much busi ne ssch ief . eu
b u s in e s s c hie f. e u
oining the company in 2011, Momchil Kovachev is the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) at Inter Cars. “I graduated from
the German Faculty at the Technical University at Sofia, Bulgaria, which means that I have studied in both the Bulgarian and the German education system. For the engineering track, I have a diploma 424
from the Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie [KIT] and an MBA from the TU Braunschweig. Currently I am completing my executive MBA at Sheffield International College,” comments Kovachev. Since joining Inter Cars – an import and distribution organisation of parts, tires, accessories, profes sional tools and service equipment for vehicles – Kovachev has held several positions in Bulgaria as well as international positions before taking on the role he has now. When asked about the current trends in the industry, Kovachev explains that “as with so many industries, one of the hot topics at the moment in our sector is data. For the automotive aftermar ket industry, the data produced by the vehicle itself, and by the person driving it, is providing
b u s in e s s c hie f. e u
greater insight into how that vehicle is performing. This use of data for preventative maintenance and early diagnosis is a leading topic currently. It allows companies to have the right stock when the vehicle enters the workshop so that it can be repaired as fast as possible, eliminating technical issues for the driver.” However, with the possession of more
Momchil Kovachev, Chief Digital Officer at Inter Cars
data comes the challenge of develop ing a legal framework for sharing and processing it. Kovachev reiterates his
belief that “this focus will shape the next
Katalog Online CLICK TO WATCH
427 business models. This is a building block
recipient of the product that we are
for future, digitally enabled Mobility-as-a-
distributing. As a result, we work with
Service concepts.”
our partners and clients to develop
When it comes to driving innovation
business models that provide added
at Inter Cars, Kovachev explains that
value to all actors in the vertical – the
the company differentiates itself from
driver of the vehicle, the wokshop
its competition in the import and distri
and the distribution partners. We are
bution industry of spare parts through
also experimenting in some markets
its wide portfolio of vehicle products,
with B2C solutions, where our main
fast logistics services, end mile deliv
goal is to offer a complete service to
ery and good customer service.
the retail client, rather than just pur
When looking to innovate within the modern era of digitalisation, Kovachev
chase of the parts, therefore we call this approach B2B2C.”
explains that “technology gives us the
“For Inter Cars, the company places
capability to drive more value for the
its focus on helping society maintain b u s in e s s c hie f. e u
the operation of its mobility solutions,
aspects of the company to digitise
providing continued stability of those
and automate its operations. “My role
services. With that in mind, we are con
of joining the head office team was to
tinuously trying to optimise our hosting
design and deliver the third generation
solutions for our B2B ecommerce
of our fundamental B2B ecommerce
solution, leveraging the advantages
solution. When we were starting the
of a cloud hosting platform. However,
program, we identified several areas
to ensure business continuity, we are
where we needed to improve our
also combining this with hosting this
current operations, so that we could
platform ourselves forming a hybrid
deliver a leading solution. One was
hosting solution aimed at business
how we manage our product data. As
continuity for optimal operations cost.”
part of our operations we manage a
Inter Cars’ digital transformation
large portfolio of products and vehi
strategy has been applied to several
cles, as well as their linkages, which
can prove challenging. We decided
focused and precise access to data
that if we are to bring to the market a
that clients require.
new generation of ecommerce solu
“Our B2B ecommerce catalog is
tions that act as a catalog for spare
a fundamental building block in our
parts for a given vehicle, we need to
operations, generating 99% of our
improve the way we manage our prod
revenue,” comments Kovachev. “It is
uct data,” says Kovachev.
being used by our clients daily who
Inter Cars has also been working
are in need of spare parts so that they
on developing a single solution for its
can repair vehicles that are entering
B2B services and products, as well as
the workshops. On the flip side, that
launching a new program that affects
same platform is being used by our
the way it gives permission to access
sales operators when a mechanic
the B2B solution. This ensures that it
needs support to identify a spare part
meets GDPR regulations by providing
needed for a repair, then agreeing with
Momchil Kovachev Title: Chief Digital Officer Industry: Automotive
Location: Bulgaria
Over the last four years I have been leading the team delivering the largest B2B e-commerce platform in the Independent Automotive Aftermarket in CEE. This project was the flagship in the Digital Transformation program of the company aiming at unifying the business among the 18+ markets and all 10+ product segments. Together with the new integration architecture, new SSO & IAM platform and Product Information Management system upgrade, we laid the foundation for the future enterprise. b u s in e s s c hie f. e u
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owner – by improving the spare parts identification process workshops can provide a more transparent quote.” To successfully achieve its B2B program launches, Kovachev explains that, for the first time in its history, the company decided to build a solution on top of a ready made platform in house from scratch. “To develop the solution, we ran a tender where we invited all the industry leading e-commerce service providers in the world to participate. In the end we selected tools, platforms and soft
the client the delivery method and the
ware houses to modify the platform
payment method before processing
according to our needs. After the proof
the order.
of concept phase, we selected SAP
“When designing our new e-cata
Hybrid together with the Polish soft
logue we conducted research in order
ware houses, e-point. Our colleagues
to optimise the user experience by
from Microsoft came on at a later
designing the processes in the appli
stage where the platform was already
cation to be more streamlined and
in nine markets in central and Eastern
intuitive. With this new platform we
Europe. We selected their cloud host
have been able to increase our service
ing solution, which we already used
quality by releasing time for our sales
for our previous version of our B2B
operators to serve those who really
commerce catalogue. Using these
need assistance, as well as providing
solutions we are focusing our cus
a streamlined method and self service
tomisation efforts into the areas
capabilities. We have also been able to
where we have a competitive advan
increase transparency for the vehicle
tage, therefore strategic alliances b u s in e s s c hie f. e u
and partnerships with players in the industry are a significant enabler for our digital transformation.” Considering the future use of technology in the automotive indus try, Kovachev is keen to see an increase in the use of augmented reality. “From one perspective, the complexity of repairs is increas ing continuously, and I believe guided repairs with the support of augmented reality would be a very interesting use case of the technol ogy. For example, if a mechanic in a given workshop is receiving a repair for a car that he doesn’t have experience with, in our B2B e-commerce catalog this person could read how to perform the repair. However, I believe the use of augmented reality could bring this information directly to the mechanic while looking at the vehicle, pinpoint ing exactly what needs to be done. This would be a very interesting use case of this technology in our indus try. Additionally, a topic that is really inspiring me personally is the shared economy. I believe this is something that we as society have to address in b u s in e s s c hie f. e u
Momchil Kovachev, Chief Digital Officer at Inter Cars
order to move forward because of all
businesses have remained open and
the environmental and sustainability
while some of our clients have closed
challenges that we’re facing.”
due to government regulations, many
As an engineer, Kovachev strongly
have also remained open in order to
believes in technology, “for me, it is the
sustain this mobility. In recent months
driver of progress in our society over
we have seen an increase in personal
the last decades. However, technology
transportation compared to using
has to be wisely used.”
public transport which has had a posi
Reflecting on the current impact of
tive effect on the spare parts industry.
COVID-19, Kovachev says “the situa
However, in the long term, we can see
tion has touched all industries. Luckily
that investments in new vehicles are
for us, the mobility industry is consid
going to stagnate and therefore from
ered fundamental so that our society
my perspective vehicle manufacturers
can operate. As a result, many of our
are going to face challenges when it
comes to aging car parts that are not
needed and therefore, personal mobil
going to be renewed with the same
ity needs to be preserved.”
rhythm that it was a few months ago.”
Towards the end of 2019, Kovachev
When it comes to technology, “I can
explains that Inter Cars’ warehouses
speak of my private experience. Prior to
were quite full, “which helped us to
COVID-19, I flew from Sofia to Warsaw
make it through the disrupted period
at least once a month. However, due to
for supply chains with minimal inter
the situation over the last three months,
ruptions.” In addition, “due the fact that
this was not the case. We still continue
we operate in 18 markets it is helping
to do business and we still continue to
us to balance between the impact of
collaborate, thanks to video confer
COVID-19 in different markets.”
ences and collaboration platforms offered by the software companies. Still for me, human interaction will be b u s in e s s c hie f. e u
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John Coughlan, CEO at TSP Engineering, discusses his firm’s digital transformation journey against the backdrop of COVID-19
SP Engineering is an industrial and electrical engineering manufacturer that provides a range of technical solutions to
solve complex problems. The organisation serves a number of key industries such as nuclear, defence, oil & gas, steel, construction and industrial. 438
John Coughlan has been the CEO at TSP Engineering since 2014. A results-driven, business turnaround leader, Coughlan pos sesses a significant record of driving operational improvements through operating with a customercentred approach. He has helped oversee TSP Engineering’s digital transformation journey but believes his company is still in its infancy in terms of its overall digitalisation drive. “It’s been a good journey so far, but we’re still in the initial stages of transformation,” affirms Coughlan. “One of the things that we’re really trying to guard against is allowing anyone access into our business via any new technology we introduce. We’ve had to ensure that we’re cybersecure to protect the data that we have. This is even more important because a lot of
busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ It’s been a good journey so far but we’re still in the initial stages of transformation” — John Coughlan, CEO, TSP Engineering
the knowledge to leverage data more effectively. “It’s one of those
the data that isn’t ours, we’re minding it
things that I learned really early on,”
for our customers and the information
he explains. “You have to provide staff
is for UK eyes only and is classified.
with the tools to interrogate the data
This means it’s even more pivotal that
that will draw out the answer to the
we’re very careful in everything we do.”
problem. It’s important to never just
Talent management is a key pillar to
give away the answer but provide a
Coughlan and he acknowledges the
route to the answer that they need for
importance of equipping staff with
the problem. It’s about how to harness, interrogate and how to interpret the data to provide results because data doesn’t really lie.” With the importance of data growing at an exponential rate to businesses such as TSP Engineering, Coughlan affirms that an agile and flexible approach to operations is key, particularly in a digital transformation. “It’s about harnessing the data to drive our technologies and the changes that we make on a daily basis,” says Coughlan. “The digital era that we’re now in is constantly making us look at our business and how we operate. Only recently, based on what we’re
doing, we’ve decided to take one of our
by other areas of the business.
business departments and set it out
“The data that we hold in-house
into a business unit on its own to allow
is very important to us and because
it to get further ahead on the digital
of the sectors that we work in, such
transformation and not to be held back
as nuclear and defence, security is
John Coughlan Title: CEO
Company: TSP Engineering
Industry: Manufacturing
Location: Workington, UK
John Coughlan joined TSP Engineering in 2014 with overall responsibility for driving strategy, operations and continuous business improvement. John possesses a significant record of delivering operational improvements, efficiencies and customer satisfaction across Europe, ASIA, North America and Mexico, with an ability to quickly understand the mission, vision and values of a customer focused organisation. He’s previously held senior non-executive and executive positions in many organisations including, Aerly Bird Transglogal, UpRight, Celestica, ITW Avery Weightronics, Dianorm Teo as well being appointed to a range of senior committees, enterprise boards and liaison groups. John was named UK Manufacturing Champions Manufacturing Leader in December 2016 and was named one of the most inspiring Manufacturing Leaders in 2018. Last year, John was crowned Best Businessperson of the Year by the in-Cumbria Awards, and this year was a finalist for the prestigious IoD Director of the Year Awards. busi ne ssc h ief . eu
“ You have to provide staff with the tools to interrogate the data that will draw out the answer to the problem” — John Coughlan, CEO, TSP Engineering
products that we deliver. We must deliver a lifetime record with our prod uct, so they need to be assured about everything in our process.” Coughlan believes that the influence of Advanced Nuclear Reactors (ANRs) will play a prominent part in helping the UK become a more sustainable environment. “The world wants to be a
essential. We must ensure that we’re
greener place in the future and one of
not only protecting the data but that
the ways we try to make that happen
we’re using it correctly, as it has a
is by ensuring that we have economi
big impact on our customers and the
cally achievable and reachable nuclear
Webinar replay: How to get your business ready to do business with TSP Engineering CLICK TO WATCH
power to help get us to a net-zero
10 years to 18-24 months. This is from
economy and region,” says Coughlan.
the time you place the order, move it to
“To make this happen, you should
site and have your building put in place,
ensure that nuclear power is afford
because the two can be in parallel.
able because, if you take the existing
This means that it basically becomes
power sources for nuclear, it can take
a plug-in unit when you get it onsite.”
up to 10 years to build and you could
Despite the disruption of the coro
be talking about over US$20bn to pro
navirus pandemic, TSP Engineering
duce. But we don’t have the finances
has continued to receive orders and
or time to do that anymore so if we
is emerging post-COVID-19 in a rela
scale those down in terms of capa
tively strong position in comparison to
bility of electricity, we can produce
lots of harder-hit industries. However,
those completely in the factory and
Coughlan explains that his organi
streamline the production time from
sation, like so many others, had to busi ne ssc h ief . eu
transform operations overnight and find a new normal. “COVID has made us think outside the box,” explains Coughlan. “At the end of March, we ceased production and sent people home for their own safety. Once we got an understanding of how we could work more safely, we had a number of people from all areas of the business starting to work from home and get ting the IT infrastructure set up. A lot of people found that they were much more productive working from home
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“ It’s about harnessing the data to drive our technologies and the changes that we make on a daily basis”
of the factory workers, it’s obviously much more difficult for them to work at home so we introduced staggered times to stop there being too many people in at once.” TSP Engineering works closely with
— John Coughlan, CEO, TSP Engineering
the nuclear AMR advanced manufac
and we now have a mix of remote
tinued success. “That’s an extremely
working and office working. It was
important relationship to us in terms
important that we checked in with
of our learning and development as
employees because we were well
a business,” he says. “Research and
aware of the mental health aspect and
development has become increasingly
understood that there wasn’t one way
key to us over the past few years
that worked for everyone. In terms
as technology continues to change.
turing centre and Coughlan affirms partnerships like this are vital to con
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“ The future is what we make it; you can sit back and wait for the future to come or you can try and develop it” — John Coughlan, CEO, TSP Engineering DECEMBER 2020
We also believe in partnering with customers and get great satisfaction when they view us as an extension of their business and part of their busi ness. We’re looking beyond them and are trying to see who their customers are, as well as their demands and val ues. This will mean that we will be able to more than meet our front facing customers’ needs. We spend a lot of time with companies within our sup ply chain who we see as partners and work with them to try and improve quality, to help them understand the requirements of delivering in the nuclear sector, and help get their business up to the level required by the industry.” Coughlan understands the impor tance of collaboration to achieving success. “You have to understand that you can’t do everything yourself,” he affirms. “Once you recognise that you need other people, then you have to consider them as an extension of your business. This is what helps you survive and what helps you dif ferentiate yourself from competitors. You need a partner that’s open and is going to tell you when things are busi ne ssc h ief . eu
going wrong. Having a partner that is
can sit back and wait for the future
open to change and has flexibility is
to come or you can try and develop
also crucial.”
it,” he says. “We’re going to be very
With the future in mind, Coughlan
involved in developing the future and
is optimistic and believes the next few
new nuclear technologies and more
years are in his organisation’s hands.
involved in research and development.
“The future is what we make it; you
This is a really exciting time for lots
of businesses and we’re certainly no
into the future in terms of getting
different. As a company, we’ve won 14
to the next level we want to reach.”
awards during the past four years and spent £5.5m investing in our people to bring them to the standard where they can grow within the business. The time is now to use that as a springboard busi ne ssc h ief . eu
SIU: harnessing innovative technology to combat corruption combat technology to innovative SIU: harnessing WRITTEN BY
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Tumelo Zwane, Chief Information Officer at South Africa’s Special Investigating Unit (SIU), discusses the organisation’s digital transformation and maintaining cybersecurity during COVID-19
oining the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) in 2018, Tumelo Zwane has been the Chief Information Officer for two years.
“The special investigating unit is responsible for investigating acts of corruption, ensuring that public funds are not misused and instill discipline 452
so that everyone is accountable and accounts for how they procure, tender and award contracts, to service providers,” explains Zwane. “The difference between us and other agen cies within the department, we are the only ones that are responsible for recovering the funds that are misused, or misappropriated by government officials. We go as far as instituting litigations and civil proceedings via a special tribunal solely put together to deal with SIU investigations.” Late last year, Zwane began crafting a digital strategy for the SIU which looked at three pillars to optimise and stabilise its current environment by upgrading its network. “This stage of the digital strategy we have already done,” comments Zwane, “we have upgraded our network, moving to a more stable DECEMBER 2020
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“ The future for SIU will be for us to harness big data, AI and robotics to help us conduct investigations quicker and better”
— Tumelo Zwane, Chief Information Officer, Special Investigating Unit
hardware environment. We have also ensured that we’ve got the necessary tools to conduct faster and better data analytics, cybersecurity and forensic analysis operations. All these different tools will help with our investigations and improve our turnaround times. We have also been looking at how we can ensure business continuity via the right platforms and technology to allow our investigators to work from anywhere at any time - this is the first pillar.” SIU’s second digital strategy pil lar looks at how both its value chain
Moment of Clarity: SIU’s Andy Mothibi over 167 Covid-19 corruption cases in Gauteng alone CLICK TO WATCH
455 and current applications can be
investigative capabilities,” states
optimised. “We’ve been in a process
Zwane. “Unfortunately, due to the
of enhancing our current systems
impact of COVID-19, some aspects of
as well as enhancing our tools and
our three-year plan have had to have
the way we do work to ensure that
been put on hold, due to the need to
we achieve the results faster and
meet current demands and situations
quicker,” says Zwane.
within the world and the country.”
The final pillar focuses on creating
Currently within its digital strategy,
a digital business in the near future
SIU has been looking at multiple
where SIU can ensure that, wherever
technologies to continuously
possible, operations are as paperless
improve its operations.
and contactless as possible.
“As well as AI and robotics, we are
“We aim to achieve this by using
also looking at machine learning and
technology like artificial intelligence
big data to enhance our current tools.
(AI) and robotics to enhance our
During this strategy we looked at the busi ne ssch ief . eu
Industry and customer acclaimed cybersecurity technologies – with EDR at the core – empower you to detect and prevent evasive attacks at lightning speed – with no extra effort from your team.
“ The Special Investigating Unit is responsible for investigating acts of corruption, ensuring that public funds are not misused” — Tumelo Zwane, Chief Information Officer, Special Investigating Unit likes of Microsoft BI, Ocular from
365, we are looking to host the solu
Deloitte, as well as partnerships with
tion in a private cloud that ensures
Dell, SAS, Kaspersky and Novell,” com
that we don’t expose that data,”
ments Zwane. She adds that SIU is
says Zwane. “We also have multiple
harnessing AI for authentication pur
firewalls and different channels to
poses and will be looking to adopt big
pinpoint potential threats, allowing us
data and analytics capabilities in the
to mitigate the impact.”
next financial year. When it comes to security and
managing potential threats, Zwane
“COVID-19 brought in the challenges
highlights that the SIU’s cybersecurity
of people having to work from home
strategy is designed to ensure that
and ensuring that our data continues
information is stored safely and locally
to be secure,” comments Zwane.
within the country, with plans to move
Because of this, SIU has had to
into a private cloud platform instead of
equip its members with the technol
their current cloud solution.
ogy and tools in order to conduct its
“You can imagine how critical our data is, so when it comes to Microsoft
transitional methods of face-to-face interviews online. busi ne ssch ief . eu
“The challenges that come with
harness big data, AI and robotics to
this are that not everyone is tech
help us conduct investigations quicker
nologically inclined. As a result, we
and better, leading to a world beyond
had to bring in an element of change
COVID-19 where corruption will be dealt
management to show that these
with quicker and more decisively due to
technologies can be an enabler to
the benefits of technology and digital
make life easier.”
transformation” says Zwane.
When it comes to the next steps for
Not only does Zwane see corruption
the industry, Zwane believes that the
being dealt with quicker and more deci
industry will see a shift in the use of
sively, she also sees the industry further
technology and the industry’s reliance
developing preventative methods with
on working from home or offsite.
the adoption of technology to detect if
“The future for SIU will be for us to 458
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there is intention for a corrupt act.
“In the future, we will have risk
“Fortunately for us, because of the
engines robust enough that they will
powers that we were given, we get
be able to help us identify potential
cases from the president who ensures
risks for corruption and give insight to
that we are able to deal with matters
the powers that be,” she says.
decisively. From a technological point
Reflecting on the company as a
of view, the strength we have is being
whole, Zwane claims “one of our
able to leverage different technologies
strengths is the fact that we have a
that are present throughout the world
large workforce of people that have
and try and collaborate with other
extensive training in forensic investi
agencies with a similar role.”
gations and strong insight on how to navigate a web of activities that lead into corruption. 459
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AUBMC: Undertaking Medical Transformation EDITED BY
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Joe-max Wakim, IT Director, Medical Centre Processes and Systems director, explains how ambitious and trusted leadership assisted in enabling the medical transformation of American University of Beirut Medical Centre
merican University of Beirut Medical Centre (AUBMC) has been a gem in the Lebanese health sector since its foundaÂ
tion in 1902, holding a number of accreditations from bodies such as Magnate JACI and CAP. The facility handles over 360,000 patients annually and, to meet growing demand, is implementing what Joe-max Wakim, IT Director, Medical Centre Processes and Systems Director describes as a clinical transformation. Wakim has been with AUBMC for over 25 years and has seen the company grow exponentially. It was a fine chance that Wakim came to work with AUBMC in 1994, as he was home in Lebanon from his studies in the UK when he was introduced to the head of Biomedical Engineering, who later offered him a job. Wakim initially worked in the medical engineering department on the
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“ We believe in sharing back the way we learn from others” — Joe-max Wakim IT Director, Medical Centre Processes and Systems director, American University of Beirut Medical Centre
from scratch: the electrophysiology lab and the stereotactic neuronavi gation solution and procedures,” he recalls. “I also helped develop the Memo Organiser, which is the medi cal engineering asset management and service management solution, which is something we’ve created inhouse.” Wakim’s move to the Hospital
maintenance and management of the
Information Systems Committee
medical devices at the medical cen
marked the change in direction that
tre. He became IT Director, Medical
was to bring him to his current position.
Centre Processes and Systems 464
Under a consultant, Joe-Max’s team
Director in 2016. “I worked on a num
was advised that they were better
ber of solutions which were created
suited to develop in-house, rather than purchase a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. This implementation went underway between 2002 and 2009, segregat ing them into a focused repository. In addition to this, a portal was created which simplified access to various applications. It was in 2009 that the medical centre appointed a new Dean, who presented an ambitious vision for the medical centre to become the best medical practice in the region. Wakim and his team began looking for highend medical solutions and developed an RFP in 2013, by which time he had become acting Director of the medical
centre’s processes and systems team.
governance and ensuring that pro
In 2016, the team moved to sign with
cesses are streamlined between
the Epic Team and began implementa
different teams. “We’ve created gov
tion at the end of that year, the same
ernance models where requests are
time that Wakim was made IT Director.
sent to the multidisciplinary stakeholder groups, including physicians, nurses,
administrators and IT analysts. These
The clinical evolution of AUBMC has
requests are reviewed and if approved,
been concurrent with Wakim’s career.
are sent through to project manage
In his role as IT Director he works with
ment for scheduling and execution,” he
the CMIO, Dr. Ghassan Hamadeh, on
explains. Wakim’s role is to also ensure
IT strategic planning with an executive
that these projects are implemented
team at the medical centre. Wakim’s
as smoothly as possible from a change
responsibilities often focuses on
management perspective. busi ne ssch ief . eu
A key aspect to the clinical transfor
over 50% of the US population. “The
mation was the implementation of Epic,
Epic team is truly dedicated to ensur
an electronic health record solution
ing that their customers are improving
comprising a number of modules used
the communities they function within,”
across the medical centre, in order to
commends Wakim. “They’re con
standardise the provision of care with
stantly pushing us to provide KPIs and
best practices, as well as decision
monitor our performance in order to
making tools. “We’ve got modules
look for opportunities to improve our
implemented in the lab, pathology,
selves or introduce additional training.”
oncology, in the operating rooms, in
Of course, Wakim and his team
the ambulatory setting and for all
did face some challenges. “There’s
our outpatient clinics,” adding that
no goal, no type of implementation or
“we’re looking at additional modules.”
journey without its own challenges.
According to Epic, its system serves
While Epic only took a couple of years
Year founded
to implement, our journey has taken much longer. We did a lot of prepara tion beforehand and spoke with other academic organisations similar to our
$100mn+ Revenue in US dollars
3,400 Number of employees
selves on the most suitable platforms.” Wakim goes on to say that one of the major challenges was the upscaling of workforce: “We were only a team of 30 and needed to hire 60 people and conduct mass training.” Epic had listed the impending challenges and shared the prerequisites for Beirut Medical Centre before it would begin to imple ment the system. “We had to purchase
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“ There’s no goal, no type of implementation or journey without its own challenges” — Joe-max Wakim IT Director, Medical Centre Processes and Systems director, American University of Beirut Medical Centre a number of solutions that would assist with taking the platform live. So far, over 3,400 employees have been trained on the use of Epic, with 650 being supertrained within the company to assist with the shift from analogue to paperlight,” Wakim recalls. “In addition to the implementation of Epic, during those 10 years of implementation, we also wrote in a medication dispensing solution, a blood bank solution, a blood donor solu tion, a voice recognition solution and a medical device integration solution, which were all implemented entirely by different teams.” Currently, there are over 30 pro jects underway which overlap with Epic’s capabilities. Wakim has a par ticular interest in the improvement of analytics capabilities. “We are investing busi ne ssch ief . eu
in improving our data governance and data quality in partnership with the Chief Quality and Compliance Officer. We’ve only just started to scratch the surface with regard to our ML capabilities and I am looking forward to exploring more AI and ML solutions.”
LEADING INDUSTRY DISRUPTION When Wakim considers the journey thus far, he affirms that this transfor mation would not have been possible without the ambition and vision of the 472
Dean. “We’ve been on an amazing journey over the last decade. So much credit also goes to RCMIO, who have been on this journey with us since the early 2000s when we first set out to automate the process. As Wakim and AUBMC look to the future, he shares that a number of goals have also been set internally: “Over the next two years, we’re focus ing on growth for our team members in terms of professional growth and personal growth. We’ve created a tool that helps identify opportunities for them to grow so that the type of work they do changes and hence keeps them motivated to learn more and DECEMBER 2020
“ So much credit goes to RCMIO, who have been on this journey with us since the early 2000s” — Joe-max Wakim IT Director, Medical Centre Processes and Systems director, American University of Beirut Medical Centre
grow professionally.” He continues,
to share some of our experiences,
“Internally we will continue our com
which we gladly do; we’re an academic
mitment to improving the solutions to
institution and we believe in sharing
better serve our clinicians and patients.
back the way we learn from others.”
We will continue on this journey of
Wakim says that this sharing of knowl
automation until we are completely
edge is slowly having an impact on the
paperless. The success that AUBMC
industry nationally and the American
is achieving is setting the standard in
University of Beirut is paving the way.
Lebanon and it is no secret. “We’ve been asked by a number of institutions busi ne ssch ief . eu
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