Ordina Brochure Jan 2021

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360° SECURITY www.ordina.nl



Vincent Meijer, CISO at Ordina, explains why security should be built in, not bolted on


e are a local player,” says Vincent Meijer, CISO and Head of Information Security at Ordina. The Netherlands-based IT

solutions company is heavily focused on the Benelux market, perhaps surprisingly in a world of globalised solutions. But for Meijer it is key to 05

delivering value. “We talk about areas of expertise, but we get even more value because we are a local player. We understand Dutch, Belgian and Luxembourgisch culture and how things work out there and we focus on building expertise and knowledge of certain branches – sectors – in these countries. “We have a deep understanding of those kinds of businesses which, added to our expertise, can really move them forward and put them a step ahead. You can have just the expertise and fold it into a context you don’t understand, but you will only bring the company forward in a technical way. We look at it a little bit more holistically and see how we can deliver a total concept or solution by combining expertise from all our company.”



“ We deliver a total solution by combining expertise” — Vincent Meijer, CISO | Head of Information Security, Ordina

it in a more holistic way – and look at where you can adjust it or apply it in your value stream process. If you do that, you


can move and anticipate change really

Meijer talks about holistic security enthu-

quickly because it’s just the way you

siastically, and calls his work ‘security

work. But if you keep on addressing it

transformation’. “I don’t think security is

as an add-on or an afterthought, that’s

a goal in itself,” he says. “It’s just a piece

going to be really, really difficult.”

which needs to be there as a standard 06

in, and to build it in you need to look at

way of working. So it needs to be built

Why? “It was already difficult, but it’s going to be impossible to grow in this digital transformation everybody’s into. And the risks are growing.” Meijer explains that new legislation passed in the Netherlands puts the duty of care on suppliers for security matters. It’s “a big topic at the moment” because although many suppliers wanted to put security at the heart of

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07 their solutions, it adds costs and clients

change and an increasing number of

were reticent about paying the per-

employees engage with their work via

ceived mark-up.

personal devices. “A lot of companies

“That was always a difficult discus-

designed their programs on the office

sion, because if the supplier thinks their

network, not just their IP networks

competitor is going to propose a solu-

but also the people networking in the

tion without [security] and I’m going to

office and in the office space. So, for

propose one with it, I’m going to lose

example, the awareness programmes –

the offer. So it’s a big step from both

there are posters all over the company,

sides to increase security, and that’s

in the toilets, in the coffee bar, but

a good thing, I think.”

no one’s going there so the question arises: how do I reach my people?”


At a more technical level, Meijer also

Covid-19 has also accelerated secu-

points to home networks that lack

rity concerns as working patterns

the enhanced security of corporate www.ordina.nl



“ It’s important to realise you can’t do all the security on your own” — Vincent Meijer, CISO | Head of Information Security, Ordina

network monitoring solutions. “A lot of

we create value for our customers

companies I speak with have a huge

hasn’t changed, only the context of the

blind spot there, so they need to antici-

environment where, when and how we

pate it to increase visibility again. And

create that value did change.”

again, we are continuously looking at

The problem for companies who

what value we can create. So the way

haven’t previously consolidated their

security arrangements are strug-

security arrangements more effec-

gling in managing and maintaining all

tive and better to manage in order to

their security controls and it almost

become more resilient.

becomes a goal on itself. “Hopefully a lot of people are going to take a little


step back instead of rushing forward,”

“I keep hearing about a ‘zero trust’

says Meijer. “A better goal should be to

philosophy during Covid conditions,

make it simpler instead of adding more

and this is where you don’t trust any-

complexity to it. So we help companies

thing and therefore might think you

to remove complexity and make their

have to check everything. Using this


Vincent Meijer


Title: CISO | Head of Information Security Industry: Information Technology & Services With more than 20 years of experience in IT, Business and Security, Vincent has worked on many challenging cyber security projects for appealing organisations both national and internationally. The last decade he has been focusing more on understanding and learning about organisational business models and their processes in order to integrate security within the value stream instead of using the traditional afterwards compliance-driven approach. In addition to his assignment to integrate cyber security within the business strategy as Group CISO for Ordina Benelux, Vincent also fulfills the role of business director for Ordina’s Cybersecurity & Compliance services. www.ordina.nl


At ESET we believe that the highest level of security can only be achieved by a combination of robust technology and human expertise. As a global company with local expertise we are the cybersecurity experts on your side.



“ A lot of companies I speak with have a huge blind spot on hybrid working security” — Vincent Meijer, CISO | Head of Information Security, Ordina

hierarchies play a role in whether the customer can be sold on the argument. Difficulties arise when security officers are still traditional some-

approach might end you up in a never

where in IT and not positioned within

ending and unmanageable situation,

the business itself. It’s an easier sell

I think, because that’s going to be too

when, as at Ordina, the CISO is also

much and really complex. Yet if I look

an executive position. This important

at this change, I can actually remove

transition to really integrate into the

complexity because I can look at the

business could take up to five years,

office environment at the same level

he says.

as the home environment. I don’t trust them, but I only have one scenario to


manage. We’re not ever going back, I

Internally, Ordina wants to create value

think, to the old situation. We’re going

but the same is true of its partnerships.

to a hybrid kind of model, and then the

“You have to seek for partners to be able

office becomes a more public environment with a different function – to connect, to socialise, to find each other in person – and that’s why my office network is going to look more like my home network.” Meijer’s mantra of building security in, rather than bolting it on, is part of this simplified approach to holistic security. But organisational www.ordina.nl




• We discover


From craftsmanship towards staying ahead in your profession. We are curious and open to new things. This helps us to identify opportunities and threats and to figure out what that means. Every day we discover how our talent can be optimally used. How we can further develop our craftsmanship. To be at the forefront of our profession and to proactively help customers to remain ‘Ahead of change’. • We connect From collaboration towards taking responsibility for the result. We are open-minded, inclusive and entrepreneurial. That helps us to make connections and to build relationships. Ordina takes

responsibility for the result by collaboration through High Performance Teams. Proactively connecting the inner with the outer side and vice versa, to achieve an optimum result. Win-win situations with the best results for every stakeholder. • We accelerate From customer knowledge towards digital lead. We are customer focused and we strive for quality. That helps us to look forward and helps our customers to accelerate. Through our business propositions we proactively develop the best solutions for customers. Ambitious solutions that make the difference. They positively surprise and help customers to take a digital lead.

“ Security is a shared responsibility” — Vincent Meijer, CISO | Head of Information Security, Ordina

with their product but didn’t have the expertise to follow up on alerts within the customers context. “They realised that that wasn’t actually their cup of tea, so they needed to find a partner who was good at that, and can bring customer and business context

to offer a total solution for the problem

to the product. So that’s why we joined

in the market. You have to find a partner

forces, because we design it within the

who is really excellent at what they do,

context of the organisation and we

so we can join forces and increase the

can follow up in case of an incident.

value of something we deliver together to the customer. ESET, an antivirus company, is one such partner. They are happy

“It’s important to realise that as a good security services provider you need to work with partners in order to deliver end-to-end solutions.





Year founded

€372mn Revenue in euros (2019)


2,650 Number of employees

“You can’t do everything by your-

customers which can only be solved

self, especially all the security. It’s

with these combined services then

just too broad. It’s too much, it’s too

you’re in really good condition.”

intense. And a partnership has to be a two-way street, otherwise it’s


more like a supplier-client relation-

Finally, Meijer wants to impress

ship. It needs to be from both of you,

about the importance of risk own-

and if you can solve something for

ership. “A big job is to help the


organisation understand, and organ-

“Otherwise we’re going to end up

ise that accountability in the right

being at a loss, or running behind

places in your organisation. We

it forever.�

need to see security as more of a shared responsibility for everybody in the company and organise it so everyone can take their piece of accountability. www.ordina.nl

RINGWADE 1 3439 LM T +31 30 663 7000 www.ordina.nl


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