TerraCycle August 2020

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Eliminating waste through recycling and technology IN ASSOCIATION WITH


Eliminating waste through recycling and technology


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Béla Domokos, CIO of TerraCycle, discusses the importance of an agile tech infrastructure in order to fulfil the company’s goal of a circular economy


side from COVID-19, sustainability is arguably one of the foremost business challenges being grappled with across

industry segments. Founded in 2001, TerraCycle was established to deal with a singular problem in a focused way: the elimination of the world’s 04

waste. Now operating in 21 countries around the world, the company offers a range of simple platforms to facilitate recycling and lead the global shift towards a more eco-friendly incarnation of the customer’s shopping experience, with particular attention paid to the removal of single-use packaging. As global enterprise reorients itself in order to meet the ‘green’ expectations of modern consumers, TerraCycle will play an important role in transforming inefficient linear systems to fully circular economies. Speaking to us from an office building decorated in colourfully upcycled materials – old vinyl records arranged as hanging decorations, coats and old maps forming pictures on the walls – Béla Domokos, Chief Information Officer (CIO), makes


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“ Every person at TerraCycle, no matter where they are on the ladder, has the chance to make an impact” — Béla Domokos, CIO, TerraCycle

where they are on the ladder, has the chance to make an impact. In other companies that’s often not a possibil-


it immediately clear that TerraCycle

ity.” He goes on to say that corporate

practices what it preaches. Coming

flexibility and the spirit of recognising

from a diverse background of experi-

those who demonstrate the capability

ence, including roles at GE Digital and

for innovation is something he actively

ALDI, Domokos states that, from a

encourages in his leadership: “The

technological standpoint, his progres-

idea of meritocracy and people being

sion to TerraCycle was in recognition

evaluated based purely on the quality

that it was a company within which he

of their work and not necessarily the

could make a significant difference.

time that they spend on it, I think,

“I felt that, because of its structure,

is getting more attention and is more

every person at TerraCycle, no matter

relevant than ever.” This refocus on leadership became even more important when Domokos took on the CIO role in late 2018 and sought to enhance its scope across TerraCycle’s operations. Recognising

What are the future goals for Terracycle? CLICK TO WATCH



07 THAT systems and processes are

on its portfolio, the company has

constantly changing and evolving

gone on to strike more favourable

in the IT world, he set about making

deals than ever before. Part of the

the presence of technology and its

company’s agility stems from shifting

importance felt more deeply within

standards within the IT sector which

the company. “There was a need for

favour moving away from in-house

my direct reports to be included in a

designed applications and refocus-

lot more conversations,” he explains.

ing on using best-in-class tech from

“Making sure that IT-related vendor

third parties. Domokos states that the

management was handled within the

laborious task of developing software

department, for example. TerraCycle

for warehouse management, logistics,

grew from a small company that was

accounting, service management and

super nimble and could pivot quickly;

other everyday functions can now be

that’s something we want to con-

easily handled by outsourcing to cloud

tinue.” Now with a stronger grasp

providers like Amazon Web Services w w w.te rra c ycle. com

(AWS). Summarising his philosophy,

and removing those items which don’t

he says, “We don’t build our own app

contribute to the cycle of ‘reduce,

server; we purchase one that meets

recycle, reuse’. Circular economics

our needs. If we later want to pivot to

doesn’t just make good ecological sense,

something else, TerraCycle can just

it also makes profound business

cancel the subscription.”

sense too, as Domokos expands upon.

TerraCycle’s objective is a large-

“TerraCycle partners with brands like

scale transition within the philosophy

Unilever, PepsiCo or Coca-Cola and

of global business – training industries

then we launch a campaign to col-

to no longer think about resources

lect a specific waste stream, such as

in terms of ‘product’ and ‘waste’, but

toothpaste tubes, diapers, chips bags

instead finding a use for everything

or drink cans. We guarantee that we 09


Béla Domokos Title: Chief Information Officer

Company: TerraCycle

Industry: Environmental Services

Location: Hungary

Béla Domokos is the Chief Information Officer of TerraCycle. His areas of emphasis are transformation management (both on the IT organisation’s and the company level), adopting new technologies and overseeing new product launches. In his first year in the role he has reshaped the IT department to make sure it continues to support the company’s rapid growth. That meant focusing on scalability and structural stability of both systems and IT processes. Before joining TerraCycle, Béla was an IT Manager at ALDI. Prior to that he held roles at GE Capital and GE Digital. w w w.te rra c ycle. com




“ There’s so much more excitement ahead” — Béla Domokos, CIO, TerraCycle

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Year founded

$44.mn+ Money for charity raised in US dollars


Number of employees 12 are going to recycle this collected material, which in turn generates new material.” It is through these measures that the company reduces the need for items such as single-use virgin plastic. Successful campaigns launched by TerraCycle include one for Walmart collecting children’s car

he claims that despite COVID-19-

seats, an effort which simultaneously

related disruptions the company will

recycled disused items and generated

still make a profit at the end of the

more foot traffic for the company,

year. However, he is quick to point

says Domokos.

out that success often comes with its

Perhaps one of the most exciting

own challenges and states that the

aspects of these projects has been

company’s tech infrastructure is in the

the accelerated growth which

process of being upgraded, particu-

TerraCycle has experienced. In fact,

larly its CRM (customer relationship


management) software. “New work-

the latest tech trends – trends which

flows need to be set up to make sure

will not only determine the direction

that recently hired staff can pick up

of the business but also sustainability

the pace as fast as possible. With

generally. “Business intelligence (BI)

more organisations wanting to get

is going to be a big one: making sure

involved in our collection programs,

that we understand the data that we

we now have the foundation for further

deal with. I think the whole sustain-

growth.” Moreover, Domokos is keen

ability space is more aware that data

to keep TerraCycle up-to-date with

can be used for all kinds of things: w w w.te rra c ycle. com

TerraCycle’s approach to software and sustainability CLICK TO WATCH



15 how waste is moving around, how it

have been used, customers can then

should get collected and what we can

place them back inside the Tote and

do differently.”

schedule a free pick up at a time con-

This brings him to TerraCycle’s inno-

venient for them. The company then

vative ecommerce platform, Loop. A

empties and cleans the packaging

recognisable online retail experience

ready for reuse. The endeavour shares

with a twist, Loop provides customers

a similar philosophy to TerraCycle’s

with their favourite leading brands in a

other offerings, such as its variably-

sustainably reimagined form exclusively

sized Zero Waste Box, which allows

available through the site. Waste-

customers to fill it up with almost any

free products are then delivered to

kind of waste (domestic or business-

their doorstep in a Loop Tote bag

related) and return to the company

specifically manufactured to replace

for repurposing. “We don’t have many

single-use bubble wrap, cardboard

competitors in this space, so there

boxes and ice packs. Once the products

isn’t an industry standard for how w w w.te rra c ycle. com



One of TerraCycle’s partners that Domokos singles out for special praise is obo.Agency, a digital transformation company specialising in designing processes, custom technology stacks and smart marketing campaigns designed to optimise a business’ sales and marketing ROI. 16

“obo.Agency is one of our integrated partners; it guides us through the thought process of which solution or software option would best meet our needs. obo helps facilitate the conversation to make sure that our sales process is scalable. It’s not just about the tool, it’s about how our sales process operates: how we track, how we report and how we catalogue. They help us with all of these things and more.”

to do these things; the company is very unique,” Domokos proudly states. “We have so many ideas because we’re also trying to make sustainability easily accessible, painless and fun for everyone,” he adds. He hopes that one day BI capabilities will marry with e-commerce platforms like Loop to help people make sustainable life choices easier. As the business continues to grow and data streams become larger, leveraging advanced automation


“ TerraCycle grew from a small company that was super nimble and could pivot quickly; that’s something we want to continue” — Béla Domokos, CIO, TerraCycle

such as artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) would become necessary. Although such an application has yet to be realised, the potential is highly exciting for the sector. “If you understand the data that’s moving in your systems and your business, you can serve people better. Hypothetically, if someone decided to go vegan for the purposes of sustainability, we could create a list for them of all the products that they’d need.” w w w.te rra c ycle. com



Terracycle’s goal between now and 2021 CLICK TO WATCH



“ I think the whole sustainability space is more aware that data can be used for all kinds of things: how waste is moving around, how it should get collected and what we can do differently” — Béla Domokos, CIO, TerraCycle seem indicative that TerraCycle’s tech infrastructure is ready for the ‘new normal’ and Loop expansions delayed for Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic

2020, such as the UK, Canada, Japan

has made 2020 a strange year for

and Germany, are now prepared for end

TerraCycle, Domokos is positive that

of 2020, early 2021. “Loop US is pro-

the success it has achieved despite

jected to be profitable by the end of this

disruption is auspicious for 2021. With

year,” Domokos concludes, “there’s so

the CRM software transition expected

much more excitement ahead: improving

to be completed before the end of the

the IT team, the business structure,

year, cybersecurity augmentations to

adding new roles and staying in-tune

adapt to more data-focused operations

with the evolving needs of the industry.”

(GDPR in Europe and CCPA in the US) and plenty of ambition driving the development of Loop, the company looks set to fly out of the gates come January. Successful remote working practices w w w.te rra c ycle. com


1 TERR ACYCLE WAY TRENTON NJ USA T +1 609 656 5100 www.terracycle.com


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