Business Times, October 2015

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October 2015

VOL. 7 | NO. 10



PUBLISHER Karan Ediger 405-341-2121 SALES TEAM Terri Bohanan Maegan Newport Nancy Sade CONTRIBUTING Mike Crandall WRITERS AND Jim Denton PHOTOGRAPHERS Cyndy Hoenig Nick Massey Patty Miller Van Mitchell Tim Priebe Terri Schlichenmeyer Drew Harmon

Q&A with Mike Terry: President of OIPA


Mike Terry grew up around the oil and natural gas industry and knows how important it is to Oklahoma and the nation’s economy. So when oil prices took a tumble like they have the past year he understands the ripple effect it can have.

Gateway Services Group LLC


The evolution of Gateway began in El Reno in 1997 and has continued to grow and prosper into the multi-faceted family-run company it is today now based in Edmond at 80 E. Fifth St.

Edmond Electric & OMPA have Partnered up on energy efficiency improvement programs


The Consequences of Oil and Gas Production

Miss your Business Times? Call 341-2121 to get on our mailing list. Thanks! The Business Times is a monthly publication of The Edmond Sun devoted to business in the Edmond area. All rights reserved. Copyright © October 2015.

Edmond Electric and its power supplier, the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA) have partnered up on several energy efficiency improvement programs and the results are starting to pay dividends for some of their customers.


“We have six year-lows and that is going to have a significant impact on the economy of Oklahoma,” said Chad Warmington, president of the Oklahoma Oil and Gas Association. “I think you are starting to see that now in the gross production tax numbers and income tax numbers which are all being affected. October 2015 | The Business Times


from our Publisher

Gearing up for the Holidays


o our Readers: As I’m writing this letter I can’t believe it’s October. We moved here in the spring of 2008. It’s hard to believe we are enjoying our eighth fall here. Isn’t Edmond a wonderful community to live and work in? Before we know it, the holidays will be here. There has been controversy about some larger chains decorating this early for the holidays. As a retailer you also know that the early bird often catches the worm. My sister-in-law will always have her Christmas shopping done by this time of the year. I tell her she needs treatment every year, but she’s very organized and disciplined. I guess what I’m trying to say it is once October hits, people almost expect to see holiday merchandise. If you’re in soft goods, electronics, jewelry, floral, even the food industry, you’ve got it made because this truly is your season. If you’re not, but still offer services and products, now is the time to be thinking about corporate gifts you have to sell or purchase for your customers. The easiest way to go about doing this is by direct mailing your current client base a flier with what you have to offer. You don’t have to be an artist or even creative; as a matter of fact our graphic designers can help you with a print and deliver piece perfect for bill stuffers and direct mail. If you’re a business owner, how are you rewarding your top customers? Believe me, times are still a little tough, but our customers deserve some type of thank you. It can be as simple as a hand addressed greeting card thanking them for their business. Or, you can work with one of Edmond’s many businesses that understand your situation and know how to work within a budget. Either way, this is a good time to thank your customers.


October 2015 | The Business Times

So, let me take a moment and thank you, our readers, columnists and yes, our advertisers. Business Times of Edmond is celebrating year 7 and we’re proud of how far we’ve come and how you’ve made that possible.

KARAN EDIGER is publisher of The Business Times of Edmond and The Edmond Sun.

By Van Mitchell | Special to The Business Times


ike Terry grew up around the oil and natural gas industry and knows how important it is to Oklahoma and the nation’s economy. So, when oil prices took a tumble like they have the past year he understands the ripple effect it can have. Oil prices have gone from a high of over $100 a barrel to under $50 a barrel in less than one year. “It is tough,” said Terry, president of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association in Oklahoma City. “Energy is such a huge part of our economy. We have seen drastic cut backs in drilling and layoffs. It is not just producers. It is also the oilfield service companies. In fact, it touches everyone. Terry said it has taken a perfect storm scenario to have oil prices drop so much. “We have seen a perfect storm with the domestic industry using new technology and exploiting new areas where oil and gas is prevalent and over-supplying the U.S. market,” he said. “At the same time the Saudis and OPEC have ramped up their production substantially and exported more product in the world. And all that increased supply has caused the price collapse.” A native of Oklahoma and son of a petroleum geologist, Terry was raised in the historic Seminole oilfields. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in business finance in 1974. Upon graduation, the Edmond resident entered the business world at one of Oklahoma City’s largest banks. He resigned the bank as a commercial lending officer in 1980 to join the family 6

October 2015 | The Business Times

oil business in Ada. There he co-owned and managed a successful oilfield service company called C.F.I. and began purchasing oil and gas properties in 1984. After selling the service business in 1992, Terry was appointed as executive director of the Oklahoma Commission on Marginal Wells at Sarkey’s Energy Center in Norman.

Mike Terry has seen both the ups and downs in the petroleum industry. Drew Harmon | Business Times

In 1994 Terry was hired as the first executive director of the newly formed Oklahoma Energy Resources Board where he managed the nation’s first oil and gas checkoff program. He has also been successful in spearheading efforts to create similar energy education programs in other states. In March 2006, Terry accepted a position as executive vice president of Diamondback Energy Services in Oklahoma City with responsibilities in operations, marketing and sales. Terry was named president of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association (OIPA), one of the nation’s largest oil and gas associations, in February, 2007 representing the interests of more than 2,800 members. Terry is a board member of the Domestic Energy Producers Alliance, board of directors on the Council for a Secure America, on the board of directors of the Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission’s (IOGCC) Public Outreach Committee, a member of the governing board of the Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum, and Oklahoma History Museum board. In 2010 Terry served on Gov. Mary Fallin’s Energy Transition Council and formerly served on the Children’s Miracle Network Council. Terry is married to Patty and has two daughters, Michelle Webster, a petroleum landman in Edmond; Melissa of the home in Edmond and a 6-year-old granddaughter, Lily.

Q. You have been around the oil/gas industry all of your life. What makes it so special for you? A. My father was a geologist and my grandfathers were in the oil business, and I have a daughter that is a landman here. I have such a strong heritage. I have seen the impact this industry has had in this state, and it has been very good to my family and me. Q. When do you expect oil prices to rebound? A. We have seen half of the rigs fall but not the drops in production I would have predicted. I don’t see it going back to $100 the next few years but I do see some improvement by the end of the year. I believe by 2017 we will be back to $75 or $80 a barrel. Q. Gov. Fallin recently acknowledged a link between Oklahoma’s earthquake swarm and wastewater disposal wells used by the energy industry. How does the OIPA respond to that? A. The OIPA has been working with scientists and regulators on this issue since the rumblings first started. Oklahoma has one of the most active fault regions in the country. Our members have provided much-needed information on location of faults and other information so the Oklahoma Geological Survey could update their fault maps. I can assure you that no one wants this problem solved more than the producers. Gov. Fallin has been very sensitive to the public’s outcry but has also allowed the science to

October 2015 | The Business Times


work and bring us to this point. She also understands that there is no “stop” button and that cautionary steps by regulators coupled with voluntary compliance by the industry will ultimately provide solutions. But it will take time and careful consideration by all involved. Q. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the OIPA. What does your organization do? A. OIPA has been around for a long time. It has grown over the years. We now have over 2,800 members and 1,400 companies that span the gamut in size. The overall goal is to help these independents make a fair profit. We represent them as the voice of the industry and their advocate. Q. Education is one of the facets that OIPA does. How does your organization go about doing this? A. The OIPA asked the State Legislature to create the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board in 1992. As a result, Oklahoma has

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October 2015 | The Business Times

been on the forefront of energy education for over 20 years. One of the things OERB does is to help identify and then cleanup old abandoned well sites across the state. In addition OERB has done more to educate the community and the public than any other organization in the whole country. All the funding for these programs is voluntarily provided by the producers and royalty owners. Q. You have said the biggest change in the oil/natural gas industry you have seen has been the increase in technology capabilities. How has that changed the energy industry? A. There has been a whole renaissance in the last 15 years with horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing in new formations. This revolution has opened up vast new areas for exploration and also increased production from historical fields. This renaissance will lead this country to energy independence. Q. What role will technology continue to play with this revolution? A. Technology is our future. We must guide the next generation to take this technology and go even further with it. The industry will become even more innovative and efficient.

A. It’s been six years of my life managing the construction and helping to provide the funds for it. It has been a labor of love and I am proud to say that we moved into this building debt-free. I am forever grateful to our members for their incredible support. Q. As a result of that new exploration, America’s once dependence on foreign oil imports has shrunk significantly. How much less is the nation importing now? A. Just a few years ago we were 60 to 65 percent reliant on imported oil. Now we are down to 30 or 40 percent and trending downward every day. Q. How do you foresee Oklahoma’s energy industry going forward? A. I am very optimistic and very bullish about it. This is still a great place to do business. We have got everything that it takes to lead this country to energy independence. Q. What is one thing that you are most proud of about the work that OIPA and the energy industry does for this state? A. The work we do changes people’s lives. I know this industry has helped make Oklahoma a better place.

Q. OIPA has moved into its new headquarters at 500 N.E. 4th St. in Oklahoma City. How proud are you of it?

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October 2015 | The Business Times


By Van Mitchell


he evolution of Gateway began in El Reno in 1997 and has continued to grow and prosper into the multifaceted family-run company it is today now based in Edmond at 80 E. Fifth St. “I am proud that we have been able to be in business as long as we have,” said Selena McGuire, who owns the company along with her husband Jimmy. “We have been able to keep our core employees. That is something that we feel strongly about.” The McGuire’s are joined in the family Gateway founder Selena McGuire, center, talks with, from left, Kristin business by all three of their children and a Paule, Gary Paule, Brady Miller and Shane McGuire. son-in-law. Drew Harmon | The Business Times “We have been thrilled that all of our children are with us,” Selena said. Gateway Services Group LLC was formed Kyle Thompson, business project manager, said Gateway has in 2002 with an office in Tulsa. The company was founded by continued to grow at a steady pace. Jimmy and Selena McGuire, owners of Gateway Pipeline LLC, “The growth at Gateway has always been a steady stream who purchased Gateway Pipeline from Mike Culpepper. of growth as opposed to trying to explode the growth of the Jimmy McGuire recognized the need for a survey company to company,” Thompson said. “That sets you up better for the provide surveying and drafting services for his current pipeline future.” clients with a fast turnaround. By 2003 as the company began Selena said Gateway has continued to look at opportunities to grow, Gateway moved to Meeker to be more centrally located to improve its services. She said the company has added Aerial within the state. LiDAR which includes asset analysis, construction and site Jimmy had the idea to start the pipeline. planning, project planning, real-time HD imagery, routing and “We initially worked in a little shop in Meeker that was maybe mapping and surface modeling. 800 square feet and we grew and grew,” Selena said. “We finally Earlier this year Gateway combined their services with a built an 8,500-square-foot building in 2005 at Meeker. That Canadian leak detection company, Synodon. continued to grow.” Synodon President and CEO Adrian Banica, who is originally The McGuire’s later moved the company to Edmond where it from Romania, said in a previous Edmond Sun article he, moved could take advantage of the workforce that the Oklahoma City to Canada in 1989 when he was 20 years old. metro area offered, said Shane McGuire, who joined the family Synodon purchased the intellectual property from the company 10 years ago. Canadian Space Agency, then through research and development “Moving from Shawnee to a metro area was trying to attract launched their “realSens” service. Detected gases include ethane, more top talent,” Shane said. “We figured being a metro area we methane, benzene, ammonia, phosphene and others. Services would have a bigger employee base to pull from, and I think that provided include liquid leak detection, natural gas detection, has been successful.” pipeline threat assessment, right-of-way change detection, tree Today Gateway has 202 employees with offices in Shawnee, canopy encroachment, water crossings analysis and pipeline Edmond, Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, Texas, and San Antonio, location classification. Texas. Banica said his company is working in Oklahoma and Texas, Gateway provides a full range of energy services, including using a helicopter service out of Shawnee. That’s where he met pipeline services, survey, drafting, mapping, environmental Gateway executives who used the same helicopter service. The services, horizontal directional drilling and safety services. partnership has been in the works now for over a year. 10

October 2015 | The Business Times

Selena said Gateway also added Hyrdovac trucks to its lineup of services. The process of hydro excavation, the only non-destructive method of digging, utilizes pressurized water and a vacuum system to quickly and safely expose underground infrastructure. During the hydrovac process, pressurized water is injected into the ground through a handheld wand. As the soil cover is liquefied, the resulting slurry is simultaneously extracted by a powerful vacuum and stored in a 14-yard debris tank onboard the hydrovac. Hydrovacs can dig effectively in all soil types, including clay, and with the aid of onboard heaters, hydrovacs provide a safe means of digging in frozen ground. The hydrovac systems can excavate up to 60 feet deep and at distances of 600 feet from the truck, enabling work to be done in areas of limited access. Bob Ault, manager of Business Development for Gateway, said there is something special about working for this family-owned business. “It is nice to see a family that invests their personal and professional time working here and being engaged,” Ault said. “They are a family that is passionate about what they do. Jimmy is a character of characters and you can’t help but love the guy. You want to work your heart out for him.” For more information visit Left: Gateway Energy Services founder Selena McGuire. Drew Harmon | The Business Times A SHORT TRIP WELL WORTH YOUR TIME


17 W. 1st ST. DOWNTOWN EDMOND 405-341-2770 October 2015 | The Business Times


Mike Newcombe with

By Van Mitchell | Special to The Business Times


ince before statehood, Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company or OG&E has been a pioneer in utility services becoming the largest electric provider in Oklahoma and serving parts of Arkansas. And the Oklahoma City-based company is continuing to find new ways to provide better and efficient service to its 800,000-plus customers. “We are the largest investor-owned utility in the state,” said Mike Newcombe, OG&E products and services portfolio manager. “We serve 819,000 customers. We have 30,000 square miles of distribution lines. We go from the Kansas border to Texas border and almost from the Panhandle all the way over to Arkansas. We also service a small portion of Arkansas around Fort Smith.” OG&E came into existence after Edward H. Cooke registers incorporation papers for Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company on Feb. 27, 1902, five years before Oklahoma became a state. By 1928, through aggressive acquisition, OG&E expands its service area across Oklahoma on the way to becoming the largest electric pioneer in the state. In 1949 OG&E became the first company to use gas turbines combined with steam turbines to generate electricity, creating more efficient power plants. And by 1959 an OG&E employee finds single-phase electricity to be more economical than 3-phase, allowing electricity into rural areas once too far from power plants. Today OG&E, with seven power plants and three windpower facilities, is capable of producing about 6,800 megawatts. OG&E generates about 60 percent of its electricity from lowsulfur Wyoming coal, about 30 percent using natural gas and the remainder coming from wind generation. 12

October 2015 | The Business Times

OG&E was the first electric company in Oklahoma to offer wind power as a choice to its retail customers in 2003. Newcombe said 12 percent of electric generation capacity for OG&E comes from wind farms. He said Oklahoma is now fourth in the nation in providing wind power to its customers. The University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond became the first major university in Oklahoma to use renewable energy for 100 percent of its power supply. Since then both Oklahoma State University and the University of Oklahoma have used a combination of wind power and compressed natural gas as part of its power supply. In 2014 the Oklahoma City Thunder became the first NBA team to offset 100 percent of its electricity consumption with renewable wind power, following a 5-year agreement with OG&E. “We brought wind energy on where it made economic sense,” Newcombe said. “It helps them (universities) to make their own environmental statement. The commitment the Thunder makes is really outstanding.” Solar power is the newest venture for OG&E. OG&E has installed two solar farms with a total of 2.5 megawatts of generating capacity - the equivalent of powering roughly 500 homes - adjacent to the Mustang Power Plant in west Oklahoma City. • The farms will test the deployment and operation of utilityscale solar power on grid safety, maintenance and reliability. • The south solar farm (0.5 MW), located just west of the North Canadian River along Reno Avenue, consists of approximately 2,000 fixed solar panels and was energized in May.

• The north farm (2 MW) consists of approximately 8,000 tracking solar panels and is located one block west of County Line Road, on the south side of NW 10th Street. The north farm is expected to be energized by this fall. • In 2014, rooftop solar panels with generation capacity of 20kW each were installed at the OG&E service centers in Shawnee and north Oklahoma City. • Battery storage and additional solar panels were also installed at the OG&E Technology Center in Oklahoma City. OG&E will use the data to develop solar power options for customers. “Because we have over 800,000 customers we are very concerned with making sure we can service all the customers and meet their needs all the time,” Newcombe said. “We wanted to do a project to find out how it works and how does it really help us on the peak days. We believe that solar will be an emerging energy resource. We believe that solar will become a much more important resource for us.” OG&E is also working to create a revised billing structure for customers who install solar panels on their roofs under a plan filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. About 200 OG&E customers have installed rooftop solar, but nationally the market is growing rapidly. OG&E said it wants to be ready if large numbers of its customers opt for distributed generation. The new rate structure for distributed generation customers would have four parts: a demand charge, an energy charge, a fuel charge and a customer charge. That’s a change from current bills, which are comprised of an energy charge, a customer charge and a fuel charge. OG&E said the new billing structure will eliminate any subsidization of distributed generation customers from those who don’t have rooftop solar panels or small wind turbines. The Corporation Commission has not yet set a hearing date on OG&E’s request. Newcombe said as its customer base continues to grow, reducing energy usage during peak hours is important. “We have a number of programs to help customers manage their energy bills,” he said. “This is helping us to reduce peak demand.” Last summer over 99 percent of all residential SmartHours customers saved money on their energy bills, with an average savings of $150. Some even saved $100 per month for a total savings around $400 for the entire summer. More than 115,000 customers are enrolled in the SmartHours price plan, which runs from June 1 through Sept. 30 each year. This risk-free plan offers electricity at almost half price for 19 hours of the day, plus weekends and holidays. Newcombe said the OG&E Home Energy Efficiency Program (HEEP) is a great way to prepare your home for the hot summer months. All residential customers with central air conditioning are eligible for this free program and could receive the following services: • A free cooling system service • A pound of A/C system refrigerant, if needed • Duct repair and tightening – up to $300 – if needed • An attic insulation rebate for 30 percent of the cost of

Mike Newcombe, OG&E products and services portfolio manager, stands with an electric-powered Chevy Volt at the company’s downtown Oklahoma City location. Drew Harmon | The Business Times

additional insulation – up to $500 – if eligible • OG&E’s HEEP offering will send a licensed A/C contractor to your home to get your system ready for summer. OG&E also offers Lend-A-Hand which gives residents the opportunity to help those having trouble paying their utility bills by simply adding a few extra dollars to their OG&E payment when you check the Lend-A-Hand box. Your entire contribution will be forwarded to The Salvation Army which then distributes the money to help pay for electricity, gas, fuel or firewood for the person or family in need. OG&E also is an active player in community support, said Christina Dukeman, senior communications specialist. She said OG&E employees are offered 16 hours of community service time to give to their local charity or cause. “We offer 16 hours of paid leave for each employee to volunteer for a cause or charity of their choice,” she said. “It has been very well received. In recent years we’ve had nearly 20,000 hours of volunteer service from our employees.” Dukeman said OG&E is also looking to its future with a new headquarters planned in downtown Oklahoma City where the old Stage Center was located. She said the new location will allow OG&E to consolidate more of its employees in one central location. “We are hoping to consolidate most of our metro-OKC people in the new building,” she said. “It could be a few years until it’s complete, but it is an exciting thing to think about.”

October 2015 | The Business Times


Edmond Electric’s Michelle Gumaer and OMPA’s Palma Lough, right, present a rebate check to the OSBI’s Doug Perkins, Keith Swenson and Jerry Tate. Drew Harmon | The Business Times

Edmond Electric & OMPA By Van Mitchell | Special to The Business Times


dmond Electric and its power supplier, the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA) have partnered up on several energy efficiency improvement programs and the results are starting to pay dividends for some of their customers. The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) recently reaped its dividend from participating in the Demand and Energy Efficiency Program (DEEP). In early September, Edmond Electric and OMPA presented a check for $21,232 to OSBI for energy efficiency improvements to the OSBI’s Forensic Science Center. More than 1,100 lighting fixtures at the Forensic Science Center, located at 800 E. Second Street in Edmond, were upgraded to high-efficiency LED lighting. The enhancements are expected to reduce energy demand by 120.57 kilowatts for the 7-year-old facility. “DEEP provides incentives to our commercial customers who implement energy-saving measures that will reduce their summer peak electric demands, which in turn, saves them money,” said Edmond Electric Director Glenn Fisher. “We are pleased to partner with the OSBI to help make their facilities more energy efficient.” Michelle Gumaer, energy services manager for Edmond Electric said DEEP is intended to assist qualified customers in member cities to reduce their electric service energy demands and costs. She said the reduction of these demands will help keep energy rates as low as possible and delay the need to add additional OMPA generation capacity to the system. The range of project types include: replacing motors with NEMA Premium Motors, inefficient lighting with new fluorescent 14

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or LED technology lights, improvements in cooling and heating with ground source heat pumps or high-efficiency chillers or replacing old food service equipment. Gumaer said DEEP provides matching funds to customers who implement energy-saving measures that will reduce their summer peak electric demands. Projects are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and funds available for an individual project are determined through submission of detailed project plans. “There is an initial inspection,” Gumaer said. “We have to see the material prior to it being removed. We have to see what was there so they need to contact us before they remove anything.” Gumaer said the DEEP rebate program is available to both small and large businesses. She said project savings can be done by changing several light bulbs to LED lighting to larger scale projects that change out hundreds of bulbs to more efficient lighting. “There is no project too small and there is no project too large,” Gumaer said. “No two customers are ever going to be the same on the rebates.” Gumaer said as a state agency OSBI is trying to follow Gov. Mary Fallin’s mission to reduce energy costs for state owned facilities. The mission of Oklahoma Facilities Energy Conservation

Program, 20%x2020, is to reduce the energy consumed in facilities owned or operated by the State of Oklahoma while maintaining a comfortable, productive building environment. Derived from the strategic objectives in Fallin’s 2011 Oklahoma First Energy Plan, 20%x2020 was established by Senate Bill 1096 in 2012. S.B. 1096 set a target goal of cumulative energy reduction in state buildings of not less than 20 percent from the 2012 fiscal year baseline by year 2020. Fallin said in a previous press conference her energy reduction plan should help save the state significant savings over the next six years. “It is one of the most ambitious behavior-based energy programs by any state government that has been undertaken in the nation,” Fallin said. “We are very excited about it. The 20%x2020 program is a road map to reducing energy consumption by 20 percent in the next six years.” Fallin said Oklahoma State University conducted a similar program to reduce energy expenses at its campuses statewide and has reduced energy costs by more than $30 million since its inception in 2007. Fallin said studies estimate the state can reduce energy costs by at least $150 million by 2020 and more savings beyond that. Through their partnership with OMPA, Edmond Electric is able to offer several programs to residents and commercial businesses. These programs include geothermal heat pump rebates, geothermal loop financing and lighting rebates. “We purchase our power from the OMPA,” Gumaer said. “We have done so since 1985, and they have been a wonderful partner. They help us with energy efficiency programs. We want to see our customers save money. We truly care about our community.” Palma Lough, OMPA energy services specialist concurred. “We work in conjunction with them on their programs,” Lough said. “It is a great partnership.” Edmond Electric is Oklahoma’s largest community-owned electric utility. Edmond Electric has served the Edmond community since 1908. Today, Edmond Electric provides electric services to more than 83,000 residents within the City of Edmond corporate city limits. The Oklahoma State Legislature authorized the formation of the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority in June 1981 with the passage of the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority Act. OMPA was created with the purpose of providing adequate, reliable and economic sources of electric power and energy to Oklahoma municipalities and public trusts operating municipal electric systems on June 2, 1981. This would allow members the financial benefits of a large utility while maintaining control of their electric utility. By December 1984, 26 cities had signed power sales contracts. Then on July 1, 1985, OMPA came into existence as a full-fledged power supplier. After the success of the first year, six more cities joined and in 1989 Fairview joined. In 1993 Perry became OMPA’s 34th member when the council signed a power sales contract. Manitou became the 35th member in 1995. Purcell became the 36th member in 2008. Geary became the 37th member city to join OMPA in 2010. The Town of Orlando and Watonga became OMPA’s 38th and 39th members respectively in 2011. On Sept. 1 two more cities were added: Ft. Supply and Mooreland. OMPA’s power supply comes from a variety of resources; wind, hydro, natural gas, coal and others. Fairview, Kingfisher,

Laverne, Mangum, Pawhuska and Ponca City own small generating facilities, and when necessary OMPA schedules and purchases the generated power. Lough said there are several programs designed to help commercial customers with reducing their energy costs. Besides the DEEP program, there is the Geo Loop Program. “We (Edmond Electric) offer loans to qualifying customers so they may install geothermal loops in the ground at a two-percent interest rate and payable back to the city over seven years through their utility bill,” she said. “We do this because it makes it more affordable for the owner to install geothermal systems.” Lough said the objective of OMPA’s W.I.S.E. HVAC Rebate Program is to assist participating member cities in encouraging commercial and residential customers and subdivision homebuilders to purchase and install energy-efficient air conditioners and electric heat pumps. Rebates are provided to property owners for the installation of qualifying air conditioning and heating systems. The WISE Loan program offers low-interest financing to qualified residential customers for approved energy-saving measures. Some of the approved measures include heat pumps, electric water heaters, insulation, programmable thermostats, weather-stripping and more. Both secured (home equity) and unsecured loans are available. Lough said as Edmond’s population continues to grow, OMPA and Edmond Electric is working hard to meet that energy demand. For more information visit

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The City of Edmond is an Equal Opportunity Employer October 2015 | The Business Times


By Van Mitchell | Special to The Business Times


ot that long ago, it wasn’t uncommon to see county courthouses buzzing with land men and land women researching mineral rights for energy companies looking to drill while oil prices were $100 a barrel. Now with oil prices facing a 6-year low, Oklahoma’s energy industry and the state’s economy, which rely in part on that energy revenue, are facing some difficult decisions with no quick fix in sight. “We have 6 year-lows and that is going to have a significant impact on the economy of Oklahoma,” said Chad Warmington, an Edmond resident and president of the Oklahoma Oil and Gas Association. “I think you are starting to see that now in the gross production tax numbers and income tax numbers, which are all being affected. Forty-two dollars a barrel for oil is just not good for Oklahoma. I think there is going to be some significant pain that is going to be associated with it.” Warmington said with the low prices the state is seeing a reduction in drilling which has an economic ripple effect. “A drilling rig is like a small business in Oklahoma,” he said. “Wherever it goes literally hundreds of employees follow to service it during the different parts of production. If you are taking multiple small businesses and shutting them down it will have a trickle effect all over the state. Thank goodness we are more diversified than we have been in the past, but we are still pretty dependent on the oil and gas revenue that comes into the state. 16

October 2015 | The Business Times

There is just going to be less (oil and gas) revenue next year. That being said I am optimistic that prices could rebound.” Warmington said the energy industry has also been dealing with the increase of seismic activity in the state the past few years. According to a previously published article, Oklahoma and several other area states have experienced an increase in earthquakes since 2009. Scientists attribute this to increased underground injection since then of briny wastewater, a byproduct of booming oil and gas production. Noticeable quakes, above magnitude 3.0, now strike Oklahoma at a rate of two per day or more, compared with two or so per year before 2009. Researchers say the earthquakes are not related to the drilling technique of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” but instead they stem from the underground re-injection of saltwater that occurs naturally in oil and gas formations. In an effort to stem the increase in earthquakes, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission recently imposed new restrictions on energy companies injecting wastewater underground as they produce oil and natural gas. The Oklahoma Oil and Gas Association, which represents the energy industry, said in a statement that the volume cutback was “a reasonable and prudent next step.” Kansas, which has also had a spike in quakes, undertook a similar move in March. The new rules require operators in parts of two central Oklahoma counties to reduce the amount of saltwater they inject underground by 38 percent from current levels over a 60-days period. The reduction will bring injected volumes to about 2.4 million barrels below those in 2012, when the most dramatic spike in the area earthquakes began.

OCC Commissioner Dana Murphy said in a statement that the OCC has taken the necessary steps dealing with this issue. “There was a time when the scientific, legal, policy and other concerns related to this issue had to first be carefully researched and debated in order to provide a valid framework for such action,” Murphy said. “That time is over.” Warmington said the actions taken by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, the regulatory authority over the state’s energy sector, were a reasonable and prudent next step. “The data for this area of interest suggested that a volume reduction was necessary,” he said. “We appreciate the Commission taking a targeted approach. We are hopeful that we will continue to see positive results from these measured and data-driven initiatives.” Gov. Mary Fallin created the Coordinating Council on Seismic Activity to understand why the earthquakes are happening and how to reduce them. She said recently the number of disposal wells in Oklahoma has a direct relationship to the increased number of earthquakes in the state. “We all know now there is a direct correlation between the increase in earthquakes we’ve seen in Oklahoma and the disposal wells, based upon many different factors, whether it is volume or location or whether it is on a fault line, how deep that disposal well goes into the earth itself,” Fallin said in a previously published report. “Oklahoma recognizes there is an earthquake problem in our state. We’re trying to actively deal with it, come up with solutions and make sure they are based on scientific fact. That helps develop a response plan to address this problem and ensure that homeowners and business owners and agencies are all working together.” Fallin said the Council on Seismic Activity have made progress toward understanding and reducing earthquakes in the state, but that more time and effort are needed. Warmington said there has to be a balance between oil and natural gas production and the limitations that is put on the energy sector dealing with seismic activity. “I know we are going to continue working to try and resolve the seismicity issue,” he said. “We are working with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission and the Oklahoma Geological Survey. It is all hands on deck on how we reduce the impact of seismicity on everyday Oklahomans and how to keep people safe but yet still balance production at the same time.” October 2015 | The Business Times


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October 2015 | The Business Times


Michelle Schaefer with By Van Mitchell | Special to The Business Times


ichelle Schaefer wanted to do something unique and whimsical to help celebrate her 20th anniversary in the insurance business. The Edmond businesswoman decided that erecting a sculpture that represented her early career was just the ticket. The “You Go Girl”, sculpted by Illinois artist Jim Budish was erected in early September in front of Schaefer’s Farmers Insurance office at 19 E. Hurd in downtown Edmond. “I knew I wanted a sculpture that was significant to me personally,” Schaefer said. “I often took my 4-year-old son with me on sales calls and then when I started my agency he would walk to my office after school and help with filing and mailing. So I thought the woman with the briefcase in one hand and her child flying behind her really represented my early career. As soon as I saw ‘You Go Girl’ I knew she would be a great addition to the artwork in downtown Edmond.” Schaefer’s son Kelly is now 29 and studying to be a Catholic priest at St. Meinrad Seminary in Indiana. Schaefer said she started reviewing websites for sculpture ideas but to no avail until she visited with local attorney and art enthusiast Randel Shadid. 20

October 2015 | The Business Times

“I started looking at websites for public structures because I didn’t really know what I wanted,” she said. “There is no universal symbol for women in insurance and I knew I wanted something kind of whimsical. Randel Shadid is the Godfather of public art here in Edmond, and he kept sending me different websites to look at.” Schaefer said she found what she was looking for when she visited Budish’s professional website. “He had this Go Girl that was only a 12-inch statue and never had been made into a full-sized statue,” Schaefer said. “I really have a one of a kind statue.” Schaefer said she has received positive feedback from friends and customers about the new sculpture. “I am a champion for women in business,” she said. “I worked my way up as a single parent and started a successful business. Everybody is just delighted with it. Those who know my story think it is very fitting to have a statue like that.” Schaefer and her staff have won numerous sales awards and provide a full line of insurance products including home, auto, commercial, life and financial products. With the sculpture now in place, Schaefer said she thinks

it will become a drawing card for her business and downtown Edmond as well. “I think it will be a destination point,” she said. “I think people will want to come see it and take a picture of it. I think it adds to my building and it adds to the art here in downtown Edmond. I am thrilled to see it and happy to be a part of that.” For more information call 340-4998 or email mschaefer@

October 2015 | The Business Times


The power behind Edmond Electric

“Owned by the members we serve” Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA) is a municipal joint-action agency created for the purpose of providing an adequate, reliable and affordable supply of electrical power and energy to Oklahoma’s municipally owned electric systems. OMPA currently serves 41 municipally owned electric systems in Oklahoma.

For more information please visit

business matters

JIM Denton L edger Lines


Endless Tax Season

e seem to always be in tax season. Right now we are working on finishing one and planning on next season’s work. I was reading one of my favorite publications, Accounting Today and I noted an article that summarized some of the top issues taxpayers and businesses should know about for the upcoming tax season. I have summarized them below: 1. Affordable Care Act changes for individuals The individual mandate penalty increases to the higher of two percent of yearly household income or $325 person per year, with a maximum penalty per family for those using this method of $975. It’s actually cheaper than one month of normal medical insurance. 2. ACA provisions’ impact on businesses Applicable large employers who have on average 50 or more full-time equivalent employees in the prior calendar year must offer minimum essential coverage that is affordable to their full time equivalents (FTEs) and their dependents, or be subject to an employer shared responsibility payment. Transition relief for 2015 exists for employers with fewer than 100 FTEs in 2014 and only requires employers to offer minimum essential coverage to 70 percent of full-time employees and their dependents in 2015. 3. New IRS/ACA forms to contend with The Form 1095-B and Form 1095-C, which were optional for calendar year 2014, must be filed by any employer that provides minimum essential coverage to an individual (1095-B) and by applicable large employers (Form 1095-C) 24

October 2015 | The Business Times

who offer an insured or self-insured plan or no group health plan at all. For calendar year 2015, Forms 1094-C and 1095-C are required to be filed by Feb. 29, 2016, or March 31, 2016, if filing electronically. 4. Increase in identity theft Under new policies announced by the IRS, taxpayers may receive a letter when the service stops suspicious tax returns that indicate identity theft but contain legitimate taxpayer’s name and/or Social Security number. The IRS has agreed to reverse its policy and provide identity theft victims with copies of the fraudulent tax return that has been filed under their name by scammers, so they can take the proper steps to secure their personal information. 5. Extenders Despite efforts to get ahead of schedule, Congress looks likely to pull its usual wait-untilthe-last-minute trick for extending things like the Section 179 deduction, the R&D credit and host of other credits and deductions that expired at the end of 2014. If not extended to cover 2015 before year’s end, this will make tax planning difficult and result in the usual delays in tax forms and software releases. 6. Trade legislation tax changes The Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 contains a number of tax provisions in addition to its trade measures. Taxpayers who exclude foreign earned income under Code Section 911 cannot claim the child tax credit; taxpayers must receive a payee statement (1098-T) before they can claim an American Opportunity, Hope or Lifetime Learning Credit or take the deduction

for qualified tuition and related expenses. This is effective for tax years beginning after the TPEA’s date of enactment. 7. Proposed salary threshold for overtime pay Under new rules are proposed by the Obama administration, the Department of Labor would require most salaried workers earning less than $50,440 annually to be paid 1.5 times their normal pay for time worked beyond 40 hours. This is slated to take effect, if passed, on Jan. 1, 2016. 8. New filing deadlines In observance of Emancipation Day on Friday, April 15, 2016, taxpayers will have until April 18, 2016, to file their 2015 individual returns and make their first 2016 estimated tax payment. 9. Tangible property regulations These regulations caused headaches for tax preparers last tax season. Under the final regulations, all costs that facilitate the acquisition or production of tangible property are required to be capitalized. Improvements to property that better a unit of property, restore it, or adopt it to a new and different use must also be capitalized. Sounds easy, but the rules are complex. My advice is to plan ahead and resolve your reporting issues before tax season begins! JIM DENTON is a CPA and a managing partner with Arledge & Associates P.C. in Edmond. He may be reached via email at

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business matters

Cyndy Hoenig S ocial Strategies

How to Create a PR Strategy H

ave you started noticing your competitors in the media? Most likely they have started using PR tactics to build their profile and are actively pitching stories to the media. To create long-term PR results, the most important first step is to develop a PR strategy. A PR strategy will help you organize your PR activities and make strategic decisions around the best way to communicate. It can also help you to use the stories in your business to draw in your target audience as well as increase your profile and build brand awareness. To get started with your PR strategy, here is an outline of what is involved: •Determine your goals and objectives. When creating a PR strategy it’s important to outline your goals and objectives for what you want to achieve. For example, you may want to launch a new service division of your business and raise awareness of it in the market. Or you may want to position your product or service as the leader in its category. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely (also known as SMART). By determining your goals you will have a clear purpose for your PR strategy and maximize the success of your PR activities. •Target audience. Your target audiences are the individuals, groups and communities that have influence and decision making power over your products or services. They are the ones you are trying to attract and sell to – they are the people you want to communicate with. You can find your target audience by thinking about who would be interested in hearing about your business, who are key decision makers, who will have the greatest impact on the business’ 26

October 2015 | The Business Times

outcomes and who will take action or purchase your products/service. Once you’ve identified your target audience, research their behaviors, such as what publications they read and how they consume media. By defining your target audience you can tailor your communication to suit their behaviors and therefore increase the effectiveness of your PR strategy. •Key messages. Key messages are the core messages you want your target audience to hear and remember. They are an important part of a PR strategy because they can shape your content and communicate a unified message. You can include key messages in your written and spoken communication to convey a specific message about your business to your target audience. The best key messages are believable, easy to understand, distinctive, credible and succinct and drive your agenda. For example, a key message for a business may be: ABC Business is a leader in the XYZ Industry, by always staying on top of industry trends to produce cutting edge products. •Tactics. Tactics are the activities that will help you to achieve your PR objectives. If we use the example of raising awareness of a new service division, one tactic may be distributing a media release. This would be sent to publications relevant to your industry and target audience with the goal of securing an article about the new service. Other tactical options include email newsletters, social media campaigns, blogs, public speaking or pitching interesting story ideas about your business to journalists. A good place to start is to make a list of the types of publications your target audience reads, the events they go to and how they spend their time online. This may help to guide what type of tactics will work for you.

•Create a time frame. You should also put time frames around each tactic to ensure they are completed in a timely manner. For example you could create an action plan that details the PR activities for a particular month, who will complete them, when you will start the activities and the deadline for completion. A PR strategy with detailed time frames can help you to organize your workload, ensures accountability and makes sure you don’t forget to complete a set task. It’s important to measure the success of your PR strategy. You could create your own measurement tools or set key performance indicators (KPIs) around what you want to achieve. You could also measure your success by whether you achieved your goals in the set time frame. By monitoring your success, you can determine whether your PR activities are working and discover the areas you need to improve on. It’s also a good idea to regularly review your PR strategy to ensure it’s working effectively. A PR strategy enables you to consider every aspect of communicating a message in the best possible way. It will also help you to maximize the success of your PR efforts and help to grow your business. CYNDY HOENIG is a PR strategist who owns Pure PR in Oklahoma City. She is the author of “600 PR, Marketing and Social Media Tips,” which is available as a free download at She also is the author of “PR Rock Star.” Email Cyndy at or call her at 245-4668 for more information.



Ribbon Cuttings Shaw Financial Services celebrates new office Vitality Chiropractic celebrates new name Vitality Chiropractic recently held a ribbon cutting to celebrate its new name and re-grand opening at 134 E. 15th St. in Edmond. Vitality Chiropractic helps families achieve a natural, healthy lifestyle. Dr. Jesse Wenninger provides gentle, effective care to patients of all ages and specializes in sports injuries and family practice. For more information, call 330-8745 or visit

Shaw Financial Services recently held a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the building of its new office at 2901 S. Bryant in Edmond. Charlotte and Gary Shaw founded Shaw Financial Services in 2003 and have been serving together as Dave Ramsey’s Endorsed Local Provider for over 12 years. Their team, with offices in Edmond and Tulsa, has approximately 430 million of client assets and 75 years of combined experience in financial planning. Shaw Financial Services uses faith-based financial principles and serves its clients with the heart of a teacher. For more information, call 340-1600 or visit

Covell Village celebrates First anniversary

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October 2015 | The Business Times

1201 at Covell Village Apartments recently held a ribbon cutting and open house to celebrate its one-year anniversary at 1201 Covell Village Drive in Edmond. 1201 is a luxurious apartment community offering fine interior finishes, extraordinary amenities and professional management. The 141-unit, market-rate apartment community on 5.51 acres was developed by SC Bodner of Indianapolis, Indiana. The apartment community features one, two and three bedroom apartment homes. The 4-story, garden-style property boasts a beautiful clubhouse, resort-style swimming pool and lounge, 24-hour fitness center, elevators and much more. For more information, call 562-4200 or visit

BUSINESS CALENDAR Centennial Kiwanis Club 6 p.m. Oct. 5 (Club meets every Monday) Ken’s Pizza 628 W. Danforth Boulevard Rotary Club 6-7 p.m. Oct. 5 (Club meets every Monday) Louie’s Bar and Grill 1201 N.W. 178th St., Suite 101 For more information, http://facebook. com/BoulevardRotary. Edmond Summit Rotary Club 7 a.m. Oct. 6 (Meets every Tuesday) Mercy I-35 2017 W. I-35 Frontage Road For more information, call 405-CUEARLY. Planning Commission 5:30 p.m. Oct. 6 (First and third Tuesday) City Council Chambers 20 S. Littler Ave. Visit to find the agenda. Edmond Kiwanis Club Noon Oct. 7 (Club meets every Wednesday) Cherokee Room in Nigh University Center 100 N. University Drive

Edmond Rotary Club Noon Oct. 7 (Club meets every Wednesday) Mercy at I-35 20147 W. I-35 Frontage Road For more information, rotaryclubofedmond.

Edmond Evening Lions Club 6 p.m. Oct. 13 (Club meets second and fourth Tuesday) Johnnie’s 33 E. 33rd St. For more information, call Bob Austin at 285-4980.

Edmond Exchange Club 7 a.m. Oct. 8 (Club meets every Thursday) Room 213 in the Nigh University Center 100 N. University Drive For more information about the club, visit EdmondMorningExchangeClub.

Planning Commission 5:30 p.m. Oct. 20 (First and third Tuesday) City Council Chambers 20 S. Littler Ave. Visit to find the agenda.

Edmond AMBUCS Noon Oct. 9 (Club meets every Friday) Cherokee Room in Nigh University Center 100 N. University Drive Call June Cartwright at 820-9667 for more information. City Council 5:30 p.m. Oct. 12 (Second and fourth Mondays) City Council Chambers 20 S. Littler Ave. Visit to find the agenda.

City Council 5:30 p.m. Oct. 26 (Second and fourth Monday) City Council Chambers 20 S. Littler Ave. Visit to find the agenda.

TO ADD your business event to this free calendar, email the details to

October 2015 | The Business Times


Business Briefs New leaders join Mercy in Oklahoma

Two new leaders recently joined Mercy as regional vice presidents supporting the West Communities, which includes all Mercy facilities throughout Oklahoma. Heather Clay, a certified fund raising executive, serves as regional vice president for Mercy Health Foundation in Oklahoma. In her role, she will help advance philanthropic efforts by developing and strengthening fundraising initiatives and participating in strategic planning to support Mercy facilities statewide. Prior to Mercy, Clay served as senior director of development and team lead at the Oklahoma State University Foundation Center for Veterinary Health Sciences. While there, she successfully doubled the foundation’s contributions and sponsors. Prior to that position, she worked as development director of the University of Kansas Endowment at the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Wichita, Kan., where she helped create and facilitate a high-level advancement board to build public awareness, fundraising resources and government support. Tiffany Ruth serves as regional vice president of payor relations and contracting for Mercy in Oklahoma. She is responsible for leading Mercy’s contracting and payor relations’ strategies and objectives statewide, including the assessment of contract performance, contract negotiations and payor relationships. Ruth has more than 21 years of managed care experience across multiple sectors. Most recently, she served as senior managed care executive for TEAMHealth in Oklahoma City where she managed thirdparty contracting and payor relationships on behalf of emergency medicine physician groups and urgent care centers in multiple states. She has also worked as the director of national contracting and corporate provider network development for The AmeriHealth Caritas Family of Companies; associate vice president of network development for Amerigroup Corporation in Cincinnati, Ohio, and as a network vice president for UnitedHealthcare. “We are so excited to welcome both Heather and Tiffany to the Mercy team,” said Di Smalley, regional president of Mercy in Oklahoma. “They both bring more than 20 years of experience in their respective fields and will help meet our needs as health care continues to change in the years ahead.” Mercy is the seventh largest Catholic health care system in the U.S. and serves millions annually. Mercy includes 46 acute care and specialty (heart, children’s, orthopedic and rehab) hospitals, more than 700 physician practices and outpatient facilities, 40,000 co-workers and more than 2,000 Mercy Clinic physicians in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. Mercy also has outreach ministries in Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.

July 2015 home sales statistics August 13, 2015- The Edmond Board of REALTORS® (EBR) home sales statistics for July 2015 are now available online at http://www. The statistics provided are published monthly by EBR based on MLSOK multiple listing service data. The statistics are based on residential properties in the City of Edmond. Overall, Median prices increased and days on the market decreased. The listed versus closed ratio finished weak this month. The total housing inventory at the end of July 2015 increased 6.18 percent to 1,271 existing homes available for sale. Our market experienced some upward momentum with the increase of Median price this month. Prices went up 11.11% in July to $250,000 versus the previous year at $225,000. The median days on market has decreased to 19 in July compared to last year’s 22. For comments on the statistics, contact EBR President Patricia Ayling, 348-3032. The Edmond Board of REALTORS® was established in 1947 and currently represents over 650 REALTOR® members and 115 Affiliate members serving the Edmond area. 30

October 2015 | The Business Times

St. Anthony welcomes Donald Horton, M.D., Neurosurgery, to St. Anthony medical staff St. Anthony welcomes Donald Horton, M.D., to the St. Anthony medical staff. Dr. Horton is board certified in neurological surgery. He attended medical school at the University of Oklahoma and was trained at the University of Oklahoma in neurological surgery. For five years he taught at the university after completing his residency. Dr. Horton has been in private practice since 1995 and specializes in spinal and non-vascular cranial surgery. Dr. Horton’s new office is located at 535 N.W. Ninth St., Suite 210, in Oklahoma City. To schedule an appointment please call 242-4720.

Local entrepreneur extends business to busy Edmond residents Personal assistant company opens first franchise The papers are signed for the first LifeSquire personal assistant franchise to open and operate in Edmond, company leaders announced today. LifeSquire owner and founder Valerie Riley, who started her career as a personal assistant more than a decade ago, said the opening of her company’s first franchise is a like a dream come true. Riley spread her entrepreneurial wings and opened LifeSquire in Oklahoma City in 2009. Carrie Hill “From the beginning my goal was for LifeSquire to grow beyond a one-office location,” Riley said. Now Riley oversees an Oklahoma City staff and in July added an employee in Boulder, Colo., to create a client base there. LifeSquire services are also available in Tulsa, and Riley is working to open franchises in cities including Nashville, Tenn., Dallas and Denver. She believes her approach to personal assistant services for home and business is unique and not widely offered by competing companies. “LifeSquire stands out in a number of ways,” Riley said. “The most important concept is that our staff is employed by LifeSquire. The company does not hire independent contractors. All of our employees are insured, bonded and bound by confidentiality agreements. Further, they are background checked and highly trained to be anticipatory of our clients’ needs.” Carrie Hill, the owner of the Edmond franchise, first started as a LifeSquire employee. Hill said the business model Riley created encouraged her to start her own franchise. “LifeSquire’s focus is to be a blessing to one another, the client and the community,” Hill said. “I am very excited to move into this next phase and create the same environment in Edmond.” Hill plans to open an office location in Edmond soon. In the meantime, she is currently accepting clients. Potential clients interested in LifeSquire services can schedule a complimentary consultation to determine their business or personal needs. Clients are offered a variety of services, including organization, house sitting, grocery shopping, laundry, child care, animal care or business administrative assistance. Services are arranged and customized in monthly packages. Edmond residents interested in experiencing LifeSquire services can contact Hill at 655-4981 or by email at More information about LifeSquire and its services is available at About LifeSquire Founder Valerie Riley established LifeSquire in 2009 in Oklahoma City. The company offers an array of personal assistant services, including child care, animal care, organization, house sitting, party set-up, grocery shopping and office administration services. LifeSquire offers services in Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Boulder, Colo. The first LifeSquire franchise is open in Edmond. For more information, go to, or follow the company on its digital media channels, on Facebook at; on Twitter at LifeSquire; and on Instagram at

Business Briefs

83 Crowe & Dunlevy lawyers listed in Best Lawyers 2016 Guidebook universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence Best Lawyers has selected 83 attorneys from Crowe & Dunlevy for inclusion in its 2016 guide to the top lawyers in the nation. Three attorneys are being listed for the first time this year, while six have been listed in the guide every year since it first published in 1983. “Crowe & Dunlevy is one of the most established and experienced legal firms in the state, but we continue to grow and add talented attorneys to our ranks,” said Kevin D. Gordon, president and CEO of the firm. “Our commitment to excellence means our clients receive a comprehensive approach to their legal needs from attorneys with knowledge in a variety of practice areas. These rankings are further proof of our depth and breadth of expertise.” Best Lawyers has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence. Because Best Lawyers is based on an exhaustive peer-review survey in which almost 50,000 leading attorneys cast almost 5 million votes on the legal abilities of other lawyers in their practice areas, and because lawyers are not required or allowed to pay a fee to be listed, inclusion in Best Lawyers is considered a singular honor. Corporate Counsel magazine has called Best Lawyers the most respected referral list of attorneys in practice. The following Oklahoma City Crowe & Dunlevy lawyers were selected for inclusion in Best Lawyers (the year indicates the first year the attorney was listed): 1. Zachary W. Allen (2007) Construction Law, Real Estate Law 2. Cynthia L. Andrews (2005) Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law, Non-Profit/Charities Law, Tax Law 3. Gayle L. Barrett (1995) Employment Law – Management, Labor Law – Management, Litigation – Labor and Employment 4. Gary A. Bryant (1989) Banking and Finance Law, Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Litigation – Banking and Finance, Litigation – Bankruptcy, Real Estate Law 5. Tanya S. Bryant (2015) Litigation – Labor and Employment 6. LeAnne Burnett (2007) Environmental Law, Litigation – Environmental, Water Law 7. Adam W. Childers (2015) Employment Law – Management, Labor Law – Management, Litigation – Labor and Employment 8. Andrew M. Coats (1983) Appellate Practice, Bet-the-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Criminal Defense: WhiteCollar, Litigation – Antitrust, Litigation – Banking and Finance, Litigation – Municipal, Litigation – Real Estate, Product Liability Litigation – Defendants, Product Liability Litigation – Plaintiffs 9. H. Leonard Court (1987) Employment Law – Management, Labor Law – Management, Litigation – Labor and Employment 10. Gary W. Davis (1993) Arbitration, Commercial Litigation, Energy Law, Litigation – Environmental, Mediation, Natural Resources Law, Oil and Gas Law

11. Bruce W. Day (2013) Administrative/Regulatory Law, Litigation – Securities, Securities/Capital Markets Law 12. Joe E. Edwards (2013) Bankruptcy Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law 1. Harvey D. Ellis, Jr. (2008) Appellate Practice, Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions – Defendants 2. Allen D. Evans (1983) Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law, Trusts and Estates 3. Arlen E. Fielden (2009) Insurance Law, Litigation – ERISA, Litigation – Labor and Employment, Workers’ Compensation Law – Employers 4. Eric S. Fisher (2013) Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships), Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law, Health Care Law 5. Richard C. Ford (2007) Appellate Practice, Commercial Litigation, Insurance Law, Litigation – Insurance, Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions – Defendants, Product Liability Litigation – Defendants 6. Preston G. Gaddis II (2007) Equipment Finance Law 7. Jimmy K. Goodman (2001) Bet-the-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Gaming Law, Insurance Law, Litigation – Banking and Finance, Litigation – Real Estate, Native American Law, Product Liability Litigation – Defendants 8. Kevin D. Gordon (2003) Administrative/Regulatory Law, Health Care Law, Insurance Law, Litigation – ERISA, Litigation – Health Care, Litigation – Insurance, Qui Tam Law 9. John J. Griffin, Jr. (2005) Energy Law, Environmental Law, Litigation – Environmental, Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions – Defendants, Natural Resources Law, Oil and Gas Law, Water Law 10. Mark S. Grossman (2008) Commercial Litigation 11. Terry R. Hanna (1995) Non-Profit/Charities Law, Tax Law 12. Joel W. Harmon (2013) Bankruptcy Creditor Debtor Rights/ Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Commercial Litigation, Commercial Transactions/UCC Law, Mortgage Banking Foreclosure Law 1. Matthew B. Hickey (2013) Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law, Non-Profit/Charities Law, Tax Law 2. William H. Hoch III (2007) Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Banking and Finance, Litigation – Bankruptcy, Mortgage Banking Foreclosure Law 3. James H. Holloman, Jr. (1983) Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law, Litigation and Controversy – Tax, Non-Profit/Charities Law, Tax Law, Trusts and Estates 4. Alison M. Howard (2011) Appellate Practice 5. Robert M. Johnson (1983) Construction Law, Real Estate Law 6. J. Robert Kalsu (2007) Equipment Finance Law October 2015 | The Business Times


Business Briefs 7. Michael S. Laird (2005) Construction Law, Environmental Law, Gaming Law, Land Use and Zoning Law, Leisure and Hospitality Law, Real Estate Law 8. James W. Larimore (2009) Banking and Finance Law, Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships), Commercial Transactions/UCC Law, Corporate Governance Law, Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions Law, Securities/ Capital Markets Law, Securities Regulation 9. Scott Meacham (2013) Banking and Finance Law, Financial Services Regulation Law, Government Relations Practice 10. D. Kent Meyers (1983) Antitrust Law, Bet-the-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Communications Law, Litigation – Antitrust, Litigation – Bankruptcy 11. Mack J. Morgan III (2008) Antitrust Law, Bet-the-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Antitrust, Litigation – Intellectual Property 12. Judy Hamilton Morse (1995) Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Bet-theCompany Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Franchise Law, Litigation – Banking and Finance, Litigation – Bankruptcy, Mortgage Banking Foreclosure Law 13. Clyde A. Muchmore (1989) Appellate Practice, Bet-theCompany Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Antitrust, Litigation – First Amendment 14. Brooke S. Murphy (2007) Bet-the-Company Litigation Commercial Litigation Health Care Law, Insurance Law, Mass Tort Litigation/ Class Actions – Defendants 1. Cynda C. Ottaway (1989) Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law, Non-Profit/Charities Law, Tax Law, Trusts and Estates 2. Drew T. Palmer (2014) Copyright Law, Information Technology Law, Litigation – Patent, Trade Secrets Law 3. William G. Paul (2007) Arbitration, Mediation 4. Richard P. Propester (2013) Banking and Finance Law, Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law 5. Jenna B. Rader (2012) Copyright Law, Trade Secrets Law, Trademark Law 6. Gary C. Rawlinson (2011) Commercial Transactions/UCC Law, Real Estate Law 7. Robert A. Reece (2015) Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law 8. Henry P. Rheinberger (1983) Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law, Mortgage Banking Foreclosure Law, Real Estate Law 9. Karen S. Rieger (1991) Corporate Compliance Law, Corporate Governance Law, Corporate Law, Health Care Law, Mergers and Acquisitions Law, Non-Profit/Charities Law 10. Timila S. Rother (2007) Insurance Law 11. Anton J. Rupert (2005) Bet-the-Company Litigation, 32

October 2015 | The Business Times

Commercial Litigation, Construction Law, Litigation – Construction, Litigation – Intellectual Property, Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions – Defendants, Product Liability Litigation – Defendants 12. Donald K. Shandy (2015) Energy Regulatory Law 13. Earl A. Skarky (2007) Municipal Law, Public Finance Law 14. Stacey D. Spivey (2006) Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law, Litigation – Trusts and Estates, Trusts and Estates 15. Christopher M. Staine (2016) Litigation – Bankruptcy 16. Julie D. Stanley (2013) Trusts and Estates 17. Geren T. Steiner (2012) Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Construction 18. Roger A. Stong (1995) Banking and Finance Law, Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships), Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law, Corporate Compliance Law, Corporate Governance Law, Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions Law, Securities/Capital Markets Law, Securities Regulation, Venture Capital Law 19. David M. Sullivan (2009) Copyright Law, Information Technology Law, Litigation – Intellectual Property, Litigation – Patent, Patent Law, Technology Law, Trade Secrets Law, Trademark Law 20. Mary Ellen Ternes (2007) Environmental Law, Litigation – Environmental 21. John M. Thompson (2009) Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Banking and Finance, Litigation – Construction, Litigation – Real Estate, Mortgage Banking Foreclosure Law 22. Mary H. Tolbert (2010) Appellate Practice, Litigation – Antitrust 23. Douglas S. Tripp (2016) IT Outsourcing Law 24. William E. van Egmond (2010) Aviation Law, Equipment Finance Law 25. L. Mark Walker (2001) CleanTech Law, Energy Law, Environmental Law, Litigation – Environmental, Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions – Defendants, Natural Resources Law, Oil and Gas Law, Water Law 26. Courtney K. Warmington (2013) Labor Law – Management, Litigation – Labor and Employment 27. Harry A. Woods, Jr. (1987) Bet-the-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Securities, Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions – Defendants, Product Liability Litigation – Defendants The following Tulsa Crowe & Dunlevy lawyers were selected for inclusion in Best Lawyers (the year indicates the first year the attorney was listed): 1. Mark A. Craige (2009) Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Banking and Finance, Litigation – Bankruptcy, Mortgage Banking Foreclosure Law

Business Briefs 2. Walter R. Echo-Hawk, Jr. (2011) Gaming Law, Native American Law 3. Michael J. Gibbens (1999) Commercial Litigation, Franchise Law, Litigation – Mergers and Acquisitions, Litigation – Securities 4. Jeffrey T. Hills (2013) Banking and Finance Law, Corporate Law 5. Craig W. Hoster (2013) Commercial Litigation 6. Kayci B. Hughes (2013) Litigation – Bankruptcy 7. Susan E. Huntsman (2016) Native American Law 8. Gerald L. Jackson (2013) Commercial Litigation 9. James L. Kincaid (1989) Appellate Practice, Bet-the-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Construction, Litigation – Securities, Litigation – Trusts and Estates 10. D. Michael McBride III (2007) Gaming Law, Native American Law 11. Gary R. McSpadden (1995) Banking and Finance Law, Commercial Finance Law, Commercial Transactions/UCC Law, Equipment Finance Law, Financial Services Regulation Law, Oil and Gas Law, Real Estate Law 12. Victor E. Morgan (2007) Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Banking and Finance, Litigation – Real Estate 13. Michael R. Pacewicz (2011) Litigation – Bankruptcy

14. Malcolm E. Rosser IV (2009) Construction Law, Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law, Land Use and Zoning Law, Litigation – Land Use and Zoning, Real Estate Law 15. Randall J. Snapp (2006) Employment Law – Management, Labor Law – Management, Litigation – Labor and Employment 16. Terry M. Thomas (2001) Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Bet-the-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Banking and Finance, Litigation – Bankruptcy, Litigation – Insurance, Litigation – Mergers and Acquisitions, Litigation – Securities 17. Madalene A. B. Witterholt (2008) Employment Law – Management, Litigation – Labor and Employment, Workers’ Compensation Law – Employers 18. Christopher B. Woods (2012) Litigation – Banking and Finance, Litigation – Real Estate

Kamp Joins Mercy Clinic Edmond Santa Fe

Arvest Bank hires Paul Krus as SVP Arvest Asset Management location manager

The human body has always fascinated Lauren Kamp, which is why she chose a career in medicine. “The human body is an intricate and wonderful miracle,” Kamp said. “I chose the medical field because I love critical thinking and the challenge medicine provides, and I also love building relationships and helping people in their most vulnerable time of need.” Kamp recently joined Mercy Clinic’s primary Lauren Kamp care office on Santa Fe Avenue in Edmond. In her new role, she looks forward to listening to patients and empowering them to make choices that will improve their health. “I think all people just want to be heard and respected, which is what I strive for in my practice,” she said. “Empathy, compassion and trust are all components that I want to cultivate in my relationship with patients.” Kamp received her bachelor’s degree in nursing from Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, and her master’s degree in nursing from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. She has prior experience as a registered nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit and neonatal intensive care unit at The Children’s Hospital at the University of Oklahoma Medical Center, and as a labor and delivery nurse. In her spare time, she serves on the Innovative Board for The Children’s Hospital Foundation and recently joined Junior League of Oklahoma City. She loves volunteer work and staying active in the community. She also enjoys cycling, reading, cooking and running, and is currently training for her first half marathon. To make an appointment with Kamp at Mercy Clinic Primary Care Edmond Santa Fe, located at 1575 N. Santa Fe Avenue in Edmond, call 285-0660.

About Crowe & Dunlevy For more than a century, Crowe & Dunlevy has provided innovative and effective legal services to clients in numerous industries. The firm and its attorneys are annually ranked among the top professionals in the nation by nationally recognized peer-review organizations. For more information, visit

Paul Krus

Arvest Bank announces the hire of Paul Krus as SVP Arvest Asset Management, AAM, location manager for Oklahoma City, Shawnee, and southwest Oklahoma. He will office at Arvest’s Del City location, located at 4600 S.E. 29th St. Krus brings more than 30 years of investment industry experience to this position. He will be responsible for the continued growth and development of AAM trust administrative officers, regional investment officers and client

advisors. Krus attended Benedictine College where he received his bachelor’s degree in business administration. He currently lives in Edmond. About Arvest Arvest Bank operates more than 270 bank branches in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas through a group of 16 locally managed banks, each with its own board and management team. These banks serve customers in more than 120 communities, with 12-hour weekday banking at most locations. Arvest also provides a wide range of banking services including loans, deposits, treasury management, credit cards, mortgage loans and mortgage servicing. Arvest is an equal housing lender and member FDIC. Arvest Asset Management offers wealth management, trust services and insurance products. Securities and Insurance Products are: Not FDIC insured, may lose value and not guaranteed by the bank. Investment products and services are provided by Arvest Investments, Inc., doing business as Arvest Asset Management, member FINRA/SIPC, an SEC registered investment adviser and a subsidiary of Arvest Bank. Trust services provided by Arvest Bank. October 2015 | The Business Times


Business Book Review

by Terri Schlichenmeyer | The bookworm sez

“Judge This” by Chip Kidd

c.2015, TED / Simon & Schuster $16.99 / $21.99 Canada 131 pages

Chip Kidd


ow will you be seen? That’s a big concern for you on many days. Will your mode of dress impress or are you feeling frumpy? Can a strong handshake overcome onions for lunch? There are, of course, no second chances at a first impression, and in “Judge This” by Chip Kidd, you’ll learn how to make an initial splash. You can’t judge a book by its cover – or so your mother said more than once when you were growing up. But what if Mom was wrong? “First impressions,” said Chip Kidd, “are key to how we perceive the world…. And based on our first impressions, we judge things. We can’t help it.” In fact, you want your clients and co-workers to judge your product and design because, if they don’t, “… that’s a problem.” As Kidd sees it, there are two “effective and fascinating aspects of first impressions.” You want Clarity when it’s essential that people immediately get your message. Nothing can be muddied. Everything must be clear-cut. Clarity is the tool to use when your message or design is technical or “no-nonsense,” but you can’t use it constantly or you risk losing attention. The other tool Kidd mentions is mystery, which is “extremely powerful” because it can tickle an audience’s fancy by making them work to get the message. It’s like an itch or a “secret code you want to crack,” and it’s “much more complex than clarity…” Again, caution is needed when using mystery; in fact, Kidd said that, in his job as a book cover designer, he tries “to create a balance between” the two design tools. 34

October 2015 | The Business Times

Using his Mysteri-o-meter, a graph he created to rate the design and advertising examples he includes, Kidd explains how he (and others) may judge items in their surroundings and what, if anything, could have been done to make those items or ads different. He looks at the obviously simple (binder clips) and the complicated (a sentence in a book that led to a specific cover). He re-writes handbills, examines classic furniture and explains why movie posters are the way they are. And then he judges them. So your ad budget just isn’t getting the results you need? That new design is tanking? “Judge This” may help you see why. And then, on the other hand, it might not. Without a doubt, it’s helpful to know the two basic design aspects you can employ to sway potential buyers and how to better use them. You may learn to cultivate a keener eye here, and that’s always good. But the judgments and conclusions that author Chip Kidd offers are, I noticed, mostly personal. He’s spot-on with some observations but with others, I would’ve disagreed. That these things are often based on opinion is something readers will want to remember. And yet, based on a TED talk, this book is informative, lighthearted, double-quick to read, and it may open some eyes. And if that’s what you – or your design team – needs, then “Judge This” needs to be seen. Terri Schlichenmeyer is a book reviewer in Wisconsin. She may be reached via email at

Business Book Review

by Terri Schlichenmeyer | The bookworm sez

“Destiny: Step into Your Purpose” by T.D. Jakes

c.2015, Faith Words $25.00 / $30.00 Canada 255 pages


round work, you’ve gotten a reputation as the go-to person for certain things. Everybody has a talent; yours happens to be on the job. People know you’re good, they utilize your ability, and you don’t mind. It’s not a big deal to you, but could there be more to it? T.D. Jakes thinks so, and in his new book “Destiny: Step into Your Purpose,” he shows how your talents may reveal a new path. In the moments after leaving a meeting with Coretta Scott King some years ago, T.D. Jakes began to ponder something she’d said about destiny. He “lived a life to which [he] felt drawn.” That kind of success, he knew, was attainable for everyone. You have talents that are inherent inside you, says Jakes. You may not understand them. You may call them God-given, dumb luck, or fate, but those talents are your destiny and “… people must learn to live genuine lives that allow them to perform the … tasks they are gifted to do.” In following your destiny, remember that it’s a process. That doesn’t mean things can’t happen quickly, but it’s unlikely. Time will give you the chance to grow and learn to use your talents to their utmost; just be patient and understand that few things happen when it’s convenient. Meanwhile, gather all the skills you can get, which “may be just what you need to propel you...” And remember that “the only reason we have steps is to get us to a higher level.” Learn to prioritize, not just in your tasks but in your relationships, your finances and in your dreams. Don’t “fix every

problem that comes across your radar.” Know how to handle situations that are important, and “leave behind small thinking.” Don’t confuse who you are with what you do. Remember that pain and failure are part of the journey, but don’t let them deter you from your destiny and don’t waste a second of your life. And remember that “Sometimes the best hello to a new opportunity is the good-bye you gave to a dead situation.” As I see it, there are two main aspects that set “Destiny” apart from other books that line the business shelves at the library or bookstore: it’s perhaps not surprisingly quite faith-based, and it’s very surprisingly quiet in its steadfastness. Author T.D. Jakes is almost laser-focused-insistent in his urgings for readers in fact, and that’s not a bad thing. Jakes’ words feel like a giant hand on your back, like an industrial magnet pulling toward success and his advice, though sometimes repetitive, is startlingly intense. Again, that’s not a distraction, but there was one thing that did bother me: I saw words on responsibility but not much about what to do if a destiny is misread or, if chased, turns sour. And so, though I liked this book quite a bit, I would’ve liked to see more of balance. Still, I can’t argue with pages and pages of fierce inspiration and direction – and that alone could make “Destiny” your go-to book. Terri Schlichenmeyer is a book reviewer in Wisconsin. She may be reached via email at October 2015 | The Business Times


LOCAL Eddie’s Bar & Grill



ddie Wrenn had worked for several well-known restaurants through his career but was looking to make a change. And Central Plaza in Edmond had changed owners and its new ownership under Jim Harlin was looking to rebrand the facility with a restaurant as its new centerpiece. So when the opportunity presented itself, both parties joined together and the result was the opening in early September of Eddie’s Bar and Grill in Central Plaza, located at 930 E. Second St. Hours of operation are 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Sunday. “I worked for several powerhouse corporations like Outback Steakhouse, TGI Fridays and PapaDeaux Steakhouses,” Wrenn said. “This is my 24th year in the business. It’s all I know how to do. I wanted to change the direction that I was going. We started this business plan in 2007 in South Bend, Ind. while I was with TGI Fridays. We partnered together because we realized we had a common goal and that was to revitalize Central Plaza.” Troy Fite, director of Central Plaza concurred. “We want to make this the centerpiece of Central Plaza,” Fite said. “We want people to know that there is something different about this facility. We want the word to spread. That is why we have worked so hard to get this going. The partnership with Eddie was essential for this to take off.” Central Plaza formally served as campus housing for the University of Central Oklahoma. Fite said the first five floors of the building have been completely remodeled and serves as off-campus student housing. The renovation of the remaining floors will be completed soon. Wrenn and his wife Shannon and their daughter came to Oklahoma where he served as an area manager for TGI Friday’s. He had been saving his money for the opportunity to open his own restaurant and after signing a lease it took 10 guys and 97 days to get the restaurant remodeled and opened. “I am an Edmond resident and am doing this project solo with no investors,” Wrenn said. “I have saved my whole life to do this.” Wrenn said part of the remodeling included a refurbished banquet room that can seat up to 450 people. He also does catering events as well. “We have worked really hard on this and put a lot of sweat equity into it,” he said. Wrenn said his restaurant’s menu features a wide variety of items including burgers, wings, Cajun shrimp, salmon, blackened chicken Alfredo, fried green beans, spinach and artichoke dip, glazed carrots, mashed potatoes and more. “We’re a scratch kitchen,” Wrenn said. “We have a really diverse 36

October 2015 | The Business Times

By Van Mitchell | Special to The Business Times menu. The fresh fish selection with Alexander sauces shrimps scallops and crabmeat sautéed in a white wine cream sauce are very popular.” Wrenn said he wanted to have a restaurant that served great food at a good price and that was neither upscale nor quick serve. “My goal is to be a local niche restaurant for the Edmond area where people come here and get a great experience,” Wrenn said. “It is something that is unmet in this area.” For more information call 285-7725.

LOCAL Nhinja Sushi



ang Nhin and his wife Mary lead a fast-paced but successful life running Nhinja Sushi and several other business ventures throughout the Edmond and Oklahoma City metro area. That success has gotten them noticed on a number of different levels including Inc. magazine recently ranking Nhinja Sushi and Wok, the leading Fresh Casual Sushi Oklahoma Company, No. 1596 on its 34th annual Inc. 5000, an exclusive ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The list represents the most comprehensive look at the most important segment of the economy – America’s independent entrepreneurs. Companies such as Yelp, Pandora, Timberland, Dell, Domino’s Pizza, LinkedIn, Zillow and many other well-known names gained early exposure as members of the Inc. 5000. The recognition comes on the heels of a record year for Nhinja, having crossed the $3.9 million dollar revenue milestone. “We are blown away by this recognition from our friends at Inc. magazine, in big part as validation of our team’s hard work, but more than that, as a clear indication of what this affirmation means for the broader sushi community,” said Kang Nhin, CEO at Nhinja. “Fresh casual restaurants is one of the fastest growing industries in America – we’re delighted to be on this journey to providing active individuals and families a healthier choice on the go. Nhinja is ranked No. 12 in Oklahoma’s fastest growing private companies.” Mary Nhin concurred. “This is the excitement of a local Edmond family who created Nhinja from scratch five years ago and with the help of incredible staff has built it to one of the fastest growing independent companies in the nation,” she said. “Our friends at Inc. magazine chose Nhinja Sushi to be part of Inc’s 2015’s exclusive list of the Top 5000 privately owned companies in the U.S., one of only 23 Oklahoma companies. Nhinja Sushi provides active individuals and families a healthy option for dining on the go.” The Inc. 5000’s aggregate revenue is $205 billion, generating 647,000 jobs over the past three years. Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria. “The story of this year’s Inc. 5000 is the story of great leadership. In an incredibly competitive business landscape, it takes something extraordinary to take your company to the top,” said Inc. President and Editor-In-Chief Eric Schurenberg. “You have to remember that the average company on the Inc. 5000 grew nearly six-fold since 2012. Business owners don’t achieve that kind of success by accident.” The annual Inc. 5000 event honoring all the companies on the list will be held from Oct. 21-23 in Orlando, Fla. Methodology of the 2015 Inc. 5000 is ranked according to percentage revenue growth when comparing 2011 to 2014. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2011. They had to be U.S.-based, privately held, for profit, and independent – not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies – as of Dec. 31, 2014. (Since then, a number

By Van Mitchell | Special to The Business Times of companies on the list have gone public or been acquired.) The minimum revenue required for 2011 is $100,000; the minimum for 2014 is $2 million. The Nhin’s have also ventured into the field of fitness and nutrition and business coaching services. Mary Nhin serves as CEO and co-founder of Beachswag-Fitness and Nutrition, whose mission is to help people find their personal, health and financial freedom. “I have always been interested in fitness and nutrition,” she said. “My life journey is following my passion and this is where it is leading me. The whole Nhinja Sushi concept came about because we felt there was a need for a healthier alternative for families. We have created a little niche for ourselves in the sushi area.” Mary Nhin said being an entrepreneur was something that she was drawn to early in life and wants to share her passion for business with others. “That is all we know,” she said. “I started out opening a day spa when I was 20. Kang worked with his brothers in their businesses. This was our opportunity to pay it forward with our businesses.” Beach Body Coaching is one concept of the Beachswag program where Nhin works with other small business owners on business strategies and marketing. She also works with clients on health and nutrition matters. “I have a passion for helping people,” she said. “Beachswag is an all-encompassing coaching company. We do small business coaching but I also do fitness and nutrition coaching.” Nhin said that while each client is different, the approach they must take to accomplish their goals remain the same through hard work and dedication. “A lot of people want instant gratification, and they don’t understand they have to work for it,” she said. “People that I work with understand about putting in the effort and that it is going to take time and that is with anything business, fitness or nutrition. Our challenge is to help people make their dreams come true.” The company was just ranked on the Inc. Magazine list of the 5,000 fastest-growing private companies in the U.S.

Kang and Mary Nhin sit with their sons Kobe, 10, and Jojo, 8, at Nhinja Sushi & Wok on May Avenue north of Memorial Road. Drew Harmon | The Business Times October 2015 | The Business Times


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HERE FOR YOU. At INTEGRIS, we are proud to say we’re Oklahoma’s largest healthcare system. And because we have specialists in more areas of care, we make certain that you have access to The Most Challenging Healing ™. INTEGRIS HEALTH EDMOND CAMPUS INTEGRIS HEALTH EDMOND HOSPITAL Services include 24/7 Emergency Room, Med/Surg and ICU Patient Rooms, Women’s Center, Surgery & Endoscopy, Cardiac Catheterization Lab and Diagnostic Imaging 4801 INTEGRIS Parkway Between 2nd & 15th on I-35 Access Road East 405-657-3000 PHYSICIANS BUILDING INTEGRIS ORTHOPEDICS EDMOND J. Keith Gannaway, M.D. John Gruel, M.D., Non-Operative Suite 150 | 405-657-3990 INTEGRIS JIM THORPE OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION New facility and medical office building coming soon Suite 100 | 405-657-3800 INTEGRIS CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSICIANS Azhar Amil, M.D. Timothy Daly, M.D. Lance Garner, M.D. Santosh Prabhu, M.D. Steven Reiter, M.D. Gary Worcester, M.D. Suite 150 | 405-948-4040

INTEGRIS EDMOND PHARMACY First Floor | 405-657-3900 INTEGRIS FAMILY CARE EDMOND EAST Justin Sparkes, D.O., Internal Medicine Chris Hayes, M.D., Family Medicine Douglas Riddle, M.D., Family Medicine Heather Wheeler, D.O., Family Medicine Elizabeth Montgomery, PA-C, Family Medicine Suite 200 | 405-657-3950 INTEGRIS WOMEN’S CARE Elisa Sparkes, D.O., OB/GYN Julie Hansen, M.D., OB/GYN Courtney Seacat, M.D., OB/GYN Daniel Tallerico, M.D., Gynecology Sonja Hughes, M.D., Gynecology Laura Stearman, M.D., Female Urology Suite 200 | 405-657-3950 INTEGRIS PAIN MANAGEMENT Atul Walia, D.O. Suite 150 | 405-945-4359 INTEGRIS HEALTH EDMOND GENERAL SURGERY Patrick Bell, M.D., General Surgery Joshua Carey, M.D., General Surgery 1700 Renaissance Blvd. 405-844-4300

INTEGRIS FAMILY CARE COFFEE CREEK Joel Grubbs, D.O., Family Medicine Emily Reed, M.D., Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Ashley Muckala, D.O., Internal Medicine S. Christopher Shadid, M.D., Family Medicine 2916 N. Kelly Avenue 405-715-5300 INTEGRIS ORTHOPEDICS EDMOND Michael Williams, M.D. 2916 N. Kelly Avenue 405-715-5320 INTEGRIS FAMILY CARE EDMOND RENAISSANCE Grand Wong, M.D., Family Medicine Doug Haynes, M.D., Family Medicine Caroline Merritt, D.O., Internal Medicine Brooke Nida, M.D., Pediatrics Amie Prough, M.D., Pediatrics 1700 Renaissance Blvd. 405-844-4300

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