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Dedicated proponent of sustainability using ‘tool' of infrastructure finance KOMMUNALKREDIT Austria AG is headquartered in the heart of Vienna, and serves German and international markets from its branch office in Frankfurt. As a specialised bank for infrastructure and energy financing, it uses investment as a tool for answering social needs. What sets Kommunalkredit apart from other financial institutions is a dedication to benefiting communities, fighting climate change, and promoting sustainability. Kommunalkredit believes in creating values that bring shared benefit. Sustainability is one of its driving principles, along with client-centricity and operational efficiency. Tangible benefits come from the bank's economic dynamism, focus on urban development and renewal, job creation, climate change measures and social cohesion. “We are committed to continue on this path,” says CEO Bernd Fislage. “Kommunalkredit has a number of sustainability ratings from well recognised agencies; ISS oekom research rates it as a ‘Prime Company'. The consultancy firm imug assigns a rating of ‘very positive' to our covered bonds. Sustainalytics ranks Kommunalkredit‘s sustainability practices as ‘above average'. “The firm rfu (Reinhard Friesenbichler Business Consulting), a specialist in sustainable investments and sustainability analysis, assigns a status of ‘Qualified' to our sustainability rating. “The concept of sustainability is firmly embedded in our business model and processes.”
Bernd Fislage, CEO of Kommunalkredit Austria since 2018 In 1997, Kommunalkredit established an EMAS (Environmental Management System) and developed it into a system of overall sustainability management. Kommunalkredit is the first Austrian issuer of a Social Covered Bond, and it continues to develop its green bond framework. It is considering the issue of a green senior bond for 2020 to finance infrastructure projects that meet sustainable criteria under the EU taxonomy: renewable energy,
water and waste remediation and e-mobility. When it comes to acquiring new business, the bank again focuses on clear selection criteria. There is stringent emphasis on the efficient employment of capital, as well as structure, pricing and suitability for investors. Looking to the future, Kommunalkredit will bank on its core competencies to expand its activities in acquisition finance, hybrid/corporate finance and financial advisory services. It will