A Conversation
nothing compares to a beautiful conversation with a beatiful mind by Busra Kilic
Conversation Questions What’s the most important conversation for today? Within our society there are many different types of important conversations. These conversations mainly take over the news in our everyday life, as we get to find out about what’s happenning around the world.
Who will you speak to? Verbally or non-verbally people will have families, friends and other people they know to speak to. If people wanted to raise their voice we have social networking websites to help us speak to everyone we know and we don’t know.
Who will your audience be? My audience will be towards teenagers to adults (30-45). Not specifically identified but to those who are using digital devices all the time.
What’s the most important conversation for the future? The most important conversation for the future is unknown because people bring up different topic areas to build a conversation on. However, one of the most important conversations that will be made is
What is the message? The message is to raise awareness, show people what they will be facing or what they are facing now within society. The message is to make something become clear for everyone to understand it in the same way.
How will the conversation be heard? The conversation will be heard by showing the way people have a conversation through different ways of communicating. Conversations are not always there to be heard, it is important to understand the message behind.
What are your aims? My aim is to show how our society has become more modernised and people are starting to move away from each other and conversations are starting to dissappear.
Who will benefit? This is a question that is unknown because it will only benefit those people who understand the message of the design.
Where is the most important place for the conversation to take place? In physical space.
about technology and war.
Primary Research
For my primary research I wanted to find out what I could create visually and what ways conversation was built up through design. I visited York College Art Exhibition to get ideas and just secondary research wanted my own research. I find out that conversation can be done through social and personal experiences. Looking at different visuals helped me to get idea of what type of design I can create and it is really interesting to see different materials can make a good design with many experiments. This primary research enabled me to see how design can be made fun and appealing to its audience.
Brand & Innovation Brand
Brand can be defined in two ways. One way is when designer/ company has labeled a product. Second way is when brand is made to be recognised by other people because it is designed in a certain way to be remembered. Branding takes such a big role in the current industry of design it is almost done with every product or service. I think the way marketers work is to persuade many consumers as possible in different way to attract them into buying the products or using the service. Marketers or producers realise that they can grab the viewers attention by making a product ‘branded’ which having branded product has become trend for people, as there are high brand products such as Yves Saint Lauren compared to superdrug make -up brand.
Innovation is when things are changed or changing it is important to internet and links well with technology too. Because technology has made everything become more accessible. Innovation can be thought through consumer intelligence because things are changed with technology in a way that meets the need and expectations of consumers. As consumers like how there digital devices are made in a way where it is personal to them and can have everything under their fingers. Innovation creates power for those who are purchasing products, they need to consider new and different products with good quality.
- The link between Brand and Innovation is through product and service because Innovation is what makes an effective new idea for people. - Brand allows an identity for the product or service, so that people are persuaded into buying. - I think branding is so successful because people always aim to have the best products or use the best service. - Innovation is a smart idea of making things work in a way that consumers will want and build up a connectivity.
Culture Culture is something that is different throughout every regions and countries, this depends on which culture the person belongs to because belonging to a group of people makes you follow their culture. For example, being in England will make you be around people who have western culture this way, you start having the characteristic and knowledge of what they have. Culture doesn’t has to be specific it can be from religion, language and social habits. Everything used to be so natural with culture but now many things are changing the way of culture works and it is becoming more modernised. Media is one of the biggest reason to change culture because attitudes and beliefs of people are changing as they start seeing things on t.v that makes them think it is the right direction to follow. The more people become inspired by the media the more they believe thats how they should be and start moving away from traditional. - I think the link there is a link between culture and innovation because if you have an idea that was going to be designed you would have to think what it means in different cultures. - Culture needs to be considered so that people are able to understand the right message. - Culture isn’t defined through one specific things, there are many things that make you belong to a culture. -Branding needs to take in account that when producing a design that it fits in with a criteria that doesn’t go agaisnt any cultures. Because this way it would stop consumers from purchasing. Such as some design meanings can be interpreted in a wrong way.
Technology Technology has become one of the most common use of communication method in our society. There are different ways I think technology fits in well with ‘a conversation’ brief. This is because our world is become modernised by technological devices and we are able to almost everything we want just within minutes, as technology allows us to do this. We don’t use our devices just for communicating to other people, we use it for our own purposes such as our entertainment, catch ups, business, work and etc... Looking at the current social behavior of people its become to a point where everyone wants to be online they want to connect with all sorts of social networkings to post, like, share and comment on things they enjoy or their friends post. Having lots of friends online, getting likes has become a trend thats what everyone aims to do. So they will post what they like and try get like on them. Thats why its changing the way we are behaving socially because we are lacking of socialising. People would rather stay on their phones, laptops or tablets than go out and socialise. This way we are building up a conversation between us and technology.
- With all different areas of research I think everything fits really well in with technology because since technology is developing, companies and producers are making designs in a way that will fit with technology because technology is a big role in our society. - Almost everything is done with technology, such as reading books, shopping, payments and work. - Technology is a target point for marketers because they know the amount of technology users are increasing and the age of technology users is decreasing because more and more young people are now cable of using technological device. - Brand and Innovation is what needs technology because it is all about consumers and connectivity.
Source: uk.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=technology%20artist&term_meta%5B%5D=technology%7Ctyped&term_meta%5B%5D=artist%7Ctyped
Technology Mortal Beings
Connectivity &Communication
Consumer Intelligence
Cognitive Data
Technology is made to be a mortal being because it has started to develop so quickly. Technology hasn’t always being there but once technology got into our society it became a mortal being to us, people constantly use some type of digital device, so it becomes part of peoples everyday.
Connectivity has become important to many companies or people as there has been dramatic changes in people using digital devices, as technology allows them to connect and share their experiences with everyone else. People don’t have to connect each other through words (text), they can use images, videos or sound to make their experiences more visual to the viewer. Communication is part of connectivity because using technology it allows to communicate with family and Social Media Social media is all based around technology, technology is important to friends. There are many people researches that have been done to many companies infact it is important in our society. Social media is a show that there isn’t a specific technology that people want but instead way of making conversations with your friends and new friends. People they prefer to stay connected throughout the day. have the access to these social network under their fingers because everything changing from physical to digital media. People become Consumer Intelligence Consumer Intelligence is really important when using the internet more interactive over social networks rather than speaking verbally. because the consumer needs to be aware of the dangerous situations on the internet. As technology does amazing things it also has negative Gaming Gaming takes a big industry in technology because from physical effects to its users. Technology can be dangerous because information games we have moved onto digital games. Many games are now user of the user can be stolen, items they purchase online wouldn’t come generated content, allows the person to interact with the games as they even though money has being taken from the account, so the user has to make sure they are safe while using the internet. can be personalised to there lifestyle. With consumer intelligence technology allows you to do almost everything on your digital devices such as laptops, mobile phones and tablets. This shows that technology and a person can have a conversation inbetween. This is due to technology expanding over the couple of years. As people can now do almost everything on their devices. Shopping takes the biggest part in E-media because you can purchase anything online.
I think this is one of the important areas to technology because it is about awareness, perception, reasoning and judment. So it takes in a wide range of areas. Knowing about these data’s with technology or with a conversation it is important because because people have all sorts of thought about technology and having cognitive data shows how people think of it.
Concept Idea- Body Language I have chosen body language as one of my concept ideas because I believe people use their body to be able to build up on ‘a conversation’. This way they are able to express themselves easily to the other person they are communicating with. Body language is defined as a way of communication that is done through body without speaking (nonverbally). We often can find it difficult trying to express our feelings so by physical reaction, use of space and movement of our body helps us to define this. Researching into body language and how people create certain communication or understand conversation through people’s physical movement is really interesting. Animals and humans both have body languages to be able to make that connection and communication together. But body language is more for humans to interpret their way of thinking and feelings. It is also known for Kinesics. Also looking at how body language is changing over the years, you realise with technology people avoid physical communication instead they prefer technology to do it for them.
‘Body Postures’ ‘Gestures’
‘Facial expressions’
Concept Idea- Reshaping Conversation Reshaping is my second concept idea, the reason why I have chosen such a different concept idea is because I think conversation is is created in many ways. However, our social and cultural experiences as the years go by everything changes really quickly this is why I think our conversations are being reshaped as well because we have new ways of communicating. Doing some researches on how our lifestyle has changed over the 10 years shows that a lot of things have changed. Not just our conversations but everything around us has changed. The lifestyle we live is quiet modernised and things like Apps, celebrity culture, camera’s, internet, social media, digital devices and etc... These things may seem like they have been around for years and years but one real fact is that first release of an iPhone was 2007 June, which wasn’t long ago (7 years ago). This shows that development of technology and society is rapidly changing the way everything is and this leads to conversations becoming more digital than physical. Conversations are being reshaped by the changes in our society.
Concept Idea- Inner Conversation Researching different areas for ‘a conversation’ I realised that conversations can be done silently as well as communicating verbally. Silent instructions for me is defined as how people communicate and connect with signs and instructions that they don’t actually speak to but visualise it. Our body has an inner conversation with our brain because with every little information it helps to send messages. This concept idea leads to psychology and how signs work with our brain in psychological way. Such as road signs road signs are designed to glance at not to be studied, they contain the minimum information (visual) on the sign because this way information is absorbed quickly. Also people can have conversations with typography as well if they are made in a way where it is reflecting the meaning of the word. When we are acknowledging an information our body is having a conversation with our brain which is really interesting because this suggests that not physically but mentally we do have a conversation. I researched about neuron conversations because this is how our brain cells communicate within blink of an eye. Electrical signals travel through our body to carrying messages.
Concept Idea- The social media & us My last concept idea for the brief is portraying ourselves. I chosen this concept idea because technology is one of the biggest impact that makes people portray themselves differently or in a way they want people to see them as. I believe that social media has changed us in a lot of ways. Now people are worried about how many comments and likes they get on Facebook, Instagram than spending their time in realistic ways. The social media is one of the key areas for people and this is because we are all part of some social media network. The population in people using social media has increased rapdily fast and has become one of the ways that you can promote brands and expand your social profile. Through social media now the latest news can be found out within minutes. Us as people we get inspired through different type of modern media and it is way of improving our lives and encourages innovations and creativity. I want to be able to show how people thought before new modern technology was in our everyday life. To do this I want to create posters two show the differences between both changes on how people thought then and
Marshall McLuhan (Herbert) Marshall McLuhan was born in 1911 July- 1980 December. He was a Canadian philosopher of communication (theory). His work was based on study of media theory and is still occuring. McLuhan is known for his expression ‘the medium is the message,’ whic means that the form of medium fits itself in a message. This helps to create a relationship where the medium influences the way message is understood. To create awareness and learn from what is being said or shown. His phrase ‘the medium is the message’ is what captured my attention because it is to do with how our society work with personal and social factors. He says “we largely miss the structural changes”. This suggests that we have a certain structure in our lives but that is currently being disrupted by technological changes. I researched Marshall McLuhan because this sums up why I have being researching about technology and links in really well.
“We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us” Source: individual.utoronto.ca/markfederman/article_mediumisthemessage.htm Source: McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. New York: McGraw Hill, 1964.
Nicholas Carr Nicholas G.Carr born in 1959 who is an American Author who has published books on culture, technology and business. One of the book he has published as a finalist was The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains 2011, is the reason why I have researched him. In his book G.Carr talks about how the Internet is making us stupid and uses Marshall McLuhan as his theoriest. Because the book contains how technology was not only a changing, developing power but it was a warning for the consequences it will make people face. I read the book about how ‘medium’ is explained in The Shallows by Nicholas Carr and the way he describes it is how we get caught up in information, the ‘content’ when technology is the medium. I wanted to use Nicholas Carr’s book in my research for my up coming ideas because I think a book can give a lot of information on what you need to know. As now I realise how technology is one big ‘conversation’ for us to consider. As technology has started to interact with our life and we lose our own concerns with the enjoyment of technology.
“and eventually... it changes who we are” Source: G.Carr, Nicholas. The Shallows. What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains. America W.W. Norton &Company. 2011
Stefan Sagmeister Stefan Sagmeister is born in 1962, he is an Austrian Graphic Designer and typographer. Sagmeister is known for his typography throughout the world as he produces them in very simple but effective way. Sagmeister has designed many different album covers for Lou Reed, OK Go, The rolling stone and many more. These works has been very successful. He does his designs in a way where it has a meaning behind it, this is what I find interesting because a piece of work can be designed purposesly to have a message behind it. The designs he creates contains selfdefining and aphorism which adds a build on the design, making it more appealing to its viewer. I have chosen Stefan Sagmeister because he does his designs in a way where it is not complicated with a truth behind it. I could use his techniques to experiment and it will allow me to fit it in with technology as this could create something different. What I really like about Sagmeister’s work is that he uses real people in his work and different scenery to make typography with.
Source: designhistory2013.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/aizone1_1_1800_1114_75.jpg Source: www.sagmeisterwalsh.com/images/u_work/Aizone3_1.jpg
Source: www.designboom.com/interviews/designboom-interview-stefan-sagmeister-2/
Marc Johns Marc Johns is an Illustrator, he likes his work to keep his work simple but also appealing to its viewers. He achieves his designs using watercolour and pen drawings that looks like it is a draft piece of work. But he says he enjoys including humour in his work that leads onto having a truth behind. I wanted to look at Marc Johns because his work captured my eyes and I wondered why there was silly comments on each work he has done. Knowing that the designs include something silly but playful makes it more interesting to the person and it leaves a visual in their head of what they have just seen. I could include his technique of simplicity but not the text in my work because I want my work to be simple or maybe hand-drawn as this would give me wide variety of things I could experiment with. However, I would make my work look more professional as in do it digitally for it to be much more vibrant but then I enjoy how he has done it free-hand and allowed to attract its audience with small elements.
Seymour Chwast Seymour Chwast born in 1931 has become an illustrator and graphic designer. Chwast is known for his books that he has being designing for children. As he has gained recognition through his advertising and designing. He has come together with Milton Glaser and Edward Sorel to set-up PushPin studios that started to capture attention from a lot of people. As the studio started to gain interest from wide range of people this help the design in illustration and graphic design become more appealing to people. What I like about Seymour Chwast is that his work are like Marc Johns it is quiet simple and comes across attractive to its audience with simple text used on the images. With design work it shows that simple things can make the design look amazing to the other person with the use of few elements. Chwast has being designing for 6 decades now and his work has being on many different formats such as poster, packaging, advertisement and etc..Sometimes looking at simple designs and allow you to realise what you can create.
Concept Idea Development For the development of my concept idea I have decided to use the social media and us. I think this has inspired me to develop my idea on because people now follow guidance to look certain ways and this is done to look certain way. They can get influenced through social media by other people. For my development I want to be able to show how we have to potray ourselves differently on social media because the way we show ourselves on social media can leave a lasting image on the other persons head even if you look different in real life. As a design I want to create two posters that is based along the lines of showing two different people from before the development of technology and how it is like now. This will have a meaning behind to that ‘people don’t realise’ the things we speak in our modern society, that’s only if we do communicate enough to understand the truth.
Pre-digital self Sketches
I have sketched out some drawings to see which one would best suit my design for the first poster of pre-digital self. I want to be able to show in my poster that how people used to pay attention to culture, verbal speaking and meeting up. The drawing I liked was big one to the right with girl with band on this is because, I sketched her out in a style that combines with culture.
Digital-Self Sketches
After creating few sketches for pre-digital. I knew I didn’t want to have one poster I wanted two different ones that show before and after technology. So I did few sketches to show a digital-self on how people are more bothered about self-potrait. Decided to go with girl with phone in her hand to show, how people are concerned about technology; as people dont realise it changing us.
This is the development stage, I decided to develop my sketches into Illustrator to be able to edit and make the outline look bold. Also doing this would help me edit the rest of the drawing.
I decided to go for a very authentic look because this would show the culture within the person, as this would give the poster a clear understanding of my message.
At the final stage, I have managed to get the perfect colours I wanted for the first poster. I made sure that everything was kept simple. As I want the viewer to realise the meaning behind it.
Using same techniques, I went through the same process to be able to produce the second poster.
I chose the second poster to be a modern looking girl with a phone in her hand taking a selfie. This is because it shows to differences between the first and second poster of what used to be modern has being taken by technology.
This process was quiet simple to do because scanning the pictures allowed me to go over the images and edit them quiet easily. I was pleased with the results of my work.
Final Outcomes
This are the two posters put together. I would want them to be displayed both at the same time to produce and A2 poster so when people visualise this they can understand the meaning behind it. Overall, I’m happy with the final outcomes of my work. If I had the chance to improve there are bits I would improve.