odernism is a fundamental movement in cultural changes and developments, that occured in late 19th century and early 20th century. Modernism was a effective action that took place in life, art, politics and science. On the other hand, Modernism was a massive effect around the world as it helped the development of industrial community and growth of cities, bringing changes into peoples thinking. Modernism contained many different actions and creations for designers of art, literature, social and daily life activities. It brought new economic, political and social changes as it was turning into industrialised life. people believe that Modernism helped to improve and re-shape environment. This is because it allowed humans to create, from every aspect including philosophy, science and technology. One of the most important aspect of Modernism was that it relates to traditional adoption of techniques. Modernism includes so many different of movements and modernist period had different influences which is reflected in designs and styles.
Modernism was influenced through the industrial revolution as steam power was invented, which made everything available. Before industrial revolution people lived in villages and country sides until they started moving to cities to work in factories. Industrial revolution had positive impacts as it meant modern life was occuring. However, it stop Graphic Designers who did type setters weren’t no longer needed because machines were able to do the jobs for humans. But the positive impact it was that it meant the designers could think more creative and produce work that would convey their ideas and experiment during modernism. The movements in modernism gave inspiration to Graphic Designers and stronger link between art and industrial production. It help the designs move more towards geometrics and asymetrics.
auhaus was an art school in Germany that was influenced arts and crafts movement. It was a movement that approach to design in public and taught to student around 1919 to 1933. Bauhaus relates to term “house of construction.� It was found by the Walter Gropius in Weimar. Bauhaus was one of the most educational enterprises because it helped to develop and strengthen designs.The founder of the Bauhaus was an architect, in fact Bauhaus wanted art and architecture to combine and come together. Bauhaus has a very influential style in modern arts which appeared in the period of modernism.
Bauhaus didn’t just have influence on just arts it had impact on many other areas like graphic design, interior design, architecture, typography and industrial design. It concentrated on basic design theory, placement, arranging design and colour theory. However, it only taught about photography and typography which was by MoholyNagy. They believed that typography was a way of communication. Many things were changing to adapt to modern movement, while technology was developing. Later on the pressure of politic and economics moved Bauhaus to Dessau in 1925.
ostmodernism started in late 20th century, which was a movement that had big effect in arts and design. Postmodernism was the period modernism was left behind because it rejected modernist, avant garde art and the whole passion for new ideas. Postmodernists came up with many different range of ideas about style, it brought radical freedom in art and design making it more exciting through getures. Postmodernism is characterised by many areas such as skepticism, subjectivism and relativism. Enlightment was really important so the movement focused on reality, a reality where existence and properties are logically independent. Peoples mind, socities and their social life helped to investigate new ideas and techniques.
Postmodernism was a whole massive idea because Rick Poyner in his book ‘No More Rules’ states that postmodernism cannot be understood by reffering to modernism. Postmodernism includes thinking which is important in a design because creating new ideas comes from thinking, as postmodernism had extreme experimentation so that designers could show what they wanted their design to say. It was a way of delivering the message of the image across. Another important factor with postmodernism was that designers departured from the utopain way of designing, to make more ambiguous style of design.
City In Flux
he city in flux was a project we started at the beginning of the year. It was a brief that explored the change in the city. The brief asked us to promote our research, creative thinking and do experimentation. There is a continuos state of flux within the city and these are caused by different aspects such as buildings, flow of people, goods, commodities and many other activities involved. It is important to understand what makes the city unique and belong to itself. The city is just not made up of roads, buildings and other things you realise that there has being an history behind the designs.
For my final piece I have chosen The City Of York to base my design around this is because I think York has many different attraction that doesn’t actually take that much interest because people dont know much about them such as the university students wouldn’t know because York University has students come internationally or from different parts of United Kingdom. Therefore, they need to make sure there is enough advertisement to show what York is about. This is why I wanted to produce posters, that Ive highly being inspired by Neville Brody and his typography work to do this.
Religions of The World
Earth Artifact
he Earth Artifact was the second project (brief) that we was given to work on. I found this project really interesting because it allowed me to think more wise than narrow. Such as the City In Flux project you had to base it around a city but with Earth Artifact you can have more ideas because your thinking more wider. We was required to submit a creative plan or a suggestion that had to be an finished design for a new version of the ‘Golden Record’ which was entitled as Earth Artifact. The design we had to come up with had to be different from the original golden record because the original golden record captured images around the world that was different but slavish.
The design we had to come up with had to be more living or occuring version of what we designed. In my final piece I concentrated on religions because I had research the golden record images and they only had very basic images, my occuring design would be based on religion because I think religion is one focal point that everyone in the world concentrates on. Religions are so interesting and it is made up of many aspects. There is so much to learn about it and it shouldn’t of being missing from the golden records because religions also have colours and there colours bring out the beliefs of people.
Typography is one of the tasks that we had to produce in workshop. I have decided to look at many different images from modernism and postmodernism movement to be able to pick to form a typograhy from shapes. After choosing a design by Wyndam Lewis, I experimented with it and came out with a final outcome, through photoshop.
ypography is one of the areas that I get interested within Graphic Design. There are many other people and designers enjoy typograpghy as well because there is more to typography than just what it looks like and says. Typography is part of art and a unique technique of arranging type to make letters into words that are readable and appealing. Typography can be done for many different purposes because each design has a target audience the design aims for. Target audience is really important in marketing and many other designs such as business related designs or product design companies because if these companies are having some form of typography to show their designs to, then it has to be done professionally in order to meet the criteria and the achieve good consumers, viewers and audience.
Typography can be done for many different purposes, thats why the arrangement of type includes selecting the accurate style for the font on what it looks like. You have to make sure the aspects like font size, font format, line spacing and letter spacing are all done to meet its purpose. This is because typography is being used all around the world on moving images, images, products and many other objects we see. I believe that typography is the key to a design because a typography can say it all more than the a design or an image because typography can contain direct adress and deliver a message across. It is much more easier to absorb because it says it all in the text.
This is my personal Manifesto as a Graphic Design student at The University of Huddersfield. Everything I did is created with difficulty but good intensions with my motivation to do well and achieve my aims as a designer. Graphic design is what I love doing, I will always want to make designs that interests and engage people. The first manifesto I have being inspired was by Claes Oldenburg ‘I am for an Art’. His manifesto was really influencing because it says how an art is all about art starting from point zero. This is really took my attention because you can start from the bottom with nothing and lead yourself all the way up to the top. The words are motivating and I believe someones manifesto can make you realise how designing can make you happy and I didn’t think my manifesto should be too long because the simple it is the more appealing it comes to its audience.