Butler Bulletin
Butler College Magazine Issue 3/ 2014
Renewable Energy Revolu on Renewable Energy from the perspec ve of an alumnus in the industry
Butler on ITV A review of how Butler students sat on the ITV diversity panel PLUS How the Market now delivers to college
Josephine Butler College Trust The Josephine Butler College Trust exists to support the development of the College and its students. Supporting the College Trust is a way to support students. Giving to the College financially is not an expectation of alumni. It is an opportunity to support students though, if you would like to do so. The Trust has recently funded:
Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) Boats for BCBC PA System and Microphones for the Bar Lighting for the Bar Artwork Canvas printing of student photography Framing of student artwork
You can either donate a Single Gift or set up a Direct Debit to the Trust Fund. Direct Debits are a popular way to donate, with a number of Butler alumni recently setting up Direct Debits of £2 a month to the Trust. You can donate online at https:// www.dunelm.org.uk/giving/butler (Single Gift only) or by completing and posting the donation form available under ‘Donate’ at http://www.dunelm.org.uk/ (for Direct Debit and Single Gift). If donating by post, please indicate that you would like to direct your money to Josephine Butler College in the 'Direction of your Gift' section. If you would like to discuss the Trust or other ways to give to the College, please get in touch with the Alumni Relations Assistant at jbalumni.association@durham.ac.uk or 01913347264.
“Enabling the doers and shapers of tomorrow costs little to each of us collectively and we can change a generational mindset from ‘what if’ to people with a genuine belief in their ability to build and fund new things.” - Julian May, Donor and Butler Alumnus (2010)
“2011 saw a new boat, funded by donations from the Trust Fund, take a crew to Women's Henley. More boats means more chances for more rowers.”
- Tom Hillman, Captain of Boats 2011/12
“The four portable speakers donated by the Trust have revolutionised Butler’s live music events. Thank you to the College Trust!!” - Jonny Harrison, Co-Technical Director 2012/13
CONTENTS & WELCOME 4 5 REVIEW OF THE YEAR College Principal, Jill Tidmarsh, on the past year
6 BUTLERITE WORKS WITH WASTE WATER TREATMENT Jason Vojak describes his work with in a local industry
15 FAREWELL TO PHIL REINE A goodbye to the Police Liason Officer
Students on ITV diversity panel
A lowdown on all the spor)ng achievements from the year
Luke Payne reviews Renewable Energy
10 –11 MITIGATING ARMAGEDDON Bob Fosbury, IAS Fellow, describes how to detect Asteroids
12 13 PHOTO MONTAGE Spot yourself
14 CHARITIES A roundup of this years Charity achievements
Welcome to the latest edi)on of the Butler Bulle)n! I would like to thank everyone who has contributed some excellent ar)cles to this year’s edi)on of the Bulle)n, as well as thanking all of you who are (hopefully) reading on!
A society showcase of the last year
Being your Alumni Rela)ons Assistant for 2013/14 has been an unforge7able experience!
Will x Alumni Rela)on Assistant 2013/14
18 MARKET DELIVERIES Siri Minsaas and Ben White explain how the market now delivers
19 APPROACHING THE 10th YEAR ANNIVERSARY A look back on the changes through Butlers past years
20 21 PRESIDENT PROFILES Meet the new JCR, MCR and SCR Presidents
22 GRADUATION PICTURES Congratula)ons Class of 2014!
I’m glad I had the opportunity to contribute to the produc)on of the latest edi)on of the Butler Bulle)n; and I hope you find the contents as interes)ng as I did! All of the ar)cles that have been submi7ed this year do well to sum up the fantas)c year we have had here at Butler. The incredibly friendly atmosphere of Butler con)nues to thrive, and I do hope you come to visit soon to see all the developments of the past few years. I hope you enjoy the following as there are some exci)ng and thought provoking discussions to get your teeth into! As always, if you would like to contribute to future edi)ons please get in touch!
Matt x Alumni Rela)on Assistant 2014/15
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Review of College Principal Jill Tidmarsh reviews has been a busy year in I tButler, as glasses were washed and polished following a farewell ball for our Pre-sessional students in September, they were hardly shelved before being set out for our Postgraduate welcome dinner. Since then we have held fourteen formals, two balls and two dinners, six scholars suppers, five lectures and seven seminars. Thirty mentors have helped our students se le in and progress through their year, seven porters have greeted them at all hours of the day and night and fourteen housekeepers kept kitchens, bedrooms and social spaces clean. The porters have put up and taken down projectors and screens, set out tables and chairs for formals of two hundred or more and the staff have organized names, numbers, menus and messages in a year of wonderful team working with our student execs and reps. So whilst quietly chuffed we shouldn’t be surprised that in only its eighth year Josephine Butler College was approached by Langwith College, York University, who wanted to come and see how we “did colleges in Durham University”. As a result we held a varsity day in which 70 students from Butler visited Langwith for a weekend of sports, arts, compe22on and entertainment. Running herea4er through a loosely chronological range of events over the year, possibly not the greatest highlight of the year, but pre y high and light nevertheless, Butler found itself featured in the Durham Lumiere Fes2val in the autumn, with the mysterious
Lumiere November 2013 arrival of a stained glass illuminated Reliant Robin, appearing under cover of darkness and successfully outwi6ng our beloved night porters Jim, Fred and Dave. In spite of polite requests to move on, the Reliant Robin stubbornly remained for the dura2on of the fes2val, which brought many alumni back onto campus to see us bask in the reflected glory with our beau2fully lit Butler Bar. A colourful and crea2ve portent for things to come, the University and College alike have had a successful year, in which every one of Durham University’s courses ranked in the UK Top 10 of the 2015 Complete University Guide and in the The Student Experience Survey the University is ranked 8th overall. Students rated Durham University number 1 in the UK in four categories: ‘Good community atmosphere’, ‘Good extracurricular ac2vi2es/socie2es’, ‘Good support and welfare’ and ‘I would recommend my University to a friend’.
The SCR enjoying the new 3D projector
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We take this in our stride at Butler of course. Whereas some might scrabble around for Open Day Reps and Freshers Reps, we are bowled over with applica2ons and outstanding interviews for these prized voluntary posi2ons – this year we have had 100 applica2ons to be a Freshers Rep in October 2014. Reasons to be a rep in the 2013 year’s applica2ons included: “the friendly atmosphere” “a place where everyone can talk to everyone else” “well organised events” and the reps, the execs, the none–execs and every club and society member make this college a strong and suppor2ve place to be, not for the sake of rankings, but because as one Rep applicant put it, at Butler “it’s about the students not the buildings”. But to put the rankings back in again, this year six of our students received Vice-Chancellor scholarships for outstanding academic achievements in their previous year’s study. Butler is, very dis2nctly, a scholarly community which supports under-graduates and postgraduates alike in academic endeavour and plays host to visi2ng scholars and lecturers. We were delighted to host Dr Bob Fosbury, visi2ng Ins2tute for Advanced Studies (IAS) Fellow, who spent Michaelmas term with us. Bob joined in college life to the full, as a College Mentor, becoming, in his own words “in effect one of the family.” Bob entranced members of staff and our Senior Common Room with a guide to 3D photography, fascinated us all with a seminar on saving Earth One while searching for Earth Two and delivered a truly engaging and moving account of the life of the Hubble Telescope as his IAS lecture in College.
the year the changes over the year 2013/2014
York Varsity agreement Our second fellow this year Professor Spike Peterson is Professor of Poli2cal Science and Interna2onal Rela2ons, School of Government and Public Policy, University of Arizona. Prof Peterson is a senior scholar currently working at the intersec2ons of Interna2onal Rela2ons, Feminist and Queer Theory, and Interna2onal Poli2cal Economy. She has held some of the most compe22ve fellowships the field has to offer (from being Visi2ng Scholar at University of Southern California’s Centre for Interna2onal Rela2ons to winning a pres2gious Rockefeller Founda2on Bellagio Centre Residence), and she has held significant grants (including a MacArthur Founda2on Peace and Interna2onal Coopera2on grant). Spike is enjoying being in Butler and is sharing her research with students at a lunch2me seminar. This year the College ran the first of what we hope will be a con2nuing series of Hill Colleges Post-graduate Research Fora. Twelve postgraduates from Josephine Butler, Grey, Collingwood, Us2nov and St Cuthbert’s Colleges gave oral presenta2ons on their research, bolstered by poster presenta2ons from a further four postgraduates. The event was well supported and gave students the opportunity to present their research in a mul2 -disciplinary se6ng enabling suppor2ve discourse and feedback. Our Butler Scholarly Journal was edited by Alice Rowland and team, producing a range of thought provoking
Medieval Winter Ball
ar2cles, not least Kieran Devlin and ClaireLouise Sco ’s arguments on the Sco6sh independence debate. For the second year running the journal will have an edited highlights collec2on produced in hard copy from its range of current affairs, careers, poli2cs, arts, sports, literature and subject sec2ons. We congratulate Stephanie Young who steps up to the plate to take on the edi2ng for 2014-15. Our lecture series this year has challenged received views on au2sm, fracking, the oil industry and global poli2cs, whilst our seminar series has tackled night life in Newcastle, sexism in the music industry and drumlins, to name but a few of the wide range of topics shared with undergraduates, postgraduates and friends of the College. Butler’s sports teams have hit the headlines for more than just their spor2ng prowess on the field, court and river. We joined the rainbow laces campaign as homophobia hit the headlines around the world, re-launching our Sports Charter ‘Love Sport: Hate Homophobia and Transphobia’. Our re-launch was reported in local newspapers as we introduced rainbow coloured laces for all the sports teams and indeed staff joined in re-lacing their own shoes with rainbow laces. Butler led on this campaign in 2012 being the first Durham University College to sign up to the Sports Charter. We
also saw the arrival of our new carbon fibre eight and enjoyed a naming ceremony and inaugural ou2ng marked with fireworks and a boat burning at Durham Amateur Rowing Club. The new eight is named “Usain Boat”, the name voted most popular in a student/staff poll. Student Theatre at Butler, affec2onately known as STAB, staged a theatre produc2on “Christmas Time” in the Market in Durham. The performance, taking an audience through vigne es of Christmases past, proved extremely popular and thought provoking and put Butler’s theatre into a new realm. S2ll on the market theme, this year Butler launched its market delivery scheme, through which students and staff can order fresh provision and meal packs for weekly delivery to Butler. Our students also took part in a cooking demonstra2on alongside stall holders in Durham Market to support the Moving On project, which supports young people with the life skills necessary to avoid homelessness. Only space and prin2ng costs prevents more. All in all, I think we should describe this as a very successful year, down to dedicated, energe2c and enthusias2c staff and common rooms, suppor2ve colleagues and friends. HearOelt thanks due one and all. Jill Tidmarsh, Ac2ng Principal 2013-14.
Butler students work with the Moving on Charity
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Butlerite works with waste water treatment Jason Vojak describes his work with a local industry
artnership with local industry is one of the unique a ributes and enduring strengths which Durham University has fostered as a trademark in the Northeast (and all) of England. This hallmark alliance between academia and industry provides benefits to both graduates and employers. A project to improve the level of filtra%on on waste water treatment plants exemplifies this rela%onship. A recent Josephine Butler Masters of Engineering graduate worked with Microbac in Conse on the development of a new system to produce a cleaner effluent from exis%ng water filtra%on systems. Microbac waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) operate on a lean design, and u%lise as few pumps and moving parts as possible. The aim of the project was to improve the level of filtra%on on WWTPs designed by Microbac, without compromising robust simplicity. The proof of concept for the chosen design was determined by two methods. First, detailed drawings in Solidworks (a Computer-AidedDesign or CAD program) were subjected to simula%on u%lising a Computa%onal Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) solver of the so2ware package. The results were posi%ve regarding flow rates required for a useful design, and are illustrated below. Higher pressures are associated with lower veloci%es, thus the blue and green pressure areas indicate areas of faster flow – as required by the centrifugal design. The prototype was created with a 3D prin%ng machine at the engineering department of Durham University. The components were then assembled and tested. The model, shown to the right, was able to demonstrate that flow swirled as expected separated par%culates downward, as fluid travelled out the upper outlet. These results were collected, analysed, and presented to the company, with posi%ve feedback from Director Jim Coulson, as well as Designer Charlie Debrick. The demonstra%on of the scale model clearly determined that flow was swirling, collec%ng and exi%ng out the top pipe. The CFD predicted this behaviour, and validated the calculated requirements. Cost es%mates were generated for two different material op%ons (sheet metal or
Simulation of flow rates in Solidworks software
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Model to demonstrate flow rates polypropylene). The indica%ons are that the design is feasible and a ainable. The recommenda%on is to move forward to fullscale prototyping and implementa%on. This is just one example of the many projects underway at Durham now, in not only the engineering department, but University wide; Butlerites are prominent figures in that local research and development regime.
Butler on ITV news Butlers new Chaplain, Andrew Tinkler, explains how students became part of the ITV diversity panel. n opportunity arose this year for four A Josephine Butler students to become part of ITV Tyne Tees and Border’s Diversity Panel. This panel meets quarterly and students viewed selected ITV Tyne Tees news content and cri cally considered the ITV news website in the build up to Diversity Panel mee ngs. Our Josephine Butler College Chaplain (Andrew Tinkler) already sits as part of this Diversity Panel and will be ac ng as the link person to enable our students to a(end and par cipate in these mee ngs. ITV Tyne Tees News Diversity Panel (and college focus group/soc):
view that we might not normally have considered. It has been a valuable experience with first-hand contact and discussion with news anchors, producers and local community figures as well as an opportunity to get outside of Durham and involved in something new. Having had this experience, we hope to set up a journalism/media/current affairs society or focus group for those interested in any aspect of the industry and to get as many people involved as possible.' For more informa on about this project and the Josephine Butler News/Current Affairs/ Media focus group that feeds into this please contact our college Chaplain Andrew: andrew. nkler@durham.ac.uk
Andrew has commented that: “I was able to recruit four students from within our college to sit as part of this Diversity Panel which meets quarterly. The remit of the group is to cri cally explore locally produced news content, especially focussing upon different equality strands.”
December 6th London Reunion: Meal, drinks and a night out in central London.
February 13th— 13th—15th Durham Reunion:
Comments from Clare Higgins one of our 3rd year students: 'Taking part in two of the ITV Tyne Tees News Diversity Panel mee ngs has been a fantas c opportunity to gain a real insight into the processes and considera ons that go into making the news. There have been percep ve comments, intense debates and o4en points of
Upcoming Alumni Reunions 14/15
A jam packed weekend of Butler fun! Not a weekend to miss. Andrew Tinkler
May 31st Butler Day! If you would like to help organise any of the reunions, or if you would like more informa on contact the Alumni Rela ons Assistant Ma( Armitage ma(hew.armitage@durham.ac.uk
Students at the ITV news centre
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The Renewable Luke Payne (JB 2009 2012) evaluates renewable here we are, nine S omonths (at me of wri ng) into my two year graduate scheme with Renewable Energy Systems (RES), the interna onal renewable energy developer. My me so far has been dedicated to the strategy department of RES, where I’ve been conduc ng research into opportuni es in countries RES doesn’t currently have a presence in, or inves ga ng the poten al of new renewable technologies. My next placement will be in the Glasgow office with the technical team whose job is to op mise turbine layouts for future wind farms based on wind resource and other analysis. I’ll be pos ng more detail and updates on my experiences with the RES graduate scheme on the Butler Scholarly Journal website but what I wanted to do for the Alumni Magazine was write a piece about some of the key things I’ve learnt about renewable energy and the energy industry in general, from my me at RES so far. To the credit of the renewables industry, there is a staggering amount to write about. If there’s one thing this graduate scheme has taught me already, it’s that the world of renewable energy moves incredibly quickly. I suppose it wouldn’t be a renewable energy ‘revolu on’ if things were going slowly. For those who were disheartened by the lack of a global climate change deal in Copenhagen 2009, there is some good news. Despite the lack of an agreement, the global energy industry has been making steps in itself towards decarbonisa on regardless. Individual countries have been mo vated to build renewables for a variety of reasons, but perhaps one of the most promising is that the costs have fallen so much for wind and solar that in many countries it is compe ve, if not cheaper, than building fossil fuel and nuclear power sta ons. Now I know I’m going to get a lot of the an -renewables brigade jumping in here saying how much renewable energy is subsidised in the UK. I don’t have the space to go into this in full detail but generally this is a case of the current subsidies reflec ng a me (2002) when wind, solar and other renewables had much higher costs. Costs have since fallen dras cally (much much faster than anyone
back in 2002 expected). For example, since 2008 the cost of Solar PV has fallen by 80% and further cost reduc ons are widely predicted; subsidy levels have been adjusted to address this and they will fall further because of moves to compe ve auc ons for subsidies from this year onwards. Only renewables have demonstrated such dras c cost reduc on in such a small space of me within the world of power genera on. In response to these cost reduc ons, the UK government is introducing a new subsidy system where projects must compete for subsidies in an auc on (the lowest bidders win the money). Similar schemes in rela vely newer wind power markets, such a Brazil and the USA, have already pushed down costs to the level of fossil fuel power sta ons. Renewables aren’t unique in ge?ng subsidies though. Global annual fossil fuel subsidies stand at $544bn whilst the global total for renewables subsidies is only $101bn. New nuclear power genera on in the UK is lined up for a generous subsidy. Addi onally, disposal of nuclear waste is paid for by the government and not the plant operator. It takes up two thirds of the Department of Energy & Climate Change’s budget every year! And yes, that’s the same department whose budget goes towards subsidising renewables.
“However, here’s hoping the renewable energy revolu on will con nue regardless.” To this end, I would like to point out that Hinkley Point C, the new nuclear power sta on currently in planning would receive payments (£92.50/MWh) higher than the upper cap (£90/ MWh) on bids into the future onshore wind subsidy auc ons (which begin this October). This would mean that the subsidy for nuclear power will be significantly more than onshore wind by the me the reactors are commissioned in 2023 (if it gets built on me, if at all), assuming similar cost reduc ons through auc oning occur as they have done in Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, the USA etc. Since nuclear power is a 60 year old technology, why does it require a much more substan al subsidy compared to wind power, a 20 year old technology?
Wind Turbine producing energy
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Energy Revolution energy after working in the industry.
Willington Cooling Towers, an example of non renewable energy production I would like to invite wind energy doubters (you know who you are!) to Google (or whichever search engine takes your fancy) “wind power myths”. Needless to say, a lot of what is printed in certain newspapers (you know who YOU are!) on the subject of wind power is misleading or just plain wrong. Let’s get off subsidies now and the UK for that maSer. There’s a big world out there and not everything happens in one country. We begin by star ng slightly close to home; the EU is leading the world in policy driving renewable energy and decarbonisa on with the 2020 and poten ally with 2030 targets. The added appeal of weaning off the reliance on Russian natural gas and other energy imports makes renewable energy increasingly aSrac ve for energy security.
China is suffering the consequences of its mass expansion of coal powered electricity to fuel its economic growth. The country is plagued by horrendous air pollu on and it is this problem which is somewhat uniquely driving China’s vast expansion of renewable energy. In 2013, China built just under 50% of the total global wind power installed that year (32.5GWs). On top of this, the amount of renewable energy that China builds every year is expected to keep increasing; it currently has more installed wind power capacity than any other country. The USA has a hugely successful wind industry that is running off very low subsidies due to the compe ve auc ons they hold for wind power. It may surprise you to hear that republican states will welcome wind farm developers with open arms, if you can promise the crea on of
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jobs and infrastructure. The USA has more installed wind power than any country in the world other than China. Finally countries such as Morocco, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and Brazil are building or planning to build huge amounts of wind power to fuel their economic growth because they’re the cheapest and cleanest ways to generate power. Even Russia, with its aging power infrastructure and vast amounts of space is seen as a poten ally huge market for wind power. All of this is great news for Paris 2015, where the next aSempt at a global treaty to cut global carbon emission and combat global warming will be made. Indeed, a lot has changed since 2009, let’s pray it’s enough. However, here’s hoping the renewable energy revolu on will con nue regardless.
Mitigating Bob Fosbury, IAS Fellow at Josephine Butler from Oct Dec 2013, morning of the 15th of February 2013 O natthe about 09:20 local me, the sky above the Russian town of Chelyabinsk – nearly 2000km east of Moscow and just north of the border with Kazakhstan – was rent asunder by a bright flash of light and shockwave of sound. There had been a huge explosion at an al tude of about 76,000 feet and on a scale of about 2030 mes that of the nuclear fission bomb that was exploded over Hiroshima in 1945. A superbolide with a mass of between 12,000 and 13,000 metric tonnes (about 20m in diameter) had grazed the Earth with a speed of nearly 20km/second. Fortunately it had disintegrated high in the atmosphere and this limited the damage on the ground to around 1,500 human injuries and 7,200 damaged buildings in six ci es in the region. By a remarkable coincidence there was a predic on that a larger asteroid, discovered a year earlier and around 45m in diameter, known as 2012 DA14, would pass the Earth at a distance of only 28,000 km – within the orbit of the geosynchronous satellites – at 19:25 GMT on the same day. By yet another coincidence, these events were occurring while the United Na ons Commi>ee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) was holding a mee ng of its Scien fic and Technical Subcommi>ee in Vienna. In 2001, UNCOPUOS had established an Ac on Team (AT-14) to inves gate the poten al hazards of Near Earth Objects (NEO) and make recommenda ons to the UN regarding the improvement of the knowledge of poten ally hazardous NEOs and
Bob Fosbury, IAS Fellow
Meteor Crater , Arizona the possibili es for the mi ga on of their harmful effects. During this mee ng in Vienna, AT-14 was presen ng its final report and recommenda ons. What could AT-14 actually achieve and what was beyond its reach? We already have a clue from the events of the 15th of February. We knew about the approach and passing of DA14 – it was discovered by a Spanish observatory a year before – but the Chelyabinsk impact caught the world en rely unawares. Why was that? Principally because DA14 is 45m and Chelyabinsk was 20m in diameter and it is easier to find big asteroids than small ones. The surveys are more successful for big, lightcoloured rocks than for small, sooty ones because they are generally brighter and can be seen at greater distances. It also depends on the nature of the orbit since asteroids inside the orbit of the Earth around the Sun are harder to detect than those outside. This is partly because the Sun will ‘blind’ telescopes looking towards its part of the sky more than those looking outwards into the Solar System, and partly because objects appearing in the part of the sky around the Sun oIen will be seen as thin crescents like the New Moon and so be very faint. Chelyabinsk was small and it came to us ‘out of the Sun’. The teams around the world that run general asteroid and specific NEO surveys have built up sta s cal es mates of the frac on of poten ally hazardous objects as a func on of their size. We currently know of 861 NEOs with diameters of greater than 1km and this catalogue is es mated to be about 90% complete. These are the real poten al killers: the one that is supposed to have killed off the
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dinosaurs about 65 million years ago by impac ng the Yucatán peninsula is thought to have been about 10km across. This caused an explosion about 20 million mes that of the largest nuclear bomb ever constructed. There are thought to be about 15,000 NEOs larger than 140m but only about 39% of those are known. These would do a significant amount of damage over a large area but would probably not precipitate a mass ex nc on. The AT-14 members are working hard to complete the catalogue of these objects. Once we get down to objects bigger than 40m (the es mated size of the 1908 Tunguska impactor in Siberia – the Russians suffer because of their huge land area!), there are es mated to be around 300,000, but we only know about 3% of those. All in all there is a lot of cataloguing to do, but specially constructed satellites will help here; especially if they orbit the Sun at about the distance of Venus where they can look out towards the Earth and beyond.What if a NEO is found with an orbit that may intersect the Earth in the foreseeable future? If it is found within a few decades of likely impact and the orbit is refined to provide sufficiently high certainty of such an event, mi ga on efforts need to start straight away. One of the first things to do is to determine the orbital parameters with sufficient accuracy to firm up the actual loca on and me of impact. This can be achieved by high precision astrometric observa ons with telescopes on the ground and in space. If necessary, a space mission could be flown to a>ach a radio transponder to the object which could then be tracked for as long as necessary, also determining its physical proper es such as size, mass, density, cohesive strength etc.
Armageddon writes about how we can detect Earth Shattering Asteroids
200 km from the Chelyabinsk impact site in the minutes following the atmospheric explosion We would now know when and where our supposed asteroid will hit and have a pre>y good idea of how much damage it might do over what kind of area. This is now gePng serious and we have to look carefully at our op ons. This may be an engineering problem: we could deflect the asteroid so it will miss the Earth. If we can’t do this – perhaps it is too big to move or we don’t have enough me – it becomes a ques on of informa on dissemina on and, inevitably, a poli cal problem. We may have to evacuate a country or even a con nent. This is why our Ac on Team is working under the auspices of the United Na ons and why our report eventually goes to the Security Council. This would need to be handled above the level of na onal poli cs. How do we deflect an asteroid? This is not an easy task, especially if the object is bigger than around 100m. It depends on the nature of the object: is it a solid piece of rock or is it what we call a ‘rubble pile’? This really makes a difference. You probably imagine launching a huge ‘nuke’ and blas ng the thing to smithereens or possibly that just nudging it sideways might do the trick. Apart from the fact that the UN is somewhat averse to the idea of nukes in space, this may not be the best thing to do since it could generate a swarm of killer objects in place of a single large one. For
a coherent, solid rock, it might be that a carefully targeted kine c impact by a highspeed and heavy spacecraI would produce a sufficient orbital change – especially if it was carried out decades before Earth impact when you may only need a velocity change of about 1cm per second. A method that is somewhat more elegant and predictable is to use something called a ‘gravity tractor’ (yes, you probably heard it on Star Trek). To do this you fly a massive (as possible) spacecraI closely alongside the asteroid. They will be a>racted towards one another by gravity. To avoid a collision when they get too close, you move the spacecraI a li>le bit away from the asteroid so it is always close but not touching. The spacecraI gets deflected a lot more than the massive rock of course but, given me and pa ence you get what you calculated: a small but sufficient change in the asteroid’s orbit. Another promising possibility is to a>ach a solar-power driven ion drive to provide a longlas ng low thrust to change the orbit in a suitable direc on. Our capability to do these things will presumably grow with me but, right now, we could probably move an asteroid of 140m enough in about two decades. Such strategies have been assessed by a group of astronauts called the Associa on of Space Explorers (h>p://www.space-explorers.org/), several members of which (including the Apollo astronaut Rusty Schweickart) are not only part
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of AT-14 but have been ac ve drivers of the whole process in the UN. This is about where we are now. As well as NASA and a number of dedicated asteroid survey observatories around the world, other groups are working on various aspects of the problem. AT-14 has recommended welding these groups into more coherent structures for warning of impacts and planning impact mi ga on missions. They have also given thought to the public rela ons issues that will inevitably need careful handling to avoid panicked reac ons. The European Space Agency (ESA) has a ‘Space Situa onal Awareness’ programme (h>p://www.esa.int/ Our_Ac vi es/Opera ons/ Space_Situa onal_Awareness/NearEarth_Objects_-_NEO_Segment) that includes NEO studies. Also the European Southern Observatory (ESO) now has, at my sugges on, established an ‘expert group’ who can help to plan precise observa ons of faint asteroids when cri cally necessary for refining orbits and assessing physical proper es such as albedos and sizes. The team is already ac ve and has three objects in the queue for astrometric measurements. There are two substan al asteroids that we know will pass close to Earth between now and 2040 but, at the moment, it appears unlikely that they will actually hit.
Charities 2013 2014 Charities Coordinators Caroline Butler (JB 2012 2015) and Jasper Cox (JB 2012 2016) review the fundraising achievements of the year. money these events contribute to Butler’s packed social calendar, providing entertainment for students. The fantas"c help from the members of Charity Commi/ee was integral. Working closely with the Exec and other commi/ees was also extremely helpful, so we must thank them as well. On a personal level, we have gained a lot from the year’s work in terms of skills developed, and we hope others involved in fundraising have also benefi/ed. We leave with Charity Commi/ee in very safe hands: our successors Karolina and Sam worked with us closely this year and we wish them the greatest success.
Dare night the past academic year, we have been F orButler’s Charity Coordinators. Most of you will be familiar with our college’s incredible effort to raise funds for Grace House Children’s Hospice in Sunderland. We have a great rela"onship with the Hospice and working with Karen and the staff there has been very enjoyable.
Taha Abrar hosting the Fashion Show Auction
This year’s highlights include the Grace House auc"on. We managed to secure Terry Deary, author of the Horrible Histories series and presenter of the spin-off television show, to present the auc"on. We also managed to obtain a number of varied prizes with the help of the SCR and JCR, including family research undertaken by a history lecturer and a football signed by formed Manchester United player Paul Scholes. The event raised over one thousand pounds. The fashion show, organised by the Fashion Show Commi/ee which we worked with, raised over a thousand pounds as well through its own auc"on. These were the big events – nevertheless there were plenty of others, meaning we regularly filled the college bar for events like Dare Night, Jazz and Cocktails, “Blind Date” and “Butler Bachelor and Bachelore/e”. As well as raising
Terry Deary hosts the Grace House Auction
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A Farewell to Phil Raine Police University Liaison Officer Phil Raine answers some questions about his time working with college. Raine has been P hilan integral member of our community throughout the growth of Josephine Butler College. He has been the college’s Police contact for 7 years, and is regre ably moving back into the city to work as part of the neighbourhood policing team. Durham is generally regarded as a very safe city to live in, with a very low crime rate, and the neighbourhood team will undoubtedly benefit from having Phil as a member of their team. Phil has worked closely with all colleges throughout the past years, helping to set up the Durham University Police Twi er site and even crea'ng Youtube videos to raise awareness of safety issues with students. Moving away from University Liaison does not mean that we have seen the last of Phil, but in recogni'on of his input into keeping the college community safe a short ques'on and answer was conducted to try and yield some final remarks on his work with us over the years.
Editor: How does working with the College compare to working with other organisa ons/people? Phil: Working with the University / college has been an absolute pleasure. I have been liaison officer for about 7 years and it has been by far the best job I have ever done. The University is a complex machine with each college working slightly differently to the next one, but I have enjoyed every minute working with you all. 99.9% of our students are fantas'c all of the 'me. Of the remaining 0.1% who may come into contact with the police, they only cause problems when they have had one too many, and then it is normally something silly rather than something malicious.
Editor: What has been your favourite point when working with us? Phil: There have been so many highlights for me, but the best points I would have to say are speaking to students for the very first 'me about safety/crime preven'on etc, and then seeing them at congrega'on when their hard work pays off and they graduate.
Who are the Angels? The Butler Angels team is made up
Editor: Did you always want to be a Police Officer? Phil: No, when I was a child I wanted to be an ice cream man. Editor: What are you doing next? Phil: I’m staying in Durham City as part of the Neighbourhood policing team so hopefully will s'll see many of you around. Editor: Any leaving remarks for the students? Phil: Enjoy Durham. Make the most of every opportunity. Don’t leave with regrets. Stay Safe.
of Josephine Butler alumni, parents, staff and friends of the College, who have kindly volunteered to assist current students to think about career paths or future study.
Become an Angel: Becoming a Butler Angel is a quick and easy process. Simply visit www.dur.ac.uk/butler.angels, www.dur.ac.uk/butler.angels,
‘Become an Angel’ and then fill in your details* on the online form. You can add as much or as little
You can follow Durham Police on Twi er @DurhamUniPol
information as you like; even the smallest
incredibly useful for our students.
* Please note: your email address and phone number will only be used by our administrators to contact you, and will not be visible on the website. Students will instead be able to contact you via an online form.
Editor: Describe yourself in 3 words. Phil: Friendly, laid-back, lazy
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Societies 2014 2015 Societies Officer, Kieran Devlin (JB 2012 2015), rounds up the Societies activities over the year term kicked off M ichaelmas with the Freshers’ Fair. From freshers to finalists, we had a whole host of people signing up to a whole host of socie es, sports and commi ees. There was even free cake! Throughout the ten weeks we had various society events. There were big turnouts for various Wine & Cheese, Disney Soc and Rock & Alt Soc nights, and some massive days out with Hiking Soc. Towards the end of term we also had our Socie es Social, where everyone was encouraged to come dressed as a representa on of their society, which again, was a lot of fun. And can you think of a be er, or more Christmassy, way to end the term than with the beau ful Carol Concert (spearheaded by our Choir and Chamber Choir Socs) and Christmas play (wri en by Butlerites and performed by STAB!)? I certainly can’t. No, not even a double bill of Muppet’s Christmas Carol and Die Hard. Despite the black cloud of summa ves and disserta ons, Epiphany Term was again successful for Butler socie es. Refreshers Week gave people an opportunity to try something new, whether it be a society or sport, as a whole spectrum of events and training sessions were hosted. This term we also had joint
Society of the year, Pudding Soc
2013 Carol Concert socials between our Cocktail and Casual Book, and Photography and Hiking, Socs. These joint events were not only great fun, but an excellent way to meet new people (and one of the wonderful things about socie es, a5er all, is mee ng new people!). In the third to last week of term we had Socie es Week, which began with our Socie es Formal, where awards were handed out to various presidents and socie es as just reward for their tremendous work this past year. Later that week we also had our Socie es Showcase in Butler Bar, where all our wonderful socie es were given the chance to show off their hard work on a public stage. Whether it was Choir, Chamber Choir, Jazz, Barbershop, Dance, Juggling exhibi ng their talent on stage, or FIFA offering a chilled leisure spot in the back, or Pudding raising money for Grace House charity through their delectable baked goods, the night was simply an all-round success, and a fantas c occasion to round off another superb term. Easter term included a number of successful ventures in socie es for Butler, par cularly in Arts, Music and Drama. There were many opportuni es for Butlerites to prove their musical talent. Butler Day saw many solo ar sts bring out the acous c guitars and soulful harmonies to serenade people as they basked in the sun, while the Summer Ball was the stage for a wonderful performance from the Jazz Band. Possibly the biggest event on
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Butler’s musical calendar this term was the Summer Concert. It was a resounding success, featuring brilliant acts from both inside the college and out. With some excellent music, a terrific a endance, and a relaxed but colourful atmosphere, it really did go down a treat. There was also STAB’s inven ve produc on of A Winter’s Tale. Featuring some bold innova ons, STAB put an unbelievable amount of me and effort into making their adapta on as original, entertaining and moving as possible. Thankfully, it paid dividends as it truly was a wonderful show. Everyone enjoyed themselves, on and off stage, and it was probably the best piece of student theatre I’ve personally seen in my me in Durham. I’d like to congratulate and thank every society president for their terrific effort this year. Whether it’s been socie es that’ve started frui;ully (Body, FIFA Socs), that have been revitalised (Cocktail, Casual Book Socs) or socie es which have simply been too much fun not to a end (Pudding, Hiking Socs), this academic year has been incredibly successful for socie es at Josephine Butler. Lastly, I’d like to thank Susie for her brilliant work as Socie es Officer this year; I can only hope to replicate. Again, a massive thank you to every president, and everyone involved in socie es. It’s you lot, you brilliant people, who confirm Butler as not only having the most, but the best, socie es in Durham.
Sports 2013 2014 Sports Officer, Maria Eracleous (JB 2010 2014), looks back on this years sporting achievements year has come to an end A nother and what a fantas c year it has been for sport. Butler has ended the year in 7th place in the College League Table with 1817 points, a massive step up from being 10th place last year. All the teams have put their all into their performances and their sport and it shows. 5 of our teams have been promoted to a higher division for next year, including Women’s Basketball, Men’s Football B and C Teams, Butler C Table Tennis and Women’s Football. BCBC planned and successfully hosted the BCBC Head, a+rac ng a large amount of crews making it a fantas c compe on. As well as this, the Boat Club now proudly owns a brand new Janousek VIII, which a/er a college wide vote was christened ‘Usain Boat’. The boat was launched on the river during the ‘Boat Burning’ ceremony, in which the old boat was burnt as it had reached the end of its compe on days. As well as the intercollegiate compe ons, this year Team JB has ventured outside of Durham and its spor ng requirements and taken part in compe ons and varsity weekends. As a college, we were invited down to York to compete against Langwith College in a number of sports. The weekend was a great success, with Butler domina ng the playing field and demonstra ng spor ng excellence. One of the
reasons for this invita on was also Langwith College’s interest in seeing how the collegiate system runs in Durham and how a JCR is structured. As well as compe ng in sports, such as hockey, basketball, football, pool and darts, there was also a bake off, a FIFA tournament and a chesstournament and tours of York for those who did not wish to compete. The presence of the cheerleaders definitely added to team spirit, as they cheered for each and every sport. It was a fantas c weekend followed by a great night out in York. We will hopefully be able to return the favour and invite them to Butler next year. The Badminton Mixed team and Volleyball team also represented the University at a university wide varsity weekend, represen ng Durham in York and both teams did extremely well. On the 12th March 2012 we as a College signed the Sports Charter ‘Love Sport: Hate homophobia and transphobia’. The Sports Charter was launched in March 2011 as a way to raise awareness of homophobia and transphobia in sport. Since then the Premier League, FA, England and Wales Cricket Board, Lawn Tennis Associa on, Rugby Football League and Rugby Football Union and the London Organising Commi+ee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games have signed up to its
principles. During a simple launch event, with the ini a ve of then Law student Ben Warwick, the Charter was signed by the JCR President Alex Bailey, MCR President Nicola Sco+, SCR President Mark Bell, JCR Sports Officer Ellis Turmel and College Principle Adrian Simpson. Following on from that, we felt that more could be done to support the Charter and what it stands for. A/er Stonewall sent laces to all 92 professional teams in England and 42 professional teams in Scotland, we decided we wanted in on the campaign to promote the Charter and abide to it as best we could. We applied for a College Bursary which gave us the recourses to buy 350 pairs of rainbow laces for our sports teams and other members of the college. The laces were extremely well received by our teams who were excited and rushed to replace their laces with rainbow laces. All members of staff also acquired a pair as well as our porters, who were happy to support the campaign and wear the laces on their work boots. In addi on, by working with our college LGBT rep, Max Healey, Arts Comm and with the help of Rupert Maspero and Photography Soc, we created a photo-shoot with the Team JB Captains and Presidents suppor ng the laces as well as holding up signs against homophobia and transphobia in sport. The outcome was outstanding and the photos looked incredible. The Butler-Us nov Cup went on without a hitch with more teams entering the tournament than the year before. In an a+empt to increase the popularity of all sports and allow people to track down our teams’ progress, a board was installed in the bar and weekly fixtures and results were displayed. As well as this, an Outdoor Green Gym was installed in three sites around both Butler and Us nov College, free for all students to use and the installa on of the MUGA Floodlights has made it possible for teams and students to use during the darker hours of the day. It has been a fantas c year for Sport at Butler. Each team has been incredible and has taken on any challenge that they were up against, doing Butler proud. The sky is the limit for Team JB and with everything they have accomplished this year, who knows what next year holds.
Tackling homophobia in sports
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Market Deliveries Siri Minsaas (JB 2011 2014) and Green Rep Ben White (JB 2012 2015) report on how Durham’s Indoor Market now deliver to college year Butler’s Green T his Commi ee has pioneered a scheme in collabora on with Durham Indoor Market to get locally grown produce delivered straight to our doorstep. With this scheme, students can order mealpacks and boxes of fruit and vegetables online during the week for delivery on Fridays. The meal-packs come with recipes and ingredients for meals ranging from venison sausages with roasted vegetables to Thai-style king prawns. These meal-packs cost £15, and feed six people, with plenty of le+overs for the next day. There is a range of fish, meat and vegetarian op ons available, appealing to everyone. This scheme encourages Butler students to adopt sustainable, environmentally-friendly prac ces, such as cooking one-pot dishes as a flat, and op ng for local produce wherever possible. The service also includes the delivery of fruit and vegetable boxes; students can choose from an extensive list of seasonal produce. The green delivery scheme promotes the virtues of choosing local, sustainable produce and suppor ng local businesses – all in line with our green and local college values. Previously, students wan ng to support local businesses and shop at Durham Indoor Market were deterred by the prospect of the long walk
up the hill laden with bags, but now fresh ingredients are delivered straight to their doorstep! The scheme also enables our students to talk to the people who provide their food, learn more about where it comes from and get ps for preparing it. As the scheme takes off, we will look to increasing the number of deliveries run per week and extending the choice of meal packs offered. Despite the short history of our li le college, we’ve had a close rela onship to Durham’s Indoor Market for several years. This year we decided to take that one step further and collaborate with them to set up a free delivery service to the college. The idea started following a Green Commi ee mee ng in which we discussed working with the Students’ Union’s Food Co-op society. It is ironic that we are the only all self catered college yet the furthest college away from a supermarket. Not every student living in college would want to travel into town every couple of days just to pick up some apples and strawberries and nor would they order them online paying three to five pounds for delivery.
One of Ben’s main priori es was to set up a scheme whereby you could order fruit and veg with ease. In order for the scheme to take off and become part of the college, it then had to be sustainable on three levels. First the scheme had to fit into our ethos of being ‘the green college’ using sustainable sourced produce. Secondly it had to be cheap and easy to use, incorporated into the college and not too demanding on external businesses so as to make sure it was sustainable within the college. Third and finally it had to support the sustainability of the local community by suppor ng local businesses, as we have when using Phoenix for photography and stash or suppor ng local chari es like Grace House. The scheme with Durham Markets offered us all these things. And more. Not only did we get fruit and veg delivered straight to college at no extra cost, we also managed to offer students ‘meal packs’ of quality meals to cook as a group of six for just £15. Not only did this promote saving energy by cooking as a flat, it also got students like us to cook quality local ingredients rather than ea ng ready meals. Having started with just four meals, the scheme now offers eleven meals ranging from Mince and Vegetables to Pheasant Curry and has even has special meal packs for mes like Christmas. As the scheme develops over the coming years we’re looking to improve the scheme with more regular deliveries, smaller meal packs and even more variety including adding products from Frui=ul Durham, a social enterprise who take fruit that would normally go to waste and make the best juices, jams and cordials in the area from them. A lot of thanks has to go to Courtney Edgar for his work behind the scenes on incorpora ng the market delivery scheme to the JCR website. A+er we dra+ed the plans with Colin from the Indoor Market, it took Courtney only a ma er of days before he had an extensive order form on the website. He has since put in the extra effort to redesign the page completely twice to make the order form more efficient and even incorporated Us nov in the scheme. We owe him a great deal of gra tude for being another key component to making the scheme a success.
Durham’s Indoor Market
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Approaching the 10 year Anniversary
Dan Smith (JB 2006 2009) reflects on the changes in college since it began world was a very different place in 2006. T he Graduate employment was a dead-cert,
cohorts it changed. A skeleton was laid out upon which future years would be based.
tui on fees had just risen to £3,000 a year and you s ll made six choices on UCAS. The Bank of England was beginning to worry about a ‘lack of spare capacity’ in the economy, the ‘Global War on Terror’ was reaching its height and Tony Blair was not long into his third term of office. Smart phones didn’t exist yet, the ‘iPod Classic’ was just an ‘iPod’ and Facebook was only a year old in the UK. It was in this world, on Sunday 1st October that Josephine Butler College officially opened and it was on this day that I arrived there for the first me.
By the fourth and fi9h years this skeleton was being fleshed out as the community became comfortable with its size and scope. A spurt of new clubs and socie es from pudding soc. to mixed lacrosse created a familiar and yet new form of in macy. The JCR became more established; charity work, volunteering and green ini a ves became a (no ceably) central part of the College’s mission; and the College itself became part of a wider community in Durham city and beyond.
Since that day I have been back to the College more frequently than I would like to admit. A9er three years as a student I spent another year as Student Community Development Officer, eighteen months working in the University and then six more, back at Josephine Butler as Postgraduate Experience Officer. And now, even though I moved away two years ago, I s ll find myself walking up the hill towards the mound a few mes a year. During this me I have been part of the College as a student, a sabba cal, an alumnus and a member of staff. I have been able to watch the College grow with every visit and to see the changes year on year. In 2006 the College was ‘new’. The Butler Community was small but bold and full of bravado; there was nothing we could not do if only we were determined enough. Milfield field was Milfield Pond, the JCR was a library and students could wander into the Porters’ Lodge to collect their post. The College was in mate, a hamlet of a few dozen flats and in the days before social media privacy seAngs-nothing was a secret for long. During the second and third years, as the College bedded down, the community seemed to become more structured, formalised and, in a broad sense, divided. There were too many faces to recognise them all and an increasing number of students lived outside the walls of Butler and scaBered across the city. Rules began cropping up on a seemingly daily basis; fire doors must be closed, maBresses must remain on bed frames and under no circumstances must you walk up the mound a9er dark. As the College adjusted to juggling an increasing number of students and mul ple
The sixth and seventh years of the College seemed to bring another wave of change as, for the first me, the community was almost exclusively made up of staff and students who had never seen the College as ‘new’, only ‘young’. Six years is a long me and students, presidents, cleaners and secretaries had all moved on. This turnover brought in fresh blood with new ideas and some of the College’s rough edges were polished up. ‘Make-do-andmend’ gave way to an inevitable professionalism; quirks were lost but the College now seemed to stand confidently alongside its neighbours.
As a community, an ever-increasing community of staff, students and alumni, the College must retain this ability to change. We must not be stubborn or rigid in our thinking. We must not be afraid to admit our faults, or confess where our plans have proved fruitless. We must try new ideas, speak to new people and constantly test boundaries where they no longer serve a purpose. We are fast approaching the ten-year anniversary in 2016 and as we do it is this trait, which I believe we should reflect upon. This ability, not just to change, but to embrace change, which makes the College, and the community, unique. Butler is dynamic and versa le and should con nue to be so because the world of 2006 no longer exists and what worked in 2006 will not work in 2016. Some changes may be painful, some unavoidable and s ll others misguided but change leads to reflec on, self-awareness and ul mately progress. Plans for the ten-year anniversary will no doubt begin soon and, in me, I hope to see many of you back in Durham to celebrate how far the College has come and how far it has to go.
The eighth year has been the most enjoyable to witness. New buildings seem to have finally stopped the game of ‘musical rooms’ in the main building. The transi on from ‘new college’ to ‘college’ is seemingly complete and anything Butler lacks in in macy it more than makes up for in warmth and quiet, unassuming confidence. It would be very easy at this stage to fall into a terrible cliché; everything has changed but ‘x’ remains the same. In a way, this is true: the College was, is and hopefully will be, primarily concerned with the development of a friendly, suppor ve and inclusive community. The point I would like to make, however, is different. The College has changed considerably since its incep on, and in some places, beyond recogni on. Change as we all know is fundamental to progress but it is also an integral part of the character of the College. A character which is not bound to the past, determinedly maintaining the status quo and following tradi on for tradi on’s sake.
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At least we still have the mole
President Learn a bit about the new JCR, MCR Siri Minsaas JCR President 2014-2015 Siri is a recent graduate having studied Interna onal Rela ons at Butler for the past 3 years. Her enthusiasm for all things Butler is impossible to ignore and she has been an integral member of the community since the day she arrived from Norway as a naïve fresher back in October 2011. Not even the prospect of returning to the Norwegian weather was enough to persuade her to leave Butler yet though, and she has taken on the role of JCR president for the coming year. Her involvement in college has spanned from Head Frep in 2012 to Vice-President in 2013 -2014 (some could say she followed in the exact steps of former President Will Kendall…) to se4ng up Swimming Soc and to a5ending prac cally every commi5ee on a weekly basis. It is without doubt that Siri has been involved to the highest degree, but her drive for Butler doesn’t stop there. She has been a member of the Open Day and Frep teams for the past 3 years, she helped to develop the market delivery scheme and she has worn the mole costume more mes than should be possible. In recogni on of all her achievements she was awarded an Honorary Life me Membership to the JCR in June 2014. Outside of JCR ac vity though Siri is a fantas c presence to be around, always with a smile on her face and a skip in her step (literally). She has been gearing herself up for the role of President since the beginning and it goes without saying that she will take the JCR, and the college as a whole, to new heights over the coming year.
Tim Charlton MCR President 2014-2015 Tim is the new MCR President for 2014-2015. He first arrived as a fresher five years ago in October 2009 to study Civil Engineering before carrying on this year to study for a PhD in computa onal mechanics. During his me at Butler he has been fortunate enough to be involved in a wide variety of ac vi es, many of which have been through socie es. He has seen Butler’s Rock and Alt Soc grow from a flat party to regular nights in Fishtank, juggled and a5empted to unicycle, made fresh pasta and tasted a wide range of wines and cheese just to name a few. In addi on to this, he has been part of the Football club, most recently helping the C team to a promo on this year! During his third year he became a livers out proctor, extending his influence to the students in the Viaduct area. He has also been a key part of Pub Comm, producing many of the posters seen around Butler. In June 2013 he graduated with a 2:1, securing funding to work in the Engineering department over Summer, and then to come back to Butler as a postgrad. From October 2013 he began studying towards a PhD in computa onal mechanics with the added responsibility of demonstra ng undergraduate labs. He also took up the role of social secretary within the MCR, meaning he was involved in organising social ac vi es including Butler’s Inter-MCR formal. Progressing on from this, at the beginning of July he was elected to take over as President of the MCR for the coming year, organising MCR Exec and represen ng Butler postgraduates within the university. “I am looking forward to the new challenges this role will present and working to ensure a successful year for the MCR.”
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Profiles and SCR Presidents for 2014 2015 Lyndsey Stephenson SCR President 2014-2015 As the new Senior Common Room President, Lyndsey feel likes she has some large shoes to fill from her predecessor, Mark Bell, but she is keen to learn from him and build on the success he has already achieved with the SCR. Prior to taking on the role as President, she was an SCR member and had a5ended some formals and other events at college. She was intrigued and interested by the variety of events and the variety of people that she always met. When she received no fica on of the elec on of commi5ee officers, she put her name forward as she was keen to get more involved with the college and be able to help build the SCR. She was lucky enough to be elected as president and the term officially started in July – lucky for her she s ll has Mark as the vice president to help guide the way! Lyndsey has a great team behind her on the commi5ee and together they are hoping to make some posi ve changes to the SCR over the coming 12 months. This starts with an exci ng event calendar to encourage new and exis ng members along to the college. This is currently being worked on so please look out for future events! Her role as president is very varied and she is sure if she is asked this ques on again in 12 months it would s mulate a different answer. The way she sees the role now is rather varied – not only does she want to spread the word of the SCR to poten al new members, she wants to keep the values and principles of Josephine Butler College at the core of what the SCR does. She wants to help create a vibrant Senior Common Room with interes ng and suppor ve members who want the best for the college and the students. Lyndsey considers herself a passionate person and she looks to ins l this passion in all aspects of her personal and professional life, she does not expect the SCR to be any different. She has a great commi5ee behind her and together they are going to work throughout the year so that people know how great it would be to be a member of the Josephine Butler Senior Common Room.
Currently there are 211 signatures to have Josephine Butler put on our bank notes. Make sure you add your support by signing the petition at http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/ petitions/58671
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Josephine Butler Graduates 2014 Syed Taha Abrar Ali Al Eid Isabella Alexandroff Mohammad Alibrahim Abdulrahman Alqahtani Mohammed Alshareef Matthew Armitage Lucy Astill Afopefoluwa Atoyebi Rebecca Austin Aimee Backhouse Olaonipekun Bakare Hannah Barker Elizabeth Barratt Claire Barton Joseph Barwick Adrienne Battrick-Watkin Francois Baudouin Hannah Bennett-Ford Kate Bennetts Sajan Bhakoo Samuel Bidwell Rhianne Binnersley Matthew Birkbeck Edward Bligh Phillipe Bosher Chloe Boyd Nikeel Boyd-Shah Jennifer Bratton Bethany Broadbent Jack Bryan Andrew Bunt Simon Bush Lee Byrne Holly Carter Zachary Cave Kwun Chan Iakov Chechik Tsui-Yee Cheng Natdanai Chewpreecha Francis Chmiel William Christie Alvin Chua Thomas Clarke James Clarke Sophie Clough Alexander Coles Laura Collins Paul Collins Jason Colville Joseph Cook Miranda Cooper
Roisin Craig Thea Crawfurd Svensen Reuben Curteis Ruth Daniels Matthew Dann Sarah Davies Elizabeth Day Ajay Dhillon Monika Dimitrova Olivia Dodd Jennifer Draper Alice Driscoll Mark Eade Daniel Easom Courtney Edgar Robert Edge Emma Ellwood Johanne Rokke Elvebakken Maria Eracleous James Fahy Adam Fairley Stephanie Falconer Katie Farrar Samuel Farrington Jamal Filmpan Ann-Marie Foster Helena French Chun Fung Jonathan Gabriel Jennifer Gant Sabrina Gardner Melanie Garry Simone Gelmetti Laura Glover Theodora Gosden-Hood Hope Grant Catherine Gray Liam Green James Greer Christina Hadjinicolaou Haji Haji Ramlee Emily Hand Clare Higgins Raoul Hodgson Lydia Howe Michael Hudson Susanna Hudson Alexander Hughes Simon Hunter Nicola Hyatt Adaobi Ifedi Faye Jacklin
Philip Jackson Emma Jackson Caroline Jackson Daniel Jaffe Megan Johnson Naomi Johnston Natasha Kay Jenna Keir Mohammad Khan Mohammed Khan Jack King Cheuk Lai Robert Lambton Julie Langaas Ruby Lawrence Christopher Le Cornu Olivia Lewis Emily Lister Rebecca Livesey Kate Lloyd Katherine Lumsden Claire Lywood Curtis Marshall Christopher Martin Jennifer Martin James Martin Natalie McClelland Janice McGrevy Lucy McKenna Sarah McManamon Christopher McNeill Rachel McPhail Siri Minsaas Leni Mjaland Samantha Moody Rachel Moses Kathryn Mossor Laura Mounsey Elizabeth Mude Hannah Mueller Oliver Muir Hannah Nagel Alexander Nugee Natasha O'Dowd Samuel Padbury Georgina Page Chelsey Parker Elinor Pattison James Philpott Marisa Plater James Priest Grace Ranola
Elizabeth Redmond Timothy Reynolds James Roberts Alexander Robertson Katherine Rodriguez Galvan Jasmine Rogers Samantha Ross Matthew Rowland Alice Rowland Henry Roynon-Jones Kenny Sangha Tom Shores Rebecca Sills Jennifer Simmons Sylvia Sit Michael Spiers Nicolo Staffieri Lucy Stevens Samuel Stuart Louise Taylor Stephanie Taylor Grace Taylor Lucy Thayer Laurence Thomas Chloe Threadgold Alexander Trembath Joanna Turner-Attwell Hannah Twynam Ashish Vij Jason Vojack Emma Wakefield Daniel Waller Bin Wang Samuel Ward Emily Ward Jillian Ward Rachel Warren David Whittle Thomas Wightman Nicholas Williams Sophie Williams Eleanor Williams Matthew Williams Jessica Williams Bray Kaisha Windred Rachel Wood Lydia Woolway Ryan Yeoh Wenli Zeng Qiulin Zeng
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