1 minute read
LOST ART OF SERENDIPITY “Luciana’s Nonna shared a taste of her family’s Grappa.”
A morning’s walk on the beach leads to a chance invitation to hear a haunting remembered story of a villager’s experience during the landing in Normandy. A wrong turn down an ancient alleyway in Lecce and you’re sharing a glass of wine at an outdoor caffè with a local gossip from two Borgos over who loves to air his town’s dirty laundry – all while negotiating the price of handpressed olive oil with his friend. You are lost amid the colours and aromas of the spice street, dodging passing trays of tea in Istanbul’s souk – all without a care in the world. We know that the secret to travelling well is opening our hearts and minds to chance encounters that happen along the way. While it’s true that each B&R day is planned to perfection, our itineraries are structured to allow for the unexpected, and our guides encourage these singular moments.