I was honest, upfront, and I used humor. It's like a secret weapon. No one ever expects someone who was put down to be silly about it. It's the element of surprise. Like raisins in a carrot cake... That's not as fun of a surprise. You can be sarcastic and witty to a bully. *Bullies don't think that far in advance for a humorous come back. They think that you aren't going to fight back* Maybe humor isn't your thing. The possibilities are endless. You can be the bigger person and ignore it. Or maybe you want to be blunt and tell the bully to "Knock it off!" You can walk away. That's not cowardly, it's grown up and mature. However you choose to handle a bully is all up to you. The main objective is that said bully leaves you alone. So bust...show more content...
I feel rejuvenated. I truly get a clean slate and recharge. Exercise Positivity Going on a nice run and blasting my music just gets my mood set. I feel accomplished, empowered, and proud that I did something good for my health Sometimes all it takes to get out of a funk and get through the day is a few positive words. One thing that helped me get through a lot of hard days was writing. I would write letters to myself and say anything and everything I could in my power to build myself back up after being torn down. On the next few pages I would like to write your very own pep talk, like I have done for myself on the next page. And whenever you are feeling down on yourself, come back and look at it. It's a pick me up that may work for you. Give it a shot! Writing Your Pep Talk When writing a pep talk or a positive not here are a few do's and don'ts Do: Speak highly of yourself Don't: Compare yourself to others Do: Write down how you feel Don't: put blame on anyone. Do: Write solutions that will make you happier Don't: Dwell. You have a chance in the letter to clarify that things aren't going your way but don't make the whole letter about that. Dwelling ruins every shot at you becoming
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Bully: Poem Analysis
Bullying is a type of behavior that hurts, humiliates or harms another person physically or emotionally. For instance, Take Josh. He was a 7th grade student in a small town where his dad lives still to this day he was a boy with short golden hair. In his first year of middle school, kids taunted him and spit on him in the hallways. It didn't occur to him to tell his parents or teachers. Finally, when a group of 20 kids threatened to beat him up at the carwash the next day, he finally told his older brother, who in turn informed his parents. His dad looked up his main tormentor's phone number in the phone book and told her dad to make his daughter stop or he'd contact the police. It worked. Josh's story is a story to tell others and studies show that each year kids just like Josh are victims of bullying. Over 3.2 million school aged students are bullied each year according to https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11–facts–about–bullying resulting in about 160,000 staying home from school because of it. 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester. Josh was bullied so badly in the worst ways and he decided to tell and it changed his life, you can make the decision to tell yourself or let others, but don't just sit there and let the bullies be mean, if josh wouldn't have told his brother then josh would have had bruises all over his face after school. If you see someone getting bullied i suggest you tell someone it will change someone's life. There are several types of bullying. One form of bullying is verbal. People can be verbally bullied by name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks. Another type of bullying is cyber bullying. People are cyber–bullied by being harassed online, cyberstalking, outing, and catfished. The terms outing and Catfishing are not well–known but they are truly terrible. Outing is the public display or forwarding of personal communications such as text messages, emails or instant messaging. If you don't know what Catfishing is, it is a person who fakes there age on an online account and tries luring out young people, and many teens. There has been some others who have started talking sexualy Get
Informative Essay About Bullying
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Why Do It
Alexis Helmin Bullying is a dangerous problem that exists in society today. Many teens have experienced it. Unfortunately there are lots of different ways to bully a victim. Cyber bullying, is a popular way to attack a victim online. Physical bullying, is another form that is commonly used. Whatever the type, the outcome can be devastating. People are cyber bullied all the time. It's how the people who see, do, and experience it that matters. More specifically the people who see bullying happening are the bystanders and upstanders. Upstanders are the people who see bullying and do something about it. Bystanders are the ones who see bullying and don't do anything about it, they often silent or join in. With such a big audience it could be harder to stand up to the bully then. Thats one reason the bully does it online. They can also stay anonymous and can form a clique of people and bystanders. It is easier to...show more content...
It can be dangerous for the bully, victim, and the people around them. Although physical bullying is more commonly thought of as beating someone up. It can be just as harmful using words. "Words can hurt too" is a quote from an expert. It is used to remind people that what they say can hurt someone just as much as a slap across the face. Naturally when someone starts a fight, they get consequences such as detention, suspension, and they can get expelled. If parents or teachers don't do something about it immediately, it could get worse the bully might think that they have more power on their victim. Physical bullying can be biased on different things, someone might bully because of weight, gender, religion or beliefs, and wealth. Over 3.2 million students are victims of physical bullying each year. About 160,000 teens stay home from school if fear of bullies. That is a true fact. Most victims grades drop and some end up dropping out of school. Along with other causes such
Why Bullying Is Bad
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Purpose: To inform the audience on bullying.
Thesis: The effect bullying has on students.
Attention getter: Bullying, we have all been a victim and we have all been the bully whether we have noticed or not.
Relevance: Everyday bullying happens all around us and nobody seems to lift a finger to stop it.
Credibility: Growing up I was always a victim of bullying, because of this I have became depressed, my anxiety is through the roof and my self confidence is the lowest it has ever been. I started getting bullied in the fourth grade, my classmates would make fun of my freckles, my hair color, the way I dressed and so much more, they didn't realize that maybe I was going through a hard time at home and they could have been hurting...show more content...
This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied, since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world." It is very important for you to realize that there are many different forms of bullying, there is physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional bullying and cyberbullying. Physical and verbal bullying are the 2 methods often used in our classrooms and hallways, Admin bullying be demographic explains both types well, "Physical Bullying: is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do something.""Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning language to tear down another's self–image. Bullies who use verbal techniques Get
Bullying Outline
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Effects Of Bullying Essay
Effects of Bullying
Bullying is a serious issue in today's society. It can affect the well–being of the offender, bystander, and target. It can happen almost anywhere and anytime in privacy, in schools, at places of employment, and even in neighborhoods. Bullying can be classified as being physical, emotional, verbal or social which known as cyber bullying. There are various types of bullying experienced in schools among the students like: teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting, spitting, and embarrassing others in public. All these actions may assault one's dignity. Bullying is a serious problem in schools today. Most students become bullies due to stress from home life or low academic performance. Bullying also is due to lack ...show more content... Once a person has been bullied, they may be reluctant to participate in activities where he or she might be ridiculed, such as in sports, on the playground, in classroom activities or public speaking. Aside from its long–term effects, some outcomes of bullying can be seen and felt immediately. When one student calls another student names, the victim might cry and a bruise might appear after a physical punch to the arm. However, some effects of bullying are not always obvious immediately. The results of bullying might appear over time causing damaging effects for a longer period of time or for a lifetime.
Bullying has some clear–cut causes and effects on individuals by the accuser. There are many reasons why victims are being targeted. The first cause is the revenge or authority for themselves through bullying. The accuser might have had a difficult lifestyle at home with parents fighting and arguing which lead to abuse or divorce. They might just be jealousy or frustrated toward the victim. Perhaps having inadequate understanding and lack of empathy towards the individual or the urge for attention. Undoubtedly, the use of physical violence on their victim to maintain control of their victim is a more serious and has a longer lasting outcomes of emotional disorder. Finally, in most cases, individuals bully others to gain Get
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Tarik El–Ali University Success
103 September 24, 2011 Monte McKay
Take a Stand on Bullying
Bullying is a form of verbal and physical abuse that needs to stop. It takes place every day all over the world. It represents the attacking of someone that is stronger mentally, emotionally and physically attacking someone that is weaker in all of these fields.Bullying has long term effects on its victims such as mental and emotional stress that can carry on into the future. Bullying has been around for a while now. "Bullying is so long established in our society and schools that is often ignored and considered as "part of normal behavior during growing up"(Dracic, S. 2009)....show more content...
Bullying doesn't always happen at school or in person. A lot of bullying takes place over the internet. Cyber bullying has been defined as ''willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices'' (Hinduja & Patchin, 2009). When kids get caught bullying at physically at school they then take it to electronic devices where it is harder for them to get caught. They produce face accounts on websites to torment and torture kids that are weaker than them, such as making fake accounts on Facebook or MySpace. In this study it says "There is a difficulty of detecting the misbehavior, identifying the offending party, proving of verifying the wrongdoing" (Hinduja, S., &Patchin, J.W. 2010). We need to set rules and make sure that cyber bullying comes to an end.
People that bully others should face severe consequences. We should have laws and rules that lean heavily against bullying. I believe that schools should hold more meetings for teachers to educate kids on the severe outcomes of bullying. Schools are becoming better at educating kids on the effects of bullying, "Fortunately, schools have strategies to prevent bullying. These strategies are most effective when they are part of a comprehensive prevention program implemented at the district, school, and classroom levels. Research indicates that schools can cut bullying by as much as 50% with a comprehensive school wide
Essay Take a Stand Bullying
a Stand Essay
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Definition Of Bullying Essay
The terms bully and the act of bullying are defined in many ways. From a blustering quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people to "instances when a child is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students" to being later fully defined as including the intention to cause harm as well as a power differential in which the less powerful person is being attacked. The most recent definition of bullying is, "as an aggressive behavior or intentional harm doing that is carried out repeatedly and over time in an interpersonal relationship characterized by an actual or perceived imbalance of power or strength". Since bullying has such a wide array of definitions it is often handled differently for each situation....show more content...
Physical bullying is when one person hits or kicks another or causes property damage. Verbal bullying is the use of words by using insults, name calling towards one another, or making fun of someone. Relational bullying is shunning someone out of a group of excluding one from an event, rejecting someone or avoiding them. This often takes place between girls. The last main form of bullying is reactive bullying where the individual is both the victim and the bully. This is often a method used against being bullied. Females often are victims to verbal bullying or spreading rumors about one another while males tend to bully each other physically and verbally. When the bullying pushes the victim too far, the consensuses are often life
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Causes Of Bullying Essay
Bullying: The Need to Control Bullying and cyber bullying is extremely common throughout schools and is a major problem that needs attention. The current rules and punishments for bullying in schools are not enough and not enforced. life is a tough journey but, not everyone is a fighter. The fault in finding solutions to this problem is that no one has come up with a successful solution to resolve the situation. Bullying is a serious matter that needs to be stopped. When it comes to bullying the definition is often misunderstood. Bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly cause hurt or harm to a person who feels helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time if no action is taken. People may be bruised, injured, or even killed. Parents, relatives, friends, and pictures may all influence people, especially when they are depressed or in a lowered state of mind to bully someone. Some parents have lost their children to suicide due to "bullying" or "Cyber Bullying", while siblings suffer the loss of losing a brother or sister. Bullying has become a national epidemic throughout elementary schools, middle schools and high schools in America. "Cyber Bullying" has grown in recent years due to the increase usage of technology and mobile devices. Cyber–bullying issues are more likely to happen at schools, social networking, and mobile phones. The person being bullied will be noticed when one appears to be angry, depressed or get
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Bullying is defined as unwanted or aggressive behavior that causes someone to feel afraid or intimidated. This behavior could be something physical, verbal, or something done electronically or through social media. If someone feels threatened by someone's actions or words, it could be considered bullying, even if that was not the intent.There are many types of bullying, how to recognize bullying, how to report bullying, what to do if you see incidents of bullying, and what resources are available to persons who have been bullied. Some people believe that bullying is only seen on television or in the movies but it is a real life issue that is seen and experienced by many every day. People of all ages, races, cultures and backgrounds are affected. There are some who are embarrassed to report bullying but it occurs every day, everywhere. It is important to learn about and understand what causes people to be bullies, as well as understand the effects that being bullied can have on a person.It is important for people to understand all sides of bullying, from the signs of someone being bullied to what you can do to prevent it.
Physical bullying occurs mostly at school.According to bullying.gov Middle school is the age when bullying is most common. Almost all middle school students are being affected directly or indirectly by bullying. Students who bully others often have trouble with self–control, following the rules and caring for each other. In the future they may have
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Bullying And Bullying : Bullying
Advice for Dealing With Bullying
"If you are worried discuss this with a teacher." Bullying is not easy to define. Sometimes it involves hitting or kicking. But threats, teasing, and taunting are more common and can be more damaging.
The word 'bullying' is used to describe many different types of behaviour ranging from teasing or deliberately leaving an individual out of a social gathering or ignoring them, to serious assaults and abuse. Sometimes it is an individual who is doing the bullying and sometimes it is a group.
The important thing is not the action but the effect on the victim. No–one should ever underestimate the fear that a bullied child feels. This advice sums up the most important actions to take –If someone in...show more content... I wasn't any wealthier or poorer or a different race.
I used to cry myself to sleep every night. I was miserable. My parents knew and they talked to the headmaster but he wasn't interested and said he couldn't do anything about it. My parents knew all the bullies' parents. One girl even lived in the same street and we had been friends since we were two. Like a sheep she dumped me because no–one else talked to me. This all happened in primary 6 and I have lost nearly all my self–confidence and hate being on my own. I'd hate to think this was happening to anyone else. I have a fear that if one girl doesn't talk to me they will all start again and it will never stop. I don't want it to go on for the rest of my school life. I couldn't cope." (girl, 14)
A Bully
"I have never actually set out to bully someone myself. It usually comes about when someone is being annoyed and provides an amusing reaction that I begin to join in. At the time you do not see it as bullying, although you may have doubts later. I do not think there is anyone at school who has not bullied someone in one way or another." (boy, 16) A Parent
Advice for Dealing With Bullying Essay
"My daughter has been bullied since she was at primary school. Daily she is called names like 'bitch' and 'slag'. We have tried everything but no–one listens. She has threatened to kill herself. All she wants is to be a happy kid at school with friends. I don't want Get more content
Imagine being in such a deep feeling about bullying. One book that I am interested in reading is called, Dear bully, by Laurie Faria Stolarz. This book is very interesting because books that are about bullying show a deep feeling to the reader which makes myself attracted to this book. This book can lead myself to learn how to communicate, and how to deal with other people when I am bullied. The book, Dear bully, is an interesting book for me to read so I can learn different things. One reason that the book, Dear bully, is interesting because books that show about bullying makes the reader produce a deep feeling about the character in the book. Lauren Kate is the main character of this story and tries to deal with other people when being
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Dear Bully Book Report
Many people do not realize how serious bullying has become. If you look at statistics suicides due to bullying have increased over just a few short years. This has become a very big problem for not only the victim but the bully as well as it affect both of them. School bullying is mentally destructive to not only the victims, but bullies because of the harmful words, harassment, and physical violence involved as well as the consequences for the bully.
The general definition of bullying is, "... [This] states that a person is being bullied when he or she is exposed repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons" (Aluede et al. 3). There are two different variations in bullying type such as direct and ...show more content...
The most common type of bullying among females is verbal bullying ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This type of psychological bullying uses derogatory terms to demean, or lower, the victim in the eyes of others to show that the bully has power over them ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This causes the person to have low self–esteem and develop depression in that victim ("Verbal Bullying" 1). Verbal bullying is the most psychologically damaging and lasts well into adulthood (Aluede et al. 6). "[Words] have a power all their own, and the realities of verbal bullying can have very physical consequences, even if the aggressor never lays a finger on the victim" ("Verbal Bullying" 1) In more severe cases of verbal bullying, or any bullying for that matter, can lead to drugs because the victim wants to escape his or her tortured life, in more extreme cases if the person's depression worsens it could lead to suicide ("Verbal Bullying" 1).
The well–organized ripping away of respect and affection is called, emotional [bullying] (Deal.org 1). Emotional bullying can be as simple as ignoring the person's feelings, not listening, forcing the victim to do something they would not normally do, and by laying a guilt trip on the victims backs to manipulate that person to do what the bully want (Deal.org 1). "Emotional [bullying] leaves the victim with hidden scars that often result in insecurity, poor self–esteem, Get more content
School Bullying Essay
Around 160,000 kids stay home from school each day because they are afraid of what will happen if they do go, and Nearly 4400 people kill themselves a year from being bullied ("Get The Facts"). Your friend is being bullied and they do not feel the need to tell anyone. You do not see the signs that someone is bullying them, so you have no way of helping them. You can tell their attitude has changed, but you just blow it off like it is nothing. One day you call them to see if they want to hang out. They do not answer so you call over and over again. You decide to go to their house to see what they are doing and why they will not answer. You knock on the door and nobody will answer it so you see if it is unlocked and it is. You walk in and call...show more content...
Bullying is known as aggressive behavior towards someone, there are three types of bullying, verbal, social, and physical bullying (Capeless). Cyberbullying is another type of bullying, which is when people bully others on social media ("Prevent Bullying"). "Bullying is the most common form of violence" (Capeless). Bullies can be found anywhere, such as school, online, or any type of social environment ("Stand Up To Bullying"). If individuals start to see signs of bullying it should be prevented before it begins and becomes worse than it should be. Whenever people see someone being bullied there is always a way to prevent it, such as reporting it or talking to someone about it ("Prevent Bullying"). Verbal abuse is usually constant, but physical abuse can be even worse by middle school and then weaken or go away by high school. "72% of teens report "at least one incident"of bullying online (name calling, insults via IM or social networking sites)" (Capeless). If there is a parent and their child is being bullied, they need to try and help in any way they can. It may be hard at times, but people can somehow prevent it from happening by just being there for them or talking to them about it (Dorothy 233). People can also come together with their community and try to stop bullying from happening by communicating with others and coming up with a plan ("Prevent Bullying"). How would you feel if you or someone close to you was being
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Stand Up To Bullying Essay
Bullying, is using superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying affects many people differently. For some people it influences depression and suicidal thoughts. Bullying also may cause people to start bullying also. I was bullied when I was younger and it made me feel like I had no self worth. I believe victims of bullying should be able to talk to anyone that they are comfortable with, whether it may be a parent, trusted adult, a friend, or school administrator. As long as they feel safe with the person they are discussing with it's fine. Sometimes parents do not know how to handle things professionally, I get that this is their child that they love and care for...show more content... Sometimes the bully turns out to be one of the victims friends. People change, for better or for worse. This is probably because of peer pressure. The bullies think it'll make them look cool, either that or they do it to feel good about themselves. Putting others down makes them feel like they have control over everyone. Another thing is when the bully has been previously bullied they want someone else to feel the same pain they felt. Some bullies even brag about the horrible things they are doing to others. Also the administrators may lack the sympathy that parents may have. The administrator could just be doing it because they have to. Of course some teachers actually care about the students well–being, but if I said all did that would be a lie. The bullies and victims are like broken glass, it's dangerous to touch but once you pick it up and put it back together it's beautiful again. The cracks are the memories that will stay there forever. The person must be very dedicated into fixing the vase no matter how many cuts they get from handling the vase. The cuts will heal and they may or may not leave a scar. But in the end all that matters is that the vase is put back together. The effects of bullying last all the way into adulthood. Studies shows that people that are bullied as kids are less mentally healthy as adults. Bullying leaves mental and physical scars. The victims usually
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Bully Essay : The Causes And Effects Of Bullying
Bullying is one of the biggest problems with teenagers. Most of it stems from stereotypes, that unjustifiably portrays who a person actually is. It also comes from certain stigma's like mental illness or even someones weight. Even from rumors and misinformation. It makes them feel that their schooling environment is not safe. If student's are not comfortable in their environment then they will not concentrate on what is certainly more important, their education. This causes grades to drop and for students to feel less confident in everything they do.
Assuming who someone is based on a stereotype leads to problems, like bullying, discrimination, and inequality. Any young adult has experienced bullying in one form or another. Either they have been bullied, or have seen someone bullied. Or even they have been the bully themselves. It is a constant part of a persons life, but that has to change. People have to stand together to stop bulling and expel all stereotypes. They should be taught that there are no consequences that come with speaking up. But, because most people think...show more content... One of the reasons for that was I moved around a lot, and that made it hard for me to fit in. My parents both work in restaurants, my dad is a cook and my mother is a waitress. So when the tourists leave it makes it hard to for them to earn money. When they could not earn enough to support me and my three siblings we would move. Always being the new kid is never easy especially when you change schools in the middle of the year. I am also a massive nerd so most of the kids thought I was weird. In elementary school I used to get picked on because of that. Once I reached middle I was never called names, I was just not apart of any of the cliques. I mostly kept to myself. Once I reached high school that all started to change, I began being a part of things and I had friends. But I think that my experiences as a kid taught me to become a better
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Why Is Bullying Wrong Essay
Bullying Narrative Essay
Adrianna M. Weaver
Composition 1
Narrative Essay
My narrative essay is about my experiences of being bullied. This essay further discusses what can be done to help prevent bullying. Bullying is aggressive behavior that is unwanted. Bullying uses power to overtake another person physically, emotionally, or mentally. A lot of times the bully uses popularity as a standing or means of attack, picking on/bullying the not so popular students or peers. Bullying is repetitive. Very rarely is a bullying situation a one and done ordeal. There are many different types of bullying, the most common types are verbal, physical, cyber, and social. Verbal and social bullying are very similar. Verbal bullying consists of threats, name–calling, teasing/taunting and inappropriate comments. Social bullying is spreading rumors about a person, embarrassing someone in public or at a school setting, leaving someone out or purposely excluding them and also telling people/peers not to be friends with another person for some reason. Cyber bullying is an ever increasing type of bullying. Cyber bullying is the act of bullying someone with the use (abuse) of technology, through...show more content... You need to not be so sensitive." If the child being verbally bullied was to record the bullies, the bullied student can get in trouble for "recording without permission." Also, unfortunately if the bullied student is to a point of contemplating suicide, and carries through with the action, and were to die, the school may respond with "Oh, we wish the student had come to us and talked to us we could have done something to put an end to the bullies." Students report bullying to the school and nothing happens to put end to
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Each year, bullying affects the lives of at least 3.2 million students across the globe. While some schools tend to look over bullying, many schools have started to reprimand their students for even the slightest act of bullying. However, bullying does not start and end in the school. Bullying starts in the home and it is the responsibility of the parents to encourage their children to be kind and respectable people. In the times of social media and the internet, bullying is a bigger problem than it has ever been. Even though bullying has always been a problem in the lives of adolescents, it is ultimately the responsibility of parents and school faculty to make sure bullying is stopped in it's tracks and does not become a bigger problem than it already is. There are many ways to reduce bullying in schools, a few of those being immediate consequences for bullying, talking with the parents of the bully, and making sure the school is well monitored. However, the first step in ending bullying starts with the bullied child reporting the bullying, but before a student reports an act of bullying, they must first feel that they are in a safe and comfortable environment. Kathryn Whitted and David Dupper provide a few suggestions on how schools can make their students feel safer in their article, "Best Practices for Preventing or Reducing Bullying in Schools". Whitted and Dupper, through extensive research, found that students are more likely to report bullying if there
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Bullying In School Essay
That they are bully They hated her pale snow face, her waiting silence, her thinness, and her possible future. "Get away!" The boy gave her another push. "What're you waiting for?"hey hated her pale snow face, her waiting silence, her thinness, and her possible future. "Get away!" The boy gave her another push. "What're you waiting for?"That William did not like how she saying that see the sun"Aw, you didn't write that!" protested one of the boys. "I did," said Margot, "I did." "William!" said the teacher. It shows how a lot of people did not like how she said she saw the sun but in the movie, they made fun of her and they put her in a room That they did not like her and they want to ignore her so they start to bully her in the story and movie.All
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Bully: A Narrative Fiction
Violence in schools is an ongoing problem. Students verbally and mentally abuse each other on a daily basis. Verbal abuse is the most precedent. These students are usually titled as bully's or having aggressive behavior. Girls have a tendency to indirectly bully, and boys have a tendency to physically bully other students. Bullying is a misbehavior that has to be resolved by looking at what is causing the behavior. It is not something that can be tolerated in schools, and classrooms. Bullying or aggressive behavior can be defined in many ways. The child pushes people around, may threaten other students, and can have a bad temper. Usually the student is extremely negative. Bullies perceive everyone is against them. They demean...show more content... Many things can cause misbehavior. There are three key causes of the misbehaving bully attention, power, and self–confidence. The bully who seeks attention enjoys the attention they get from other students and peers. They may not know the difference between positive and negative attention, and are just happy to get any. The bully who seeks power uses his power over others to threaten them and physically hurt them. By physically abusing them, they feel like they're in control. The bully who seeks self–confidence knows what they are doing is wrong, however, it makes their self–concept better. Regardless of what the bully gets out of misbehaving, they are usually revealing needs that aren't being met. Sometimes with boys it's a sexuality struggle. They can only develop a connection by being physically powerful. It can be what the child is learning at home. Another need of the bully is that they feel their lives are so negative that they bully others to make themselves feel better. Other times it's the need of belonging to a group. If they do not fit in they begin to bully others, becoming the leader of their own group. Children, who are being beaten at home, can sometimes act tough at school to show they do have some power. The last need of a typical bully could be they feel bullying puts them in charge of their life, or a feeling of autonomy. There are ways to approach
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Essay on The Bully
The Bully
In this essay, I will be addressing three keywords that have to do with the critical issues I was be discussing in this essay. The critical issue is about a problem that many kids from all the world are struggling on. Many kids are being bullied and aren't getting the help the need for the people are enabling the bullying aren't being punished for their actions. Bullying can lead people to pretty tough situations they can't get out of or pushing them to take someone life away or their own life. The first keyword I will be discussing is innocent. How many innocent lives do we have to lose before we get the message? Across America many kids are bullied and the people who are doing the bully aren't being punished and the people who are being bullied aren't getting the attention they need. In Miller's the Dark Knight of the soul, he mentions, "In March 2001, a skinny kid whom classmates called him Anorexic Andy walked into his high school in Santee, California to reenact his version of Columbine" (Miller, 2017, para. 3). After reading this I wonder, where was the teacher? If an entire class insulted a student, why wasn't the class punished for their actions? This incident didn't have to leave to a school shooting. If the school would've handled the issue before hand, it wouldn't have ended in a tragedy. Families wouldn't have to grieve of the loss of their child. Now, I'm not saying that it's the class faults, I'm saying that we all can put our heads together and punish people for their actions. Because if you think, it's just some words, words are very powerful and they can't hurt a person in way you can never imagine. The second keyword I will be discussing is feelings. In this topic, I will be discussing about how people are never alone and they shouldn't be afraid to reach out for help. In Rodriguez The Achievements of Desire he mentions, "For years I never spoke to anyone about this boyhood fear, my guilt and remorse. I never mentioned these feelings to my parents or my brothers. Not to my teachers or classmates. From a very old age, I understood enough, just enough, about my experiences to keep what I knew vague, repressed, private, beneath layers of embarrassment" (Rodriguez, 2017, para. 6). I picked
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Reflective Essay On Bullying