Advantages And Disadvantages Of E-Learning
There are many challenges facing E–learning and E–assessment. Some of these challenges should be faced by learning management system and other by student. these challenges can be described as a follow: o In order to make E–learning and E–assessment more effective the student should know how to use the computer or other electronic devices. However, if the student lack computer skills the student could not learn more. o The student should have ability to manage the time. Because of some topics are not suitable for E–learning, a class has to be attend. o In E–learning, the student should be self motivated. There is no teacher student support in order to learn. So the student should be encouraged himself. o Teacher should be familiar to more content... In addition, easy access to material and multiple choice for student to choose type of learning material are considered one of benefits of E–learning. Furthermore, E–learning play important role in improving knowledge among student especially with regard to internet. What is more, in E–learning there are no time limits for learning so the student can learn every day and at any possible time. in addition, through the learning management system, the student can ask any question and get ultimate answer which is considered as a
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The Concept of e–learning inclusion into an education begins with the teacher and the manner in which they teach. A simple explanation of the view is that the teacher is the final authority and source of knowledge.The problem for many teachers is transition of teaching in manner than accommodate the use of technology. Mining how they have previously been teaching with the use of technology which gives birth to e–learning. In e–learning, Technology is simply a mean that teachers may use in different ways in the new environment than can affect students and results.A teacher mulls to make use of technology needs to think how it may give a solution a problem of teaching they have within their learning environment. To overcome this problem in teaching use of e–readers could be the best way. It also overcomes the problem to a lack of textbooks. Another way could be helping students understand new ideas and concepts with the help e–learning platform. Many service organizations in society have used internet technology effectively to improve the quality or innovations in their services [1–7].
E– Learning is a meaningful term that pertains to teaching, learning and the creating educational environment. Some examples of using technologies in e–learning classrooms are below:
One–to–Many: Online classes. It includes lecture notes, quiz and assignment. The viewing of videos or other previously prepared material at a hub. The teacher
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Perceptions of E–learning by Management Trainees in a Small, Fast–Food Restaurant Small businesses in the United States are significant drivers of economic growth, job creation, wealth, and the embodiment of the "American Dream" (Chow & Dunkelberg, 2011; Valadez, 2012). In 2013, The Small Business Administration estimated there were "28.8 million small businesses that accounted for 99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms, 33.6% of known export value ($471 billion out of $930 billion), 33.6% of known export value ($471 billion out of $930 billion), 48.0% of private–sector employees (57 million out of 118 million employees), and 41.2% of private–sector payroll" (The U.S. Small Business Administration, 2016). These staggering numbers show more content...
As a small business human resource professional, I was particularly interested in understanding more about management trainee perceptions of E–learning in a small business context because of my current situation. My current organization recently started utilizing E–learning modules in our customer service focused training program. Customer service is a fundamental component in customer retention, setting us apart from the competition, and is the major ingredient in a profitable fast–food restaurant. The importance of customer service to a profitable fast–food restaurant makes evaluating the training provided through E–learning important to the organization and me alike. In this study, I will start this evaluation process by exploring the perceptions of E–learning by management trainees in a small, fast–food restaurant.
Problem Statement The fast–food industry is a customer–centric industry where excellent food quality and customer satisfaction will be met with prosperity, but unfortunately, many fast–food restaurants fall short of these expectations, ultimately leading to declining sales or even closure. E–learning is an essential training tool being utilized to enhance the instruction of management staff on providing excellent customer satisfaction and food quality procedures. Positive learning
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Essay On E-Learning
Teaching tools have changed dramatically from blackboards and chalks to whiteboards and smart boards in the last few years. Along with this natural evolution of teaching tools comes the internet with electronic learning (E–learning) as a great resource for students. E–learning consists of all forms of electronic delivery that supports learning and training. E–learning give students control over their learning process. Nonetheless, having the internet so close to one's fingertips could sometimes hinder the learner's experiential learning. Simple teaching strategies associated with using the internet make it a useful tool for students around the globe. Thus, E–learning is essential because it provides the student with an easy to use, more content... Those interactions are even a great aid for foreign students. Text captioning is one of those aids, as it provides an opportunity for the learner to get the most out of a lecture, rather than solely the main concepts. What these interactions offer is far more than just a student aid; they provide flexibility in this fast–paced world. E–learning gives the learners a control over their learning process, and so responsibility. The instructor's part is to provide the presentations and the media available for a specific course to the entire learners enrolled in that specific course. Thus, every member of that course will receive the same materials for their own benefit, which creates a unified learning experience. A unified learning experience helps to increase the intellectual development of the college students. Yet, for high school students it is another story, as the use of internet showed a gender difference in the helpfulness the internet gave. While, female students used the internet for emailing and homework, male students were more likely to use it for gaming and emailing (Chen, 2009, Pg. 985). Yes, that leaves a lot of responsibility to the student to take ownership of their learning which seems to vary from a generation to another, according to Mike Larvin a professor at the royal college of surgeons of England. It is believed that novice surgeons have been exposed to E–learning more often
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e–Learning – Developments, Benefits and the Future Definition
In its expanded form, e–Learning simply means electronic learning. There are many ‎interpretations and extrapolations of these simple two words combined. A lengthy, but ‎comprehensive definition of e– Learning has been developed and used by the intergovernmental ‎organization know as the Commonwealth of Learning (COL). This agency posts the following ‎definition:‎
‎"Online learning and e–learning – terms that have emerged to describe the application of ‎information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enhance distance education, ‎implement open learning policies, make learning activities more flexible and enable those ‎learning activities to be distributed among more content...
‎‎(p.175). If learners cannot access the learning tool, the name of the tool has no significance. The ‎bottom line remains that "it is the interconnectivity supplied by the Internet, and the huge ‎resources made available through the World Wide Web, that are the primary underpinnings of e– ‎Learning." (Holmes & Gardner, 2013, p.46)‎
Recent Developments Beginning with the first recorded patent granted in 1886 to Halcyon Skinner for and ‎apparatus for teaching spelling (Dills & Romiszowski, 1997, p.218) to the first Psychologist ‎developed learning machine for rote and drill learning in the 1920 's (Pressey, 1926), each decade ‎has recorded its dance with technology and education. However notable the developments of ‎the twentieth century, it is the developments of last decade that have grown the technology that ‎fuels the potential of e– Learning today.‎ Web 2.0‎ Born in 2003 after the crash or 2001, one of its fathers Tim O 'Reilly has this to ‎say about Web 2.0 marking its year and a half birthday. "Web 2.0" has clearly taken hold, with ‎more than 9.5 million citations in Google. But there 's still a huge amount of disagreement about ‎just what Web 2.0 means, with some people decrying it as a meaningless marketing buzzword, ‎and others accepting it as the new conventional wisdom." (O 'Reilly, 2005) Born out of ‎necessity, Get
E Learning : Developments, Benefits And Future
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E– Learning in training has tremendous influence and foothold all over the world including in India and pushing them toward success. Innovative technology is the key that develops the human resource base to improving people's lives. Rapid innovation in ICT is transforming the way employees work, the way they interact, and the way they learn and apply in their day to day work. Centred on information technologies and the power that they increasingly wield within the global economy, it can be asserted that e–learning has drivers that previous learning technologies lacked. E–learning is a result of both rapid technological change and a response to the changes happening in culture and society itself. This provides opinion to a wide range more content...
India is trying to address this gap by employing various strategies and methods and there is still massive scope for improvement in this field. Comparing India with other countries, it cannot precisely be done due to the type of problems and diversities that it has. Diversity of geographical regions is a huge challenge and on of the main issues that needs to assist. Compared to present world standards, is still definitely deficient. When Indian economy was growing at a rate of 3.5 %, it had a surplus manpower. Even today about 6.5 lakh people go out of India every year. But now when Indian economy had started growing at 8–9 %, there is shortage. Currently economy becoming globally linked, manufacturing practices, technology, etc. has started becoming a little old–fashioned comparing to global standard (Asim Choudhury 2005). Need for e–learning The need for advancement has been increasing and there would never be adequate amount of skilled labour available in the labour market; in addition to it, the number and range of skills required of the average employee is increasing. Skills required are changing so quickly that they're outdated within a few months of introduction along with technologies and business practices. E–learning acts as a training tool that provides flexibility, accessibility to the user.
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E- Learning Essay
Positive And Negative Effects Of E-Learning
A lot of people are heading to E–learning. E–learning is a short form of internet learning. That means if the person want to have E–learning he should ably online. E–leaning is the newest way of education in this century. So in the last few years a lot of people start to get their learning online. E–learning offers manes major to learn, open time to get learned, a degree of the major. AlsoE–learning could be in anywhere or in anytime. Because of that E–learning can be useful for workers, house wives, and mothers. But most of people are not aware of the negative effects of E–learning. Not fair, less method, and effects the health these are three main effects of E–learning.
First, E–learning is not a fair way to get our education from. E–learning could abuse student. The abuse that the student will face from the E–learning shows that this kind of learning is not useful. For example, E–learning does not have any trustiness. Any student could get high greed in E–learning. If the student studies hard or the student cheats no one could know. If there is any test or exam they could open their books and answered the question easily without the teacher knowledge. In E–learning all what the student need is user and password. more content...
Therefore even if the online education is the most advances step in the education now a day it is not the good way to learn. No mater of what level of advance we are now still the old schools is the best. Student can share their day, information, and knowledge. So for the people who are thinking of completing their education or parents who want their kids to get learned register in real schools. Real schools let the student have a lot of specifications like collaboration, interlocutor, friendly, and courage. That will help the student build his personality. It also prepares the student to be active in his own
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Examples Of Pedagogical Model Of E-Learning
Pedagogical Models for e–Learning
2.1 Preamble Pedagogical models constitute one of three main components in the e–learning continuum. The other two components are instructional strategies and pedagogical tools or online learning technologies. All three components work in tandem to provide the outline for a theory–based design framework to facilitate the orchestration of learning activities to deliver online learning. In simple term, the mechanism by which they function can be likened to a set of cogwheels setting in motion all activities relative to the dimension of teaching and learning and driving the dynamics triggered by a set of predetermined learning objectives to make learning possible. Pedagogical models are pre–cursors to defining instructional strategies. In turn, instructional strategies provide the directions to educators to design learning activities which are accomplished through the use of digital (learning) technologies, encompassing both asynchronous and synchronous communication tools to orchestrate e–learning.
2.2 Pedagogical Models for E–learning
Many pedagogical models have been linked e–learning. During the course of this essay, I shall attempt to identify more content...
If I may conclude, both open learning and distributed learning are very much identical in essence, but as to how and why educators have presented both models as separate entities, is somewhat baffling. Just like open learning, distributed learning transcends the limitations of time and place, regardless of distance, for learners to undertake learning at their convenience, be it in the comfort of their home or at work. Contact with course facilitators is established through the use of both the asynchronous and synchronous modes, such as e–mails, student forums, online discussions, webinars and other forms of computer–assisted digital Get more content
E Learning, Or Electronic Learning
LIS Education through E–Learning M.Thamaraiselvi & M.Manthiramoorthi Librarian & information Assistant Anna Centenary Library Chennai–25 Introduction E–learning, or electronic learning, has been defined a number of different ways in the literature. The American Society for Trainers and Development (ASTD) defines e–learning as "instructional content or learning experiences delivered or enabled by electronic technology. "Electronic technology encompasses everything from Computer–Based Training (CBT), to compact disks (Cds), to web–based applications. However, e–learning has increasingly come to mean "Web–enabled material deployed using the net." In general, e–learning is the expression broadly used to describe "instructional content or learning experience delivered or enabled by electronic technologies" (Ong, Lai and Wang, 2004). Some definitions of e–learning are more restrictive than this one, for example limiting e–learning to content delivery via the internet (Jones, 2003). The broader definition, which will be used for the purposes of this article, can include the use of the internet, intranets/extranets, audio–video tape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV and CD–ROM, not only for content delivery, but also for interaction among participants. More recently, this definition can be further expanded to include mobile and wireless learning applications (Kinshuk, Suhonen, Sutinen, and Goh, 2003). The e–learning
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Literature Review On E-Learning
In the past decades, the web has attracted many educators, and learners. Alomyan (2004) claims that once a learner's profile is determined, hypermedia learning can be easily adapted in a way that best suits that learner. This, essentially underline the role of cognitive style in e–learning. Cognitive style is defined by Riding and Sadler‐Smith (1997) as an individual's consistent approach to organising and processing information during learning.
Recent developments in Web–based implementations have led scholars to reconsider the learning style research in adaptive systems (Akbulut and Cardak, 2012). The academic and corporate worlds are investing in e–learning as a cost–effective method of providing lifelong education (Engelbrecht, 2003). E–learning has completely and totally evolved from a simple medium of instruction. It has become the preferred tool of many organisations and institutions seeking to lower the cost of having a traditional classroom, environmental issues and other related costs associated to it. However, many e–learning initiatives have failed to achieve the success and high levels of payback that were anticipated (Engelbrecht, 2003).
Along came other issues like how to implement it in such a way that it accommodates learners' differences, in this sense, it is necessary to deploy resources to support the learning process in a way that it not only suits the characteristics of a few, but that it adapts to the
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E Learning Is An Online Learning Method
E–learning is an online learning method. It spreads information for learners very effectively by application information technology and internet technology. Here 'E' stands not only for electronic, but also ease of use, effective, extension, engagement and so on. It is quite popular now. In the system of e–learning, there are lots of resources such as data, file information, programs, tutoring software and seminars. These resources form a highly comprehensive and centralized database. An e–learning system forms interaction between learners and teachers. It updates, stores, utilizes and shares tutoring content and information constantly. In the development of Internet, the e–learning system sets up an example of modern education and it changes previous learning concept. Liebowtiz and Frank pointed out that, an e–learning approach can take advantage of coaching and facilitate learning by building online knowledge structure and database. The development of e–learning introduces new methods for learning and leads to drastic changes and revolution in education patterns. ii. Existing Problems
E–learning is accepted and used by more and more higher education programs. However, it will not take the place the traditional classroom teaching due to many weaknesses in current e–learning systems. For example, due to substantial education resources, e–learning system sometimes disorders the information. This makes it difficult to search the information resources that users
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of E Learning Essay
E–learning has contributed into a technology–driven paradigm that has transformed the educational processes by providing creativity, innovation and diverse styles in teaching and learning. In nutshell, it is transferring of knowledge and information to learners using Information and Communication Technologies. E–learning is delivery of contents using extensive technological tools and computers with an intention to provide autonomy and flexibility to learners as well as teachers. The term E–learning is interchangeably used with related terms like virtual learning, online learning, web–based learning, internet learning, distributed learning, networked learning, tele–learning, computer–assisted learning, web–based learning and the likes. However, broadly e–learning refers to delivery of learning objects using electronic technologies. Ally Mohamed (2004) defines online learning as "the use of the Internet to access learning materials; to interact with the content, instructor, and other learners; and to obtain support during the learning process, in order to acquire knowledge, to construct more content... Advantages of e–learning
E–learning is assessed to offer the following advantages; Learner–centric– The teacher provides guidance and facilitate learners in chalking out decisions in respect to learning processes, methodology and content selection, and hence transfers authority over the programme. Flexible Learning– It provides flexibility in terms of place, pace and duration of study. It provides Anytime, Anywhere, Anypace learning which is particularly suitable for the learners pursuing programmes in part–time mode, just–in–time learners and adult learners. Unlimited reach and absence of geographical barriers– Providing access to high quality education to all those who seek it irrespective of age, region, religion and gender. A teacher can instructs thousands of students in different locations at the same time using virtual Get more content
Today e–learning is mostly delivered though the internet, although in the past it was delivered using a blend of computer–based methods like CD–ROM. E–learning provides the learners with the ability to fit learning around their lifestyles, effectively allowing even the busiest person to further a career and gain new qualifications. Overall, traditional learning is expensive, takes a long time and the results can vary.E–learning offers an alternative that is faster, cheaper and potentially better. The term "e–learning" has only been in existence since 1999, when the word was first utilized at CBT systems seminar. Other words also began to spring up in search of an accurate description such as "online learning" and "virtual learning" However, more content...
New and experienced workers alike now had the opportunity to improve upon their industry knowledge base and expand their skill sets. At home individuals were granted access to programs that offered them the ability to earn online degrees and enrich their lives through expanded knowledge. (P, 6, 11).
Key to the concepts of online learning is that a very significant part of the Course delivery and course work takes place virtually, using the internet. At one end of the scale we have 100 percent online course, where learner never meet face–to–face, and all course content and course work takes place online, and at the other end of the scale, a blended option where most course work takes place face– to–face, but is a regular and carefully integrated online component to the course. Online learning is often delivered via a learning 'platform' or Virtual Learning Environment(VLE) also known as a Learner Management System (LMS), or a virtual classroom, a VLE web based platform and which course content can be stored. It is accessed by learner on the internet, and they cannot only see course content, such as documents, audio and video lecture, but also do Get
Of E-Learning
The Pros And Cons
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Better known as electronic learning, e–learning is defined as a "wide set of applications and processes, such as web–based learning, computer–based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. It includes delivery of content via internet, intranet/extranet, LAN/WAN (local area network/ wide area network) audio/videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV, and CD–ROM" (Paul, 2014). E–learning is a developing method to administer education that was adopted, first by institutions of higher education before being used to educate adults in corporations. Today, e–learning is viewed as a cost–effective method to train employees in the corporate world. In the corporate world, administering e–learning content to employees means companies do not have to fund travel costs to employees to travel to training conferences, employees can schedule training around their own schedule, and if desired complete training at home. That is to say, a company can capitalize on an employee's time on the clock by giving them more flexibility to complete training while at work or on their own time at home.
E–learning Design and Transfer of Training While, e–learning can be administered in many different forms as previously described whether through an online interface such as Blackboard or through virtual classrooms. The way these mediums are structured to administer training can have an effect on a learner's ability to; in fact learn something from the training content to
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E Learning : Using Electronic Learning Essay
E–learning has come to dominate the strategic thinking of employers over the past decade in several countries. Only in recent years in India, there has been focus on e–learning, this is due to the recent development in MNC, BPO and IT concerns. This is widely seen due to the connected economy, become intangible and fast growing among organizations. Due to emerging MNC's, globalisation has become one of the most important criteria to increase flexibility of communications, and hence become vital among the organization. Despite the emphasis on e–learning and large investments made on training it is still not clear and ongoing success have not yet been recognized, due to the ongoing structural changes among managements. The problem more content...
It also includes the delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio– and videotape, satellite broadcast, podcast, interactive TV, CD–ROM, and more. E–learning programs are endowed with a training system, which employees can access, where face–to–face instruction is not possible because the very nature is that it is borderless and potentially global in scope. With e–learning methods, training can take place on–demand, and trainees can be given greater control over their learning than ever before (Rosenberg 2001). This increased control has the potential to improve training effectiveness. E–learning courses add value to traditional learning modes by offering self–paced or live, instructed training classes. Specifically, self–paced courses can be taken at the employee's leisure and are good for self–motivated persons. Typically these types of courses can be taken at convenience of the busy workers as well as for globally dispersed employees. Hence workplace training needs to be broadened and customized (Marc J. Rosenberg & Steven Foreman 2010). Live e–learning is capable of instant updating, storage/retrieval, distribution and sharing of instruction and information. Soft skills such as management, leadership, or team building can be tackled in this environment. However, this type of training works best if the class size is limited to 25
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E-learning Essay
E–Learning Tools
This paper will discuss three tools used at the University of Phoenix that give their students transfer lifelong skills that can be used in the work place as well as everyday life. Learning Teams, rEsource, and Problem Based Learning are the tools that teach students problem–solving techniques and social skills. The rEsource contains valuable links to information resources that allows students to enhance their research skills.
The Value of rEsource
R–Esourcse is a valuable tool that allows students to access current course material such as simulations, announcements, access notes, review assignments, discuss questions, and take practice quizzes anytime anywhere during the day or week via the internet, it also more content...
Team members are assigned roles that rotate from assignment to assignment improving the students social skills, giving student the feeling of self worth and a sense of belonging, each team member is viewed as a valuable assets to the entire team. Once the learning team members start to understand that each of them has to contribute to learn they will earn a valuable experience in communication, trust, leadership, decision making, and conflict resolution. "Many studies have shown that when correctly implemented, cooperative learning improves information acquisition and retention, higher–level thinking skills, interpersonal and communication skills, and self–confidence" (Johnson, Johnson, and Smith, 1998). The most valuable lessons learned from Learning Team is those students who work together have success in accomplishing common goals.
The Value of Problem–Based Learning
The ability to problem–solve and work in effective teams are highly prized attributes in the workplace, Problem based learning provides students with these skills and attributes. "Few people in society work in isolation. Because social interaction is such an important aspect of work life, problem based learning incorporates collaborative teams in the solving of relevant problems. This methodology promotes student interaction and teamwork, thereby enhancing students' interpersonal skills (Bernstein et al., 1995; Pincus, 1995; Vernon, 1995). Problem based Get
E-Learning Tools Essay
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Advantages Of E-Learning
E learning has become a part of our world for quite some time now. From learning how to operate a mobile, how to cook, career skills, everything is being learnt online. It has gained a lot of popularity among the younger generation over the past decade. Nowadays, you don't need to go to a college to get a degree or learn something. All you need is an internet connection to access lectures of your favourite subject online. And not only subjects it can be a skill like coding or a career oriented program like digital marketing. The broader perspective of eLearning varies from distance education, learning online, computerized electronic learning, blended learning, etc which makes it more appealing to the public. Though there has been a tremendous growth in this field still many people are very reluctant towards it thus we need to implement new technologies to cater more and more people towards it. This paper gives a perspective on new technologies that can be blended with e–learning to cater the needs of more and more people by making teaching effective as well as efficient. Also it compares these various technologies on various aspects like course embedment and scopes in various e–learning fields. This paper also raises the issues that can be solved using these technologies and how it would be beneficial for the e–learners.
Key Words: E learning, traditional teaching, blended learning, developing more content... Also this paper will also discuss about the scopes of these technologies with respect to the learners. Our main aim is to increase the no. of e–learners in this world and to make people realise that e–learning is the future of learning and to make this future we will be requiring various new technologies that will be seen through this paper. It will also examine certain issues that needs to be addressed in order to make e–learning really
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E– learning is a new field of learning based on technologies that emerged in last few decades. The number of learners who use e– learning is increasing and become larger than before. This article shows an overview of e–learning , pros , and cons of using it. Definition of e–learning e– learning defined as "learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom"(what is learning?, n.d ). Another definition is "is an umbrella term that describeseducation using electronic devices and digital media"(E–learning, November, 5, 2015). The letter "e" refers to electronic , Luskin (2001) explains "e" as exciting, energetic, emotional, and educational..
History of e–learning
The term e–learning has been used frequently since the development of internet in late of 20th century, distance courses has been offered by educational institutions and academies for learners who want to learn specific subjects and skills or for those who prefer e– learning due to their real–life circumstances. In 1984, the first software MAC give people opportunity for individuals to have computers in their homes and establish easier learning through online. Also, by the year of 2000 , many of companies and institutions used e–learning to train and improve their employees to gain basics to be suitable for their jobs. Tools for successful e– learning such as internet, computers , and laptops become widespread around the world (Gogos,2014).
Approaches of e–learning
Synchronous learning
Learning and teaching process occurs at the same time, the trainer and learners interact with each other and share the ideas, details, and solutions during the session while they are physically separated from "place shift". There are many examples of synchronous learning such as virtual classroom, audio/video conferencing, online lectures, listening to a live radio broadcast, and two–way live satellite broadcast .( Yakaraju G ,2014)
Desynchronous learning
The main distinction between synchronous learning and this approach is that no interaction between trainer and learners because learning and teaching process occurs in separated times (not at the same time –give the opportunities
Pros And Cons Of E-Learning
E– learning
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of E-Learning Essay
E–learning is making a name for itself in our ever changing world. Things can be done quicker without wasting time. With e–learning you don't have to be at a particular place or classroom to learn, it can be done anywhere. Universities are now spending a lot of money on technologies that will enable them to improve the quality of learning through e–learning. Many educational institutions are looking into e–learning because it can make a lot of profit for them. They will be able to have more students and in this regard turn a higher profit. Universities such as the University Of South Africa (UNISA) is into e–learning and here in Botswana we have smaller institutions like Ezone which offers e–learning ton their students. This more content... Research was conducted on second year students at Botho University.17 students in the Faculty of Computing answered a questionnaire. The reason behind this questionnaire was to find out what they thought of e–learning and if they preferred face to face learning or e–learning, to basically find out if e–learning actually had an impact on them and since e–learning was technologically driven, these students would definitely be able to give more input since their course was already about technology .
Even though traditional methods such as face to face lecturers, tutorials and mentoring remain the leading in the educational sector, universities are spending a lot of money in learning technologies to enable improvements with regards to the quality of learning.
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6 Must–Have Tools for Engaging e–learning Development
E–learning tools and technologies are becoming increasingly popular – and it's not difficult to understand why. The ability to learn from anywhere, at any time, opens up more doors than we could ever imagine. It is convenient, enriching, and cost–effective.
E–learning doesn't have to be reserved for educational institutions. Anyone can make use of the benefits it offers. Businesses, in particular, are just starting to explore the benefits of digital learning and animated videos– and with good reason. Not only does it save them valuable time when they're training – it's also great for employees, who have the freedom to move through material at their own pace, without more content...
This makes learning a fun and rewarding experience for users and makes it more likely for them to make it to the end of the course. One platform that takes advantage of the benefits of microlearning is Udemy. The vast majority of its courses feature short, easily digestible 10–minute videos that each focus on one specific concept. At the end of each video, you can request for your users to take a short quiz to test their knowledge and cement what they've just learned.
Digital learning comes in many forms. Some popular websites that probably spring to mind are probably those such as YouTube and Vimeo. Digital learning is a popular option because it is on–demand and enables users to gain more control over their learning. Your users can choose when to learn, which websites to learn from, and how much information to learn at a time. HotChalk is a fantastic resource to encourage e–learning and development. It has been specially designed by universities to bring courses online and provides an engaging online environment where users can interact with each other and learn about projects within their courses with ease.
5–Docebo eLearning platform
Finally, Docebo eLearning Platform is a tool designed especially for enterprise learning. Its main purpose is to encourage businesses to engage in e
learning and training to encourage employees to increase their productivitiy. However, the tool can
Essay On E-Learning Development
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