Reality Television Essay

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1.1Background of the Issue Television is no doubt playing a vital role in our lives. Today, almost every home has a television. One of the most popular genres of television programme is the reality TV. Ever since 1950s, Reality TV has evolved from radio game show and talent show to hidden camera show to dating show to documentary–style series. The genre now include unscripted dramas, makeover sagas, celebrity exposes, lifestyle–change shows, dating shows, talent show and just about any kind of possible competition. Now, reality shows are all over the peak viewing time slots on major networks and cable channels. In any night, you can watch "America's Got Talent," "Dancing with the Stars," "Survivor," "American Idol," "The Amazing Race," " more content...

Watching reality TV shows like Keeping Up With the Kardashians where reality TV stars become famous by just living a luxurious life, teens or even adults might be encouraged that anyone can be famous by going on TV status and just "being themselves", without any efforts or special talents. As John Humphrys points out, 'we tell kids what matters is being a celebrity and we wonder why some behave the way they do. This can build their desire of fame and to pursue celebrity status while ignoring the importance of education. Hence, reality TV discourages the value of hard work and education (IDEA,

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Thesis Statement On Reality Tv

The media as a whole has been a huge impact on their viewers' lives. People do not just watch a television show, they tend to normalize the characters and their roles into their day to day lives. When analyzing the media and focusing on drama and reality television shows, the impact that these shows have on some of their women viewers are noticeable. Televisiondrama shows are fictions that the average person can relate to. They are made with real life problems that people can sympathize with. Television dramas have become the newest therapy to people. People go to these over dramatized shows for the answer to their problems. Most tend to forget that these are fictional television shows, meaning they are made up characters with false problems. These shows tend to show women as the house wife, pretty and skinny, and powerful but weak minded. When looking at reality television although it is unscripted and tend to be real life situations, producers do pick out cast that are not relatable to and unlike the average person. On television dramas and reality shows men tend to be shown as dominating women in relationships, as women are shown as the men's "trophy." Also, as a whole television dramas and reality shows show women as "sexy" figures, emotionally unstable, and less than a man which effects their everyday lives. Television dramas and reality shows has a negative effect onfemale views by showing them in a negative light.

Since women made an appearance on television shows, Get more content

Television And Reality Television Shows Essay

Essay on Reality Television Shows

In 1968 American artist Andy Warhol said 'In the future, everybody will be famous for 15 minutes.' The expression is normally linked to people in the entertainment industry and more recently related to those figures, involved in Reality TV. There is no exact definition of Reality Television and people also have different opinions of what it is. But it tends be a combination of genres such as: documentary, drama and many other genre's depending on the type show. It can also be described as ' a hybrid of non–fiction and entertainment elements'.

Charlie Parsons, creator of the television show,Survivor defines reality TV as 'Shows containing producer created environments that control contestant behaviour'. But this definition does more content... This deliberate manipulation begins to question the authenticity of reality TV. In almost every episode of MIC there is some sort of gathering where the majority of the cast get together and either resolve or worsen current issues. Observation and surveillance is an element of documentaries, reality television is dependant on observation. The constant visuals, allows us into the peoples live and eventually lead us to form emotional connections with them. Professor of media studies Mark Andrejevic, this is a natural outcome of the culture of CCTV we live in now.

'Reality television is suggesting that surveillance can be fun!'. 'Voyeurism. A voyeur is a peeping tom. Many commentators believe that reality television has moved beyond surveillance into voyeurism. Audiences are positioned as peeping toms who gain pleasure from the exhibitionism of the participants. There is also voyeuristic pleasure to be gained from knowing the emotions displayed are real. If someone is crying, for instance, it means they are really upset.' We enjoy the dramatization performed in each episode, this eventually hooks us and you feel as if you must continue watch to find out what happen in the next episode to fill a void created by not watching it.

A lot of the themes in Made In Chelsea are quite overt, money, power, materialism, love, relationships as well as other subjects. From a Marxist point of view underlying themes would include alienation. That

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Reality Television Essay

Reality Television

In today's society, Reality Television plays an important position in people's everyday lives. The reality television programs of today are popular because of the variety of film conventions (eg. audio, visual and symbolic codes) and the values and attitudes used to construct the viewer?s response. Two good examples of realitytelevision programs are The Apprentice and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

In the episode of The Apprentice, 'The Price is Height', wealth is promoted through the values and attitudes of today's society to construct the viewer's response. This program promotes that wealth is acquired through success, and success comes with long–term hard work. Wealth is promoted throughout the episode more content...

Wealth can be compared in values and attitudes between the tworeality television programs of The Apprentice and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. The similarities of wealth between the two programs are that both episodes were produced in New York City, USA, where most success is made and both promote how wealth is gained though success. The differences of wealth between the two programs are that The Apprentice promotes that wealth is gained through long–term hard work; whereas Queer Eye promotes that a person can succeed at what they are good at.

In an episode of The Apprentice, ?The Price is Height?, audio codes are used to influence the viewer?s response. The audio codes featured in the episode, are used to make the viewer interested. An example of audio codes being used in the episode are the theme song called, ?For the Love of Money?, where the song is played, to remind the viewer that to enhance their lifesyles, money is needed. Audio codes have been also used to create an atmosphere or mood in various sequences of the episode, such as when a female and a male contestant is left alone in a room, sweet, romantic music is played. Audio codes have also been used on certain people, such as Donald Trump, where strong, sudden and powerful music is played to make him appear more superior to everyone else in the Boardroom.

In the episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, audio codes have been used to make the viewers interested. An

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Reality TV

Can you believe that reality television has actually been around since 1948? Most of us may have thought that this idea of real television just came about in the last decade but actually it's been around for quite some time. In 1948 Candid Camera was the first reality show to be broadcasted on television. Many considered this to be the "granddaddy" of the reality TV genre (History of reality TV). This show actually began in radio broadcasting. Allen Funt was the man in charge of this whole new production. He started by simply tapingcomplaints of men in service and broadcasting them over the Armed Forces Radio. This is what later became known as the television show, Candid Camera. Candid Camera was known more content... Why Do People Watch Reality Television?

There has been a huge increase in "reality" based television over the last few years. From Survivor to Big Brother it seems that we are constantly being bombarded with a new type of reality television program. But why do people watch these shows? What makes these shows so interesting? One theory brought up in an article in Psychology Today by Steven Reiss Ph.D. and James Wiltz, a Ph.D. candidate at Ohio State University, is that, "reality television allows Americans to fantasize about gaining status through automatic fame" (Reiss and Wiltz, 2001). This is the American dream, acquiring fame with little to no work at all. And what better way to do it than on television?

But can reality television actually be called reality? Do people watch because reality television offers an alternative to boring and hackneyed type programs? The fact is that reality TV is just as boring and predictable as the so–called unreal programs. Reality TV can, for the most part, hardly be considered real. An article in Rolling Stone confirms this, stating that, "The premise is always the same: Put ordinary stiffs on television on TV and they'll do anything, anything, to stay on TV. Didn't we already learn that from Kirstie Alley?" (Rolling Stone, 2001). If this were in fact the case, then way would anyone watch what is described as something as horribly predictable as the above? How could such a style of

Essay on Reality TV
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The Reality of Reality Television

"The winner of the first Survivor competition is...Rich." It was the name heard 'round the country the night of August 23, 2000, as 51 million television viewers tuned in to the finale of Survivor. The questions, the predictions, the bets, and the reality rested on that one name. For three months, America watched and wondered. Who could it be? Who is the ultimatesurvivor? With the unveiling of that single, now infamous, name, you could almost feel the country erupt with emotion. The collective gasp of the shocked was shrouded by the cheers and hollers of all the Richard Hatch fans scattered across the country's living rooms and sports bars. But just how real is this reality tv? more content...

Threatened by the astounding success of ABC's gameshow Who Wants To Be a Millionaire,CBS retaliated by developing not just another gameshow, but a reality–based gameshow. In October 1999, the network announced plans to develop Survivor, a show that would "place a group of Americans on a desert island in the South China Sea, off Borneo, for 39 days." The contestants would vote each other off the island, one by one, until only the sole survivor remained. He or she would walk away with $1 million. My initial reaction to this news was horror. "What is the world coming to?" I thought. TV executives have become so desperate as to risk the lives of ordinary people simply for the ratings. There must be some law against that. How could they get away with something as absurd as stranding 16 people on some remote tropical island with no food or protection?

But of course, nothing is as it seems at first. The deserted island off the South China Sea wasn't as deserted as CBS would have liked us to believe. There was actually a resort on the opposite side of the island, not to mention all the production equipment and air–conditioned editing cabins that had to be shipped in to produce the show. Even during the 39–day stay, the "castaways" were constantly surrounded by a slew of lighting fixtures, microphones, and

Television Essay
The Reality of Reality
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The modern era of reality TV began decades ago. The introduction of the reality show Survivor to the world has immediately caught attention of audiences from all around the globe.Apart from the basic definition of television which is to entertain, inform and educate, reality telev sion has the power to rise a trend and its' ability to influence has caused it to become the target of commerical brands to offer sponsorship for adversiting purpose. It has also triggered the emergence of more reality shows ,from the good old classic shows like Survivor, The Real World, etc. to American Idol, Amazing race, X–factor, etc that we are watching nowadays. The viewers of reality television increases by leaps and bounds every year despite the fact that some of the reality shows burn out after few seasons .Hence,in this essay we will examine the enduring population of reality television and its causes and effects .

Firstly, we identify with the people and the situations. Shows such as The Biggest Loser gives us the intention to lose weight, The Amazing Race makes us want to go on a big adventure, and The Bachelor or The Bachelorette makes us more content... Reality TV is not only a source of entertainment for millions of viewers, but a chance for its stars to promote their own personal progression. No matter what other reason people might come up with one thing is true: reality TV is here to stay. They keep coming with more ideas and they have almost 100% guaranteed good audience. If not, then they do not have to worry about fans wanting to know what happens next as there will always be a winner in the

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Reality TV: The Rise of a New Show "The Contender"

One of the newest shows to hit the vast majority of reality TV shows that already exist is The Contender. The Contender is a show that focuses on all the hardships, training, pain, and dilemmas that a boxer, who is preparing to fight, must endure. The Contender will be a very successful show, because it has the attributes of raw emotion that can't be found when a director is yelling 'action,' and 'cut.' By raw emotion I mean that the viewer has reason to watch the television show due to an emotional attachment, besides the mere entertainment value, or for the love of the sport of boxing. Viewersfall in love, but instead of characters, they are able to more content... The Contender is centered on a group of professional boxers who are contending for a one million dollar prize. They essentially must fight one another in single elimination five round fights. The fights are set up and the fighters are chosen by one of the two teams that win the challenge before the fight. The rules of the game are established, but this is the backdrop to what the show truly is. The show is a success due to the battle of emotion, not the battle of fists between the men in the ring. The rules for reality television shows, are just measures to evoke emotion. Other great examples are the betrayals and voting in Survivor, or the decisions in The Bachelor. The Contender accomplishes what all of the great reality television shows accomplish. The raw emotion is brought to the viewer through a family member, loved one, or even a mentor. The Contender establishes a background story for every boxer allowing for a connection to be made between the viewer, and the contestant. The connection is what allows for the viewer to continue watching for the weeks ahead. These men are shown training for their goal, and shown putting in the extra work to make a dream come true. However, one thing that The Contender has that is not found in many other shows, and a reason for its success, is the determination and drive of the competitors. The twist to The Contender is that all of these men have been Get more content

Reality TV Essay

Hello guys, raise your hand if you watch reality tv. As you can see reality tv is dominating our lives. Just as we say goodbye to "The Biggest Loser", we say hello to Masterchef, but why is reality tv so popular? What tips and tricks go down behind the scenes to influence the way we view the characters? Reality TV programs claim to be showing us a true glimpse of life as it happens, but what we truly see isn't "real". Reality television is not a reflection of reality, because there are many techniques that producer use, such as adding music/ sound effects, variety of camera shots and angles, little things like editing and voice overs, which create a biased view of situations and people.

One of the most popular Logie award winning shows in Australia is MasterChef. With over 1.46 million viewers tuning in every week. MasterChef is a fast pace competitive cooking show, where a group of people compete, for a chance to win $250,000 and become the next big star! The contestants go through a series of weekly challenges and eliminations that slowly stir up emotions and drama. MasterChef is known for their judges: George Calombaris, Gary Mehigan and food critic Matt Preston, who have a mix of bitter and loveable personalities. Each episode is jammed packed with dramatic interviews and tension building moments, for example Season 7 Episode 1.

This episode shows many ways that filming and camera shots can manipulate the way we experience TV.. High angles are used in MasterChef when all contestants are bunched up ready to cook, this makes them seem insignificant and small compared to the surroundings. Low angles are often used, because it makes the person look more strong, independent and superior. This is seen in Episode one, when the judges stepped into the kitchen and a low angle is used to make them look taller and more greater then the contestants. Shot types are an important technique in the reality TV. Close ups are used to individualise one specific person and emphasise emotions and facial expressions, making it more dramatic and problematic. This can be seen, when Rose Adam is talking to the judges and Matt Preston yawns, which is a small insignificant reaction, but adding a close up, makes the situation

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Reality Tv : The Dangers Of Reality Television

The Reality Of Reality Television

We see content on television every day either to see the news, watch a movie, series or any program we would like to watch. Television give us a different and visually perfect way of entertainment. Reality television is a genre of television which seems to be unscripted showing actions of "real life". The viewer sees the reality shows for entertainment but neither the pressure, competitiveness nor loneliness that lives in imagines. To be real –time and people– admiration from viewers, thinking that if they can do it, why not the viewer? Their goal is to have the same body that participants falling in diseases such as anorexia or bulimia and an obsession with exercise. On reality TV shows, people use stereotypes which intended to destroy or direct our wishes, are a proposal to change our way of being, imitating the models presented. One of the best examples of reality tv shows that has a lot of stereotypes is Jersey shore. Jersey shore is one of the most successful reality shows of all time. In the show, a group of young people experience a hedonistic lifestyle, exaggerate their performances of gender and sexuality, and frame their behavior within a commodifies from of Italian–American ethnicity. This neoliberal hedonistic lifestyle involves rampant sex, frequent violence, excessive fanning, constant trips to the gym, and copious amount of alcohol. (Sherry esl 1271) Besides all the damage characteristic of this show, the cast promotes badly influenced concepts about

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The Reality Of Reality Tv Essay

People watch media for different reasons. Reality TV is a common source of entertainment on various channels and media outlets. The purpose of reality TV is to "promise more drama, suspense, and laughter while pushing the envelope of what is morally and socially acceptable, funny, and, of course entertaining" (Glouner et al.). This type of media allows real people to connect to those on TV. Reality is not completely real, there are aspects of it that are scripted, rehearsed and completely altered (Crouch). Reality TV has existed for over 60 years. The first reality show debuted in 1948 and it was called "Candid Camera". This show consisted of hidden cameras capturing pranks that were done to the contestants (History of Reality TV Timeline). This show was inspired by a radio show that hid microphones and it led to the creative thought of hidden cameras. Within a year and a half, the first game show was created (History of Reality TV Timeline). This is a different form of reality TV. People are able to demonstrate their intellectual ability on the spot. As it was seen in the documentary "The Quiz Show", even game shows are not completely authentic. In the documentary it showed how the quiz show was rigged and people were hand picked to be on the show based on their looks. Most of the people were blonde and blue eyed, stereotypical American. In 1965, the first dating show was aired (History of Reality TV Timeline). The show was comprised of a female picking one male out of

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It is a given that the culture we consume shapes who we are, more specifically what we view on television shapes the content of our minds. It is also generally known that children can be easily influenced by what they see on television. Reality TV is no exception to this rule. It may appear that reality TV is a benign phenomenon but it is in fact a virus that has quickly diseased our society. More specifically, it attracts girls most mercilessly by affecting them negatively as to how they perceive themselves. Indeed, girls who watch reality TV learn that deceit and meanness is normal behaviour in order to achieve success, begin to self–objectify more and have a higher expectation of more drama and conflict in their lives as well. The reality of reality TV is that it negatively portrays females. Is there no end to the onslaught on the female gender by television?

According to Melissa Henson, director of communications and public education for the Parents Television Council, "Because girls are seeing people behaving in a negative way on reality programs, they tend to accept that that 's normative behaviour." (Semigram, 1) That may be fine when the behaviour is positive but what of the behaviour viewed on reality TV? Watching a heavy diet of meanness and lying in order for females to get ahead has a horrible impact on girls. Does reality TV really portray meanness and deceit? Yes, it unquestionably does! In fact, an extensive survey done by The Girl Scouts of the USA

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Tv Essay
The Reality Of Reality

How Has Reality Tv Changed

Reality and scripted television shows have been facing an ongoing battle. In the past, reality television was an unlikely production; the first known reality TV show was created by Allen Funt, called candid camera, which captured the reactions of unexpected civilians in awkward situations. This was a revolutionary change to traditional television; candid camera is described as humorous, changed most perspectives on television, and produced multiple versions inspired by Candid camera. Both types of television categories have multiple aspects that are used to intrigue the audience; relatability and humour are some of the features that come into perspective. Both types of television show categories are unique and distinct as their quality is constantly being improved. Reality television provides daily entertainment and influence into the lives of the viewers. Reality TV shows have an unpredictable component that is both unexpected and surprising. People watch reality TV as they find it relatable, although multiple scenes may be scripted; this is overlooked by the audience. Reality TV stars may get minimal privacy because most of their lives are shown on TV, but spectators enjoy this, they perceive it as a glimpse into the life of more content...

Poor quality, writers admit that is producers say it is easier to produce and needs less crew and can be made quickly, multiple examples of this are seen in reality TV shows such as keeping up with the Kardashians, no script resulted in overdramatic

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Throughout this analysis, is a discussion of the real ethics of reality TV and how the current gender, media and popular culture depict a fusion between reality and reality on TV. The writing is based upon the "Real Appeal: The Ethics of Reality TV", Catehrine Lumby and Elspeth Probyn. The idea that anyone can become famous is not fairly evident upon most TV viewers; however it is clear that TV makes the viewer believe that what they are viewing is true and it is for this reason that it becomes reality TV. TV exposes the public to a rather promiscuous vision of reality and this tends to be the apex of reality TV. Quite clearly, as Lumby states, Realitytelevision, as its name suggests, is a genre which attempts to trade off more content...

According to the reading by Lumby and Probyn, Reality television exhibits the following characteristics: use of ordinary people instead of actors (such as in the Big Brother show), editing of narratives, game show–style competitions, audience involvement and other features to show that reality television is a mixture of conventional information and entertainment programs.

An example of Reality TV which epitomizes the authors thoughts regarding theethics of reality TV is the "Fat Pizza" show broadcasted once a week on national television. This unique example shows how a group of males of non–Australian background, can influence the media into gripping the fact that their non–orthodox behaviors on the show are actually real and happen in our everyday lives. The show comprises of talkbacks, unedited video clip imaging from our everyday lives, and live–to–air footage and a few ordinary people acting without being trained. For instance this group illustrates an incident where young men go out cruising their modified vehicles and end up having to deal with the law due to ruthless behavior. So we can use this example to state that reality television does announce itself as a genre which lays the conventions of television bare for the viewer.

It is through generating reality TV shows such as Big Brother, Survivor, Fat Pizza, Home and Away and other soaps that ethical concerns by the viewers are raised. According to Lumby and Probyn, "the relationship

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Reality T.V. Essay

Some of the most popular television shows in today's society are The Biggest Looser, Jersey Shore, and Big Brother. These programs and many others are classified as reality television. Reality television's main purpose is to attempt to portray ordinary people in unscripted situations. Recently, however, many of these shows have achieved in creating the complete opposite, and have earned an immense amount of criticism as a result. Reality television programs are detrimental to society because they influence bad behavior among teenagers, do not produce authentic real life situations, and they humiliate many of the characters. To begin, realitytelevision shows are detrimental to society because they influence bad behavior among more content...

Also, in many cases, the characters used in these shows are not ordinary individuals, but highly paid actors that simply recite scripts. Clearly, these shows are inaccurately labeled as "reality television," and many individual's time is wasted as a result. Time for many is very valuable. Wasting a person's time because of an inaccurate description could be just as detrimental as wasting a person's money because of an inaccurate description. Many people watch these shows to view real life situations, but what they are really viewing is the complete opposite. This cultivates confusion about what is real and what is fake. Lastly, reality television programs are detrimental to society because they humiliate many of the characters. This is detrimental to the characters because of obvious reasons such as suicide. The effects of this on society are even greater. Many people watch shows such as American Idol because they find it humorous when some of the characters have awful singing abilities, and therefore humiliate themselves. In my opinion, this makes many viewers bullies inside. If an individual watches the misfortune of others to make them feel better about themself, they are a bully. Therefore, reality television indirectly causes people to be bullies. Studies show that if a person has negative thoughts as a result of watching people humiliated on television; they may begin to

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Why Reality Television Is Harmful Essay example

Reality Television Educates Television is an excellent tool that can do both good and bad for the community. For good, television can educate the ignorant, but for the bad, it can spread terrible and hateful messages onto a certain audience. Reality television informs the viewers but it is up to them to interpret the message for themselves. Women all around the world have been inspired by reality TV. From social to personal issues, these shows are educating young women by spreading positive messages through blunt situations. Reality TV has become the most popular family viewing type of television. The straight–forward situations of the lives of the stars show a perspective that presents a problem. The problem is then solved by the end of the episode. "But on their terms, they reflect things kids... are interested in: competition, creation, scorekeeping... When people complain that there are fewer good tv shows for families to watch together, it's often assumed that tv has become more vulgar and adult... TV has become more various and fragmented, it's become more specific"(James Poniewozik). Television has a certain group they want to target and that shows that there are messages being shown in individuals and they are spreading awareness. These messages can sometimes inspire the other party positively and promote confidence in young people. The spark of confidence the younger crowd has is mainly from reality TV. "Girls who watch reality tv on a regular basis are more self

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Reality Tv Speech

Reality Television Essay

Reality Television

When Philo T. Farnsworth invented the electric television, he probably did not think that it would be used to show people eating bugs, finding husbands based on votes of viewers, or living on deserted islands. But that is exactly what you can see any given night on television now. This newest form of television programming fad is the reality television genre. Reality television is now on every station, every night, everywhere. The web page Fact Monster credits the beginning of reality TV as beginning around 2000 when a little reality game show called Who wants to be a Millionaire hit television screens. Millionaire saw the rebirth of game shows but also started the most popular television genre in years. Some say more content...

Not actual reality, because actual reality is boring, and in actual reality people aren't eating weird stuff or living on desert islands. But these shows are a form of "reality" suitable to make fairly interesting TV.

When thinking about reality TV and its rise to popularity there are two shows that come to mind. The first is the creative Survivor. Survivor is an hour long show that came on in 2000 on Thursday nights at 9:00 PM on CBS and quickly became one of the networks highest rated shows. Hosted by Jeff Provst, the smug, good looking yet rugged host, the gimmick of Survivor is that 20 people are deserted in the wild in two groups that they call "tribes" and are forced to build shelter, provide food for themselves and then every week participate in a challenge to win immunity. Those who do not win immunity are then open to be voted off by the tribe. The final person to not get voted off receives 1 million dollars and fifteen minutes of fame.

Another show that helped cement the reality TV genre is NBC's Fear Factor, a usually half hour show which shows on any night where a push in the adult 18–49 demographic is needed. Fear Factor is the show that comes to mind when thinking of reality TV and eating. Joe Rogan hosts the show; a muscle bound semi–celebrity who is

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I Want To Teach Reality

Reality TV is one of the many elements that contribute to popular culture within the society. According to an article "Survivor Skills: Authenticity, Representation and Why I Want to Teach Reality TV" by May Friedman, the aspect of reality TV brings some form of popular culture into the social work education. Friedman explains that in her teaching of social work education, there is a strong lack of popular culture, which should begin with the experiences a student undergoes both in a classroom and informal setting. She emphasizes that an examination of popular culture can be understood through the examination of different surroundings exhibited in reality TVs. Similarly, the author uses her experience as a Social Work student to explain the need for reality TV in preparing students for the popular culture within different societies. The main aim of this article is to bring an understanding on Friedman's experience during her years as a student and later his methods of teaching popular culture through reality TV. The article explains the frustrations of graduate school whereby students watched different shows based on their biases and life circumstances. For instance, Friedman points out that student taking the law course would gather to watch Law and Order while those in nursing preferred ER. Being a social work students, she explains that students gathered to watch reality TV, specifically, Survivor, as a way to pass time. It is during these Thursday Nights that Friedman

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The Reality Of Reality Television

What is it about these reality shows such as: Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Bad Girls Club, and The Real Housewives that we cannot stop watching? After watching reality shows like this, it leaves people craving the next episode of the next week. Reality television producers are exploiting people by giving the public a "sense" of reality but not the real version of it, but rather exploit people and use stereotypes to make money for entertainment. The specific points of this argument is: the excessive amount of reality TV that can result in an extreme amount of trash, the producers that present these shows with specific good and bad characters, the social world around us gives us an idea of "real" with different relations in the media, how race is used a positional place in some reality shows, and the expectations and image that you would usually see out of a black male in college. An excessive amount of reality TV equals an extreme form of "Trash" television. Reality TV claims to present the "real" human interactions but they are really just being crazy and making fools out of themselves. When people sign up for a reality show, they know that this is not what they do every day. Viewers like you and I, are constantly glued to the TV, when a reality show comes on, why is this? Because it provides a representation of what "real life" is like. We live in a very complicated world and reality TV is garbage and we still continue to watch it

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What pleasure do you get from watching a group of people humiliate themselves in the name of television? Media both in the UK and around the world seem to have "discovered" that so–called "reality" shows are very profitable, resulting in a growing string of such shows in recent years. Although not all are successful, many do achieve significant popularity and cultural prominence. That does not mean, however, that they are good for society or that they should be aired. Can you honestly say, that after absorbing the reality rubbish, you have learned something?

Educational, stimulating, witty, are all adjectives you would not associate withreality television. Reality T.V is a case of more content...

Soon, one member's sociopathic behaviour is rewarded by making headlines in the tabloids. Vandalism is condoned, swearing is part and parcel of life, and all our brawls treated as sources of comedy and laughter. Not only did the most recent Big Brother contain sex related scenes and racial prejudice, but physical attacks in which the police have got involved. And you wonder why GBH is rife around pubs, and why children are getting suspended from school for deliberately smashing windows?

As I'm sure you are aware of, people, children in particular, love television. A lot of things they see on it will pollute their daily routines. If youngsters enjoy Big Brother and programs of a similar genre– and further see event emblazoned on the papers, no doubt they will adopt the attitudes of some of the savage brutes involved. People may say that these clashes on such shows are staged, by developers trying to create drama and humour, and thus boost up viewer ratings. But isn't this even more shocking? Crafty manipulators clapping their hands in ecstasy as they marvel over a line which causes friction and arguing. To cap it all off– the antisocial behaviour is actually rewarded, with a large cash prise. "Oh cool" thinks little Jimmy "Do I get some money for throwing plates around the kitchen? And swearing at Get

Essay on Argument Against Reality Television
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