Good Expository Essay Examples

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Introduction to Psychology The concern about life is a main human characteristic. No matter if his concern is concentrated in himself or in persons or things that surround him and constitute his environment, everybody wants to know why people, himself included, behave the way they behave. Everybody, also, wants to improve his behavior, so as to live in harmony with himself and the society. The Greek word Psychology, is a word consisted of the words ψυχή–soul and λόγος–utterance, talk. So, generally, psychology is the science that examines the soul. But , since the psychologists work on the problems of the personal, family, school, professional and social life, we could say, more content... The heartbeats, the movements of our head are behavior. The way we eat, the way we drink, the way we walk, we talk, are behavior. The construction of a bridge, the composition of a song are behavior. The fantasies of a child, the dreams of a adolescent, the illusions of an alcoholic are behavior. Although we are all familiar with human behavior, a little do we understand or we can explain about it. Since our infancy we learn about behavior through the experiences and the knowledge that we get by observing other people or having relations with them. Living in society leads us to watch and try to explain the way people behave. But that is not always easy. Sometimes we cannot understand even ourselves. Psychology comes to give answers to all this uncertainty. Therefore, according to modern psychology, the term behavior means all the conscious, unconscious, verbal, mental and kinetic expressions of ourselves. Psychology uses statistic researches so as to distinguish the normal behavior from the abnormal one. Such a thing is very difficult because every society has its own behavior standards, and, consequently, an act that is normal according to one society, may be abnormal according to another. For example, polygamy is not permitted in Europe, but it is permitted in certain societies in Africa. So, the judgement of a behavior must bear in mind the social environment in which it takes place .

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Introduction to Psychology Essay examples

Everything Wrong With School In 10 Minutes or Less!

When I was twelve, I had no appreciation for school. I saw it as nothing more as a glorified daycare center with all the rules and regulations specifically designed to restrict as much fun as possible. Then one day in the ninth grade, I had a revelation: what if school was actually meant to build me up with knowledge and facts and not just waste my time? This was the foundation I needed to get me through the next four years.

Whenever I was bored, I would remind myself that I 'd never have a "free" education like this again. I adapted particularly well to this system of tests, quizzes, and science labs but I could never understand the hang up some people had with it. School was basic and easy and all it seemed to require was consistency an+d proper scheduling. I looked at people who couldn 't understand US History or Geometry and I thought they were dumb. It wasn 't until much later with much more reflection that I came to conclude there 's a difference between how you score on the SATs and how smart you actually are. Education isn 't necessarily a direct line to becoming intelligent and knowledgeable; education is nothing more than an institution designed to equip people with subsets of specialized processing methodologies, algorithms, and a fair bit of esoteric trivia. Furthermore, the current educational system in place is inefficient because of its rigid nature. The current

Expository Writing Rough Draft On School
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Everyday Use Thesis Statement

General statement: Mama understands the past and the significance of a family heritage. Her heritage including her memories of her mother and grandma making quilts together by hands.

Topic sentence: Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" introduces a clash between generations. Now and then, Maggie and Dee.

Thesis Statement: Alice Walker carefully portrays the three characters: The mother, Dee. And Maggie

Body A, Mama:

The character of Mama in the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker endures through intense times and takes advantage of what she has. She is a lady that tells things how they are, only plain truth. She can be entertaining now and again and intense at others. She is self–portrayed as "a large, huge boned, women with rough, man– more content...

The way the burning house, her stuck–up sister, and society influenced Maggie make her unique in relation to others. Maggie was so damaged from her home burning down that she turned into a meek and undervalued young lady. Maggie is so unsure that her mother says she walks like a dog run over by a car: "chin on chest eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house on the ground." This demonstrates that Maggie absence of self–confidence make her frightened to look. She imagines that on the off chance that she can't see the individuals around her, then they can't see her. What's more, Maggie's discernible scars have impacted on the way she conducts herself. As indicated by Mama, when she was pulling Maggie out of the fire, her arms were adhering, "her hair was smoking, and her dress was tumbling off her in minimal dark papery pieces." This is huge light of the fact that indicates how much the flame really physically scarred her. This additionally clarifies why she is so apprehensive about individuals seeing her. Maggie's apparent compressed version of confirmation in herself is created basically by the fire. The barbaric way Maggie's sister, Dee, presents herself awful impact on Maggie's certainly. At this point when Dee inquired as to whether she can have some unique quilts and Mama says no on the grounds that she

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Differences between American Students and International Students

Most young people believe that studying in a different country is a privilege because they are able to experience other cultures, and learn from them. However, in the United States it is not as good as they thought because International students have much more pressure being in this country, and sometimes they cannot handle it very well. Therefore, in theUnited States the life of an international student is very unfavorable if people compare it to the life of an American student. International students have to learn a new language to study, they cannot work while studying, and their tuition is much more expensive. When people moves to the United Stated to study more content...

They know their structure and have a very superior vocabulary, so they can compose excellent essays. In addition, since American students speak English very well, they do not have any problem participating in class. They have confidence in themselves, so they will not be afraid of saying something wrong. Consequently, because American students do not have to learn any language to study their mayor, it is much easier for them to achieve excellent grades. Most university students feel the necessity of working since they would like to have their own money in order to be independent from their parents. It is not the exception for International students because they also feel the necessity of working to be independent from their parents or whoever is responsible for them. However, for international students to work in the United States it is very difficult because they are only allowed to work on campus. These kinds of jobs are very limited since some of the campuses in which they study are very small. Also for aninternational student to find a job on campus is difficult because people prefer to employee an American student who is not going to have any problem speaking the language. For example, last semester a friend from Venezuela who is studying at Miami Dade College decided that he wanted to get a job in order to have his own money. He went to

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International Students Essay example

Courage is a necessity to overcome fears and achieve a desired goal. Fear is something that exists in all of us. There is no hero or any particular courageous figure that is without fear. Being fearless is not required to be courageous, one simply has to look past or overcome their fears to possess this great quality. When overcoming fears and going against the norm, there are always risks involved. There are different types of risks that come about. Someone could risk life or limb, while others risk their reputation. Either risk is serious enough that a person must have courage to endure that particular risk. Courage can occur anytime, anywhere, and often in our everyday lives. Everyone will experience courage no matter how young, more content...

"The agent told me to be sure and keep my people away, as they were very poorly dressed. I did not do as I was told."(298) Even though it took some time, she eventually overcame her fear and her feelings of inferiority and stood up to Father Wilbur and the other white men. There are many risks involved when a person comes in contact with courage. A person's peers or the people close to them can be highly judgmental, especially if what you are doing clashes with common beliefs or behaviors. This stands very true when looking at the life of Martin Luther King Jr. His peers were not only the African American population, but also white upper–class clergymen. In the first line of Martin Luther King Junior's letter to the clergymen he states that he is "confined here in the Birmingham City Jail."(303) Dr. King took a great risk of being judged, solely by writing a letter to his peers. He knew that the clergymen already had their own ideas about him, but he took an even bigger risk by writing them from his jail cell. Another major risk that people take while being courageous is risking their life for the lives of others. In "And the Band Played On," Randy Shilts tells the story of a young female doctor, Grethe Rask, who risked her life because she worked in a clinic that didn't even provide the "В…basics [such] as sterile rubber gloves or disposable needles."(330) He goes on to describe even more horrifying details about Get more content

Essay on Courage: Definition and Importance

Greatest Invention Essays

What is the greatest invention of all time?

Throughout time there have been lots of new inventions which have both hindered and helped everyday life with humans. There are many different possible world's greatest inventions because they have all helped out humankind in some way, some more than others. I think that the greatest invention of all time is Harnessed Electricity. Some may argue that this was not an invention it was a discovery but although electricity itself was a discovery there was still the invention of had to use it and what it could be used for. I think that electricity is very important to human life because it would be nearly impossible to do anything we do today. If we didn't have electricity a lot of things would more content...

I believe that the use of electricity in healthcare is more important than the use of penicillin because of the x–rays, MRI scans, life support machines, cat scans, ultrasound, surgery lighting, heart rate monitors, incubators and loads of other much needed specialist equipment. This equipment has over the years helped to save millions of lives and although penicillin helps to treat the odd few illnesses it doesn't help to run a well equipped hospital which saves even more lives with the billions of people who visit a hospital every year. Without electricity there would be nolight and it would constantly be dark from around 4pm ever day. This would restrict most people from doing things because as soon as it was dark they would have to go to bed because there would be no lighting. Nobody could go out after dark as there would be no street lights on the roads and houses would have to be lit by candle light which wouldn't give of the strength of light that a light bulb does now. Yet again it would be exactly like living in the dark ages.

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Students spend hours doing it, teachers spend hours checking it. Homework is sometimes a burden to teachers and students but still it is necessary. Some people doubt homework's effectiveness, but teachers and researchers agree homework is essential. Homework helps students get better grades in school.

Some people don't know exactly what homework is. Homework is defined as an out of class activity assigned to students as an extension or elaboration of classroom work(KidSource). There are three types of homework teachers generally give out. The first is Practice assignments, they are assignments that reinforce newly acquired skills or knowledge(KidSource). An example of these assignments is writing definitions down for new more content...

Parents, students, and teachers all sometimes wonder how useful is homework? Though studies examining the relationship between homework and school achievement have been inclusive(ERIC). Still many teachers and researchers still agree that homework helps students achieve higher grades in school. Schools that assigned homework frequently showed higher student achievement than schools that assigned little homework(ERIC). This means that homework is working. Studies have generally found that if teachers carefully plan homework, homework can be quite helpful(KidSource). Homework has proven its effectiveness and is a very powerful factor in student performance. Students should only spend enough time on homework so that the subject is reinforced and not just a waste of time. The national PTA suggest that from K–3 grades there should be no more than 20 minutes a day, for 4–6 grades there should be 20–40 minutes of homework, and from 7–12 grades time varies do to types of subjects and number of subjects taken(KidSource). Anymore than these recommended amount of times is seen excessive by the national PTA. Surprisingly U.S. students are working as hard as Asians: 24% of eighth graders do more then two hour of homework compared to Japans 28% and Germanys 17%(Brimelow108). Are we working to hard, researchers don't think so, U.S. student grades are improving. As of 1996 one in every sixth grader does more than an hour of

The Importance
Homework Essay
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Stressed, left eye twitching, shouting at inanimate objects? Eighty three percent of all Canadian drivers find peak hour traffic more stressful than work. That means sitting in traffic is worse than sitting through your boss's PowerPoint presentation. Everybody has their own personal traffic nightmare, whether it's a massive backup, or perhaps, those screaming kids in the back. However, there is a way to calm your seething road rage and keep cool through the frustrating gridlock. If you find yourself in one of these situations the first thing to do in order to calm yourself down is to embrace the fact that you are stuck in a gridlock. You are going to be there for a while, you might as well have a good time. The second thing you more content...

Keep the vehicle at a comfortable temperature. Studies have shown that you are much more irritable when you are warm, so crank up the A/C to keep your body temperature at a comforting level. Make sure you have plenty of gas when you set out, so that you're not actually worried about running out of gas by using the air conditioner. In milder weather keep windows open to get fresh air which is soothing. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing while driving. Avoid wearing clothes which are too tight and restrictive. Keep a pair of shoes in the car for driving through traffic and make sure to change into those as soon as you start out driving. Opt for a seat cushion or back rest to further make yourself more relaxed during traffic periods throughout the day. Joe Brown, editor in chief of tech blog Gizmodo, indicates that the best thing to do during a traffic jam is to stay in the slow lane, because if you are trying to hurry, you are never going to win. So stay in the right lane, let everybody else pass you, let everybody else stress out , just take your time and make a great day of it. How you think can have a profound effect on your emotional and physical well–being. Each time you think a negative thought about yourself, your body reacts as if it were in the throes

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Peak Hour Essay

Black Lives Matter is an international activist movement that started within the African–American communities. This movement is organized by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. Ever since the black people have stepped on American soil, they have continued to be victims of racism and violence. From slavery to lynching to segregation, the black people have suffered alot in this country. In the past few years, there are so many of them that have been targeted by the law enforcement authorities across the country. This movement's goal is to raise awareness ofracism and violence against African–Americans. They wants African–American to live with dignity and respect like other Americans do.

On February 26, 2012, more content...

People continue to use this hashtag to convey their message. Social media has helped a lot of people be aware of this movement. As more people know about this movement, the use of this hashtag will continue to increase.

This video shows how protesters block all lanes of I–94. The police officers gave them twenty five warning to leave. Yet, some people chose to stay and continue to protest. According to the police, the protest turned into a riot and some people threw rocks and bottles on the freeway. During this act of violence, twenty one police officers were injured. In order to cease those protestors, the police officer used non–irritant smoke and sprayed mace. At the end of the protest, 50 people were arrested for three degree rioting.

There is usually a protest after an unarmed black person is killed by a police officer. By protesting, they try to seek attention to shooting of black people by disrupting commerce and preventing people from commuting to one place to another. After Alton Sterling and Philando Cartile were shot by a police officer, the Black Lives Matter marched on the streets and blocked highways in July 2016 in Minnesota. In December 2015, they even disrupt local business on a busy holiday shopping with peaceful protest. Despite getting warnings, the Black Lives Matter organization gathered in a Minnesota Mall. They compelled some of the stores to be closed for hours. They said there will not be any business until they get

Lives Matter
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Sports medicine Today in sports athletes endure many mental and physical obstacles from there competitive environment. Many of today's best athletes work with sports psychologists to help them handle the pressures found in this competitive atmosphere. One question that athletes ask is, why cant they play in big games as well as they anticipate themselves doing? Sports psychologists feel that spending all their time on body conditioning and athletic skills will not ensure that athletes reach their peak performance.

Through various studies, psychologists conclude that the psyche aspect must also be in shape to maximize the performance potential in sports as well as education or running a business corporation. more content...

Athletes must make sacrifices, in witch they have to follow steps in order to complete these tasks: first, relax, and let your mind replace all the negative thoughts with positive ones. Secondly, learn from mistakes and make adjustments. To achieve ultimate physical performance it is necessary for one's mind and body work in tandem. The mind is a message center that allows the body to accomplish whatever it wants. Coaches and psychologists believe your mind determines, how fast, you can achieve your goals.

Psychologists feel as though, with out self–confidence in yourself, nothing really matters, because in your heart and mind, your have already classified your self as a failure!

In Today's field of work, sports psychologist are trying to use different techniques to improve athletes' performance. After comprehensive research and development, psychologists came up with the following findings: first, athletes who view stressful situations as a threat, produce hormones and chemicals in their body that can impair physical and mental performance. (Harry Hurt, 1996 p.12) Second, athletes who meet as a challenge create a rush of adrenaline and sugar inside their body.

According to medical sources this is called a natural high, which is responsible for athletes exceeding in their performance. Additionally, James Loehr believed that, the findings mentioned above are difficult to

Sports medicine Essay example
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Evidence Based Practice has contributed to the healing of millions of patients across the world by meeting the needs of patient care through providing extensive research and evidence. The process of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is made up of professional nurses. The start of this process is based on previous clinical experience based on encounters nurses have had with patients regarding clinical problems. EBP brings better care to the patient by making the patient and their health issue the main focus of what is being researched or studied. The evidence–based practice (EBP) movement is consistent with nursing's goal of providing research–based care to patients (Fain, 2015). Nurses main goal of EBP is to explain what and why a topic is being researched, how this process is important to the care of the patient and how the evidence collected can be credible to make a difference. In order to make a difference in a patient's life by using EBP, nurses must first research the topic that is concerning to the patient. Research is the first step in beginning the process of solving a clinical problem. It is the best evidence used toward the decision making for patient care. Doing different analysis is important to nursing because it helps thenurse determine which method would be better for the patient and also determines the outcome of what is being studied. Research comes in the form of clinical expertise, patient preferences and existing resources (Fain, 2015). One type of

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Expository Essay Maggie Tyler a softball player, good student, pitcher. Maggie is a softball pitcher with an active personality she sets her goals and reaches as high as she want or can. She goes to Virginia Tech University. She is now a senior softball pitcher for her team, when maggie first started to play softball in college she was a freshman and a catcher for the team. As you can see Maggie Tyler is a good student,pitcher and catcher at/ for Virginia Tech.

Maggie pitches for her team and use to catch for her team. She is a 3–time pitcher in ACC, she has only had to be taken out of agame of pitching twice. Her team collected 23 wins, because of her "pitching". During 2016 she has thrown 245 strikes, she has pitched 242 innings. She

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Expository Essay On Earthquake

Write an informative process analysis about another dramatic act of nature; for example, an earthquake, tornado, tsunami, or hurricane. Maninderdeep Singh Grant MacEwan university

23 – OCT– 2017

Author Note

This paper was prepared for English 111, taught by Professor Valentyna Kennedy


There are a lot of disasters, but earthquake is the worst out of all. In this Research we can find out how an earthquake happens, the main reasons of why it happens and measures how a person can get out of such a situation. Earthquakes are the shock waves which happen for approximately half a minute. Taking references from books and journals it can be seen what a person should do during an earthquake and how this natural calamity can be measured and steps that government takes to find out where will this disaster show its power the next time.

Expository essay on earthquake

Earthquake is a Trembling or shaking alteration ofearth's surface. It is a sudden brutal shaking of the earth's surface occurring naturally and cause great massacre with its strong movements in the earth's crust or action of volcano. It is naturally occurring disturbance which can be characterize as an abnormal violent and involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the originate anytime inside the earth's crust and push a bulk of rock to slip rapidly. A huge amount of energy gets released and travel through rocks and waves, which cause tremors and trembling of

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Exercise is one of the most important factors in a persons' life. Physical activity, or the lack of it, can result in a person having a healthy life or cause them to have diabetes. The benefits of exercise are countless. The positive health results, the improvement in attitude, even better academic performance are all factors which make not exercising inexcusable.

Merely not using a person's body is harmful. Not being active results in a person's muscles becoming weak and out of condition. The effectiveness of a person's heart and lungs will decrease. A person's joints will become stiff and can be injured easily. Inactivity can be as much of a health risk as smoking. In addition children have become extremely lazy with all more content...

Adults should have around thirty to sixty minutes of physical activity four to six times a week. Two hours and thirty minutes is the minimum a fully developed person needs to lessen the risk of having some type of chronic disease later in life ("Information").

Physical fitness has two main classifications–performance related and health related. People have different performance related requirements in accordance with their occupation but all people have the same health related requirements (The World). Then there are two types ofexercise that helps tone a person's body while increasing its endurance. These are aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic exercise is exercise that uses the muscles and bones. Cardio activities are a good example of this, such as running or biking. This type of exercise increases the strength of a person's heart and boosts their lung capacity. Anaerobic exercise is an intense but short amount of exercise (Payment). Since it is only for a brief amount of time, it does not require the amount of oxygen aerobic exercise does. Instead it uses glycogen which comes from the sugar in a person's blood. An example of this exercise is weight lifting or sprinting. A person's requires both anaerobic and aerobic exercise for good health. Simply doing a cardio work out is not healthy, and for a person to see real results there must be some activity like weight lifting ("Anaerobic").

By performing some type of physical activity each

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The Health Benefits of Exercise Essay

Thesis Statement For Mental Health

Expository Method Used:

The Expository Method used for the topic to sentence outline is 'Analysis by Division.' This method breaks down the main idea into smaller parts that work together to make one central point. Additionally, the 'Analysis by Division' method is useful for structuring the topic sentences for writing the essay. Topic to Sentence Outline

Topic: Mentalhealth is an increasingly vital part of general wellness in today's fast–paced world. (Narrowed Topic): Characteristics of a mentally healthy individual.

Thesis Statement: A mentally healthy individual has the characteristics of emotional intelligence and spiritual consciousness, intellectual and social wellness.

Emotional Intelligence is considered one of the defining characteristics of a mentally more content... Equally important to the characteristics of a mentally healthy individual, in today's fast–paced world, is the psychological health of the brain, the genetic, biological and environmental factors that play an integral role in general wellness. Many prominent theorists have argued that perceptions of the self, the world, and the future are essential for mental health. Yet much research evidence suggests that overly positive self–evaluations, exaggerated perceptions of control or mastery, and unrealistic optimism are characteristics of normal human thought. Moreover, these illusions seem to promote other criteria of mental health, including, the ability to care about others, be happy or contented, and to engage in productive and creative work. (Taylor & Brown 1988,

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Expository Essay

Remembering back we had just come out of the 1950's with straight lace kids to a world of kids who thought something was wrong with America, rock ' n roll, rebellion. Those were turbulent times for families with gangs and turf wars. Parents would lead and guide their kids into careers particularly the medical field as doctors, nurses or lawyers. In some way those were simple times back then, guiding them and being with them every step of the way, until they were in their perspective fields and, jobs.

Supporting Point#1 – (subtopic 1): Career /psychology, counseling– Counseling 101 chpt.1 lesson.03

a.In the early 1960 and or before this date the nation was plagued with the hippy cultural, the sexual revolution, psychedelic lights pills, pcp, heroin, cocaine and cannabis weed ( not all at the same time some reared its heads sooner than others), and the civil rights movement. This brought about an explosion of psychologist and counseling psychiatrist. Davis, Anthony, Brown (1975) Therapeutic approaches to children in residential treatment: Changes from the mid–1950s to the mid–1970s.

b.At this time in history, vocational counseling was also on the scene led by Frank Parsons which helped guide people to the right careers based on their interests and abilities. With this graduation would soon became apparent, the reality of them setting up businesses in psychiatry,

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Expository Essay : Career And Psychology

What is ergonomics? Ergonomics is the science of fitting the job to the worker. When there is a mismatch between the physical requirements of the job and the physical capacity of the worker, work–related musculoskeletal disorders can result. Workers who must repeat the same motion throughout their workday, work in an awkward position use a great deal of force to perform, repeatedlylift heavy objects or face a combination of these risk factors are most likely to develop work–related musculoskeletal disorders.

In this report, I will outline the main factors in having a safe workstation. There are certain ways in which you may choose an ergonomically correct chair. Does the seat feel comfortable and fit your shape? When you sit in more content...

You may also want to choose a chair that swivels easily. Do you need armrests on your chair? If so, are the armrests broad, cushioned and comfortable? While sitting can you adjust the height of the armrests and can you move the armrests closer together or further apart? Keyboard in the ideal typing posture both static and dynamic muscle loads are minimized.

This posture is achieved when the keyboard is below seated elbow height and the keyboard base is gently sloped away from the user so that the key tops are accessible to the hands in a neutral posture. In this position the arms, shoulders, neck and back can relax, especially during brief rest pauses. Also, in this slightly reclined sitting position the low back rests against the lumbar support of the chair, the elbow angle is opened to promote circulation to the lower arm and hand, the abdominal angle, and the palatial angle (behind the knees) are opened to promote blood circulation. The feet rest firmly upon the floor. Monitor Optical glass glare filters on computer monitors can reduce health and vision problems related to computer glare and help boost productivity in computer users, according to a new Cornell University study. After using a glass anti–glare filter, the percentage of problems related to tiredness, trouble focusing eyes, itching/watery eyes and dry eyes was half what they were before filter use.

This was true for people, who use computer monitors all

Ergonomics Essay example
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Reflection Of Expository Writing

December 9, 2017

Eng 111

Reflective Essay

I have been taking Expository Writing for 4 months. I have found that I need to be able to communicate myself in writing. I must relay exactly what I'm trying to put forth to others and convey the right message of understanding. I must be able to explain myself, negotiate, and work in teams. My language skills can be worked on and improved. I need to be able to pick up the language of whatever environment I'm in whether it be at work or school, or in society. Since everyone does not have the same background, learning how to write the written word is important in any environment. I have learned how to write and express myself, how to think for myself, and how to find answers to things I do not know. Most important I have learned how to believe in mywriting. I was very hesitant in taking this English class, I have not taken an English class in many years. When I took the placement test for reading and English, I tested out of all categories. I was proud of myself for that feat. When I found I was going to have to take a college level English class, I avoided it at all costs. Too much pressure. However, I have learned about the Rhetorical Essay was to understand how an author writes and not focus on what the content is. Knowing the explanation of what techniques and author uses to make their point come across to the intended audience. I learned about Argumentative Research Paper is to debate both sides of an issue. The intent is to be unbiased and state the facts on either side. I learned about Public Piece with Presentation is meant to deliver an effective presentation to engage your audience. Your audience listens to not only what you are saying but your visual engagement in the topic being presented. Also, the point of the class is to be able to work with others to achieve a desired outcome or task. To know that I can work with others in a cohesive environment to draw on everyone's input and views. This will assist me in the real work of life and assist in handling many types of people and myself in communicating. I have never been a good writer; however, I have learned that communication is not the same when writing. Having a conversation about aliens

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Life is something that requires a considerable amount of physical and mental effort. Some are fortunate enough to have everything prepared for them. Such as some are born into money; some come across good fortune yet most work hard from the start to get some where in the world. It just all depends on how you were brought into this world. For some people, life is full of stress and hardships. That's how life was for someone very dear to me. He had it difficult from the start. However he chose not to let life get him down. When life gave him lemons, he made lemonade. From the day that high school started, he had to work to support his seven siblings and his mother. Along with his father he worked hard to support his family while at more content...

From then on, life became easier. Then he decided to marry. He had his first child and then his second. Life was serene. Upon being given a chance for at a better life, he took it. Taking his family with him, he moved to America, Anderson, South Carolina to be exact. Since his masters originated from the UAE, it has little value in the US. His options were to either get a job or go to college. Thinking of his family, and how he needed to support them, this man decided to obtain a job at a jewelry store at the mall in Anderson. There he worked for two years as an employee until he was finally given the chance to operate the store himself. From there, over the course of four years, this man owned jewelry store all across South Carolina. He was given an opportunity to expand into other businesses and he embraced it with open arms. Soon his business had reached New York, California, Florida, and Georgia. Life once again was peaceful until the jewelry business plummeted. He sold all his stores and moved to Georgia. Now he had nothing to his name. So again, like before, he started anew. With a store opened in one year to four more over the course of three years. With the experience he had gained in life, he was able to start over from scratch. From the time he was born, this man had nothing to his name. No money, no

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Life is a Struggle Essay examples

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