Life Is Precious Essay

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Life Is Precious It has been argued that it should be made legal for patients to have doctor–assisted suicide, or mercy–killing, which is the term used to describe ending life through the voluntary self–administration of lethal medication, expressly prescribed by a physician for that purpose (DHS–Internet). By approximately a two–to–one ratio, most adults in the US agree that it should be this way. "When read a brief description of the Oregon proposition, allowing physician–assisted suicide for patients who are thought to have less than six months to live, a 61% to 34% majority said that they would favor such a law in their state"(Harris # 2). However, I myself feel, that it shouldn't be approved for several reasons: this matter more content...

However, in reviewing the lives of people whose suicides have been publicly linked to Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a pathologist who has been behind bars since 1999, serving 10 to 25 years for second–degree murder, at least 60% of the 47 suicide patients were not terminal. At least 17 of them could have lived in definitively and 13 had no complaint of pain and in at least five of those cases, the people who died had histories of severe depression (Freep В– internet). Dr. Kevorkian argues that every assisted–suicide candidate underwent extensive counseling with himself before hand, but it was found that counseling was often limited to phone calls and brief meetings that included family members and friends (Free press–internet). There should be some requirements for the process of doctor–assisted suicide, for instance, every candidate for assisted suicide must be examined by a psychiatrist. But it was found that there was no psychiatric exam in at least 19 Kevorkian cases, including several in which friends or family reported that the patient was despondent over matters other than health (Free Press В– Internet). In addition, he adds that before agreeing to assist a suicide he used to make a detailed review of each patient's medical records, but it was found that Kevorkian's access to such records varied widely; in some instances, he received only a brief summary of the attending physician's prognosis

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Life Is Precious

What Makes Life So Precious?

What makes life so precious? Is it the fact that our decisions determine whether we change in one day? We are born in a day, we die in a day, and can fall in love in a day. But we forget the life we take for granted the most, Earth. In the Visual argument, a lung–shaped forest is depicted with a dying right lung. Deforestation is slowly eating at Earth and causing oxygen levels to plummet. In the image, the creator shows our environment 's struggle to produce oxygen due to mankind's greed, deforestation, and illegal logging. Mankind 's greed has never been satisfied since the beginning of time. Human beings are always looking for a way forward and are never satisfied even when a job is considered done. Something always has to be bigger, faster, and stronger, hence the reason why humans are separated from everything in the animal kingdom. In the visual argument, mankind's greed is exhibited as the lung in the picture. The missing vegetation on the bottom right lung symbolizes the greed and unnecessary poaching us as humans have committed. Another way the reader might perceive the picture might be that the lack of water in the streams resembling the over consumption of water we use. Forested watersheds generally offer higher–quality water than watersheds under alternative land uses. Quality can also be higher because forests sometimes help to regulate soil erosion and reduce sediment load, although the extent and significance of this function will vary. Without our forests

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Life is a precious thing. For some, bringing life into this world is a calling, a deeply felt desire to have a child. Unfortunately, pregnancy can come with its own complications. When pregnancy begins to infringe on a women's well–being, spiritually or physically, and there are perceived risks to the baby, bringing that life into the world brings more questions than answers. It no longer is a debate between the rights of the women and the rights of the fetus but brings deeper ethical issues into question. This essay will take a look at one such situation, how some core Christian worldview beliefs are relevant to the case, and how a Christian would resolve this issue; as well as look at both consequences and benefits of the resolution, and an alternative.

Ethical Dilemma

There was this woman named Susan. Even though she had found success in her career, she wanted more, to have a baby. After many years of trying, she was finally pregnant. During a checkup, the doctor identified that her baby has Down Syndrome. This diagnosis was not only a concern for the child but also a concern on how she would be able to maintain a healthy balance between her career and her family knowing how much additional attention the baby would need. Susan decided to seek guidance from a professor of evolutionary biology. Richard's opinion was that human beings should increase happiness and decrease suffering. Bringing a child into the world with Down Syndrome would be immoral knowing that he or she

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Life Is A Precious Thing Essay

The 2009 film directed by Lee Daniels, Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire, tells a story about the life of a 16–year–old, Claireece "Precious" Jones, who grew up in Harlem during the late 1980s. Precious lives a life that includes many sociological issues that have unarguably caused her great pain throughout her young life. Having endured poverty, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse her life has been far from perfect, but she realizes the need to defeat these negative sociological factors to achieve a life that seems to her as only a fantasy. Daniels effectively portrays the source of Precious's problems, as well as the way in which she deals with them; thus, achieving his goal in allowing the audience to see the effects of more content...

Not only does Mary cause both verbal and physical abuse to her daughter, but she also causes harm to Precious' new born, specifically when she throws Abdul to the ground. Much of Mary's discontent towards her daughter stems from Mary's husband (who is also Precious' father), Carl, the father of Precious' two children. Carl sexually abused Precious and Mary is resentful towards her, once saying, "Uppity now cause he give her more childrens than he did me" (Fletcher, 2008). Precious does a good job of concealing her emotions from the abuse in front of her mother and others, often envisioning a happy place where she has a boyfriend and life is seemingly well. Precious does, however, slip when talking to a social worker, Ms. Weiss, and reveals to her being sexually abused. Precious eventually finds it best for her and her children to move away from her abusive mother and into a halfway house. While her life is starting to look positive, her mother notifies her one day that her father has died from AIDS, and Precious believes she is infected with the disease as well. Precious' assumption turns out to be correct, but she continues on with her new life. Shortly after, the film concludes with Precious revealing her future plans to the audience, "I'm reading around 7th or 8th grade level now. High school level next. College after that" (Daniels, 2009). The film Get more

Essay about Precious: The Film

Value of life

The life given by god has a very special meaning a value in which people sometimes forget to thank or either regret. Many students/adults believe that they are going to be popular if they have money and a good job buy forget that people are influenced by those who have learned something. Also a lot fail to remember, to earn value you must earn it.In today's economy the government creates a value on the person by looking at the position they are held for. If you look at it from the society's point of view they believe people should be given value according to what they do and what position they are. From an individual's perspective they judge themselves on what they accomplish and achieve.The value of the individual more content...

Each individual has their own perspective on how they want their life to be. As Steve Jobs mentioned in his inaugural speech " Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice"(89). The meaning of this quote is just do what you love and do not let anyone else tell you what to do. In life you just have to be your own self and believe that you can and will achieve. Your life will only be worth it if you actually accomplish something you wanted to do not what others want you to do. Several high school students tend to find a job while attending school and stay with it for the rest of their life. However, what they do not realize is that they are missing out on what they actually wanted to do in life not make money with the job they hate doing. The value of life has to be interpreted throughout high school as well as college because if you do not figure it out then you will end up doing something you will regret in the future. In many cases the society would make their decision based on what the person did and who the person was. For example, in the late 18th–19th century when there was slavery the people made their decision based on who had the most money not the one who worked. If you look at it today it is kind of similar because say a teacher gets injured and a professional athlete the value would be based on who

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The Value of A Life Essay

'My one wild and precious life', as I slowly let out a small puff of air, this statement slowly crept into my head. Who really defines the preciousness of life, does it rely on the good deeds I have done? Does it have to do with how much people value me in their life? Am I precious in the same way the ring is precious to SmГ©agol (Gollum)? As far as I can perceive, a life is precious just because it exists, because it wanders around in this weary planet looking for that one element that defines them. Most of the humankind appears to be on a wild–goose chase, searching for their own unique purpose in life because in reality life is a bleak, meaningless barren land. As for me, I am quite uncertain as to what I plan to do with life. Since I more content...

Well, do I still have a plan after having to fight through the forest of infinite possibilities? The answer would be, "I don't think I'm ever getting out of the forest and If I do, it's a dreaming." Mary Oliver raises one of the most complex questions of life in the simplest manner. Even though, I could've answered in a literal sense, such as, "I want to be a well know, respected attorney, with a loving and beautiful wife who's going to birth my adorable two kids, Luke and Leia, and we are going to live in the suburbs outside New York city till the kids go off to college. My wife and I will start a real estate business called Hogwarts realtor enterprises, be successful and later inn life take out the grandkids for fishing out in the cabin and live a quiet and peaceful life." Well, as pleasant and pleasing as that story sounds, I rather get lost in the uncertainties of life and dread about the unattainable plans I have for life, because, ironically, that was my plan, to write a gloomy, insecure answer to a rather pleasant, thoughtful Get

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People are so busy living their lives sometimes they forget each day isn't handed to them. It is a privilege to wake up each morning, often people take life for granted. I certainly do this as well as many others. It is extremely easy to be selfish and not think about the good thing, and only think of the bad things. But life is so precious, one moment you can wake up and your life can be completely changed, everything you know just turned upside down. There are many things in my life that have taught me to try and be more selfless and appreciate life as much as I can because there really is no telling when the life you have may change forever. For a lot of people when terrible things like this happen they are confused and they don't understand why it is happing. When I found out my grandfather had Alzheimer's disease that is exactly how I felt. I was only 13 years old. Being that young and getting told your grandpa, a man who I've always looked up to, a man that has always been there for me, a man that I loved more than anything was basically going to forget me and everything else he's ever known is a very terrible feeling. It was one of the worse feelings knowing there is nothing you can do but sit there and wait. I was crushed and there was nothing to do except watch his brain slowly rot and slowly watch my favorite man completely change into a new person. It just wasn't and still isn't fair my family. I still ask myself everyday why this had to happen to this happy go

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Life Is Precious In My Life

How fragile and precious life is. Even though I was not a Christian back then, I was going to always be mindful that each day is a gift from God that can be lost at any moment. But the reason I could not just thank for what I was given was because of the much vicious fact that the one who tried to kill me and my loved ones was my own biological father. The very first, and fatal betrayal of my life came from my own biological father who is supposed to be a model of what a good man ought to be for his daughter. We used to be a very wealthyfamily, but after he failed in his business with a big loss by his gambling, he turned out to be an alcoholic, a gambling addict, and a human monster. He beat my mother brutally, who is the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I could not help her out of his violence. I could not stop my sister's crying. I wished I were a man, a tall and strong man, but the reality was cold. There was nothing I can do, which later turned into a self–loathing, psychologically. I remember the moments when we three were shivering if he did not come back home before 9p.m. which means he will come back drunken, which means the horrible, unacceptable violence will happen to us. After my parents got a divorce, my younger sister and I were sent to each side's grandparent. I was sent to my maternal grandmother who moved to the capital city: Seoul, and my sister to the other: the very southern part of Korea where is our

How Fragile And Precious Life Is
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Life is the most precious gift from God. It is something that comes unexpectedly. We never know when will it come and when will it go. Life is full of happiness, sometimes sadness and sometimes combination of both. We value life because it was given by God and we owe God because he is so intelligent that he created everything that doesn't have defect and do help us to live in the most beautiful place we have ever seen, the world, the universe and the Earth. Because of life we discover many things, our talents, our capabilities and many more. We also met our love ones and special someone because of these life. We also learn how to do something out of his creation, for example houses, buildings, hospitals and schools. Life also something that makes us contented on what we have. Yes, life starts and unfortunately it also stops. Its quiet hard to say goodbye on our loved ones that has a big part on our lives but we need to accept that we are all going to die. But can you imagine life after our death? more content... Is there any place where we can stay? Or will we going to continue living in this world with our body? Will there be a chance for us to resurrect? And what will happen to our soul if we die? As a matter of fact I believe that when we die we will not feel any physical pain but only emotional pain because when we die, our soul will be separated from our body and only our emotions will leave. There is also a possibility that we will not be able to remember the journey we've been through because our brain is not with our soul. It is so sad to think that our treasured memories for a long period of time will going to be forget and I think we will not also be recognized our loved ones because when we transfer to another body there will be new brain and new heart the only thing that will remain is your drive for learning. Not the feelings nor the Get more content

Life Is The Most Precious Life Essay

Life Is A Precious Thing, Death Is The Great Evil

"Life is a precious thing, death is the great evil", said by Heinrich Heine who is a famous poet. So we can know that life is the most important thing for every single life entity. There are a lot of words that can modify life, such as important, precious, formidable and so on. The reason why there are so many good vocabulary can modify life is nobody want to lose their own life. It is clear that not only human, but also animals cherish their own life. According to the utterance which Heine said, we should not kill anyone. However, the life is also cruel.Crime is happens every day and some of them can not be excused. People may do some wicked things for some reasons. In this case, the death penalty is the way that can punish them and caution other people and it is necessary to have death penalty. Death penalty can influence a lot of people who consider to do something bad. People may do something wrong in some situations. When people are angry, they can not think with their brain. They will think with their emotion. If there does not have a strict punishment after he did the wrong thing, people will do it. But if they will lose their own life after they kill someone or do something else, they will think about it is necessary or not. Is it worth their own life to do that? This is a question the people will ask themselves before they do something wrong if we have the Death penalty. "Readers of the 1978 report of the NRC Panel on Research on Deterrent and Incapacitative

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Life is a precious gift from God. It is precious because He created it and declares it so in His Word. It is meant not only to be enjoyed, but also respected. Life is not flippant and is not in our hands or under our authority to bring into or take out of existence. That alone is God's power and His authority. Mass shootings and terrorist attacks are an abomination to God because it shows people taking God's role and authority and applying it to their own wicked, fallen, and human selves. They ignore and slight God's deity and supreme authority by deciding for themselves who lives and who dies. Life is not theirs to take. Human life is sacred, it is so precious because mankind is made in the image of God and bears His image here on earth.

Violation of the sanctity of human life is not only a recent or modern issue. It goes way back to the dawn of creation with Adam and Eve's first generation. In Genesis 4:8–10 the Bibles tells of Cain rising up against Abel, his brother, and killing him. Cain's initial sin wasn't murder. The root of that sin was disobedience then jealousy and bitterness which was what led to the murder of Abel. God most definitely did not take this sin lightly. He said in verse 10 "...the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground". God was grieved at Abel's death and at the disrespect of Cain taking God's matters, that is, life and death, into his own feeble and foolish hands. Ultimately, sin starts in the heart. Just like Cain, people today Get

Life Is Precious In Human Life
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Friends, today I am going to speak on a subject that affects us all, every day, every hour, every minute and every second. Yes...the subject is Time. Time is the most precious thing for a man as it comes only once in someone's life and never stays long. Our life is like a bubble, a short morning dream. Therefore, we should take good care and make the best use of it. In other words, we must understand the value of time. Time management is basically planning and dividing one's time in a constructive way.

We all have a number of activities that have to be taken care of in a particular period of time. So we should be able to plan our activities in such a way that we are able to complete all the work in a given span of time. A more content...

But those who forgot the value of time found to their utter dismay that it was harsh on them later.

In other words, successful persons use time in the best possible manner to achieve their goals. Most of us waste our precious time in unnecessary things such as gossip, roaming–aimlessly, grieving over the past blunders or day dreaming. It must always be kept in mind that, "Time and tide wait for none". Time can be spent wisely or foolishly. The choice is ours and so are its consequences.

Life is not a bed of roses. Each one of us has to face a number of problems in life. We have to be bold and courageous enough to face them. Problems are faced by men of courage only. Escapists always avoid problems. Bad times teach us a lot. They prepare us for a prosperous and glorious future. When difficult times arrive, they prepare us for a better life. We will then be able to handle problems with more maturity, stability and courage.

Basically, time and opportunity once lost can never be recovered. The flow of time is ceaseless and eternal and we all are like small insignificant particles in this endless and continuous flow. Time is eternal and endless but human life is very limited, finite and short–lived. Hence, successful people make the best use of time in their lives. A work done is time earned. A decision taken at an appropriate moment can work wonders so we must all learn to strike the iron when it is hot. We must make the best

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Value of Life Essay How does one put a value upon life? That is the question that surfaces in the mind of every individual at least once in a lifetime. The answer is not a definite one. Everyone has various beliefs and morals; this makes manifesting life's value into a definite answer a daunting task. I believe every individual holds a personal value of life, each of us appreciate different aspects of life more than other. Life is priceless. There is no specific value that can be placed upon it. There is no way to weigh a life's worth. Sure you can calculate a person's economic worth or their career, but a career isn't a life. There are many aspects as to why life is priceless. You can not measure a person's values, nor can you weigh more content...

Life is a rollercoaster of emotion. It can invigorate or devastate. It can produce both success and failure, but no two cases are identical. The same could be said of the value to those who produced the success and failures. There is one thing certain about life, and that is death. Will a life be more valued by someone who fears death more than someone who has come to terms with death? "No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there." (Jobs 2) The point is that everyone is somewhat fearful of death. With thefear of death comes the will to survive, or rather the will to live life to its fullest. "...rather bear those ills we have/ Than fly to others that we know not of?" (Shakespeare III.i.26–27) This quote represents the fear many have of death. Why would they want to venture to the unknown? They may cling to life anyway they can. Rodger Ebert once wrote "I know its coming [death] and I do not fear it, because I believe that there is nothing on the other side of death to fear..." (Ebert 3) He might have not valued his life that is why he was okay with dying, right? What if I told you he also wrote "What I am grateful for is the gift of intelligence, and for life, love, wonder, and laughter. You can't say it wasn't interesting." (Ebert 3) This just goes to show that life's aspects can be appreciated in different ways. Hamlet appreciates the fact that he knows

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Value of Life: Priceless Essay

Life is Precious "There are two victims in an abortion, a dead baby and a dead conscience"(Mother Teresa). I know that abortion is a very controversial topic and that there are many different opinions out there. Abortion is a topic that can not be fully solved because, in the end, it is the mother's choice, but that doesn't mean abortion is correct. When women are faced to choose abortion as an option it is mostly when their mind set is confused and feel lost in those moments of their lives, they probably feel that abortion is like a war between conscience, morality, and consequence. But they shouldn't feel this way because if abortion isn't wrong then nothing is wrong. A lot of people ask, when does life begin? Is it yet a child? Life of a fetus begins by the time you have unprotected sex because unprotected sex is a 99.9% risk of pregnancy. The word "Fetus" means a developing human after conception to birth, and in Latin, it means "little one" referring to the small size of the unborn baby. In other words, a fetus is not a clump of cells it's considered a child just with a specific name like we do with every life stage, for example, we call small children infants, toddlers, and kids the same for older kids we call them a teenager, young adult etc. According to an investigation, 91.3% of abortions are made during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Based on an investigation by the Health and welfare center "By week 10, all major body organs for the unborn–child have formed, and by week 12, the last week of the first trimester, blood begins to form in the bone marrow, the kidneys begin to create urine and the fetus now has the ability to fall asleep and wake up"(Kyle Waltman). Could you believe killing such a precious life? Abortion should be taken as serious as child murder . Deciding to whether killing a life inside of you is not a woman's choice because the body she is killing is not her body it is her babies. This is why there should be a law enforcement who protects those innocent lives.

Abortion can definitely be something we could avoid by providing young teenagers good sexual education. Providing a good sexual education will avoid undesired pregnancies. I strongly believe that abortion

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Argumentative Essay On Life Is Precious

Life is precious and a privilege that is given to man. It is a complex biological process in which people grow, breath, and most importantly live. This world has turned into a place where people have influence and control of others life in a negative way. Violence and injustice have diminished the essence of living. A person's life no matter who and what they have done cannot be belittled. Governments and courts have obtained the power to decide the fate of one's life and this advantage has become legalized. There are laws that punish these offenses such has incarceration ,but there is a one law in which serious offenders are sentenced to death. Capital punishment or the death penalty is a law that some countries still follow and it has caused quite a controversy. The death penalty does not bring justice, it is duplicitous because it is morally wrong and essentially punishing murder with murder. The death penalty has been terminated by many countries, but there are a few that still practice capital punishment. There are many different ways of executing this punishment such as injection, electrocution, and lethal gas. Are these cruel punishments what people consider serving justice or is it imperative to their own definition of justice. Cardinal Roger Mahony, a archbishop and chairman of the U.S Bishops Domestic Policy Committee,says "It is time to abandon the death penalty – not just because of what it does to those who are executed, but because of how it diminishes all of

Life Is Precious And A Privilege
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They also believe the true purpose of a marriage is for companionship and procreation. The marriage act is integral to reproduction, and reproduction is integral to the marriage act. Therefore, reproductive technologies that take the place of the marriage act are not in line with the dignity of the human being (Catholic Church, 2009). The fifth part involves issues for the critically ailing and dying. According to the Catholic Church, "The truth that life is a precious gift from God has profound implications for the question of stewardship over human life. We are not the owners of our lives and, hence, do not have absolute power over life. We have a duty to preserve our life and to use it for the glory of God, but the duty more content...

Surveys demonstrate that providers who take the time to investigate their patient's spiritual beliefs and incorporate the whole–person into their care services were more appreciated by their patients and that patients respected clinicians who showed compassion during treatment. Studies show that patients value clinicians who are compassionate. Studies also show that patients encourage clinicians to address spirituality and show a willingness to provide spiritual care (Puchalski, 2013). Despite this, there are multiple studies that reveal there are barriers clinicians face when addressing spirituality. Studies show patients feel only a small number of clinicians' address spirituality and provide spiritual care. "Studies also show clinicians fail to integrate spirituality or do not practice a compassionate presence due to limited education and training for the healthcare professional, design of clinical practices, time within an already limited office visit, and payment constraints" (Puchalski, 2013, p. 492). Numerous questions have arisen as to what is the appropriate delivery is for spiritual care. This has led to the creation of ethical guidelines. The guidelines are as follows: Spiritual history: noncompulsory, patient–focused; professional restrictions: honoring the patients trust; comprehensive classification of spirituality; evasion of attempting to answer questions with no possible resolution; remaining within the boundaries of one's skill level;

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Life Is A Precious Gift From God

I always regard friendship as the most important and precious thing in my life. Someday, if I lose the friendship, I will have a cardiac arrest and die without meaning. I still remember the girl, the girl who named Wan Ching Koh, the nice girl who deserves me to use my life to treasure. That year summer, I was moved. After everything was done, I gently sighed of relief and felt a little confused. How much have I moved? Why every time I haven't even started be a friend with other yet, and I need to move to another place again? While I was entangled with this question, I saw a girl who looks older than me is squatting under the cycas. I carefully walked into her, she holds her drawing board and thick pencil. In light of the quietness of this place, I could hear the "rustling" sound when the girl was trying to draw the grass under the cycas. At that moment, it took everything I had not to burst out laughing because the girl was too funny. Why there will be a person will draw the grass instead of drawing the cycas that represent the symbolic of impregnable? At that time, I think maybe I am still young so there will not have the talk about courage. Therefore, I stepped forward and patted her on the back: "I don't think you have a good piece of work." However, the girl doesn't reply. Is she angry? Or is she crying? A moment later, she just turned around and I was shocked out of the blue. Because there was a scar like a centipede, extends from the left side of her nose to the

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Life is a precious gift from God. We should take care of it, embrace and cherish it. In order to fully enjoy it, people seek ways to protect their health. Health is also considered the best wealth. This is a clichГ© that we repeatedly hear over the years but do we realize that there's a truth behind these words? As defined by the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is freedom from disease and sickness. It is essential for our day to day living. How can one work without health? Without health, man cannot function well, enjoy and improve the quality of life. However, no one has ever experienced a perfect well–being and prevented themselves from acquiring any kind of disease. It is a part of being human to experience sickness despite of efforts to promote health and find reasonable measures to treat it. Getting sickness could be a financial issue especially for those living in developing countries. Many find it difficult to afford the skyrocketing healthcare costs brought by expensive medical conditions and suffer great financial losses when an ailment strikes. In considering the future needs of health and to avoid the probability of getting in to this dilemma, people invest in different health insurances which will help them to budget their resources when the time comes that they need to seek appropriate health care. World Health Organization also noted that

Life Is A Precious Gift From God
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"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." ― Mae West. Life is precious. Everyone values their own life and does everything they can to preserve it. The body itself does everything it physically can to continue living. Even animals know since birth, they must do what they can to survive. Be it working together or working alone, they preserve their lives to the best of their abilities. We, as humans, are intelligent creatures and realize there is more to life than mere survival. Life is about our love, friends, family, and overall happiness. But due to our tunnel vision, when we only know about our experiences. We view our beliefs to be absolute and the sole way to go. Without realizing it, this ideology keeps us from being a more peaceful species. Instead of trying to stay the same, we should try to be better versions of our ancestors. Our species would be so much better if we actually spoke to and understood each other. Americans and europeans are so self–centered in the idea that we think we are the most civilized. We think all other cultures that don 't meet our standards are backwards. we refuse to understand how others think and why they do certain things. What we don 't realize is mixing cultures isn 't necessarily a bad thing. If we would be able to understand each other on a deeper level there will be less war, hate, and needless pain. For a country who prides itself on being diverse, we are very disdainful toward new things. This refusal to learn Get

The Journey Of Life Is Precious
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