Explaining My Learning Style
Has anyone ever told you that you're always the leader while working in a group? Do you know your learning style? What about your personality? What career will you have based on a personality quiz? There are many online accurate quizzes you can take to figure those things out. I am always having to constantly explain my learning style, my personality, and my roll in group projects.
My learning style is being a visual learner. First, a visual learner is someone who has to see what they're learning in order to understand the material taught. When learning, I prefer to use graphs, charts, diagrams, pictures, videos, and other things instead of listening to a teacher talk. When I study notes for a quiz I always end up highlighting most of the text. Being a visual learner impacts others and I in different ways. First, studies show that classrooms are needing more visual aid type teaching lessons because so many children learn visually, but aren't getting the help they need. If more teachers taught with pictures, examples, diagrams ,etc, then there would be a huge rise in test scores. Students including myself can study better and increase our vocabulary by being taught in an environment that matches our learning type....show more content...
I am bossy, hardworking, and I disagree a lot. I want everything to be perfect, so I keep everybody on track and make sure the project is good. It is difficult being a leader because everyone gets annoyed with me and also I end up doing most of the work. If I don't like how someone does something, I will redo it. I love making graphs and charts for my projects. It is good to be a leader in the group, but it's also bad. I don't like having to boss people around and doing everything, but it is just something that comes to me naturally. Finally, that it what I am constantly telling people. Overall, that is how I am a visual learner, my personality is a debater, and that is how I am the leader of my
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My Learning Style Through the course of my readings about the variety of learning styles and ways of learning, I can honestly state that what I found is there is no right or wrong way of learning and everyone's style is also your own. There different ways we can assimilate, process and view information. The major determining factor of how well we do this, depends on who is being asked the question and how do they want the answer. In the readings, I have learned that based on who your audience is, will determine how the information is interpreted. Though not everything is set in stone. L. Baumgartner (2015) discusses this her article discussing adult development. She mentions that "humans are active participants in their development, actively...show more content...
My tendencies of second guessing myself are directly describe in the Divergent learning style. Though when analyzing my other identifiable style (the accommodator style), I find a lot of similarities within it. I know it has been said that patience is a virtue, and do I wish I had more of it. I find myself anxious at times, which has led me to make some not so well thought out decisions. Hind sight is AMAZING! I do wish I had a crystal ball. This would aid me in avoiding some simple mistakes that I have made due to my impatience. This is also a typical trait of the accommodator learning
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My Learning Style Analysis
My Learning Style Analysis
What's My Style?
Learning styles exist and that they are different for each one of us. They are part of our personalities and the way we were created to process, retain, and learn information. While it is important to understand what helps us to learn effectively and how best we retain and apply new information, it is equally important to understand that our learning styles should be well–balanced to be truly successful. Based on the Index of Learning Styles (Felder & Soloman, n.d.), my styles are reflective, sensing, verbal, and sequential. Reflective learners tend to think about things first and prefer to work alone. I am a reflective learner, but in order to develop a good balance, I should work on being more active when I encounter...show more content...
This is the case in most areas of my life. It is an effective and helpful trait for success. However, at the other end of that spectrum lies the global learner. I could be a more balanced student and employee if I focused on the big picture. When I was a Program Control Analyst, I was responsible for calculating and analyzing the monthly sales and margin variances. I would labor to balance and determine exactly what happened. I will never forget the suggestion from my supervisor when I would report my findings. She said, "Jacie, your work is great. But if you want to progress to the next level, you should work on looking at the big picture. Getting down to the cents on certain tasks is not what you will focus on if you progress in your career." That was so true and I've kept that in mind when I get too focused on the
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From the standpoint of what is my learning style, I am definitely a tactile learner. For me to gain my greatest ability to learn, I must use my hands to physically work through something. This process allows me to build relationships between the content that I'm being taught and the outcomes that I need to reach. The biggest challenge that I have experienced with my own learning is my struggle with my reading skills. This challenge was not something that I met head on. Instead I found ways to work around my issues with reading. Using my kinesthetic learning style, I was able to make up for my poor reading ability. I have found that being able to apply something to what I am reading allows me to form relationships and gain a better understanding of the subject matter I am trying to learn. I feel success in my learning comes from being able to build an understanding of what I've learned so I can apply it, or show relationship to how a given topic is important to myself or my students lives. I obtained my undergraduate degree from Saginaw Valley State University with a double major in history and specialeducation, with an Emotional Impairment endorsement. I have currently started my 6th year as an educator. I spent the first three years of my career teaching at Rogers City High School where I co–taught in various math and English classes, with four different teachers. This placement was a full inclusion setting with no resource room available to students in need of that
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My Learning Style Analysis
According to a learning style test, I found out that I am tactile and visual learner. With this new found information, I can alter my learning habits to benefit and improve my overall academic average. In spite of this assignment, I researched ways to enhance my learning skills by altering my schedule, balancing my overall being, and noticing things I can improve in my study habits. By starting to change my learning habits now, I can practice and achieve my goal of increasing my academic average sooner. In Shannon's article, Helping Kinesthetic Learners Succeed, she writes "Encourage your child to study in several short blocks of time, instead of one extended time period. " I can take this into consideration by adapting my study habits into...show more content...
To help calm myself I have taken up yoga and meditation to help focus and open my mind. I am in the process of relaxing my body in order to improve my overall self. After I found out that I am tactile and visual Learner, I have been trying to find different ways to benefit myeducation. On the contrary, I have always thought of myself as a 100% Visual learner, nevertheless now I see I do not share most of the qualities of a person who performs better with visual cues. Visual learning style involves a lot of work towards seeing a problem and being able to come up with a solution to solve it. In contrast, I solve more problems by using my hands and elements in my environment. "They learn best when they can move around and engage their small and large muscle groups." (Hutton) In the future, I am going to draw pictures and make more models to help me understand. I retain more information from a task by doing everything by hand. I am going to focus on where I feel more comfortable getting hands on in a workplace. This should help me in the future with my learning habits and in turn improves my grades by teaching myself on how to be more
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My Learning Style Analysis
Although it has only been five weeks in my Social and Business Structures class, I have learned a great deal. I have become more aware of my own learning style, and what a Christian worldview is. Also, this class has made me realize that I need to deepen my relationship with God. I completed several surveys to help determine my learning style. In each survey my scores showed me as having a, close to perfect balance, of each style. I was better able to identify each style when I was actually studying. As I worked through each assignment, I identified some consistent styles that helped. As embarrassing as it is; I have found that talking out loud is helpful. Also, taking a mental picture of what I am reading has helped with my retention.
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My Learning Style Analysis
Knowing your learning style is very important to be a successful student and worker. Knowing your learning style will enhance your ability to learn new skills and information efficiently and quickly. My personal learning style is multimodal, but more specifically, my learning style is called ARK. I have three ways that I can efficiently learn, which are aural, reading/ writing, and kinesthetic. These three differentlearning styles can be coincided so that I learn the maximum amount possible in different ways, which means a lot of the time the information will stay and resonate longer in my brain, therefore sinking in further. It is very important I learn how to thoroughly utilize all three of these learning skills so that I can be an even better student and employee throughout my lifetime.
Aural learning style is the learning style in which you learn from listening and soaking the information in. For example, I find that if a teacher uses their own personal stories that apply to the lesson I learn better, despite the fact I am not taking notes. I learn a lot from listening to what people have to say and gaining perspective. I use this skill every day in the work place and at school because most of my teachers read the lectures. I work...show more content...
This learning style is when you learn by doing hands–on activities instead of lectures and note taking. Although I do have a high success rate with listening and taking notes, sometimes I will not fully understand a concept until I perform it. For example, if I were learning the placement of organs in the body, I would learn better by dissecting something and physically putting an image and action to the information. Also, when I study, I like to put hand movements in with vocabulary words that are hard to remember. This learning style is going to be especially helpful in the future because I want to be a nurse, so performing the necessary tasks will help me successfully do them in the
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After completing the Discovery Wheel and the Learning Style Inventory assignments which are presented by the text book Becoming a Master Student (Ellis, 2006, pp. 78–82), I discovered that I should trust my instinct now more than ever. I've always felt most confident when I had a chance to implement my knowledge and understanding in a lab or a real life setting. I learned that facts, figures, and examples are important parts in the way I learn. Breaking something down into smaller units and examining these units individually is something I enjoy doing, but that is not my preferred learning style.
My preferred learning style is the "How". In order for me to learn or memorize new skills, concepts, or techniques, I have to do them myself. ...show more content...
If the implementation process is failing, then obviously there's a missing link or there is a part that I didn't understand correctly. Being in the Information Technology field, I have to try something over and over to become good at it. In this field, it's seldom that a person will learn a new skill and be able to use it for the first time without making any mistakes and even if he or she does get it done without any mistakes it won't be as good as it would have been if it was being implemented for the second or third time by that person. Reading, listening, or even watching is just not good enough. Most of the concepts and techniques we learn –at least in my experience– are built upon other concepts and techniques. For example, you won't be able to master the skill of division if you don't master the art of multiplying and subtracting first, therefore, since a given skill is based on one or more other skills, hands–on experience becomes a must in order for a person to be able to implement that new skill as one cohesive operation.
I remember when I was enrolled in an intermediate trigonometry class back in college. One chapter that I struggled with was called "Graphs of Trigonometric Functions". We learned in that class how to graph a given equation using the concepts of sine, cosine, time, and angles. I just couldn't see the purpose of doing such a thing. A week later in another class called "Principles of Electricity and Get more content
My Learning Style Assessment
According to my learning style assessment, it says, that I am a visual learner. I agree with this assessment because I am a person who likes to study alone rather than study in group, and see things face to face. But, I also like to do group projects, I am outgoing and not have trouble with spoken directions, like it says visual learners have. A visual learner likes to learn by using poster, worksheets and flashcards. They also are distracted by sounds and will have trouble following lectures for more than 10 to 15 minutes. Three strategies I will use to help enhance/ improve my learning style are; "Taking classes that offer more lecture–based learning than written study materials,record your notes verbally and play them back to learn them
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1.State the concept or main idea of this chapter in your own words in a single sentence or 2. In this chapter I learned about my learning style and how different learning styles impact our lives.
2.Elaborate in your own words and in more depth or great detail what the chapter is addressing in (12) sentences. With the work sheets I was able learn what kind of leaner I am. I got the thinker so I understand that I have a more logical mind. As a thinker I need time to look back at my notes and to process new information. I learn by having problems to work with. I thought repetition was good to help me study but based on being a thinker I need to stay away from repetitive tasks. With this chapter I understood that making charts or putting information in my own words if benefit to me. Knowing how I learn will help become a better nurse and student. I also...show more content... When ever I take a test I read constantly over and over again. Sometimes I rewrite my notes many, many time. I am just going to rewrite my notes once for my understanding. Afterwards, I would change the information into graphs and charts to help me understand the information better. I will read the chapter and stop writing while I read. In doing so I will focus on the reading and not writing everything. Repetition has caused me to lose focus and not retain information. In test I constant read the information in the same format. Now I know I have to change the information to fit my style so I can learn the information and retain it. I can also talk the information out. I will also form a study group so we can talk the information out together to get a better understanding. Forming a study group will also allow me to get help in formulating question because I learn well with questions. Knowing what kind of learner I am has helped me figure out what I need to do to become a better student and Get more content
My Learning Style Analysis
My Learning Style Analysis
Each person has their very own individuality, while many people share certain characteristics, there are no two people who are the exact replica of one another. Aside from the obvious difference in DNA, we differentiate ourselves from everyone else based on many aspects; one of those aspects being our capability to learn or rather our "Learning Style". It is believed that by completing a few simple tests we can determine our best method of learning and comprehending the information we require our brains to soak up. In this essay I will discuss my personal results from the three exams that were required to be completed in order to determine my learning style. I will individualize each test that was completed and discuss my results, explain which...show more content...
While my love for music in all its calming forms plays an important role in my studies, I find that by the simple act of reading aloud, I gain a better comprehension of what it is my brain is attempting to learn. When given written instructions, it is easier to grasp the information when it is read out loud and even more so when the instructor is verbally delivering the instructions rather than on a piece of paper. There are also other smaller details regarding myself that convince myself of being an auditory learner, one wouldn't be able to guess that just the simple act of humming or randomly singing a song to yourself is a sign of the learning
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This paper will identify which of the Kolb learning styles best suits me and why I think so. It will also give some examples from my past and present to support these findings. After determining, the learning styles that best fit me and completing an inventory exercise, I have concluded that I learn best using audio and visual techniques in the learning process. I agree with everything this exercise has brought to light. I never knew that these styles were the meaning by which I learned. I have also included examples as to how I see the use and benefits of these learning styles in my career.
My Learning Style
After reviewing, the Kolb learning styles I have decided that the style that best suits me is a cross between Accommodating...show more content...
A person with this learning style excels in the capacity to examine situations from many angles and generate many ideas. Studies indicate that individuals with the diverging learning style are interested in people and are creative and expressive. They also tend to be fascinated in the arts and often have humanities or liberal arts backgrounds. Counselors, organizational development specialists, and human resource managers have exhibited this learning style. (casa colorado teaching seminar Kolb Learning Style Inventory Info pdf website, 2008)
Therefore, I think these two learning styles fit me like a glove. Reflecting on my professional history of twenty years managing people in a variety of different environments an situations, have called for these learning styles to be used. Even though I did not know I was actively using these learning styles, I can now see where they played a big part in my success in my career. I have always needed to think on my feet and adapt to changing environments to please customers and employees alike. Another example of where I have successfully used these learning styles in my organization, drawing, and creativity in how I would handle new unexpected situation at home and work. Furthermore, according to these inventories, I have concluded that I am an audio and visual learner. This is apparent in both the ways I learn and teach. In trying to
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My Learning Style Essay
Learning Styles : A Learning Style Assessment
A learning style is a term used to describe the ways in which people gather, interpret, and store information. Each style can be broken down into a category based on sensory needs: auditory, visual, and tactile. The presumption is that you will best retain the information presented to you if the conditions of your learning style meet. Based on the idea that learning styles exist, I consider myself a visual learner. I prefer to write instructions and keep my thoughts organized. I generate ideas based on reading examples or watching instructional videos. As a child, my preferences were lined primarily with auditory learning. I could easily remember things that spoken to me. As our personalities develop and environment changes, so do our learning styles.
A learning style assessment is a good way to gather information about your primary learning style. A series of questions are asked to determine your sensory preferences. Our learning environment can play a role in how well we will retain the information given to us. We may use different learning styles based on the situation. A learning style assessment offers a variety of scenarios to assess the way you learn most of the time. The questions vary from the type of books you enjoy to what you do while you wait in line at a store checkout. According to the assessment, my learning style is 40% Auditory, 35% Visual, and 25% Tactile. As a primarily auditory learner, "you learn best by hearing and listening" as well as "hum or talk
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I haven't thought about my learning styles recently. Nevertheless, since I enrolled back in school, I had to refocus my life and career to fit the way I learn. I recognize that everyone thinks and learn differently because if everybody was the same the world would be screwed up. More important, I am interested to learn what learning styles work best for me. I always felt that I was a hands–on kind of person. For instance, my first restaurant job some years ago, during a training session I notice I would absorb more info when I prepared the food rather than someone preparing it for me. I guess if more people were taught in an environment where data were presented in a style that complements their learning style it would be beneficial for them....show more content...
I tend to be more effective when I plan, take note, and study. I am a reflective learner because I prefer rules and regulations in place. Furthermore, I am not comfortable during class when a teacher talk for long periods of time without the class been involved. It is difficult for me to be active before I get all the information. On the other hand, once I notate and absorb the information I would be more active. My score for this section did not surprise me. I am a more sensor learner than intuitive learner. More importantly, I would agree with this because I believe knowing the facts work best for me. Furthermore, I do not like going out on a limb when I do not know what the outcome might be. In addition, I believe the bigger the situation is, the more I prefer to know the facts, but if the situation is not very costly, I probably would be more
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My Learning Style Analysis
My Learning Style Analysis
My learning style is a baking recipe. With baking, everything has to be done perfectly in order to create the perfect baked good. The recipe has to be followed exactly and the measurements have to be precisely measured. If one component is off then the baked good will not turn out. Additionally, when making a baked good for the first time most people read the recipe over and over again before attempting to make it, and still it does not always turn out. This is why some people hate baking and would rather buy their baked goods. Likewise, when I amlearning I feel as though I need to pay close attention, take extensive notes, follow every instruction to a tea. It is good to be on top of your work and to do the best that you can, however, I
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My Learning Style Analysis
Learning about my learning styles this week has not only help me learn what the best way and conditions for me to learn are, but I also learned more about myself than I could have ever imagined to learn in a whole year let alone a week. My result for the first quiz, who are you, was "The Advocate" which is commonly known as an INFJ (https://www.16personalities.com/). My specific group is–T (https://www.16personalities.com /). This means that I have an "inborn sense of idealism and morality", however the dreams that I dream are not always ideal (https:/ /www.16personalities.com/). Continuing deeper into the reading I learned that it is best for me to surround myself with wise and truthful individuals, for I am able to work best with them compared...show more content...
This means that I don't believe in myself as much as I should, I am very self–conscious, and I am extremely susceptible to stress (https:/ /www.16personalities.com/). With my turbulent and judging traits I am a perfectionist, so I will not turn something in if I don't think that I did my best (https://www.16personalities.com/). Based on the second and third quiz, the intelligence quiz and the learning style inventory quiz, I found out that I am a linguistic learner at best (http://www.edutopia.org/multiple–intelligences–assessment, http://www.educationplanner.org /students/self–assessments/learning–styles.shtml). Which is commonly known as a visual learner. Being a visual learner means that I find it easier to solve a problem or learn something new if I can visualize and analyze it either mentally or psychically (http://www.edutopia.org /multiple–intelligences–assessment, http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self–assessments/learning–styles.shtml). So, when studying it would be better for me to color code (http://www.edutopia.org/multiple–intelligences–assessment, Get
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Throughout my high school and early college career, the concept of a learning style is far from foreign. I have learned of the three main learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. I have taken multiple tests and found out what my learning style is and that it has not changed much throughout my educational career. Earlier in this course, I learned that I need to adapt the way the teacher is teaching to thelearning style that best suits me. My learning style is mainly visual and kinesthetic. However, the questionnaire created by Barbara Soloman and Richard Felder has given me a lot more insight to my learning style. I have learned more about my learning style such as what type of learner I am, how I learn best, my preferred way to...show more content...
This was an obvious one for me. I knew prior to taking the questionnaire how I learned best. That is through my visual sensory channels. On the questionnaire I received nine points in the direction of being a visual learner. This is quite obvious in my daily life as well. I struggle remembering names, unless I can see it with my eyes, such as written or typed. If that is the case, then most times I will remember the name. Also, in class, if a teacher just lectures, I learn little to nothing. But, if I am taking notes, I can see what is being talked about on paper, which better suits my learning style. Often, I can also learn a lot more on my own, considering many classes are lecture based. This is advantageous to me because it gives me the ability to go at my own pace and learn even more than what I may have in class. The way I prefer to process new knowledge was not quite as obvious to me as how I learn best. While it was not as obvious, that does not mean it does not make sense. My score for this section was a three, which is very close to being balanced in the way I process new knowledge. I see traits of both learning styles. I do not find sitting through lectures too difficult. I do prefer to work alone. I do want to understand things before doing them in most cases. I like to think out loud and try new things. I do like to learn while doing something active with
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My Learning Style Analysis
My Learning Style
According to the Learning Style Inventory my learning style is auditory with visual and kinesthetic coming in a tied at second place. I will use this information of my learning styles, to take advantage of the resources that are available online and on campus to be a motivated learner. My strategies are to use audio files as well as read material aloud when necessary, create study sheets with important highlighted information and take notes as I read assignments and other course material. These strategies fall in the auditory, visual and kinesthetic categories that will sure help me focus to stay on track in this new journey that is college. As I read and learn more about mylearning styles, I will try to employ each technic that I learn.
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My Personal Learning Style
Wow! I have a personal learning style! If I had given any thought to my learning style prior to this course, I would have said simply, "Some things are easy for me to learn, and some things are not." Now I can say, "I am a grouper, a top–down learner, an owl, in the C–D quadrants, and my strong intelligences are linguistic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal". What all this means, still, is some things are easy for me to learn, and some things are not. But there I go again, simplifying the matter.
My learning experience throughout grade school was cast in the Traditional method, employing rote, reward–and–punishment, and repetition, repetition, repetition. It was a one–size–fits–all approach, intended to...show more content...
Secondly, some of us prefer to start with minute details and study from the bottom up, accruing information and data systematically, and building to a mastery of the topic. These people are considered "stringers." A "grouper" like me prefers less structure, a more free–formed, big–picture approach that allows divergence and eclectic side trips leading to a general understanding of the subject.
The third element has to do with the four quadrants of the brain that dictate our preferences for dealing with facts or emotions, learning independently or with a group, and using logic or creativity. Ned Herrmann, who wrote The Creative Brain, has pioneered study in this area. Herrmann associates these 4 quadrants with the following characteristics: Style A: Logic, rationality, clarity, precision, efficiency, complex to simple Style B: Sequential, detailed, orderly, with a reliance on what works Style C: Sensitivity to moods, feelings, intuition, with an interest in people Style D: Originality, ambiguity, surprise, metaphor, chaos, creativity
Remembering my struggles with math, I was not surprised to learn I favored the C–D styles almost equally.
Finally, there is no singleintelligence or capacity to learn;
My Personal Learning Style Essay examples
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Personal learning styles are highly complex and unique to specific individuals. It is often difficult to pinpoint an exact learning style. Though there are different categories, we often fine tune them to our own abilities. By examining our traits and tendencies we create a clearer understanding of how we process and learn information. With careful review, I have developed a specific analysis of my learning characteristics, including an evaluation of skill levels. Based on what I have recently learned and know from experience, I have also devised a structured plan for improvement of time management and study skills. From a very young age, writing has been a passion of mine. Through writing I have developed an...show more content...
Working in a group setting was completely undesirable for me; as I would much rather work on my own. With an introverted personality, I understand my need for independent thinking. I am only able to concentrate in quite, personalized settings because of easy distractions. Similarly, organization is a key element to my unique learning style. After taking the "Personality Spectrum" (Carter, Bishop, Kravits, 2002) assessment, I have become even more aware of my compatibility with structured learning environments. In class, I need information to be presented in an easy but detailed fashion. I prefer outlines style formats over summaries of information. It is also essential that I know what is expected with academics and assignments. This knowledge insures confidence in my academic ability and allows me to set extra goals when needed. With respect to my stronger skills, there are still underdeveloped areas of learning which I would like to improve on. Reading, for example, is my biggest struggle. I have a significant amount of trouble remembering and comprehending what I read. This has ultimately caused my lack of interest in this type of learning. I also struggle with lecture style environments, which is again due to my deficient ability to retain information in this type of setting. While my new found academic goals reflect my desire for personal achievement,
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Styles Essay
Personal Learning