The title of your publicationEssay On Two Kinds By Amy Tan

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America is recognized profusely as the land of opportunity and prosperity with a unique allurement. America has confidently obtained the title as one of the greatest locations to thrive. These recognitions of America come to light in the context of "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan. The story is primarily about the burgeoning struggle for power and the cultural difference between an Asian immigrant and her Asian American daughter, Jing–mei. The mother has high hopes that her daughter will be a great success as an american prodigy. First, she attempted to mold Jing–mei into a child actress, but that failed. Then she had Jing–mei attempt intellectual tests clipped from popular American magazines. Finally, the mother had Jing–mei take a swing at the more content...

Jing–mei's believed in her mother's dreams for her and throughout the story admitted she was filled with a sense that she would have soon become perfect. Ultimately, Jing–mei resolved not to become something she is not simply to please her mother. The fact that Jing–mei decided this, created a lot of friction between the two throughout the story. The theme of this story, which is established through characterization, setting, and symbols, easily transcends the immigrant experience. Children from many cultures and backgrounds steadfastly refuse to believe in their parents' dreams for their future after traveling to America. Although the abstract terms "honor" and "American dream" intertwine in most parts of this story, there are several moments where the terms ultimately function in the Get

Kinds By Amy Tan
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Analysis Of Two Kinds

The Cultural Divide Between Mother and Daughter The short story "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan is one that focuses on a mother's dream for her daughter. As part of an immigrant family, Jing–Mei's childhood was different from the rest of the United States', as well as her family's home country, China. Her mother wanted to provide for her what she thought was the American Dream and her methods of doing so simply caused tension between her and her daughter. The significant cultural divide between Chinese and American upbringing has been a consistent source of conflict in the relationship between Jing–Mei and her mother. The story delves into the disparity of hardships between immigrant mother and second–generation daughter, and the outcome of their differences.

The cultural gap itself can contribute to the difference within American and Chinese upbringing andculture. For example, "asian families... tend to place an extraordinary emphasis on the importance of education" because early education in addition to proper education throughout one's life is immensely significant in Asian culture (Souris 384). This cultural upbringing along with Jing–Mei's mother's past would explain the intensity for which Jing–Mei's mother wanted a prodigy daughter (Xu). In addition, In American society is seemingly more relaxed when it comes to education and skill and focuses more on emotional well being as well as individual passion and desire in a the childhood age. In addition, obedience and

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Interactions with Real Mothers and Daughters

Our native instinct as children is that we want to be our own unique independent person, no matter who gets in our way, not even our parents. Parents and children fight over what the children want to do in life all the time. "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan is a short story where a young girl's feelingschange over time with her mother. The daughter, Jing–mei, is being forced by her mother to become a prodigy. Jing–mei does not think she can become a prodigy, creating a conflict in the relationship with her and her mother. After a thorough analysis of the story, the reader understands how Jing–mei's feelings towards her mother changed, why her feelings changed, and how those changed feelings affected more content...

Their feelings changed due to the way they acted towards each other and how they interpreted events in their lives. As a result, it caused many future conflicts to occur within their lives. Jing–mei and her mother both reflect the ways that real mothers and daughters act in the world with each other. There is always two ways of seeing life, but never forget there is only one correct way to see happiness in Get

Essay On Two Kinds
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Many of us throughout our whole life's growing up as a kid and even when we are old our mom has been our best friend. The person we go to when we need something, been there for us when we are down and lifted us up and they are a part of us in so many ways. In ''Two Kinds'' by Amy Tan, Ni Kan and hermother had a relationship like no other and will be explained in this essay. In the beginning of this short story it gives an explanation of what her mom believes the American dream is. She has lost all herfamily in china and now in America she wants to help her daughter achieve the American dream but her daughter is completely against what her mom wants. In the beginning of the story Ni Kan is excited to become a prodigy and she believes more content...

The mother wanted to give her daughter the American dream and for her to become a prodigy. Most of all, she wanted her daughter to live the life she never had. But then again she just wanted her daughter to have the best life ever. Ni Kan and her mom got in many fight and arguments because Ni Kan didn't agree with her mom's decisions. She wanted to give her daughter the life she never had. She lost all her other children and all she wanted was to provide a good life for the child that she did have in her life. One very important part of the short story was when Ni Kan sent back the piano to her parents' house after her mom died. After reading the story I interpreted when she sent the piano to her parents' house she realized that her mom was just trying to give her daughter the best life she could give her. The piano was always something they disagreed on, by fixing the piano it is like Ni Kan saying she wanted to fix all their differences and finally have a good relationship. The worst part is that her mom is not alive anymore to see that her daughter finally understands what her mom was trying to do and she loved her and wanted them to have a great Get more content

Two Kinds
By Amy Tan Essay

Cultural Differences In Two Kinds By

The way you and I see others and the world are substantially different from each other because we all have different backgrounds. In the story two kinds by amy tan when jing–mei's mother want her to be a prodigy " of course you can be a prodigy my mother told me when i was nine" but all she want's to be is a normal girl. To an extent someone's culture greatly informs the way they see others and the world and how they act towards it.

Culture does affect the way people from certain cultures see the world and others. People from other regions of the world might think are cultures are weird because we all have different cultures and we do things differently like how we live,dress,speak, and etc . " Many studies have shown that people from different


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Reflection on Two Kinds the novel The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan explores the relationship between mothers and daughters. There are 4 mother–daughter pairs in the novel, mothers are the first generation immigrants, and the daughters are born in America. The Joy Luck Club mothers come from the Chinese traditional families when the dictatorial Chinese power is destroyed by the Japanese insurgents in the 1940s. They escape from the political upheaval of China, but they don't forget their Chinese traditional culture, while their daughters are born in America, they are the second generation immigrants, and they don't understand their mothers' Chinese culture, and their way of thinking, so there are often misunderstandings between the mothers and the daughters. In order to more content...

The Joy Luck Club presents many conflicts in the mother–daughter relationship. The conflicts are embodied in 3 aspects. First, the mothers and the daughters are in different cultural backgrounds, and the daughters cannot understand their mothers. At the beginning, Jing–Mei fears that she cannot tell her mother's story to her half–sisters, which, in fact, reflects the fear of other daughters of the Joy Luck Club members. They have identified themselves with Americans. Jing–Mei's fear also reflects the mothers' common feelings. They offer the chance to go to America to their daughters, and make them self–sufficient; they wonder whether they have their daughters away from tradition. So in the story "The Joy Luck Club" Jing–Mei feels puzzled, "What will I say? What can I tell them about my mother? I don't know anything." The way in which the mothers express their love cannot be accepted by the daughters. Jing–Mei believes that her mother's constant blame is the embodiment of lacking of affection. However, in fact, the mother's severity and high expectations are expressions of love and faith in her Get more content

Two Kinds, By Amy

Two Kinds is a story about mother–daughter relationship В– Suyuan and Jing–mei. Suyuan believed that America is where her dreams will be fulfilled. She thought that her daughter, Jing–mei, would be the one to realize them. Jing–mei, on the other hand, was a confused child at first. She was led to believe that she can be someone. At first, she followed her mother, but when she felt that her mother was already forcing her and stealing her youth, she told herself that it was the end. The story is a clash between two individuals from two different generations and beliefs (Suyuan who basically grew up in China; and Jing–mei who was born and raised in United States) more content... Tan's life can serve as a lens that can magnify (clarify) the emotions/feelings embedded in the story. Another approach which is deemed appropriate to the story is the Marxism. It is concerned with labor practices, class theories, and economics, especially as concerned with the struggles of the poor and oppressed. It examines literature in its cultural and political context; it explores the relation between the artist/character and the society. Jing–mei's mother, a Chinese immigrant, feels that she has to prove something to the society. There is a need to elevate one's economic and social status. Also, the mother believed that you could be anything you wanted to be in America. The domestic dispute, on the other hand, was caused by the cultural differences. It focused on a mother from China and her American–born daughter. In Chinese culture, children are expected to be obedient.

II. Analysis/Discussion In classroom situation, it is better if the discussion starts with the life of Amy Tan as reflected on the story Two Kinds. This will make students more interested to learn more about the story and will try to compare Tan's life to Jing–mei's. "I was told what I was supposed to do when I was growing up, so I don't think I ever had a chance to think about what

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Two Kinds by
Amy Tan Essay

Essay on "Two Kinds"

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Title The short story "Two Kinds," written by Amy Tan, focuses on the struggles of a young protagonist named Jing–mei trying to find herself without the influences and pressure of others. Aldous Huxley once said, "One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them." This relates to the story in significant ways because when Jing–mei's mother moved to America in hopes of a better future, Jing–mei is pushed to be the "perfect child." Her mother convinces her the only way to do so was to become a prodigy. Although on board with this idea in the beginning, years pass by, along with Jing–mei's hopes of becoming this "perfect child." In the beginning of more content... She thought long and hard one night and soon decided, "I won't let her change me, I promise myself. I won't be what I'm not" (Tan 223). This was the start to a long, tiring battle between the two which would soon, unknowingly, damage them mentally and emotionally, enduringly. She began neglecting her mother's tricks to help her and started to rebel. After her mother enrolled her inpiano lessons, Jing–mei took complete advantage of them and her deaf piano instructor. She "would play after him, the simple scale, the simple chord, and then [I] just played some nonsense that sounded like a cat running up and down on top of garbage cans" (Tan 226). It showed how little effort she put in and how she was going against her mother's wishes to no extent, wasting her hard earned money just to make a statement. It seemed the harder and more she was pushed, the less Jing–mei believed in herself or her mother's attempts. As we reach the end of "Two Kinds," you start to see a significant change in Jing–mei's attitude. After what she took as a peace–offering from her mother, she started to regain hope in their relationship. The offering was brought about when her mother "surprised me. A few years ago, she offered to give me the piano for my thirteenth birthday. I had not played in all those years. I saw the offer as a sign of forgiveness, a tremendous burden removed" (Tan 232). This short conversation carried much meaning in Jing–mei's mind, and

Two Kinds
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The story "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan portrays a dramatic relationship between a Chinese immigrant mother and her daughter. The mother comes off in the beginning of the story as a controlling, strict, demanding woman who is trying to show up her friend with whose daughter is the smartest. The mother Suyuan is not the shallow petty person her daughter makes her out to be. She really wants to show her daughter that with hard work and determination you can be whoever you want to be and do anything you want to do. It doesn't matter if you are actually a genius or not. You don't have to be in order to be successful you just have to want it bad enough and try your hardest.

In the beginning of the story the daughter, Jing–Mei, says that her mother " more content...

There are small hints throughout the story that piano really could've been her thing but because she was so determined to rebel against her mother she never gave herself a chance The mother is not what her daughter assumes she is and portrays her as. she has had a very difficult sorrowful life yet she still has a positive outlook for her life and her daughter she is optimistic. And there are many layers to her. Her actions have a greater meaning behind them than her daughter thinks. She is selfless she may brag to her friend auntie lindo but I think she does it for her daughters sake lindos daughter is a "genius" at chess and she just wants to show that if she triwed hard enough she can be too. Its more about effort will dedication trial and error pushing throught the tough trying times abnd getting back on the horse To have drive and will power witht that you can do anything. Its not as if the mother wanted her to do one specific thing she was just trying to help her daughter find something she could really be passionate about and if she wanted it bad enough she could have it. The daughter took this as she had to be great or her mother would be disappointed in

Two Kinds By Amy Tan Analysis
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What Is Two Kinds

Parents Only Want What is Best Often in literature, character relationships change and evolve. "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan is about how a daughter's feelings change when her mother has higher expectations than the daughter, Jing–mei, does in herself. Jing–mei's lack of self confidence in becoming a prodigy creates conflict between her and her mother. After a careful analysis of the story, the reader understands how Jing–mei's feelings toward her mother changed, why her feelings changed, and how those changed feelings affected the entire story. Throughout the story, Jing–mei's feelings toward her mother change in dramatic ways. When Jing–mei was a young girl, she idolized and looked forward to impressing her mother. Eagerly, Jing–mei retorts, more content...

The feud between Jing–mei and her mother destroyed their relationship for years, causing them to become distant from each other. Jing–mei's mother pushed her so far that she no longer wanted to become a prodigy. Overwhelmed by anger, Jing–mei sees her reflection and no longer cares about impressing her mother. She emphasizes, "I won't let her change me, I promised myself. I won't be what I'm not" (Tan 223). Having the mindset like most teenagers, Jing–mei no longer wants to impress her mother; she wants to be her own self person. During Jing–mei's adult years her mother gives back the piano for her 30th birthday. As she starts playing, she perceives that she has natural talent when she "Played a few bars, surprised at how easily the notes came back to me" (Tan 233). It was not until Jing–mei began playing the piano after all those years, that she realizes her mother was right about the talent she had all

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The story "Two Kinds," written by Amy Tan, has a plot that many people can relate to while growing up as a child. The theme of the story is that there are two kinds of people: the one the mother wants her to be and the one Jing–mei (the protagonist and narrator of the story) strives to be. Both mother and daughter in the story have a very complicated relationship. The mother believes that you could become anything you wanted in America. The author emphasizes that Jing–mei's mother tries to dominate and control her life in every possible way you can imagine. For example her mother's persistent ways in trying to make her into something she's not a "prodigy", as well as making her take piano lessons so she can win against one of her mother' more content...

Jing–mei's mother wants her daughter to have every advantage in this growing land of opportunity by reinforcing her to try harder in school so she could have academic excellence as Liz Brent states "The tone of this opening paragraph introduces an element of irony in the narrator's attitude toward her mother's vision of America as a place where "you could become anything you wanted to be." Everything sounds too simple and too easily achieved"(Overview 1).Once again America is referred as the country of opportunities and where dreams come true while working hard and being dedicated to chores and the development of activities that involve a highly paid or talented future. At first the mother thought the daughter was able enough to be the next Chinese Shirley Temple, by making her watch old movies as if they were training videos. So she took her to a beauty training school to get her hair done like Shirley Temple but instead looked like Peter Pan. Not only acting was involved in this situation. Memorizing capitals and states, multiplying numbers, finding the queen of hearts in a deck of cards, standing on her head without hands, predicting daily temperatures in certain states, reading three minutes from the bible and restating a summarize, were simple chores

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Amy Tan Two Kinds Essay

Two Kinds By Amy Tan

Amy Tan had many personal experiences in her story. For example, when Amy Tan was living in Northern California, her mother had very high expectations on her. Her mother wanted her to be with the American society and be the best she could be. Amy Tan had to get a haircut very short to the way other famous children were acting in the United States. Amy's mother was the one who encouraged this. With that, in the story "Two Kinds," the young girl named Jing–mei live in a part of California and she had to get a very short haircut. Jing–mei's mother wanted her daughter to look and act the same way Shirley Temple did. Within both of the girls lives, they each had to act like an already famous person exactly to please their mothers. In addition

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There is a sense of pride to where one comes from whether it is because of the culture, people or the environment. There is a beauty that stands out about where we call home. However, leaving home is often essential in acquiring a better living and growth. In the short story "Two Kinds" the author, Amy Tan depicts a story of migration and the expectations. The story is told in first person of Ni'kan a young girl who is being brought up as a second–generation immigrant. There is a sense of non–acceptance that seem to form over time based on the idealization of America, the land of opportunities. The author really embraces how important setting is to growth and understanding of an individual. Ni'kan's mother was a woman of adversities and tribulations.

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Amy Tan Two Kinds

Literary Analysis Of Two Kinds By

Two Kinds of Parents Amy Tan in her short story titled "Two Kinds" uses the character Jing–Mei and her mother's oppressive views, to outline a story about her own personal struggle We are exposed to Mei's struggle to pursue her own path rather than her mother's passion for piano, ballet dancing, Ripley's believe it or Not remarkable children, and being a modern–day Disney channel movie star. Amy Tan through imagery, character developments, and symbolism portray the true struggle of living up to your parent's expectations all while trying to pursue your own passions. The first literary technique device used by Tan is imagery. Tan describes her mother's fascination with the "little Chinese girl, about nine years old, with a Peter Pan haircut" playing the piano on TV, by giving us an in–depth description of the girl by comparing her hair to that of Peter Pan. Tan then relates to our visual sense of imagery when referring to the girl's dress with descriptive language, "she also did a fancy sweep curtsy, so that the fluffy skirt of her white dress cascaded to the floor like petals of a larger carnation." Tan then relates to our sense of hearing when Mei pisses her mother off and gives the reader an understanding of her mother's authoritarian style of parenting. Her mother angrily says, "Two kind of daughter. Those who obedient and those who follow own mind. Only one kind of daughter live in this household. Obedient daughter." Literary critic Elisabeth Piedmont–Marton in her overview was quoted saying, "Cut off from her native China by distance and political upheaval, yet distanced from surrounding American culture by language and other cultural barriers, the mother in the story makes a fortress of her home and uses it as a base of operations for deploying her matriarchal power over the life and destiny of her child." In addition to imagery, Tan use Symbolism in her piece. Jing Mei's mother Sauyuan, in the story had to leave behind two children and a husband during the Chinese Revolution, to migrate to America. Asymbol of the American Dream. When Mei starts to rebel, to find her identity, her mother fears her child is abandoning her. Literary critic Kate Bernheimer says that "The constant threat of

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"Two Kinds" is truly an amazing work; it captivates readers with by telling a story of a young girl trying to find herself. Amy Tan does a phenomenal job, not only by portraying a very real mother–daughter relationship, but at showing how much a young girl can change. Jing–Mei evolves throughout the story in a way that many people can relate to; crushed hopes, obeying your parents even if it means doing something you don't want to do, and finally standing up for what you believe in. Since "You could be anything you wanted to be in America" (Tan 348)

Jing–Meis' mother thought that meant that you had to be a prodigy. While that makes "Everything [sound] too simple and too easily achieved; [Jing–Mei] does not paint a picture of more content...

Jing–Mei tried the best she could but no matter how hard she tried she just didn't know the answers. "After seeing [her] mother's disappointed face once again, something inside of [her] began to die. [She] hated the tests, the raised hopes and failed expectations" (Tan 350). At this point in the story the protagonist, Jing–Mei, slowly comes to the realization that "[She'll never be the kind of daughter [her mother wants her] to be" (Tan 356). With the thought of not letting her mother change her Jin–Mei began to try to make her mother "Give up hope" (Tan 350). "[She] pretended to be bored" so that she would not have to take the tests. And it worked she was finally able to be herself, there was no "mention of [her] being a prodigy" (Tan 351). But all too soon that changes, "One day [her] mother was watching The Ed Sullivan Show on TVВ….She seemed entranced by the musicВ…[The music] was being pounded out by a little Chinese girl, about nine years old, with a Peter Pan haircut." But "In spite of these warning signs, [Jing–Mei] wasn't worried. [Her] family had no piano and [they] couldn't afford to buy one" (Tan 351). Days after watching the show, Jing–Meis' mother told her that she was to take piano lessons. "When [her] mother told [her] this, [Jing–Mei] felt as though [she] had been sent to hell," but all the whining and kicking would not cause her mother to deter her mother.

Jing–Mei found herself taking piano lessons that she did

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Amy Tan Two Kinds

The short story, "two Kinds" by Amy Tan is about a girl named Jing–Mei, or "June" who's mother is basically wanting to live her life through her. Since they moved from China to live in America, her mother knows that the US is the "land of opportunity", and wants June to be a talented prodigy and have the high hopes for her to become famous. June has failed all other options to be this prodigy her mother wants to be, but what has caught her mother's train of thought was that she thinks June should be a pianist. And once again she has failed. June has had the thoughts of wanting to die because she knows she cannot please her mother, she feels its best. This story's theme reflects on 'The American Dream' and how June does not want to live more content...

Having an "American Dream" is turning over a new leaf and working hard for what you want. "My mother believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America. You could open a restaurant. You could work for the government and get good retirement. You could buy a house with almost no money down. You could become rich. You could become instantly famous." (Tan, 1) this quote explains few of the many opportunities in America that anyone can achieve. June's mother believes that if she just work hard enough that she will too become the American Dream but it doesn't seem to faze June, she doesn't believe in it; so therefore, she does not try hard at the best of her

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Amy Tan Two Kinds Essay

The story "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan teaches the reader about theme and symbol. Tan not only uses anecdotal tidbits from her life but also uses dialogue at choice points during the story to underscore an important life lesson. Tan underscores life lessons in the story by using dialogue. Through the dialogue Tan tells of the mother who is not originally from the United States because she does not use proper English like most people that live in the United States naturally do. This dialogue acts as a key lesson because it shows that the mother is trying to learn a new language so that she can make a better life for her and her daughter in the future. Throughout this passage there are numerous quotes showing that she originally spoke a different language such as, "You can be best anything" and "Don't need talent for crying." This lesson teaches the reader that if one tries hard enough then they can make their life better for themselves. The dialogue also helps the reader to infer that the mother is not originally from the United States because she can not speak the language correctly. Once the reader analyzes the dialogue they can get to one of the themes. The theme, "If you do more content...

The narrator recieved the piano because her mother wanted her to become a prodigy. Her mother traded free cleaning services in exchange for the piano. The narrator's piano teacher, Mr. Chong, was deaf and his eyes were to slow so he could not see if the narrator was playing the right notes, so she did not try and never became better. At the narrator's recital her lack of effort at her lessons became visible to the audience. Despite this fiasco her mother wanted her to keep on practicing. However, the daughter would not, and she got into a fight with her mother. Once the narrator turned thirty her mother offered her the piano as a present. The piano symbolizes forgiveness of the bitter argument that the mother and daughter had years

Two Kinds
By Amy Tan Essay
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Societies Power of Influence

Imagine this: a teenage girl, living in a suburban area, goes to school and lives with wealthy parents that are together. She gets everything she could ever want and more. Now compare that to a girl the exact same age living in the city working two jobs and going to school living with a single dad. Barely hanging on, she works so hard for everything she has in her life. Comparing these two can show how strongly their lives can create their social behavior. Parents can be a good way to get advice for social situations. By having two parents, the first girl having two parents, gives her two different outlets for advice, to help her in social situations. The second girl, has one place to ask for advice, this can more content...

Where one lives and the people in the society can create experiences that they will remember forever. People in one's town, orenvironment, can influence how one acts towards others. One living in a small town, will act differently than one that has been living in a city all of their life. In the story "The People That Walk Away From Omelas" the town is striving to be a utopian society, and use a scapegoat to do so. When finding out about the scapegoat, some choose to ignore it, while others severely, affecting them drastically. Some people make the choice of leaving all together, "These people go out into the street, and walk down the street alone. They keep walking, and walk straight out of the city of Omelas, through the beautiful gates. They keep walking across the farmlands of Omelas" (Guin 4). The society and environment lead people to realize what an awful place they were living in, and decide to leave. Their behavior changes because of the scapegoat and the environment that they were living in. The happiness of the people in Omelas is made by their environment. The behavior of the people living here is always good, because of the elimination of the bad with the scapegoat. Someone could be living in a bad environment, causing them to react differently to situations. Comparing this to the people of Omelas, who are always happy.

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Two Kinds By Amy Tan Character Analysis

In the short story, "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, a Chinese mother and daughter are at odds with each other. The mother pushes her daughter to become a prodigy, while the daughter (like most children with immigrant parents) seeks to find herself in a world that demands her Americanization. This is the theme of the story, conflicting values. In a society that values individuality, the daughter sought to be an individual, while her mother demanded she do what was suggested. This is a conflict within itself. The daughter must deal with an internal and external conflict. Internally, she struggles to find herself. Externally, she struggles with the burden of failing to meet her mother's expectations. Being a first–generation Asian American, more content...

At first, the daughter was to become a Chinese version of Shirley Temple. When that didn't work, her mother told her that she would be attending piano lessons.

The daughter did not like the idea of playing the piano. "Why don't you like me the way I am? . . . I am not a genius! I can't play the piano. And even if I could, I wouldn't go on TV if you paid me a million dollars!" (492–493). Here, Tan is conveying the fact that parents and children have disagreements on what the child should do, and who the child is to become. For example, parents may have an idea where they want their child to attend their college education. The child, on the other hand, may want to go to a different college as suggested. Ultimately, it is the decision of the child. We cannot live how others want us to live. It is the path of our own making that truly makes us happy. Some may see the mother trying to live her life through her daughter. She invests time trying to make her daughter a prodigy because she was her last hope. The mother lost two children in China and moves to a new country. Coming to America, she felt that immigrants have to prove that they are as talented as or more talented than Americans. This belief is supposed to be the basis for the determination, that the mother has, for Jing–mei to become a prodigy.

The mother in the story tries everything in her power to make Jing–mei famous in some way. Yet Jing–mei was content to being herself. Get

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