Sample Essay Plan

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Before giving birth to my beautiful son, my husband and I had an ideal birth plan. A birth plan I always dreamed about, and one he was nervous about; nevertheless it was one we both agreed upon. Missael, my husband, was uneasy about the birth plan I had in mind because he must've thought I wasn't strong enough, when in fact I felt he was the one lacking in strength. Growing up, my mother always told me stories about giving birth in Mexico. My mother and I both knew the stories never stuck to me when I was pregnant, due to pregnancy brain, but she would repeat them anyway. These stories are the ones that helped me choose what was right for me before giving birth and why my birth plan meant so much to me.

My mother and father lived in more content...

All you want is for that baby inside of you to be healthy. She also reminded me that back then there was no medicine, which meant no epidural. All those women had no choice than to have that baby no matter what amount of pain they were enduring. Because of these reasons, my mother told me my grandmother always decided to give birth at home. My grandmother Juana would rather deliver at home with no doctor than to have to travel on a donkey for ten hours plus to deliver with an OB/GYN close at hand. I asked my mother how in the world my grandmother withstood the pain, knowing there wasn't a doctor. She turned to me and asked, "How do you think, Mija?"

Before I could answer, she said, "Your grandmother would squat in front of a tree, hug it, and push with all her might! That's how most of your tia's and tio's were born."

I could scarcely fathom the idea.

It was then that I decided that if my mother and grandmother gave birth under the circumstances that they did, I could have my child without the need of an epidural. I made it clear to Missael, I will not have an epidural no matter the amount of pain, and to coach me through breathing techniques and exercises to help me throughout labor. He understood and agreed to these terms. On the day of September 15th, at 4 in the morning, I heard the loudest pop in my ear. It was a pop I've only heard when on a plane and you reach a high altitude. Except there wasn't

My Birth Plan Essay
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Planning is a process of establishing a mission with clear goals as a means to achieve them. Good planning requires special skills and perspectives allowing decision–makers to understand the challenges they are facing and apply the most effective solution to a problem. In order to achieve success, one must plan accordingly. Planning can be short term or long term. Short term plans are done on daily basis and are easier to achieve than long term plans. Long term plans are also known as strategic plans and are used to achieve a long range vision or mission of a company. In both methods of planning, short term and long term, is necessary to achieve top notch results. Like in any other process, there are both benefits and pitfalls to more content...

The main pitfall of planning is the misconception members have believing that planning solves problems. Too often, planners rely on opinions and hunches rather than facts. Once a plan has been established, all members in the organization need to be aware that issues may arise down the line and work environment can change unexpectedly. Some companies become so committed to achieving their goals that they fail to recognize the incremental changes in their plan and work environment. The lack of flexibility and creativity in an action plan can significantly affect an organization's purpose. Another comparison to a good planning is the goal setting process. Goal setting can help turn a company's vision into a reality, if the process is used accordingly. By precisely knowing what to achieve, associates can focus their effort on what is more important than on things that are less important. Goals require flexibility in the process, if there is no flexibility added to the process, goals would soon provide no reason at all. One way of setting effective and achievable goals is to use the S.M.A.R.T guideline. The S.M.A.R.T guideline is the first component of the goals setting process and is a useful tool in planning. The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Clear and Specific goals are easier to accomplish than common goals because it contains a specific reason that clearly defines what is about to happen. In addition to being

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Essay on Plan for Success

Intervention Plan In order to fully understand and meet the needs of learners, teachers must be knowledgeable in using a variety of methods for assessment purposes. What is important is that teachers are able to understand and use assessment in a way that meets 'best practice'. As students learn their knowledge expands and their skills develop, and for that reason teachers must use a combination of strategies to meet best practice in assessment. Not only must assessment follow learning in order to gauge a student's performance for example, but there is also a place for using assessment before instruction in order make informed future instructional decisions. In order to demonstrate best practice in assessment, an intervention more content...

After then talking to the Kindergarten teacher, both teachers decided on three students' who would benefit the most. The Kindergarten teacher was able to point to the area where the boys needed guidance and provided some work samples (Appendix A). The first session was then able to take place. In order to create an intervention plan it was necessary to do an initial assessment within the first session. McMillan (2007, p. 5) states, "pre–instructional decisions are needed to set learning goals, select appropriate teaching activities, and prepare learning materials". Therefore, using the worksheet samples, a list was made of all the incorrect digraphs from all three samples (Appendix B) which were then used as a means of assessing to what extent the sounds were still troubling the students' through an activity with flashcards (Appendix C). This initial assessment was used not only to establish a rapport, but was also a means of planning future literacy activities by assessing where the students' existing abilities lay (Westwood, 2007, p. 112). Student Ability and Needs According to the New South Wales Board of Studies (NSW BoS), Kindergarten is classified as Early Stage 1. Having already established the students' need for help to improve phonemic awareness, the focus will be on working

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I am applying to Seoul National University to continue the development of my critical learning skills and to broaden my knowledge base. I feel I am now ready to complete a degree, and understand what is required to function successfully in our environment. I realize that to advance from the world of undergraduate college curriculum to that of an atmosphere of higher education in graduate training, takes much of a prospective graduate student??s time and effort.

Throughout my life, I have worked towards one goal which is to become a doctor.Medicine offers the opportunity for me to integrate different scopes of science while trying to improve human life. Medicine has intrigued me throughout all my life because it??s a never more content...

I have taken stock of myself, considering my skills, experiences, and goals. I have looked to family and friends, some of whom are doctors, for advice. Because of this self–examination, I have decided to pursue a career in health care. The process has been difficult at times but always illuminating. Throughout it all, I have never lost confidence – the confidence that I will actively absorb all available medical knowledge, forge friendships with fellow students, and emerge from my training as a skilful and caring physician.

I know that the road that I take to become a doctor is going to be very challenging; however I feel that my past has prepared me for taking on the challenge. As a student, I am an active participant in my academic and extracurricular activities. My first priority has always been to make good grades and learn in college. Although this is important to me, I also know that by participating in clubs, sports, and extracurricular activities, I will become a well–rounded student. I have been working hard for the last 7 years, operating as an independent, responsible adult. In that time I have constantly learnt from my life experiences and developed skills in both learning and life management. I am a very motivated person with goal setting, time management and prior skills that help me achieve what I aim to do.

What motivates me to pursue university education abroad? Well, the last couple of years have been a long bumpy ride for me, however, the First

Study Plan Essay
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Personal Development Plan (PDP) is a specific plan for your future in short–term of six months or twelve months. It is necessary that you have objectives set up for yourself, and plans and actions to be taken in order to achieve those objectives. Following PDP is a good way to improve yourself, and to acquire skills and knowledge. Therefore, it is advisable to continue doing PDP one after another. Also, PDP includes your CV, so you can update it with new experiences or skills acquired.

Where am I now?

My performance on the degree so far has been fairly ok, although I could have done better. Most of the time, I have achieved second lower or second upper grades. It has been due to the fact that the course's more content...

My final project is a link–up from the proposal I am doing right now, so it would be a 6 month worth of work before I submit my project. Therefore, managing time and arranging tasks are important in order to have a satisfied result in the end.

Where am I going?

I have a specific plan for my career after leaving education. I would take up the job as a human resource officer.

First of all, I am interested in interacting with people, and it would be a follow–up from my education, as I chose subjects along the human resources line.

Secondly, human resource is an important aspect of business; most of organizations nowadays view people as their most valuable resources. In fact, the part that intrigued me was the challenges derived from the changes in function and structure of HR department. HR is becoming a need for every aspects of day–to–day management, and job–seekers would find their jobs require more of generalists with more skills and competencies to perform multi–tasking (Larsen & Brewster 2003). Those are challenges as well as potential, on which you could learn and develop yourself.

Personal Development Plan Essay

Lastly, HR is also the area that fit my personality and skills, according to Prospect Planner online assessment ( I had good matches, such as creative thinking, flexibility, logical thinking and etc, for job in HR area. There were some other professions that would suit me; however I chose to

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The hard task of selecting an overall company strategy for long–run survival and growth is called strategic planning.


Each company must find the game plan that makes the most sense given its specific situation, opportunities, objectives, and resources.

Strategic planning: The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization's goal andcapabilities and its changing marketing opportunities. It involves defining a clear company mission, setting supporting objectives, designing a sound business portfolio, and coordinating functional strategies.

Strategic planning sets the stage for the rest of the planning in more content...

(2) it must shape the future portfolio by developing strategies for growth and downsizing.

1. Analyze the current business portfolio

The major activity in strategic planning in business Portfolio analysis: A tool by which management identifies and evaluates the various businesses making up the company.

Management's first step is to identify the key businesses making up the company. These can be called a Strategic business unit (SBU): A unit of the company that has a separate mission and objectives and that can be planned independently from other company businesses. The next step in

Developing a Strategic Plan Essay
Developing a Strategic Plan

business portfolio analysis calls for management to asses the attractiveness of its various SBU's and decides how much support each deserves.

a. The Boston Consulting Group Approach

Growth–share matrix: A portfolio–planning method that evaluates a company's strategic business units in terms of their market growth rate and relative market share. SBUs are classified as stars, cash cows, question marks, or dogs.

Stars: SBU's placed in this cell are highly attractive because the industry in which they are located is robust and the business has a strong competitive position in the industry. Stars generate large amounts of cash, but also require heavy investment to continue to grow and to maintain competitive positioning. Net cash flow is usually modest. Cash cows: These SBU's are the

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The best way to understand the meaning of planning in the perspective of scientific management, is to follow Taylor (1998, p.17): "The work of every workman is fully planned out by the management at least one day in advance, and each man receives in most cases complete written instructions, describing in detail the task which he is to accomplish, as well as the means to be used in doing the work. And the work planned in advance in this way constitutes a task which is to be solved, as explained above, not by the workman alone, but in almost all cases by the joint effort of the workman and the management. This task specifies not only what is to be done but how it is to be done and the exact time allowed for doing it" more content...

Assuming a correct execution of the task by the worker, the efficiency of the final result depends heavily on the planning activity. That explains the vision of Taylor that in performing any activity there is always one best way, and the task of management is to find this one best way to do the task (Taylor, 1998). Henry Fayol enriched the meaning of planning by considering it one of the five basic functions of management, at the company level. Changing the level of operation changes the span of time, from several days to several months, up to one year. Planning became a complex process which integrates at the level of organization all activities plans, and is based on the whole company resources and objectives. Yet, planning remains a deterministic process, implemented as a definite way to perform all activities related to the given objevtives.

The planning process

Planning is a process which integrates activities for setting objectives, specifying how to achieve them, implementing the plan and evaluating the results (Boddy, 2005; Robbins and DeCenzo, 2005). Objectives are definite formulations of goals, which reflect desired future states of the organization. Goals act as attractors for the whole energy and creativity of the organization, and it is the role of management to design plans in order to attain them. A plan is a written document which contains one or more

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My Career Plan The future is uncertain for me, but it is important to develop a career plan that will provide financial support and personal fulfillment over the course of my professional life. To make this transition from school to a professional career, I am going to plan a plan that will help me stay focused and motivated in meeting my goals and objectives. In the next paragraphs, I will explain my ten–year plan for more content...

I will be receiving a bachelor's in Business Administration with a minor in InternationalManagement. I am in the process of applying for a master's in Management and Organizational Behavior at Benedictine University. Upon graduating from CSUMB, I will be currently working for the Dollar Tree Store, Inc. as a cashier. I hope that after the training workshop for assistant manager, I will be accepted and train in the new Marina store at the end of the year. In the book What Color is your Parachute, I learned that I could go into a kind of rejection shock, if a promotion in not in the cards.[2] As he puts it, I would have to keep going and stay motivated, because I want full exposure of the knowledge and operations at the Dollar Tree. I am achieving most of this by interning this semester. Tammi Huntsman is the manager there and I am shadowing her as she performs skills of managing. I have ordered inventory, payroll, reset the store a few times, and cashed out cashiers with her help. All skills I have acquired will help me down the line in managerial positions.

Year Two through Five: Achieving my of the goals

I want to be accepted into Benedictine University working on my master's part time and working as an assistant manager fulltime at the Dollar Tree in Seaside, California. My short–term goal is to keep working at the Dollar Tree and my long–term

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My Future Plans For The Future

Imagine the perfect life, the perfect family, dream house, dream car, and the perfect career. That's what I hope someday my life will be like. Everyone has a future plan, to make the best out of our life, what is your plan? My future plan is to be a pediatrician. I would like to help the children of the future. They are the next generation and I would like to leave a legacy for them to follow. I want to help save and make a child happy someday. The thought of making a difference in someone's life is the reason I can go to sleep peacefully. We all have a purpose for being here and I my purpose is to save one of us, my purpose is to help the ones in need, the ones in the street begging for somewhere to live, the ones dying of poverty. However, right now in the 21st century technology has taken over the world, not figuratively but literally. It made the world, both a bad and good place. People are going to run out of jobs and tech will run the world. Technology will be the greatest invention of human kind but how will it affect some of us? First to begin with, Technology is part of our everyday lives. Every nook, every corner we turn there is someone with technology. In doing research it says technology is advancing so fast that it will be a thousand times more advanced in the next 10 years. From having no technology in the 1900s we are currently flourishing with technology every day, in our house there is at least 10 different items that are connected to the internet. To

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Business Plan Essay examples

Describe the type of business you have created including: a. the product or service, and general staffing plan. Provide a rationale for your plan. b. The form of your business and the benefits it offers your particular business, c. A chart of accounts specific to your business, including a rationale as to the selection of each account. (Note: The chart of accounts is a blueprint of your business for the lender/investor. It should report the expected resources that you will consume in your business (assets), the sources of those resources (liabilities and equity), the sources of revenue, and expenditures that you expect to incur to earn those revenues. You may build a detailed chart that includes business units, divisions, product more content...

Chris Forte chose to be a sole proprietor because sole proprietorships are mainly one–owner businesses. Chris Forte can close it, sell it or pass it down to his heirs at any time. A sole proprietor pays taxes as a part of his individual income tax filing. The costs of obtaining a license for sole proprietors are substantially less than those for corporations. Start–up costs for sole proprietorships are very low. The Startup cost for Shear Perfection Unisex Salon will consists of the cost of the building (23,000) five salon stations, five master barber chairs, each station requires a salon chair, cabinet, and a large mirror, shampoo bowl and a floor mat, five sit under dryers will be located in the rear of the salon. All other miscellaneous items such as curling irons, electric razor, several pairs of scissors, spray bottle, assorted combs and brushes all employees are expected to provide for themselves. Shampoo bowls and floor mats. Located in the front of the salon will be a desk for the receptionist, along with a computer for sales and booking appointments ,three couches for reception area and two flat screen televisions to entertain our clients. Located in the back of the salon will be an office for management with a computer for accountant purpose with a printer. DescriptionCost Building Total Cost of Building23,000 EquipmentTotal Amount of Equipment 4,723 FurnitureCost to Furnish Salon 9,753

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RUSH BAKERS& RESTAURANT (PVT) LTD No 56 New Bus Stand Nittambuwa Telephone–0773892174


Table of Contents

1.Executive Summary2


1.2 Mission

2.Company summary3

2.1 Company ownership

3.Start–up summary3

4. Products and Services4

5. Market Analysis Summary4

5.1 Market Segmentation

5.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

6. Strategy and Implementation Summary5

6.1 Competitive Edge

6.2 Marketing Strategy

6.3 Sales Strategy

6.4 Sales Forecast

7. Management Summary6

8. Financial Plan6

Business Plan-Example Essay

8.1 Important Assumptions

8.2 Break–even Analysis

8.3 Projected Profit & Loss

9. Summary7

1. Executive Summary

Rush Bakers & Restaurant (RBR) is a start–up more content...

–People or family members who come to Nittambuwa for shopping and who will be looking for walk–in food convenience feeling tired.

–Local travelers and tourists who are active restaurant seekers.

5.1 Market Segmentation

Rush Bakers intends to serve a wide range of customer base. Our market segment includes:

Young adults and business people

Families with children

Travelers and tourists

High–end singles or bachelors

5.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

The dominant target market for Rush Bakers & Restaurant is a regular stream of local residents. .We can specifically divide the market into two segments, ordinary people with families and business people.

6. Strategy and Implementation Summary

This business hopes to succeed by offering high quality foods and bakery products at a competitive price and superior customer service at a friendly neighborhood–feel atmosphere.

6.1 Competitive Edge

The competitive edge of Rush Bakers & Restaurant is relatively low level of competition in the local areas in this particular niche. Rush Bakers & Restaurant rely on two competitive advantages: The importance of experience–The customer experience is extremely important as an effective way of distinguishing offerings. When a customer has a good experience at a restaurant, the probability of the customer repeating to the hotel is more and there is chance of sharing his

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Just to add to last email about how to get the new web platform project done to best implement the proposed strategy. In my plan if I directly lead this implementation project, I only need two more developers and a business analyst during a year. The reason is that I'm very motivated to do this because I really want this strategy to be realized and successful to successfully turn around/improve the company. Also, I have good knowledge about the latest technology and the architecture and e–business design and development skills that currently no–one in the company has, as well as digital marketing and ebusiness development experience so I can lead a cross functional team to develop this product successfully. I can take a Digital more content...

The reason you should do that is because currently in the company there are two types of persons we can easily find: one is result–oriented who has a good experience, knowledgable and who are willing to take risks to deliver best result they can to the company, but since they just too much focus to deliver, they don't have time to go around to make good relationship with their supervisors so they may not preferred by the management, this type of persons are necessary to be assigned to core projects to get the projects done that can help to turn around/improve the business. The other type is those persons only good at talking but not at achieving results, they are either only good at making good relationship with their supervisors, or less knowledgable or inexperienced, this type of person only try to find some mistakes of the others to report to their boss to take some advantages, and they only do minor tasks because they don't want to take risks or they dont want to work hard so they can easily pass heavy jobs to others. Those persons are those should not be used in important project like this project. The only reason they want to stay in the company is just

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My Personal Financial Plan

I. Current A. Description

Currently I am a full time student, and senior, at majoring in Accounting and Finance. I do not have a part time job and do not plan to work until I graduate. I currently have taken out student loans to support myself through the rest of my college education. My parents pay for insurance payments for my car, cover my phone bill, and provide me with medical insurance. I pay for all the rest of my expenses, including rent, food, gas, and all other daily expenses. I currently have no investments and no substantial assets with a value of over $1000. I graduate in May and have signed a contract with KPMG to start work as an auditor in August after I complete the CPA. more content... To accomplish my second goal I plan on putting a cap on my level of living expenses that increases at a smaller multiple then my income each year. I want to give another half percent of my income each year. I will budget out my salary for discretionary and non–discretionary spending and stick to the budget by limiting use of credit cards and attempting to pay cash for most items I purchase. This will help me control my cash outflow.

E. SWOT Analysis Strengths

Most of my assets at this point are in cash so I have a lot of liquidity to pay off debt or other expenses. I am a very goal oriented person so when I set goals to follow to financial success I take them very seriously. My job at KPMG is a strong job with high future potential earnings as well as learning opportunities. One of the best things about auditing is that I will be able to find a job making a lot more after I work a few years at KPMG. My knowledge over investments and how to invest is very good which will help me to continue to make money in the market. When looking at risk management, my health is very good, which means I should hopefully not have very high healthcare costs. KPMG provides a good insurance policy that covers any of my insurance needs and reduces my risk. KPMG also has a very good medical

Essay on My Personal Financial

reimbursement policy and a high quality of other programs for their employees.

Weaknesses I do not have Get more content

Five–Year Career Development Plan


March 24, 2011

When developing a good five year career plan I had to ask myself where, I wanted to be in five years. This question would be critical for my future. When I was in school in thought, I knew my career path. I was convince I was going to become a nurse. As years past, I found myself moving away from nursing and interested in teaching. However, my transition would not be as smooth as once believed. According to Career vision, (2004), "for some people, the five year career plan may be a plan to prepare them for another job, for others it may be a plan to develop skills used in their current job. The five year plan is very much an individual plan, and is to be used more content...

I am repeatedly informing my older child of how important it is to go to college and obtain his degree. When I complete my studies I will be able to show him the journey was not easy but obtainable. Another goal for myfive–year plan is to be debt free. While in college I have many student loans that I need to pay off. I want to completely pay off my student loan debt in five years or less. I believe this task can be accomplished if I stay to my budget plan. The benefits of paying the loans off early would help me with interest rates, and it will also help me increase my credit score, which will help me when it is time to open my husband and me restaurant.

Promotional Opportunities Upon completion of my bachelor's degree program, I will try to seek employment with my hospital human resources department as a generalist. I currently work with staffing and with a bachelor's degree in management; I believe I would be ready to move up to a higher level. The transition from staffing to human resources I believe would be smooth, because I am familiar with the hiring process and I am also knowledgeable with dealing with outside staffing agencies.

Career Management According to Career vision (2004), "Career management is the lifelong process of investing resources to achieve your career goals. Career management is not a singular event but a

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Five -Year Plan Essay

Action Plan

Proposed targets for selfdevelopment with justification of how they might be achieved


Action Plan: proposed targets for self–development with justification of how they might be achieved.

One of the most difficult obstacles in achieving personal self–development is the lack of a good action plan. It is not a difficult task, but requires learning to be efficiently executed. The result should be an effective practise to reach my goal. This is done by the inclusion of an Action Plan, which will assist in reaching my goal and narrow my focus and drive to achieve that goal. To enable me to create an Action Plan, I first need to list particulars of thing needed to do to accomplish my goal. This is done more content...

I now know that my weaknesses particularly lack of confidence is through lack of knowledge in a specific area and can be boosted by improving my self management and allocating dedicated periods of time to a specific topic. This in itself will help me overcome the majority of my weaknesses and boost my confidence, in turn this will have a knock on effect in improving my assertiveness and concentration and avoid selling myself short. As stated by Chuck Gallozi Internet article 08.12.09 "Many are painfully aware of weaknesses that hold them back. Yet, surprisingly, they are unaware of their many strengths. Focusing on our weaknesses while ignoring our strengths can be a source of discouragement and failure. And glorifying our strengths while ignoring our weaknesses can be equally unproductive. It is only when we give equal weight to our strong points and faults that we can realise our potential. Also note that we must choose our friends carefully because each relationship nurtures our strengths and weaknesses. That is, we will grow better or worse, depending on whom we spend our time with. "

Choosing associates at University is not an option ,but I

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Project Plan Essay

Project Plan Inception

CIS 499

Dr. Manning

April 21, 2013

Introduction The company's current state is exceptional. The company has been running for little under two years and already has become a twenty–five million dollar business. Although many of the features of the company are still underdeveloped, there are many opportunities that are forecasted for the growth and success of the company. Currently, the company houses a smaller scale limited information technology infrastructure that has been successfully maintaining the companies technology base. The goals for the company are to expand from one floor to three floors tripling in size. The company has had a significant amount of success and is foreseen to more content... The systems analyst is responsible for defining, developing, configuring, and supporting computer applications (Norton, 2011). The network administrator is responsible for the oversight, management, and maintenance of computer network systems and data circuits (Norton, 2011). The project managers are responsible for the oversight of the management, support, and technical assistance on special projects (Norton, 2011). The database administrators are responsible for initial database architecture design through implementation, administration, monitoring, tuning, and backup, migration, and support (Norton, 2011). The responsibility of the IT manager is to ensure the smooth functioning of the IT department (Norton, 2011). Lastly, the help desk technician's responsibilities are to ensure the smooth functioning of lower level IT needs. They are responsible for the day–to–day troubleshooting of problems with the hardware and software that occur in the company's operation (Norton, 2011).


The company initially stared out as a small business. There are a limited number of personnel including the four information technology specialists. In addition to the inadequate number of employees, there is a limited information technology infrastructure that was implemented initially. The operating system that is currently being used isMicrosoft 8. It is affordable and convenient for the previous needs of the company. It is important that the company remain

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